
Disclaimer: I don't know what Joe actually said because I'm not gonna watch this shit. Here's some seethe anyway:

Reported by:
The new wanna be assassin is also a rightoid lmao

He's a former Trump voter that's super pro Ukraine and supports Haley and Vivek lmao. Amazing

There's some radical centrism mixed in here as well. Honestly you guys just have to read this dude feed because it is absolutely insane.

It seems like before Ukraine his pet project was some set of stairs(?) in Hawaii.

Dude was not well.

Real video of attempted Trump assassin choosing a political ideology:


Most Based Comments

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

lol just because they support unions doesn't mean you can just ignore every other stupid thing they do. Have some common sense when you vote please and don't vote for them. The democrats pretend to care about unions until they're in office. Once they are in office that will be gone with the wind. (3)

You're the one who lacks common sense (-5)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

lol just because they support unions doesn't mean you can just ignore every other stupid thing they do. Have some common sense when you vote please and don't vote for them. The democrats pretend to care about unions until they're in office. Once they are in office that will be gone with the wind. (3)

You have no idea what you are talking about. Walz has been a dues-paying union member for decades, and their policies will actually help us, whereas Trump wants to enact Project 2025, have every state go RTW, and is against women's rights and LGBTQ rights. If you have a mother, a wife, a daughter, these things should matter to you. Voting red is voting AGAINST your own interests, unless you are just a racist who only cares about immigrants not being allowed in. (-8)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

It was basically open when Trump was in office, it's definitely open now. (5)

Fascinating. So, the Border Patrol no longer patrols the border or intercepts anyone? Why doesn't the media report this? (-5)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ”˜

Weird because her lack of tariffs is killing union jobs. Manufacturing plants are going downhill and having to lay people off and go to skeletal crews. Tire sector is so fricked up because of Biden and Harris. (3)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ”˜

Biden-Harris tried addressing the border crisis with a bipartisan bill but the orange ๐Ÿ’ฉ told Speaker Johnson to kill it.Ever since Saint Ronnie in the mid 1980's until now (2024), the need for immigration reform legislation been talked about (similar to the way infrastructure was talked about) but never passed. So, in 2024, a bipartisan group of senators hashed a deal in the Senate. The bill was supported by several groups that typically align with Republicans, such as theย U.S. Chamber of Commerceย and theย Wall Street Journal editorial board. Theย National Border Patrol Council, a union that represents about 18,000 border patrol agents, alsoย endorsedย the bill.Then the orange turd jumped in and told his MAGA crew in the Congress to shelve the bill. Why? Not because it's a bad bill but it would give the Bden/Harris team another accomplishment.So anyone having a problem with Biden's immigration policy need to ask their representatives in Congress why they will not support and pass the ha... (4)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ”˜

You have no idea what you are talking about. Walz has been a dues-paying union member for decades, and their policies will actually help us, whereas Trump wants to enact Project 2025, have every state go RTW, and is against women's rights and LGBTQ rights. If you have a mother, a wife, a daughter, these things should matter to you. Voting red is voting AGAINST your own interests, unless you are just a racist who only cares about immigrants not being allowed in. (-8)

I am a union member in a right to work state......we still have decent market share because we are better at our jobs, more professional, more knowledgeable, safer, and have hands available to get a job done. While voting red may be against the interests of our unions, voting blue is against the interests of our nation. Do you enjoy the 400% increase in groceries? The 60% increase in fuel costs? If your union sets the standard for quality, quantity, and pay in your area, whoever is president should have a negligible impact on your work. Non union isn't gonna get the job if they can't do the task at hand, and if they don't have anyone to do the task at hand. When trump was in office we had literally a couple handfuls of people in the bench. Businesses had money to spend, jobs to build. Now this past summer we had about 5% of the local without work, and Biden has a darn UA card. Plus shit I had more money to spend when I was a darn second year compared to now as a 5th year. I make twi... (3)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Background_Shoe_884

Score: ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Number of comments: 6

Average angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Maximum angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ”˜

Minimum angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Reported by:
  • Patsy : rad_juju take notes

I loves tacos y burritos but mostlys tacos.

The EDL's whitest supremacist has been apprehended and sentenced to two years in His Majesty's Prison

!britbongs !bharatiya

im out of the loop. why is israel attacking lesbians?



Replies are blaming the Jews.

.>plays game made by libtards and :marseytrans2: for libtards and :marseytrans2:

.>gets banned for sperging about :marseyjewish: and :marseyblack:

.> :marseyshook: how could I be banned? Clearly Jews did this

Reported by:

We know Wikipedia is screwed beyond recognition but it's not clear what the precise issue is - I think this article shows us.

The article is question is regarding the musician Jandek, who is beyond description (and the wiki article no longer tries to really describe him, either). In absolutely most big picture summary:

  • A guy gives himself the stage name Jandek in 1978 and self-records an album via tape. The music is him singing with acoustic guitar and it is indescribably weird, and not at all accessible music. It barely even is music. Here is a sample of his 1978 album:

    . He has hundreds of hours of music like this.

  • He continues to records tape of himself playing this atonal, creepy, and barely even music "songs" over the course of many, many, many, albums in the coming decades. His identity is never revealed, even when the tapes start getting an ironic undergrounds following. Eg. DJs would phone up the 'company' associated with his self-released tapes (his home phone) and he'd identify himself as a representative of Jandek, not the artist himself. This is despite everyone knowing this music is definitely produced and released by one guy at the very most.

  • he's kind of a music nerd/outsider art trivia questions - Kurt Cobain talks about his music in interviews for example - but the vast majority of people don't and never would listen to his music let alone enjoy it.

  • in the 2000s, people start to realise Jandek is some 60/70 year old dude in Texas and Jandek stops denying it so strongly. He ends up being invited to play live for the first time and is captured on film (he never clarifies directly, but the guy in these concerts is a dude named Sterling Smith). Live concert from 2004:

Anyway that's the most necessary background, onto the wikipedia article.

For most of it's life, the Wiki article for Jandek has been similar to any article for a niche interest - way, way too long and detailed for something such a small number of people know about. I remember it as recently as a few years ago going into detail of every major attempt to unmask Jandek, listing all of his hundreds of tapes and album, music criticism, and then lists of post-2000 public appearences. The wiki page had theories, mysteries, rabbit-holes within itself. It was terrible as ana encyclopaedia but interesting as a story re some random guy who can't sign or play guitar well getting mysteriously semi-famous. If you go into the article's historical edits you can see the unwieldy version of the page back then:

This is worth noting because the only truly compelling thing about Jandek is the context - who is this guy, where did he come from? Which is what the wiki article leant into. No one was a 'fan' of Jandek, unironically, or listened to his music for the love of the sound. There's simply no way. People were inviting him to perform live because then they could say they performed with the mysterious Jandek, and people went to his shows for the same reason. The wiki article was microcosm of this very state of being.

So what happens? Some uppity Wiki editor ( posts this on the article's talk page in 2021:

>This article is a feature-length novel of unsourced claims and needs to be blown up. I would do it myself but I don't want to bother with the inevitable edit wars. People close to the subject seem to be carefully watching this page like a hawk.

When someone points out that the reason Jandek is notable is the talk and mystery around him -- thus that probably needs to figure into the article somehow, ILIL disagrees strongly.

>I'll have to respectfully disagree with your pov. I enjoy using Wikipedia for the purposes that it was designed for, which is to gather a quick summary of what news media, books, and articles have published about a given subject. Just the facts, please. Geeky trivia, hearsay, rumors, and crowdsourced press releases is the domain of YouTube video essays, blogs, and "fandom" Wikis. Everything has its time and place.

The autism runs so deep on Wikipedia that the editors truly can't comprehend how most humans absorb information. The above statement is true re: an article about a scientific theorem. It's not how people engage with entertainment. Nonetheless, soon after, the article is wittled down to two sections - a very brief introduction where a music publication is quoted calling Jandek "mysterious" with no other context (because that would be editorialising), a handful of sentences with chronology of his first release and later live shows, and maybe two quotes re: his lack of widely known identity. His strange lack of musical talent is barely mentioned with a statement saying: "an idiosyncratic and frequently atonal form of folk and blues music,". If you think this captures the music i linked to in this post, you're a moron.

Someone who, say, hears someone talking about Jandek and wants to know what the big deals searches up this article and comes away with more questions - why so much mystery around what is apparently a fairly normal blues singer from the 70s? Unless they dig through old versions of this article they'll never know.

In one very minor article, the core issue of Wikipedia is summarised: in a fight between normies and autism, the autism is more powerful.

For the drama, go into the article's edit history and see warring editors making changes to the article post-2021:


You won't have to worry about logistics, you press an app on your phone and a random dude shows up in 2 minutes. The money is tax free. You have this deal for life, meaning you can do it every day.

You've got to swallow as part of the deal. You're not allowed to give a half-butt blowjob, the men are compelled to be honest about your effort and if you give a half-butt BJ you wont get paid. Also, the guys have HIV, as part of this deal you can get STDs.


Most Based Comments

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

When I see memes like OP's, I get the impression that anarchists have the exact same naive mentality as 19th century Marxists did, before their ideology was ever put to the test by the Paris Commune or Lenin."Like, man, if we just get rid of the bourgeoisie state, then everyone would just be chill and everyone would be free to pursue free development of all free market entrepreneurship in our classless stateless society. We've got nothing to lose but our chains governments."It's just so hopelessly naive. I can't believe dudes in their 40s have this childish mentality. (-1)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Anarchy: All of the evils of statism but with the added benefit of nobody to point at (-1)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Capitalism is also a guarantee that vast amounts will be stolen, So what's the point? (-1)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Government is a guarantee that one set of criminals will defaud you all the time, kidnap and injure a small minority of its own population on occasion, and kill a yet smaller minority of that population on occasion.Governments control gigantic territories, and weak ones have wide swathes of that territory where rival sets of criminals flout their authority and do as they please to the locals - which often includes a lot more killing, injury, kidnapping and stealing per capita than the alternative they displaced. If a government is only capable of persecuting civilians and not rival sets of criminals in its own borders, it is called anarcho-tyranny in the minor form and warlordism in the metastasized form. By that metric, America today is a weak nation, certainly weaker than it was in 1970, and certainly weaker than many famous nations (eg. Japan, China, Singapore), but not so weak as Warlord Era China, modern Sudan, Somalia, etcetera.Anarchy is a guarantee that not only will one set... (0)

We can make it 100% punished.You even think that the State is a criminal entity. Why do you want to be ruled by people who violate the 10 commandments? Not even Jesus Christ would have wanted a Christian Commonwealth to be one where the leaders steal from their subjects; Jesus is the king of kings yet did not steal from anyone.Washington D.C. conducts a literal impoverishment campaign: 2% price inflation goal is literal impoversihment.Can you tell me why Hamburg was undisturbed by constant raids in the HRE and why trade happened well within the HRE? Roads were successfully funded in spite of the decentralized order.Statism is constant war, only that the subjects have no recourse. (1)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Government is a guarantee that one set of criminals will defaud you all the time, kidnap and injure a small minority of its own population on occasion, and kill a yet smaller minority of that population on occasion.Governments control gigantic territories, and weak ones have wide swathes of that territory where rival sets of criminals flout their authority and do as they please to the locals - which often includes a lot more killing, injury, kidnapping and stealing per capita than the alternative they displaced. If a government is only capable of persecuting civilians and not rival sets of criminals in its own borders, it is called anarcho-tyranny in the minor form and warlordism in the metastasized form. By that metric, America today is a weak nation, certainly weaker than it was in 1970, and certainly weaker than many famous nations (eg. Japan, China, Singapore), but not so weak as Warlord Era China, modern Sudan, Somalia, etcetera.Anarchy is a guarantee that not only will one set... (0)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

We can make it 100% punished.You even think that the State is a criminal entity. Why do you want to be ruled by people who violate the 10 commandments? Not even Jesus Christ would have wanted a Christian Commonwealth to be one where the leaders steal from their subjects; Jesus is the king of kings yet did not steal from anyone.Washington D.C. conducts a literal impoverishment campaign: 2% price inflation goal is literal impoversihment.Can you tell me why Hamburg was undisturbed by constant raids in the HRE and why trade happened well within the HRE? Roads were successfully funded in spite of the decentralized order.Statism is constant war, only that the subjects have no recourse. (1)

By whom?All states are criminal organizations because they engage in crime by their very nature. Any organized minority appointed to administer a population is in fact a state. And yes, gangs are just mini-states with fuzzy borders.If you dissolve a state, you don't get nothingness where civil society can prosper without the burden of taxation, you get a power vacuum that will be colonized by mini-states, who will then proceed to conquer each other until they become "proper" states.Would I rather be ruled by 1 tyrant a thousand miles away (not counting his army of henchmen, most of whom are even further away) or by 50 tyrants within ten miles (whose henchmen are all very close as well)? Hard to figure out.You know, I usually sneer at reddit atheists, but in this case I gotta ask, if your sky daddy doesn't enforce penalties on you at any point prior to the afterlife, then of what use is he as a king, as a protector of men? Myths do not make power - people make myths to justify power.... (0)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Gendarme_of_Europe

Score: ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Number of comments: 10

Average angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Maximum angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Minimum angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

I now have 100K truescore on r/Drama :marseywise:. Proof my life went wrong somewhere along the line :marseygiveup:

!bharatiya !anime


it started with this

srsly check :marseyelonpaypig: out this whole thread :marseystitch: its gold

Reported by:
I'm hungover AMA

Don't actually I won't answer

Good morning rDrama

Weekly Anime Post 161

Started watching 'Giji Harem', its alright so far, but it feels more like a shortform with how short the 'plots' are. Didnt watch any more of the russian girl show so far, though I will probably finish it.

@Aevann pin pls


Spacedaddy is kil
The other day someone told me there are books written by scrotes and I was like :surejan: but is it true? Is there moid-made elfrotica?

RIP Neil whoever that is.

Wordmoids are stealthing unsuspecting women readers without their consent!

AngryMummy2020 only wants hecking wholesome ladysmut.

:marseyshesright: Totally true story of getting her little bro off to her shlicklit...

Reported by:
do you have any weird neurodivergent personal habits when youre alone

i like to say words that start with V like im eastern european and say it like a W

jd wance is particularly satisfying and wampire is lovely

similarly saying W like V is fun

valdo is great

sometimes i try tongue twisters in accents, british is ideal usually but sometimes russian is good

i will say place names in a jamaican accent by myself, like when i was driving to evanston wyoming years ago i just kept saying aevonstone and it was very nice

sometimes i like to run a comb over my skin with just the right amount of pressure

now you go


this thread is only for things you do when no one else is around

no normal stuff like singing loudly, thats obvious

Reported by:
:marseyclapping2: GIRL :marseyclapping2: BREAKFAST :tayclap:

Sick as heck and going to work today after an almost all-nighter. Fml.



Junkies are killing themselves in fewer numbers. Orange sight neurodivergents point to Narcan bring available over the counter:

Unrelated but this guy also keeps plan b in his car

If you are even tangentially related to someone who could use it, I would recommend keeping a supply on hand. I keep narcan, plan b, and other inventory in my vehicle's sub trunk. Total cost for this inventory was under $100. It is, in my opinion, a component of a first aid kit.


Currently 2 interstate highways are completely fricked in the area

Interstate 40 is closed at the Tennessee-North Carolina border near the Pigeon River Gorge after flooding and a mudslide overtook the highway.

The interstate, a major thoroughfare through the Southern Appalachians, is closed in both directions, according to the Tennessee Department of Transportation.

I-40 East is closed from Mile Marker 432 in Tennessee until Mile Marker 3 in North Carolina. I-40 West is closed starting at Mile Marker 3 in North Carolina through Mile Marker 435 in Tennessee.

A mudslide on the North Carolina side resulted in a partial collapse of the highway, according to Kelse Edwards, a communications director for the North Carolina Department of Transportation. Photos of the dramatic collapse circulated on social media.

There is no timeline for how long it will take to assess the damage or repair the roadway.

I can't stand (modern) civilization

Trying to go to Walmar at 5pm has just about sent me over

This isn't even a big town.

Traffic lights with 5 minute cycles:marseysteer:

It's still 90 :marseyburn: :marseybiker:

Parking lot is full

Everyone's brown :marseydisgust:

I just want to go home

Like this shit just does not work with >5-10k ppl in one place

I don't know how you citycels cope bc this makes me want to lower a concrete sarcophagus over my bulldozer, never to leave alive.

Anyway I tried to open an image from an email and these were the options my phone gave me :marseychonker2: I thog that was funny and remembering it has made my evening slightly tolerable :marseyfluffy:

None !g*mers !oldstrags !dramatards !ranchers

Also remember that if you comment or post anything in KiA, the child-beating wife-beating meat-beating AGP :marseytrain:jannies employ ban bots that automatically bans your accounts from the vast majority of mainstream subreddits controlled by Bardfinn and his league of extraordinary jannies! :bardfinn:

This is the ban message that you get, this is from only a year ago!


Have a look at its most-updooted-of-all-time posts, average ones are from 7-9 years ago and reflect the cultural and political situation of their eras!

For example, many mid-2010s internet characters that are today prominent lolcows, and most of whom had a fall from grace in the G*merGate community, did AMAs or otherwise used the subreddit!


Famous lolcows/internet e-celebs that used/posted/did AMAs on /r/KotakuinAction:

Milo Yayabussypolols did an AMA 9 years ago:*mergate_book_ama/

Tim Pool did an AMA 5 years ago:

Hotwheels from 8chan also did an AMA 9 years ago:

Null from KiwiFarms posted this 8 years ago:

Mike Cernovich did an AMA 9 years ago:

Zoe Quinn's cuck bf made multiple AMAs in there and also loved to beg for G*merGater NEETBux to help his legal cases:

Collection of interesting KiAutism posts from almost 10 years ago:

Reddit bans /r/whalewatching thinking its a clone of /r/fatpeoplehate. It was actually a real attempt at a whale watching community and has existed for +2 years. :marseyxd: :!marseydetective: :marseychonkerfoid:

Chairman Pao just banned /r/fatpersonhate and /r/fatpeoplehate3 for "ban evasion" - as if they were already "harassing", ergo: banning ideas instead of behavior!

/r/TheRedPill was subreddit of the day on 24 April 2016!

Lauren Southern before she became a lolcow mocked even by rightoids:

An old Reddit powermod speaks his mind.

Imgur censors the word "Trigglypuff" after a new video by a person who was attending "The Triggering" talk (featuring Milo, Based Mom, and Crowder) goes viral on Imgur

Trigglypuff is the ancient "TRIGGERED" SJW meme:

Porn Site Offers Gawker Founder $35k To Star In Hulk Hogan Themed Porn Film :marseymarge: :marseydarkxd:

I never in my 21 years thought I'd say this, but Brianna Wu has a valid point. :marseyfortuneteller:

Here is some random prophetmaxxing about the Reddit Pope-turned Anti-:marseytrain2: Pope Richard GODkins:

Rebeccca Watson, of ElevatorGate and Atheism+ fame, feels the need to mention Richard Dawkins' "spate" history "of bigoted comments" in article about him suffering a stroke

"You know you've won the argument when the only counter argument they can find is that you are white or male or old." - Richard Dawkins

Richard Dawkins talking about SJW's with Bill Maher

KPFA cancels Richard Dawkins' speech because of his tweets about Islam

Jerry Coyne - "Richard Dawkins deplatformed at a book talk in Berkeley for "abusive speech" about Islam on Twitter"

I think Richard Dawkins is trying to get banned from Twitter

Salon: Never tweet, Richard Dawkins: Famed atheist now signal-boosting Nazi Propaganda

Ah whatever here is a shitton about Dogkins posts:

Ubisoft mocks Christianity in Watch Dogs 2, but when one user of the Ubisoft Forums asks if they would do the same thing with Islam, the thread gets locked immediately for being "offensive to religions"

:#mutttantrum: :#chadjihadi:

Ancient drama with peak early 2010s Twitter lolcow Phil Fish:

Phil Fish is now immortalized in the Soy Boy meme compilations! :#gem:

Ancient Twitter drama with Notch (/r/Drama mod who just so happens to have created Memecraft) from 9 years ago:

Collection of almost decade-old posts about ancient lolcow Andrew Dobson + Allison Rapp autism:*mer_who_is_a_fan_of_andrew_dobsons/

Mister Metokur has just had his Youtube account banned shortly following his twitter ban.

5 years later, Metokur has got his YT channel back, his channel is monetized again, and he is back on Twitter and streaming to an audience larger than ever!

:#chudjakdancing: :#marseymetokur: :#chudjakdancing:

Not So Awesome: The That Guy With The Glasses/Channel Awesome #ChangeTheChannel Google Doc :marseynostalgiacritic:

THE GREAT NEURODIVERGENT WAR OF 2018 (/R/DRAMA INVOLVED!): The David_Me Coup Attempt of 2018 :#marseyautismchonker: :#vs: :#marseyautismchonker:


Random MovieBlob post from before Drumpf perpetually broke his already-damaged Bing Bing Wahoo-filled McBrain:

David Pakman Show on Twitter: ".@MatthiasCo I'm truly shocked that the CBC included me in that montage of pro #g*mergate people harassing women. Shameful journ*lism."

David Pakman Show on Twitter: "Brianna Wu accused me of doing a hit piece attack interview on g*mergate today. Interview will be posted later."

Harry Potter fandom before the Great TERFication of J.K. Rollin and Trollin:

Daniel Radosh (senior writer for The Daily Show) thinks that G*mergate got Trump elected

Matthew Gault / War Is Boring - "How Internet Trolls Became Terrorists And helped to elect Donald Trump" (yeah, the usual)

[Meta] I see a "no politics" rule listed here, yet I see lots of political threads posted and upmarseyd here every day. Is Rule #3 even enforced anymore? :marseynooticeglow:

Also, this absolute gem of an image reminds us of simpler days:*mergate-supporters-party-at-strip-club.html

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