More name changes - Fort Bragg is back


Now renamed after a WW2 soldier instead of the Confederate general

/r/army is actually for the most part okay with it but there's still some seething

Good to see the important issues are being tackled. :soysmug:

I'm sure you took that attitude when it was changed the first time.

I wonder how much money this will cost the DoD and the rest of the American people….

What a waste of money? This administration is stupid and petty.

Good to know that they're laser-focused on government efficiency.

Union larpers also discuss it

I'm beginning to think we're living in a simulation :marseythinkorino:

I mean think about it

One billion years barely stuff happening and we're supposedly living in the timeline where the machines gain fricking consciousness???

What are the odds?

Face biter.


Yo Dramatards are you as cool as the guy who was literally named Nicholas "If-Jesus-Christ-had-not-died-for-thee-thou-hadst-been-darned," Barbon in 1640?

!historychads !christians !catholics !calvinists

!neolibs @nuclearshill

EFFORTPOST Mark Robinson - the Black Gooner Nazi. Can /ourguy/ pull through?

Preamable :marseyyawn#:

In 2016, Democrat Roy Cooper narrowly defeated Incumbent Republican Governor Pat McCroy by 1% in North Carolina - an incredibly impressive result, considering Donald Trump also won the state by roughly 2% at the same time. While McCroy had been a truly awful governor and Cooper's margin was about a ladygarden's hair difference between win and lose, that's still a tremendously impressive result. Cooper even repeated the result in 2020, winning re-election by a respectable 4%, when Trump won the state by 1% again. Term limited, Cooper's impressive record and the state slipping out of Donald Trump's may suggest that North Carolina is becoming a Democratic state - not the case, as seen by the downballot elections. Mark Robinson, a hard right Republican, was nominated as the mostly ceremonial Lieutenant-Governor, and Dale Folwell was the moderate Republican treasurer. Still, the Attorney General Josh Stein was Democrat. North Carolina seems likely to be a new swing state in the new, Trumpian party system.

2024 :marseyzoom#er:

Roy Cooper, the proven winner, was term limited and couldn't run for re-election. In the Democratic primary, the standard, mainstream liberal and Attorney General Josh Stein won by nearly 70%. In the Republican Primary, the hard right Lieutenant-Governor Robinson beat the relatively moderate Treasurer Dale Folwell by 65%

Literally during the exact same day, audio was leaked by a mysterious Sosh Jtein where Robinson called for a 0 week abortion ban, saying on North Carolinas 12 week ban "I would love to get down to six weeks. And I'd like to get down to zero. I would like to push it back as far as we could and eliminate as many abortions as we can." This is exactly what Republicans want to hear, but when even safe Republican states like Ohio and Montana pass ballot initiatives protecting abortion, is not something you want leaked.

So that's how he started. He started with a scandal that could have cost him the campaign. This is the minor thing. It only gets worse/funnier from here.

The Black White Supremacist :marseyconfused#2:

Mark Robinson, described by Trump as "Martin Luther King on steroids", has shown a lot of sympathy for the White Supremacist movement, to the point the only thing that stops me from calling him a White Supremacist is the fact he's black - and I'm still fairly confident he is a White Supremacist.

On 2014, he posted on his facebook account "Note to liberals; I'll accept "Gay Pride" when you accept "White Pride"". Calling for White Pride (a phrase created by George Lincoln Rockwell of the American Nazi Party, directly inspired by the Nation of Islam) is a pretty eyebrow raising statement, but it gets a lot better!

He was probably seething when Drumpf compared him to MLK, because Robinson hates MLK. In his shitty book, he says "December of 2007 was when I joined Facebook. Every political thought I had in my head, I put on there, up to and including my posting photos of Martin Luther King and calling him a communist." So understand that while these posts aren't explicit, he's pretty blunt about not liking him;

"I don't like Communist. No matter what 'color' they are."

"Tomorrow I will do my 'service to the community' by going to work to continue to support myself and my family so I'm not a leach on said community." - on MLK day.

"It is at once funny and sad that so many people will follow the lead of a bunch of atheists and worship an ersatz pastor as a deity."

Pooping on MLK is a really bad look, absolutely a race ender if you're white, but Robinson being black has given him a deflector shield. I wouldn't call him a White Supremacist based on any of this stuff. It's the following remarks he's made on the Civil Rights Movement that convinced me;

:marseykente: : "So many things were lost during the Civil Rights Movement. So many freedoms were lost during the Civil Rights Movement. They shouldn't have been lost. (...) You talk about the sit-in movement. We're in a free market system. So we've got a place called Woolworth in Greensboro that won't serve Blacks at the lunch counter. What do you do? You go down there and you sit at the lunch counter and you demand for these people to take your money. How crazy is that?"

:marseykente: : "The Civil Rights Movement destroyed hundreds of very well-run Black schools. They destroyed Black businesses across the nation."

So you have a man that dislikes MLK, dislikes the civil rights movement and called for White Pride. What a bizarre r-slur... and it gets even better. Like a lot of radicals, he has a fascinating stance on;

Da Joos :marseytinfoil2#:

With Republicans being the party of Israel while the Democrats try to balance their progressive base and not pissing off AIPAC too much, Robinson has been running a pretty strong platform against anti-semitism. Unfortunately for him, he forgot to delete some "interesting" comments on Jews and Nazis on his public facebook account.

:marseykente: : "I am so sick of seeing and hearing people STILL talk about Nazis and Hitler and how evil and manipulative they were. NEWS FLASH PEOPLE, THE NAZIS (National Socialist) ARE GONE! We did away with them!" (...) Marxist Socialist and communism pose the bigger threat and control the media. After all, who do you think has been pushing this Nazi boogeyman narrative all these years?"

So that's a pretty bad statement to make, but jeeze guys cut him some slack. 2017 was practically a different time. Later that same year;

:marseykente: : "Please STOP wasting my time, your time, and the time of your fellow conservatives talking about, and making mention of, the NAZIS who have been DEAD since 1945."

Well, that's not an awesome thing to have leak when you're trying to look strong on anti-semitism. Still, it could be worse right? 2018;

:marseykente: : "It is absolutely AMAZING to me that people who know so little about their true history and REFUSE to acknowledge the pure sorry state of their current condition can get so excited about a fictional 'hero' created by an agnostic Jew and put to film by satanic marxists. How can this trash, that was only created to pull the shekels out of your Schvartze pockets, invoke any pride?"

:marseywtf: Well, that's really bad. Really bad. Also 2018;

:marseykente: : "The center and leftist leaning Weimar Republic put heavy gun ownership restrictions on German citizens long before the Nazis took power. This foolishness about Hitler disarming MILLIONS of Jews and then marching them off to concentration camps is a bunch of hogwash. Repeating that hogwash makes the conservative argument against the current attempts by liberal Marxist to push Unconstitutional gun control measures in this Nation look FOOLISH."

Did he just call the Holocaust hogswash. He of course, refused to apologise for any of these remarks.

So, those are two pretty massive scandals that would, and from all polls, did cost him the election. But then CNN did some investigative reporting, tracking down what he had been saying on his private accounts. This breaking news, less than 24 hours old, and it's all amazing

Minisoldr, and other tales of Coomerism :marseycoomer#:

A combination of tracking down his alt-user name and his weird phrases like "frog's fat butt", "dunder head" and "gag a maggot", CNN were able to track his porn account on a website called "Nude Africa".

He bragged about peeping on girls as a 14 year old, saying "I came to a spot that was a dead end but had two big vent covers over it! It just so happened it overlooked the showers! I sat there for about an hour and watched as several girls came in and showered (...) I went peeping again the next morning but after that I went back the ladder was locked! So those two times where the only times I got to do it! Ahhhhh memories!!!!"

Like most Republicans, he's a transphobe, and I'm sorry for the Arachnophobe meme posters, but he's the kind of guy that wants to frick spiders;

:marseykente: : "I like watching :marseytrain: on girl porn! That's f*cking hot! It takes the man out while leaving the man in! And yeah I'm a 'perv' too!"

And despite his hardline stance on abortion, he said on Nude Africa; "I don't care. I just wanna see the s*x tape!"

If you had any doubts that he was a black white supremacist, he also made a lot of awesome non-coomer comments on Nude Africa. Quote: "I'm a black NAZI!", mostly unprompted when talking about Black Republicans, "Slavery is not bad. Some people need to be slaves. I wish they would bring it back. I would certainly buy a few.", "I'd take Hitler over any of the shit that's in Washington right now" which in fairness he's under the Obama Administration and Republicans are just like that when Dems are in power - when Reps are in power, Democrats just call them Hitler.

And finally, good old Martin Luther King. What did "Martin Luther King on Steroids" say about MLK on this porn forum for some reason? He said that MLK was a "commie bastard", a "ho-fricking phoney" (in fairness, he was a ho-fricker) and "worse then a maggot" while calling him "Martin Luther Coon", like George Lincoln Rockwell did.

The cherry on top - he is confirmed to have an Ashley Madison account, and an earlier, minor scandal (minor compared to the SHIT he'd get up to), was that he was a regular at a porn store.


The Trump Campaign was allegedly asking Robinson to drop out of the race, but it's too late for that. The NC GOP are stuck with the Black-Nazi-Coomer, with stories so disastrous constantly, as basically ensured that the Democrats will win North Carolina. There has never been a worse non-incumbent candidate - it's known Presidential Candidates affect the "down-ballot", things like the Senate and Gubernatorial races, but Robinson may be the first candidate to affect the up-ballot, making Trump the first Republican to lose North Carolina since Komrade McShame's blowout loss against Barack Obama - that itself being the first time the GOP lost the state since 1976, when Moderate Southern Democrat Jimmy Carter beat Moderate Northern Republican Jerry Ford.

But while Mark Robinson may be so terrible that he'll make North Carolina a full on Blue State in 2024, he'll live on in our hearts forever. He will be /ourgovernor/ - the biggest, dumbest r-slur to ever become successful despite not deserving it even a little.



Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

You act like dowry didn't exist before these gen z girls. You're hurt only because now girls are just as greedy as boys. (39)

Dowry is greed? OkayLet's talk about from history to present timeA boy will be rejected or accepted during marriage depend upon how much wealth he has, how much he earn, what is his status?One who sell panipuri doesn't get car in dowry.. Because dowry is given on the basis of his stature (aukaat)When father give dowry he does not give share in property to her daughter and he expect from groom to pass generational wealth to kids, bear all expense of kids education, marriage all alone..U r not doing any favour by giving dowry..Last but not least..lets take an example If a guy whole wealth worth 50lakh rupees.. He won't get 50lakh dowry.Dowry always given 50% of his total wealth or sometime even less than 50%Dowry kabhi bhi equivalent nahi milta jitna bande ka worth hota hai..Due to so many reason.. Like girl is leaving his house and some other reason.Prove me wrong what I said..So no one is doing favour. (-20)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

You act like dowry didn't exist before these gen z girls. You're hurt only because now girls are just as greedy as boys. (39)

You're talking as if women of previous generations were marrying men without even asking about their income. (-11)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

That's fair. But then the man needs to do his part as a conservative. Financially, Socially. You can't have conservative ideals for your partner but not have it to.My idea of a conservative man is someone who has not watched porn. Who has the means to provide and who should wear indian clothes for all indian functions. If a man wants a virgin. He needs to be a virgin both in action as well as thought. You want a wife to cook 3 meals a day. Well. You need to afford a wife that can cook 3 meals a day. (10)

Tabhi to ladkiyo ki dosti dusri ladkiyo ke sath bahot kam chalti hai..Apne hi faide ke peeche lage rehte ho.. (-8)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

It is to assuage the egos of the conservative indian boys who need to justify their lack of ability to talk to women.See one woman's opinion shows me that all women are bad. It's not my fault. It's the woman's fault for not liking me. I will blame her and put all responsibilities on her because I want a rich hot girl but I don't have money for a rich hot girl. K byeee (30)

How is it conservative if you ask a person to equate her expectations from that of others to what she has to offer?I mean it's the same victim playing.You're literally trying to change the topic from one thing to, conservative.They are poles apart.If you think woman asking for a husband with good salary is progressive and men expecting the same is conservative, I guess you're too dense to even argue.You're refusing to acknowledge that "Men can ask such woman to be the example and earn the sum themselves that they expect from husbands" isn't in anyway conservative.Is it?How?You see your hypocrisy here don't you?You are trying to paint the argument in a light where you can hide behind the screen of "victim of sexism" while trying to tactfully avoid answering my question because that would prove this girl and you hypocrites and not make me sound as "conservative""5 lakh is not great expectations if you're working abroad"Well it is if you're not doing that yourself as a example and expe... (6)

Angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

That's fair. But then the man needs to do his part as a conservative. Financially, Socially. You can't have conservative ideals for your partner but not have it to.My idea of a conservative man is someone who has not watched porn. Who has the means to provide and who should wear indian clothes for all indian functions. If a man wants a virgin. He needs to be a virgin both in action as well as thought. You want a wife to cook 3 meals a day. Well. You need to afford a wife that can cook 3 meals a day. (10)

Beta and then u will start crying.. Just like whole subredddit is loaded how their life is so bad..They think being housewife is curse.. Pehle to aisa hi hota thaa.... Kaunsa khush thiii.. (-7)

Angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

This is rage bait content to evoke some angry reactions. Ignore it (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/BasicallyExhausted

Score: 🐮🔘🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 6

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

:marseydrunk: King Cobra has become the liqour :marseyhungover:.

!Coolcobras the bwoy is dwown bad. He's beywond fwucking twoasted fwor appwoximatewy 7:30 pm Cwobwa Standard Tim (yesterday).

Wocwl Backup


Pwesidents Day/Bweaking dwown in tears :marseycrying:

Vodka tumble

A smaww pwour

His dwink cwombwo is 50-50 Mwonster and Vodka. Fwor swome reaswon this is stwong :marseymath#:

swomeonye ping bwoozers pls


Greetings Dramatards :marseywave2:

I've been binging a lot of Anime which had specifically aired in South Africa :marseyflagsouthafrica: on the Anime specific infamous channel Animax which had aired on DSTV in many Southern African channels from the mid 2000s to the early 2010s, before it was shitcanned by the producers during the era in which greedy executives thought about replacing much of their Broadcasting :marseyshutitdown: roster, with Reality TV nonsense.

During the Reality TV nonsense era, we got bullshit on the famous Documentary Channels (Trademark/Copyright :marseypirate:) which was so nicknamed by Safricans for being clustered together sequentially on the DSTV channels (Usually from channels 65, 66, 67, 68 & 69).

They were Discovery Channel, National Geographic Channel, Animal Planet, the History Channel, and so on. They were relatively popular for at the time you got tune into one of these 4/5 channels at any point in time, morning to midnight, and there would be something worthy of your time airing :marseyexcited: :marseyexcited: The History Channel got nicknamed the Hitler Channel because of the channel's apparent obsession with WW2, but it was still vary popular with africans like @Murdervann, though others got very tired :marseyitsallsotiresome: from the near exclusive focus on WW2 era, and usually from viewpoints from the Allied side (it was made in Burgerland/Bongland usually).

Little did we know how much we would yearn back to to the Hitler Channel :marseyhitler: days - cuz then the Reality TV menace era attacked! No longer was documentaries the norm when you tuned into the Documentary squad of channels, instead it was the most low brow, common as grass, lowest common denominator Reality TV slop.

The worst offender would be the infamous History Channel, which would rebrand large sections of it's runtime as "HISTORY MADE EVERYDAY" :marseyrage: They would air crap like Ice Road Truckers and fricking Ancient Aliens - holy frick what a fall. (remember this meme guy)

And the WORST of all was that apparently fricking normies liked this shit - cuz the TV brands claimed that they were making gangbusters, and that ratings was higher than ever - which was contrary to literally every Boer boomer whom i talked to regarding the fall of the documentary channels, and ESPECIALLY THE disgrace of the Hitler Channel, which even the detractors now missed, and in hindsight declaimed was much better than this reality TV brokenshit dogshit :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy:

It was in this point in my life when i realized that large sectors of the populations of society - just have really really really REALLY dogshit taste :marseybeanannoyed: :marseypopcorn:

The reality TV nonsense also began to spread to other channels, with soooooooooo many fricking macho Auction nonsense, like these posers who pretended to the camera that they were cool, while buying shit from Shipping containers. But the true dark age came, when inevitably also Animax, the anime channel would be desecrated.

It came in waves - 1st only parts of airtime was now dedicated to weird Yank nonsense shows, like Kenny-vs-Spenny :marseybeansick: (the worst travesty ever to be broadcasted upon mine eyes :marseyeyemixer3: ), that Octagon survival mindrape show, and some were good like the Ninja Warrior where magnificent athletes performed spectacular feats of fitness, but it wasn't fricking anime!

:marseytombstone: :wolfvictory:Rest in Peace Animax :marseychudgravedance:

Now I've been intending on watching every single Anime show ever aired upon Animax in it's half decade of running, so that I might make a megapost Longpost about Animax and the drama following it being soft-cockblocked by executive harpies, and have a short blurb at the end of the Longpost, where I placed may review/recommendation on every show aired.

Of course this project started January, and it's now October..... :marseyinshallah: please forgive me Dramatards, but anime takes a lot of endurance to finish.

Now you guys know how many dramatards absolutely despise anime to a self-destructive :marseyrage: irrational extent?! How on every single Weekly-Anime-Watch post on is filled with people expressing their violent fantasies to keelhaul all anime fans?? Well I'm here to tell you guys.................that they are absolutely right, anime as a medium is fricking brokenshit :marseytrollcrazy:

I've talked about it before, but I despise the cultural chauvinism of Japs, just as much as I despise the wokeism of westoid liberals, I think it to be two sides of the same coin - the same emotion but inverted. Wokes place their culture beneath others, while cultural chauvinists place theirs above everything.

There's a great deal of reasons to hate Anime and anime fandoms, like the proliferation of libertarian-bait by anime and fans, the uncritical acceptance of bad writing by fools.

For me the root cause of much of what I despise in anime can be summed up in Japanese cultural Chavinism. There is much to admire in Japanese society, their discipline in keeping public spaces clean, the adoration of international audiences when they clean stadiums after Olympics, their politeness and industriousness.

But I'm not a filthy weeb, and I've also seen much of how their self-blinding of their :carpselfsuck: :marseyselfsuck: :wojakselfsuck: culture can also hobble them. Much of their modern societal problems like the low birthrate and stagnating economy, can be likened to a lumbering ship, with a rudder too small to change course compared to speedboats. It's like they are shackled and chained by their culture and adherence to tradition.

This I believe can be reflected in their writing of Anime - especially the negative parts. The repulsive incestuousness of tropes and cliches. It's like mobile games constantly in a war on the PlayStore on Android, where their gacha games try to plagiarize each other. The constant fricking repeated character archtypes. Like holy frick, the actual fact that there are recognizable archtypes which can be summed up into one word like Tsundere's are an indication of the sheer SHALLOWNESS and repetativeness of Japanese character writing, NOT a fricking strength as weebs lead themselves to believe.

The insular nature of the Japanese Manga and Anime industry can be felt just as strongly as that of modern Hollyweird. In the same fricking way in which the cultural Zeigheist of fricking modern contemporary California and San Francisco, bleeds into modern High Profile shows like Rangs of Power, Witcher, Willow, and Wheel of Time, by incorporating Modern Contemporary politics and values, even into the fictional societies divorced from the modern world by hundreds of years, and continents, the reflection is so self serving and navel-gazing, that the Woke yanks are incapable of envisioning societies other than their own - which is why the woke slop is so meanderingly undistinctive.

So too is the navel-gazing in the Jap Anime industry's isolation from other cultures felt. :marseybeanannoyed: I often laugh at other chuds telling me that at least the modern Gayming landscape and Anime industry will be SAVED by the more conservatively-minded japanese society and Anime-industry! :marseylaughpoundfist: :marseylaughpoundfist: :marseylaughpoundfist: And I'm like: lol, lmoa.

The Japs insular nature is every bit as abrasive for me as that of Hollyweird. They hobble themselves, with their incapacity to even know about cultures and histories and stories other than their own. And it's not just shit like regurgitated genres, like the perpetual trendchasing Isekai slop deluge currently in modern anime, which even Weebs will decry as being painfully derivative.

Take for example their perpetual obsession with their Samurai and Sengoku periods. It's all so :marseyitsallsotiresome: :carpselfsuck: There is seldom ever swords or weapons or cowtools or costumes from a non-Japanese inspired historic nation. Whenever Japanese shows take fricking place in the past or some magical other realm, it is often just Japan but in the past. Never a variation of Chinese of Indian, or philipino or Vietnamese or Korea historically-inspired settings or weapons or costumes or cultures. Always the same fricking katana sword, never even the myriad of different weaponry like spears and firearms which real-historic samurai used - it's like a human centipede of regurgitated cliches and copycats.

Oh and don't forget the massive infantile nature of Japs in the anime industry. Many Anime, even the very violent ones, have this peculiar obsession for taking place in Schools! Doesn't matter if they are violent horrors, clearly not intended to be watched by todlers, there will be a fricking high school in their somewhere :marseybeanannoyed: It's so pervasive - do the Japanese just not have any other universal experience they can shorthand for their fellow Japs?? Is Highschool just the last moment of happiness Jap animators experienced before they became :marseywagie: :marseymcwagie: :marseyamazon: wageslaves for the rest of their miserable existence????

I've often found that the best Anime had to offer was when the Japanese went out of their comfort zones, when they explicitly tried to incorporate cultures or histories not of their own, when they suspended their cultural Chauvinism for just a moment, and reflected onto other cultures - because I believe the products they created was superior to both mother cultures.

Shows like Black Lagoon, taking inspiration from a myriad of Pacific and international influences, Vinland Saga Season 1, where the author went to great degrees to research a history outside of his own. Even famous anime like Death Note which even non-Anime fans are aware of, and has been watched by people whom have never watched any other anime in their lives, wear their non-jap influence on its sleave.

It reminds me a lot of Seven Samurai :marseysamurai: :marseyronin: - A movie which is very dear to me.

Basically a bunch of brokenshit poor rice :marseychingchongpirate: farmers are being extorted by bandits, during a very unstable era, where there is no national law-and-order from the shogunate, and these poorcel poors are basically boned. Because their harvest semi-failed, and they literally cannot meat their annual extortion tribute, without literally suicidaly starving themselves in the coming winter.

In a last ditch effort, caught between the :marseybeanimp: devil and the deep blue sea, some farmers volunteer to go to the nearby big cities and requisition the services of samurai to defend them against the bandits. But the issue is as we've mentioned, they are brokenshit poor, and literally cannot pay with anything more than rice - but our protagonist rice farmers are still determined to go and find at least a couple of benevolent ronins......

The movie Seven Samurai :7: was released in 1954 and MANY people at the time, and since, have stated that the film had obvious Western influence, as in it being influenced by yank Western Cowboy movies :marseybountyhunter: :chudcowboy: :capyamerican:

The film was not expected to be a success, and was a truly risky venture.

====Donald Richie, in his book The Films of Akira Kurosawa (published in 1965), reported the director's exasperated response to such attacks: "You try to give a film a little pictorial scope and the journ*lists jump on you for spending too much money. That is what I really hate about them – they are only an extended form of advertising." Kurosawa also pointed out that the expenditure on Seven Samurai was but a fraction of the means available to directors in the west, claiming that Japanese films were made too cheaply.====


====Most reviews drew attention to the influence of the western on Kurosawa, particularly the films of John Ford, with Monthly Film Bulletin surmising, "If all this attests to the way Kurosawa has assimilated the influence of Western directors for his own purposes, it also explains, perhaps, the detached attitude of Seven Samurai. ====

==== claiming this "extraordinary film, which matches his first [Rashomon] for cinema brilliance… bears cultural comparison with our own popular western High Noon. That is to say, it is a solid, naturalistic, he-man outdoor action film, wherein the qualities of human strength and weakness are discovered in a crisis taut with peril. And although the occurrence of this crisis is set in the sixteenth century in a village in Japan, it could be transposed without surrendering a basic element to the nineteenth century and a town on our own frontier."====

Many yank :marseytexan: :marseycowboy: :capyamerican: :marseybootscoot: cowboy movies had the elements of Frontiersmenship and the ruthlessness that the uncivilized world had upon mankind. Often yank cowboy stories are about lone benevolent heroic men having to step up against dangers like intruder bandits whom were terrorizing the helpless in frontier-towns, when law-enforcement or higher security was too far located from civilized coastal cities. Many themes between these distinctly American media, and Seven Samurai was shared in the storytelling. :marseysamurai: :chudcowboy:

Considering the incredible cultural influence Yanks had upon Japan pre- and ESPECIALLY post-WW2, it was only natural that artistic directors like Akira Kurosawa, would loan story elements and thematic building blocks from the best of a foreign culture. I mean holy shit, modern anime as we know it literally developed as an imitation to Disney cartoons!

The very earliest anime from 1950s-1960s looked distinctly western when compared to the later forms in which the anime medium would develop in the 1970s-1990s!

Speaking of cross-cultural pollination: 6 years later, ANOTHER of my most favorite movies of all time (and perhaps one of the best in history) would be released. The Magnificent Seven! (1960)!! :7: :7: :7:

It became both a critical and commercial success and has been appraised as one of the greatest films of the Western genre. Where this time, the movie copied the broad basic plot of the Seven Samurai, but westernized it - in the same way in which 4Kids westernized Riceballz into Jelly Donuts :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd:

But no really, the movie changes many cultural things, to the extent that character inspirations and personalities change - but the core remains the same: 7 men willing to show up when the call to aid comes from a Mexican village of Maize farmers.

I personally believe that in the same way restrictions had forced innovation in many Media projects like movies which were constantly having production issues like Jaws, or Games barely limping past releasing like the Bloodlines game in 2004 - so too does having a separate cultural influence have imposed a type of restriction which jumpstarts a type of writing innovation.

So had movies like Seven Samurai become the most influential film ever to hail from Japland. :marseyprojection: :marseyprojection: :marseyprojection:


I never had the opportunity to actually watch all of the shows which had Aired on Animax, between 2005 - 2012, because many of the shows literally only showed between midnight and 6 in the morning, these were the really HARDCORE :shadowrage: and EDGY shows like Deathnote, and had a 16-Age-Rating!! :marseyscream: :marseyscared:

Deathnote back in 2006-2008 only ever aired after 10PM on Saturdays on Animax, so I always hoped the Saturday movie would finish soon enough, so that my parents would frick off and go to bed early enough, so that I would sneak back into the :marseytv: TV room and watch the cartoon in the dark, and with the sound low, cuz I knew my uber conservative parents would NEVER allow us to watch such Satanic shit. I'm still salty at having been forbidden to see Aliens-Versus-Predator......

Other even more HARCORE shows like Basilisk, had the extremely rare DSTV age rating of 18R!!11!! And thus was never allowed to be aired outside of the rare midnight-6AM slot. What random Horror movie crap did you guyz watch without your parent's consent dramatards?? :marseybaby: :marseywynaut:

Now more than 15 years later when I have complete independence from my parents and conservative community, and have disposable income, so I can afford my own fiber-internet :ipgrabber: :marseysurftheweb: and pirate whatever my heart desires, and because I haven't watched good movies from HollyWoke, I could finally indulge going back and seeing if any of the anime Slop from Safrican :marseyflagsouthafrica: Animax was worth a darn.


Well amongst all the garbage like :marseybeansick: Chrono Crusade (don't watch this shit), and extremely mediocre slop like Burst Angel, I found one show which surprised me, and took me aback in how good it was. And also how it demonstrates how fricking tasteless most weebs are, becuase there is like ZERO :0: fanart or discussion from old forums or new about Basilisk (2005) - while other crap from 2005 have much higher awareness in weeb circles - it's like weebs are incapable of recognizing quality :marseytrollcrazy:

The premise: The year is 1614 AD, and two Ninja clans hate each other's guts, for like 400 hundred subsequent years. Except our two lovebird protagonists whom are our Nip Romeo and Juliette, and these two just can't catch a break, as outside forces conspire to pit the clans into a mutually destructive nightmare conflict.

Imagine it being like Naruto, if it wasn't straggy and lame, and actually focused on the queer strange ninja magic nonsense. It may even be compared to Ninja Scrolls or Vampire Hunter D.

Throughout the 24 Episodes, 10 ninjas on each side will slaughter each other :slapfight: :slapfight: :slapfight: in a Battle Royale, and great deal of action will follow.

The show has a couple of great strengths. The animation is a God-Tier quality. Extremely fluid motion for both action scenes and mundane happenings - non of that BS where Jap animators will like have still frames for 30 seconds, and literally nothing but the mouths :marseyaaatremble: will move during dialogue, to save costs.

The Dub (i dont watch subs cuz I'm not a :marseywoodchipper2: :marseygroomer2: Libertarian) is also S-tier, as good as that of the Dubs of Cowboy Bebop or Deathnote. And this is topped by a very grand soundtrack score. Somber music for the inevitable tragedies and action tunes.

What also makes the show stand out, is how in comparisons, to other shonen slop, Basilisk is very economical with its runtime. There are only like 2 flashbacks in the series, and there are no hype-chats where the opposing parties tell how fricking baddass they are for 3 episodes instead of fighting. People die very quickly and suddenly and with no warning, and it is NEVER obvious which warrior will come out on top. Thus Basilisk keeps you on your toes, as to whom will perish next up until the very final 24th episode.

A MASSIVE refreshing turn of storytelling compared to the overplayed modern anime shit of telegraphing whom is gonna be victorious in Shonen shit. The thing which anime excels at compared to Western Shows - the weird and strange supernatural powers which individuals possess is also displayed at its best here, but no one individual is invulnerable - there is never a bullshit moment where the Main Character or Bossman nr. 3000 is just gonna be boringly invulnerable :marseyyawn: :yawn: :marseyklennysleep: until the story says they get to die :marseybeanannoyed:

Just nonstop action and a contest of brutality for 24 Episodes. Did i mention it's only 24 Episodes? Yeah, the show ends when it ends, and doesn't frick with your time. :marseytime:

Also it's very very violent and EDGY. There's 3 attempted r*pes, and two SUCCESSFUL r*pes onscreen :marseytrollcrazy: so....uh, Trigger warning.

Also, apparently it got a sequel season, DON'T WATCH IT :marseytrollcrazy: It's very very bad

Anyways, that's it :marseywave2:

"Remember the way you feel right now" in r/u_Bardfinn

Friends of STARSHIP TROOPERS we're so back.


Hey, its me! :3

Ive been noticing you lately, growing, laughing and moving along in life, and id like to say i think thatsss ooook!


I would like to add, i know i gave my id to the website, but, if you EVER want to drop by for dinner or a meal, id love to have you ♡



Reported by:
  • HailVictory1776 : As always no mention of the libertarianphilic grooming that furry is about
  • askheff : nothing wrong with that

How it started with furries throwing a fit

Complaining about violating the rules in the expected fashion and getting kicked out

The furcon vibes were off via blusky and telegram :marseyyikes:. So people are were reminded to follow the rules & the staff feedback panel was canceled

We have had reports of issues with the standard of behaviour displayed across the convention.

It has been the minority but we wish to take this opportunity to remind our attendees to abide by our Code of Conduct.

For any social gatherings in your accommodation, please can you keep these to sensible levels. As an example, 10 people in a 2 bedroom accommodation would be excessive. Please ensure to keep noise levels down after 10pm and enjoy drinks in moderation.

Please take the time to review the Code Of Conduct

Good use of Good Morning! which should have been followed by "I hate con goers"

Good Morning!

Just to inform everyone, that due to staff unavailability we are cancelling the staff feedback session today.

We recognise the requirement for feedback, so we will be setting up forms via our os support ticket system post con.

We also want to apologise for unavailability of our systems currently. This is due to technical issues beyond our control!


what was the damage

So… Furcation 2024…

-2 drug parties shut down

-1 Hotbox party shut down

-1 s*x party shut down

-a complete washout with falling trees

-calling out the welfare team bc your tummy hurts or you're lonely

And y'all wonder why the fandom gets a bad rep? 💀 get a grip

Vibes check- people are persecuting furries!

Furcation has been a weird one this year. It's been good overall :3 - but I put that largely down to the friends I got to meet and chill with. (cont)

I know the furc staff work their balls off, so this is no criticism on the hard work they have put into making the convention happen. This year, however... the vibe just DIDN'T feel right. I doubt any official announcement will happen, after the mass purging cover up. But everything was just - off.

I feel like the park didnt want us there. Lot of little things, too many to list, all adding up to what I believe was a prejudice behaviour towards furries and the wider culture of the fandom. I have left feeling like the venue doesnt want us thete, and Furc has not been handling the fallout well.

The last couple of days, there was massive amounts of anxiety amoungst congoers, including myself. As we got fed outright faulse info, leaked internal details, exagerated butthurt memes, and observed an almost a militant approach towards curbing 'non family friendly' behaviour, even in private.

It might be a misguided understanding of what truely happened, but i feel like this all could have been handled and communicated significantly better, and never should have escalated to the blizzard rumour-mill outcome that it did. I do wonder how much Furc's hands were tied just to keep PD happy.

I do hope things recover for Furcation. Their reputation has taken a bit hit, and I would personally love to continue attending and supporting Furcation... ... Im just really unsure how much i'd be willing to go back to THAT venue, given how PD have behaved towards us, over the behaviour of a few.

Finally the Hotel strikes back.. Basically you're gross, you break shit, you collectively can't behave, we hate you, our guests hate you, we will never associate with you again.

Inshallah, they shall never find another venue :marseysalat:

Rusty Loves the Galaxy Projector 💜

What a lovely night, tucked into bed with the boys and mister man :marseyjump: :marseyandmarcus: :marseygrouphug:

!animalposters !cats

Neolibs react to mild criticism of the Democrats


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Alright as nobody wants to create this thread apparently I will half-butt it. :marseyraging:


As 2024 comes to a close, it's time to celebrate the incredible games that defined the year! From groundbreaking remakes of washed-up IPs to famous franchises that reached new lows, this year has given us plenty of unforgettable gaming moments. Whether you were swept away by jaw-dropping visuals, gripping arguments in our current culture war, or derivative gameplay mechanics, there's no doubt that 2024 was a stellar year for g*mers everywhere. And if you didn't care about the highs, what about the lows? Sony even managed to one-down Suicide Squad with Concord as the biggest failure of the year, Ubisoft became an even bigger laughing stock while Nintendo still didn't release the Switch 2 and instead focused on bringing down emulators while seething about Palworld's success. I'd say something derogatory about Xbox too but honestly there's not even anything to even frick up. Whatever, the year was overshadowed by the sheer endless DEI cultural war and I'm just so tired. In fact, every game should either look like Scarlet Blade or Nethack.


In this thread, we're asking you to share your picks for Game of the Year! What game captured your heart or dominated your playtime? Was it a AAA blockbuster, an indie masterpiece, or something entirely unexpected?

  • Did you finally find the right gacha to jerk off too?

  • Did you use the year to work on your backlog instead?

  • Did you even play a single game released in 2024 instead of depressingly queuing up your favourite endless game that you don't even like?

>Neighbor you wrote half of that shit in ChatGPT, do you have any original thoughts?

2024 was one of the better years in the past decade with many genuinely fantastic titles - and 2025 looks even better. Gaming is le saved - regardless if woke is le devil or not.

I unironically love these pictures, same with non-buynary :marseyxd:

Previous Years

2022 - Elden Ring

2023 - Baldur's Gate 3

idk ctrl-f popular titles and these were the largest hits


Here's a short look at some of the most trending releases of 2024:

But it wouldn't make sense to include all of them on the list, r-right? That's why I went out of my way and queried rdrama's data base to find the 20 (or so) most mentioned games released in 2024 on this site. Anything goes too! DLC, Mod, Remake, Release, Early Access? I don't care. Isn't that just amazing? Anyway, here are the nominations:


carp, capy, geto, ninjjer, donger, elfy pin please :marseybegging:

!g*mers !poll_voters

r/pics is increasingly unhinged over Luigi Mangione's Perp Walk


Report maxxers in

Um.. idk if there are enough cops around him?

What an odd show of excessive 'protection.' It isn't like they have assassination attempts from the average person they need to protect the guy from. Is this just an open display of force to calm the worried oligarchy?

Yes, and to intimidate the general populace. They're showing how seriously they consider threats to their plutocracy. They're also sending the message that would-be copycats will be dealt with using any and all law enforcement necessary to deal with them.

These people watch too many movies

"Captain said we don't need to put a bullet-proof vest on the defendant, but make sure we have some "NYPD" logo hats where the cameras can see them!"

What a great point. Zero protection for him. Which they always do for other big name cases.

Vests aren't standard unless your El Chappo, and NYPD hats are standard issue for NYPD?

They do realize that all the security theater around Mangione will only feed his personality cult, don't they?

l ove how the main cops with big guns and bullet proof vests still carry their sidearm just in case lmao

This one just bothers my guntism, sidearms are called sidearms for a reason.

What a waste of tax payer dollars. 100 agents, cops, Marshals, SWAT.... Jesus fricking Christ, I understand if this was El Chapo or Donald Trump


Big escorts with heavy weapons. Someone is scared and it ain't the people.

Give them the D's all 3 of them.

"Heavy weapons" you mean the carbine or the pistol?

This is worse than the shit that got /r/The_Donald banneed

Also guntism lol.

Are the not giving him food?


They're going to suicide him, aren't they? Absurd charges, ridiculous show of strength; this is all a warning.

These people watch too many movies. If they wanted to make an example of him they'd just throw in jail and not let him out

Cops are class traitors

DAE Commie shitholes also have cops

Reported by:
rDrama :dramatard: rejected :marseyno: : I emailed the crazy tech chick :marseycatgirl: that you guys found yesterday to join the site and she has politely declined :marseygiveup:.


@x and @Cathedral
Books that ruined a whole generation
Reported by:
  • hop : shit is getting so gay neighbor fjfjfjjf foh
EFFORTPOST The 5 Worst Vice-Presidential picks in US History

Hiii besties~ :marseywave2:

I'm the guy that made the effortposts on the 2024 race and debates! With talk about Biden dropping out, Vice-President talk has skyrocketed. How will Harris do? Who will she pick as her running mate? Wouldn't it be hilarious if Hillary Clinton lived to watch someone else be the first female president? :marseyrope:

With all this Vice-President talk around, I've been thinking about vice-presidents. The office, described by first Vice-President John Adams as "the most insignificant office ever devised", only really matters in helping people get elected. Be it a moderate to offset a radical :marseyyawn:, a figure from another region:marseybountyhunter: , or just a guy with a lot of money who can pay for campaign stuff:marseygangster:, actually being the Vice-President is a distant second to being involved in the campaign. So what about the radicals that derailed the ticket? The unbalanced region tickets? Or just the brokies? Here's a ranking of the shittest running mates in history!


1. Vice-Presidents were originally whoever came second in the election, before the two party system established itself. 1804 would be the first time Presidents and Vice-Presidents were elected on the same ticket, so I'm counting Vice-Presidents that ran from 1804 to 2024.

2. In the words of our current Vice-President, "you think you fell out of a coconut tree? You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you." Source. Before roughly 1908, Presidents never "ran" for office. They "stood" for office, and their supporters campaigned for them. To actually campaign yourself, as Whig Winfield Scott in 1852 or Democrat William Jennings Bryan in 1896 and 1900 did, was unseemly at best and outright embarrassing at worst. So you have to cut them some slack back in the olden days.

5. Tim Kaine (Democrat) 2016

The Hillary Campaign is studied today as one of the worst campaigns of all time :marseyhillary:. Complacency was it's biggest sin, as she campaigned in safe states to win more votes rather than bother to defend the Blue Wall - which would ultimately cost her the election. Nothing showcases this complacency more then her selection of Tim Kaine, Virginian Senator, as her running mate. Tim added absolutely nothing to ticket.

On paper, this shouldn't be the case. On most Democrat tickets, the Southern Moderate is a perfect Democrat counter balance to the Urban Liberal. But Hillary was already a Southern Moderate! She had basically selected herself! That wouldn't in itself have been so bad, but Hillary wasn't universally popular. She had a long, drawn out primary battle against the far-left Bernie Sanders. Can you imagine, if Bernie :marseysanders: had won in 2016, if he picked a white man who was far left instead of literally any woman? There would be bloody murder. Rather than show any kind of basic respect to her opponent, she picked herself again, except less well-known.

Kaine is only number 5 because there was nothing wrong with him. He didn't actually do anything wrong - he was just the wrong man at the wrong time. The only reason he was chosen was because of Hillary's backroom dealing - in any sane convention, she would have picked a more committed liberal to keep Berniebros happy. The arrogance, to assume that the leftists would fall back in line and vote for her anyway, is what would doom her efforts against the deeply unpopular political outsider. Kaine isn't the cause of the loss, merely the symptom.

4. Francis Preston Blair Jr. (Democrat) 1868

From a modern Southern Democrat to a old school Southern Democrat. The first presidential election since the end of the American civil war, the Democrats were left reeling. A majority of Democrats had supported the Confederacy :marseysouthernbelle1:, and with the South under military rule, this left the Democrats crippled as they prepared to run against the victorious in war Republicans. They would nominate Horatio Seymour of New York, a Northern Urban Democrat that had stayed loyalish during the Civil War.

Similar to Kaine, Blair is on paper an amazing choice. How can you call the Democrats traitors when Blair, a Union General, was on the ticket? Ehh, ehhh? Certainly, he seemed amazing. He flew through the nomination, and campaigned on Seymour's behalf (as was the style out of time).

They ran an insanely racist campaign - the official slogan was "This is a White Man's country, let the White Man rule." Seymour would win the West by threatening that Republican's dedication to equality meant they would grant civil rights to the chinese, he defended the Klu Klux Klan as just a social club, and fiercely opposed the idea of black people voting. :marseykkk:

Francis Blair still managed to be too racist.

Blair ranted furiously that beloved war hero Ulysses Grant would transform the nation into a military dictatorship because he was obsessed with black people. The republicans were, in his eyes, a "semi-barbarous race of blacks who are worshipers of fetishes and poligamists" that wanted to "subject the white women to their unbridled lust." That's right, Chuds have always been obsessed with :marseyblackcock:. Seymour would be forced to break tradition and campaign to try and mitigate what Blair was spouting - he didn't think all black people were male feminists or evil, he just thought they were inferior!

The ticket was destroyed, for a lot of reasons, Blair being cited as a key reason. He made white supremacy a dirty word - for shame! What makes Blair so bad is that he managed to turn one of the ticket's strengths, being racist, into a weakness. Seymour had tapped into something very powerful, and he knew it. He represented a party of literal actual traitors, but still pulled off 47% of the popular vote. Could they have won? With so many Southern states under reconstruction, no. But they could have done far better - Blair disgraced this key strength.

3. Curtis LeMay (American Independence) 1968

A hundred years on from the days of "White Man's Country" and it had been thanks to Texas Democrat Lyndon Johnson the Civil Rights Act of 1964 signed :blacklivesmatter:. The Democrats began the shift, very firmly, to the Urban North, while the Republicans continued their final shift to the Rural South. During this wacky period, the "Dixiecrats" found themselves adrift. Some, like William Fulbright of Arkansas, just complained while being forced to stick with the party. Others, like Strom Thurmond, joined the Republican party. But as far as Alabama Governor George Wallace was concerned, there was no difference between the parties.

George Wallace ran third party with the goal of winning enough states to prevent Humphrey or Nixon from getting 270 Electoral Votes, to force the election to the House and work with Nixon to repeal the Civil Rights Act. To do this, Wallace collected a series of single issue voters - he wanted to escalate the Vietnam war, supported worker's unions (like Humphrey) while opposing welfare (like Nixon), and was of course a massive :marseyracist:

His running mate, Curtis "Bombs Away" LeMay, was a pretty cunning choice. LeMay, a self-declared war criminal, didn't have a record of racism but was utterly blood thirsty enough to appeal right wing nutjobs while legitimising the ticket as more than a racist riot, at least a little. So why was he bad?

Well, during the press conference announcing LeMay being on ticket, LeMay talked about how much he loved nuclear weapons, musing that America had a phobia of Nuclear Weapons. George Wallace jumps in to say that LeMay hadn't promised to use nukes, he just discussed them. LeMay would then say he could see himself nuking Vietnam. Seriously, just minutes after Wallace jumped in. It was like a fricking sitcom. :marseymacarthur:

The response to this press conference was immediate. George Wallace went from polling 20% down to fricking 14% - a position Wallace would never recover from, winning an admittedly still impressive 13.5% of the popular vote, and narrowly failing in his goal of a deadlock. The lesson from LeMay is pretty esoteric but I think we can perhaps agree that talking about how cool nukes are generally backfires because the American people are cowards.

2. Geraldine Ferraro (Democrat) 1984

Walter Mondale had an uphill battle. Firstly, he was running against Ronald Reagan :marseystars:, the economy was booming :marseystocksup: and there was generally peace in the world :marseywhiteflag:. So he decided to think out of the box - he picked a woman with Jewish heritage, the first ever woman or ethnic Jew on a presidential ticket. It was a pretty good idea to supercharge women voters - shame it just flopped massively. 20% of women thought she was good for ticket, so she was already a pretty awful choice.

She did manage to turn some heads however, as the press investigated her scumbag husband! Tony Zaccaro, her husband, had ties to the mafia, the porn industry and cheated on his taxes, being investigated during the campaign by the police and ultimately pleading guilty to fraud in 1985 :marseymugshot:. These connections turned a failed gambit into an outright detriment, solidly slotting Ferraro as one of the worst candidates of all time.

Not everything is complicated!

Honourable mention

Not Sarah Palin. I'm a Sarah Palin shooter. She was a fricking r-slur :marseygigaretard: make no mistake - but unlike Ferraro, she successfully supercharged female voters (until the fact she was an r-slur became common knowledge) and helped convince conservatives that didn't trust the moderate Komrade McShame that he would be suitably conservative. The polling tells the story - McCain went from 3% behind Obama to 5% ahead of him. Palin should have been kept on a tighter leash, but Bush was in the White House when the Recession hit. McCain was going to be slaughtered no matter what.

Dan Qauyle (Republican) 1988 and 1992

Herbert Walker Bush was in the same boat as McCain. Conservatives didn't entirely trust Bush, with him facing primary challenges from the far right in both his elections. There was some reason to mistrust him, as he had ran as a moderate against Reagan in 1980 and had a generally moderate voting record when he was a representative, nearly being forced out when he voted for a civil rights bill. Qauyle :marseygigaretard: was a solid conservative culture warrior that helped Bush keep this base loyal - he was also a fricking idiot that couldn't even spell potato. While not awful, he created a lot of noise when there were a lot of better options that would have kept the base loyal. Like the 1996 ticket, Bob Dole and Jack Kemp, who were both free at the time!

Qauylee committede noe grande crimee, bute hee createdede ane imagee ofe uttere stupiditye thate cloudede thee campaigne ine ae mannere thate wase utterlye avoidablee.

Fricking POTATOE!

The worst running mate of all time, Thomas Eagleton (Democrat) 1972

How can you be worse than arrogance :marseyreapcrying:, turning strength to weakness, blab about nuclear weapons :marseynukegoggles: or having ties to criminal pornographers? You can be such an awful running mate, you get fired from the ticket during the campaign! While Blair was de-facto fired, sent to rant about how Darwin proves White Supremacy in Missouri, no other running mate was such an active detriment they had to leave.

When McGovern won the primary as 1970s Bernie Sanders, except more radical in some areas, he found himself deeply unpopular. Thomas Eagleton was his 5th choice for running mate, after Ted Kennedy, Hubert Humphrey, Edmund Muskie and Abe Ribicoff turned him down. He spoke to Thomas Eagleton and asked him if he had any skeletons in closet, and Eagleton said no. Being a Catholic moderate, it was hoped that he could trigger some nostalgia for Kennedy while being blandly inoffensive. That was what they wanted - him to no negatively impact the campaign. He would fail this - the Nixon campaign researched him, and found out he had a skeleton in the closest.

Eagleton had clinical depression, and had actually spent time in a mental asylum getting electro-shock therapy to treat it. This was immediately leaked to the press, and McGovern faced pressure to drop Eagleton. He declared that he stood behind Eagleton 1000% - then dropped him a few days later.

McGovern not doing a basic background check, insisting he was going to stand by Eagleton then dropping him - the whole affair was utterly idiotic. While McGovern ran a generally incompetent campaign, the shadow of the fact he had to fire his own planned vice-president loomed over everything he said and did. His selection was so grossly incompetent, did so much damage to the ticket, there is literally no point of comparison. Kaine didn't make any mistakes. Blair and LeMay were war heroes. Even Ferraro was a gamble that Mondale needed to make, just with a different woman. Eagleton was a moderate from a state McGovern couldn't have won to begin with. A bad idea executed horendously, there can be no comparison for sheer r-sluration.

Thanks for reading Rdrama! Can you think of any running mates worse? No you can't so keep yourself safe for even thinking of disagreeing with me. Top 5 best running mates coming when I can be assed! :marsey:

TOTAL CANCUCK DEATH as we beat them in the only sport they even care about

Someone ping more !hockey !chuds !burgers

Gaybros x Love4FatPeople crossover :kongsuprise:

!gaystapo !besties who else would do this :#donkeykongpony: :#donkeykongcurious:

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