@Sneedman regret having circumcised @Sneedman's baby


@Sneedman say this as a feminist ally.

EFFORTPOST Rant about Vietnam, Cambodia, hippies, chuds, journos, &ct.

I was replying to a post and one thing led to another and I wrote this. It happens sometimes. Maybe someday I'll clean this up, reorganize it, make it more coherent, and do some actually good writing. :marseyshrug:


We went to Korea and trained their guys. Within a couple years in 1953 they had infantry as good as ours (Ridgway himself said this) and they were learning to use artillery. By then the Americans were doing most of the technical stuff (communications, artillery, armor, certain engineering tasks) but with our help the Koreans had built up the 4th most powerful army in the world and taken responsibility for most of the front.



We go to Vietnam. We're there for 15 years. We give them all kinds of training and equipment. Many ARVN units are brought up to US standards. They're flying jet fighters in combat ffs. Somehow they lose. This is some political problem in Saigon, not what's happening at the front. They had the same problem as Ukraine with draft dodgers who they wouldn't crack down on for political reasons. You can't win a war when the people who are supposed to be doing most of the fighting are playing a bunch of inscrutable oriental Fu Manchu games with each other. Apparently Ukraine has the same basic problem, except the Vietnamese fought for 15 years and they're already throwing in the towel.


Somehow we don't have a Fu Manchu marsey yet.

The Vietnamese were treacherously stabbed in the back like Trump is going to do Ukraine. Kissinger made a deal with the Chinese where we'd make sure South Vietnam was destroyed in exchange for them turning against the Soviets. The media presented this like it was a genius move that only he could make. Frick. Frick this b-word. The Chinese already hated them and were in extreme fear of a Soviet invasion. We didn't need to give them anything. I could have gone over and accepted them begging us for help. Mao was a total fricking psycho but he was willing to do business.

The US mostly pulled out in 1971 (Old Man Redactor was one of the last) and completely in 1973. But to the consternation of imbecilic wingcucks on both sides, South Vietnam didn't immediately collapse.

I hate hippies

Leftoids were shocked as they imagined that the with the Americans gone, the Vietnamese didn't all rise up and beg for the communism they always wanted? They were supposed to be cute communist teddy bears (George Lucas has proudly and openly said the Ewoks are based on what he imagines Vietnamese people are like) and follow Jane Fonda's lead. In my entire experience with leftoid boomers (keep in mind this about 75% of my teachers, lots of family members, etc.) I have never once heard them mention ARVN once. I think most of them honestly don't even know it existed. So there's this extreme cognitive dissonance between their idea that America was fighting all the Vietnamese and it turning out that most Vietnamese were on our side.


B-word, you are not going down the Ho Chi Minh Trail, a major highway, in the rubber sandals they imagine on college campuses. You know why? Because it would be dangerous with so many trucks going by.

You ever notice that the "Anti-War Movement" never gave a shit about ending the war? After 1971 they had zero interest. Curious. :marseyhmm: Their hearts bled for all the brown people being killed by US imperialism and all of the sudden they don't give a shit what happens. I've had conversations with people who were adults in the 1970s and I have to explain to them what happened because at the time that's how little they cared about all those brown people. (I know Vietnamese aren't brown, I'm talking in terms of how these people saw them.) I'm not saying we should have gone to Vietnam. I'm not saying we should have stayed in Vietnam. Throughout this post I am not giving any military or government policy advice. But the "Anti-War Movement" was entirely self-serving, trying to keep upper middle class people out of the war. This is the real moment when the Democratic Party began shifting upward. Republicans dodged the draft too, but the Democrats became identified with the social class that could and did to that. A generation later it should be no surprise what peoples' party affiliations are.

This is one of the best episodes. When the hippie dies because he's walking around barefoot I always curl up in laughter. :marseylaugh: I guess this planet has a "no shirt, no shoes, no service" policy. :marseysmug2:

Chuds are no better

The rightoids were equally embarrassed. They were supposed to be so badass and they lost a war against a weaker opponent. How does that work? Some blamed the Vietnamese "we cared more about fighting for their country than them!" and a lot them made it a racial thing. A couple moments in time from Old Man Redactor's memory: Standing there in the base and realizing that everyone in his unit was either drunk or high. Everyone. Every single one. Other memory: Old Man Redactor turns on the TV. Now you've been told over and over again that "Vietnam was the first war on television, where people at home could see what was really happening". He's flipping the channels and he gets on South Vietnamese station. They're showing their journos' footage of the fighting. And right away he can tell that this is actually not staged, these people really are in combat, because they're fighting but at the same time they're scared out of their minds. You notice Walter Cronkite never aired any of that footage on American TV. The audience might find out his Vietnam War entertainment product wasn't really authentic.

You ever notice that our "racist grandpas" watched our Chinese allies fight but you never see our allies today (except white Europeans). It's probably because of internalized whiteness or something.

The stab in the back (unlike Hitler's, this one actually happened)

So the ARVNs kept on fighting. In America both leftoids and rightoids had massive cognitive dissonance. A South Vietnamese army that could hold it's own in battle? This can't exist in either of their world views. (You had to try really hard to not notice the ARVNs existed. (Old Man Redactor paraphrase: "The Tet Offensive is when they found out that in a real war the South Vietnamese would beat them.")) The leftoids especially were absolutely fuming that South Vietnam didn't roll over and die immediately like their professors at Dartmouth promised. Should they learn and adapt their thinking to the real world? Of course not. We're talking about rich white women. So the US Congress got together and cut off artillery ammunition for South Vietnam.

Is that the narrow gauge railroad he told me about that went along Route 1, the Street Without Joy? Notice the relationship between the ARVN commander and the advisors. At this point in the war they're throwing out suggestions but this guy may have been fighting 12 years. He'll consider that but he's the one in charge.

Old Man Redactor says they used 130mm guns to blow shit out of Quang Tri province, the one on the border just north of where he was. The ARVNs had no shells. They couldn't shoot back. Things disintegrated pretty fast after that. The US had trained and equipped a really strong powerful army to fight like Americans. Americans (especially then) rely a lot on artillery. So they're overrun.

Impossible. The Viet Cong (who totally still exist 7 years after the Tet Offensive) only fight with goofy wooden traps and carry everything on their backs. American soldiers can wander around unarmed alone because... the teddy bears are waiting to spring their traps. They would never use an 8 ton gun that is among the heaviest artillery in the world. It's just not sporting. Only imperialists do that.

The war is over!

Meanwhile the "Anti-War Movement" doesn't notice. They're too busy smoking dope and giving each other gonorrhea to care. There war is over. The North Vietnamese send I dunno how many people to "reeducation camps". (I guess it's better than Tet where they murdered all the teachers in Hue on the grounds that they're paid by the government.) They help their Cambodian puppet army take over Cambodia. Their puppet does their own thing, which is genocide. Now genocide isn't a problem for the Vietnamese commies. They aren't Anne-Marie Slaughter weeping :marseycry: about the "responsibility to protect". But a power struggle between the pro-Russian and pro-Chinese factions is fought out and the pro-Russians win. Pol Pot sides with China. So Vietnam invades Cambodia. Pol Pot's guys run into the jungle and do guerilla warfare. You thought the Vietnamese commies were good at guerilla warfare? Well they're sure not good at being on the receiving end of it. They quickly realize that they can't accomplish anything by fighting, so they just cut off food to areas controlled by the Khmer Rouge. Now huge numbers of people are dying of starvation. This only ends when the Cold War does. Like so many wars across the world it was fueled by the Russians and Chinese fighting over who is the better commie. As soon as that ends, all these wars do too.

*Border skirmish between China and Vietnam in 1984. Did the Anti-War Movement care about this? A bunch of asian people got killed. That's they're raison d'etre, right?"

You ever ask an "Anti-War" boomer how they felt about the genocide in Cambodia? I'm not saying they're responsible for it (they had virtually no impact on any decision making in the war) but like... did you ever wonder what happened in the end? Ever? All those people you cared about so much before. And then they stammer and piss their pants and say "It was... It was Immoral! It was an immoral war! I know because I saw that napalm girl! That's when I knew I had to fight against the war!" And then I say "b-word please, that photo is from 1972 when virtually all Americans were home. For you the war was over. There were no Americans involved. A South Vietnamese plane dropped napalm in support of a South Vietnamese unit on the ground. The more I think about it, the more I notice that the "anti-war" boomers would systematically ignore the whole existence of South Vietnam through the whole war. I wonder who coordinated this. :marseyhmm:


A 20-year-old named Thomas Matthew Crooks attempted to assassinate President Donald Trump on July 13, 2024, firing eight shots and injuring three people. Doug Hagmann, a private investigator, believes there may have been a criminal network involved with Crooks during the assassination attempt.

Rep. Clay Higgins claimed Crooks acted alone, attributing possible motives to prescription drugs rather than conspiracy.

Friends described Crooks as a brilliant student, challenging the narrative of him as a troubled loner

Btw other sources says the FBI is holding THAT. information as well, after their devices and auch were seized. This isn't allegedly, he didnt act alone..

Reported by:
  • forgor : Delusional globetards itt
Rightoids are denying the existence of space again for a new even stupider reason

Here's a goodun

Reported by:
what did x (the artist formerly known as chibs ) mean by this :marseythinkorino2:

@X blink once if your okay, twice if under duress


His :marseychud: fratboy neocolonialist cishetnormative anthem of mysogyny :

:soysnootypefast: about how much they support the misogynist taking a stand against national socialism

misogynists stay losing

This kills the box

Hurricane, the most decorated dog in US history who took down White House intruder, dies at 16 :marseylibations: :marseycry:

[🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘] Istg every time "Nu-trek" comes up on this sub you all start to sound like this.


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Except TNG still appealed to TOS fans, it was just the initial pushback against not having the same crew. Deep down they were very similar shows that appealed to the same demographic. Scraping all that to try and court Guardians of the Galaxy fans isn't going to ensure survival, it'll just recommit to the death spiral Star Trek is in. (30)

I'm a kid from the 90s and I couldn't wait for the TNG era to be over. I wanted the page to turn on Berman trek just as it did on TOS, which I thought was a lot more fun.Finally after what, two decades? I thought we were finally done with 90s trek at last. If you're not going to stick to the way and tone TOS does things, then you have no right to complain about Trek changing.I've liked most of Kurtzman 's offerings a lot more than any of the 90s runs. I'd take any season of Lower Decks, or sitting through a season of Discovery over embarking on any of Voyager for example. After a while Berman trek is all the same. (-14)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Is there some reason they can't be well written? (40)

Bullshit. Half the comments here are people claiming recent Trek is somehow garbage while completely ignoring the same writing in older Trek.The whole "It's not canon," crap makes everyone here sound like toddlers. (-17)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

There's noteable differences. No one here was complaining about the writing. They were complaining about it not being the TOS crew.No one there was complaining that it lacked character and depth. Those people were complaining that it wasn't the TOS crew.Those people aren't the same. As TNG picked up steam it ran 7 seasons and 4 movies, spawned 3 more spinoffs (DS9, VOY - both 7 seasons, and the ill-fated Entsrprise, which wasn't bad but fatigue by then had set in).Not a single one of these nutreks has made it as long as any old trek and it's obvious why.The story room, sorry... writing room, sorry... ChatGPT room is why it sucks. (29)

So is more or less like the same complains people had of Voyager and Enterprise. Notice. (-7)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

So is more or less like the same complains people had of Voyager and Enterprise. Notice. (-7)

Oh, yea. It must be that. How about no.If it was just that, Star Wars stuff would be getting cancelled because no one is watching it. Mandalorian was successful because it was new and different, although the last season was questionable and had lost it's outlaw ways.Marvel... the multiverse stuff is too contrived. The constant changing of "most powerful" is more confusing than the comics.Lord of the Rings, the new stuff is retreading.Everything is a sequel, prequel, or some derivative... no originality.So no, it's not just Star Trek so this argument is asinine. You all keep retreading the same story, "it's you, it's not my agenda that's the problem. Flashy boom booms make me feel good."So, no. It's not just "gramps" that are irritated, annoyed, and not watching it. Why did Acolyte fail? Because the 5 people watching it didn't justify it's existence. (9)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

The fact all the highest upmarseyd comments and posts in this sub always claim modern Star Trek is horrible, disproves your assertion.Every comment I've gotten here is arguing that all new Star Trek sucks. (0)

No it doesn't. It just proves that those are popular opinions, not the only opinions and certainly not that other opinions are down voted. I can't tell if you're lying or bad at arguing, because I've literally been commenting, replying to you, and not doing that. (0)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

I couldn't stand disco, it's bad TV on top of being bad trek. Picard S1 was like a nightmare, it re wrote beloved characters and starfleet, turning them into bizzaro mockeries of themselves. Their biggest crime though, was being boring. That said, LD really grew on me after a few initial shakey episodes. (Episode 1 throws too much at the screen). Picard S3 felt like an apology for S1 and 2, though it wasn't perfect. SNW similarly is a really fun show that I think in time could grow into something great. Give em a shot (4)

From what I saw of Picard season 3, it doesn't look very promising. Bringing back characters and the Enterprise D just looks like a cheap nostalgia grab like the Force Awakens. It's not like they retcon all the crap from the previous seasons, get rid of all the cussing and arguing, or change the format, pacing and tone. I've not looked much at Lower Decks as someone who doesn't care for shows like Family Guy or South Park. SNW has the issue of Kurtzman, senseless continuity errors (that is not my Enterprise!) and building on the broken foundation that is STD.I took the "if you don't like it, don't watch it" to heart. I'm tired of hate watching. (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/PiLamdOd

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮(+4🐮)

Number of comments: 20

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Reported by:
  • p : links to TWITTER (NOT X YOU CHUD) are banned on rDrama dot net
It appears that two X accounts of Reddit's CEO have been suspended.


Foids owned



I live in the northeast and people just walk up to you and start talking about how great illegal immigrants are and how sad it is that Kamala lost, etc.

First off, I was raised to believe that it's rude to bring up controversial topics. Second, I was raised to believe that it's rude to assume people will agree with you. It makes me SEETHE.

How Labeling Cartels as 'Terrorists' Could Hurt the U.S. Economy - The New York Times ( :marseyhmmm: unironically :marseyaware: what the heck )

Isolating U.S. companies from cartel activities could be almost impossible given that the criminal groups operate in sectors like agriculture and tourism, leaving some American businesses vulnerable to sanctions.

>Offerings of flowers, candles, photos and dollar bills at a shrine to Jesús Malverde, a "narco-saint," in Culiacán, Mexico, the stronghold of the Sinaloa cartel. Credit: Meridith Kohut for The New York Times<s/up>

President Trump's executive order designating Mexican cartels and other criminal organizations as foreign terrorists could force some American companies to forgo doing business in Mexico rather than risk U.S. sanctions, according to former government officials and analysts — an outcome that could have a major effect on both countries given their deep economic interdependence.

The executive order, which Mr. Trump signed on Monday, is intended to apply maximum pressure on Mexico to rein in its dangerous drug trade. The designation, more generally, also gives his administration more power to impose economic penalties and travel restrictions, and potentially even to take military action in foreign countries.

Yet, disentangling cartel operations from U.S. interests in Mexico could be immensely complicated. Mexico is the United States' largest trade partner of goods, and many American companies have manufacturing operations there.

Even more complicated, these criminal networks have extended their operations far beyond drug trafficking and human smuggling. They are now embedded in a wide swath of the legal economy, from avocado farming to the country's billion-dollar tourism industry, making it hard to be absolutely sure that American companies are isolated from cartel activities.

"This has come up in previous administrations across the political spectrum and from members of Congress who have wanted to do it," said Samantha Sultoon, a senior adviser on sanctions policy and threat finance in the Trump and Biden administrations.

"But no one has done it because they have looked at what the implications would be on trade, economic and financial relationships between Mexico and the United States," she added. "They have all come away thinking that such a designation would actually be super shortsighted and ill-considered, though prior administrations viewed the U.S.-Mexico relationship far differently than the incoming Trump administration appears to."

The foreign terrorist designation could lead to severe penalties — including substantial fines, asset seizures and criminal charges — on companies and individuals found to be paying ransom or extortion payments. U.S. companies could also be ensnared by standard payments made to Mexican companies that a cartel controls without the American companies' knowledge.

Some extortion payments, even if made under duress, could be considered "material support" to cartels, said Pablo Zárate, senior managing director at FTI Consulting, an American firm that released a report laying out some of the risks of the terrorist designation.

Former U.S. officials and analysts pointed out that it would be nearly impossible to identify which business may employ or be affiliated with cartel members given the tens of thousands of people involved and operating in various industries, including the hotel and agriculture sectors. Cartels use the legal economy to launder money, which could mean that unwitting employees working at a resort or an avocado packing company could technically be on the cartel payroll but not know it.

As a result, companies in the risk-averse American financial sector may simply refuse to wire money to a Mexican factory, for example, to facilitate cross-border production and trade, or to wire money between personal accounts.

"Banks may turn away customers, because they may not think they are worth the risk if they have links to Mexico," said Eric Jacobstein, a former State Department official in the Biden administration.

Banks could ultimately decide to avoid entire sectors perceived as high risk, said Fabian Teichmann, a Swiss lawyer and expert on terrorist financing. Mr. Teichmann singled out Mexico's avocado trade, where cartels have drastically expanded their operations, as one area that could come under greater scrutiny.

"Banks might say, 'We don't want to be anywhere close to those who are considered to be terrorists, so we want to avoid that risk,'" Mr. Teichmann said. "From a banking perspective, that will be a very reasonable decision."

Other types of financial institutions that facilitate payments between the United States and Mexico could also be affected, such as Venmo or PayPal, which Mr. Trump's close confidant Elon Musk helped found.

The terrorist label could also push big parts of Mexico's economy further into the shadows, where cash is used instead of electronically traceable transactions, making it harder for investigators to examine the cartels' financial structures, Mr. Teichmann said.

"If people can't bank legitimately, they escape to so-called underground banking systems," Mr. Teichmann said.

In 2024, the American Chamber of Commerce in Mexico surveyed 218 companies and found that 12 percent of respondents said that "organized crime has taken partial control of the sales, distribution and/or pricing of their goods."

The multinational banana producer Chiquita Brands was found liable in 2024 for killings by a Colombian right-wing paramilitary group that was designated as a terrorist organization. Chiquita Brands said that it had been extorted by the paramilitary group and forced to make payments to protect its Colombian employees. Plaintiffs, however, argued that the company had paid the paramilitary group to run out residents to buy land at depressed values.

The terrorist designation would also hurt American companies that are firmly north of the border but rely on Mexican labor. The designation is so broad and vague that ranches in Texas or farms in California could be swept up by the penalties if their employees send remittances to family members in Mexico who are involved in organized crime.

If money transfer companies like Western Union also stop transactions to Mexico over worries about properly vetting Mexican clients, it could affect the remittances the country relies on. That would be devastating for the Mexican economy, which received $63.3 billion in remittances in 2023, nearly 5 percent of the country's gross domestic product.

:marseypikachu2: waow

The foreign terrorist designation could also pave the way for the United States to deploy forces inside Mexico against criminal organizations without the Mexican government's consent, as it did in Afghanistan and Syria.

But Afghanistan was occupied by the United States, and Syria's government lost control over much of its territory in recent years. That gave Washington some cover under international law for the American military to deploy troops and launch special-forces operations to kill or capture terrorist leaders in those countries.

Mexico, however, has built up cooperation with the United States for over 30 years to counter the cartels. Mexico could threaten to halt cooperation if the United States is seen to be violating Mexico's sovereignty. When the U.S. federal prosecutors office arrested Mexico's former defense secretary during Mr. Trump's first administration, the Mexican government halted all cooperation with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration.

"Unilateral action would be catastrophic," said Craig Deare, a former U.S. military attaché at the U.S. Embassy in Mexico in the 1990s.

>A fentanyl cook for the Sinaloa cartel at work last month

>A fentanyl cook for the Sinaloa cartel at work last month

>A fentanyl cook for the Sinaloa cartel at work last month

>Meridith Kohut for The New York Times

"It would dismantle any collaboration and decades of Republican and Democratic efforts to build a defense relationship with Mexico," he said, adding, "If you don't like cooperation now, wait until Mexico cuts all ties."

On Tuesday, President Claudia Sheinbaum of Mexico issued a stern warning to Mr. Trump during her daily news conference. "We will always defend our sovereignty," Ms. Sheinbaum said. "We all want to fight the drug cartels, that is obvious. So what should we do? We have to coordinate efforts; we have to collaborate," she said.

"May they know that the president of the republic will always defend Mexico above all else," the Mexican president added.

A correction was made on Jan. 22, 2025: An earlier version of this article misidentified the organization that conducted a survey of 218 companies. It was the American Chamber of Commerce in Mexico, not the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

EFFORTPOST /r/ArianaGrandeSnark is full of people being catty about the new Wicked movie


Ariana Grande is a 31-year-old racially-fluid pop star who got her start on Broadway (13) and Nickelodeon (Victorious). She was probably sexually abused by someone important and as a result of that became extraordinarily popular as a singer who mixes pop, retro-pop and R&B elements in her songs. Her style can best be described as giving precocious coquette pickmeisha vibes.

Examples of hit bops by her include

Honestly her whole discography is great. Most of the time she pisses redditor race realists off because she unabashedly changes what race or other social construct she presents as.

Also she spit on a donut one time:


And she had to pay 1.25 million in alimony when she divorced her husband last year:

Cynthia Onyedinmanasu Chinasaokwu Erivo is a 37-year-old African-English Broadway star who broke out in a revival of The Color Purple for which she won a Tony and a Grammy. Additionally she played Harriet Tubman in a movie about Harriet Tubman.

Needless to say, she's no Ari, but she's a decent enough singer and has been riding the DEI train fairly successfully.

Wicked (2003) was a musical based off a book based off a movie based off a musical based off of a popular's children's book published in 1900 called The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, which was written to surreptitiously indoctrinate children into buying Silver and believe in fairy tales. It was basically the Harry Potter of those aughts.

In the early these aughts, Broadway was having a very difficult time. It had become somewhat of a joke to have come from or to go to Broadway. Stephen Schwartz (famous for writing the music for Disney's Pocohantas and Dreamwork's The Prince of Egypt) decided to change all that by relentlessly targeting white women as a demographic. He used a combination of good music, easy moral lessons and nostalgia bait (for college, for Americana and for a popular children's story) in order to make Wicked. It was an extraordinary success and was basically the MCU of musicals. For years afterwards musicals were a thing again.

Originally, the wicked witch in the musical was played by Idina Menzel, a Jewish-American Broadway star with phenomenal vocals known for playing Maureen in the musical Rent, known for her jaw-dropping performance in Wicked and much later known for the hit Disney single "Let it Go"

Sometime around when people were starting to pretend Hamilton was good and JK Rowling was still getting shit for Goblins being antisemitic caricatures (back before Hamas made antisemitism cool again) Idina Menzel was replaced by some DEI hire and a story that was originally a thinly-veiled allegory for Jewish Americans feeling out of place in WASP society and then being pogromed for being Nietzchean supermen was replaced with the same empowered Black vs oppressor White story we've seen a hundred times now. :yawn:

Anyways, they made a movie out of it and true to the moment they picked a not well-known black star whose vocals are only going to be up for the task of the musical's most important song if the audio is remixed by ChatGPT. I'm still going to watch it (and so should you!)

There are two main types of anti-Ari Wicked posts:

1. I can't believe Ari is outshining Cynthia 😡

2. I can't believe Ari is skinnier than me 🤬

Here we have a gay man complaining about how Cynthia is being overshadowed by Ari:

Comments include:

It's the marketing for the movie too. Plenty of trailers begin and end with Ariana's voice over, feature clips and substantial soundbites from Popular, show multiple costumes and moments from AG…. And have scarcely any meaningful Elphie moments. Even the snatches of her they show in the clips are like Yeoh and Bailey saying something to her, it's not even her speaking. I swear there's way more Glinda / pink merch happening, and her merch is more designed.


i knew this would happen when ariana was cast


It's not the Ariana Grande show, though Ariana and everyone around her are trying to make it that way. Cynthia is the MAIN CHARACTER. PERIOD. Why isn't she the one that's heavily involved? They're banking on Ariana's name to sell tickets and get people into seats. Meanwhile Cynthia is forced to stay on the sidelines. It was an odd move to have Ariana on SNL again and not Cynthia or maybe BOTH of them together. Anyway, I hope they learn from this disaster and keep Ariana on the sidelines and give Cynthia the spotlight during the sequel. Though I doubt they'll sell as many tickets for that than this first movie.

If I see this movie, it'll be to see Cynthia's acting and for the music. I'm still debating because I don't want Ariana's bad acting (the Cat Valentine acting aka the only acting she knows since her Nickelodeon days) to ruin the movie for me.

Here's a post where people look at someone with a normal bf% and think she's dying of cancer:

I said I was genuinely concerned in the ariheads sub and quickly realized it wasn't even worth it. Someone replied "who needs haters when you have concerned fans" I didn't even respond. I was like alright, you delusional fricks. Stay enabling. We're not stupid.


Her physical health is going downhill :/

Anyways there tons of these things. Have a look yourself

BONUS: Here's the youtube version of a tiktok that goes into detail about something:

Reported by:
Christmas market stall on wheels of peace motive determined, "he was a rightoid Zionist"cels on suicide watch

Senior public prosecutor Horst Walter Nopens said that the suspect acted alone and said of his motive: "According to the current situation, the background could have been dissatisfaction with the treatment of Saudi Arabian refugees in Germany."

cc: @elfbinn


thats it thats the post. didnt get a pic cause i was too shocked

Reported by:
Made Jambalaya for dinner :marseylickinglips:

The recipe is pretty generic, but I'll post here anyway 😉

2 bell peppers, diced

2 onions, diced

4-6 celery ribs, sliced (or diced if you prefer)

Bulb of garlic, minced

1 lb chicken breast, cut into 1 inch cubes (I use 1.5 lbs)

12 oz. Andouille sausage, cut into rounds (I used 14 ounce kielbasa, use whatever tbh)

2 Tbsp tomato paste

1.5 cups of rice

3 cups chicken broth

1 14.5 oz can diced tomatoes

2 Tbsp Cajun seasoning

A few bay leaves


Add oil to large pot or Dutch oven (I used 2 Tbsp bacon grease) over med-high heat. When the oil is hot add bell pepper, onion, celery, and garlic to pot. Heat until fragrant, 3-5 minutes.

Add the chicken, sausage, and tomato paste.

Stir with the other ingredients and break up the tomato paste. Add the white rice and stir until lightly toasted.

Stir in the chicken broth, diced tomatoes, Cajun seasoning, and bay leaf.

Cover and cook over low heat for 30 minutes, or until rice is cooked thoroughly and the liquid has been completely absorbed. Stir every 10 minutes or so to prevent rice from sticking to pan. (I usually let it stand on the stovetop covered with the heat off for 10 additional minutes, or else the rice comes out al denté 😬)

is 2024 the high of :marseytrain: propaganda films?

i've seen atleast two against my will i saw the tv glow , conclave

New Toss

Victoria Nuland could be going to jail lol :taypray:
A complete accounting of the 20 SOFT RANGS OF POWER we just lost.

Geopolitical Analysis

"We lost the 20 rangs of soft power because of Drumpf, we need them ALL", says the geopolitical experts on ARR SLASH DRAMA @nuclearshill @JimieWhales

"We don't need ANY RINGS", says @Dude

You're both wrong. :marseywingcuck:

One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

If one ring rules them all, the lesser rings are COMPLETELY USELESS!!

They're cuck rings, they literally bind you to the One Ring.

While we're wasting our taxpayer money on the 19 cuck rings, CHINA is taking the One Ring for herself. That's geopolitical suicide.

USAID knew this, so... why are they wasting our money?



Rangs of Soft Power

Here's an accounting of the 19 lesser rings we WASTED our money on:

Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky

1. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Musical in Ireland

2. Transgender Opera in Colombia

3. Peruvian Transgender Comic Book Series

Seven for the dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,

4. Electric Vehicles for Vietnam

5. Tourism Promotion in... Egypt.

6. "Condom" Purchases for Gaza

7. A Fish Farm in Afghanistan (That Was Immediately Abandoned)

8. A (Failed) Sesame Street Adaptation in Pakistan

9. A Mango Farming Initiative in Haiti (That Didn't Sell Any Mangoes )

10. DEI Advancement in Serbian Workplaces

Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,

11. S*x Reassignment Surgeries in Guatemala

12. A (Failed) Program to Teach Kenyan Youth How to Use Instagram to Become Influencers

13. A Reality TV Show in Afghanistan to Promote Democracy

14. Training Mongolian Yak Herders to Use Social Media

15. A Gender Studies Degree Program in Bangladesh

16. A Climate Change Board Game for Young Activists in the Philippines

17. A "Hip-Hop Dance for Empowerment" Program in Senegal

18. A Workshop on Writing Feminist Poetry in Kyrgyzstan

19. A Program to Train Ukrainian Farmers to Write Grant Applications in English

Not only did they spend millions trying to acquire 19 worthless rings, but they LOST FIVE of them. The sesame street ring, the fish farm ring, the Mango ring, and last but not least, our Kenyan Influencer ring was pawned for a Dodge Hellcat.

All this to say we only needed the one ring TO RULE THEM ALL, we only need the AIDS ring for teaching Africans not to pound sand into their foreskin. Obviously Mordor refers to Africa because it's "Where the Shadows Lie". Shadows are black, what else is black? You guessed it. BIPOCs.


Stressed so I've been taking photos like crazy :marseyschizotwitch:

!animalposters !cats

College is not a scam : Teachers | :soysmug: "umm actually college isn't about being able to get a job and if you didn't go you're a loser!"


I know it's likely not a belief in this group but… To those that believe this lie, I ask how?

My father and 3 of my siblings when to college/uni, 1 works in a related field.

If you went into the situation with the wrong idea about what college is for, then yes, I can see how you'd think it was a scam.

"Oh you thought this was about improving your life? No it's about securing your membership in the elite you peasant"

Or if you're someone who didn't attend and are one if the few who are "doing fine" and only have the lies of grifters, then yes, I can see how you'd think it's a scam.

Keep yourself safe cute twink. People like you give education, not even higher education but the very concept of it a bad name.

But college or higher education is not about getting a job, its about acquiring skills, learning how to learn, and how to process it all when you no longer have a teacher.

!r-slurs come get your boy!

What possible point is there to acquiring skills if it doesn't improve my life? What is college a fricking hobby (tbh it is at this point and that's why it's a scam)?

And "learning how to learn"? Oh shut the frick up I've heard that same sorry excuse for why schooling is a waste of time since I was little boy. I learned how to learn in grade school, then again in high school, there's no point in taking a 3rd swing at it.

If you went and only focused on grades in order to get a degree in order to get a job, then you screwed up!

!nooticers these people treat higher ed like a ritual, a passage into adulthood.

You the individual focused on the wrong thing and now want to play the blame game. Its like playing basketball but only focusing on dribbling, of course you won't get the outcome you want your focus was on the wrong thing.

The out come I want is access to jobs I've already done, been trained to do by professionals but have been locked away from me by some insurance adjuster or bitter HR ladygarden.

To those that did not attend but are doing well, congratulations!! You are a prime example of survivor bias. Good for you in pulling 6- figues but the vast majority of people don't or would even get close without some level of higher education.

God they hate the poor. The only people in my family who make 100,000 a year or more are oil field workers. Literally it. And none of them have what an American would consider a college or uni education.

And in what world is 100k "doing alright"? It's fricking rich! I was raised on less than 2k a month in household income.

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