I wonder what the vibes are like there…
Yesso scallop-chan

Yesso scallop #gijinka #cute

β€” The Careful Buggy girlβ€οΈπŸ§œβ€β™€οΈ (@carefulbug.bsky.social) 2025-02-14T15:17:38.942Z

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This guy isn't wrong, however there are a lot of r-slurs I have to deal with applying and interviewing for these jobs. I'm eternally grateful that I graduated before COVID-19.

:marseysteer: :marseytrans:
Mamala didn't go on Rogan because of backlash in her progressive staff :marseyemojilaugh:

"There was a backlash with some of our progressive staff that didn't want her to be on it, and how there would be a backlash," Palmieri said on Wednesday."


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  • HailVictory1776 : Where the frick is Terry when we needed him most trans lives matter

DHS, FBI, FAA & DoD Joint Statement on Ongoing Response to Reported Drone Sightings

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

There are more than one million drones lawfully registered with the FAA in the United States and there are thousands of commercial, hobbyist and law enforcement drones lawfully in the sky on any given day. With the technology landscape evolving, we expect that number to increase over time.

FBI has received tips of more than 5,000 reported drone sightings in the last few weeks with approximately 100 leads generated, and the federal government is supporting state and local officials in investigating these reports. Consistent with each of our unique missions and authorities, we are quickly working to prioritize and follow these leads. We have sent advanced detection technology to the region. And we have sent trained visual observers.

Having closely examined the technical data and tips from concerned citizens, we assess that the sightings to date include a combination of lawful commercial drones, hobbyist drones, and law enforcement drones, as well as manned fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters, and stars mistakenly reported as drones. We have not identified anything anomalous and do not assess the activity to date to present a national security or public safety risk over the civilian airspace in New Jersey or other states in the northeast.

That said, we recognize the concern among many communities. We continue to support state and local authorities with advanced detection technology and support of law enforcement. We urge Congress to enact counter-UAS legislation when it reconvenes that would extend and expand existing counter-drone authorities to identify and mitigate any threat that may emerge.

Additionally, there have been a limited number of visual sightings of drones over military facilities in New Jersey and elsewhere, including within restricted air space. Such sightings near or over DoD installations are not new. DoD takes unauthorized access over its airspace seriously and coordinates closely with federal, state, and local law enforcement authorities, as appropriate. Local commanders are actively engaged to ensure there are appropriate detection and mitigation measures in place.

You silly civilians confusing stars with drones :carpfacepalm:

Anyway here's 1000 Breitbart comments on the joint statement


Domain Driven Design with the F# type System - Scott Wlaschin

!codecels Do you ever get hard when you use union types?

Rusty Loves the Galaxy Projector πŸ’œ

What a lovely night, tucked into bed with the boys and mister man :marseyjump: :marseyandmarcus: :marseygrouphug:

!animalposters !cats

:marseystarbucks: /r/starbucksbaristas are still defending the homeless


TL;DR: Starbucks new CEO recently announced that Starbucks will stop giving away free water or bathroom access unless you purchase something. This is part of a wider scheme to make Starbucks a "third space" again - somewhere that paying customers actually want to hang out.

You'd think that the Starbucks staff would be happy about this because it would finally give them a way to defend themselves from the assorted homeless and drug addicts who practically live in the stores, overdosing in pottys and scaring off actual customers. Well you're wrong.

For some reason Starbucks employees are obsessed with the "no more free water for non-customers" part. They don't understand that this gives them a rule that they can use to deter homeless people while still giving free water out if they want to (because who's gonna know?).



How does that solve the problem of homeless people?


lmao watercuck "please boss can I have some water I'm thirsty" "no"



Your skeleton crew would have more free time if you hadn't converted your store into a homeless shelter.


If someone's setting up a full desk in your coffee shop and hasn't bought anything yet then you should absolutely tell them to buy a drink or frick off.


I'm definitely going to visit a coffee shop that acts as a social hub for the mentally unstable.


This situation will never happen because you won't try to charge an old man $2 for water. You'll give it to him for free unless he's homeless.

youtuber speedruns getting banned from sports betting apps for knowing finance
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Take it for what it's worth, but have some personal knowledge from a good friend that a fairly large collector of alpha and beta magic lost their entire collection of magic in the fires currently ongoing in California. I honestly don't know the extent of the collection, but at least they were able to escape with their lives and their pets as well.

What kind of special r-slur/neurodivergent decides it's a good idea to go to Reddit and post something like this unironically?

Was it one of you?

Bellatrix pic

Info about Bellatrix: Bellatrix is the third-brightest star and a candidate binary star in the constellation of Orion, positioned 5Β° west of the red supergiant Betelgeuse (Alpha Orionis). It has the Bayer designation Ξ³ Orionis, which is Latinized to Gamma Orionis. With a slightly variable magnitude of around 1.6, it is typically the 25th-brightest star in the night sky. According to parallax measurements by the Hipparcos spacecraft, Bellatrix is located at a distance of 250Β±10 light-years. And this pic is low quality but magnificent :marseystars2:

:marseyaishoggoth: BIPOC HENTAI :marseycatgirl4:
Dave Eggers' Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius was a sensationβ€”then gone. What happened?
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Need marsey, banner, sidebar artists for a top secret project. LOW EFFORT BUT HANDSOMELY COMPENSATED. β€” LIMITED AVAILABILITY, I AM SELECTING THE BEST OF YOU

!marseyartists and others pls post below if interested

Will add people to a groupchat when ready to begin

Pay is 5 digits of coinbux and prolly a badge or two

This will have a lasting aesthetic impact on the site but despite that what I am going to ask of you is really nothing major or outlandish it's just a secret

Will NOT apply to vvpd this is an rDrama EXCLUSIVE

unless you are like X (formerly chiobu), dramarama, joyce, cox, etc. please submit a few of your marseys/banners in your comment for vetting




"There's that compassionate Christian conservatism and family values again."

Pure fricking evil



In today's market, even a month can be tight to secure new housing and move all of your worldly possessions

Frick America (Iowa). Late capitalist hellhole.

Fatties are grooming less fat people and calling it "intuitive eating"

I was doing my thing this morning, browsing /r/plussize to hate on more fatties when I ran across this. Nothing too special, just typical fatty :marseycope: plus no comments yet :marseysad:



But that last paragraph caught my attention. "Intuitive Eating"

I had heard the words "intuitive eating" and figured it was just estimating calories instead of strictly recording them. Well I'm great at that! I never bothered looking into it more. But here is a plus size fatty using it….

It turns out to a fatty, "intuitive eating" means eating when you want to eat without restriction… :marseyscream:

And of course, a fatty can't just exist alone since then everyone sees them as disgusting. These fatties are reproducing by encouraging others to "intuitively eat."



/u/mental-mention9377 please put down the food and look in the mirror. That shame you are feeling is normal! You don't have to become a ham planet!


The shame takes a lot of active work to get past. My binging stopped quickly but the shame slowly decreases and I have to still fight those feelings periodically.

The first thing to do is just remind yourself that there are no good and bad foods and that your morality is not tied up in what you eat or how much you weigh. Then you have to adapt your self talk to whatever sticks around as you get past the surface thought.

Gluttony is a sin. You are literally self harming by eating. This kind of grooming should be illegal.


I just can't wait for the negative self talk to finally subside!!!! I just want to feel comfortable in my body. But I know it's a process and I will get there eventually. Thank you 😭

How is she going to feel comfortable in her new disgusting body. This is ridiculous


Writing it down in a journal is helping me. I'm only about 2 months into my journey. I'm currently reading the book and have both a therapist and registered dietician who specialize in IE. I'm an emotional eater, so it seems like guilt/ self hatred go along with that. I found that being mindful and present is extremely important in this journey, so one way to achieve that for me is writing things down like observations. For example: 12pm I ate one chocolate chip cookie after my lunch. It felt good in my mouth. The chocolate bits were rich and sweet. I ate 1/2 first and checked in with my body and hunger/fullness scale. I wanted to eat the rest so I did. All in all it was a good cookie. I write things down without judgement, just like an anthropologist (they talk about this in the book). Then at the end of the day, I write down what I could improve. Example: I will try to incorporate more vegetables with every meal and eat when my hunger scale is at around a 3 or 4 (instead of when I'm starving), because I'm more in tune with my fullness scale.

This is one of the fastest comments I ever read. Yesterday I ran 4.5 miles, I worked out an hour and a half later in the gym. I didn't eat any cookies. I had a large calorie deficit and I feel great and I'm going to do the same thing today and every day until my I have kick butt abs again. I'm not even hungry since I've gotten used to it after a whole 48 hours :marseyeyeroll:


I took a body image class. It was extremely helpful

They have a class to teach you to be ok being disgusting? I'd like to see the lessons on the proper way to dry fat folds or maybe the one dealing with bad smells.


I can relate! I'm in the beginning stages of trying to heal from decades of diet culture and dieting and disordered relationship with food and my body. I'm in the same place roughly except I've been at this intuitive eating non restrictive thing roughly two months. I know I have gained weight, and I honestly can't stand it. Seems like a double edged sword tbh. I talk to my therapist and nutritionist about it but they just keep telling me not to restrict and convince me that gaining weight is ok and not that big of a deal, but it kind of is if I am uncomfortable in my own skin and end up having to buy new clothes. Personally on my own I feel like I am going to try to limit (not eliminate) sugar (candy, cakes, desserts) and try to focus more on eating more fruit and vegetables, and see if that helps fend off the cravings. I am also going to start small and try to take a small walk everyday.

I've learned to tolerate many things in the last 20 years. I put my foot down at fat acceptance. You are not ever going to convince me to not hate fat and fatties. The internet was a mistake

Everyday I wake up and think I've seen it all. Today I found fat grooming perpetrated by fat women and I'm not happy. I'm going to Walmart and parking all the power chairs in the back of the parking lot

Scientists :marseybrainlet: forget about chromosomes (again) :marseytrans2:


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  • Aevann : it was me, sry -- I say this as a feminist ally
Terrorist attack within hours of Orange Man coronation :marseyhappening:

Cartels are terrorist orgs now

Call a spade a spade

This is an act of terror and needs a military retaliation


me and who?

Or carp ig, do we need loggenincel mode enabled?

New Pickmeisha :marseyheart: Tori Talks is beseeching foids to stop reading BookTok Fantasyslop smut. :marseyreluctant:
Low effort Chud Post :chudspin:

@Lappland @Grue

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