Not even a think like a doctor post. Just pure personal drama and what the frick is with refusing decisions rather than just saying they'll look into it.

Patient presents to where I volunteer at with severe lithium/depakote zombie brain. The kids I having severe difficulties with thought processing so the place I work at talked about lowering to 400mg and 750mg depakote. His psychiatrist told us that he refused because I am not a psychiatrist and the on-staff is just a nurse despite decisions being made agreed by an actual psychiatrist. He can't even dress himself at current treatment. It's kind of sad that the goal is that he is capable of dressing himself within the first month and if unable begin transfer to higher level of care.

Watch Question

I'm going to a party in Florida where I'll be wearing brown shoes and a belt - which would mean brown watch. However, I think the black watch is cooler and would rather wear that. Would you be opposed to putting the brown strap on the black watch or would that be tacky?

Reported by:
:marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED Sitewide Rule Change: POLL TO BAN BOOMERPHILIA

As part of my Banlog, I am somewhat inclined to give @BIGBILLYKONGDONG a serious ban for the outrageous boomerphilia on display.

As a work of ironic praise for a 78 year old man's fantasy, it's a solid piece. Truly let us celebrate that we are all collectively engaged in a public arts project to facilitate the transition of boomers out of public life.

It's truly funny that we are all pretending that this old man is a president. That he is mentally capable, and not just lashing out with random whims with other aged decrepit men. The elaborate practical joke we're pulling on our elderly is a riot of laffs.


For me the choice is easy.

Community Note by @Impassionata

This is the first time Impassionata has made dramaslurs angry enough to use a 'touch grass' award.

Helpful [8] Not Helpful [4]
EFFORTPOST Apologia Glowica: The Iran coup, 1953

The coup and counter-coup in Korea right now vaguely reminds me of Iran in 1953.

You may have read in A People's History of the United States when your pinko high school history teacher assigned it to you, and what you've heard from every midwit in the media, that Mossadegh was overthrown in a coup plotted by the CIA to put the Shah into power because the oil companies wanted to make money. All of these things have a pretty big kernel of truth but way more important stuff was going on.

The Abadan refinery in 1950. At the time it was the largest in the world.

(I'm just gonna summarize this part really quick because it's undisputed: In 1951 Mossadegh nationalized the oil industry built and owned by Britain because they were just stealing it all and not paying royalties. The British together with the big (mostly American) oil companies organize a boycott so that other third world countries don't see this and get uppity. After two years, Iran is suffering badly because of the lack of money from oil among other things.)

Mohammed Mossadegh. He did this strange thing where he would say he was sick in bed and do his business from there. He did it even when visiting America. Maybe there was some meaning to it in his culture but if there was is it went way over everyone's head here. Or maybe it was just an extreme passive aggressive thing. You can understand why negotiating with this guy might be frustrating.

The oil nationalization thing was the big issue looming over everything, but not in the way you might think. Pretty much everyone across the different factions supported it, but there was infighting over whether Mossadegh was doing it competently. As well as a billion other issues. Iran was one of the more democratic countries in the world at the time and people had all kinds of different beliefs and things to fight over. Obviously the religious thing that blew up in 1963 with Ayatollah Khomeini didn't come out of nowhere.

Part of the fleet review for the coronation of Elizabeth II, 1953. This is the overwhelming power they were threatening to use.

Besides the situation in Iran, there was another crisis in a troubled country. Britain was still trying to figure out what its identity was after they lost India. A lot of people thought they should continue running a global empire. This wasn't some weird fringe Tory belief. Across the country there was deep resentment that they were losing their place in the world to the Americans and their anti-imperialism. Britain had been exploiting Iran's entire oil industry for about 40 years based on a deal they got through bribery and threats and paid only a tiny fraction of their profits to Iran. So Mossadegh nationalized it. The British went apeshit and told the Americans that they would have to invade because they couldn't dare lose face in front of the Orientals. So the US is trying to solve this situation without two allies going to war with each other. It's been two years now and it's deteriorating rapidly.

So Eisenhower eventually relents and orders the CIA to implement the coup the British had been begging for and partly planned. So the CIA gets together and plots with various army officers and politicians they think will back it. You can guess how well that goes. Other factions are tipped off and get their army units in the streets to put it down. The Shah flees the country into exile, presumably forever. Ironically, the whole reason why Eisenhower ordered the CIA to do all this wasn't because they wanted Mossadegh out. He was a pain in the butt but they could live with him. It's because Eisenhower was afraid the increasingly unstable, unpopular, and dictatorial regime was vulnerable to being overthrown by the communists and then everything would really go to heck. So the idea was that we would do it first.

Stuff like this was happening but with multiple factions.

But the failed attempt caused so much chaos, with tanks and various angry mobs from different factions roving around the streets of Tehran, that Tudeh (the commies) decided now was their chance and they tried their own coup, but that failed too. At the end of this game of musical chairs, Gen. Zahedi ended up in power, the guy the US had wanted all along. It's hard to say exactly how much American support helped him. The CIA was bribing newspapers and influential people in the time leading up to it which may have had some influence on events, but the actual coup they totally fricked. This all happened in 4 days.


Ashraf Pahlavi. Once at dinner in front of several foreign diplomats she yelled at her brother "Are you man or are you a mouse?" about some policy issue and stormed off. Would.

The Shah returned with Zahedi's permission, like a browbeaten cuck coming back from his shed. The Americans had never liked him. The CIA considered him to be a spineless coward and preferred dealing with his sister Ashraf, who was much more strong-willed and exerted a certain level of dominance over him. But something surprising happened over the next couple years. The Shah managed to lever Zahedi out of power and make himself an autocrat.

After the coup, BP was forced into giving up their monopoly of Iranian oil. They had been shamelessly screwing over the Iranians, using tactics like claiming that they couldn't pay anything because they weren't making a profit. The oil industry remained nationalized but Iran made a contract with the world's big oil companies (the "Seven Sisters") to operate it for them as a consortium. For various complicated reasons that are certainly way above your head, this meant that the Iranians got a way bigger share of the profits. It paved the way for them taking real control around 1970 and OPEC actually getting some teeth in the following years, under the leadership of the Shah to a large extent.

I dunno why monarchs these days always have to wear military uniforms. Your dad became famous for killing a lot of bandits with a machine gun when he was young, but who are you kidding?

The Shah would go on to be denounced as a puppet controlled by the US. I wish. The CIA said he had a (actual quote) "pathological fear and hatred of the British". He'd been brought up this way by his father, who had been deposed by the British. Delusional megalomaniac? Definitely. Somebody looking to be a puppet? No. CIA wasn't even allowed to spy on Iran. In the late 1970s he got cancer which he hid from his "puppetmasters" until it was too late and was overthrown. But that's a story for another time.

This is the only image of paratroopers landing in that war that Google will return now. Serious 1984 shit.

Britain, having been cockblocked out of invading Iran, was still desperate to use its (still very potent at the time) military power to thrash some wogs to show they were still dominant. This led to the disastrously r-slurred invasion of Egypt in 1956 in which the Americans spanked them and put them back in bed, ironically proving that Britain was no longer a global power that could do incredibly stupid evil stuff without American permission.

Addressing your whining

But Redactor! It was a rogue CIA operation!


Just like how sending Gary Powers out on that U-2 was a "rogue operation" until Eisenhower admitted he ordered it. This is an excuse that politicians use to protect themselves. Please grow up and don't be so naive.

But Redactor! He was democratically elected just like Allende! That should trump everything! :soycry:

And then when things got tough he made himself dictator. Park Chung-hee was democratically elected. DeGaulle was democratically elected. Nixon was nowhere near a dictator but you're butthurt about him and he was democratically elected. Trump is too r-slurred to know when he's breaking the law and he's been democratically elected twice. It's funny how it's only people lefties want to identify with are the only ones who get a lifetime pass for being a dictator because they won an election once.

But Redactor! This is the reason why they hate us! :soycry:

I know who obscure musician Sahba Motallevi who plays the tar is, which proves I must know what I'm talking about.

Give me a fricking break. Do you know any Iranians? They're some of my favorite people in the world but they are batshit insane about some things. I'm not usually into "Human Biodiversity" but I think they might have a genetic predisposition toward being paranoid. These are people who, when JFK Jr's plane crashed, their first question was who assassinated him. Where the Cinema Rex fire was so obviously done by Islamic militants that it must be a false flag. Where Jimmy Carter is a ruthless thug who secretly wants to stomp all of humanity under his jackboot. Where a really smart well-educated person asked me if Saddam Hussein had really gotten executed several years after it happened. They would have blamed America for something if we never did anything.

Also it's a country with a deep sense of persecution by foreign powers because they were basically colonized by Britain and Russia from ~1800-1945. Except it wasn't done openly. Everyone knew what was going on but it was behind the scenes. The kind of thing that makes you suspicious of foreign superpowers.

This kind of animosity isn't sparked by a single really complicated event. It gets into all kinds of really complicated psychology. Look at the left in South Korea and their reasons for hating America:

I wonder if a single one of these tards has ever even realized that they must have been wrong because the beef genocide never happened.

  • We were really the bad guys in the Korean war. (Yet literally about 90% of people who actually lived through that think we were the good guys.)

  • There was a traffic accident once and a little girl got run over by accident. (Car accidents never happen in Korea. Ajussi is totally fine to make it home after a few bottles of soju.)

  • American beef has prions in it that specifically target the brains of Koreans and give them mad cow disease. (This was a real thing I'm not even exaggerating. It was a huge national issue and there were massive riots over it.)

I can't even begin to list the number of cases of people irrationally hating America when we did nothing wrong:

  • British leftoids like John le Carre who were obviously butthurt that they lost their empire to America, so now they call us imperialists.

  • That whole thing in France in the 1960s-1990s where their foreign policy was all about hating America.

  • Indians who lived off of rice donated by America but were butthurt because we reminded them of the British or something.

  • Canadians. I think that speaks for itself.

In Iran especially, their culture requires them to have a Britain to blame for their problems, so that's going to be the USA. And in South Korea they need a Japan to blame for their problems, so that's going to be the USA. (I mean seriously, hating Japan has turned into this pathogical need where some of them can't live without it.) !asians

Was it the right call?

So should we have done it? That's the $64 question, isn't it? :marseyboomer:

Eisenhower with the 101st Airborne chads before D-Day. This guy lived in a world where he had to make some extreme choices and they weren't just when to upmarsey or downmarsey.

Imagine being in Eisenhower's shoes. Stalin has just died a few months ago and presumably his heir is going to be like him. You were in a legit shooting war with the commies in Korea up until... :marseywait: 24 days ago. You're 8 years from leading a war on a continental level against another totalitarian regime and having to order the deaths of hundreds of thousands because that's how real shit was. There's a bunch of crises going on all over the world now. This one is especially dangerous because of the extreme strategic importance of Iran. Europe, the place you spent so much of your life fighting to protect, is dependent on Iranian oil. That war would have been a heck of a lot worse if you didn't have more oil than the other side so you know just how important this is. Given the information he had at the time and the imminent danger of WW3 breaking out, I think his decision was fairly reasonable.


Here's my view in hindsight: I don't think they should have done it. I think if there was a better understanding of Iranian culture they would have realized that there's such a large majority who will never accept communism that you don't have to worry about that unless they get invaded. They had a large portion of the population who are conservative Muslims (especially in rural areas). The educated elites liked freedom and democracy. There's actually a democratic tradition going back pretty far and while it was far from perfect it wasn't a complete joke. Beyond that, look at the virtually total failure of communist subversion throughout the Middle East. In the entire Cold War the only truly commie state they managed to take control of was South Yemen. These countries have a really good immune system against communism. Also they really really are not sympathetic toward Russia. You hear it to this day when somebody makes a deal with America and they say "It's another Treaty of Turkmenchay! :soycry:!" And they are extremely nationalist. They are not interested in world socialism.

But don't take my word for it!! We have access to an actual honest assessment from within CIA about what happened.



Instead of using a steam :marseyfreeman: deck like a normal :marseyregular: person, some people need to soy out and get OFFICIAL nintendo :marseysoyswitch: switch :marseyjumpscare: controllers to use with their machine :marseycoinride: that already has controllers built in. Not only that, they're also tying it to the headrest of the person :marseychonkerfoid: in front :marseyviewerstare: of them (because frick the rich people who have the privilege to fly). Thankfully the top comments were able to escape :marseyaaajumpscare: the circlejerk of the subreddit :marseyreddit: and realize that this probably isn't a nice thing to do nor impressive. The funniest :marseypickle: part is that he has a tray table :marseyscaredthunderstorm: right :marseyveryworriedtrans: in front :marseyviewerstare: of him AND a custom case which has a kickstand.



Reported by:
  • Y : :marseyeffortpostnow:
Usaid cutout mentions KF (time 12:14)

Mayor Adams kicked off the two-day summit with a rousing speech in which he likened himself to a hero in the war against rats.

"I don't think there's been a mayor in history that says how much he hates rats," he said. "I dislike rats."

Exterminators weren't invited to the event, and neither were the city's rats. Kathleen Corradi, whom Adams appointed as the city's first "rat czar" last year, described the event as a space where rodent experts could share their philosophical treatises.

We are already losing the WAR ON RATS

Matt Frye, of New York State Integrated Pest Management, entered the rat symposium espousing a more diplomatic approach for dealing with Adams' public enemy No. 1.

"The 'war on rats' mentality may not be the best approach for our urban areas," he said.

Dr. Chelsea Himsworth, founder of the Vancouver Rat Project, compared the never-ending fight to the WAR ON DRUGS โ€” and said health officials should focus on harm reduction instead of eliminating the vermin altogether.

"It can't be solved," Himsworth solemnly declared. "It can only be managed."

"I've handled 700 rats myself," said Byers, who fondly recalled driving around Vancouver in a "rat van," capturing rats, collecting their feces and urine, and even anesthetizing the rodents to pick fleas off their skin.

"They're symbols about a lack of resources in your community," she added. "Rats live in tight social groups, When you remove some, you change how they interact with each other. You're changing how you fight for their social hierarchy. And they do urinate on each other that whole time."

"They're just like us," Corradi, Rat Czar of NYC tells us as she bounds into a planter, pushes aside long stalks of milkweed, and points out the entrance to a burrow. "They want to live in a nice place, have food nearby, and not get into too much trouble if they can."

VICTORY! Rat Birth Control Trial Passes Unanimously in New York City Council

Instead of using glue traps, poison, snap traps, or other methods that maim and kill rats instead of preventing their presence, break the cycle of violence.

Literally Wannsee'd

Why doesn't Kaitlyn Clark play against Lebron




[LIVE MELTDOWN :chudtantrum:] /pol/ sneeding about the chosen ones on stage

!chuds !trump2024 !trump2028

delayed, power out so I'm going out to lunch Making new badges for DKD events please hold

ETA 1-3 hours cuz occupied atm


Meme :marseytrans2:



Clearly, this vidya is unoptimized trash. It couldn't be that my 1000 series card is nearly a decade old now. No, no, it's Id that have let themselves become jeeted and r-slurred. I don't want to play anything my 1080 can't run... BUT I ALSO REALLY NEED TO PLAY DOOM DORK AGES. But since I can't it's shit and a flop. Gigaflop! If I keep calling it a flop it definitely will flop. No I do not have sour grapes.

Daily Brazilian thread


Anyways come laugh at poorstrags and thirdies.

The United States has already effectively lost to China, right? : TrueAnon


Trumpers, explain to me why this is a good thing

People must admit that it was a bad game . : ConcordGame


Vg journ*list loe

Bay area rationalist death cult, or something? The Zizians

Not sure how many people follow the rationalist types but you probably have heard of or read stuff from Aella, a strangely neurodivergent self-described "whorelord" who loves using big data to do things like share her orgy planning performance.

I haven't gotten that much into it but looks like the homicidal members have a disturbingly common trait. Assigned male at birth, perhaps :marseyhmm:

Somehow Republicans and Christians are involved

Although this group is based in the bay area (Vallejo mostly, I think) they're associated with murders in PA, VT (including a border patrol officer recently) and faking their deaths to avoid court.




Dorkins chudding out again


Most Based Comments

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Men have always had a choice on when and if they married. Women were the ones who were sold and traded as property (106)

Nonsense. Women provided protection, dowrys, and largely married & procreated. They passed on their DNA. Men much more disposable, and many did not. With female empowerment, hypergamy on full display. (-23)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

"They won't give me a wife to frick so why should I work" is soft af (56)

Most men work hard for their wives and kids Soft or hard it just how most men are wired When that deal is broken men don't need incentive to work hard anymore (-26)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Not because of financials. Not every man or woman needs to breed.There is more to life than procreation. (49)

Women want feminized sperms donors that coparent. (-22)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

You work hard because the struggle is the reward. Do you remember that part of LOTR The Two Towers where Legolas complains (in elvish) that everyone in Helm's Deep was going to die? Because of the enormous orc army waiting to kill them? And Aragorn says, "Then I will die with them!", really showing Legolas up for being a whiny b-word? And then later Legolas seeks forgiveness, saying, "I was wrong to despair". Aragorn shows him that the fight is all there is. Legolas was wrong to despair then, and you are wrong to do so now. Don't despair! Life is challenge. Life is struggle. The climb is all there is. Climb, pilgrim. Do not give in to bitterness and resentment. Climb! (2)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

No it's all worthless. There is no happiness without people. Humans are tribal creatures. There's no joy it's just misery. Am I supposed to care about being productive for a society that doesn't want me and has outcast me? Again I've to slave away for no benefit to myself why? (4)

If you're poor you're more miserable. If you can't afford food, can't afford heat, can't afford the things you like, can't afford a car, and depend on society to sustain you, that's misery. Being rich and alone isn't a great life either, but being poor and alone is worse. There's a reason they have the term "poor and lonely" as being a really bad pathetic thing. (2)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

No, not all. But they do make up a strong base, to be fair. (4)

No they don't. I'd hazard to guess that most incels are democrat voters. Conservatives believe in working hard and following traditional morals and norms. Whether or not they adhere well to that is something else, but they certainly aren't attracted to sitting in their mothers basements complaining about how bad they have it, that's what leftists do. In fact, the entire ideology is antithetical to incels. Heck, one of the things that made Jordan Peterson famous was the notion that men need to get their shit together and clean their room. It was to stop blaming everyone around them and instead work to better their lives, something that the left widely rejects. I would be shocked to hear this person voted for Trump. They would want more hand outs because apparently the world is impossible to survive in while eating regularly. This post was a monologue of a loser. And incel losers are usually whiny, spoiled, entitled, leftists. (-11)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/weesiwel

Score: ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ(+6๐Ÿฎ)

Number of comments: 56

Average angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Maximum angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ”˜

Minimum angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Reported by:

!g*mers laugh at Nvidia-cels a $2000 GPU still cant play cyberpunk at 4k 60 fps with gay tracing. Have fun paying $2000 for a DLSS software update.

Oh yeah remember this?

Total fricking lie by 4090 performance they mean 5070 can use 4x frame generation to have an equal framerate, but frame gen also increases the latency to like 60 ms meaning the game will play like utter dog shit despite looking smooth.

Its kinda funny how the cope went from "well 60 fps doesn't matter" to "well its 400 fps who cares if the game has 60 ms latency"

!fosstards !linuxchads Nvidia continues to suffer the curse of proprietary BS

The Bible

@prez stand with israel but God stands with Palestine

:marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED will pay someone to plan a trip to the philippines for me

2 weeks - at least 3 months or more from now. DM me your rates.

Community Note by @lmaoprankt


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