
This ad in honor of World Down Syndrome Day : Darnthatsinteresting

A lot of the comment threads are basically one person incredibly milquetoastly defending the idea that learning disabilities are an actual, real thing that exist, and then another person replying "Actually, if you look at the 99.9th percentile most intelligent people with Down's syndome and extrapolate to the whole population, you'll see that they're actually able to succesfully live on their own entirely off of social welfare with ownly twice daily visits from their carers! This also means you should allowed to have s*x with them, HITLER"

"Assume I can have s*x so I will" seems like a dangerous message to generalize

What danger do you perceive there, within or without the context of this ad?

[Words words words about how you can't frick people with a mental age of 8]

This argument kind of loses traction when most people who would make it, would also turn their nose up at anyone who has s*x with a girl whose boobs and/or butt are too small, or who's too skinny.

You can't say the mental age is what matters, and then turn around and say "No no, physical appearance is what matters!".

Idk what the frick this last dude's talking about, I think he's had one too many arguments defending 8000 year old dragons and his gut insticts kicked in lol :marseylaugh:

I hate this ad so much 😭 Just because a small part of the Down Syndrome Community can do these things does not mean you can assume that everyone can. [Words words words]

You missed the point big time....which is to not assume at all and instead treat humans as individuals regardless of the assumptions that can be made based their disability. But great speech!

Bayes' theorem DEBUNKED by GENIUS Redditor. If you think about it, not giving driver's licenses to children is also judging people based on assumptions, so why not reduce the legal driving age to 0? Sure, a few twelve year olds might get wrapped trees, but that's a small price to pay to reduce the stigma we're currently putting on children. Because that's what matters: the stigma. The biggest problem people with Down's syndrome have isn't that they can't function independently in any capacity, it's the stigma they get from not being able to function independently.

I don't understand this ad because not everyone with down syndrome has the same cognitive or physical abilities. If someone is being discriminatory based on someone having down sydnrome, then obviously that's bad, but being respectfully cautious with your judgements about how much someone with down syndrome might be able to drink, or how hard they might be able to hit, don't seem like the horrible travesties that this ad make them out to be.

The message of the ad is to let the person fail. Don't prevent people with Down Syndrome from doing things because you don't think they'll succeed.

I mean, these are very dangerous things. The assumption that someone can drive, or drink, or live on their own, or have s*x, when the average person with their disorder has the mental capacity of a child in first grade is immensely dangerous.

Imagine letting a 10 year old live on their own. How long do you think it'll be before the house burns down? Extend that to 14 and it's still the same answer. These assumptions are not without consequences

You teach people to drive, you give them s*x education, etc. Nobody's saying just throw a person with Downs into the deep end. The point is presuming they can't learn or understand is the problem.

Lmao imagine giving a 16 yr old the keys to your car and saying "good luck!" That's what you're pretending this video is saying.

Yeah, obviously the main reason not many people with Down's syndrome know how to drive is there's just no one to teach them lmao

So are we normalizing having s*x with people with Down syndrome now? Wild.

Yes because depending on their disability, they can consent. Not that wild.


All of this r-slur-molesting nonsense is underpinned by a sort of implicit Cartesian dualism and the belief that there's some ephemereal perfectly rational "self" that exists inside of everyone. This means that with the correct intervention--in this case, letting them do whatever they want all the time--people with severe learning disabilities could become just as smart and rational as Redditors. This is contradictory to all modern science, undermines the logic of offering any sort of accommodation to disabled people, and is only morally necessary in the first place if you make an a priori assumption that intelligence is necessary for a person to have individual worth, but is otherwise socially convenient, so it's mindlessly accepted even if the argument also explicitly promotes molesting people with learning disabilites :tayclap:

More like Pussolini

Jay Glatfelter spends about $4,800 a year on toys – $2,400 for himself and $2,400 combined on his six- and 10-year-old sons' birthday and Christmas presents.

The 39-year-old tech sales rep, who moonlights as a toy influencer under the moniker Geek.Dad.Life, is among a booming group of grown-ups who are shelling out big bucks to collect action figures, trading cards and Lego sets that harken back to their youth in the 1980s and 1990s.

Their love of all things Star Wars, Marvel, Ghostbusters and Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles is a bright patch in an otherwise bleak outlook for the toy industry.

For the first time ever, toy demand from preschoolers was surpassed by demand from toy enthusiasts over the age of 18, with the latter accounting for $1.5 billion in sales from January to April, according to data from Circana.

“The reality is that most kids today are not connecting with physical toys the way previous generations did,” toy influencer Dan Larson told The Post, explaining that he's “a big fan of G.I. Joe.”

Circana, which tracks consumer trends, described 18 and over “as the most important age group for the toy industry,” pointing to a recent survey showing that 43% of adults purchased a toy for themselves during the past year.

The toy industry has been struggling to recover from a bust that followed a wild boom during the pandemic, when families were holed up at home stocking up on Barbies, Hot Wheels and board games.

US toy sales tumbled 8% to $28 billion last year after rising 1% from a year earlier, according to Circana data.

That's after historic surges in 2020 and 2021, when industrywide revenue surged 17% and 16%, respectively.

This year's numbers still look weak: Toy sales dropped 1% through April compared to a year ago while the number of units sold dipped by 2%, according to Circana.

It's no wonder that toy makers including Mattel, Hasbro and Lego are wooing drinking-age consumers.

“Lego has someone on staff whose job is outreach to ‘AFOLs' [or adult fans of Lego], who are buying $200 sets,” explained James Zahn, editor of Toy Insider.

Ineeed, Lego sells sets for adults that are far pricier, including a Titanic set that sells for $679.99 and a Star Wars Millennium Falcon priced at $849.99.

In another key trend, grown-ups are buying collectible plush toys reminiscent of the Beanie Babies and Cabbage Patch Dolls that sparked frenzies in the 1980s and 1990s.

Eight-inch Squishmallows, collectibles that look like Humpty Dumpty with various faces including cats, pandas, clowns and bananas, were the top-selling toy in the first quarter, thanks in large part to adult collectors, according to Zahn.

But the majority of grown-up toy buyers are so-called “kidults” like Larson and Glatfelter – who tend to be men who are into action figures, trading cards and model sets, say experts.

“The fandom skews more male and more millennial and Gen X,” said Glatfelter, who sees the trend as an evolution from previous generations who collected knickknacks.

“It's the modern day version of when our grandparents collected Hummel figures,” he explained.

Some collectors are sensitive about being described as “kidults.” The issue inspired Larson to devote an entire segment on his YouTube channel SecretGalaxy to discuss whether “Action Figure Collecting is an Embarassing Hobby.”

The answer, he concluded, is yes and no.

A “societal perception” that all toys are made for children feeds into the embarrassment, he said. On the other hand, collecting toys has “become more acceptable because companies are making lot of things for adults,” according to Larson.

“If tiny plastic people brighten your world a little,” Larson said in the segment, “then don't let anyone take that away from you.”

It can be a pricey hobby, with the average collector spending between $300 to $400 a month, according to Larson, who keeps some of his collection on display on a wall in the house he shares with his wife. Other items are stored in closets, the basement and in various bins, he said.

Toy industry honchos welcome the kidults to their toy chests, but insist that kids will always rule in the toy aisle.

For one thing, the first quarter is typically the slowest time of year for the industry, suggesting that adults' buying power stood out because there were fewer purchases for kids after families binged on the holidays, Greg Ahearn, president of the Toy Association told the Post.

“The primary consumer is always going to be children,” Ahearn insisted. “But we are finding that the adult market is flexing its muscle and has reached that tipping point.”


Le musical :marseyskellington: lyrics lmao what if we all signaled that we've seen a widely popular movie :marseymidsommardani: xDDDD

isn't this just the best part of leddit LOLOLKILOL

guize DAE think :marseymindblown: that the word "moist" sounds soOoOooo gross? it can't just be me right :marseygasden: XD

IM SO RANDOM :marseycitrusshrug: :roar: RAWRRR ROFLCOPTER

it's a good thing rdrama :marseydramawar: would :marseymid: never :marseyitsover: be so cringe :marseydaswhite: :clueless: I wonder :marseyphilosoraptor: what the r stands for :marseythonk:


:mars#eyhmm: :marse#yhmmm: :marseyth#onk:

Reported by:
  • DickButtKiss : ^^You're scaring all the goth chicks away weirdo
posting goth gf aoc once a day every day until its friday


Father murders the mother in front of a 7 y/o girl and then commits suicide. I'll be pretty easy on this one since the gravity of the situation. What was my immediate thoughts? No ‘thats fricked' doesn't count but was a thought.


these got posted in mati thread. i share them here.


New car yells at asian to open their eyes lol :marseyracist:

Sneedman house dox

I saw a study that claimed almost 55% of Australians dislike the us and only 15% support them. I was wondering if this was true and if so is there any particular reason why?

Asking redditors how they feel about the US? :marseylaying:

I'm not mad at the US, I'm just disappointed


You sound like one of the reasons we don't really like the USA. Don't take this the wrong way, it's not like we really care, but you sound like an idiot to anyone in a first world country.


The entire globe thinks the U.S. is a joke. Because it is. I live in Colorado at the moment and laugh my butt off at the stupidity of this country every day


Guns. And the total chaos that is Trump. We can't seem to understand how millions can believe the crap that he says and not see what a terrible,lying, hypocrite he is. It is like the world is watching on in disbelief at a country that was once so respected, and then to allow one clown to ruin hundreds of years of an envied global reputation.


Trump is absolutely new to American politics. Off the top of my head, he's the first criminal president. He absolutely doesn't represent conservative politics as they were understood even 20 years ago. What are you on about? You don't even understand your own country.

America has NEVER had a populist president before :soysnoo5:

Comment chains are good and you should go and read some

Reported by:
  • Snape : no one cares you r-slurred streetshitter, go back to fricking ur mother instd of pooping up the feed
:marseywholesome: OCI gets mogged :marseywholesome:

I think my dream home would have a couple cats living in it calling it home before me that were originally off the streets. Sound s like some Oliver & Company All Dogs Go to Heaven cartoon plot twist but thats kinda cool neat sounding to me.

Thanos freinds.

**thanks friends!

Sam Hyde arrested? :marseyitsover:
In this thread we share comedy lit. :marseysociety2:

!bookworms share your comedy kinos :marseyexcited:

Jimmy Carter is living the dream

God I wish that were me :marseysleep#:


“That tweet generated emotions, that…the first thing I wanted to do was go back on X—that I had deleted—and just tweet back,” he told Game File. “And I just took a step back. I have a mindfulness app on my phone. And I did a bit of mindfulness to try to explore the emotions that this tweet created. For me, Elon, it's sad, he's just feeding hatred. I had a lot of three-word replies that came to mind.”

These are the people making mainstream media now

I have a mindfulness app on my phone. And I did a bit of mindfulness to try to explore the emotions that this tweet created.

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