- ultimateredditor : i don't like your cats, they are too skinny
- Lil-Subdued-B : ^^ and i dont like your stinking attitude you fricking fascist - Lil B
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So, this is a bit late, I celebrated Thanksgiving a week early so didn't have time to play, so let's pick up where we left off.
So it's well known that, at some point, this game was planned to be a live service title. You can see a bit of that in the faction areas.
You earn rep, there are rep grinds, and unlock rep tiers, to get new items from rep merchants. Kinda like Destiny.
The Veil Jumpers want us to find their missing remembers a check in on a town that's gone dark. All your current party members (4) come with, which makes me wonder why they reduced the party size to 3 . On the way to the village the game takes the opportunity to show case 1 of the only 2 thing your party members are good for. Puzzles, kinda, will get to that later.
I'll say this about the art direction of it really does take the bite out of the mysticism and grandeur of a lot of thrse places we've only heard about in the previous games [emphasis on games]. I guess that's an inevitability when it comes to AAA soulless slop
The blighted village segment is another talkie hallway, I guess they were trying to build atmosphere here m, but the lighting is too bright and the cringe writing prevents anything from seeming eerie like blighted infestation used to be.
It ends with what a lot of people are calling a moral quandary, it's not really as rook is hard coded as good in their background, but yeah you get to choose to either free the mayor or leave him to die.
We return to the Veil Jumpers to report that the mystery neighbors have control of and are spreading the blight. Nostalgia then makes a cameo
I saw a crow flying around throughout arlathan and suspected it was her. As one would imagine, since near not a darn thing carries over from the previous games her appearance boils down to "Remember me tis I Morrigan, witch of the wilds, I'm important!"
We're nudged to return to the ritual site to find a mcguffin. At this point the skill tree is made available to me.
It creates the illusion of depth, lots of increase by 5% and all that crap, not much in the way if actual abilities and what little there are pretty underwhelming, and doesn't nothing more than scratch the enemy. I suspect this is largely due to me playing rogue. I felt all the promotional materials leading up to the game and the stylistic choices when it comes to abilities were encouraging to player to play a mage. The mage, from what I've seen, seems to have the most thought put into it as well. You get 3 mage party members in this game though so frick that.
We encounter more new darkspawn, look how they massacred my hurlock boi. At this point enemies become more spongey, particularly the Hurlocks that engage in spear chucking. The bow is this game low key kinda shit. It's like a shitty version of the Kingdoms of Amalur bow, particularly because Veilguard combat is largely dueling, like stellar blade, where as Kingdoms of Amalur is more action packed and the bow is meant to integrated into combos with other attacks, same can't be said for the Veilguard which results in one-sided sniper battles. The ranged units aren't any softer upclose either, and the game's parry system shits itselfif a ranged enemy is compelled to shoot you point blank.
After traversing the rest of the ruins we finally corner the ghoul who to Solas' mcguffin. This boss fight was kinda tedious, not a fan of bosses dipping out for a bit and summoning henchmen to distract you especially in multiple phases. After the first phase Harding pick up the mcguffin and turn into bullshit. I DID like how she girl bosses you out the way though.
This is when the game introduces the only other feature that companions are good for, combos.
This pretty much the extent of the combat usefulness of your party members, which is what I suspected would be the case when I saw the companions didn't have health bars in the gameplay reveal. I really hated this aspect about thw mass effect games, squadmates by and large just felt like dead weight compared to party members in other RPGs and you have even less control over your party in the Veilguard, and not only that their abilities are a on a global cooldown as well, so you're resigned to watching the spectacle of your party member leaping around launching impotent attacks dramatically while doing something actually worthwhile once every 60 seconds or so. Rook's abilities are fortunately not constrained in this manner, at least on the rogue.
So we beat the boss, retrieve the mcguffin get a scene with tge mystery neighbors, which I got to say, Ghilan'nain looks pretty cool. With the mcguffin in hand you now can use it to emulate any unlocked companions unique puzzle power, making them even more useless We return to the lighthouse and I decide to change my Rook's hair.
Have another conversation with Solas and then set off following leads on the mystery neighbors around Thedas this leads us to the crossroads
which is a sort of hub area between the various zones in the game. It has side content of its own, which are mostly flashbacks of Solas' rebellion against the gods
He had hair back then. These are kinda shit, narratively, so far, they do really portray the world Solas described at the end of trespasser and as of now are only focusing on the two currently free mystery neighbors and not the rest pantheon. From the crossroads we can unlock Treviso and Dock Town for now.
Treviso is
Seems they didn't completely nerf the cake in this game The Qunari military has invaded Treviso for some reason. Antiva has now standing army, just the reputation of it's infamous assassin's guild,
a reputation that's changed for the altruistic. This once pragmatic league of assassins have now take on responsibility of protecting the citizens from the qunari and disturbing le heckin' wholesome shelter and welfare.
The crows tell you of Lucanis one of their mage killers that's locked in a underwater prison. Like most underwater sections in my experience, this place kinda sucks, it's boring and tedious to navigate through (yes I'm aware it is a circle, but it's a lumpy disjointed circle. Lucanis doesn't preform any better as a melee character than the, thus far range party members I've been working with so far. The final boss of the area is the most bullet spongy enemy I fought so far and he's protected by a barrier which I'm apparently supposed to use my rubber band arrows against. After about 25 minutes of peppering this dude I finally beat him and get lucanis as a companion.
Next stopDock Town
I get Dock Town is a slum but it really doesn't live up to the hype of tevinter that the 2018 showed off with all the magical neon signs and such.
Here you help the shadow Dragons fighting off venatori and learn they can control the darkspawn courtesy of the mystery neighbors.
This mission ends in another mage boss fight, though thankfully not as bullet spongy, just henchman spamming. With these two missions complete the game opens up and let's you engage in side missions.
I decided to help out neve in Dock Town. This turned out to be another talkie hallway mission, and there's a pattern here, as all companion's first missions are like this.
Decide on ripping the bandaid off of the black character immediately, and went on the mission to recruit Davrin.
So far he's okay on his own, and I really like his interaction with shrimp fried rice, a good depiction of elves from the sane culture, but different clans and circumstances in life, for this game at least. I didn't realize however that recruiting Davrin would immediately railroad me into a major choice involving the fate of two major cities and the side quest with in them .
I spring for Neve's city and was confronted by the spongiest most bullshit boss fight thus far.
After finally chipping away at enough of this b-word's hp to trigger her retreat the gang heads back to Treviso to find it fricked up. Lucanis is surprisingly level headed about things, but leaves the party for a bit and is hardened. I'll pause her for now and hopefully pick up sometime later next week. So far the game suffers from the same slow start inquisition did, but doesn't have the mechanical depth or the filler to experience it in of that game. There are few plot hooks however the motivate me to keep on trudging along.
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Someone posted a thread in /r/montereybay that was just "what do you guys thinks of Elon Musk's nazi salute". Mods ended up deleting the thread which then caused this follow up thread to be posted. The Nazi mod's explanation:
The post was removed because it had nothing to do with Monterey Bay.
This is the /r/MontereyBay subreddit, which is for discussion of things related to well...the Monterey Bay. When you visit the /r/bicycling subreddit, you go there expecting bicycle-related content. When you visit /r/television you expect discussion of television shows. That's what subreddits are for. To allow people to find places to discuss specific topics. It also allows people to avoid certain topics as well.
The discussion happening in that thread was no different than any of the other threads on the other political subreddits. There was no relation to the Monterey Bay whatsoever. That's why it was removed. Seemed pretty clear to me (and to the many people who reported the post saying it was off topic as well).
Now we have this thread where people are coming up with minor conspiracy theories and conjecture. Assuming that the mods have a political bias, saying things like "RIP Democracy" and the like.
The post was removed because it does not relate to the Monterey Bay at all. That is it. End of story. I figured people would find that to be pretty obvious. If you want to come up with some wild theory in your head, go for it. But that was not why it was removed. If you would like to discuss politics that to not pertain to our area, visit /r/politics, /r/worldnews, and the like. Thank you.
Don't bother reading it, just stuff.
Wow, I woulda never expected some folks in Monterrey Bay to be apologists for a nazi - but here we are...
There are some aggressive Nazi apologists in this thread. I don't know how many are actually in the area, but I take heart in the fact that this post has overwhelming more up votes than downmarseys, and people seem to think this was a valid concern.
Never stop the fight and trust no one, brother.
Monterey is a hotbed of silent conservatives. They nod and smile at the concessions that allow equality but secretly they wallow in a Republican pit of wealth and willful ignorance. It's all golf and landscaping and real estate with occasional nods to the actual rights of all Americans. The scum of the earth have elected Trump and support Musk, and their trappings of wealth and opulence can't hide that they're just as ignorant as the toothless rednecks who live in a low-life world of Walmart junk and addiction to their own stupidity.
Agreed- and maybe those silent conservatives should speak up. If 'conservative' now means Nazism, then just own it and let rest of us roast them on Reddit, any sub.
Lol what?
Hello. I commented on the post. I find it deeply concerning that this post was removed without the mods talking to us.
Since that post was deleted let me just restate this⦠Frick Nazis.
I'd like to better connect to my community and yes, I am willing to go on the news or have a cross burned in my yard. I'm here for my community and to stand up for those in it.
This poster is willing to stand up for Nazis I guess? Not sure how else to take it.
I didn't see the post, what did the post about Elon have to do with Monterey Bay?
(OP) National politics concern local politics finding comfort with a local community helps deal with broader anxieties. And finally this one is important, explicitly pertaining to Monterey is not included in the subreddit rules.
OP brings up a good point that it doesn't go against the rules.
You think the lowering of democratic standards is something people shouldn't complain about? What the frick is wrong with you? You think what is happening in DC right now is just another average day? Read something. Learn before you comment. Every decent history book will enlighten you to the fact that fascism is the enemy of a free society and reading about it might open your eyes to why Trump and Musk need scrutiny.
Mods of this app are liberal leftists. They will shut down ban and take down anyone or anything they dim a threat to their views. This is not a surprise that they take down anything that even remotely threatens their views.
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Technology? !chuds !nooticers !trump2024
- HailVictory1776 : Why does this fantasy game have millenial whedon dialog. God you g*mers are cute twinks
- ahorseshoecrab : Don't put the Lord's name in vain
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I'm not fact checking this because it's really funny.
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Eugenia Cooney is that obviously severely anorexic cosplay girl who has somehow managed to stay alive for a decade
She has one of those hate reddit subs. I don't really know why. Recently she did little Tiktok dances asking for Trump to save the app, so now they're saying she's pro Trump (and obviously this inspires more aggressive )
I've always just thought she was some weird morbid curiosity but they REALLY hate this chick
Did I miss something
Most importantly and hilariously they frequently talk about how they want to "slap her", "punch her", etc. !reportmaxxers
I thought at first this might be natural biofoid cattiness until I saw all the "punch her in the face" comments. Many of these accounts have rainbow shit. There's also some thread about her and some other internet person being "anti trans".
So I'm pretty sure these are men with Y chromosomes talking about how they want to beat the shit out of some mentally diseased skeletal twig woman !transphobes
Most of these accounts have 90% posting history in this sub. They obsessively monitor when she's live
They apparently have dreams about her
I wonder if they dream about beating the shit out of her
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An old underground backup generator for Sweden's biggest airport. It's right outside the airport so while trying to find it I felt a bit suspicious.
This is actually inside and underground, not outdoors.
Helpful [110] Not Helpful [4]- 18
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Temporary Protected Status or TPS is a legal mechanism that protects illegals from deportation. According to the gov itself, Homeland Security may designate a foreign country for TPS due to conditions in the country that temporarily prevent the country's nationals from returning safely, or in certain circumstances, where the country is unable to handle the return of its nationals adequately. USCIS may grant TPS to eligible nationals of certain countries (or parts of countries), who are already in the United States.
This is a godsend for illegals from particular shithole countries because it is a literal trump card when it comes to illegal immigration. As long as TPS is extended, the date in which you had to make it to the US to apply for it keeps being rolled down, and with shitholes like Venezuela who remain unsafe given their actual dictator in chief, the prediction was that it would be free from Drumpfs list of targets as they are neither accepting deportees or stable/safe/not committing human rights abuses
TPS as a trump card is legitimately insane and lawcels use it to a ridiculous degree to prevent deportations. Notably, TPS can be used during deportation proceedings to:
Lawcels will effectively sneed at having a large amount of clients be outright unable to avoid deportation now, as will actual beneficiaries. The sneed from beneficiaries is also going to be monumental, because a TPS beneficiary qualifies for:
So wheres the drama? Soon to come about as the news comes out pretty late night about a niche topic. NYT has confirmed they have a copy of a Trump Administration Decision to shut down the latest renewals, meaning Venezuelans will lose their protections in 2 waves, one in April and another in September and face summary deportation unless they beg to be placed in the enormous queue for a deportation hearing. Keep an eye out for sneed sometime between tomorrow and saturday (deadline for DHS Sec to announce if renewed or banned). Once the official announcement is made and this actually hits headlines beyond one outlet, we may get a surge in Dramacoin (or it will all be unintelligible bastardized spanish).
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""Oh don't worry these people always out themselves" - Mario1599" -Dramamine
Full comments. Some sweatys can't behave, so of course the thread is locked. The top comments are funny though
Finally some foreshadowing of /u/LiamJazeefa:
**One humble redditor suggests an offsite where evil reddit admins can't get the wholesome libertarianrinos. Another tells them to get on their uwu Groomercord. This is all it takes for (unarchived) TRANSPHOBIA to rear its head**
Part 1
**As predicted, we get an entire backstory about how Lilam is actually the real victim in all this. Some relevant points made** https://archive.is/vBAGT1. No stalker child, keeping tabs on male feminists and child predators is a bad thing because it only makes them want to r*pe more(?)
2. When Chris Chan got stressed, he did his neurodivergent stress sigh. When this person get's stressed, they just need a little CP, as a treat
3. Age bracket is 3+, but don't worry, Xe sometimes has to settle for 18+
4. Not aware of recidivism stats, even though this contradicts the previous message (my 1)
5. Unironically does the "aktually it's ephebophilia" when they're x-age or older" Relevance is unclear when they're still saying they're attracted to literal toddlers too.
6. Despite not knowing any criminology stats (see 4) they just know in their heart of hearts that most MAPs are non-offending because ???
Just for the record they're admitting to acquiring and jerking it to CP
7. Want a source? Um sweaty, you're talking to an intellectual. Be prepared to get peer reviewed articles and 90 minute lectures from The Scienceβ’. It might be too much for your feeble mind.
8. Lists some of the dangeous apps libertarians might be using to target children. Groomercord mysteriously not present
Part 2
**Now to the horrible stuff. TW: People are explaining why someone might not be sympathetic to someone who self-describes as a person who enjoys jerking off to children being r*ped.** https://archive.is/NBNtW#selection-1643.0-1650.0Vivid_Wrongdoer_1662 (more like Bigot_Queerkiller_1488 am I right) makes this horrible point, but our intellectual has a strong rebuff to this nonsense.
- I don't have a time machine, BIPOC.
For some reason "I can't unfap to the r*pe of those kids" doesn't soften this heart of stone. Here comes the truth nuke. Total CP enjoyer absolution. Get ready to feel like a fricking fool all you woodchipper posters
I'm absolved of my sins because
something something therapy (that fixes everything according to reddit)
People are being mean to me, did you ever think about that?
Yes, I wasn't punished, and I continue to be an unrepentant menace to children who is still attracted to them, but at least I'm not rude. Also you can't get me nah nah nah
Part 3
**Of course it wouldn't be reddit if we didn't try to use nu-terminology to try toall my critiques are ^^^ It's extreme copium and deflection
I also like the random redditor trying to redefine porn on the fly because child porn was giving it a bad name or something: "You should use the better term, child sexual abuse material. Porn is consensual."
Here's a few more redditors accidently telling on themselves.
-- They're just using harsh terminology to checks notes make child r*pe and CP sound bad:
-- Libertarian activists are so brave for sticking up for the stigmatized paraphilia community:
Certified yikes sweaty moments
Part 4
**One last over the top cope for the road- you're literally sending death squads after me.** https://archive.is/IiXqC- The true victims in all of this are those that see mean words on their screen. Do you have any idea what it's like to be told to keep yourself safe by a stranger over the Internet (the answer is yes, it happens all the time, grow the frick up). This is what avoiding signs of victimization is, btw- minimize all your horrific crimes against children and then cry about mean words from pseudo-anon accounts you'll never interact with again.
-- "Go sit in a corner for three hours and imagine people saying these things to you every single day for 10 years."
counterpoint: Xe doesn't even need to do this, just stop telling people how much you enjoyed child porn. Stop telling people you find toddlers attractive.
Fear of Doxing. I will once again remind you that NOBODY ASKED and you just volunteered about your attraction to 3+ year olds. If you did this on an account that can be connected to your real name, you should also be in jail for being fricking r-slurred.
The famous Internet death squads are coming for the wholesome libertarians (God I wish that were true
. There is a twitter account with this same username- https://x.com/lilamjazeefa. The most recent tweets are from 2016 directly \@GovGaryJohnson and \@GovBillWeld... the Libertarian candidates for the 2016 election...
- BigBlackCockatiel : Looks like generic gatcha mmo trailer
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!kino Ne Zha 2 might actually make over 2 billion dollars and be a strong contender against Avatar 3 later this year.
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I'm part of a grassroots org working to fight this, but I'm seeing way too much infighting inside the community itself. I don't get itβif we're all on the same side, why do we keep tearing each other apart?
leftoids and infighting, name a more iconic duo
To be honest, reading these comments makes one thing clearβit's time to rise.
We either rise togetherβor fall alone. And I refuse to fall.
April 30th. We March. We Rise. We Prosper.
I'm not here to sugarcoat itβour rights, our lives, our futures are under attack. And the time for silence? That clock ran out a long time ago.
On April 30th, we take to the streets. A nationwide LGBTQIA+ March for Equality, epicentered in D.C., but rising in cities across the country for everyone who can't make it to Washington. This isn't just another protest. This is a movement. It's LGBTQIA+ focused, yeahβbut this fight is bigger than just us. It's for every single person who's been pushed to the margins, silenced, beaten down, told they don't belong. We welcome ALL alliesβbecause if they come for one of us, they come for all of us.
We will march. We will rise. And we will make darn sure they hear us from the Capitol to the White Houseβpeacefully, powerfully, unapologetically.
This is a non-violent marchβbuilt on strength, unity, and the unstoppable power of a community refusing to be erased. Our voices are our weapons. Our passion is our fuel. And no lawmaker, no billionaire, no hate-filled agenda can drown that out.
But we're not stopping there.
We're launching a nationwide boycottβtargeting companies and corporations that threw their weight and their money behind Trump and the GOP in the last election. The ones who slap rainbows on their logos during Pride Month but funnel millions to those working to strip away our rights. We see you. And we're done funding our own oppression.
This boycott isn't a one-day thing. It's a sustained, strategic standβbecause if there's one language corporations speak fluently, it's profit. And when we withhold our dollars, we speak louder than any rally cry.
This isn't just about LGBTQIA+ rights. It's about human rights. About democracy. About our future.
So, whether you're marching in D.C., organizing in your hometown, or joining the boycottβstand with us. Because when we rise together, we're unstoppable. And when they try to divide us? That's when we get louder, stronger, and more united than they ever expected.
We march. We rise. We prosper.
Because this is our fightβand we're not backing down.
Spread the word.
- whyareyou : make better content cute twink
- AnnoyinTheGoyim : Holy shit this code is disgusting.
- TC : Chudmisia
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For context, if you use the progressive stack award, your posts are (temporarily) treated as if they have 2x their actual upmarseys. This was thought of as so powerful by the jannies that it costs 1500 coins for just 6 hours. Now, if you make a post that gets 140 upmarseys, and at the same time someone makes an effortpost
that gets 30 upmarseys, or chud ragebait that gets 50 upmarseys, your post will actually be below them on the front page. In fact, since upmarseys are basically normally distributed (getting 30 upmarseys is pretty average, getting 90 makes yours one of the top posts of the day, getting 150 would make it the top post of the day), any sort of multiplier would change the content of the front page immensely, let alone a multiplier so large it treats mediocre
and slightly above average chud ragebait as superior to the actual top post as chosen by users.
The fact that /h/chudrama is blocked by default is irrelevant, because most active users have it unblocked, so even if you block /h/chudrama every post you make is still effectively being deranked. And besides, there are plenty of people who want to read /h/chudrama and not have it be literally the only thing they see on the front page
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as we all are aware, the prophecies clearly state that this is the last pope, ergo this sickness is a harbinger of doom
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They need to be hexed with 9001 Friedmans.
When Trump pulls this off, and the US is wildly, rich and wealthy again; unlike anything anyone alive has seen in over 100 years, it will be undeniable to even the most radical leftist that Trump's policies have been an overwhelming success for the United States, and he will earn his place on Mount Rushmore and as one of the greatest presidents in American history.
It sounds very reasonable but then some butthole who doesn't believe in Jesus/is a communist shows up.
don't get how it makes us rich. We import something like $3T of goods every year. Even if we somehow collected 100% of that, it wouldn't cover half of our spending
Mandatory spending was $3t in FY24, $2.1t was gibs for the elderly.
A king comes to the rescue explaining that daddy will be reducing waste
How do you not understand that Trump is going to cut all our wasteful spending and shrink the size of the government to historic lows?
If we cut the arms and legs off the old people we have a smaller volume of old people so can pay them less.
For those counting it would also take 12 years with zero spending to pay off the debt.
Or just abolish the IRS/completely strip funding, fire everyone.
This is called impoundment and was the subject of his first impeachment. Congress has the enumerated power to spend not POTUS, POTUS can't just decide he doesn't like what they want to spend on and reverse it.
Literally. Communism is 100% tax, I.e. 100% slave. We're about 50-60% of the way there.
Average effective rate is 16.4% but carry-on.
Don't forget property taxes. I'd like to see property taxes held at a certain rate that will not increase. People need to be able to budget their money without the government randomly raising taxes that could eventually force you out of your home.
Others paying for services for you sounds an awful lot like socialism to me.
We'll replace China as the number 1 exporter in both products AND oil/energy production and exports.
Also, it is as though the jeering lefties are unaware of the first hundred plus years of US history. NO income tax, tariffs galore, and they were a successful country.
I wonder what else lasted approximately a century?