Reported by:
  • X : :ripbozo:
Pope Francis:marseypope: has been sick :marseysick: since last week with a 'complex and clinical' medical condition :marseydoomerblowkiss:

as we all are aware, the prophecies clearly state that this is the last pope, ergo this sickness is a harbinger of doom :marseydoomguy1:


:marseymath: THANKS FOR MARSEY OF THE FRICKING YEAR, motherlover! :marseymath:

@McCoxmaul love all of you, motherlover! Even if you didn't vote for me, motherlover!

this is cirno
Reported by:
hes in the comments Incredibly rare reddit chad. Redditor spends $2500 on a penny. Turns out it's probably a fake. Chad says " Nbd, I spend 6 figures a year on coins. I'll eat the loss." :gigachad2: :gigachad4: :chad:


I meant to post this 2 weeks ago, but I forgot :marseygigaretard: It's not some crazy drama. But there's no politics / wingcuckery so that's nice and I'm enjoying his casual attitude toward blowing $2500

Soydittors :debunked: his coin

Some soydittors suspect a troll :marseysquint:

But he seems genuine imo

:marseygigachad: I'm a very fortunate person, fortunate enough that I can spend 2,500 on a cent on a whim

:soysnooseethe: No he ripped you off.

:marseyretardchad: It was an honest mistake. Not a problem.



/u/just_a_coin_guy come to rDrama king and post your coins :marseyembrace:

Singularity achieved: ChatGPT can now be racist



The Dragon Age vidja games are as popular and mainstream as it is possible to get for gaymer straggots, but unfortunately just like subreddits getting too big, this would invite the lowest common denominator of peeps.

Additionally, the Dragon Age games, similar to Bioware games like Mass Effect have became famous for their relationships you can form with allies and NPCs in game, ESPECIALLY gaaaay relationships :marseyhomofascist: :gay:

Back in 2008-2009 this was an especial novelty (especially pregay marriage legalization in Burgerland), but as the years went into the mid 2010s, and became ever increasingly more popular with Tumbler crowd, despite the Romances with allies and NPCs being only a small fraction of the overall intent and collective experiences of these games, especially the 3 first Dragon Age games.

So many tumbler types would simply spam fan forums or subreddits with gay :gay: :gaydar: romance art, sometimes to the detriment of the community, because the romances of these BIOWARE games were supposed to be the cherry on the top of a particularly great dessert - it was supposed to be a reward for all the hard effort of defeating bad guys and orc-zombies and saving the day - like the 1980s American Hollywood action hero getting the girl at the end being satisfying, especially if we liked the character/actor.

It was never the main meat or main attraction of the games, even if I personally really liked them, and think they are best romances in all of gayming (not high bar i know but still). My issue and for many others, the Tumbler types would end up derailing forum conversations or group personalities of subreddits into the typical woke/shitlib mentality that we know of today.

For example the female Custodes and coomer menace which had invested the main 40k subs recently past 6 months - in a vacuum theoretically, you can have both discussions about the hidden lore, combat strategies, the behind the scenes development stories, fanart, and then romance/ fav companions discussions. But i have seen time and again how the group personality of a special interest group or hobby fandom can get warped over time if a specific demographic dominates discussion, and this is even BEFORE peeps of that mentality get into power of moderation in places like the /r/dragonage subreddits.

Many tumblerinas would never even play or even finish the games, and would hyper focus on the gayness romances, and apply their PRESENTISM modern contemporary politics, as if that was all their was to the Dragon Age setting.

And subsequently the Dragon Age games from 1 to 3 (from Origins to Inquisition), would also become notacibly more liberal with each subsequent installment. I'll give some examples just now-now. As newer devs came in to replace the veterans, and the developers more focused upon this new vibrant demographic.

This is important to realize because the original Dragon Age Origins was aimed at sweaty fantasy nerds from yesteryear, people like me - people who read shit like Conan the Barbarian and Sword and Sorcery tier fantasy from the 1930s - 1980s. Before Marvel transformed from nerd culture to mainstream midwit culture, so too did stuff like DnD transform from something squarely enjoyed by sweaty nerds and neckbeards, to fricking woke tumblerinas! :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed:

DA Origins is possibly the LAST game we will ever get like this, in terms of the tone and themes of writing, which has a similar bleak and ruggedness similar to 1980s dark fantasy or 1930s-1980s Conan the Barbarian bleakness. The events and world was bleak and grimdark, but the heroic actions of our protagonists were that much brighter and selfless and heroic in comparison, like candles in pitch darkness!

Additionally for both the Mass Effect and Dragon Age series, the 1st game in their respective trilogies, were the least played (by gaymer normies/tumblerinas), because they were both the most technical, difficult and required the most gaymer understanding of mechanics.

Mass Effect 1 to Mass Effect 2, transformed from a full on 3rd person RPG :marseycrystalmaiden: :marseyleafsmiling: to a 3rd person action game :marseypunching: And again, for me personally I greatly enjoyed both games! Both were excellent in their respective genres, but for genre-cucks :marseybikecuck: like myself the fact remains that action games get much more attention and games within that genre, cuz a larger audience.

A similar thing occurred in Dragon Age 1 - Dragon Age 2, though not nearly as dramatic. DAO was a full on Ream-Time-pause RPG, my favorite kind, but the fact remains that just like the RTS (Real Time Strategy) golden age of 1997-2009, the genre was in reality always for a niche small audience, they sold, but would never sell Call of Duty tier numbers, they were simply too difficult or technical for many. (Even though we have a RTS revival renaissance for the Age of Empires series past 4 years)

DA2 would become much more action oriented, with enemies being divided into classes you were meant to overcome with cross-class combos from your fighting team; additionally the animations would become flashy and action like, and you could legitimately actually play the game on the easiest difficulty, without ever pausing the game or controlling your companions as if it was an Action game.

Yet DA2 was still a full on Real-Time-Pause game, and I personally really enjoyed it.

Though the writing remained strong, the games would more also liberalize subtly. This would throw off many of the woke shilib cucks when they went back in reverse order to play the very 1st game, which was published back in 2009. Because it contained fantasy sexism against women :soysnoo3: :marseywitch2: :marseysuffragette: :marseyradfem: :marseygilead: which as you guys can imagine always draws potshots from wokies

who disrespect the progenitor of the fricking series! :marseytrollgun: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseyitsallsotiresome:

Which is especially galling, as the sexism shown in DA Origins is very meek, and often showcased the women curbstomping those male cucks daring underestimate our Warrior Kween! :seasoningpolicequeen: :marseycrusader2:

It reminds me of a recent Live Action Adaptation of Avatar Airbender :marseyredditavatar: where one of the main protagonists was a very juvenile sexist, who would say shit like "You throw like a girl!" and would consequently get his butt beat :carpslap: :chudslapped: by the amazonian chicks in-universe. Like the fricking story actually punished this character, and he grew to be much wiser, and a worthy leader!!!! Well guess wat!!!!!! They sandblasted the fricking sexism and other faults from the Live Action equivalent, we we got the wimpiest and shittiest adaptation of a fictional character to ever transfer between mediums :marseytrollcrazy: :marseyitsallsotiresome: :marseybeanannoyed:

In Dragon Age Origins, even the meek sexism faced by female protagonists appears to be enough to have the turbo wokes and snowflakes shit themselves, and basically (left unsaid) imply they would remove all sexism from these types of games, EVEN if it depicted the sexism from bad people, and YOUR PROTAGONIST OVERCOMING SUCH BIGOTRY :marseytrollgun: :marseytrollgun: :marseytrollgun: :marseyitsallsotiresome: :marseyrage:

In the prevailing sexism index, I'd put DA Origins way above stuff like Mount&Blade, which is as hardcore to sexism as it was in the Dark Ages, where playing as a Foid :chadwomannordic: :chadwomanblack: is literally hardcore mode.

Basically, you need like double the amount of reputation and influence to get other nobles to do shit for you, but if you know the mechanics of the gayme, this isn't such a hurdle.

Instead I would put the "Prevailing-Sexism-Index" :marseywatermark: as above the typical Conan the Barbarian setting and below Wheel of Time, in terms of women being warriors and being typically respected/disrespected.

In Conan, there are very few women bearing arms, and mass r*pe is plentiful. The world is barbaric, and bandits are plentiful. But every now and then there is a woman warrioress which Conan encounters, like Sonja the Red or Tsia the piratess.

In wheel of time, there are as many Matriarchies as there are equal nations (because only women can be sane mages and be living flamethrowers) , but men still do the lionshare of physical fighting as frontline foottroops, with exceptions being the Amazonian Aiel foid warriors and so on - thus female warriors are rare, but plentiful enough to be visible for most people to see and form sexism against the in-universe physically weaker women.

In the game DA Origins there are various gendered interactions, showcasing that women have obtained much greater freedom over the past centuries, but the vestiges of sexism still prevailing everywhere.

"This line of dialogue was definitely written by a man!" :marseywitch2: :marseyradfem: REALLY? Your own sister or mother never insulted you guys by attacking your masculinity?

Here's a small microexample of beating up sexist dudes is STILL not good enough for Tumblerinas

some yapping about sexism

"Some of the games writing has aged badly, it's not unjustified for players, especially younger ones, to be uncomfortable about it or to point it out." :soycry: :soycry: :soycry: :soymad: :soymad: :soymad: :soyjakhipster: :soyjakhipster: :soyjakhipster:

"Does anybody else notice this? How, even though in the character creation description it says that women are treated as relative equals and are well respected, they really aren't? I haven't played as a male character yet, so I don't know the nuances of how they're treated, but I'm pretty sure they don't get at least one "Wow, I can't believe you're a man" at every story point. And I'm pretty sure that DA2 and DAI don't really have this problem so that makes it even more noticeable (and bothersome)." :marseysoyjak: :soyquack:

Remember what i said about the games aggressively liberalizing the dark and bleak setting with the following installments? Many :marseyzoomerimplosion: zoomer/liberal gaymers would be SHOCKED :marseyshook: when they went back to the original game, and all the different demographics aren't treated like an amorphous genderless cuck blob :marseychonker: :marseychonker2: :marseychonkerfoid:

Like holy smokes, in the game there are Alienages, or evish ghettos because elves are 2nd tier citizens because they are cucks in this universe - and the soys will STILL complain about the prevalence of any amount of sexism in-universe. :marseybeanannoyed:

"I think the only explanation for why some of that stuff still ends up creeping into the dialogue, particularly the sexism as you mention, is that the writers fell back on common medieval and fantasy tropes regarding treatment of women, either forgetting or not realizing that is clashed with lore."

This person is talking out of their asses, they are completely full of shit, and likely got their liberal impression from DA2 and Inquisition.

From the very onset in the game DA Origins, there were clear undertones of bleakness and sexism, as if the whole continent was slowly clawing its way back into "modern" civilization, with various calamities and disasters having plunged the whole continent back into cultural and technological dark ages. Foremost being the Blight - a swarming infestation of zombie-orcs which poisons and decays all natural habitats and life they come into contact with, which had decimated civilizations prior to the events in the game.

Runes and murals and ruins dot the landscape, the shells of once magnificent civilizations lived in by their diminished descendants.

In at least two moments, the Suffrage of women are mentioned ingame for DA Origins:

[1] Silent Sisters - dwarf chicks who cut out their own tongues

[2] Aveline - the chevalier in fantasy Frogland Orlais who beat up all the male cucks in a tournament, and won the right for Foids to become Frogland knights in-universe

[3] Sten, a companion of a faroff race, lives in an ultra-communist ultra-rigid society where roles are decided at birth due to the suitability of the kid - he expresses early on meeting with a Foid protagonist that he is MIND-FRICKED by the fact that she is a women and a warrior, cuz in his ultra-stratified nation, they don't exist. This conversation is not easily missed by peeps who actually played the game.

One tumbler feminist actually broke the mold in expressing the joy of overcoming sexism in the game universe.

Point is that low grade mild sexism was baked into Origins from the get go, as if in the start of the game, it has basically only been a hundred years since many women have obtained the rights or respect to join and command fantasy armed forces. The vast majority of fighting NPCs are male, when in combat and cinematics.

Yet even still warrioress women are shown as combat able, being exceptional in their roles and to be taken seriously. But this is not enough for the soys :marseyeyeroll: :marseyeyeroll: :marseyeyeroll:

"After countless male characters I decided to make a female one. When the phrase "I swear I'm the bravest of all of you and I'm a woman" became an option I cringed so fricking hard" :soyjakhipster: :soyjakhipster: :soyjakhipster:

Lmoa these people are soooooooooo soy - I have literally heard Safrican women sargeants pooping on male recruits in barracks for failing to do their PT in early basics, egging them on, and calling them p%ssies fr not even being able to do pushups which their women peers are able to do!

I realize this can still be belittling for women gaymers, but i have genuinely seen Afrikaans women, both the older and newer generation, calling men sissies for not being as brave as their sisters or female classmates, when a particularly tough adventurous undertaing was being balked at - like when during a school summer camp we were tasked with swimming across al lake midwinter when it was freezing, the women camp instructors would call all the boys wimps for not even being brave enough to act like a man, and do what the chicks were bravely doing :chadwomanblack: :chadwomannordic: :chadwomanasian:

Like have absolutely none of these peeps experienced the phenomena of men having their masculine pride attacked, also by women trying to prop them up? Maybe that is a remnant of Midievall sexism, where even women partook in enforcing gender roles, but it sure as heck was realistic behaviviour

This one line seems to have turbo cucked :marseysoyhype: :marseysoyhype: :marseysoyhype: :marseybikecuck: :marseybikecuck: :marseybikecuck: sooooooooooooooooooooooooo many Tumblerinas!

Once again how incredibly mild sexism in DA Origins is.

Anyways I won't waste your time too much further, but throughout the past decade a lot of bitching and grumbling had been made by tumblerinas.

TLDR: Male authors are evvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvil /r/MenWritingWomen :marseywitch2: :marseywitch2: :marseywitch2: :marseywitch2: :marseywitch2: :marseywitch2: :marseywitch2: :marseywitch2: :marseywitch2:


Reported by:
The hate that Starfield got was completely unfair and inorganic

At launch, Starfield was celebrated but it didn't take long before a hate campaign began against it and people started posting tons of negative reviews of the game. They complained about ridiculous things like the lack of vehicles (plenty of games don't have vehicles), and the lack of things to do (this is false, there is plenty to do).

The truth is that people had unrealistic standards. They wanted 1000 individually crafted planets and when they realised they were procedurally generated, people lost their shit without realising what an immense undertaking they were asking for. Starfield manages to provide a good variety of games and exploration always rewards you with amazing sights and plenty of opportunities to take photos. At the end of the day, Starfield provides more content than 99% of games out there. It is better than No Man's Sky @BILLYBIGBOLLOCKS. How you can you visit places like Neon and Akila and complain that the game is empty? There are so many settlements with an incomprehensible amount of content. There is also a host of lifeforms to discover and they all behave differently, making it exciting to explore the wild parts of planets.

People complain that many of the missions are fetch quests, but they fail to understand that much of the fun of the game comes from the journey. Traveling to different places, speaking to different characters and discovering new things is exciting, and fetch quests expose you to new content.

What I find strange is that people complain about the writing and the story. This is the best writing in a game recent. It's so fun talking to different characters because they all feel so different and they have varied motivations. I can't wait to meet new characters and it's exciting to pick what I'm going to say to them. I enjoy the persuasion situations where you have to pick the right thing to say to convince a character to do something. These are high stakes situations and I don't save scum so I deal with the consequences of my actions.

I will admit that the game is not perfect and there are some flaws. For example, there are a lot of loading screens. Secondly, 60fps mode isn't particularly stable. However, none of these shortcomings tarnish the game in a major way. Furthermore, Bethesda has listened to fans and updated the game to give players plenty of the features they have been asking for, making the game even better than it was at launch. That is a beautiful thing to do, and not many developers would do that. Thank you Todd Howard.

The hate campaign against Starfield was started by CHUDS who were mad that there weren't many conventionally attractive women in the game. You could see it on /v/, and it eventually spread to Reddit where chuds latched onto the narrative.

Of course, this discourse spread to Steam where a bunch of reviews started complaining about ugly NPCs. You can tell its chuds writing these because they use terms like "woke".

From here, it became easy to just call the whole game "woke" and the kinds of criticisms that came from this were ridiculous. People were mad that you could choose they/them pronouns!

So with all this needless hate gathering around Starfield, it became a hot topic in the culture wars which led to the torrent of bad reviews. That is why there is a negative perception of the game. However, for those of us who know what the game is trying to be and are playing it with a pure heart, we recognise that Bethesda has bestowed a masterpiece upon us. This is a beautiful game with so many twists and turns. It's innovative, unorthodox, yet so effortlessly fun.

I'm feeling quite sad right now because @ToeBeans ignored me cruelly and I don't know what I did to her to deserve this treatment. However, I'm about to play Starfield and it's going to make me feel much better. I might not have true friends online, but when I'm playing Starfield, Sarah Morgan and Sam Coe are my best buddies and they'll never desert me. Here are some of my favorite screenshots from the game. Looking at them helps me feel better.




DJ, dog walker and homeopath among roles on UK skilled worker visa list :marseydogwalker:


!nooticers :marseyemojilaugh:

Canine beauticians, DJs and pilates instructors are among the categories of overseas workers eligible to apply for UK skilled worker visas, an Oxford academic has found.

As the government promises a white paper later this year to slash the numbers entering the UK to work, a list of specific and in some cases unusual "middle-skilled" jobs to which foreign workers can still apply has been identified.

Analysis of Home Office data over three years to March 2024 shows that 334 visas were granted for "animal care service occupations", which include dog groomers, dog walkers, stable hands, kennel assistants and veterinary nursing assistants.

Over the same period, 167 fitness and wellbeing instructors, who include pilates and yoga teachers and lifestyle coaches, were given skilled worker visas.

Keir Starmer is launching an immigration policy drive amid a poll surge by Nigel Farage's Reform UK party.

The list of occupations also includes "costume interpreters" – the people wearing period dress who greet visitors at museums and National Trust properties.

The anomalies were unearthed by Robert McNeil, a researcher at the University of Oxford's Centre on Migration, Policy and Society. "Many of these roles may well be challenging and require particular skills, but they might not be the sort of things that are front of mind for most people when they imagine roles that are critical for UK employers to recruit from overseas," he said.

He found them among more than 300 designated jobs on the "eligible occupations" skilled worker visas list, after flitting past professions usually associated with visa applicants such as nursing, care work, the civil service, the diplomatic corps and banking.

In a blog post on Tuesday, McNeil said the jobs were on the list because of changes introduced after the UK left the EU. "At the same time as ending free movement, the government reduced the skills threshold to allow middle-skilled jobs to qualify for work visas. Previously, only graduate jobs qualified in the system that applied to non-EU citizens.

"When people think about such middle-skilled jobs, roles like plumbers, bricklayers or engineering technicians spring to mind. But defining what is actually middle-skilled is not straightforward," he said. "Some of the results are surprising."

The "middle-skilled" list also includes "air travel assistants" – cabin crew and staff who check baggage at airports. In the year ending March 2024, 869 visas were issued for these roles. Cemetery managers, homeopaths and cycling instructors are also on the list.

Ministers have promised to tighten the rules around visas after repeatedly saying they want to reduce overall migration. Starmer accused the Conservative government of conducting an "open borders experiment" in November after revised official figures showed net migration to the UK hit a record 906,000 in 2023.

The white paper is expected to be published in spring as part of Starmer's plans to see off the political challenge from Reform. Among the proposals included in the document will be moves to reduce legal immigration, including by linking migration to skills and ensuring more British workers are trained to fill jobs commonly recruited from abroad.

It is also expected to take into account a Migration Advisory Committee review ordered by the home secretary, Yvette Cooper, to limit overseas hiring by technology and engineering companies.

But Labour is also keen to show the UK remains open to high-skilled workers by reviewing visa routes. The chancellor, Rachel Reeves, told a breakfast event at the World Economic Forum in Davos: "We are going to look again at routes for the highest skilled people, visas particularly in the areas of AI and life sciences."

Home Office sources say that while the "eligible occupations" list is eclectic, applying for a visa is just the first step in being able to come to the UK to work. Foreign workers also need to be sponsored by an employer and most are required to be paid a minimum of Β£38,700. The required income drops to just less than Β£31,000 or lower if the applicant is under 26 or engaged in certain types of higher education.

Asked to respond to McNeil's findings, a government spokesperson said: "We are grateful for the work skilled international professionals do in the UK. However, it is clear that we must end reliance on overseas labour and boost economic growth. That's why, under our Plan for Change, we will publish a white paper to set out a comprehensive plan to restore order to the broken immigration system, as we aim to link our immigration, skills and visa systems to boost the domestic workforce."



/u/ElderExecutioner she's right, you pathetic frick. Stop crying on groomercord. No female wants a pathetic kitty male.

someone got to gym earlier than me and took my treadmill :marseyraging:

its over

Reported by:
  • prez : ban this bafoon
Marvel Snap banned due to links to TikTok, Capeshit enjoyers on suicide watch

The subreddit is up in arms, many people are asking for refunds, or hysterical that their microtransactions can no longer be accessed


Israel-pAlestine grab bag starting with the micks



Conservatives somehow find their butt

Redditards love their fanfiction

Gays go splat when they hit the ground

Looks like Berlin needs more bombing

Clever comebacks?

A reminder that all redditards are low functioning psychopaths and should be sterilized so they won't molest their children


heads up

I'm working on my magnum opus of foid hating. I'm going to be a little light on the rightoid patrolling until the work is finished. my days consist of getting wasted and finishing my work.



I'm 28F, my husband is 32M.

Not a good start, he's a confirmed groomer. :malefeminist:

He's always wanted kids [..] I don't express myself as super excited about it.

Stop wasting his time, b-word! :marseywall:

I've seen so many depressed moms who regret their decision

How many happy mothers do you reckon she's encountered that she completely discounts because she can't relate to them?

Last month was our marriage anniversary [..] he had a gift for me. I was excited. I opened the box and it was so creepy. It was a realistic doll like how a baby looks.

Even the sight of a baby :chadbaby: upsets her. This woman is ROTTEN!

I was so creeped out, but I didn't want to ruin the night, so I just said thanked him and went to bed.

Now she's denying s*x to her husband on their anniversary :marseyindignantwoman: because he actually got her a gift from his heart and not a Stanley cup handbag or whateverthefrick

a few days pass and last night sunday, he went out with his friends. [..] he'd be home late. [..] At 4 AM, I woke up to get ready for my shift. I went downstairs and saw him passed out on the couch. I went closer to wake him up so he wouldn't hurt his back sleeping there.

He would rather risk his back than risk waking up this harpy :marseygrin:

Next to him was his drinks. A bottle of lube. And that silicone sticky doll. Without clothes. Placed on his private parts. He was just laying there. Passed out.

This man is so desperate to be a father he used a doll and the lube that his frigid :marseyeggless: wife needs to simulate the warmth of the child she won't provide him with, and HE'S the monster?

Disturbed. I quietly went upstairs, grabbed some clothes and left. I called in sick and checked into a hotel.

Any reason to get out an honest day's labor with these harlots

i don't know how to tell my friends or family. I'm Indian


EDIT TO THIS POST. A lot of people are asking about picture. Before leaving the house, i took a picture because i knew no one would believe me.

Now admitting to an actual crime, very good! :marseywomanmoment2:

Or, more likely, this is a bored 20-something troll that realized getting proof made way more sense than running off, not understanding that running off with no proof is what an actual woman would do.

When you're pretending to be a woman you must heed this

Expect to hear "but cheap eggs tho" 1000+ times the next four years under President Pete BootEdgeEdge gets elected in 2028 after pledging to return to normalcy (again).

This one caused a bit of seethe.

Snopes chuds out too :marseytranspearlclutch:

!transphobes !nooticers lmao

Reported by:
  • FreedomforChristmas : There is no hate speech except against vanilla gorillas
  • DickButtKiss : I'M GAY AND MY PEEPEE IS SMALL - trans lives matter (trans lives splatter)
  • 0BS : gay
  • DoveMenCare : Thisis a safe space for people experiencing inceldom, bigot :marseyindignant:
Why is there so.much hate speech here? Is there no moderation?

Someone DMd me on Reddit that one of my posts was being discussed at this site I had never heard of so naturally I had to check it out. Immediately I am bombarded with racism and all kind of fricked up hate. Are the admins asleep? How is this allowed? Even /r/thedonald never had this much hate.

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