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🐞 #BeriArt

thernz ( 2025-02-10T01:45:35.559Z



Tom Holland:marseyspiderman:ID'd While Buying His :pervertedspiderman: Own Non-Alcoholic Beer :marseyrussian:

I Was a VIP at Singapore's MOST LUXURIOUS Hotel :pepemoney:

!asians :marseyjewoftheorient:

A guy just walked out on a date??


According to reddit: he doesn't deserve this neurodivergent bacterial vaginosis scented TSA queen.

Don't take this the wrong way— Do you actually look like your photos? Or are they a collage of you on your best day, and not rooted in reality?

I've walked out on dates. It's almost 100% of the time because the person misrepresented themself in some way. Maybe they hid something obvious. Maybe they were in denial about aging or weight fluctuation. He could have also built you up in his mind into someone you're not, and then panicked when he was met with reality (this has also happened to me) Who knows. But yea, for leaving after 5 mins, I'm guessing it had to do with an unmet expectation.


Here's what Democrats did today (February 12)

!khive !nonchuds

usarmy does genocide
Reported by:
[Week 8 Open Discussion Thread] What do you look for in a podcast?

Telling on myself here, but I mostly only listen to true crime podcasts, and almost exclusively when I'm running or working out. I like them because there's a built-in element of drama and kind of trashy gossip of digging around in the refuse of someone else's life. Also a little tiny bit of fear/danger element that gets me amped up when I'm running, especially at night like what if I have to run away from a psycho???

I don't generally like sort of hang-out-and-shoot-the-shit interview podcasts, but I see that so so many people do. Is it a parasocial thing? Like if you like the hosts and you want to imagine being friends/lovers with them? Or maybe you are not a funny and clever person yourself / you have no inner monologue, so you need a podcast to fill your head with other people being funny and clever on your behalf?

Anyway, what do you look for in your podcasts? What should I start listening to?

Or this is an open thread, just chat about whatever. I got a new breadmaker and it fricking sucks. How do you know if a breadmaker is bad or just the recipes or maybe you suck at pouring four ingredients in a pot and pressing the "start" button correctly? Someone told me I should use the recipes off Bread Daddy instead of the ones in the book that came with the machine. Anyone here tasted the Bread Daddy's dough?

Jihad conquers Britain! Inshallah!




Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Every Democrat has given the same salute. (-7)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Even the other Nazis don't want anything to do with the chud. (-6)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Seriously, libertarians cheering for checks notes tariffs which require federal authority to uphold 😂 (6)

The alternative is losing a third of my paycheck and having to turn over every detail of my life to the government every year to get back the few hundred out of tens of thousands they are holding hostage. (-7)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

ADL has demonstrated themselves to be a colonial, imperialist propaganda tool. Weren't they founded to overturn Leo Frank's conviction in 1913 under the pretense of antisemitism? The 21 member grand jury voted unanimously to convict him for the murder of Mary Phagan of which four were Jews. The claims since that Frank was tried because he was a Jew framed by racist Southerners feels like a conspiracy, especially given Greenblatt's leaked interview re: tt. Veracity is a difficult thing to measure in a society governed by profit. (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘 man, the "saying Israel can't kill Palestinians means you're antisemitic" group defending Elmo doesn't really hold much ground. (6)

Bro, is the ADL not REAL anti-semite detectors??? 😭😭😭 (0)

Angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

Just shows how the ADL at the core exists to further the Zionist cause, not to fight antisemitism.They stretch so far to call things antisemitic when it suits them, but stretch so far to not call it out when it doesn't suit them to call it out. (17)

Yep, any criticism of the Israeli government is labeled as antisemitism, despite the fact that every time their government does something fricked up it fuels a spike in real antisemitism. Zionism is a theocratic fascist ideology.  (9)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/sailor_guy_999

Score: 🐮🔘🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 15

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡🔘🔘🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Reported by:
  • Impassionata3 : Impassionata called it when they came here: disruptive weirdos learn to moderate their space lmao
"Nobody understands what it's like to be a mod until they live it." :carpjannie2: Tears in r/jannysupport


ITT: Janny cries to his mopping buddies that users treat him the same way he treats them

:carpjannie: [–]soulself 11 points 4 days ago

I think you may be engaging too much. It's easy to get caught up in fray and try to mitigate situations, but perhaps you should be more of an observer and just enforce the rules.

Nobody understands what it's like to be a mod until they live it. You are going to piss people off no matter what you do.

If you "live" being a janny you shouldn't

:marseyweeb:[–]CitoyenEuropeen💡 Skilled Helper 4 points 4 days ago

Yes, you have to escalate each report individually. No, you cannot fire them from the feed or the mod queue with your own account.

I use a very simple auto moderator script to alert the whole team when one mod is under attack, so that we can cover for each other.

is_moderator: true

report: 1


You can also add your alt account to the mods. Switching accounts is faster than navigating to reddit/report in my experience.

Beware of cross-fire! When mod A files a report such as, say, HATE or HARASSMENT, and mod B hits REPORT ABUSE under the same content, AEOT bots will whack mod A.

When a janny "is under attack" :marseylaugh:

:soymad: I moderate /r/veteranpolitics. As you can imagine, everything you do is a lose/lose. Unfortunately, I have had multiple reports on my account for hate based speech across the sub. You guys are more than welcome to crawl through it and make judgement, but it's just on moderation comments. I've had people putting me in a position where rule 3 is possibly being violated as well as actual hate speech that I'm removing. It's happening over multiple posts at this point and is consistent. I know it's suggested to send a report through the report feature, but do I need to send every post/comment individually or can I send a report in general. The issue is I'm at about 10-15 hate based reports so I know I'm gonna get clapped by AEO at some poi

Proof that reportmaxxing jannies works. Even if they don't get banned they spend the whole day :soyjaktantrum: that someone dared defy the mop

:marseyfedoratip:[–]Eclectic-N-Varied💡 Expert Helper 3 points 4 days ago

Had nothing but good luck once we've used the Report Abuse button -- never had either the positives or denials been laid at our doorstep.

What the fuck does this even mean

My hands look like this

so hers can look like this

Reported by:

Basically this all starts, when this lovely wholesome video about totally underrated Biologist channel Team Candiru, about parasitic wasps laying eggs within the living bodies of caterpillar is shown. :marseyinabox: :marseydrinkwater: :marseytransplushie2: :marseyuwu: :carpbow2: VERY WHOLESOME FAMILY FRIENDLY

as you can imagine with such grisly morbid subjectmatter, the comments section is filled with jokes to cope about the horror of mother nature. Some inane jokes and comments are as follows.

jokes, people relating experiences, some praising the author of the video

You know, everybody having a good time, at the expense of the poor caterpillar which is the subject of our horror entertainment of the video.

AND THEN, our incredibly toughguy scottish cucks arrive when another inane innocuous comment is made

You guys get it, he's taking the piss about the fact that when British accented men with clear and handsome radio-voices are often commissioned to narrate Nature Documentaries, often many of then involving, unfortunate, gruesome and brutal natural events like Lions devouring recently born boks or whatever.

Unfortunately for the commenter, and all other non-Bongland native english-language speakers, whom are not well-versed in the various subdialects of the British Isles, the Narrator of the current video is not a blue blooded evil colonizer Englishman :marseyrage: :marseyrage: :marseyrage: :marseyrage: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd:

and this causes seething RAGE and ANGER :purerage: :purerage: :purerage: for the Scotbongs in the comment section, because modern Scots want us to believe that they are still badass manly hairy-chested men, instead of the turbo p#ssies and weak meek wimps, whom are even bigger nanny state cucks than their Britbong southern neighbours,

and that they are VERY BADASS and will totally beat up outsiders :marseysurejan: :carpsurejan: :surejan: who dares to confuse them for their evil colonizer overlords!

:marseyakshually: :marseyakshually: :marseyakshually: :soysnootype: :soysnootype: :soysnootype: :soysnootype: :soysnootype: ACTUALLY HE'S SCOTTISH, A MUCH LESS SHIT BONG

"Don't ever call him English again" :marseybraveheart: :soysnoo5:

"1. It's a Scottish narrator, don't ever call an Scotsman English he'll break your nose

2. I think it's hilarious that you think there is a commentator sitting in the forest actively narrating this like it's a football match" :scott: :phil: :marseyscottish:

Now the problem is that Youtube comment threads are r-slurred and nonsensical and often doesn't display the order in which comments are made, and often only ever when comments are directed at others, this means that often are difficult to follow past the 1st 50 or so.

But even so, usually u can get the gist of arguments which popped up down a thread.

basically in this one clip, for example we had 3 different slapfights :slapfight: :slapfight: :slapfight: ongoing at the same time!

The "52% of Scots voted to remain with the English though, so number 1 isn't exactly true lol" is one train of fight about how not all Scots hate england and the Independence movement and Nationalism is a joke

The "we were Lied to regarding our nations value, debt and prosperity. Had Theresa May not been a lying cow Scotland would be independent" is random sneed about Mommy May raping wingcucks further down the thread

and the "He doesn't... it's pretty hilarious that you think he does because he made a joke" comment is calling the other scots pathetic for blowing this internet tantrum :marseytantrum: :marseytantrum: :marseytantrum: way out of proportion as the original comment was obviously an oblivious yank having made an innocuous comment!

This video was posted 4 years ago, yet the comments would continue this great debate for over a whole year lmoa.

Anyways it doesn't get anymore interesting, just constant sperging about :marseynpcsheep: :npc: :npcangry: :carpbeannpcmad: :carpbeannpc: scotland. IS. NOT. ENGLISHHHHH :npctantrum: :npctantrum: :npctantrum:

!britbongs also, @Aevann does this count as a non-reddit source of drama?




ANSWER: INFINITY. Cause xe'yre too low level to beat the G*MER :#lolrage::#lolrage::#lolrage: :#likeaboss: :#feellikeaninja: !g*mers !coolpeople !1337


Journ*list finds r/Joe Rogan and writes an article



Yes, it is that bad. :soycry:


"Is insert thing about America really that bad?"

Yes, you dumb fricks. It's almost like some of us spent years telling you how dangerous this shit was, where it could lead, and you all fricking ignored it. Or told us we were overreacting. I hate to say I told you so, but we fricking told you so. I mean it's all been so god darn blatant for years and now you're surprised? Have you had your head up your butt for the past 10 years?? Are you incapable of performing a simple Google search? Go frick yourselves. You are part of what enabled all of this.

So congrats on joining the rest of us in reality, it sucks huh? Now stop asking inane questions and do something useful.

Reading books would be good. They Thought They Were Free by Milton Meyer and It Can't Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis in particular. Idfk. Do the work and learn so you can help fight this. We don't need hand wringing piss babies

Read a book, you hand wringing piss babies. :soysmug:

If my pwost has 1 upmarsey and 1 cwomment iww quit my jwob.
Reported by:
  • p : braces are a very serious medical issue


I've been a US Government employee for almost 25 years. We had our "Return to Office" meeting today. They have even gotten rid of episodic/situational telework. I have two kids in braces and one of them is in counseling twice a month. I was hoping they would still let us work partial days off but they aren't. I'm going to have to take a full day off every time one of them has an appointment. I don't know how I'm going to do this. I'm also in the process of getting divorced and I can't even get their dad to do the dishes so he's not going to help just to punish me.

From her post history:



>"plus sized"


>witchesvspatriarchy poster


The comments:

By looking at your post history and I quote " I have always been a fiscal conservative" so you can see how you created this problem no? What do you expect us to do about it ?


I didn't vote for Trump if that is what you're asserting. I have never voted for a Republican actually. I support policies that make sense. Not talking out of both sides of your head. One side says "save money" and the other side says "and we will rent more office space or pay for people to relocate if we have to just to make people come in".

Trump is the cumination of years of work done by Republicans to undermine our democracy, from gerrymandering districts to the push for anti abortion rights that started over 40 yrs ago just because you didn't vote for one Republican doesn't mean you didn't help put him in the white house. And now you come to us whining about your problems. I for one do not feel a bit sorry for you. You have been anti government for most of your life while sucking at the government tit for the last 25 yrs. About time you found out what side your bread was buttered on.


Ooooo looks like the leopards are eating well here


These reddittors are so annoying, I almost feel bad for the OP.

Why aren't there more women @$$@$!n$


Silver Lining folks. Just to clarify, I am a veteran, was a GS-8 for 3 years. I know work for the State. There will be a revolution. There will be a mounted push back. Hang in there. Find good leadership in the shadows and STAY TOGETHER!


I'm so sorry. The Nazis are literally in charge now.


The purpose of this is to get federal employees to quit just know that. They're trying to make this a very difficult situation

(In particular, to get women to quit)

This is it right here. Once again women will be forced to decide between economic leverage and their children.

Christo-fascism requires strict gender roles/hierarchy. We'll see a lot more of this kind of sh%t over the next four years.


Preach. It's too often women who have to sacrifice their careers for their families.

yep, my male coworkers would rush off to happy hour to brownnose the bosses while my female coworkers rushed home to get their kids from daycare. guess who gets considered for the promotions?


Reported by:

A post is made on Stormfront about Putin claiming that "many Jews" are considering attacking the Orthodox Church in Ukraine. Did Putin actually say this? I don't know, and I don't care; I'm just here for the rightoid infighting.

Definitely not a glowie by the name of "End the fed" asks why Ukraine would elect a Jew after the Jews did so much to Ukraine, and mentions what starts the debate, that he thought Putin was controlled by the Jews

Another "person" chimes in, saying that Putin's stated goal of denazifying Ukraine was actually a psyop created by the Jewish media to get white supremacists to not support Putin

Someone else says Putin is a hypocrite as Jews make up most of the Russian oligarchy and there are actually more Jews in charge in Russia than Ukraine

This guy bemoans how whenever he tries to defend Putin on Stormfront he is always attacked which leads to someone replying that he is wrong and a war-monger

Someone else confirms Putin is controlled by the Jew but that Russians as a whole are wary of Jews

Hey, maybe the Ukrainians didn't actually elect Zelensky and the Jews rigged the election like they did for Biden (but for some reason didn't rig it for Kamala in 2024)

This political expert comes in mad that people think Putin is controlled by Jews. He says that in fact the neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine are Marxist and not actually Nazis and that Putin is the true Nazi (in a good way)

Another guy doesn't buy it and thinks this is just a ploy to make people think Putin isn't controlled by the Jews when he is in fact is

Someone spams pictures of Putin with Jews to prove he is part of the ZOG

A new person comes in and says maybe Putin is just doing some 4D chess by being with all these Jews

Someone else has had it with the Putin slander and thinks the Jews are inside of the thread. Clearly Putin is mega-based. Why? He built churches.

There's personal drama going on here, too, as this guy has had it with this other member longposting at him:

This same guy is also the #1 Putin defender in the thread and says Putin prevented the release of COVID 2.0 by invading Ukraine

This shit goes on for like six more pages after this, but I'm tired of screenshotting and reading this stuff, so I'll just end with this:



There is a YouTube channel I watch that goes through hours of body cam footage and edits it down to something that fits within my ~15 min attention span. I know most dramacels have even shorter attention spans so I edited it down further into a 3 minute video

Here is the full video I stole the clips from:

Some amusing comments: (can't link comments on YouTube, I tried)

Some news about the trial:

Alexia Gah Gi Gay Mary Cutbank, 19, of Duluth, and Seneca Warrior Steeprock, 39, of Savage, are accused of ambushing and shooting Cameron Maurice Jones at least eight times in an apartment near Lake Avenue and West Fourth Street.

The Minnesota Court of Appeals this week reversed the case of Seneca Warrior Steeprock, 43, who has been serving a statutory maximum 20-year sentence following his conviction by a Duluth jury in February 2023.

The attempt on Jones' life was believed to be connected to another Bemidji-area homicide, committed by Cutbank's brother in November 2020. The victim in that case was Charles "Chucky" Kingbird.

But according to court documents, Jones and Montana Cutbank had a "contentious history," and Jones' family believed he, not Kingbird, was the intended victim of that shooting.

I found another unrwlated homicide case involving Alexia Ga Gi Gay Mary Cutbank:

Funny interview with her codefendant


In August 2019, a year prior to the shooting in the video, Alexia Ga Gi Gay Mary Cutbank and her friend Mia Faye Sumner killed a man named "Fatback" on the Red Lake Indian Reservation. Mia Sumner then stole Fatback's car, drove to Duluth, and was suspiciously lurking around the scene of a third, unrelated drive by shooting.

United States of America, Plaintiff, v. Alexia Gah Gi Gay Mary Cutbank (1), Mia Faye Sumner (2), Defendants.

Duluth Police Sergeant Joseph DeJesus testified that on August 20, 2019, at approximately 2:30 am, he and other police officers were investigating a drive-by shooting at the intersection of 24th Avenue West and West 3rd Street in Duluth, Minnesota. While clearing the scene, he noticed Sumner at a nearby bus shelter.

Sergeant DeJesus asked Sumner if she was high, and asked her which drug she had used. He then stated, "[o]k. Hey, relax. It's not illegal to be under the influence of meth. You know that, right? It's illegal to possess it, not to be under the influence of it."

Sergeant DeJesus: So where are you going to go in Duluth, right now?

Defendant Sumner: Home.

Sergeant DeJesus: But home [is] in Red Lake?

Defendant Sumner: Yeah.

Sergeant DeJesus: So how did you get down here to Duluth?

Defendant Sumner: I stole a car.

Sergeant DeJesus: Where's the car at? Whose car did you steal?

Defendant Sumner: It was my car.

Sergeant DeJesus: You stole your car?

Defendant Sumner: Yeah.

Sergeant DeJesus: But how do you steal your own car?

Defendant Sumner: It wasn't mine. . . it was cause I killed him.

Sergeant DeJesus: It was what?

Defendant Sumner: I killed Fatback.

Sergeant DeJesus: You killed Fatback?

Defendant Sumner: Yeah.**

Sergeant DeJesus: And you stole his car?

Defendant Sumner: Yeah.

Sergeant DeJesus: Who's Fatback?

Defendant Sumner: I don't know

Sergeant DeJesus: How did you kill Fatback?

Defendant Sumner: With a gun.

Sergeant DeJesus: Where's the gun?

Defendant Sumner: I don't know, in Red Lake somewhere.

Sergeant DeJesus testified that he did not believe Sumner when she stated that she had stolen a car, or when she said she killed Fatback. During the pat down, he can be heard in the bodycam footage saying "she's telling me that she killed a guy in Red Lake, stole his car, and drove to Duluth, which, I find unlikely, but she's tweaking pretty [] hard here."

Sergeant DeJesus testified that it was not until the following day, August 21, 2019, at approximately 5:00 a.m., that he learned from another patrol sergeant that a homicide had occurred and was being investigated in Red Lake.

@JoeBiden !soren carp @ghostlighter @grizzly @elfbinn @getogeto @AraAra @MarseyIsMyWaifu !schizomaxxxers discuss this effort post

Foids Posting L's :marseyl:


Self-defense isn't inherently libertarian, conservative, or any other label

Believing in self-defense doesn't make me a libertarian any more than believing in free speech makes me a constitutional scholar

I'm not a libertarian nor a man, but sure, go off. If hearing a perspective you don't like makes you assume I fit into some stereotype, that's on you, not me.

Ah yes, because sharing information and options is now 'gaslamping.'

I never said a gun is the only option just that it's one worth considering alongside other self-defense cowtools. If it's not for you, that's totally fine. But providing information for those who are interested isn't the same as telling everyone they must buy one. Either way, take care.

Owning a gun doesn't make me Rambo… it just means I'd rather have a fighting chance if things go south.

By that logic, should we also stop buying phones because Big Tech censors people?

I shared my perspective (one that seems to resonate with a lot of women) on self-defense because I believe people should have options, not because I'm pushing an agenda or fearmongering

Fear isn't what drives people to own guns reality is. The idea that self-defense is just a marketing scheme ignores the fact that millions of people, including marginalized groups, choose to arm themselves because they don't want to rely on the government, law enforcement, or anyone else for protection. Owning a gun doesn't mean supporting gun manufacturers any more than owning a phone means supporting Big Tech censorship. It's about having the cowtools to protect yourself in a world that isn't always safe.

:#marseywomanmoment2: :marseyclueless#:

Rule 1: Treat all guns as if they are loaded

You forgot Rule 5, "I don't care what you think, your gun is loaded unless you confirm it isn't," and Rule 6, "I know you just confirmed your gun isn't loaded, but you blinked and Reginald the Ammo Goblin may have done something when you weren't looking, so keep treating your gun as if it's loaded."


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