
A great drama storm is gathering on the nerd lands of Boost and C++, and I'm here to effortpost about it.

What is boost

For those who don't know, Boost is a large collection of C++ libraries that historically have held a very elevated position in C++ land. It became a hub for innovation in C++ during the dark years between the 90s and late 00s, when C++ standardisation was in a state of paralysis. However, boost libraries attracted significant attention around the time C++11 was finally being standardised, as a lot of things on that draft were being lifted directly from boost.

The Decline

Since C++11, boost participation has been declining for a variety of reasons, some of them being:

  • GitHub has somewhat facilitated library distribution.

  • A lot of library standardisation work started going directly into the standard, bypassing boost incubation.

  • CMake made pulling C++ libraries into a project a somewhat easier task

  • Most boost authors are aging.

The culture wars

The C++ community is a thriving place for lolcows like no other, but none of this is news in the tech world. Boost has fallen in bad graces with most of the political zealots in the community, who perceive it to be a hovel of racists, and overall terrible people. However, boost is not cast to the wind because it still retains significant talent in its celebrated authors roster.

To give one example of this perception, in 2019 JeanHeyd Meneide, a giga-lolcow in the C++ community proposed boost.out_ptr. This library underwent the formal review process in boost but ultimately got rejected for a variety of reasons, including the fact that it relied on undefined behaviour.

After this library was rejected, JeanHeyd Meneide took his proposal directly to the standard, where it was voted into the standard. This is one of the examples in which a clear rift between how things are handled in boost became very obvious when compared with the inclusivity approach in the standard body, where reportedly questions were not asked, and is speculated that people did show up to vote on his proposal to support JeanHeyd Meneide, for being a minority.

This same JeanHeyd Meneide would later on cause a significant drama in the Rust community, last year, when his keynote got demoted. Being a very well adjusted individual, his reaction was to go scorched earth on everyone involved for this small slight. He also decided that this was justification enough to not deliver the work he had received a grant from the rust foundation for (it is unknown if the grant money was returned, or kept for reparations).

The Boost Foundation

The boost libraries have a legal representative called The Boost Foundation. This foundation was created much later than the libraries have existed. The main role of the Foundation was to handle legal matters relating to C++Now, a conference that used to be called BoostCon. Most of the board members of this body are not boost authors though. The previous chair, David Sankel (one of our main characters), is a respected engineer in the community, who delivers excellent talks (IMO) on a lot of C++ conferences. Having said that, he has never contributed a single line of code to the libraries, as far as I know.

David is not the current chair for the foundation, but he absolutely speaks as if he own the foundation. He has however found a former Google engineer, Kristen Shaker, to act as chair, while he hides behind her, for this period in time.

Here's a video of David delivering a talk at CppCon.

The Foundation, in particular David, have been frustrated with their failed attempts to introduce a Code of Conduct. This is very much unpopular with the vast majority of boost authors, who tend to be old boomers who reject woke culture in general like the plague. A cursory glance on the Foundation meetings shows that the members of the Foundation are usually busy with questions relating to the conference most of the time. In other cases, they are musing on how they can convince the authors to accept a Code of Conduct. Whatever they may be busy with, it is usually not the libraries.

The Foundations minutes can be seen in this link:

Their latest greatest idea is called the Beman Project , a github repo where they host implementation for libraries that are undergoing standardisation in WG21. This is significant, as this type of forking of focus indicates the Foundations' desire to move away from the boost libraries and carve out a new space with their desired set of rules.

This whole neglect of the collection of libraries known as Boost by the Boost Foundation has become emblazoned mainly on the website itself, which looks like something straight from the 90s.

The C++ Alliance

The C++ Alliance is a non-profit run by an eccentric wealthy individual called Vinnie Falco. In C++ circles, Vinnie Falco is a very ambivalent figure. He is certainly very controversial, and possibly dramatically neurodivergent. Here's one of his talks on CppCon. from which you can surmise he's your typical conservative boomer.

CppCon 2017: Vinnie Falco "Make Classes Great Again! (Using Concepts for Customization Points)"

Vinnie is also known for throwing public tantrums at people involved with standardisation work. I could get into more details but that would merit a post on its own. Suffice to say he has not garnered a good reputation around the drama involving the net.ts (Networking Technical Specification).

The C++ Alliance has produced/sponsored the development of some good boost libraries though, and recently they have been spending millions trying to revitalise boost. These efforts have not run well with the Boost Foundation, specially because Vinnie Falco is disliked by many prominent C++ figures. However this has all started to come to a head when Vinnie decided that the Foundation was not collaborating with him, and started designing a new website for the Boost libraries with its own new logo. The drama starts with this website:

As you can see, this is a much more modernised website by comparison with the official website. Of course, we are talking about C++ people, so it wouldn't surprise anyone here that the C++ Alliance has spent a whooping figure of more than one million US dollars on this website :marseyxd:, and they are still actively developing with no date to finish it. Worse yet, they posted it themselves on the boost mailing list, a fact I would have kept secret myself LOL.

Unstoppable force meets immovable object

Since the C++ Alliance made this website live, communication has entirely broken down between David Sankel :marseyraging: representing the Boost Foundation, and the C++ Alliance. In fact we got this entirely lolzy email from David in the Boost mailing list.

I must quote this work of art:

You want to own[1], you want to own the boost website, you want to own the boost logo, and you want to own the boost mailing list. The answer is no, no, no, and no. If you decide to close shop and spend your money elsewhere, Boost will go on just fine. I'm committed to make sure that will always be the case, not just for you but for any single individual. Boost is not for sale.

This response let to some significant blow back from plenty of boost authors who perceived the Foundation not acting on the interest of the libraries, but refusing to work along with the Alliance. Eventually the Foundation had to acquiesce and accept the website made by the Alliance, and stop making frivolous demands to go ahead. The official announcement for the acceptance of the new website was made back in April.

However nothing was good behind the scenes. The Foundation was clearly annoyed that they had to concede ground to the Alliance, and this became clear on David's April Fool's email where he totally joked bro, about banning Vinnie and other Alliance employees from the project.

Later on David would go on twitter to say he was just joking, but that he was absolutely serious that the Alliance is mounting a hostile take over.


You would think the Alliance had got what they wanted, which was to deploy a new website for the project. However, we are talking about C++ lolcows, so of course the story has another twist. It turns out that in meantime, the C++ Alliance was covertly trying to acquire the domain from the widow of Beman Dawes, the founder of the Boost project :marseydisagree:. This totally ethical, legal, and fair move threw a spanner in the works, once the Foundation learned about it, and allowed the Foundation to renege again on any concessions previously granted to the Alliance.

This impasse had to be addressed, as many boost authors became very angry at the Foundation and the Alliance for not working well together, and for the Foundation to be blocking a new modern website out of what was perceived as politics.

The election

Left with no other choice, the Foundation made a single move: Propose a vote where authors decide who should be the steward of the Boost libraries - The Boost Foundation, or The C++ Alliance. Both proposals can be found in the archive below.

The Boost Foundation's proposal:

The C++ Alliance proposal:

The Boost Foundation's main offer is "You vote for us, and with this renewed mandate, we will enact a Code of Conduct, and ban authors to promote diversity". You may think I'm exaggerating, but yes, they are this retarded. A few quotes from their proposal:

Engage in community building activities

  • Incorporate and enforce a strong code of conduct
  • Make an active effort to improve behavior on the mailing list


Inclusion, another value called out in our mission statement, is about making people of all stripes feel welcome, appreciated, and included in our community. Kindness, patience, and respect are necessary for outsiders, especially those outside typical developer stereotypes, to feel comfortable. We believe that success in today's society requires a strong and enforced Code of Conduct.

The 18-person C++ Alliance team consists of 0% women while 22% of software engineers in the United States are women. His proposed "Steering Committee" membership also lacks any female representation. While recognizing the value of experience, relying solely on traditional networks for leadership positions can unintentionally exclude talented women. This limits our potential for growth and innovation. The Boost Foundation Board is committed to sourcing talent from underrepresented groups to broaden our impact, introduce new ideas, and extend our influence in the community.


Regardless of which proposal is chosen, there is a risk that certain members of the community no longer feel comfortable with the direction of the Boost project. We will mitigate this risk by actively improving this proposal during the review process to increase consensus. We may lose volunteers unwilling or unable to abide by a code of conduct.

This proposal couldn't be more offensive for an audience of aging boomers who hate DEI in general. In fact, a significant fraction of them have eastern european names, so you can imagine the type of audience this is being proposed to.

There's not much to be said of the C++ Alliance's proposal as it is just straight technical and bureaucratic restructuring, possibly written by some language model. Very boring AI slop, and I have not had the time to go over every detail in it.


Regardless of the outcome, I believe that this whole drama will produce enough entertainment for the public. There is even a promising chance of gayops taking place, with the Foundation demanding that "the broader C++ community" be invited to the process. Both David Sankel, and Vinnie Falco are prime lolcow material, with their over-the-top emotional responses.


I am sick now. My employers would :marseymight: only foot the bill for an economy class return :marseymonke: ticket- would :marseymight: travelling business :marseyklennysuit: class have made any difference, both in terms of avoiding Slavs and being far enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: away from carriers to not get infected?

POV: you made a "6 gorrilion" joke on
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I already forgot the password to this throwaway so once I close this tab I cant reply to any comments, sorry.

This took place when I attended a secret society at the University of Oxford in 2019 called the Piers Gaveston Society. Named after the alleged homosexual lover of King Henry V or something. They have 2 major orgies a year - a large winter orgy (approx 150ppl) and a smaller summer one (approx 30 people).

The club was historically organised primarily by aristocrats, and it used to be famously heterosexual and right wing. But during the 2000s the leadership started to be co-opted by much more leftist and queer students in Wadham College, and the event became much more liberal and (some would say) more fun. Also they started a policy of "free drugs" and the whole thing in general became druggier.

The year I went, the actor Hugh Grant filmed a secret video promoting the event, to give you an idea of the things influence. In addition, the whole thing is bankrolled by a mysterious other celebrity, who pays ~£50k a year which handles organising, paying for drugs and alcohol, and compensating landowners (and allegedly bribing the police to stay out, but who knows). I heard multiple rumors as to who the secret funder is, but none credible. I heard mentioned David Mitchell, Hugh Grant, Chris Patten and Richard Osman, but I doubt any of that tbh.

For me, I was never really 'in' with this crowd, but I was friends with a very hot person who got an invite for being hot, and she gave the invite to me. All we were told was the costume theme (it was a series of Baroque paintings showing the apocalypse) and a date.

On that date, at 10pm we were texted a location and told to be there within 40min. The address was some industrial estate in Oxford, so we legged it to get there in time. When there, a yellow American-style school bus was waiting. We all got on, and were driven an hour or so to a random field in the middle of nowhere. We queued up and were all searched. We were warned that if we brought a phone or a camera it would be thrown in a nearby lake, but I guess that was just for show because the guy in front of me in the queue has a phone and they merely confiscated it and said he could get it back at the end.

The setup was multiple large tents in a field.

One tent had a bar with free drinks, and another tent had a table with free drugs. They had weed, MDMA cocaine, but that all ran out within like 90 minutes. Another tent was just a big dancefloor playing techno. A medium size round tent was filled with BDSM equipment, and some rope-tying professional women had been hired to help tie people up. A small tent had some paramedics smoking and hanging out for safety. Finally there was a large round tent and a few smaller ones covered in pillows where 90% of the fricking took place.

I dont remember much because I was high on coke and MDMA and it was a long time ago, but heres what I texted a friend the next morning, while still high:

>Just got back from the orgy

>it was fricking mental

>they literally had a free drugs tent, and no less than 3 different s*x tents, each one for a different "vibe" (vanilla, group, BDSM), plus 2 dance tents and a VIP super special tent where I wasn't allowed in but I saw some bouncers going through the crowd asking for any virgin volunteers and then taking them inside, so I bet that must have been the real place to be haha

>a 17 year old donkeypunched me so hard i lost hearing in my right ear, and i have a cute date tomorrow with a girl who whipped me while i was totally naked in front of the whole crowd - they had like a professional bdsm guy who was so good with ropes and knots it was unbelivable. I also backhand slapped my ex (consensually) until he bled which was HIGHLY cathartic and a Good Time. I took a tiny bit of coke for the first time, and I think it made me aggressive, coz im not normally that violent - im a real sweetheart really - actually i was fairly restrained and didnt really have penetrative s*x with anyone even, i was vibing a bit too hard ngl and also... STDs are a thing that spook me innit

>there were also so many lesbians. so many. you literally couldnt find a single girl without someone else's head between their thighs at points, and you would be chatting to a girl and then realise that as you are talking to her she is naked and sitting on some other chicks' face haha

>but the main thing that really, really surprised me was that everyone was extremely attractive

>i had always imagined this degenerate shit would be full of old weirdos but no, i was definitely one of the worse-looking people there, and one of the least muscular ha ha

>really great! i had a good time and also only just got back lol and am about to crash into the mother of all MD comedowns. just hope my hearing comes back haha

Just as some extra context you might be amused to know:

Despite what I texted my friend, my defining memory was of slight boredom - I liked hitting people when I was high but the whole thing did nothing for me sexually. I remember at one point a tall posh guy trying to feel me up and encountering nothing except my totally flaccid peepee, and then getting amusingly cross at my obvious disinterest. I think when I wrote those text messages I was (a) high and (b) trying to sound cool. In reality it was a bit mid - just not my kinda thing.

I met some of the organisers at the event and they were VERY r*pey and weird, and even high I was smart enough to stay away from them as much as possible. the "VIP" tent i mentioned in my texts was insanely bad vibes. I met some people who tried to impress me by offering to take me inside, and they were all very predatory and slightly scary in manner.

Since then I have never done anything similar, and I am now in a 3-year monogamous relationship with a normal girl who would probably be very surprised if she found out about my past.

Thank you for reading my blogpost. If you comment fast before I close my browser I will answer any questions you might have.

twitterfoids explain why dramascrotes are worse than mexicans

it's not really drama but I'm bored bc I've been at the mechanics for 4 hours, anyway here is why you'll never breed


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!nonchuds Let's all take a moment to remind ourselves that yeah our chuds are pretty r-slurred, but they're not thunderdomer r-slurred.

And here our 2022 pink join date friend starts us off and the sets the mood for the thread. :chudseethe:

Democracy is Communism because my side isn't winning. :marseyindignant:

I honestly forgot someone took potshots at Chump lmao :marseydab:

And here they start crying about the moderators which will become a thread theme.

>Grrr why won't they let him trail off? :chudrage:

She really got the chuds mad with that one. :marseyemojirofl:

>I am not Orange Man

Hey, that was enough for Trump to lose last time. :marseysmug2:



He only ran an ad at the same time the case was going on demanding for the death penalty to come back you stupid libtard. :marseymad:

Going by his name and avatar he at least has some self awareness. :marseyspecial:


Why wait? :marseyropeyourself:

>If this lolcow didn't act like a lolcow he would have smashed her :marseycope:

Demonrats really need to dial back the temperature.

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I need weekend spending money :marseypiggybank:

Can someone give me 30K coins?


jesus christ...were her gen z staff just fricking with her...

Don't call would-be Trump assassin Ryan Routh a leftist, chuds :marseywitchtriggered:

!chuds !transphobes


:marppy: Drama Report: 2024-09-24 :marseyminer:

Top Drama

🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘First Image of Daisy Ridley in 'Cleaner' - When activists ambush an.../r/movies (34M)64%627
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Why are people who don't lean left always shunned in this sub./r/longisland (161K)52%406
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘What's the consensus on Haalands post match antics? /r/PremierLeague (5M)55%405
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘AITAH for telling my date that I don't want to go out with her agai.../r/AITAH (3M)49%330
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘When people shit on other peoples religion/r/PetPeeves (53K)48%275
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘AITA for going nc with my STB inlaws over their horrible wishes on .../r/AITA_WIBTA_PUBLIC (79K)54%275
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘[DATV Spoilers] The lack world state has killed my interest in this.../r/dragonage (303K)51%217
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘I think hoyo have made a huge mistake./r/ZenlessZoneZero (145K)56%238
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘What is the ideal male body for women?/r/ask (2M)47%190
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘"Downgraded" from iPhone 15 PM to iPhone 16 Pro and I couldn't be h.../r/iphone (5M)51%203

Relative Drama (takes into account the size of the subreddit)

🤓🤓🔘🔘🔘🔥Haters will say this is bad🔥/r/ProfessorFinance (3K)53%112
🤓🤓🔘🔘🔘JD Vance inserts foot in his mouth in Reading this weekend /r/ReadingPA (5K)51%149
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Nutjob Cult Member Waving Trump Flag/r/harfordcountymd (6K)47%143
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘15 years living in S. Mpls... 1 consistent theme: A city so despera.../r/altmpls (8K)47%122
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Today's episode - dragging on Kendra (again)/r/GirlsNextLevel (19K)49%113
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘When people shit on other peoples religion/r/PetPeeves (53K)48%275
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘1,250 rds for $63.14 the dude screwed up and wrong 15 instead of 25.../r/22lr (30K)48%144
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Kia ora, how do you say "openly transgender"?/r/ReoMaori (9K)50%41
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Caught My Wife Cheating—Now Facing a Custody Battle/r/FamilyLaw (31K)49%139
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Why did my dasher send me so many messages/r/DoorDashDrivers (35K)49%118

:marppy: autodrama: returning jobs to dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Imagine if anime was finnish :daydream:

You would have it set it Suomi and they would travel around the läänit and have Kalevala as their lore, and they'd consult Ylijumala for wisdom in their journeys.

Instead of Titans and goblins they'd have Vipunen and Hiisi and instead of a steed they'd have a Volvo with which they'd travel around the järvet and meet different vanhimmat. They'd have a viikonloppumaja and consume Finlandia and ruisleipä.

Instead of names like Yagami or Kusanagi you'd have heroes like Aima, Ilmari, Iido, Veikko, Tapani and others.

Instead of 'baka!' they'd say 'Perkele Saatani!' and instead of refering to each other as '-chan' or '-kun' they'd preface the name with 'Herra'.

@NotoriousNIG !finns !mongols thoughts?

Reported by:
  • forgor : This is how closeted cute twinks have s*x btw
Me and @peepeehands tag teamin (no eye contact between :marseyzeldalinkpast: us)
How to end honfidence

!cuteandinvalid !lgbt Good tip to gatekeep hons for us passoids 💅


The entire thread is golden


The article in question !catholics from !neolibs magazine

Also !sophistry regardless of your religious beliefs, Satanism is the straggiest, cringiest secular "movement" ever, just leftoid LARP for people who hated going to Church as kids.

>Reason, compassion and responsibility


First guy gets it :marseyhesright:

>ha, dumb Christians will think they're actually devil worshipers :#soyjakanimeglasses:

Here's an old TwoX (male) thread on Satanshit

Abortion bans also violate of the first amendment rights of Jews, Muslims, and oh yeah EVERYONE.

Edit: White protestants didn't care about abortion until the 1970s when they realized the fight against integration was futile. This is the same brain trust that put Reagan in power.

LMAO :#marseyxd: :#marseywomanmoment2:


There was a lizard on the F1 track so they timed him

Bongland Without Context

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  • starry : ok but like she's actually cute tho?
Can't wait to sink my claws into you 💅

!cuteandinvalid !lgbt How is your Saturday so far?????????????


After one entire week of jinxthinker withdrawls, we have the dejenerate podcast - i havent wankted as much lately 15:26

  • Singing cold opening to a cover of "Hit me Baby One More Time" with interracial lesbian AI pics :marseybooba: He's also got his laundry hanging

  • 1:50 The podcast begins. He hasn't been wanking recently for reasons of serious business. The AI spankbank gens have also suffered from this slump.

  • We look at a family guy facebook post with Quagmire and he rants about Family guy

  • 3:05 We look at Bob's out of pocket comment (he's an AGP on the facebook) . He has only one name and not a 5th name.

  • 3:20 Zegler appreciation time. One of the Jinxsisters likes Scarlett Johansson :marseybutt: (I'm lowkey in love with both the jinxsisters)

  • 4:00 Zegler got attacked by an out of pocket cat (I'm concerned about his recent dismemberment fetish)**

  • 4:30 deep. Watch out for invites to his cigarette parties

  • 5:10 EU4 update, Kongo rules all of Africa and more EU gameplay lore. Lots of b-word countries were made bitches.

  • 6:45 "I used to be envious of pedophils because they were like the cool people and shit" his commitment to adultism is reaffirmed

  • 7:10 <-- jinxthinker right now

  • 7:45 Pedophilia is a 2 to tango situation because children are the real culprets :marseyyikes:

  • 8:00 lost in thoughts and his AI pictures. Becomes a pure Kang from Nigeria

  • 8:50 mysterious scratch- Monster energy drink might be to blame- also someone who talked to him on twitch might be a :marseytrain2: **

  • 10:00 He's a sexy badboy vibe. He dreamed about something that also involved Monster energy drinks (incoherent ngl). The ingredients of Monster are a better read than Lolita

  • 11:15 There was something on youtube with a peepee which means p-do shit based on pedorama :marseyshook:

  • 11:45 anime is a collection of beliefs worse than pedophilia

  • 12:30 We should do some s*x role play with cigarettes like porno (coerced smoking is a new one, tbh)

  • 13:25 one of the jinxsisters' favorite songs. She wanted to see Chappell Roan? He also calls this jinxsister busted

Jinxthinker has said many things that I can laugh about and write off that he's just a schizo. I always try to see the best in my favorite Brit, but he really actually got me to dislike him for this one. His life is only possible because of his mum, his sisters, and the UK's generous dole. His family are saints for putting up with this shit. @Redactor0 we may need to save the jinxsisters

  • 13:45 Birmingham is a shithole, jinxsister has other priorities

  • singing again :marseyjamming:

  • 14:30 what if the nightmare scenario happened and you had to go back to school for maths again

  • Jinxthinker was a wordcel not a shape rotator

!jinxthinkers which cat would you adopt?


originally discovered by @X (formerly known as Chiobu)

his bank statement: twink/bank_statement

seethe post:

denying its his alt:

him confusing :marseyinsane: bint and lil-b for my alts:

this is actually :marseyakshually: fricking :marseytom: pathetic :marseycryingclown: LMFAO !metashit

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