Anons feel guilty about getting hit on by cis lesbians

!cuteandvalid !cuteandinvalid !lgbt

I cleaned my desk. Also post your desk.


anon dates an neurodivergent trans girl

this is the realest greentext in existence. i would bet physical AND digital currency that this story 100% actually happened exactly as described. anyway im back hi

!cuteandvalid !cuteandinvalid !neurodivergents


I'll find :soysnooseethe: as it shows up.

っと、家に帰ったら靴の裏に必ずウンコ付いてる呪いにかかれ… :soycry: :soycry: :soycry: :soycry:


Reported by:
  • DickButtKiss : lol my buddy sent me this the night of the election
Holy Shit :marseypikachu2: :marseyxd: Massive trollop makes the news

:marseychrome: :marseyitsover: DOJ will push Google to sell off Chrome | Hacker News


[🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘] Freedom of speech ≠ freedom from consequences


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Freedom of speech exactly does mean freedom from consequences for this speech, the opposite is a pretty dumb statement. By this logic, you can say that incarcerating people for criticizing a politician is in fact a freedom of speech, just not from consequencesRecent ban of gaming memes was for being unmoderated, and the following for a new sub was for recreating the banned sub, it wasn't ever banned for hate or anything of the sorts (19)

1) the freedom of my arm is limited by your personal space, while I'm free to move it if I move it to you I am no longer free to do so since it becomes your problem. The creation of a hatred echochamber radicalizes people towards acts of hate to the minorities they ridicule.2) being banned for being 'unmoderated' is sometimes used by Reddit to ban subs without letting slip the actual reason. Gamingmemes was a rather large sub so I imagine Reddit doesn't want to actually state that it was due to the hate speech. You are correct about the second one tho. (-12)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

when a private entity behaves or seeks to behave as the public square they should be restricted by the same rules of enforcement and freedoms of the public square. (2)

R/gamingmemes was not attempting to be the public square (-1)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

And then a new sub was made that had moderation and that was deleted too for reasons unspecified. (8)

"Reasons unspecified"Why lie?The reason was ban evasion. (-1)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Freedom of speech exactly does mean freedom from consequences for this speech, the opposite is a pretty dumb statement. By this logic, you can say that incarcerating people for criticizing a politician is in fact a freedom of speech, just not from consequencesRecent ban of gaming memes was for being unmoderated, and the following for a new sub was for recreating the banned sub, it wasn't ever banned for hate or anything of the sorts (19)

1) the freedom of my arm is limited by your personal space, while I'm free to move it if I move it to you I am no longer free to do so since it becomes your problem. The creation of a hatred echochamber radicalizes people towards acts of hate to the minorities they ridicule.2) being banned for being 'unmoderated' is sometimes used by Reddit to ban subs without letting slip the actual reason. Gamingmemes was a rather large sub so I imagine Reddit doesn't want to actually state that it was due to the hate speech. You are correct about the second one tho. (-12)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Here, I also screenshotted it. (1)

Are you illiterate? I'm saying that it's a waste of time to call people names on social media just because they have a differing opinion.This is totally non related to calling your trash mates names or trash talking your enemies in a game.Who tf would go out of his way to go to a comment on the internet and start wasting your time to insult somebody. I'm trapped in the game either way, I can't change my mates, there's nothing left besides clutching up and insulting them.Also, I'm saying it's stupid to insult people. Which is true for this as well, it shouldn't be banned though.Edit: Fixed two typos. (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

"Reasons unspecified"Why lie?The reason was ban evasion. (-1)

old sub was deleted for "lack of moderation", new sub had moderation but was deleted anyways, what about this is ban evasion excactly? stop being so dishonest and bad faith (4)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/erieus_wolf

Score: 🐮🐮🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 4

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

What are you yearning for this Sunday


Like it's this option.

mine was Just Cause 2. I recall being absolutely pissed that I need to fricking install some shit called Steam with my limited INTERNET DATA cap in addition to the files on my CD. :marseybeanannoyed:

Reported by:


The Biden administration has moved to forgive about $4.7 billion in U.S. loans to Ukraine, State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said on Wednesday, as outgoing officials seek to do what they can before leaving office to bolster Ukraine in its war against Russia.

A funding bill passed by the U.S. Congress in April included just over $9.4 billion of forgivable loans for economic and budgetary support to Ukraine's government, half of which the president could cancel after Nov. 15. The bill appropriated a total of $61 billion to help Ukraine fight the full-scale invasion Moscow launched in February 2022.


:marseynull: continues to grave dance on his enemies as Path is evicted from multiple datacenters

I just wanted to post about :marseycwc#:

Reported by:
r/transgender_surgeries banned WHAT THE FRICK????????????/


!nonchuds !lgbt !cuteandinvalid WTF??????? Fricking Trumps America

Reported by:

Might have made some mistakes I lost track of things in some parts

  • 0 minutes - 11 minutes, no timestamps, it's wall to wall content.

    • Stealing 40'000 a year from mother while also leeching a salary separate from this from mother's business, mother "forgets"

    • Mother has caught on before but has not done anything because she "forgets," then starts again

    • Bought a new outfit just for coming on this show, spent $100 at a restaurant for lunch

    • Took a 'loan' from her mother for an 2100 wedding ring she told her mom was 3000, mother has "forgotten" about this "loan"

    • Brother is also stealing from the family business something about Steam giftcards

Collections on some bills

  • In collections on some bills

Car Loan (2016 Suburu Crosstrek) (15477 remaining) timestamp

  • "Does not really care to make more than one payment on car a month"

    • Mom cosigned on the car

    • If not "I would still make the payments but they would be late"

    • Some bullshit about paycheck timing, spending the whole paycheck before receiving it on going out to eat, "going out to do things"

  • $386 minimum payment

  • 13.47% interest rate

  • "How's the condition of your car?" timestamp

    • "Bumper's coming off" this r-slur rammed into a pole at a gas station last year "kinda bumped into it a little hard," blames ex for saying they were not going to run into it

    • AC has some kind of leak

    • "Husband says my brake pads might be shot"

  • Split finances with husband, starting to combine, married a month

    • "He's a little bit better with spending than I am"

    • Husband does not have any debt

    • Husband encourages her theft? timestamp

      • Some weird details in here
  • Thinks it's worth 10'000 timestamp

    • Original loan was for 19'000, 72 months, "my parents left midway through the paperwork and I didn't understand what I was signing" "I thought a 13% interest rate was good because like my credit card"
  • R-SLUR does not know that the S&P 500 is timestamp

  • Capital One Quicksilver ($400?) timestamp

    • Sob story about why opened, "wanted to spend money" is what it comes down to

    • 660 credit when this was opened

    • Maxed it out "really quick"

    • Just keeps making minimum payments, "kept going through hardships"

    • fights with mother, wouldn't steal money when these happened for fear of upsetting mother timestamp

    • "My mom actually paid it off" timestamp

      • "She paid it off to make my credit score higher"
    • Built the balance all the way back up timestamp

      • Blew lots of money on Temu, Caleb has refused sponsorships from them, "they are a terrible company"
    • "I had actually lost a bunch of weight, my clothes were all too big on me"

      • "I had no money so I used my credit card"

      • Bariatric surgery, stomach sleeve? "tried to diet but couldn't keep doing it"

      • Mother paid for the surgery, 16'000, ended up gaining all of the weight back because couldn't stop eating McDonald's

      • Mother then paid for her to get on weight-loss shots

      • Mother just paid again for "tummy tuck and liposuction"

        • Why Lipo? "My mom told me I probably wouldn't be able to get rid of it" Mother knows this r-slur has no self-control :marseyxd:

        • Had to get woken up mid-surgery?

    • Didn't tell mother the balance is back up :marseyxd:

  • Claims to be doing better but spent $500 going out to eat timestamp

    • "Sometimes I go out to more expensive places"
  • Misc bullshit alone is more than monthly income :marseyxd:

  • Student Loans timestamp

    • Switched degree a million times, "always in the field of psychology"

    • Got GED at 16, graduated early because bullied "really bad"

    • "Ball State University" - online

      • Fell behind, left at 18
    • "Chicago School of Professional Psychology"

      • Applied Behavior Analysis

      • Ended up falling behind, left this one too, weird aside mentioning "can't remember why"

    • Colorado Christian University

      • Grandmother passed while here, ended up leaving "couldn't mentally do it"
    • American Public University (not certain on the name for this one)

    • Southern New Hampshire University

      • "Already a third of the way through my degree"

      • Bachelor's in Psychology

    • Total timestamp

      • 7 or 8 thousand
    • Claims to be getting bullied in college by girl on snapchat timestamp

  • Collections 1 - timestamp

    • The Colorado school
  • Collections 2 - timestamp

    • $608

    • Treating cashapp as a collections

    • Can't make a bank account? US Bank held her account? What?

  • Azca Donations tiemstamp

    • something for a mobile bingo game?
  • This WHORE is paypigging to Pokemon Go timestamp

  • Constant in-app purchases timestamp

    • Reads like DSP's bank statements :marseyimmaculate:

    • subscriptions for board games to get rid of adds too holy shit, this is beyond parody

  • Trying to rehome dog because can't take care of her timestamp

    • "I don't have the time to"

    • Dog has super severe separation anxiety? Behavior issues? Dog is on doggy meds, "can't exist without other dogs"

  • Doordashed something from 7'11, has no idea what it was

  • Spends so much on food, it's unreal

  • "Plays" counterstrike 2, buys tons of skins, tries to sell for steam profit to get games? "Usually makes a profit"

    • Claims most made was $75 profit on one

    • Lost money more than made?

  • Final Fantasy in-app purchases

  • minecraft in-app purchases on servers? What the frick? plays "prison servers" ???????????????

    • claims 5'000 over the course of two years
  • $150 getting lashes done

  • "steam levels" $100 timestamp

    • Wanted to make level higher than husbands??? What the frick????


  • 2'300 in retirement timestamp

    • this story is fricking insane. "I got into a fight with my dad, then it turned into a fight with my mom and I threw a taco at her and I hit her golf cart, umm, her brand new golf cart with my car umm and dented it a little so she fired me, she didn't talk to me for a while"

    • Pulled out her 401k, 6 or 7 thousand - claims spent this on rent and needful things only (lol sure)

  • Plans to be a leech off husband in the future instead of mother? timestamp

Pie Chart time timestamp

  • Spent three times more than made

  • 48% is bullshit

  • 1.5% is groceries

Calling the mother timestamp

  • Mother just doesn't care. "It's chump change to me." "Something I'm very used to" :gigachadqueen:

Do you know how much money that she's taken from you over the last 5 years?

I don't, I would be very interested to figure that out.

It's about 200'000 as far as we know

Oh my god, for real?

"I don't really know how I help her, I'm willing to cut her off" :marseyxd:

"If I give my money to somebody I just assume it's gone" :chadwomannordic:

"We're having a watch party" :chadwomannordic:

:marseymilei: Men who eliminated women :marseyelonmusk:
Chapelle Roan says something supportive of :!marseytrain:s, :!marseytrain:s seethe about it in the comments.


Singer said some typical supportive stuff that included the phrase: "They will never take trans joy away". Joyless seething ensues.

Who the frick cares about "trans joy" or how it's really scary for you heccin vxlid guys right now. We have fricking nobody and nothing. No hate to chapppell personally, I just hate this stupid bullshit that this class of person is circulating. So out of their depth here. And maybe I'm just harping on the easy target because I can't do anything about the real problem, but it's still annoying.


It's designed and screened to satisfy her dipshit audience, which has no relevance to our community's well being as they are insta warriors


I love trans joy it's so fricking valid girlie

I'm so glad I get to be a :marseytrain:! everyone hates me just for existing, I get to lose out on my childhood, end up infertile and hate myself forever. what joy!


couldn't be me. i hate her. she knows she has a huge platform and the safety net of being cis so she just parrots useless optimism. no one is looking out for us, especially not the fricking pop music industry

i do appreciate her for doing the bare minimum. but ngl she gets under my skin anyways. the whole divine feminine schtick and "doing drag but as a cis woman" irks me

More in the comments. Can't imagine why the trains are short on allies.

Content Moderation: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
wo :manulaaa:


Marsey Trolley Problem


:marseyshesright: :marseytruthnuke:


:marseyoctopus2: Patriots are still falling for old rDrama bait lmao :!marseyxd:
Tik tok girlies seethe that Walmart sells cheap heart shaped slop

This sub r/picrequests is such a goldmine for sneed, :marseysneed: cringe, :marseycringe2: and even wholesome :marseywholesome:

:goblinapat#: Semi wholesome goblin family

people posting Ls:

women request removals of ex bfs/husbands about 4 times as much as dudes :marseyxd:

Sometimes men just do it for their buddies lol, dudes rock:

There are a lot of wholesome or fun posts too, and I like to mess around there for fun. There's a shitty contingent of lurkers from the main /r/photoshoprequest sub where they don't allow AI ( :marseyemojilaugh: ) but are happy to shit up this sub with watermarked shit begging for money. I take great satisfaction denying them tips for shitty photoshops of dead pets or fun requests using the power of GIMP and AI.

heres one I did and explained it to the kid verus this other douchbag, like who fricking watermarks this shit:

some make me sad but in a good way :

One last fun one I did:

The real downside is most of the posts get deleted, we should start an archiving project because there's so many funny ones that get lost. The more entitled people are making requests the bigger the L they're usually posting haha

!fellas !aichads

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