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Hey so again not to sound like a libtard but

The sudden massive flood of snuff content on instagram this week is probably a very bad thing.

[boring] :marseyclueless: Hmm, what's happening in /r/punk ? :platyaltgirl: (punk is when use social media)

So why are anti-Nazi posts taken down here now?

I saw the post - it really was pretty far into advocating violence overtly.

I get why it was taken down.

I must have missed those parts, thanks for the explanation.

Am I not punk anymore? Anyone else feeling the same now?

I'm in the US and I've considered myself punk since high school so ~10 years. I still go to shows often, participate in mutual aid, volunteer. I'm in LA and even the last couple weeks I've been sharing resources, volunteering, and donating what I can due to the fires. I come from a minority

  • immigrant background, I am not rich or even middle class by any means (single mom) and I have a child with disabilities.

With the new presidency and all these executive orders being signed, I know now is the time to get out there and advocate and protest more than ever. However, I actually have felt the opposite which makes me really sad to say. I'm trying my best to keep up but just end up upset and logging off my social media and news articles. In a way I feel like I can't make much of a difference, I feel like every identity of mine or things that matter to me and my family are being targeted. The day of the inauguration for the first time in 10 years, I thought maybe I should take out all my piercings and cover my tattoos and buy some more normal clothes to blend in as best as I can. I actually felt like "Is this what is needed to survive the next 4 years?" Is this normal or has anyone else felt like this? Does this mean I am not punk anymore?

You have someone relying on you and it's not everyone's responsibility to be fighting every single fight. You have every right to keep yourself and your loved ones safe and anyway punks look after each other. You looking after your youngling is a perfectly punk thing to do.

Stay safe


You're still punk. You EXIST. You are having a strong reaction to bad people and their bad acts. Pace yourself... Given yourself breaks. If we cannot individually effectively, healthily exist, there cannot be resistance. Focus on your community close around you, starting with you, family, friends, coworkers. We cannot take on an entire government structure or administration alone. We have to be stalwart, but be Gentle with yourself. Resist on the ground, where we are. You're doing better than you think. It's not the look or outward loud defiance all times.... just carry the sentiments in your heart and actions and let them guide you. Some of us like the loud, fraught fight. Some of us have a more quiet, sustaining power. Do what is you, but don't you quit. Don't you give up. We will make better days ahead. It's worth fighting for in the very way we live our daily lives.

punk is when, you exist link

they have this exact post like every time something happens, and it gets tons of upmarseys idk why link

this is adorable link

Republicans will never be punk.

Yeah, punks aren't usually those with all of the power in society and who oppress the most vulnerable.

Thinking you're punk just because people find you vile is some real soft brained shit

It's like when we found out eric harris was actually a popular kid and a bully himself. You're not oppressed or outcast by society, fighting back. You're actually the one with power. You're just a ladygarden.

Yeah the peepeeheads that would go to punk shows in the 90's were usually yuppie Republicans that wanted to fight "non conformists". They didn't care about the music or the scene they just wanted to fight. They saw a room full of aberration and wanted to impose order. A lot of the ones I knew of personally, went on to become cops.

Cops can't be punk either.

No such thing as a republican punk. Just little b-word butt posers

Why did I even bother? This subreddit says the exact same things alllll the time. It's so boring! ...and new reddit algo pushes the sub pretty hard.

Oakwood Church in Saline preaches hate behind the pulpit : AnnArbor


Is this truth or are redditards bearing false witness? You be the judge.

DJ, dog walker and homeopath among roles on UK skilled worker visa list :marseydogwalker:


!nooticers :marseyemojilaugh:

Canine beauticians, DJs and pilates instructors are among the categories of overseas workers eligible to apply for UK skilled worker visas, an Oxford academic has found.

As the government promises a white paper later this year to slash the numbers entering the UK to work, a list of specific and in some cases unusual "middle-skilled" jobs to which foreign workers can still apply has been identified.

Analysis of Home Office data over three years to March 2024 shows that 334 visas were granted for "animal care service occupations", which include dog groomers, dog walkers, stable hands, kennel assistants and veterinary nursing assistants.

Over the same period, 167 fitness and wellbeing instructors, who include pilates and yoga teachers and lifestyle coaches, were given skilled worker visas.

Keir Starmer is launching an immigration policy drive amid a poll surge by Nigel Farage's Reform UK party.

The list of occupations also includes "costume interpreters" – the people wearing period dress who greet visitors at museums and National Trust properties.

The anomalies were unearthed by Robert McNeil, a researcher at the University of Oxford's Centre on Migration, Policy and Society. "Many of these roles may well be challenging and require particular skills, but they might not be the sort of things that are front of mind for most people when they imagine roles that are critical for UK employers to recruit from overseas," he said.

He found them among more than 300 designated jobs on the "eligible occupations" skilled worker visas list, after flitting past professions usually associated with visa applicants such as nursing, care work, the civil service, the diplomatic corps and banking.

In a blog post on Tuesday, McNeil said the jobs were on the list because of changes introduced after the UK left the EU. "At the same time as ending free movement, the government reduced the skills threshold to allow middle-skilled jobs to qualify for work visas. Previously, only graduate jobs qualified in the system that applied to non-EU citizens.

"When people think about such middle-skilled jobs, roles like plumbers, bricklayers or engineering technicians spring to mind. But defining what is actually middle-skilled is not straightforward," he said. "Some of the results are surprising."

The "middle-skilled" list also includes "air travel assistants" – cabin crew and staff who check baggage at airports. In the year ending March 2024, 869 visas were issued for these roles. Cemetery managers, homeopaths and cycling instructors are also on the list.

Ministers have promised to tighten the rules around visas after repeatedly saying they want to reduce overall migration. Starmer accused the Conservative government of conducting an "open borders experiment" in November after revised official figures showed net migration to the UK hit a record 906,000 in 2023.

The white paper is expected to be published in spring as part of Starmer's plans to see off the political challenge from Reform. Among the proposals included in the document will be moves to reduce legal immigration, including by linking migration to skills and ensuring more British workers are trained to fill jobs commonly recruited from abroad.

It is also expected to take into account a Migration Advisory Committee review ordered by the home secretary, Yvette Cooper, to limit overseas hiring by technology and engineering companies.

But Labour is also keen to show the UK remains open to high-skilled workers by reviewing visa routes. The chancellor, Rachel Reeves, told a breakfast event at the World Economic Forum in Davos: "We are going to look again at routes for the highest skilled people, visas particularly in the areas of AI and life sciences."

Home Office sources say that while the "eligible occupations" list is eclectic, applying for a visa is just the first step in being able to come to the UK to work. Foreign workers also need to be sponsored by an employer and most are required to be paid a minimum of Β£38,700. The required income drops to just less than Β£31,000 or lower if the applicant is under 26 or engaged in certain types of higher education.

Asked to respond to McNeil's findings, a government spokesperson said: "We are grateful for the work skilled international professionals do in the UK. However, it is clear that we must end reliance on overseas labour and boost economic growth. That's why, under our Plan for Change, we will publish a white paper to set out a comprehensive plan to restore order to the broken immigration system, as we aim to link our immigration, skills and visa systems to boost the domestic workforce."

Reported by:
  • Grue : I would never tbh
Have you ever dated someone with autism?


Neurodivergent trans lives matter; trans loves matter

I love the USA :marseysaluteusa: | Dr Phil :boomer: joins Tom Homan (Deporter in Chief) and films it :marseyxdorbit:

!trump2024 !trump2028 !project2025 !chuds

Absolutely malding :marseymalding: by reddi:marseytrain2:s

I'm sorry, what the frick is "Dr." Phil there for? Is he an ICE agent now? Is Phildo the new Mike Lindell?


I won't link it, but there's a video of "Dr." Phil on his social media page basically interrogating a detained immigrant. I wouldn't be too surprised if this turns into a recurring segment as a propaganda piece Γ  la Live PD.

Ugh I don't think this is out of the realm of possibility at all. He would selectively choose the craziest and worst people caught to highlight and make it like it's a representation of all the detainees. His daytime audience of idiots would eat it up


How stupid is it that conservatives doubled down on calling Kamala the Border Czar so hard they invented the position in the next administration so that way their criticism of her being in the aforementioned fictitious position would sound legitimate. She got tasked with brokering a deal with Latin American countries and businesses and successfully reduced emigration from those countries by around 20-30%. But no, it's easier to pretend like she was given the task of overseeing the border directly, which she wasn't. Lol

B-word did nothing STFU neighbor

Meanwhile in Krautland


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:marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED new toss

Community Note by @Count_Sprpr

This post was stolen from another hardworking dramatard:

All jannies are bastards

Helpful [149] Not Helpful [6]
Community Note by @QuadNarca

Jannies are allowed to steal, other rdramatards' posts, it's one of the perks.

Helpful [52] Not Helpful [89]
I made Chili Colorado tonight! :marseylickinglips:


Stressed so I've been taking photos like crazy :marseyschizotwitch:

!animalposters !cats



Trump frees another neighbor from the tyrannical Dems

The letter notes "independent reasons" as to why Adams' case was being tossed β€” including that the case was retribution for him speaking out against the Biden administration for its handling of the migrant crisis.

"It cannot be ignored that Mayor Adams criticized the prior Administration's immigration policies before the charges were filed, and the former US Attorney's public actions created appearances of impropriety…"

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Backstory about this effortpost, and probably the first ever film script!

17 days ago, @QueenOfSpades (:marseyblacked::chudbbc:) asked what happened to the /r/Drama-adjacent subleddit /r/JapanCircleJerk (, and thus, 17 days ago, I started writing this comment-turned-effortpost-turned Dramakino-turned schizoposting from my head that I want misinformation and rumors to be corrected, but due to a variety of reasons, I did not posted it back then, but now since today is my last day to farm dramacoin, and also since I would really, really appreciate insights, corrections, and addendums from folx who are more familiar with this story, then I will just post it in here anyways.

Anyway, my memory on this is hazy, I miss /r/JapanCirclejerk so much that my brain excludes traumatic memories as a coping mechanism, so since it was banned I have intentionally avoided looking up anything about its history, much like /r/Drama in a certain way :marseycope:, here is what I remember, and what I could piece together as a dramatic story about this historical event in the an(n)als of the Dramastorians, corrections and more information are very appreciated :marseysadge:, !effortposters !bookworms !kino could you please give critiques on my writing style and storywriting skills?:marseythanks:


(original Brazilian Portuguese audio)

(Japanese dub with different lyrics)



(I was going to make a more detailed poster but I need to post this ASAP before Homoween ends, and I have no idea which catchy tagline fits the poster of the movie better)


One day, /r/JCJ was doing the average things that it did as the biggest Japan Circlejerk subreddit, it was making fun of a creepy Gaijin guy in Japan, run off the mill stuff!, what they spent years doing on their subreddit that existed since around the early 2010s, for over a decade JCJ made fun of the average gaijin r-slurs in Japan doing average gaijin r-slur things, this happened all the time in almost all of their posts making fun of in-site drama, so what is so special about this case?:marseyclueless:, well, unbeknownst to the denizens of /r/JapanCirclejerk, this day was the day that would enter in the history of the late-stage Dramasphere on Soyddit.... the cope before the storm.....:marseyaware:

JCJ just so happened to have found the biggest goldmine in the history of their subreddit, the redditor that JCJ was making fun of, was the biggest living stereotype of the 2000s-2010s 4chan incel weeaboo neckbeard libertarian loser neurodivergent r-slur creep to have ever existed, he is almost an AI-generated caricature, what happens when you feed AI on outdated 4chan memes and "Otaku" articles from the mid-late 2000s and create a character based on him , basically, the antagonist of this story is a libertarian English teacher on a JET program.... who got into a relationship with one of his underage students:bruh:

(I do not know her age, perhaps she was 16-17 or so, but she was underage in the eyes of the law, and no, "age of consent is 13 in Japan lol" :marseypedo:, this is a redditor myth that gets repeated, the legal age of consent in Japan is de-facto 18 at all prefectural levels), so his JET agency/school eventually noticed that a child in their school is the "girlfriend" of an grown fricking adult teacher, and sought to either have a serious chat with him, or to take legal action/call the police on him. :siren::marseycop::marseyneckbeard::marseycop2::hansen2::siren:

CHAPTER 2::#objection:Nihonjin v. Chomo P. Lolilover:marseychingchongsupremacy::vs::marseypedo:

Still not being satisfied with living the ultimate 4chan weeaboo neckbeard isekai fantasy of moving to Japan, having easy and instant access to all weebshit you can think of, getting a real-life UwU kawaii loli gf, and becoming a s*x offender as a foreigner in a country with an extremely strict law system that does not acquits almost anyone, much less foreigners for their crimes, the reddit user (whose username I forgot, so for convenience, shall be named here as Chomo P. Lolilover :marseygroomer2:), Mr. Lolilover wanted to go far and beyond and explore more Tranime genres now that he lived in glorious Nihon, so after he became a s*x offender who groomed a child that he was supposed to teach good values towards, Mr. Chomo sought to also get into a real-life Ace Attorney courtroom drama anime!

After realizing that, well, he had committed a serious fricking crime, the 400 IQ IRL Anime protagonist did the shining glasses move from Evangelion :soyjakanimeglasses:, and realized that the best way to get out of trouble was to ask for help, ask for help where you say?, of course, the best website on earth where libertarians ask for help! -

reddit. :#soysnoo:

Chomo-kun fled to the reddit hugbox of smart Gaijin intellectuals on either /r/Japan, or /r/JapanLife, or /r/JET (do not remember which exact sub that was) to ask for assistance for his Ace Attorney case of Nihonjin v. Chomo P. Lolilover:marseychingchongsupremacy::vs::marseypedo:, the tard was proudly and without any fricking shame openly admitting on reddit that he is a grown man who is in an illegal relationship with an underage girlfriend in another country, and claiming having no idea as to why the school is fricking angry at him committing a crime, and want his head.:marseywoodchipper2:

As you can now guess, as it is to be expected from the average English teacher in Asia, Mr. Chomo is not really a bright individual, from committing a serious crime in a foreign country, to publicly admitting it on reddit on the account that he links with his Touhou lolicon and child idol blogs, to thinking that he did nothing wrong, to- HOLD THE FRICK UP:marseyspit: what the frick was that?:bruh:

CHAPTER 3::#cirnopost::#soyno: (no, literally :marseydespair:)

Of course, the neighbor got ripped to shred :!stoningdownvotes::marseypedo::stoningdownvotes: even the tards at either /r/Japan or /r/JapanLife or /r/Jet were fuming and thought that he was a fricking weirdo predator menace that needs to be either arrested or deported before more children get groomed, and their already-not-good Gaijinoid reputation gets stained, as the Gaijincels, above all English teachers, already have a stellar reputation as predators and creeps in Asia, so this libertarian freak needs to be stopped ASAP, before his number of victims grow, local media gets involved in it, and other Gaijinoids start to get hated and labeled as libertarian predators even more than they already have the reputation for.:marseychingchongraging::!stoning::mutttantrum::stoning:

I remember that the guy had a schizopost-y style to his writing and rhetoric, angrily replying to all negative comments calling him a libertarian freak, and I recall that he even LIKED TO USE RANDOM ALL CAPS TO SCREAM LIKE THIS:soyjaktantrumfast:, and since he replied to literally all comments mentioning him in the thread, the libertarian lolcow later flocked to /r/JapanCirclejerk to defend xhir heckin cute and valid relationship with an irl kawaii anime japanese loli girlfriend UwU from these heckin harasser stalker chuds and discriminatory Japanese law system:marseyrofl::soysnooseethe::marseylaughpoundfist:

Well, since the guy was quite a prolific schizoposter present in other subs, and had a quite old reddit account, JCJannies stumbled upon his older posts to see what else he was sperging about, but they ended up finding out.... the truth..... but not any average kind of truth, no!, Mx. Dramanxut!, this was a form of TRVTH powered by NVCLEAR fission, a TRVTHNVKE, in fact, this was THE most enriched TRVKERALD that would unfortunately, be the demise of /r/JapanCirclejerk :marseytruthnuke:

By surfing through his account, /r/JapanCirclejerk found out that not only he is a massive Touhou lolicon fan, with a fricking enormous posting history on Touhou subreddits and an also gigantic collection of Touhou memorabilia in real-life, and also off-site blogs where he talks about his figurine collection and love for Touhou lolis, no.... no!..... the motherlover has an enormous blog dating back to years ago, where he posts pictures of REAL SEXUALIZED CHILDREN from "Japanese Idol" magazines. :marseydespair:

Me writing this text from start to finish::marseyaware:

Chapter 4: PERSONAL ARMY REQUEST: ACCEPTED:#marseysaluteccp:

When his CP "blog" was discovered by JCJ, the sub understandably freaked the frick out at an outspoken libertarian with access to children, who has a gigantic blog where he posts "idol" (i.e. sexualized) photographs of real children, who is openly obsessed with loli shit, and who most importantly, has already got in trouble for grooming an underage girl, so all of the "lulz guyz, look at this funny internet r-slur lolcow lolz!!!:lolface:" aura around the subreddit immediately ended, but this was unfortunately, the very last time that /r/JapanCirclejerk would type "/uj" on their comments :marseylibations:

Through the open and proud r-slur posting his personal information on his CSAM blog, they doxxed him (:based:), apparently contacted JET to immediately take action against him (:based:), and overall just started to non-stop shit on him wherever he went on reddit, which is heckin problematic behavior that is against the reddit inc. terms of conduct, and a violation of redditiquete:bardfinn:

Even before the JCJannies started to shit on him, reddit banned their sub for violating their rules on doxxing, and also banned other related subreddits for ban evasion, thank you reddit for making the world a better place, and protecting an outspoken and proud libertarian who has gotten into legal trouble for grooming minors!

Chapter 5: See you, Space Dramanaut:#marseycowboy:

And that was the true story of /r/JapanCirclejerk, yet another extremely funny and informative reddit sub getting banned for them trying to bring a bona-fide open libertarian to justice.

6. Where are xhey now?:#marseymugshot:

I forgot most details of what happened following this, however, I am certain that the libertarian's account is still up, and he is still posting his love for underage Japanese children and lolicon, I do not remember his name, but perhaps KiwiFarms or old Pullpush archives still have the name of his account. !libertarianhunters !ranchers

Also, I made this image in a rush in order for me to be able to farm dcoin before Homoween ends, I forgot to add in some Touhou figurine in Toguro's hand for example :chuditsover:

Friscons cope that they suck


[office drama] I fricked up

So I'm at work and I'm about to start working a different schedule than the one I've been on for the past few months. This is all well and good, and I've known about it for several months at this point. As the day of the change approaches I'm talking to my manager about some other stuff and he says "By the way what was your new schedule again? Because what you told me the last time we talked about it doesn't match what's in the system."

Turns out someone fricked up the paperwork and my new schedule in the system is slightly off from what was in the announcement months back. While slightly less convenient, it's barely different from what I was already expecting so I'm thinking okay whatever. I just really really REALLY need my time off requests that I put in forever ago adjusted to match the new schedule.

Apparently this is not a simple ask. I got pulled into chief HR's office at the end of the day and was informed that the issue had been passed all the way up to corporate legal and they were going to offer to honor the schedule I was originally presented with in the announcement "as a gesture of goodwill (please don't sue us)". I declined and made it clear that I reeeeeaaaaallly don't give a shit about the minor schedule adjustment, I just need my PTO moved. Response was "we technically still can't force that through, you'll have to get $other_department to override it for you if you decide to keep the adjusted schedule."


So now the shitty part is that I know exactly who fricked up the paperwork and I'm worried that I've made enemies out of her entire chain of command. And all for nothing, because I still don't have a guarantee that I'll get my time off. I just wanted my fricking PTO fixed.

This is at a fortune 100 megacorp (doebeit at a very low level because I am an unambitious lazy r-slur).

Republicans are in a crisis over potential Medicaid cuts


If it were up to me, I'd mind control them to abolish social security, Medicaid, Medicare, 95% of the pentagon budget, farm subsidies, giveaways to Israel + Boeing, sit back and watch the shitshow.

:marseypearlclutch: :marseyxd: :marseypopcorn:

Reported by:
  • pet : my account was approved. now is your chance to get a hexbear acct just reference this post
  • HailVictory1776 : :!marseytrain:s need to be physically removed from 109 websites trans lives matter
Transgenders are giving up on BlueSky and are planning on moving to, home of former /r/ChapoTrapHouse

:marseynull: vs :marseyfatrick: Who will enjoy prison? & A MATI Listener claims to also have had success by appealing "I AM INDIAN" to twitter

direct link to fatrick tweet

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brainstorm ideas on how to make this website more foid friendly.

A lot of foids feel unsafe here with the level of harassment we allow and the predators we've had run rampant here. What are some ways we can make this website foid safe?

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:marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED Drumpf :marseytrumpgrill: wants to cut defense :marseytank: budget in half, and work with China :marseyjewoftheorientglow: /Russia :marseyputin: on reducing nuclear :marseymacarthur: arsenals :

Libs ownership status: pwnd :marseysike:

:marseygroomer2: has no threads abput this lol

Edit: as per :marseyunabomber: note

Community Note by @TedKaczynski

Despite OP's claim that there are no threads about this on Reddit, there are over 17 posts using this specific link.


Helpful [27] Not Helpful [3]
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Another sleepless night :marseyyawn: :marseyyawn:

I'm really tired but I can't sleep, how is that even possible

Brave Redditor "Stands Alone" In A "Solo Protest" Against Trump


desTINY reads off a massive essay in "response" to the lawsuit

:marseyl#ongpost: :t#o: :marseylongpost2#:


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