

from the comments it appears that the movie doesn't end with them living happily ever after, but the seethe is still there. :#marseyseethe:

btw Martin Freeman is 52yo and Jenna Ortega is 21yo 🤢

they don't actually have s*x, you know.







A woman said she felt "betrayed by feminism" after deciding she wanted to settle down, have a family and a husband as she approached 39th birthday.

At one point during the interview with Fox News Digital, she broke down crying describing how she feared she would end up alone and childless.

Melissa Persling recently wrote an essay for Business Insider titled, "I'm 38 and single, and I recently realised I want a child. I'm terrified I've missed my opportunity." She said after it went viral in November, hate began to pour in from men telling her that she's lived a selfish life. Persling has a much different account of her story.

When Persling was 22, she married a traditional man and moved to a rural community in Idaho, where she grew up.

"He wanted a simple life with children and home-cooked meals," she said. However, Persling -- despite coming from a religious Christian background -- made it clear to her husband-to-be that she did not want children.

"At that time I felt very strongly I did not want children, that I wasn't going to be like the traditional housewife. I knew I did want to pursue a career," she told Fox News Digital in an interview. "And I felt very strongly that that would never change. And I guess I was wrong."

Persling said both her and her ex thought that love could conquer everything, but after 10 years, it was clear their differences in life goals were irreconcilable. Persling said she became resentful when he would ask for dinner or for his laundry to be done.

"I did little to hide my disdain for our small-town life. He was a good and hardworking man, but I don't think I made him feel that way," she said.

At 30, Persling and her ex divorced; she swore off the idea of marriage.

"I told my friends and family I'd never get married again. I needed independence, a fulfilling career, and space to chart my own course, and I didn't think marriage fit into that vision. I was content to look toward a future without a husband, children, or the trappings of a 'traditional' life,'" she wrote.

As she grew older, however, the fun, carefree lifestyle -- being wined and dined, going to parties -- began to get old. The pursuit of comfort and self became dull, she said.

When she turned 38, terror began to take over.

"I was panic-stricken. I really thought I'm going to be alone forever. It really scared me. I almost wrote [the article] as sort of a warning to other women. I don't want people to miss out on the important things in life because they're just enjoying themselves because I don't think that that's ever going to really make you happy," she said.

She wrote in the article how she felt "urgency" to find a stable relationship and was rethinking about wanting marriage and children.

"I hardly recognised myself," she wrote in the article. "I also began to feel selfish for spending so much time focusing solely on myself ... My very existence started to feel shallow and hollow."

In retrospect, Persling believed she had some self-discovery and work for herself to do, and it took time to sort through previous trauma. Her parents' divorce, which she described as coming from "a broken home," took time to heal and sort through to find out what she really wanted.

"I grew up in a fairly traditional family, but my parents were divorced. And I would say that probably had some effect on my feelings about having a family coming from a broken home certainly has its hardships," she told Fox News Digital.

At one point, she recalled a man coming over to her in a coffee store who randomly told her not to lose hope -- that God had a plan for her.

And then a happy turn to Persling's story arrived, which she describes as the exception and not the rule for women in her age group. Shortly after penning the article, she dated a man who she previously befriended. They're already talking about marriage and a future.

She dished on the details: "So it's a guy that I've been friends with, and we've always just sort of stayed in touch. And we did go on one date about a year ago, and I told him, 'I just want to be friends with you.'"

After her epiphany that she wanted a traditional life -- the realisation that he was "the one" hit her like "a ton of bricks."

"This guy is the one that God's been preparing for me," she said.

"I've had these relationships since where there were so many butterflies and so many like, 'Oh my gosh, checking my phone. Did he text?' And I realised, that's not love. That's anxiety. I never knew where I stood with those people. I could never envision a future with those people."

Persling said she is looking forward to a modest, meaningful and happy future.

“Moving into my future, I'm not going to be travelling. I'm not going to have a lot of extra money. I'm not going to be going out for fancy dinners and I'm OK with that,” she said. “I'm ready for that. I think that's what's really going to make me happy. Like I'm so done just making myself happy.”

“You think you're happy when you're doing all these things [when you're single] to make yourself happy. I don't think you really are. It's the relationships that make you happy. It's building something with another person. It's creating a life with another person, having goals and plans with another person. It's making other people happy. Making people you love happy. That's happiness. I really don't think I will know true happiness until I'm in that place.”

While Persling doesn't consider herself a feminist, she attributed feminism – in part – as the reason she had thought negatively about marriage.

"I feel unbelievably betrayed by feminism, and I don't want to put it on the movement [entirely] because I believe you make your own choices ... But I was constantly fed this idea that women can do everything. We don't really need men ... I kind of want to go back to some of those teachers and coaches and say, 'What did you mean by that? Because we can't do it all.'"

"I feel like I'm in such a different place now. And I'm so ready for that now. I understand what the sacrifice of marriage is and what the beauty of marriage is now, and I don't think I appreciated what family means for a long time. I don't think I truly understood," she said during the interview. "I don't care if I ever put on heels and go to a fancy dinner again. That stuff does not matter. I promise you young women it will never make you happy."



The thing is, realistically, most women want variations of the same thing. We want a guy with a job, whose nice, and decent looking (some wiggle room here as we all find different things attractive) and who we also have feelings for and things in common with. Someone we enjoy spending time around. Kind of like a friend we also want to have s*x with. It's my opinion it shouldn't be that hard to find this. It's not asking for too much. If you're a semi functioning adult you will check most of these boxes.


Yet, most men don't want serious relationships that is why the dating scene is fricked up.

Finally reveals her lived truth and that's that men dont want to commit(to her). Which is odd...until you look into her post history and you discover that she trully cannot a car properly

Can't take advice on how to drive

Posts a bunch in /r/datingover30

Of course she's a teacher who unaabashedly lies to her students(about being single)

This is what she brings to the table, and wonders why the average man wont commit.



What sign do you think I am? :marseylaying:





Still trying to process the wild conversation I just had with my boyfriend, we have been dating for a month now after I got out from a horrible relationship. This relationship has been far superior for my mental health and he treats me far better in many ways. but today while fooling around while watching a documentary we were talking about how someone married this guy for money and planned to have him killed by an assassin. My boyfriend talked about how this lady never found her husband attractive and it was all a ploy to get money and then he suddenly goes, '' I would never do this to you, I love being with you , even though you are like a 6/10, but I love you, so it doesn't matter''

I was shocked, to me if I am with someone they are endlessly beautiful and attractive to me. I don't rate every inch of them like its a science project, I love them for everything they are, yet for him I am some object that is barely beautiful but I am pleasant to be around for other reasons. I realized this relationship is completely hollow and he will just move on when he tires of me.



Jewish lives matter much more than any other lives

Reported by:

Folks do not approve of this.


In any event, it is obvious that plaintiff and the deceased had not been concerned with the legality of their actions and that plaintiff was merely shedding one husand and annexing another with only token propriety. Her views were well illustrated in one of her answers to the judge; "Well, I am afraid, your Honor, you get my husbands mixed up. I've got so many of them."







It's women reacting to a Vox article ft Roe v. Wade. I don't need context quotes.

:marseyfrozenchosen: drunk :marseywinemom: woman :marseypennycoomer: moment :marseycringe2: :marseywinemom:
TwoX nootices? :marseynoooticer:


Idgaf if the male feminists are white, brown or green with purple dots, this barbaric shit needs to be taken seriously, and the public needs to see the justice system do its job instead of making excuses.

Gang r*pes at this scale have been almost unheard of in central Europe since the Red Army fricked off.

Women make up half of the population and deserve to feel safe.

I follow German news pretty closely and one news segment (maybe it was DW or ZDF) about it said that gang r*pe happens twice a day in Germany. Wtf. I was really shocked about that number. Another known case was a gang r*pe in a park in Berlin. A woman and her partner went for a walk in a park when they got attacked by several young men. They beat the man and r*ped his girlfriend. I hope they won't go free.

In that news report they also said that ca 50% are perpetrated by migrant/refugee men that come from very misogynistic cultures.

"In that news report they also said that ca 50% are perpetrated by migrant/refugee men that come from very misogynistic cultures."

look up cologne germany.

the mayor ordered a media blockout to protect them

did i somehow stumble into some chud subreddit? no it's still twoX :#marseyshook:

"white, brown or green with purple dots,"

? This sounds kinda racist? Every racist experience I've had starts off with "I don't care If you're red, white, blue" etc...

No offense, but maybe change your language?


Bit of a dog whistle, that.

"I don't see color" is another thing that centrists say when they want to cosplay as progressive people, when in reality they just don't acknowledge that they could have benefited from privilege. Indeed they're more than happy to racialize a situation to their own benefit or to play victim.

>did you just commit a heckin microaggresion against some male feminists

:#marseysnoo: :#marseydeterminedgun:

Just more evidence that women aren't perceived as human beings.

Not just women, children. Men will condemn us all to the worst if it means they get short-term gratification.

The male feminists in this case were children as well. That's pretty much why the sentences were so light, because Germany doesn't believe in adult punishments for kids and it believes in rehabilitation.

This will need to change, otherwise we will get right wing extremists ruling Europe.

:#marseywingcuck: :#marseymini:

Muslims, what do you expect?

this was at +8 before it was removed


Give it another 50 years or so, and the average citizen there won't be upset by the verdict. High birthrates change demographics. Refusal to adapt to a nation's moral and cultural standards should be a ban to immigration. Making Europe the Middle East V2 is not going to end well.




Well this was not a convo I was expecting to have with my boyfriend. We have been dating for 2 years now. I'm not going to lie and say I'm skinny with a flat stomach because I'm not. I have a little belly fat, I have thicker thighs. But my weight has not increased since I started dating him. My boyfriend is on the skinnier side, and honestly this never bothered me and I never thought it was necessary bringing it up because I love him. My boyfriend has told me from the beginning that he loves thicker girls and he thought my body was perfect so I didn't really understand when all of a sudden, he brings this up, when I have weighed the exact same since we started dating.

He basically told me that I need to lose weight and his exact words were “not saying you are fat but you need to lose weight, you are getting out of shape, not sure if you have noticed.” I was just so shocked to hear this. First of all, we haven't been talking much lately because of his hectic work schedule and he told me today that he has a lighter load and this is what he decides to talk to me about?

I told him my weight hasn't changed since we met and he says “honestly, you have belly roles which you didn't have before.” I've always had belly roles, I had belly roles when we first started dating, he kept insisting that I didn't. He's trying to gaslamp me about my own body now? What the actual frick.

He said he wants me to do it for my own sake and for me to take care of my health because if I don't now, I'm gonna be lazy and get fatter.

I asked if he's still attracted to me and he claims he is, and that it's not like he was calling me fat, but just letting me know I have more belly roles. Wow. I know what I have to do, I just can't believe this is coming from someone who I have dated for 2 years, someone that I love and cherish. I look exactly the same.. he then kept trying to say “if not for me then do it for you, it's your body”. I recently had lab work done, my cholesterol was phenomenal, I have no risk of diabetes, literally every lab result came back normal. My boyfriend on the other hand wants to talk about health so much, he has literally ended up in the ER every few months for things that were PREVENTABLE, if only he took care of his health. I find it so ironic

I do want to lose weight, I workout consistently, so that's not the issue, I just need to work on the diet. I have periods of motivation where I wanna lose weight, I workout every day and eat healthy and then I tend to lose that motivation, but he's just making it seem like I'm this super obese person who weighs >500 pounds, when I'm just a little overweight.. :marseyxdoubt:

50 years ago, my serious boyfriend said, “You have the most unattractive (body comment) of any woman I know”. That was something to remember for the rest of my life. I could not imagine being beside that jerk for the rest of my life as well.

what a gigachad :#marseyboomer: :#gigachad2:

Wow. Really some people don't know the impacts words can have.


In my experience if a guy starts “picking” at you about your weight, appearance ect and you havent actually changed it's usually because they are feeling guilty about something … they are finding reasons to justify something they did wrong

now this is some high quality cope :#marseycope:


Shortened version of the post...

Well 2 weeks ago it was just me (27 but I look a LOT younger) and my female colleague (20). I'd actually finished my shift but we were chatting and having a laugh.

These 3 men come in, all swagger and pomposity, and I get a bad feeling and think “no way I'm leaving her on her own with them” so I make myself a drink and perch at the end of the bar.

They hang around the bar instead of sitting down, I wasn't really listening to them at first but one of them is getting more and more belligerent, says about how “he fricking hates women” how he, and any man could “beat and kill any woman”...I try to keep it lighthearted and diffuse “sure man, but I could beat you, and most men, in any pub quiz” but he's escalating ... starts saying that we should go back to the 1800's when women has no rights, he said “women are subhuman” and “women are inferior to men” that “men built everything”...well, I was literally shaking with rage at this point. Even his mates were trying to shut him up (though, birds of a feather - frick those two pricks too)

I've never experienced such blatant woman hating inceldom - it was raw hatred and misogyny - the kind you know they think, and bleat about on their scrotish forums...not the kind of thing that is said like that in public...well on he goes, belittling, slandering and disrespecting women AT two barmaids (who he'd clearly chosen as targets due to us being younger, smaller females)

He had ordered himself a particularly foul smelling stout (indicative of his particularly pungent personality) It was sat in front of him (basically ASKING me to use it) so I did.

I picked it up, his almost full pint of stout and threw it all over him, his shirt and his pants. I said “you came out of a woman, you miserable bastard, get the frick out of this bar right now”

I know this sounds like an “everybody clapped” wasn't really, my heart was absolutely hammering in my chest. He said “you'll lose your job for that, you little b-word” and I said “yes, but I can get a new bar job, there's nothing you can do about your repellant personality - enjoy celibacy, peepeehead”

Then there was a scuffle in which Incel McStoutShirt made himself look an even larger cockend, the bosses were called and I was told I wouldn't lose my job by my female boss.

Went into work the next day and worked my whole 5 hour shift before my male boss told me I'd lost the job. I just sadly told him that no woman should have to be called subhuman by a man.

Don't remember anything else, I was pretty upset.

Maybe a story of a woman losing her job isn't “women's liberation” BUT I'm still proud of what I did, I did it for me, my colleague and the female regular in there. I did it for my mum and HIS mum and every single woman on earth, each of us worth a thousand of that miserable misogynistic streak of shit.

I felt (lol at the buzzword) empowered. My bank account not so much lmao, but I stood up for us all and I'd do it again, any time.

Reported by:
God told me to be a fricking slut

Also wtf is fricking she wearing. I count more than one bra and a fricking tank top rolled over them



I was slut shamed in court and got my children taken away from me

I have no idea where to turn. I am heartbroken.

I will be more honest than maybe I should be. This is in Texas.

I have two children and have been their primary custodial parent since birth. I have been with my current husband for seven years total. He is only the second man I've ever been with.

One day, I asked if he would ever be interested in exploring more. We had transparent conversations, we were open, he wasn't against it but wanted to do it with someone that we trusted.

Over two years we did this six times. Always safely, lways consensually. For posterity pictures and videos were taken.

Fast forward 6 months, we bought one of my children—10 years old—an iPad. She wanted the ability to use a messaging app and so I sync'd my iCloud account to her iPad.

The dad gets them every weekend and so sometimes they take their devices over there. You can see where this is going. What I learned later was that Dad had been trying to get the password to the iPad for years and eventually he figured it out and went through everything.

He found the hidden folder. He found the videos and the pictures.

He filed for emergency full custody.

The court documents state: “I exposed my children to hours of pornogrsphic material, that the material shows that I am doing these things against my will, forced by my husband, and by doing this in the custody of the children, have shown that I am unfit to be a mother.”

We got an attorney, we went to court. The judge (another woman) basically eviscerated me.

She said things like:

“I don't know any self-respecting woman who would do these kinds of things.”

“Has anyone checked the internet to see if these are on her OnlyFans?” (no mention of this was made, she just.. said it)

“I believe in the 1800s they called women like you jezebels.”

At one point my attorney said that I had sat my children down to explain what they saw. She said “oh, well what did she tell them?”

I said: “Their step dad knew about it, that it was safe, consensual and I'm sorry they had to see it.”

The judge said: “The fact you think any of this is okay makes this even more concerning to me.”

The dad said I was doing these things while I had custody of the children, and yet my attorney and I put together actual evidence that none of these videos were ever taken while the children were in my custody. The judge said “this isn't a trial so I'm not looking at evidence.”

At one point the judge said to me: “If you tell me your husband forced you to do these things, you can leave here with your children, and we will get you the help that you need.”

I told her that everything that happened I wanted to happen and it was done safely. She said she didn't believe me and told me the children were being given to dad.

My attorney basically had to walk me out of the court room, and I barely remember what happened afterward.

My attorney said in 14 years he had never seen someone judged based on their character and not their case so blatantly. He said “you were slut shamed by a puritan.”

This is why I'm posting here. I just don't know if I'm a good mother any more; if I'm ever going to see my children again. If I'm in the wrong maybe that's what I need to hear so I can get better.

Two days later the dad called me, I wish I had been recording, he told me: “I told you I was going to take them from you, didn't I? You never believed me.”

she said yes fellas! later losers



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