why i oughta....





carp's funeral :carpdead:
Dudes rock :marseydemocraticparty:


Piglets left to starve as part of a controversial "art" exhibition in Denmark have been stolen :marseyclapping: :marseypiglove::marseypiglove::marseypiglove::marseypiglove::marseypiglove::marseypiglove::marseypiglove::marseypiglove::marseypiglove:


Chilean-born Marco Evaristti said he had been aiming to raise awareness of the suffering caused by mass meat production with his art installation that opened last week in Copenhagen. The piglets were being denied food and water and would have been allowed to starve to death.


Another of this "artist's" exhibits put goldfish in individual blenders and encouraged people to blend them, which they did. If the point is to draw attention to animal cruelty, there are ways to do so that don't involve literally torturing animals.

The police had to come out and make them unplug the blenders after complaints. It would have been really easy to use non-functional blenders, instead of functional, plugged in blenders.

So a mean artist said he was going to starve some pigs but then his own friend and some activists free the pigs. You wouldn't know the activists, they go to a different school.

And now the mean old artist reconsidered and is glad the pigs get to have a good life.

And the art is called "So now you care" which only makes sense if people do steal the pigs. Because the whole thing was obviously always the plan.

Y'all got hoodwinked. You're the art.

I fricking hate rich perverts who masquerade their fetishism/sadism/libertarianism as "performance/experimental/protest art" so much :marseyitsallsotiresome: !eurochads




Funny how most of the people sneeding are Indians, Asians and Latinx lol. But seriously, wtf? There must be a bunch of white women on the judging panel.

1. :marseychtorrr2: "Ackshully it's credibility of the characters they are portraying"

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740795864DwX45vb3OZmarQ.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17407958648IwrtPPbx30KUA.webp

2. :marseytunaktunak: "was Netflix and Disney on the judging panel?"

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740795864DZjKIITBOmI-3A.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740795865WOYWvRIJd2cBTQ.webp

3. :marseychudindian: says same joke as first Sexy Indian dude


4. :marseychudnny: "must not have followed the theme of the competition..." :chadwomannordic: "dude, his costume is a Fing stick!"


5. :mongoljak: "don't feel bad white kid, the black kid will normally get pulled over by police while driving due to racial profiling" lol :marseyxd:


6. :marseyflagphilippines: :marseylaptopangry2: "the white kid won!" :chudindian: "the white kid won the lottery already"


7. :chudmuslim: "so the first kid won because he's black and the second because she's a girl..." :arabpepecheers: "In Fallout 3 in Tenpenny Tower if you let the ghouls move in, they kill everyone" :marseyclueless: "South Africa be like"


8. :marseyconfused2: "what's the black kid cosplaying as?" :chadindianheadset: "the banished Nigerian" :marseykente: :marseylaptopangry2: "he's actually playing the dirty Indian!"


Apparently there are limited edition Goku shoes too



:marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED capitalist xisters help is this true



Have the marxists been right all along

Community Note by @Aevann


Helpful [78] Not Helpful [5]
Community Note by @Raditz

Did you know that the MALE seahorse gives birth to the offspring? :marseyserioushatfact:

Helpful [83] Not Helpful [5]
EU maknig frist seteps to kick Ukrianian men out






@duck I forogt Ukarinian do'nt have refugee stauts :marseyxd:

@duck since its special military operation the refugees are also special :marseyxd:

So yuor rant aobut about nobody is going to deport Ukraine refugees is correct, jsut mjaority of Ukrianian "refugees" ain't refugees :marseytroll:

Majority of Ukrainian "refugees" in EU ai'nt form Eastren Europe and EU has another crad in their sleeves, EU consiedr most parts of Ukraine safe, it can tlel people from Kharikv to move to western Ukraine

So it will be funny watching those heroes evdaing being sned back to Ukranie to fight for most demorcatic country on whole erath, I have no doubts that some of those hereos now wlil eevn try to get refugee status in Russia, just to not get bussyficated


Smoe kek moments:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17410977564bGyePjYGy5ogg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1741097757ePOiPKJ4APx1zg.webp

Also Trump asked Putin this:

Aslo thing about NS2 Trmup wants to control the Geramn prat of taht pipe and get royalties from Germany usage if that ppie. If that happens it will be one of most hilaroius historical moment. US blows up that pipe to free Gremany from evil Rsusian gas to rebuild that pipe in democratic way and force Germany to bag democraitc tax :marseyxd:


:marseyfluffy: :marseybow: :marseyhearts:

!animalposters !cats


:#marseyraging: :#marseytunaktunak: :#marseysonic: :#marseyshadow:




If you were a Police officer would you kill the Joker since Batman Won't do it? : batman


:marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED Is it just me or does having a vagina kind of suck



Community Note by @Prof_YeetusMcNasty

"I choosed to have a cavity."

Helpful [4] Not Helpful [0]
Women calmly prepare for the impending mass :rape:s




Now I know why I've gotten fat and ugly.

Unfortunately - r*pe is mostly about power. This is why it's wrong and victim blaming when people say "well she shouldn't have worn that skirt" or something similar, because it's not about sexual attraction at all. (Someone please correct me or add more if I'm wrong)

Edit: you already seem to know this, I'm leaving it here in case someone else doesn't know

I mean, it's not really all about power. It can be and is used as a means of 'total domination', torture, humiliation, or as a weapon in ethnic cleansing, but not always. From 1st person accounts and memoirs (from 2nd world war, for example) we know that soldiers would often specifically look for young, attractive women to SA - women who were in internment camps or hiding in basements, for example, recount soldiers walking around at night with a flashlight, illuminating women's faces to choose the one they liked best.

BUT in such situations sexual violence is also so endemic that it happens to women both young and very old, thin and fat, attractive and unattractive. So getting 'fat and ugly' is not a viable strategy, I'm afraid.

If that's not exactly what power is, then I don't know what else it could be.

Look like a dude or young man instead. Have shears to cut off your hair to male lengths. Ace bandage/compression shirt/sports bra to downplay any feminine assets. Male baggy and boxy clothing. No makeup or feminine anything including scents. They say when SHTF does happen you don't have daughters you have sons.

You really dont know much about how men are do you? They don't care about short hair and they will eventually sniff you out, based on your height, hand size, gait, mannerisms and voice especially.

OP asked for ways she could prepare. Yes, when SHTF if someone wants to attack you they will. This can happen to men too. Preparing is just about giving yourself the best fighting chance you have. Also these methods have been successfully utilized by women in history. Sometimes if you're a good enough actor it just might be the difference between life and death.

"it can happen to men too." Ooof. Big freaking oof. This isn't about men though is it? Why are you mentioning this? Fricking bizarre when like 90% of r*pe victims of stranger/danger r*pe are women and girls.

Also these methods have been successfully utilized by women in history.

Name one.

Sometimes if you're a good enough actor it just might be the difference between life and death.

Source please for this real life success of pretending and passing as a boy in a war zone.

In war, SHT and in some schools (big revelations now in France) male are r*ped.

The post isn't about men though, is it? OP is a woman asking about women. It's like saying you need to be afraid of insulin resistance as a non-diabetic to a post asking about what to do with diabetes.

Men r*pe men in different ways and in different scenarios - and stranger r*pe of men is very rare. It's usually among hierarchies, in prisons, and in institutional ways (like schools.) Men also can fight back differently, and they are not predated upon by gangs just for the purpose of r*pe. Just for the purpose of kidnapping for r*pes. The mass r*pe of women is a global phenomena and it seems like you're here just to distract from that.

The most realistic advice I've seen outside of self-defense is to become as masculine as possible - binders for your chest, baggy clothing, shaving your head, using mascara on upper lip hairs - or if you're a hairy girly naturally, let that fluff grow and fast.

You really think that will deter criminal men who come in as invaders from a battlefield? Or radicalized religious extremists who think you should be burned alive for not converting?

The idea is to make it less likely invading soldiers see you from 200 meters away and think, "oh an attractive woman." and decide to walk towards you because of that.

200 meters away? In such a no mans land type of situation they're going to go after you just because they need to identify you anyway, any costume is irrelevant. And not very rational. Better not be seen at all. If you're a man you're a potential combatant, they'll shoot you. They'll have orders to apprehend any person.

Most SHTF situations are occupation-type scenarios. Look at haiti, sudan, somalia, yemen. Rival warlords and gangs, street battles, lynchings, mass human trafficking. House to house shit.

And every situation is different.

You're arguing that any attempt at mitigation is what? Wrong because it might not be successful in some situations?

Or are you just assuming that the other poster (for whatever reason) had 100% confidence that would always work completely and you wanted to insult them over your weird assumption?

Are you appealing to "maybe it works" because what "every situation is different?" Thats like saying maybe you can make a car into a boat and survive a tsunami. Okay.

Okay give me a situation where this works.

I think this may be a communication issue because I can barely understand your comment in response to mine.

I don't mean this in a rude way, but is English not your first language? May be some subtle stuff getting mixed up here.

Also remember that not everyone is able bodied. Some people due to illness or accident can be in a wheelchair, have a prosthetic, so it's impossible for me as of right now to go to a martial arts class in my area because wheelchair jistu isn't a thing. Bear mace and guns are easy to use no matter what position you're in (sitting or standing or in the chair or at home on the couch) so that's what I deferred to.

I know about an evidence-based form of self-defense, backed by research in several countries across the world, but I'm also planning on conducting research on it and am not sure if it's safe to just put it out there for anyone to see (e.g. bad actors, etc.).

Any clues as to how I can inform myself of this evidence based form of self defense?

There's technically two, but they're variations of similar concepts.

One was created by an American national federation of non-binary people and women, for non-binary people and women.

Another came from a Canadian university known for its strong ties to the automotive industry.

Both are backed by randomized controlled trials, so there's little room for correlation instead of causation.

Might be worth finding some poison ivy/poison oak and rubbing it all over your nether regions and thighs. Sure it will be miserable, but looking disgusting and diseased might help dissuade some level of threat on top of everything else. I'd rather be in heck and miserable that way.

Everyone here talking about carrying and training with guns sounds greatโ€ฆ but what about folks who suffer from severe depression/ideation and shouldn't keep them around?

This is my case. I prepare for the eventuality rather than avoid it and live my life fearlessly. I do not let the men have my future or life. You can read my reply above. Meeting violence with violence is not the only way. Sometimes a super power is simply to have mind over body, and endure until the men violating you mean as little as taking a shit.

They may have taken my body in the past but with will not take my present or my future and they will not capture my mind any more.

I'm not sure I followโ€ฆ can you please explain your point in a different way?

Lots of tips here!

I mainly work with men and a few women. Here are my thoughts.

Never go alone anywhere with a man.

Don't flirt or make sexual comments. Like I know we are spouse to be free and safe to do "whatever we want". But I've seen it time and time again. That the ladies who make themselves extremely sexual are the ones who get SA'ed first.

Avoid overly trusting one man. Of course make friends with the men. But avoid a "work husband". My personal favourite is I like to often ask them about their families. Kids, grandchildren, wives, mothers. I feel like gently reminding them of those warm feelings towards women are a good guide on how they will treat you.

I know this might sound like a weird one. Just leave men alone. I've seen too many women try to too hard to befriend a man that just doesn't like them, and it not end well (non sexual). But if someone doesn't like youโ€ฆ just let them be. Hope that makes sense.

My favourite thing to wear is loose footing overalls with a belt. I find I don't even see the guys staring at me. Though I know they don't prevent r*pe at 100%. I feel like trying to undo the shoulder straps and belts is a big deterrent.

Steel toed boots with extreme grip are definitely a bonus. Atleast something you can run in.

I don't know what war you are preparing for. But wartime r*pe is not something you can prepare against. No gun is going to save you from 5 fully-armed and trained soldiers ready to have their way with you.

You can make them kill you while you shoot as many as possible.

Depends on the person, but plenty would much rather die fighting. To each their own.

Playing Tetris soon after a traumatic event has been proven to reduce the severity of PTSD. :marseysoyhype:


The problem that makes it worse is when women falsely use r*pe as an excuse to better themselves because it rapidly start to discredit women who are actually victims allowing abusers to get away with significantly more abuse. So in a SHTF situation get rid of problematic Karens so that the real problems can be addressed.

So I guess this might be where staying fat would help me? Hard to wrestle to the ground or get dragged off anywhere. Generally unappealing to most men (yes I know r*pe isn't about s*x for the most part, it's control and powerโ€ฆ)

In all seriousness, fight like heck, ladies. Take self defense classes. Get a taser or pepper spray or gun. Or find another physical item as a way to defend yourself. Depending on the situation and location, find somewhere to hide and barricade in.

I'm already pretty masculine and often pass as a boy teen. If I feel unsafe I will dress more boyish and pretend to be a teen boy as long as I can, I'm growing my hair out now but if I feel danger I will shave it again. I know self defense and carry a knife I know how to use. I'd rather die than to be SA again so I will fight.

Actually, playing Tetris has been clinically proven to reduce the chances PTSD. :marseysoyhype:

Women and nonbinary who capitulate, as they think it might help them or their families survive, receive little no help post war. Typically, if they live, they are kicked out of their home and countries as sympathizers, even if they work against oppressors and even as they were unable to consent on any level. War s*x slavery, on the whole, is seen as "prisoner light" compared to hard labor. Men who are used as s*x slaves often say they were just pow due to the lack of cultural and systemic support, erasing themselves from history.

The dehumanization that accompanies war, to help soldiers kill, usually means the level of brutality that the marginalized, and women in particular, face is truly obscene, whether or not the woman chooses to fight back.

I think the answer is the answer to all things. Understand that when the time comes the flight or fight response will kick in, regardless of anyย  cold logic done in advance. Training will kick in next. Form a community, hope that community survives to support you if you survive.

I mentioned in another sub that I believe there will be another military draft soon & both men & women will be drafted. I know the current SECDEF really hates women & doesn't want them in HIS military, but I can see drafting them and making them work as "Comfort Women" like in other times of war.

The Peace Corps used to teach everyone to wear a belt at all times. It's the equivalent of putting bars on your windowsโ€”won't stop everyone, but it adds a layer of friction to slow/dissuade/redirect.

Can confirm that a belt did actually help me in at least one situation. I think in fact that this was a repressed memory until just now. Thanks. This is real advice!

I would think a leotard would cause a bit of delay as well

My tubes are tied, I have a heavy gate, a dog, bear mace, a boyfriend who's armed. I am working on getting my gun rights back.

I've thought about this a lot. I need to enroll in self defense classes ASAP.

Not for you specifically, but for men in your lives

Trigger warning

and in this is a nearly impossible situation to discuss rationally because of all the ego involved in all parties.. but if you are relying on your man, (in combination with yourself etc.) but in general he thinks he will protect you, and he is unable to do so, (either do to failure or impossible circumstances) and you are both left alive โ€” there is a HUGE mess to contend with while staying with him. I had this happen to me personally, but there's a good episode in Reign where the prince was literally absent to protect his princess and still all the emotions were there. Now amplify that by being in the room - either overpowered or forced to participate - and see if he'd still be a man to comfort you afterwards. A lot of men absolutely cannot handle this scenario. And a lot of women are left to shoulder the blame they can't accept, or even in the best cases - can't be looked at the same again.

I'm 67 & invisible to men for the most part, but I did strongly consider getting a firearm after the country elected to be ruled by a male feminist & predator. Since I have a medical weed card, I can't own or purchase a firearm in Utah. I won't give up my card so no pew pew for me ๐Ÿ˜ž I rarely leave my home so I guess that's my main strategy to continue avoiding the freaks of the world as much as possible

I didn't renew my medical card last year so that I could get a LTC. I had hoped to visit Utah someday, but it seems as if the entire future I've been planning on and working towards has been stolen. I now expect to die young, but at least I won't die a traitor to my own country. Be safe put there ladies.

Find good places to hide. You will encounter :rape:gangs.

If you have young kids or people that can't keep quiet, learn how to safely make them fall asleep.

Have booby trapped supplies. Food that is easy to find with "special ingredients".

This thread misses one of the worst parts - in many wars the r*pe is done with a knife, a gun, a broom handle, in front of your family, or on top of your dead family.

You need to prepare for the psychological fall out. You might have to let your body be destroyed to save your children. It is that bad and terrifying. Owning a gun will not save you from groups of men.

This comment needs to be higher

I'm getting a bisalp. But also, keep in mind that the US has the most heavily armed civilian population the world has ever seen, in any era.

I have my complaints about America, but fierce individualsm is part of who we are. I don't think Americans will comply with true fascism, though it may take civil war.

Get educated, get ammo, and get fricking armed. Learn safety, and get your concealed carry permit. Once you go far enough left, firearms come back into the picture.

I'm not from the US. I'm sorry, but can we please stop with the US defaultism on this sub, it's rampant

My apologies, I thought your concerns were a direct reference to the imment rise of fascism in the United States.

Thailand condemned for 'shameful' mass deportation of Uyghur refugees to China : China


For lent I'm giving up bullying. Which means I can no longer insult people no matter how much they infuriate or annoy me.

I need to learn to see things from other perspectives


I need to stop calling for the deaths of those whose crimes enrage me


I need to be less judgemental.


I need to be less racist and more accepting of other cultures.


I need to not let the internet get me down


I must stop insulitng people


I must be more tolerant of ignorance and idiocy


I must not call people names


Scientists:marseyscientist:aiming to bring back woolly mammoth :capyelephant: create woolly mice :ratvibe:



[๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜] Bobs burgers is literally fricking unwatchable.


Most Based Comments

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

The fact that Pesto's voice actor was a J6er is so god darned funny (1223)

A what? (7)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

You have terrible taste in media your perspective on Bobs Burger is useless.ย  (-6)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

It's a show for stoners. That could be why you aren't vibing with it (0)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Here goes the hair, there goes the hair. Where is Harry Truman? He's dead in the ground, dead in the ground, dead dead dead dead dead (0)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

I honestly felt like this at first, but it became a "background show" for me because I only get a handful of channels and it's often either adult swim or the news and I get tired of the news. Anyway, I kinda got used to it. Mostly because of Louise and the stories about her because she reminds me of a young me a bit. I have a really hard time with the mom though. Her personality and voice are just so irritating and some episodes have drawn me in just because I'm so pissed off with how she is acting and her husband just goes "Uhhhh". like when she stalks and harasses people or invades their privacy out of some minor obsession and gets away with it. Snail and Newt or whatever, that one was the worst for me (1)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Or King of the Hill. I love that show but it's the worst at just throwing together a solution last second. Half the time it feels like the conflict just gets resolved by someone changing their mind 30 seconds before the credits roll. (93)

Small rant here.Hank never changes man. There a plenty of episodes in which he learns a lesson, possibly changes his world view or grows to accept something but that shits gone once the credits hit. His back and forth with Bobby doing non-manly things is the worst. He's a shitty dad that always discourages the people around him and talks down to him while having his ego babied. His family decided to eat bland propane burgers for the rest of their lives instead of tasty charcoal burgers because it would hurt the middle aged mans feelings. I loathe Hank. (60)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/undercooked_lasagna

Score: ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Number of comments: 6

Average angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Maximum angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Minimum angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Reported by:
Pennsylvania Dutch :chadseethecapy: as JD Vance visits Vermont ski resort


Senior_Photograph832: Vleicht sollte Vermont einfach Kanada beitreten

DachdeckerDino: Lol, das GTFO Schild ๐Ÿ˜…

Dazzling_Let_8245: Hรคtte nie gedacht dass Green Day und besonders "american idiot" nochmal so relevant wird...

Impossible_Ideal_125: Mich freut es, dass da soviele Leute verschiedener Altersschichten zu sehen sind

Brave-Clock-501: Endlich sehe ich auch mal das auch in den USA Leute sich den Faschisten entgegen stellen. Beruhigt mich etwas in dieser Aktuell Fragilen Welt.

Evil_Bere: Mal sehen wie das mit der "Meinungsfreiheit" in den USA zu vereinbaren ist. ;)

@UraniumDonGER @DildongusPrimative @DarmstadtiumDonGER @PoloniumDonGER @AmericiumDonGER @DeuteriumDonGER @Ninjjer @BrasilIguana !soren !pantspoopers !seethers !the !they !them !kowalski !lutherans !schizomaxxxers !antifascists !calvinists @Discuss

22 democrat Senators were just caught using the same script and clips word-for-word :marseypop2: :marseypop2: :marseypop2: :marseypop2: :marseypop2:

!chuds !nooticers This is just like the sinclair tv clip!! :!marseysoyhype:

WASHINGTON (TNND) โ€” Republican lawmakers on Tuesday took to X to mock a group of Democratic senators which appeared to post videos created by using the same talking points.

The videos, shared via X by at least 22 senators, each use the same verbatim script and interstitial video to argue that President Donald Trump's actions are exacerbating inflation. The videos each open with a clip of President Donald Trump promising to "bring prices down starting on day one" before cutting to the senators who dismiss those claims as "s--- that ain't true" before reciting the same script.

"Since day one of Trump's presidency, prices are up, not down," each senator says in their video. "Inflation is getting worse, not better."

The recycled script touches on topics such as egg prices, Elon Musk and the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) and January 6. Individual senators appear to deviate from the script at times, such as when Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., described Trump's decision to pardon January 6 participants as an "f-ing disgrace."

"The Republican plan is simple," Sen. Schumer says to close his video. "Families lose and billionaires win. That is the truth."

"The Republican plan is simple," reads a similar ending to Sen. Cory Booker's, D-N.Y., video. "You lose and billionaires win. That is the truth."

Republicans responded by mocking the videos across X.

"What in the world!" Rep. Addison McDowell, R-N.C., exclaimed.

"Weird," Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-N.C., quipped.

The Trump War Room account responded with a sarcastic gif comparing the senators to computer-generated characters in a video game.

"DOGE fires all their speech writers," Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, said.

"Now we're up to 22 Dem senators all doing the same cringe video simultaneously!" Musk wrote. "I will buy a Cybertruck for anyone can provide proof of who wrote this particular piece of propaganda. First person to post proof in the replies to this post gets the truck!"



!coomers !fightclub !g*mers !foidmoment

War pigeons wearing medals

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1741107950tJ0nne_4n3K8lw.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1741107950Gt9xoHw-1mgBKQ.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1741107950uK9FJ32IIkTlPQ.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1741107950iJtyTF0vAcWhrA.webp

:redlight: ACTUAL DRAMA :redlight: [๐Ÿค“๐Ÿค“๐Ÿค“๐Ÿค“๐Ÿ”˜] Let's see how it works out for him, Cotton.


Most Based Comments

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Zele will come crawling back with a big fat smile, watch. (8)

Your name tells me you watch other men frick your wife, and I want you to piss blood. (-12)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

It's ok. He wears cool 511 tactical shit. So nobody remembers his standup comedy. (15)

He's more of a leader than Trump the piece of shit ladygarden will ever beTrump is simply a reflection of the spineless bastards who voted for him and it showsย  (-14)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

[deleted] (17)

My heart goes out to you, comrade! (-3)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

https://www.cato.org/blog/tragic-unsurprising-costs-loose-us-weapons-ukrainehttps://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraine-uncovers-mass-fraud-weapons-procurement-security-service-2024-01-27/https://www.theblaze.com/news/tucker-carlson-ukraine-military-aid (3)

I just stupidly read all three of those articles. Me as a person of good faith thought, "okay we got an opportunity to see what this guy's talking about"But unfortunately you're dumb as frick. In reverse order: The article from the mother frickin Blaze...Read the entire article and basically it says the Tucker Carlson said, "Trust me bro". Tucker Carlson is a fricking shill. And the guy he interviewed is a shill. There is literally zero evidence in this article regarding anything you're talking about. No facts, all feelings. A guy says trust me bro, Tucker presents that as information, The blaze reposts that as news, you butt chug that directly into your butt. And so the cycle continues. Reuters they seem reputable...And they are. Look at that some journ*lism. Read the entire article and what do you find? 2022, Some weapons were sold by launderers within the defense department of Ukraine. Obviously these are what we call fricking "traders", "turncoats". The United States have some during... (2)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

You mentioned only younger Republicans and their ivy league diplomas. No mention of your liberal idols nepotism or privilege. Your democrats were in power 12 of the last 16 years when college prices soared. You implied he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Not to a drug addict single mom who pawned him off on his grandparents. Who then got his ivy league diploma on merit. You're being disingenuous but thats your types norm. Enjoy the debt and your degree that didn't help you. I'll enjoy my two properties, no debt and my grueling 42 hour work week while being a mark. (1)

You know all of Vance's book was proven to be utter bullshit, right?? You're the frick being disingenuous. He was raised upper class in Ohio This is the thing that you don't understand and why those Ivy League republicans don't want you understanding systemic racism, no way to implement without it affect working class and impoverished white peoples and one of those would be education. You see property taxes determine how much funding the public schools get. This is to ensure poor neighborhoods end up with a far inferior education. They have proven that kids who graduate valedictorian in poor neighborhoods are still so far behind they'd have to take and PAY FOR high school course in college in order to catch up. Vance was found by the heritage foundation while they trolled the Ivy league schools. They're the ones that bribe fricks like Vance to do as they tell them like write a book about how the average kid from poverty can pull themselves up by their bootstraps when it reality it is ... (1)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Zelensky signs a deal, russia isn't going to give up the land it took, they lost too much taking it. So either a peace deal or an escalation of the conflict. I for one don't want a nuclear holocaust. Maybe redditers do idk. (1)

So, the nation that got invaded should just give up its lands because the invading forces have lot so much trying to steal it? You must be running for president soon with that logic. Well, guess what, neither you or I have the power to start or stop that from happening. The ones that do DGAF about you or I and would rather see the world burn so they can come out of their bunkers and own the whole place. You're are seriously ill-informed. Putin is not going to stop with Ukraine, he has already sad as much. He wants a cease fire so he can consolidate his troops and logistics. Because right now Ukraine is kicking their butt on the battlefield and with technology. They have a resupply blockade on the NK troops to where they're starving in the trenches as the AU is destroying all the supply vehicles. Ukraine hold the upper hand in that aspect. Russia has superior numbers is all. They DGAF about their soldiers, they will find another that will die in his place soon enough. There is no last... (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Correct_Tourist_4165

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