:marseybikecuck: Reports of Fisker's demise are highly exaggerated? :!marseysteer:

I've been thinking about selling my main car for something more practical since I rarely ever drive it much anymore; was reminded of the horror of Fisker in an incredulously cheap local ad and found some semi-recent redditor coping.


Fisker was initially founded in 2007 as a sort of luxury electric vehicle. I'd only seen one of them on the highway in the city, but it was horribly ugly. The company had issues with production in 2011 and had to file bankruptcy for the first time on its government loans in 2013 after multiple issues with quality and production, including battery explosions.


It ended up being purchased by a Chinese company in 2014, which red to many improvements and much more high quarity parts, directry reading to its second bankruptcy firing rast year.


Anyways, the /r/fisker sub is somehow still active and full of cope, arguments, and complaints about bugs causing their cars to stop working and/or crash.



Some choice comments from right before they filed their second bankruptcy:

I am all in. Still holding 31000 shares and never planning on selling. I am here to stay.

Good luck bud. Hope you get something out of this. Really mean that :)

This subreddit is one of the few where it's very positive and not toxic.


Unfortunately not much a regular person can do besides word of mouth and showing the car off. Company needs a much more powerful assist right now

The company needs to get off its own peepee, fire the entire exec team, hire a competent one and start over. Unless that is done there is no amount of outside assistance that will help anyone outside the family.

The company is dead.


Dead company walking! Zero chance of salvaging this corrupt company.

Data to back that up?

Tesla was in FAR WORSE positions than this over their history.

Tesla had more funding though and also was ran better from a business perspective.

Tesla was in a spot where they had two weeks of cash on hand (ie no funding). They were completely out of money. At the last gong they got a 20M injection to keep them floating.

Meanwhile Fisker is here sitting on 400M and no fixed costs, and everyone acts as if they're already dead.


I own 10k shares at .13 and may buy 90k this week. I can see them getting financial support just like LUCID eventually if they can convince others to support. They actually have a demand for their product and it's growing. You may not like the company and how they have managed up until this point, but when you got something that sells it's hard to go away. There was a coffee company once that went to pinks and ran to double digits. It's high risk to own this stock but for under 5k, it's worth a risk. People don't want to get rid of their cars and stock and I can't blame them for doing so. I see a revival here for sure. EV will be pushed tremendously these next 5 years

I'm thinking the same. If they turn things around, it could be a huge payday. Im wondering how many class A shares are in existence at this point?


Some panic for when the rumors of bankruptcy were first announced:

Can we still sell our shares at the opening of the market today?

Yes, for $0.


So does this mean the stock is worthless? Is there any hope at all? Serious answers only please

In bankruptcy shareholders are far down the waterfall provision of bankruptcy law in who gets paid. All the senior creditors (employees, bond holders, bank loans, vendors, lawsuits etc.) have to get paid out in full before shareholders see a penny. Not to mention the cost of the lawyers and bankruptcy itself are expensive and get top priority in being paid.

If Fisker liquidates their assets and has anything left over after paying the senior creditors in full then shareholders could receive something. But I doubt even the bondholders will get that much recovery.

Fisker declared bankruptcy because they have no money, a ton of debt and have little chance of generating money. Who is going to buy a car from a bankrupt company and does Fisker even have the money to make a car and sell at a profit? If Fisker had really valuable assets they would have sold them to cover their debts. It doesn't look like there's much chance of shareholders seeing much money, if any.

yes the bondholders are way, way underwater. what does fisker have left - a couple thousand pretty worthless cars thar wouldnt sell at a 50 pct discount, maybe some tooling and some worthless ip. might be worth 200 mil being really optimistic. debts are many multiples of that number. unless someone sees their ip as super valuable [super unlikely, theyve obv been for sale for months now with no takers] the equity is worth less than zero

Some type of recent hope still yet remains.



How do I get into the trunk of my car when the key is fricked

I was driving past the local college the other day and got a flat tire

(During the process of changing my tire 8 other ppl pulled into the same gas station, also with flat tires - I suspect some local student planted a spike strip)

I'm procrastinating on getting a new tire :marseybearmerchant:

I attempted to access my backup car but the battery is dead

I jumped it with my primary car but it keeps dying so I have to jump it every time I go somewhere

I have a battery jumper in the trunk of my backup car which would make the process much easier but I can't get into the trunk because my key doesn't work on it anymore (the key filed itself down over time with use I think)

I also have a backup battery jumper but it is also broken (:marseymanysuchcases:)

How fix

!1337 !fartneighbors !bluecollar !asians !coalburners !pinggrouplovers !male feminists !schizomaxxxers !soren !parents !depression discuss


Using AI directly is useless too it just tells me to reinstall when the installation itself is the problem then rewords itself to tell me to install repeatedly until it starts hallucinating :marseyraging:

:marseyrage: I hate the modern web I hate the modern web I hate the modern web

EFFORTPOST Star Trek DS9 Season 1 Reviews: Duet and In the Hands of the Prophets


A unscheduled spaceship asks for docking permission at DS9 and, in what seems to me a massively wasteful use of resources, Kira (second in command of the station remember) deals with the request. This is how she hears that the ship has an emergency case of Space AIDS (not really, obviously, but I just got done in the last post claiming that a 1970s British multi-instrumentalist and songwriter was murdering people in space so you'll forgive my lack of exact details). Only survivors of one of Cardassia's most awful mines during the occupation (which we will hitherto call Michigan Mine cos apparently the air quality was so bad it gave everyone AIDS). Kira skips down to the infirmary to greet a brave survivor of the occupation to be greeted by this cheeky chappie:

He's obviously one of the guards from the camp and, as Kira tearfully explains to Sisko, those guys did a few too many of the old Nanjing Massacre recreation activities during their time in Michigan. This one is called Maritza and is played by Harris Yulin, an incredibly prolific character actor- if you don't recognise the name you'd recognise his face from one of his many, many movie roles. I've always remembered him best for his role as the corrupt pig in Scarface who was cocky enough to think Tony Montana wouldn't shoot him:

Although Maritza claims to have a different sickness, Bashir confirms it's definitely Michigan AIDS and Kira goes all Simon Weistental in her quest to see him hang. Sisko's reluctance to bend the law in order to hold the man on circumstantial evidence threatens to cause a diplomatic incident with both the Bajorans and the Cardassians and he's forced to give Kira 26 hours (one Bajor day, remember) to wring a confession out of the guy.

Sisko gets a call from his predecessor Gul Dukat...

Remember him? Yeah this is only the second time he's appeared in the series, believe it or not. Season 2 will see him appear far more prominently but, until now, he really hasn't played a large role.

Now, the rest of the episode is basically a series of one-on-one interrogations where Kira tries to prove that Maritza was actually the commander of the camp and was therefore responsible for everything that happened there and Martiza both denies it openly but also implies she's right and mocks her for not being able to prove it. These scenes are largely played straight without much in the way of special effects, location changes or other cast getting in the way- hence 'Duet'.

It's very strong stuff and gives Nana Visitor a lot of chances to prove her acting chops (which are considerable- everyone's just going to have to accept that I am going to simp hard for Visitor from now on because she's hot and talented AND I LIKE HER HAIR OK? I have been traumatised in recent years by the :marseytrain2: genocide of tomboys and I like to return to the 90s when boyish girls were loved and cherished and not hoodwinked into cutting their tits off*).

This episode reminds me of TNG's 'The Measure of a Man' in as much as it's a strong script presented plainly with very strong performances without needing a bunch of expensive vidual effects or the fricking camera rolling around on a fricking skateboard like modern Trek. The ending is a bit contrived (Maritza turns out to be the camp clerk who was too scared to stop the atrocities and wants to set himself up as a great villain to provide the Bajorans with a sense of justice and to publicize the massacre across the quadrant to stop the Carsassian revisionist history from burying it- Kira goes from hating him to feeling pity for him) but the road there is well worth travelling and it does a lot to explore the Bajoran and Cardassian attitude to the occupation and their relationship with each other. Having established that he's actually innocent- and a Bajoran sympathiser to boot- Kira escorts Maritza to his ship but, along the way he is attacked and killed by a Bajoran- not because he was a war criminal but simply because he was a Cardassian.


No seriously- it's good. Just falls apart a bit at the end.

*This was a sperg out and I'm sorry. I'm going to remember that obssessing about trains helped elect Dumpf and his gaggle of neo-lib Jeet-entusiasts.

In the Hands of the Prophets

So last episode re-introduced Gul Dukat. Lets meet another one of the DS9 rogues' gallery for the finalé of Season 1...

Vedek Winn is a religious fundamentalist and one of two Vedeks (like bishops) in line to become the next Kai (like the pope). Literally the first thing she does upon arriving on the station is shut Keiko the frick up and shut down her stupid school.

So far she's a very sympathetic villain. Winn's issue with the school is that it's teaching the kids, specifically the Bajoran kids, that the Celestial Temple is just an artificial wormhole and the Prophets are merely aliens.

Now this is some real Star Trek shit. The general disdain for religion and the repeated debunking of supposed "Gods" has been a cornerstone of this show from it's earliest days.

DS9 would tackle things differently- the Prophets are, essentially, just very advanced aliens... one theory posits them as what the Bajorans will eventually become although this idea has some issues and also it's a rip-off of the ultimate fate of humanity in Babylon 5...

...but since when has DS9 ripping-off Babylon 5 ever been something new?

Anyway, as I was saying- although the Prophets are just aliens to the Federation, DS9's writers never undermine the religious beliefs of the Bajorans: they are gods to them and they literally do all the god shit that gods are supposed to do. Similarly, just because Winn is an extremist that doesn't mean her religion is entirely bad or wrong.

To compound Keiko's problems, Miles is finding himself quite enamoured of his Bajoran assistant. She has actually been in a couple of episodes before this one but here she's given a lot more to say and do- she's smart, competent and she keeps sticking her tits in his face all the time.

Anyway, after all the shit Winn's been stirring, someone bombs the ( by luck, empty) school...

Remember how I said Winn was one of the Vedeks in the running to be the next Kai? The other one is Vedek Bariel.

You may recognise Robert Anglim as the younger priest guy (who wasn't Richard Chamberlain) from The Thorn Birds. Maybe you don't- he was later in the series after Rachel Ward and Brian Brown weren't in it. Bariel is the moderate candidate and Sisko tries topersuade him to come to the station to try and offset the violence.

He eventually agrees and arranges a photo-op with Winn- "let us stand together against this violence" he says- when Tits McWrinklenose tries to shoot him but is intercepted by Sisko doing a slow motion dive. He even gives us a slow motion "NOOOOOOOOO!" when he does it which is pretty funny. I actually don't want to undermine this scene- it's a heck of a climax.


Note the Bajoran special-needs clapping as Bariel does his rock-star priest act.

OK straight off- Louise Fletcher as Winn is fricking amazing. The passive aggressive shit she pulled as Nurse Ratched in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Works even better here where she ties it to smiley insincere religious doubletalk. I know the Oscars is bullshit, and I guess some of the schizo dramatards think the Academy a cabal of old libertarian Jews handing out awards for whatever shit they think will most destabilise the midwest, but Fletcher's Oscar deserves to be celebrated and is a badge of her talent. Let's just have a bit of that now...

Yeah, that's Brad Dourif- voice of Chucky and another Star Trek alumni.

Bajoran extremist shenanigans will kick off season 2 and Winn will be back in action, this time allying herself with multiple Tony Award winner Frank Langella (The Tony's are the stage Oscars but even more gay).

DS9 will return... maybe even in the new SciFi hole, who knows?

I'm sorry

I'm sorry

[🤓🤓🔘🔘🔘] List of Carmel business that support MAGA


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔘

Then I guess you gonna go hungry because it is a lot of them. Check the votes in Carmel for last election. (-50)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔘

Might want to move to a different part of the state if you're that ignorant (-83)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔘

The Goat in Carmel used to fly the Blue Lives Matter flag and often has Fox News playing on their TV. (26)

Make sure to call the DEI department when you need a police officer. (-53)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Me not agreeing with the logic isn't marginalizing them. Can I ask why it's so important for them to be validated by others? Believe what you want. Let me believe what I want. I'm not disrespecting them but you can't change your DNA. (1)

Firstly DNA does change over time. It can be why cancer develops, or trauma, which is why we know radiation is extremely dangerous. It's why we age. There is even a twin study composed by NASA to further assess it.Don't parrot things you don't know. You've likely been told many times gender is a social construct and willfully ignored this and scream deoxyribonucleic acid like its a magic gatcha. Most of the world also believes it's just X and Y without regards to intergender, the SRY gene (which brought out a lot of jackasses last year regarding Imane Khelif), or the genetic anomalies that alter sexual development (XXY, XYY, XO, etc.)You can't go a second without feeling like you're catering to someone by giving a modicum of respect based on a belief you've barely studied in highschool, or had it repeated into your head by propaganda of what you think someone should or shouldn't be. You can easily ignore this controversy altogether like most people do, let them live their lives and ... (3)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

It's your right as an American 🇺🇸 to have and voice your opinions beliefs- it's also your right to be wrong. MAGA is not the problem. It's the infighting and tribalism that divide us. I just want the best for America and its citizens. We should all be able to revolve around this point. We are all Americans. (-1)

But your "best" for America and its citizens probably doesn't match my "best." And MAGA isn't the root of the problem, sure, but a manifestation of decades of political rot and subversion and lies going unchecked. Decades ago when it was decided that facts didn't matter, that was the slippery slope emerging. Please don't tell me MAGA isn't the problem when they're racist and ok with Nazis and persecution of anyone who isn't white male. If the goal was to spread Christ, as they claim, they need to reread their Bible if they have the literacy and reading comprehension skills. And if that wasn't the goal (which duh, it's not when it's coming from Trump/Elon/etc.), it's greed and evil intent personified. So sure, you can try to walk back years of poison, but you'll find no one will trust or listen to you again. (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

Not mad - just pointing out the left's hypocrisy. What if a conservative said they didn't want to support trans businesses? Y'all would call them every name in the book. (-16)

No, I wouldn't. I mean that. It's your right to spend your money where you want. Our dollars are a form of voting, after all. I understand that and it doesn't make me mad. ETA that I learned a long time ago spending the mental energy being mad about something that doesn't impact me (ie, the conservatives boycotting a liberal business in your example) is just not worth it, that anger and hate is all-consuming and not productive. (2)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/CortaCircuit

Score: 🐮🔘🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 8

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡🔘🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Reported by:
  • Arran : back to wpd
  • Vegeta : this person was acquired via crosstalkpm
:marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED Schizopoonposting

Some selfies! I'm not out as transgender at my GED center. People don't know whether to call me he or they. A win is a win....

Also, nobody has said shit about me going to the men's bathroom!!


Question of the day: do you like my Spider-Man pants? :pooner:

!cuteandvalid !neurodivergents !autism !r-slurs

Community Note by @Homoshrexual

This user is a cute twink

Helpful [28] Not Helpful [30]

Clearly, this vidya is unoptimized trash. It couldn't be that my 1000 series card is nearly a decade old now. No, no, it's Id that have let themselves become jeeted and r-slurred. I don't want to play anything my 1080 can't run... BUT I ALSO REALLY NEED TO PLAY DOOM DORK AGES. But since I can't it's shit and a flop. Gigaflop! If I keep calling it a flop it definitely will flop. No I do not have sour grapes.

Daily Brazilian thread


Anyways come laugh at poorstrags and thirdies.

*crunch* *chomp*

Tips on trolling people from the middle kingdom :marseychingchong:

I've been browsing XiaoHongShu ever since the tiktok ban. If you don't know what XiaoHongShu (on the app store it is called Rednote) is it is basically the Chinese pinterest, if pinterest was more video oriented. Actual Chinese tiktok is only available for those with a Chinese phone number so a lot of american creators talked about going to XHS around the time of the Tiktok ban.

Its a pretty cool app, I was surprised that the algo would guide me to thick women so quickly considering that isn't in style in asia. But in my time on the app I came to notice that chinese people have some very thin skin and big egos about their nation, their national standing, and what is and isn't Chinese. Anyways here are some quick tips on how to troll em.

1. Talk about how great the game Astrobot is:

Recently Astrobot, a silly marioesque platformer, won game of the year over Black Myth Wukong, a game by Chinese devs that follows a classic Chinese story. This ENRAGED Chinese g*mers as Black Myth was super popular and had a real shot at getting China it's first game of the year, and to see it beat by this childish platformer where the main character rides a ps5 like a rocket ship was triggering :pepereeeeee:. I think that all you have to say is something to the effect of "what do you guys think of Astrobot? I really like it" to get waves of chicom malding.

2. Say Lunar new year instead of Chinese new year:

Chang is very protective of things he thinks as Chinese, some other asian countries decided to call Chinese new year Lunar new year and now Chang wants to put the Chin back in Chinkmas. Chinese people also claim Kimchi, sushi, the color red, and if the pattern continues they are going to say that they invented the Nanking massacre. They claim that it is the Koreans that actually do this, and say that Koreans claim christmas as a Korean holiday. As far as I can tell they just completely made this up on their own.

3. Downplay the importance of China in history:

To no surprise to anyone, the middle kingdom acts like they are at the center of the universe. They are super protective of the idea that China was a super important part of the world, while this isn't wrong they are REALLY insecure about it and constantly make up attacks to react to.

Like "Westerners say that Rome conquered China!" uh... no?

"Westerners deny Chinese history!" No, what does happen is that historians don't take stories of ancient Chinese dynasties as fact when there is no physical evidence or contemporary accounts of these empires.

4. Perform horrific medical experiments on them as part of unit 731 :trollface:

Like a boss


My father and other lunatics near his farm has had the bright idea to start a hobby farming into :marseycow: :carpcowboy: :marseycowmad: :carpcow: :marseysphericalcow: cattle

For the past 4 months they've been building a dipping kraal, or a medicine application bead/holding, which is just basically a pre-built fence or passage where cattle/cows/goats/bucks or any other form of domesticated bovines are herded through, preferably one-by-one to apply veterinary care,

like spraying their fur with anti-lice or anti-parasite poison, or injecting them with vaccinations or whatever the particular situation requires.

This dipping passage system, can be technologically sophisticated

or locally rurally primitive - as has been done 100 years ago

Large commercial farmers can even have hardcore systems to separate cattle into groups while applying medication, prior to selling for auctions or butcheries

THere's even companies which build custom, but pre-fabricated pens and dipping-passages which have proven to be very effective for commercial farmers

all looks very complicated, but what it boils down to is to aid in the driving on of domesticated animals, without hurting cattle or ranchers themselves, while also leaving easy access to the animals for medication care. There is no definitive surefire method or structure, they are as variable as there are farmers and stock.

Some act as multi-purpose structures, where once vaccinated, cattle are thenafter driven onto ramps, up to transportation trucks

which again can vary dramatically, from humble specialized trailers, capable of being pulled by any pick-up truck with sufficient power, to gargantuan commercial grade trucks capable of transporting a 100 bastards at once

Anyways, the nutjobs near my father's farm had started to construct a homemade dipping kraal/passage, by using manual labour and a generator bolted onto an shopping trolley's wheels! (this was from a month ago)

The dipping enclosure were to have wooden beams with giant rubber strip lengths surrounding the enclosure, to protect the cattle from harming themselves when they bump into the wooden beams, a the soft rubber softens the blow like the softened corners of a wrestling ring.

These giant rubber strips were pulled tight around the wooden beams with a specialized fence-wire pulling tool, which utilized leverage onto chains with a clamped with each segment

This "Draadtrekker" or "Wire-Puller" has this teethed mechanism, to consecutively "climb" onto a chain, to pull a wire clamped onto it's tail end, and uses leverage to strengthen the pull onto each consecutive chain link. It's operation is very hard to describe into words. But it basically "climbs" onto the chain, with the teeth hooks.

It's soft of like like a ratchet wrench type device but not really?

The idea is to pull a wire or other material as taut as possible, to strengthen the wire's structure, usually for farm fences.

Saturday and Yesterday, my father had discovered that the 6 beeste had severe eye infections, to the degree that they were borderline blind. Their eyes were swollen and inflamed, and the cause uncertain - as they are supposed to be the type of local Safrican breed hardened against this climate and its parasites and illnesses. Regardless the cattle were really rough looking

TTheir eyes so swollen that they could barely see more than a few meters ahead of themselves.

One cow which was so angsty and evasive, literally ran away from my father in panic as it could not recognize my father - mistaking him from some other predator or whatever, despite usually running at speed whenever my father appears in the veld towards him, because my parents regularly feed them lettuce and carrots to make them used to humanity

This brought alarms to everyone, and soon he had called me from across the farm with dogshit 3rd world cellphone signal - i only noticed a "missed-call" in my SMS, and realized my father's intention. I had to run in 33 degree heat :marseyburn: :marseyfireeyes: and gather the two Lesotho laborers currently building the unfinished kraal, because the 6th cow was being so evasive, that it would require a multi-man concerted effort, to corral this beest into the dipping passage, in order to closely inspect wtf was wrong with it.

:marseysweating: :marseysweating: :marseysweating: after lots of sweating we managed to not just gather the blind-beest, but also the other 5 beeste, into the unfinished, but luckily fully enclosed kraal, i had to run like hooligan and ram pipes into the exit of the dipping passage , to block off the exit, and ensure the 6 cattle corralled into the dipping passage, would not just exit like water from a funnel :marseydead: so tired.

Then once they were within the kraal, structure we could clearly see at point blank, just how fricked up their eyes were. All 6 had problems, 3 of them had tears running down the sides of their faces endlesslly - it appeared that they had great aggravated suffering.

To compound this horror and bad luck, my father had enlisted the services of a farm animal vet, but he had decline to doctor them for eye and other parasite related shit, because he had stated that it was useless to apply medicine before symptoms showed :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: well now 2 weeks later we were all staring at blind 6 cattle with dark black tear streaks in obvious suffering.

We were all tired from the corralling efforts in a humid crushing 33 degree heat (which is nothing i know compared to the 40 degree heat in actually hot places in the country), so we decided to start lunch while my father made a decision.

We made boiled eggs and noodles, and my mother shared the same for the 2 Lesotho men (many SA employers can be ruthless and let men work without break in the sun, nor ever give them food)

After lunch my father had decided, we cannot wait even a week for a vet to come again, and that likely if these cattle were not treated, they could form permanent cataract-like debilitating ailments, or just become blind. He still had eye-treating medicine stored in his shed. And OH BOY did i not yet realize what we were in for!!

The next stage was to corral the 6 cattle from the outer kraal, into the dipping funnel passage, and to our woes, the structure was not yet finished, additionally the 6 cattle were spooky and uncooperative and we found it impossible to fricking separate them, thus we were only capable of herding all 6 into the funnel passage at once, so that they were squashed tightly.

This was not done for the sake of animal abuse, but because it was decided if we did not treat these animals here and now, blindness would follow - and we were without all the cowtools we needed, the passage was unfinished and we had not fricking vet with us.

Ironically, the fact that the cattle had squashed themselves so tightly, meant that they could not bump their heads in erratic spontaneous movements and hurt themselves.

We were supposed to have a headclamp ordered, but it was still a city away and had not yet been delivered, but this was an emergency, and again we could not fricking wait

Thus we had to also make to with the only pitiful rope we had - which the Lesotho men tied around the nearest wooden beam, and then the horns/mouth of the specific cattle we wanted to treat, in order to keep their heads still and unmoving - and once again this was not done for the sake of animal cruelty

Cattle/cows are unbelievably strong. You often see videos of city-slickers and people who've never encountered wild animals or even domesticated farm animals before and tourists dangerously approach large animals into their comfort-zone, only to get mauled/hooved and their body battered.

Cattle have necks with the thickness and strength of ten men's arms - i've seen before how careless ranchers or farmhands have their hands crushed :marseyscream: :marseyscream: :marseyeyelidpulling: and their bones splintered from just one spontaneous movement of a cow's head, pinning a man's hand next to a wooden bean, or alternatively bending backwards every fricking digit of a man's fingers :marseymonsterpenisshadow: :marseymonsterpenisshadow: :marseymonsterpenisshadow: :marseycringe: :marseycringe: :marseycringe: because the usually docile and pleasant cow gets spooked and have no idea of their own strength compared to a human's, and unintentionally can cause tremendous bodily harm to its owners. Just one random jerk of an unaggressive cow's head can gore the arm of a reckless man. :unicorn: :marseylonghorn:

The 6 cattle were stuffed and jampacked into the funnel dipping passage, and thus we placed two pipes at the entrace to the passage to block them in! i had to literally push the last cow in with all the force of my strength along with the two Lesotho men, while a 3rd pushed in pipes between the wooden beams to lock them inside!!!

From here on out we had to apply two types of medicine (which i cant spell or pronounce): One was a bottle of teardrop type medicine which was applied by lifting up the lids of the target cattle, and squeezing it onto the area of irritation/inflammation. The 2nd was an injection via needle which, as per the instruction of the vet, had to be injected into the eyelids of the cow!!!! :marseytrollgun: :marseytrollgun: :marseytrollgun: :marseyeyelidpulling: :marseyeyelidpulling: :marseyeyelidpulling: But a cow's eyelids are very thick and filled with blood-vessels, and much larger when compared to a human's

As you guys can imagine, no animal likes to have their fricking eyeballs messed with and manipulated, especially after they are hurting and highly irritated by whatever infected it, like a human's red-eye.

This was why we had been forced to stabilize the cattle's head, by tying it up, lest it hurt itself or us, in it's panic or pain.

Of course i personally was too much of a b-word butt wimp to personally handle the medicine and eyeball needle shit, so i balked at that part :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy: but my father is giga hardcore and wen to great lengths to be gentle and shit.

finally after like 40 minutes, the poor cattle could dazedly and with stiff legs get the frick out of the cramped dipping funnel

we pulled out the pipes blocking the funnel exit, and they skedaddled out of there

what a nightmare

slice of life shit

Some mielie/maize bread baked by mother next to braai (open fire)

giant unused ordinance - from WW1, WW2 and 1899 boer war.

sister feeding cattle lettuce and carrots

Khoisan maize/corn/wheat giant mortal and pestle stones - smooth stones used to grind any edible grain or mielies into food capable of being baked into starch or other food like pap

im not nearly as cool as that other dramatard which built his whole fricking porch, but hopefully some of you found this at least somewhat mildly amusing



[🤓🤓🤓🤓🔘] was Joe Biden a good president?


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Good policy. Poor leadership. (-5)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

May he enjoy the rest of his life with his family. (51)

Hunter had no reason to be paid millions of dollars working for Ukrainian and Chinese energy companies, only reason was due to daddy's last name. Don't know why the left protects these corrupt politicians making millions being public servants. You only pardon people who have committed crimes... (-9)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

The deficit got better, stock market recovered, inflation reduced and unemployment fell (15)

Inflation reduced???? Huh??? (-5)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Biden gets a bad rap, and while some criticism directed at his administration is warranted, especially when it comes to his admin's communication problems and some policies that were a bit out of touch with liberal voters, Biden achieved some things while in office, while the benefits won't be felt for years to come. (See my reply for more information)I mean, my biggest criticism of Biden was his decision to run for a second term, this put Democrats in a tough spot, and this decision, in no small part, contributed to a Trump victory.I want to recognize however, that not only was Biden stuck between a rock and a hard place when he first stepped foot into office, and thanks in part to the failures of the previous administration, as well as the economic and political fallout from the pandemic, but over the past 4 years, a portion of the American electorate have been far more concerned about their immediate circumstances than any messaging emphasizing some of Biden's successes and/or Tr... (9)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Biden's team was solid enough. I think they were heading a correct direction for if they wanted to maintain the Neoliberal project. Waaaay too little ten years too late. And some of their calls were just... very typically center-stupid. But overall? They did a decent job considering that...... Joe Biden is irredeemably stupid and awful. And should go frick himself. He spent over a year giving Israel a free pass to do genocide and doing virtually nothing to stop it. And you can tell it was his call because every leak from the administration told that people were trying so hard to make a ceasefire. But the weak link was Joe "You don't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist" Biden.And the election. What a selfish, awful decision. He just handed our nation's future over to NrX-types and Pseudo-Falangists because he couldn't stomach being a one term president. Because of one stupid old man, we are headed towards mid-century climate and humanitarian disaster irrevisibly. The repub... (0)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Weak and feckless, mostly. Made the disastrous decision to appoint a gutless coward as Attorney General right off the bat, then when Trump started to rise again he, as the leader of his party, failed to organize a response. Then he backed down from a direct conflict with Netanyahu as he butchered Gazans in front of every TV screen in the world, meekly offering up "stern warnings" when he had much more powerful cowtools at his disposal.And most darning of all, his towering arrogance to run for a second term at his age because he believed he was the only person who could doomed the country to a full fascist takeover, leading to what will likely be a lot of terror, suffering, and death for Americans and everyone else.Ultimately, he failed to recognize that politics had fundamentally changed since the 80s, and tried to play by Marquess of Queensbury rules when his opponent was carrying a knife. His failure is complete and total, because anything he accomplished during his term is going to ... (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/jondo81

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮(+0🐮)

Number of comments: 8

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:



I really want Elon to royally frickup Social Security, Medicaid, Medicaid, and piss off all old voters to go after the GOP.

:marseyxd: :marseypearlclutch: :marseyinshallah:

I hope his zoomer twinks royally frickup and crash websites, block payments for months.

EFFORTPOST The Military Dictatorship of Chile Part 2 - Golpe de Estado :marseyflagchile:

Greetings dramatards :marseywave2:

A Country in Turmoil

It's time for the part 2 of our story. Taking from last post, Salvador Allende is the President of Chile and in 1971 the Unidad Popular got big wins on the municipal elections (getting 49% of the popular vote), however because Allende and the commies activated the money printer :marseybux: inflation skyrocketed in Chile leading to a stronger opposition.

As mentioned in the other post, General Viaux along members of the right-wing paramilitary group "Patria y Libertad" and CIA glowies assassinated the commander of the army, General René Schneider.

The so-called "Schneider Doctrine" was a non-intervention principle by which the Armed Forces were to remain loyal to the constitutional order. The Chilean Armed Forces are composed by 3 branches, the army :marseysalutearmy:, the navy :marseysailor:, and the Air Force :marseyjetfighter:. Then you have the "Carabineros de Chile", the carabineros are the National Police but they're highly militarized and more akin to the French "Gendarmerie"

After taking office in 1970, Allende appointed General Carlos Prats as the new head of the army.

General Prats was a fierce adept of the Schneider Doctrince.

In terms of the economy the currency reserves of Chile went from 394 million dollars in 1970 to 163 million dollars in 1971. In terms of trade the balance went from a surplus of 95 million dollars to a deficit of 90 million dollars after an abrupt fall in copper prices (Chile's main export abroad).

The raising of wages along the freezing of prices led to shortages of good, and by 1971 a black market had risen.

By 1973 the amount of money circulating rose from 173% in 1972 to 413%. Inflation went from 225% in 1972 and reached 606% in 1973. On the streets violent clashes occurred between sympathizers of Allende and the Unidad Popular and right-wingers/other members of the opposition.

The government blamed shortages on sabotaging by enemies of the people, however even unions engaged and benefited from the black market activities. They would oftentimes charge their remunerations in goods so they could trade them in the black market. Very wholesome and stable government :marseywholesome:

By 1972 the government created the "Junta de Abastecimientos y Precios", which were local "people's" committees to deliver basic food goods and combat the shortages.

A pic from the breadlines :marseycomrade:

On October 9th 1972 the National Confederacy of Trucker's Owners went on a strike along with other trucker's associations. They had the backing of newspapers like "El Mercurio" (known conservative newspaper) and our glowie friends :marseycia:

On October 10th the government responded by arresting the truckers leaders, by October 12th the truckers responded by blocking the main roads of the country which led Allende to declare a National Emergency. By October 13th some 300 people had been arrested all over the country. In the following days other organizations joined the strike, among them the Confederation of Commerce and Production, the Confederation of Small Industry, the Association of minibuses drivers, the association of taxi drivers. By October 17th they were joined by the Medical Association of Chile (basically all doctors), the Federation of High School students of Santiago and all the Lawyers, engineers, and dentistry organizations. Then port workers, pilots, teachers, by October 18th the country was completely paralyzed.

The associations formed the "National Command" and published their demands on "El Mercurio", they asked for the end of nationalizations, end of expropriations, restitution of expropriated property, end of radio censorship and limiting the President's powers. The strike peaked on October 24th, a day known as "Día del Silêncio",

During the strike, 2 truckers, one soldier and a worker are killed.

The strike ended on November 5th after Allende appointed members of the Armed Forces to cabinet. Carlos Prats took over as Minister of the Interior, Rear Admiral Ismael Huerta as Minister of Public Works and General Sepúlveda as Minister of Mining. This cabinet lasted up to the midterm elections of march 1973 where the Unidad Popular got 44% of the votes vs 55% of the Confederacy for Democracy (all opposition parties ranging from the PDC to rightoids together).

By 1973 Allende tried to re-aproach the PDC, however Eduardo Frei Montalva and Patricio Aylwin demanded military ministers which would have left the UP out of too many ministries.

By April 17th 1973 a miners strike began at "El Teniente" triggering street violence and lasting for 74 days. By 1973 over 100 people had been killed because of political violence. There was a risk of Civil War by then. Meanwhile the Coup d'Etat was already being planned by the high command of the Chilean Navy.

On June 27th 1973, General Prats was being driven through an intersection in the fancy neighborhood of "Las Condes" in Santiago when his car was approached by a red Renault. The people inside the car begin to insult Prats who was paranoid about what happened to Schneider 3 years earlier. So Prats took his gun and told them to stop, they didn't so Prats opened the window and shot the Renault :marseymagdump:. Both cars stopped and the driver was a woman accompanied by her young nephew, a crowd then surrounded Prats, he apologized and everyone begin to insult him and threaten him. They proceeded to break his car apart and flatten his tires, a taxi driver passed by took Prats away, told him to get in or he would be lynched. On that same day Prats went to Allende's office and presented his resignation. On June 29th however a coup attempt happened when Lt. Colonel Roberto Souper rebelled along his regiment. The attempt known as "Tanquetazo" was quelled by Prats himself. 22 people died.

By mid 1973 the Soviet Union was supposed to send weapons to Chile as part of an agreement with Allende, however they decided not too as they could see the writing on the wall, Allende wasn't going to make it so the Russians didn't want to risk arming rightoids.

On the Other front there was an institutional crisis going on. The mayors of the Unidad Popular along the central government were carrying out nationalizations and expropriations based on laws passed by a failed socialist regime in Chile which lasted for a few months in 1932.

By 1972 the courts were ruling against the expropriation as unlawful and unconstitutional. Between January and May 1973 the Supreme Court passed a number of resolutions asking the government to comply with the laws and abide by the courts instead of ignoring them, citing a constitutional breakdown.

presenting to the President for "the umpteenth time the illegal attitude of the administrative authority in the illicit interference in judicial matters

The government goons replied with a campaign calling judges "viejos de mierda" (old shits).

Prats took over as Minister of Defense on August 9th. On August 21st in front of Prats house a crowd of angry military wives gathered to protest. On that afternoon Allende along his ministers and Prats second in command, General Augusto Pinochet, arrive in place to show their support. The crowd proceeds to boo them all. By August 23rd Prats resigns. He recommends Allende to appoint Augusto Pinochet Ugarte, a longtime apolitical officer with no affiliations, as new head of the army.

On August 22nd the Chamber of Deputies of Chile passed a resolution of the Institutional and Legal Breakdown of Chile. This resolution accused the government of totalitarian practices, ignoring the courts and attempting against basic liberties. They called upon the Armed Forces to act. The Medical Association also signed a letter demanding Allende's resignation.

In the Navy almost everyone in the upper echelons was part of the coup's conspiracy. A similar phenomenon in the Air Force except for General César Ruíz, the head of the branch. However after Allende appointed him as Minister of Public Works and Transportation, General Gustavo Leigh, a plottist, became the new head of the Air Force. In the Carabineros (Police) General César Mendoza was part of the conspiracy. The wild card was Pinochet.

In September 7th Admiral Merino sent a letter to Leigh and Pinochet asking them to dispose their forces on September 11th at 6:00am in Valparaíso.

Augusto Pinochet

Augusto Pinochet was born on November 25, 1915, in Valparaíso, Chile, to Augusto Pinochet Vera and Avelina Ugarte Martínez. He grew up in a middle-class family in a port city that was then a cultural and commercial hub. Pinochet was the eldest of six children and was raised in a devout Catholic household, which instilled in him a sense of discipline and hierarchy that would shape his later military career.

In 1933, Pinochet enrolled at the Chilean Military School, where he demonstrated a strong sense of ambition but was not particularly distinguished academically. After graduating in 1937 as a second lieutenant, he began a slow ascent through the ranks of the Chilean Army. Over the years, he developed a reputation as a competent and methodical officer, although he remained relatively unknown outside military circles.

During the 1940s and 1950s, Pinochet served in various units across Chile, gaining experience in different terrains and military operations. He married Lucía Hiriart Rodríguez in 1943, and the couple would go on to have five children. His family life was characterized by Lucía's strong influence on his personal and political decisions.

Pinochet's career advanced during the 1960s, a time when Chile was undergoing significant political and social changes. He continued his education by attending the War Academy, where he specialized in military strategy and geopolitics. By the mid-1960s, Pinochet had become a professor at the academy, known for his lectures on counterinsurgency, reflecting the military's growing focus on internal security during the Cold War. His academic contributions included a strong emphasis on maintaining order and combating Marxist ideologies, which were gaining traction in Chile and across Latin America.

In 1968, Pinochet was promoted to brigadier general, a significant milestone in his career. He was posted to various key roles, including commanding units in Chile's north and south. His administrative skills and ability to maintain strict discipline earned him recognition among his peers, though he remained apolitical, rarely voicing opinions on the country's political turmoil.

At this point in 1973, Pinochet's public image remained that of a quiet, professional soldier. Few suspected that within weeks, he would become the leader of a coup that would overthrow Allende's government and mark the beginning of his nearly 17-year rule as the head of a military dictatorship.


Pinochet took 2 days until he replied to Merino that he was in. There's some irony on this famous tyrant becoming a dictator by chance, he wasn't even part of the conspiracy up until a few days before as they didn't know if he could be trusted. On September 9th Allende announced a plebiscite to solve the institutional crisis, but it was pretty much too late.

On September 10th Pinochet sent his family away to the South near the border with Argentina, in case they needed to escape.

In the early hours of September 11, 1973, military units began mobilizing across Chile. Communication networks and transportation hubs were placed under surveillance or neutralized. Key military figures, including Pinochet and Merino, coordinated from secure locations, ensuring that their forces were synchronized. The coup's success depended on swift control of Santiago, the nation's capital, where La Moneda Palace, the seat of government, symbolized Allende's authority.

At approximately 6:00 a.m., the coup began in earnest. Army units in Santiago and other cities occupied key military installations, broadcast stations, and transportation hubs. The Navy took control of Valparaíso, Chile's main port city, ensuring that reinforcements or communications from outside the country could not interfere. This action effectively isolated Chile diplomatically and physically.

One of the earliest moves was the seizure of radio and television stations, which were critical for controlling the narrative. Military forces occupied Radio Agricultura and other major broadcasters, replacing regular programming with martial music and announcements. At 7:00 a.m., a public declaration by the military junta was broadcast, announcing their intent to "restore order" and accusing Allende of undermining democracy. This marked the first public acknowledgment of the coup and was designed to disorient Allende's supporters.

Simultaneously, troops began moving toward critical infrastructure in Santiago, including airports, bridges, and major roadways. By 8:00 a.m., the military had effectively paralyzed the city, cutting off avenues for resistance or escape. These early operations ensured that opposition forces were unable to mobilize effectively, granting the coup leaders uncontested control over Santiago's strategic points.

La Moneda Palace became the focal point of the coup as Salvador Allende and his closest aides barricaded themselves inside. By 7:30 a.m., Allende had arrived at the palace, determined to resist the military's demands for his resignation. Armed with a small contingent of loyal security personnel and a few supporters, Allende rejected offers of safe passage out of the country, declaring that he would defend his presidency to the end.

The military issued an ultimatum to Allende at approximately 8:30 a.m., demanding that he surrender unconditionally. Allende refused, famously addressing the nation via Radio Magallanes around 9:10 a.m., in what would become his final speech. In his broadcast, Allende reaffirmed his commitment to the Chilean people, denouncing the coup as a betrayal of democracy and a tool of foreign imperialism.

By mid-morning, tanks and infantry units surrounded La Moneda, cutting off all access to and from the palace. Snipers were positioned on rooftops, while artillery was prepared to breach the building's defenses. The Air Force contributed by deploying fighter jets, a decisive move that underscored the junta's overwhelming firepower.

At 11:00 a.m., after another ultimatum was ignored, the military began bombarding La Moneda with heavy artillery. Hawker Hunter fighter jets strafed the palace, delivering precision strikes that caused significant damage. The psychological effect of the airstrikes was immense, as the explosions reverberated across the city, signaling the coup's seriousness and ruthlessness.

The Fall of La Moneda

By noon, La Moneda was engulfed in smoke and flames. The small contingent inside, including Allende, was running out of ammunition and options. The military intensified its assault, with ground forces breaching the palace's lower levels. Despite the hopeless situation, Allende refused to surrender. Around 1:30 p.m., with the palace in ruins and his presidency effectively over, Allende reportedly took his own life with an AK-47 rifle gifted to him by Fidel Castro.


The military secured La Moneda shortly after 2:00 p.m., raising the junta's flag over the smoldering ruins. Troops conducted a sweep of the building, detaining any survivors and seizing documents. The junta immediately announced that Allende was dead, framing his death as a suicide to delegitimize any potential martyrdom or rallying cry for resistance.

While the siege of La Moneda dominated the events in Santiago, the military worked to consolidate power across the country. In major cities like Valparaíso, Concepción, and Antostragasta, military units detained leftist political leaders, trade unionists, and suspected supporters of Allende's Popular Unity coalition. By the afternoon, stadiums, schools, and other large facilities were repurposed as detention centers, where thousands of individuals were interrogated, tortured, or executed.

The military junta issued decrees banning political parties, unions, and public assemblies. A curfew was declared, and military patrols roamed the streets, enforcing martial law. The use of propaganda continued, with radio broadcasts proclaiming the success of the coup and the beginning of a "new era" for Chile. By the end of the afternoon, resistance had been effectively crushed, and the junta was in full control of the country.

The new Junta de Gobierno was composed by Augusto Pinochet, Gustavo Leigh, Tobías Merino, and César Mendoza. With Congress closed now they ruled Chile becoming effectively the executive and legislative power.

So begins the Dictatorship

!historychads !anticommunists !neolibs



However, even some normie ledditors start to :marseynooticeglow: about why living expenses are getting more and more expensive, yet the ruling class and media only talks about "internet extremism" as the issue that plebians should be focused about! :marseywrongthonk:


I'm gonna bash my fricking head against the...

IT'S BECAUSE WE'VE TRIED ASKING NICELY TO AFFORD BASIC SHIT AND KEEP GETTING * * FRICKING IGNORED!!!** By our political "leaders", by our employers, landlords, law enforcement (see; elite class public security detail, lower class suppression unit) we're fricking sick of fighting to meet even the bare minimum!!!

And now it's "Ooooohhhh.... I bet all these attacks are because of that EEEEVVVVIIIIILLL INTERNET! It's gotta be that 'political divisiveness. That's the proble-"

GET FRICKED, NBC! It's the thing that your fricking owners won't let you fricking talk about, and I am beyond sick of the actual fricking problem getting so carefully danced around.

We're. Tired. Of. The. Owner. Class's. Bull. Shit.

:#speechbubble: :!#speechbubble:

I never thought I would be agreeing with a redditor typing an neurodivergent mental breakdown :#bruh: :#@bwcpat::#heartbeat::#soysnootypefastpat:


Its getting bad in the last couple of months we have had 2 assignation attempts on Trump a third non-attempt where a guy tried to sneak into his press conferences with a gun, we have had two shootings at Christian schools, an attack in new Orleans that killed a bunch of people and finally a guy tried to blowup a cybertruck in front of trump tower. these attacks are all over the place but the one connecting thread is it is all far right violence.

:#marseynoooticer: !chuds !nooticers


Just remove anonymity/usernames from all platforms. Users have to use their legal name. Let's get some real accountability behind people's actions and what they are spreading.

:!#speechbubble: !soyteens !fedposters

Dinner prep for my guest tonight
Avg Bengali foid

@tiptopkitkat is it bad that I low key want a (much cuter) foid to do this to me?


Lmao they're medinipuriya I'm sending this to my father looks like kolkata won a total cultural victory there too when my mother first went there after marriage people talked about her not being veiled and now they have empowered foids hitting their moids and forcing them to eat.


Maybe Islam is the answer


It's no different than rightoids commenting "Vaxxed????" on any news article regarding the death of someone under the age of 65.


Babies are 6 MONTHS OLD TODAY! We are tired and proud!

!animalposters !cats

Reported by:
  • X : i love the vet
Bigoted shop owner dares to ask a woman if she has a d*ck!
Some winter camping on the lake.

I cast a pretty big shadow :marseysmirk:

Negative temps with 40mph wind is too fricking cold

Reported by:
  • kaamrev : Rogue trader next question
The rDrama Game of the Year Awards voting thread :marseyhappening:

!g*mers come cast your votes!


With 100% of the vote, Dread Delusion wins the 2024 rGOTY award in an absolute landslide :marseypoggers: It's also on sale right now and you can buy it here for next to nothing:

And now for a bit about our unanimous winner.

Do you like the way N64 games and Morrowind look more than anything else? I do, and so I wishlisted Dread Delusion years ago before it was even in early access just from the screenshots. It released in full back in May and I'd been putting off playing it until recently because it couldn't possibly live up to the expectations from years of building it up in my head. But no, it actually did and it was way way way better than I even stupidly hoped it could be.

I even really enjoyed the narrative and worldbuilding, and I generally hate those things in games. And DD has a lot of it. Lots and lots of dialogue and ambient shit to take in. The premise matches the aesthetic and I was typing a bit about it but there were spoilers so I deleted it. Anyway it's a very novel postapocalyptic (fantasy world apocalypse) bit where the world is broken and this sick group that killed all the gods runs things now because the gods were all kind of evil and sadistic. But this group sucks too. Everything sucks. It's a world of suck and it's all so compelling and interesting.

There are airships and a mechanical kingdom run by an insane glitching machine king (soviets) and a kingdom where everyone can never die and they all desperately want to and a badass freedom kingdom (Americans) and a broken miasmatic surface world miles below these flying islands they're all so aesthetically engaging and varied and just looking at shit in all its 64 bit lovecraftian glory never gets old and is the primary driver of the game in my opinion.

There is no minimap and no quest arrows. There are a lot of quests. Locating things uses the tried and true system in the bottom of this maymay:

Except even more unreliable because this was made by one guy and sometimes when he says like northwest he actually meant east in another country. But that's ok because there's always shit to find and do and see.

"Choices matter" is an old buzz phrase but it's actually true here. There's almost never a right answer to things, just equally bad answers and maybe one is less bad. Like I let a little boy get eaten by a dormant god so this village's crops would stop failing. The kid dies. His mom is bummed. But I saved the town and it was cool to do so I did that and that was neat.

Anyway congratulations to Dread Delusion. You were full of exciting twists and letting me do things I didn't think I'd be allowed to do. You have flesh farms and god genociding and a town made of maddening clocks and weird abominations everywhere and I even enjoyed reading all of your strange little books to flesh out the world even more.

Buy Dread Delusion. It won rDrama's Game of the Year Award and you're on rDrama, so it should be up your alley.

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