What are you giving your dad for father' day?


POV: You just logged in on

!metashit fitnessGODS please let me in again, ShreddedDEITY has kicked me out simply because he disliikes me, and I never spammed the group :marseybegging:


CNN announced the rules and additional details for its June 27 presidential debate, setting the stage for the event less than two weeks away.

Notable details include the absence of a studio audience, muted microphones except when a candidate is given time to speak, and each candidate's presence at a uniform podium. No props or pre-written notes will be allowed on the stage, though candidates will be given a pen, a pad of paper, and a bottle of water.

The moderators, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, β€œwill use all tools at their disposal to enforce timing and ensure a civilized discussion,” according to the network.

The network also mused about who will qualify for the debates, saying it is unlikely for Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the independent presidential candidate, to qualify for the debate, saying β€œThough not impossible in Kennedy's case, it is less likely that candidates other than Biden and Trump will meet those requirements.”

The network says RFK Jr. has three of the four required qualifying polls and has ballot access equivalent to 89 of the 270 electoral votes requirement. He has until June 20 to add another poll showing him at 15% or higher and an additional 181 electoral votes through ballot access in those states.

The most notable requirement is the absence of a studio audience, which is unusual for presidential debates in the general or party primaries. The detail was the Biden camp's idea, with campaign chair Jen O'Malley Dillon saying they wanted to avoid raucous crowds for viewers' benefit.

β€œThe debates should be conducted for the benefit of the American voters, watching on television and at home β€” not as entertainment for an in-person audience with raucous or disruptive partisans and donors, who consume valuable debate time with noisy spectacles of approval or jeering,” Dillon wrote in a May letter.

President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump have already agreed to the 90-minute debate rules, and will be allowed two breaks amid their likely verbal combat. As for the other details, muted mics was a stipulation included in a 2020 debate, and Trump has pushed for the candidates to stand at podiums, in a likely assumption Biden will be more uncomfortable, against the Biden campaign's suggestion to sit.

There will be at least one more presidential debate as ABC is hosting a debate on Sept. 10, not long before early voting begins in the general election. Trump leads by 1.1% in 538's national polling average.

Euro 2024 Live Match Thread - Hungary vs Switzerland



Reported by:
Us senate to expand draft to women
Based Bobby

That boy IS right

She's literally me!!!
Women be crazy yo
What the heck happened to The Boys season 4? : CriticalDrinker

Lose braincells reading conservatives discussing the boys


:marseyxd: :marseypearlclutch:


Make sure to follow the link and give your thoughts

26 Β°C = 78.8 Β°F :marseylaugh: :marseylaughpoundfist: :marseyxd: :marseylaughwith: :marseysmug6: :lol: :laugh:

How the heck do Chinks not :marseychonker2: up en masse

I'd eat that daily if I could :marseylickinglips: !bharatiya for 50 rupees can you imagine what trash we'd get here. :marseycut:

Reported by:
  • The10thMan : Does he have headlights built into his glasses? :marseyconfused2:
The10thman finally gets a woman to pose with him in a photo

The amount he paid is undisclosed but he is reported as saying "spankbank....worth it"

MissMikkaa playing Elden Ring DLC early access!

She's my fave streamer and I can't wait to see this dlc!


Furrybros why do normies hate us so much.

Can't believe those Redditors:

Who were telling such deal didn't existed were Reddit iq


Bad guy doesn't need to lie

West goal is to make Ukraine look better than it is and has a lot of mind working how to keep support from regular citizens going:

But the point was 2022 deal was way better than 2024. Back then they weren't even going to lose on paper Crimea (Crimea was supposed to be just like it was, de jury Ukrainian de facto Russian) and lose tiny part of Donbas that wasn't in control of Ukraine since 2014. But obviously khohols were hyped back then believed they were going to win and that's why now the offer is to fully lose 4 regions and Crimea. And next offer 100% will include also losing Kharkiv since 99% Lugansk is already under Russia so pushing in that direction will enter more in Kharkiv. Khohols today ain't hyped they know things ain't going to get better but they want the line be frozen but freezing a line is a draw scenario and Ukraine is on losing scenario so they will need to give something that isn't under Russian control for peace. It's like they never played civilization game duh

But I still love those people saying Ukrainian need to continue fighting and hopping for miracles.

Ukrainian fighting:

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