
do NOT look up what a nuclear sub is especially not a virginia class nuclear sub just accept this very real thing that very really happened and europe is back on top baby

Zelensky admits he is a big old cute twink and Trump is his God
Transgender Americans weigh leaving U.S. over Trump's policies. Some already have

!nonchuds !lgbt !cuteandinvalid Can someone Luigi drumpf?????????




r/HazbinHotel's LEAST favorite 'Hellaverse' villains :marseyloona:


out of all the villains in both Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss which one do you hate the most for their actions and behaviours?

Charlie for not being a genderqueer BIPOC

( to be clear you can still enjoy the character while hating them for their actions it doesn't have to be a character which you straight up dislike every single aspect of )

:marseysleep: no one cares

for me personally I'd say Crimson given what he did to Moxxie in the past abusing his mother in front of him abusing him and killing her and forcing him to kill someone when he was still a child

OP clearly never had an Italian dad before, that fanook Moxxie got off easy.

( I honestly think he's the evilest villain in the Hellaverse period )

and Moxxie's honestly a comfort character so those flashback scenes were pretty hard to watch.

>who gives a frick about these imps killing random families and people that's based but NOOOOO OMG MY POOR LITTLE HECKIN WHOLESOME DEVILERINO!!!!

anyway who would you pick?

When Stella comes on screen i immediately hit mute.

I love how painful her voice sounds.



Valentino. That man is a disgusting disgrace on the Earth. He is filth. He's so bad because he directly perpetuates violence, and the show makes you feel that.

As opposed to the guys enacting war.

Unlike with Adam, where the crime is so incomprehensibly big that it doesn't feel real;

>genocide so big it doesn't feel real


Valentino primarily goes after a main cast member, making his crimes feel more personal, and thus making the audience care more.

Nothing matters unless it's a main character got it.

This is exactly why he's my favorite character, because he makes me feel shit, he makes me mad but in a good way sorta, and gets me to engage with the show.

Reddit when a character kills millions: :marseyshy4:

Reddit when a character r*pes someone: :marseylaptopangry2:

Words cannot describe how much I loathe Lute

No they can, you just don't know enough.

I hate her for all the story reasons but I find her voice so thrilling. I'd beg for her to yell at me and be my coach. Bet I'd get abs like a god.

Call me blasphemous and vile, punishment mommy ๐Ÿซ

Valentino. His particular brand of evil is far too real for a lot of people.

Stella is pathetic, but she's entertaining. Val is just fun to watch. Adam was funny as shit

That implies this show is fun to watch, which it isn't. You liar.

Crimson is the worst fricking guy in the verse and I hate his punchable face!

Two shows shouldn't be enough to make a 'verse'. Come back when you've got at least 4 and a movie.

From grooming his own child to be a cold blooded gangster, forcing a child to murder, killing his wife just to make it easier to manipulate his own kid, to selling Mox off to an STD shark for money.

An STD Shark A.K.A. A Blahaj :blahaj:

Frick that guy. Frick him with every dildo glued to his walls!! Lol


he groomed his son?


Grooming in terms of manipulating a minor in an attempt to normalize unhealthy behavior

Not like a spa day for dogs



oh okay




Redditors are even worse than chuds. Chuds can occasionally be funny. It's evidence of harm is posting that they cancelled a flight with a Canadian airline.

The Canadians can't even protest like humans. Protestors just totally fricked up VP Mountain Dew's vacation to Vermont. Had to cancel his planned ski trip because pro-ukie protestors fricked his shit up.

Why are Canadians so pathetic at everything they try?







This has 8,000 updoots and has been put as FED ONLY with 450 replies, send this too all your fricking non fed FRIENDS and RELATIVES so they can help, somehow

"I read online that some people are wondering why Federal employees are making such a fuss over being asked to list 5 things they did last week. After all, it isnt difficult to type up a response and send it, right? It truly isn't. I've been trying to come up with a way non civil servants will understand the problem, so I've created this analogy.

Let's say you are a delivery driver (FedEx, UPS, Amazon, etc). From Monday to Friday, 8-5 you drive around, delivering packages. Your company tracks your truck via satellite, your deliveries via various IT programs, and they know what you are doing because they plan your route, tell you where to drive, and check your truck at the end of the day to confirm you delivered all your packages.

Now let's say after a long week of work, you are relaxing at home with your family on a Saturday night, getting ready for bed, and you get a random email at 11pm from your state's dept of labor. The email comes from [email protected] and is automatically flagged by your company's email as coming from outside your organization. The email says that within 48 hrs, you have to send them a list of 5 places you drove over the past week. Keep in mind, this didnt come from your supervisor, or the leader of your individual company, but from an organization that has nothing to do with the packages you deliver or even package delivery services in general. The email has a generic return email and no signature block identifying who actually sent the email. Your boss didn't know you were going to be asked for this information, your boss's boss didn't know, even the leader of your company didn't know about the email. And let's not forget that the Dept of Labor has no real need to know where you drove this week.

Your decide to look online and see if anyone else got the email, and end up following a link to the personal social media page of someone that works at the Dept of Labor. From this personal social media page, you learn that the email was sent to every delivery driver in the country and that if you don't respond by the deadline, you will be fired.

You don't go back to work until Monday, so you spend the rest of Saturday and all of Sunday wondering why you are receiving this email and being asked where you drove, and why you are being threatened with being fired of you dont respond to a random email that came from outside your chain of command. You worry that if you don't describe your drive/route in enough detail, you will be fired. You worry that your supervisor only gave you 10 packages to deliver one day, when another route delivered 30, so maybe you will be fired because you were given fewer packages to deliver and there can't describe an impressive route as part of your 5 bullet points of driving.

When you return to work on Monday, the deadline looming over your head, your boss tells you not to respond to the email. And hour later, your boss's boss tells you that you MUST respond. And then just before quitting time, the leader of your company sends you an email that you are NOT to respond.

Meanwhile, you know full well that all of your deliveries were appropriately tracked to confirm delivery, and your entire route along (with every stop) can be verified by reviewing the GPS records on your delievry truck.

This is why the 5 bullet email is concerning to federal employees."


"But I already send status emails" whined the future wal mart greeter :marseyscooter:

"Doing fricking nothing involves a lot of status reports pal! It's hard work not doing any work!" :marseyantiwork:

Wouldn't that make it easier to respond to? :marseyhmm:

The president of the united states of america :marseytrump: knowing what the government employees in the united states of america do on a weekly basis is in fact a SECURITY RISK :marseysecuritron:

"The executive asking for weekly updated is a VULGAR DISPLAY OF POWER like the Pantera album"



1. :chudglassesglow: "race mixing should be considered a crime"

2. :soyjakfat: "no race mixing!" :blacksoyjak: "lol look at you"

3. :marseysmug2: "lol bet she only wants men who are over 6' feet and makes 6 figures" :soyjakanimeglasses: "Okay incel"

4. :handsomechud: "if the kid is black, automatic no" :marseyblops2cel: "yeah I'm not raising a baboon baby"

5. :marseywomanmoment2: "what's the point of making the babies brown?" :marseysmughips: "because racism is funny"

6. :blacksoyjak: "missing the point here..." :chudspin: "F you shitskin Niqqer"

7. :bardfinn: "lol you all got small peepee" :marseywtf2: "you're a dude..." :bardfinn: "talk to me dirty, Daddy"

8. :10inbongland: "this is horrible, we have real problems, what a shame" :chudjakcry: :chudmutt: :chudindian: :chudbrasileiro: "DARN ZIONIST!"


!metashit !antibharatiya !builtfor !the !BWC

Norwiggers still refuel and resupply Russian ships :mjlol:
Africa nostril-chad Chad :chadblack: dabs on Mayocels :marseymayo: cucks with tiny nostril-lets :marseysniff: :marseyduriansniff:





Dog Discussions and Tea breaks.



The drinks being removed are literally all either milkshakes or teenage girl non-coffee drinks, including the Java Chip Frappuccino, the Iced Matcha Lemonade, the Royal English Breakfast Latte and the Chocolate Cookie Crumble Crรจme Frappuccino

Note that most of these drinks can still be ordered via customising existing drinks, this change is mostly menu simplification

/r/starbucks and /r/starbucksbaristas should be very happy about this - the two subreddits are constantly filled with baristas complaining about how many ridiculous drinks they have to make, and However theyre mad, and Lets try to understand why:

/r/legaladvice lol but go off i guess

Its nasty and bland because it like only contains 20g added sugar instead of 40g added sugar (excluding literally any sugar thats in the other ingredients in the drink)??? American tastebuds have been destroyed

If customers want a stupid drink then they have to build it themselves in the app and pay more for it, and Sounds like a win win

omg! Youre not kidding anyone, youre still going to Starbucks no matter how much they charge you for your sugar slop :marseychonkerfoid:

i feel like 1, and Train your staff better

2, and Itll be easier for them to make now that its listed as a base drink + modifiers rather than expecting a barista to know exactly how to build a Chocolate Cookie Crumble Crรจme Frappuccino



Competing with the entire third world, young Brits are now out of their traditional Greggs or Wetherspoons gig, fuelling a potential slump in NOS Canister sales :marseyitsover:

In October to December 2024, an estimated 14.4% of all male 16-24-year-olds were Neet, compared with 12.3% female.

Rdrama still has growth potential :marseyhmm:

Niall became Neet after getting in with the "wrong people", he says.

"At first, it just seemed like Reddit but with cat emojis," Niall says, describing the Neet community.

"But before you realise it, you're saying words like 'Bussy' and 'dramapilled' - it alienates you from people."

"So obviously I had to get off all that stuff."


can you blame them? whats the point of working, theres no light at the end of the tunnel.

It's literally easier to just say you have long covid and rake in the bennies :platyrich:

Most people don't want to be a leech on society. :marseyclueless:

Yeah except 1/3rd of the country :marseythumbsup:

If the British young people don't want to work we need to open up the job market to young Europeans they're not lazy unlike the Brits. :marseysmug2: "I'm sorry chancellor, but the economy won't budge. Our labour productivity is still 24% lower than pre-2008 trends. "Why don't we try importing another 2 million people?"

Also :marseyemojilaugh: at the idea that Europeans aren't lazy

Entry level jobs that were previously done by 18 year olds etc are now staffed by full time middle aged people and immigrants.

Do you have any sources for anything you just claimed?

>source? :soysnooseethe: do you have a source? :soyjakcobson:

what is the point? To earn money for corrupt politicians, ungrateful pensioners and billionaires while we all burn our mental health to the ground with shit public services

>:soyjaktantrum: waaahhh billionaires exist!! My mental health! :soycry:

How did the bong go from conquering the world :marseyredcoat: to this level of cute twinkry in 100 years? :marseyitsover:

:redlight: BIG WHITE COQ AU VIN :whitesicko: :bluelight:

I am made a modified Martha Stewarts Coq au Vin for a dinner party tomorrow. :marseyfluffy:



  • 6 chicken thighs

  • 1 bottle full-bodied red wine

  • Coarse kosher salt and freshly ground pepper

  • 8 oz thick bacon, cut into ยฝ-inch lardons

  • 3 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil, (if needed)

  • 1 large onion, finely chopped

  • 2-3 stalk celery, finely chopped

  • 2-3 carrots, finely chopped

  • 8 garlic cloves, thinly sliced

  • ยฝ lb small mushrooms

  • 3 tbsp all-purpose flour

  • 1 tbsp tomato paste

  • 2 tbsp Cognac

  • 2 bay leaves

  • 5 fresh thyme sprigs


1. Place chicken in a large bowl, and add wine. Cover, and refrigerate overnight.

2. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Remove chicken from wine, and pat dry; reserve wine. Season chicken well with salt and pepper.

3. Cook bacon in a Dutch oven over medium-low heat until crisp, about 20 minutes. Transfer bacon to a plate, leaving drippings in pot. (You should have 3 tablespoons; you may need to add oil.)

4. Raise heat to medium-high. Working in batches, cook chicken, flipping once, until golden, 4 to 5 minutes per side. Transfer to a plate.

5. Add mirepoix (onion, celery and carrot) to pot, and cook 4 to 5 minutes. Add garlic, and cook 2 minutes. Add mushrooms, and cook until brown, 3 to 4 minutes. Stir in flour and tomato paste, and cook 2 minutes. Add Cognac, and cook, stirring, 1 minute.

6. Return bacon and chicken to pot. Pour in reserved wine, and add herbs. Bring to a simmer.

7. Cover, and place in oven until chicken has cooked through and vegetables are tender, 45 minutes to 1 hour. Discard herbs, and skim fat from surface.

Previous recipe here if you prefer better onions.

!grillers !masterchef



/r/stupidpol lolcows start to :sneedchad: when they can no longer simp for their heckin tradpilled non-Western oligarchic shithole now that le heckin genocidal Satanyahu collaborates with le heckin wholesome and valid Russian comrades who will restore the USSR at any time, trvst the plqn cqmrqdes:

/r/geopolitics and /r/Israel also have a brain malfunction and literally do not know what to comment lol:

!nooticers !fedposters !jidf !jews !palestine

r/boxoffice argues over captain america


They also argue about sonic 3:

!nonchuds posting AI gay porn and pretending its praxis


The irony is you know it'll trigger the MAGATS. They do the trolling, not the other way around.

"Heh, this'll trigger the MAGATs" jerks off to gay porn

/u/Neren1138 This neighbors r-slurred



Most Based Comments

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

.... you think pornstars are weird about their pics being shown to family memebers because it's "degrading"? you can't think of any other reason why? (83)

Why would they care if they didn't think it was shameful deep down? (-15)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

So why on earth are you focusing on the victims and not the perpetrators? If it's degrading because men treat them badly, then the solution is to STOP MEN FROM TREATING THEM BADLY. yet here you are degrading the women for itWhere's the accountability for men? (22)

Chicken or the egg. Horny men or available prostitutes. (-14)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

It's mostly degrading because they end up having s*x with cruel misogynists who actively want to degrade them. Which unfortunately isn't exclusive to s*x workers (32)

Ding ding ding (-12)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

You wrote a lot, but I want to focus on this part first:You are merely axiomatically asserting your view. Lets ignore that axioms are on first principles, not moral claims.I can also just axiomatically assert that prostitution is not "work".Sure. But you cannot claim that your moral assertions are objective. Deconstructionalism cuts both ways, not just when you want it to. If you deconstruct that prostitution is no different than any other job with no moral quality, such that it isn't "work", and do so by means of deconstructing s*x to a mere physical act in exchange for payment, then you must equally concede that degrading women is no different than any other physical act with no moral quality.Again, you can't have it both ways. Pick your poison. (0)

Neither can you. If modernism was truly capable of definitely proving these unyielding objective standards, post-modernism never would've existed. It's all people debating their own personal lines in the sand at the end of the day, I simply happen to believe my line's a good one.Nope, I really don't have to actually. Prostitution is no different because it literally is no different. Nothing about working for a coal mineโ€”breaking your body and poisoning your lungs for moneyโ€”is in any definable capacity different from being a prostitute. In both contexts, your body is functionally up for purchase to service the one paying. In on instance you serve them by mining coal, in the other you serve them by sucking their peepee. But it's all service and sacrifice in exchange for money. But degrading women is distinctly different from any other physical act. Some physical acts don't degrade womenโ€”some uplift women even! There is a fundamental difference between, for example, me handing you $100 a... (1)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Sexual fantasies are vast and variable, so calling what you see in pornography "the worst contortions of sexuality" is heavily judgmental and subjective and can be applied to anything. That sentiment has historically been applied to homosexuality, transexuality, kink, interracial s*x, etc, typically with the goal of discouraging or even regulating people's private lives.Furthermore, art reflects human nature as much as it informs it. A misogynist will be a misogynist whether or not they watch porn or pay for prostitution, and much of what is popular in pornography reflects fantasies that are not inherently misogynistic. Pornography may expose a person to fantasy situations they were not aware of, but whether or not those situations speak to the real-life desires of the viewer is up to the viewer. After all, the vast majority of people who watch slasher horror films go on to live normal, non-homicidal lives. (3)

I'm not describing all pornography when saying that: I'm saying that alongside whatever else it shows, it also undeniably presents images of sexual violence and treats women's bodies as objects to be commodified. There may be a perfect world out there somewhere in which this is not the case, and where every customer treats s*x workers with respect and dignity, but that is not our world.The hand-waving approach adopted by some in this thread โ€” not saying you, necessarily โ€” completely fails to account for the often grim reality in favor of an idealized version that's nothing more than a hypothetical. The fact is that women are still, in many places and cases, treated as objects to be owned, used, and in the very worst of cases, traded. To act like a culture which has the commodification of women's bodies at its centre doesn't play into these trends is disingenuous.The slasher comparison doesn't hold up because there is not as clear a delineation between fantasy and reality in the case... (1)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

There is a fundamental problem with this argument. When people say an individual choosing to do s*x work, porn or prostitution, isn't any more exploitative than any other job, they are arguing because the excuse against making it legal is always that the "government" doesn't want to encourage the exploitation of people. All capitalist jobs exploit their workers time, bodies and money, but there are protections in place for those kinds of jobs. A large amount of what makes s*x work so dangerous and awful is that there are very few standards, the illegality of it encourages pimps, trafficking and prevents the reporting of r*pes and abuse. The stigma around s*x work is less about the puritanical and religious shame, and more that suddenly society says to these people they are no longer people. They are objects and dirty objects at that. Jesus Christ hung out with prostitutes so it wasn't that deep for the son of God if that's your thing. Your argument that it is degrading and exploitat... (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Historical_Pie_1439

Score: ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿ”˜

Number of comments: 5

Average angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Maximum angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Minimum angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:


How did she get aaccepted if she literally cant read or write?



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