:marseysow: :marseyreapcrying: :marseyitsallsowonderful:

Will redditors bite?

dude abyssy lmao ๐Ÿ’š


Kill all Journoids :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseyfedpostyes:


Just a daily reminder that social media isn't real, and even the most picture perfect couples aren't thriving like you may thinkโ€ฆ

I kinda want to get this off my chest, but I have a beautiful mutual friend, she's absolutely stunning, and has the most perfect blissful smile I ever seen. Not only is she just beautiful, but so is her personality, but just a sweet utterly lit lantern in a night sky type of soul.

Mutual friend has a boyfriend, and boyfriend (ick, in my opinion) has โ€œTik Tok Cloutโ€. Boyfriend letโ€˜s call him Jason, tends to have a decent following on Tik Tok, about over 200,000. Cause of it, Jason gets a lot of validation from girls online, young or old, it's in between. That validation is never enough for him, because he still obsesses over himself, and thinks he's a movie star, when in reality (tbh, I don't understand the appeal) is anything far from charming.

Now Jason likes to hold up an image, his Instagram has not only photos admiring himself, but obviously some with his stunning girlfriend. These are the most happy, lovey dovey couple photos you'd ever lay your eyes on. You got the vacation pics, you got the cheesy adoration cuddling partner videos, big smiles, literally you'd think they're the โ€œperfectโ€ couple, romance isn't dead life breathers. Comments of her saying โ€œI love youโ€ in the post replies.

The reality? โ€ฆ.

Jason is your typical jerk, and cheats on her repeatedly, and even his girl best friend he grew up with (prior her)โ€ฆ He cheated on, was abusive and downright cruel. And he's far too old for his stunning girlfriend, who he met at 17, she's about 20 now, he's ~25.

You'd never know this, though, unless you knew Jason, cause men talk closely to one another and reveal their cruel intentions amongst each other.

What you see on social media, is almost never real, despite what people try to convince you. Sometimes we compare ourselves, but donโ€˜t ever do so, it's an illusion.


Person without balls explain male biology

And again

And again

And again

Manspreading is still real to me dammit!

It's Russian propaganda

It's American university propaganda

Marsey and Marcus are not on speaking terms right now

:marseycrayoneater#: I did some coloring

frog curse



My sister would be slurry on first night

divers... we won :marseytwerking: :marseywereback: :marseysuperearthflag:

Asking the right questions doesn't always workโ€ฆ

Hello all- I was excited when I landed j3 because I was at my goal total salary.

I asked all the right questions in my interview, an doing this has worked so for every single job I have gotten so far. Until this one.

This job though, has lied about everything. I asked the policy around meetings and they said most meetings are optional or can be moved. โ€œWe are super flexibleโ€ lie.

We don't required you to be on video (lie).

We don't have a lot of meetings per day (lie, see photo)

It's a salary job and you are treated as such (hours are flexible and not tracked-lie)

I'm riding it out/doing bare minimum until I secure another J3 (this one is meaningless to me) but wanted to share why it is so horrible.

9:30 โ€œhuddleโ€ every morning where the manager adds meetings for the day.

So I can't plan ahead with anything because every morning she changes our schedule up for meetings. I've mentioned that this is not conducive to how I work and she said something like โ€œwell this is what's expected, and the meetings are a priorityโ€.

Most of the time in these meetings, we are just sitting there and she's asking the same fricking questions and talking about the same topics. We just talked about in the bullshit huddle we had at 9:30 in the morning.

To make matters worse, I have to be online precisely at 8 and until 5pm or else she sends me a TEXT on my PERSONAL PHONE asking me where I am.

I can't wait to drop this j.

Exploring the femcel app to find easy chicks for fun

I saw some shill under cover post about some femcel app called duolicious and that it'd be funny to go on there and see what these famed bpd femcel top tier hoes look like

Underneath it said she was chubby :marseycow:


>oldstrag stemstrag close affection of a lover

This app is full of buzzwords. Imagine putting this shit on your LinkedIn

Gay hair but :marseywould:

:marseywould: :would: :marseywould: unironically only good looking girl I've seen

I thought vatniks were beautiful

I tried sending her a pm saying marsey lol but that was taken. What was the response?

And to the pickme here you :marseypass2:

:seethejak: You have to voooooote!!!! It's the most important election in history! There will be a Civil War if Bad Man wins!

66.6k followers... What did Satan mean by this?



hi. posting this because a lot of people are questioning me for posting the loli god requiem video after i, admittedly, did attack a creator for liking that kind of stuff 2 years ago.

when i first started vtubing, i did not understand the culture in the slightest. i was mostly a cringe stan twitter user. so, coming into vtubing and anime culture, someone who had zero clue as to what anything was, i didn't understand anything and when i saw loli stuff i immediately assumed it was p-do shit.

(keep this part in mind as you're reading the rest. when i first started streaming, i had a bigger content creator convince me that drama = content so i should โ€œfarm that shitโ€)

so, me, still slowly coming out my woke stan twitter phase and entering the vtubing phase, i saw what a bunch of people were posting about a streamer on twitter and i immediately jumped the hate bandwagon because i wanted to take my friend's advice .. which lead me to call out the girl LIVE on MY stream where her name had NO business being there.

looking back at it, i wasn't even trying to criticize. i was just straight up bullying her and trying to de-platform her when i didn't even know who she truly is as a person. we have so many mutual friends in common and any time her name was brought up in idle chit chat, i started feeling really bad. because everyone had said nothing but nice things about her. and it became more clear and clear to me that she didn't deserve that.

as for apologizing to her, ive reached to a mutual friend of ours back in february (because her dms are closed) in attempt to send my apology to her. said friend told me that she wasn't answering dms because it was clear she was going through something at the time.

after i started gaining experience in streaming over the year, ive learned so many things. you'd actually have to be mentally inept to do what i did over a year ago. it's just rude, unnecessary, and disrespectful. i know that now.

and if somehow this message gets to you, i am very sorry for what i did. i didn't know you and yet i attacked you without even educating myself with who you truly are. my behavior was unacceptable. i will continue to learn how to be a better person. side note, i hope u feel better with what ur dealing with atm. it sounds rough, so pls take all the time u need to heal. u have so many people who love and appreciate u that will be waiting for u with open arms.

and sorry to those who i upset with my previous post. as i've delved deeper into the world of vtubing, i've gained a better understanding of anime culture. i've come to understand that characters with youthful appearances are common across media forms. i've come to appreciate their innocence without any negative implications. ive pretty much adopted an entirely new outlook on this subject.

in conclusion, not the same person who i was two years ago. i hate her too. i hope u can give present me a chance. if not, that's okay too. have nice day.

IDK who this person is, I just know now that the V tuber community strongly stands with Drake!

The end is near so prepare your bussy accordingly.

SOURCE? I need a source. Eye witness source now:

Lol wut:

Line up with my balls too tho so....

God these people love to longpost:


Profiles in courage

Just wanted to show how much my doggie has grown :marseyembrace: she is 6 months old :)

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