Modern Hollywood and Medieval costume dullness :marseycrusader:

!historychads !kino the Kenneth Branagh post today reminded me of something, every modern slop set in the Middle Ages has the same dull brown/black costumes and leather clothing/armor. I chose Chalamet's Henry V as an example.

This is Henry V from the 1944 Laurence Olivier's adaptation. This armor is historically accurate, it has the colors of the Plantagenet sigil (the lion and the Fleur de lys) and is a plate armor which was the type Henry V used. Branagh's adaptation got the colors right but the armor wrong as he wears a mail cloth with leather making it look like a sweater.

Then there are shows like vikings.

Again with the dull brown/gray colors and leather, not to mention those silly haircuts.

The Northman got the viking king armor and attire right.

Finally, and I know it's fantasy, but the later seasons of Game of Thrones had awful costumes, while on early seasons there were colors, by season 7 everybody was wearing black and leather. Jon Snow doesn't even wears a plate armor. Sansa and Cersei were given Darth Vaderesque gowns

Sansa looks like some dominatrix with those ring things.


Here are some early 15th century scenes from a french Illuminated Manuscript to give an idea of what people wore back then.

the real drama was inside us all along When you tell rightoids that cancel culture is bad in current year + 9: :chudtantrum: :chudtantrum: :chudtantrum:
The night of the long rake approaches

Of course you didn't knew, because Trump is bad and she is good, economy of US grew under Trump, economy of EU declined under Ursula so she good Trump bad. Around 48% American voted for Trump so he didn't vote popular vote. 0,01% or less EU citizens voted for Ursula so she won popular vote. She bough 12 vaxx 1.0v dose per EU citizens from her husband and then throw away 80%+ away and wasted over 40 billion and stoped any investigation until some burger journ*list started trolling her and she now has again to shut that case down in name of EU civilised democratic garden whose economy is now weaker than 16 years ago. The only country whose eco went also in shit is Japan but they recovered from 2007-2008 but then Tsunami fricked their economy in 2011-2012 and dog eater Korean started being pain in japs bussy.

So I believe in Ursula the woman who honestly got her degree

She also earned her positions without nepotism !

She was in tons of ministerial position and not because of Merkel and she always did fantastic job

And most important EU citizen love her despite barely knowing her

She is now a bit pissed that she didn't became chief of nato, she asked Biden to put her as NATO head and in Biden tradition he says yes to people he don't know or can't memorise

But her request was rejected because of mysegony

Now she ask 5 more years to improve security for EU and EU inter her improved probably crime rate for over 100%

She is a true professional and if she was Trumps security agent, Trump wouldn't need any security agents any more. She will continue lead us to Frau Merkel paradise


Manitobans will no longer need two medical referrals in order to access gender-affirming health-care specialists, Uzoma Asagwara said at a Wednesday news conference.


Biden refers to the Secretary of Defense as "the Black man."



new destiny lore dropped
Indigenous Canadian Art

:marseycovidscare: STAY INDOORS, WASH YOUR HANDS :marseycovidscare: BIDEN HAS COVID :marseyill:


This comes right off the heels of this statement.

>Biden Says He'd Consider Dropping Out if a 'Medical Condition' Emerged




The kiwifarmer Higgs Bonbon was found because he linked himself gloating in random youtube comment sections. This lead to people searching his name, Higgs Bonbon and finding all his other accounts.

This included his steam where people were able to find his old username, which was Pedononymous :marseypedo:

and his 4chan & 8chan /soc/ posts of his groomercord where he tries finding cute little boy bottoms.

He avidly used a site called f-list which is a roleplay site but he wouldn't say what characters he roleplayed :marseyhmm: wonder why

and from pedononymous this post was found

:marseyyikes: This guy was a janny for kiwi

And it makes further sense since he constantly posted in a loli debate thread about why loli was aktually A-ok but he totes wasn't a lolicon

until you look at his poast where he calls himself a devout lolicon

>I may want to frick anime children but I DON'T want to frick those anime children

and his (deleted) baraag . net account , which is a fediverse instance known for being dedicated to loli pornography and is almost universally blocked due to the high amount of child pornography

his github showed he starred forks of mods just renamed into loli-related things, ie lolimc which is an unedited fork of PolyMc made by someone named "Loli Kingdom" whose made things like the Loli License

I'd ping codecels and ask if they'd use this but I already know their answer ( :hansen: )

and before you say "erm, incel" actually no, dumb libtard, kiwichads only get the best of bussy gussy.

bonbon's old girl

believe it or not, that's a woman

and this lead :marseynull: to make a post reminding people that the Kiwifarms is SFW since Higgs ("loligon") Bonbon would post frequent NSFW anime girls, both in specific threads made for such purpose and general threads

all in all,

Reported by:
  • Scaraoschi : Pitiable, sad, and maybe even contemptable but not really soy

Lazily copy-pasting a month-old drama about Gacha because the drama is cold and I have nothing to add, :marseydealwithit:

Comment offering more context:

Here is a gameplay footage:

The game was released recently as a closed beta test for around 10k players, but server crashed on day 1 so the devs had to delete the players data and restart with 2 servers (refunded currency spent and compensated with pulls)

Gacha pulling video, you can see the male and female characters in the game, the video shows them pulling the only male SSR (Leon):

SGA CEO FB apology on the mixed male and female characters for a hentai game heavily marketed for their women units:

TL;DR: Hentai game heavily marketed for towards straight men with sexy women, but the game has a bunch of male characters. Some players not wanting their waifu to get captured and have their defeat CG viewed by others decided to only use the male units.

The studio is currently developing NU Carnival (fujoshi) and Project XXL (gay) games, so the CEO said developing these games had made the devs too accepting of men in hentai game that they forgot about their straight men audience.

TrappySaruh on transcommies, 2019

[This is a post by /u/TrappySaruh, a user of /r/drama back in the day :marseyboomer: (but not that far back, I was here first!) who was widely respected. Her explanation of why :!marseytrain:s turn into commies. I recorded this on November 29, 2019 because I feared the reddit superjannies would destroy it :marseyfortuneteller:. It's possible it was written earlier or I copied it from someone else. We're supposed to have archives where you can find it.]

note in particular the lack of older (in yrs of transition) trans people that are involved in the broader transcommunity. in all my years of idling every kind of trans community, 1 constant: most of the people who are past their egg stage leave. theres a lot of reasons but the primary reason is that the transcommubity offers nothing to people who are "done". trans forums are full of mental illness that can easily suck up any happyness you have, especially if you're looked upto. imagine helping someone get over suicidal idealation only to have to deal with it again day after day after day.

because of this, what u get in very large communities (/r/traa) is a culture of people coming in, trying to figure out what to do and who they are, being mentored by people who largely just months prior were asking the same thing. repeat forever.

the final element is the general loss of purpose of life for, what seems like, most people. more people are online-only than ever before and a lot of people are deprived of deep fulfilling social connections.

what happens next has 3 stages:

1 -- conversion -- you have a vulnerable population (in the sense of confused and easily convinced by otherwise spacious arguments). communists come in and tell them that capitalism is the reason why they are suffering. capitalism and the systems embedded within it are the cause of the lose of purpose (living to make others profit isnt a fulfilling purpose). additionally, if it wasn't for profit above human suffering, HRT would be covered. SRS would be covered. everyone (not just trans but everyone) would be happier because they can work, or not work and do whatever they want and because of this hate and discrimination goes down. this means that the egg, whos likely greatest fear is 'looking like a 60 year old crossdressing transsexual', this provides fuel for anger to the egg who can think 'if i dont pass it is capitalisms fault'.

this message is popular, and it is effective. trans people are generally left anyway so being pulled far left is certainly easier than being pulled into some rightoid bs.

2 -- memes -- enough transposters have been converted into communists that it causes a feedback loop. communist eggs start mentoring new eggs, who learn the glory of communism and the evils of capitalism. a critical threshold is hit where there are enough clever posters (most people are bad at posting) that can make decent memes. this causes a tsunami of commie and bash-the-fash memes and all the other memes transpower memes you've seen.

meme subreddits come online at this point. once you know your trans, you dont really need /r/transgender and other misc subreddits anymore. they're more for questions about transitioning, hrt, news etc. so instead you create meme subreddits. meme subreddits are free-money in terms of subscribers, so they explode in size. meme subreddits quickly become THE trans subreddits, with /r/mtf /r/ftm //transgender and others being more specialized.

so back to the egg. imagine you're just starting to feel conflicted about your gender, and you look for information. what is the first subreddit you're going to find? /r/traaa and (lol) /r/egg_irl. what are they full of? communists. communism now becomes an implicit (not explicit) characteristic of being trans.

3 -- cult -- at this point, the commie meme is self sustaining. eggs come in already converted. communism becomes an important of the sense of community and friendship. everyone is friendly to each other, everyone is hugging and sqeueeing and "uwu"ing each other. "you go grrl!!", "frick pigs and their bootlicking fascists", etc etc.

what do you get with a hyper-friendly community that welcomes all but also has an obvious outlet for hate? you get a cult. because communism has become so deeply embedded into the culture of these communities, any friction against communist ideas, even only slight friction, cause a swift and immediate response. this leads into 1 person trying to defend themselves against 10+ people. others who might have similar misgivings but don't want to be ebicly dunked on by their friends keep quiet.

loud people are loud, and transcommies are very loud.

everything is great, and any criticism of it means you must be a traitorous self-hating :marseytrain: who should leave.

i dont have sources for this or anything, its just my interpretation of watching the trans community since the 90s with a few embellishments. i might be wrong, or partly wrong, but its how i see it.

Found and copyapsted for you because I love this community so much

Apparently the mayos :marseymayo: are trying to strongarm :marseycoomer: a chinx :marseyjewoftheorient: company into adding more BIPOC :marseyblackface: characters AND they have a MELANIN SCALE :marseyracistcheck2: :#marseyracistcheck2:

I haven't read any of it, looks like WEEBSHIT to me. Its from this KIA thread

I just lol'd at the melanin scale.

So iGN decided to simp for the so called petition and write an article how it's all very "noble". What they failed to mention the so called petition and movement is run by the biggest r* out there. The movement ( is literally using a melanin measurement scale - yes you read that right;

melanin scale

Mind you as some users pointed out some of the characters are tanned Asians from the list they used as an example. This petition/movement is run by the biggest r* i've seen out there.

This is what they do: they try to insert themselves under the guise of "inclusivity"; it all started because someone's feedback was ignored and they were told to go play something else - based HoYo ( and I don't even play the game.

So now they have to escalate things with the help of urnalists. In the process they will most likely abuse individuals on official HoYo subs/forums and in-game. Which will get them banned (i mean ofc), so then they will try to play the victim card and accuse HoYo as bunch of 'ists - that's the play

These are the so called guidelines from the boycott group and they explicitly call for review bombing: - link

  • a moment of self reflection;

"I am just waiting for some of their DEI allies in the gaming urnalism space to try and write a compassionate article about it - and I expect HoYo to blacklist said news outlet". - this was my comment before i actually found out that the outlet in question would be non other then iGN - Comment

!g*mers @X will the chinx company crumble under the :soysnooseethe: ??

Original final interview with Adolf Eichmann published in 1960.

Pretty interesting they were smuggling jews out of the Reich and into Israel. You !historychads may have known about it but I didnt so thought I would post. The whole interview is very capitvating too. He never denies what he did. He is even proud of his skills in transporting thousands of people.

Shows respect to german jewish veterans:


Zionist jewish guy smuggling folk out:

Where they went:

Forgot to tag !schizomaxxxers

RFK/Trump call leaked

Tall Trumpbros I don't feel so elevated anymore.

Oh no.

Who is coping harder here?


Irl Joker kino is happening in the rough streets of leafland.

Someone put this neighbor in a movie fr:



Whoever runs the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire's Twitter account might very well be one of us. In the past, the account has repeatedly dropped trollbait gems like this and this and this, but the account hit new levels of ragebait trolling after Trump's assassination attempt when it posted this:

Donald Trump absolutely deserves the death penalty.

The only reason to be glad the shooter missed is that the RNC probably would have appointed someone worse.


The account has also posted several other troll tweets about the assassination attempt, such as this and this and this and this and this. :trollfaceball:


The reactions were, of course, swift and immediate. Here are just a few from the original post:

@LPNational You need to immediately disavow this and ensure this account is taken down. The damage it is doing to the party is immeasurable.


You should delete this along with your account.


Another reason no one takes Libertarians seriously... In case anyone needed more.


Getting shot by some random psycho is not "the death penalty" you absolute moron

You can't even do libertarianism right, which depends on rule of law, let alone anything more high minded


Stole a page from the Destiny playbook eh?


Go back to arguing that drivers licenses existing is a threat to freedom and leave the real politics to the adults


Have to unfollow you on this one. I have enjoyed some of your efforts to push the narrative but this is not Libertarian in any way. Pathetic actually.


Not really sticking to the whole "non-aggression" principle, huh.


Perfectly timed ragebait


The tweet was, of course, reposted by countless rightoid accounts that trade in outrage, such as (to name just a few)...

Insane Cope:

They saw Destiny's breakdown and thought "let me one up that"



Whoever runs this account should delete it.



The "Libertarian party" is literally just a bunch of leftists pretending to not be leftists.

LPNH has contact information, let's see if we can get their social media guy fired.



We don't have a third party.


Bryan Bourque:

It might be @LPNH that gets me to swallow my pride and vote Trump.

This is why we need involuntary commitment to insane aslyla.


Andrew Jensen:

I hope Donald Trump bans the libertarian party and they're all sent to Guantanamo.


...and many, many, many more.

You gotta give the Paultards credit for one thing: if anything, they are great at stirring up online neckbeard drama. :chudcheers:

@Aevann, Marseybux for documenting rightoid infighting pls. :marseybeggar:

40k: The plan of the emperor of mankind would have never worked

The Emperors Dream:

1. Capture plan Earth ( Success )

2. Gain back control of the solar system. ( Success)

3. Conquer the galaxy ( middling success )

4. Gain access to a separate dimension to move all of humanity into. ( Massive failure )

5. Conquer all of humanity and move them into said dimension and starve out the Gods of Chaos. ( massive failure )

6. Create a race of uber humans so that you can finally have friends to hang out with and an eternal human utopia with mind science ( mild success )

7. Maybe come back to the galaxy and kill all other life in the galaxy. ( Middling success )

Why the emperors dream would have always failed even if he got everything he wanted:

1. Super boomer who experienced all of human history:

You know how you have these old people around who want you to believe that their social views from the time when it was okay to backhand a wife for being late with dinner is as valid as your view that we shouldn't be violent towards one another without being attacked first?

Well the Emperor is that boomer on steroids, but his views of what's normal are distorted by lifestyles lived as far back as when Kings were torture purging entire kingdoms in the middle ages and calling it the divine and righteous wrath of God.

2. He has never actually experienced a life lived another someone superior to him:

He is the peak of mankind since the day he was born and running for the last 30-50000 years. The only friends he ever made were a bunch of other immortals who all he had a falling out with and his only friend left from that group is the one who accepts himself as inferior to the Emperor and his plans.

The moment this man would have gotten his superior human better than him he would have despised him and probably turned against him.

Even worse, imagine when the superior human tells the emperor he was and is wrong. The emperor would have acted against his own species desire to grow beyond the Emperor. Every superior human that disagreed with the Emperor would have been declared a failure and the Emperor would have gone back to creating his "Superior man".

I believe this is the case because "The Custodes", the emperor exemplary example of a superior being, all are genetically modified humans completely incapable of disagreeing with the Emperor of Mankind.

3. The Emperor is the anti-thesis of God Emperor Leto II from Dune, and Leto's plan was the one that worked:

God Emperor Leto's plan was to become the villain of the story, to abuse humanity to such an extent over the course of 10,000 years that they become genetically coded to spread forever infinitely, so that they could never again be captured under the grip of a single leader, no matter how great or how far willing to grow his empire. Humanity would be too widespread to ever fall under the control of a single despot.

This plan worked in the end.

The Emperor's plan is the exact opposite, to capture every single human alive and add them to his empire. Anyone unwilling to join or willing to rebel would be killed off. This plan obviously suffered from too much centralization, where humanity collapsed towards the path of extinction the moment the Emperor of Mankind died. His plan was too dependent on him to ever succeed.

4. Who even is a human in the setting? :

One of the core requirements of the Emperor's plan to work was that he had to bring all of humanity under his fold, for if any human civilization remained free, Chaos would be able to take back control over the galaxy and humanity over time through them.

The problem here is that the Emperor of Mankind made up his own definition of who counts as a human.

The squats for example do not count as a human. Yet one could argue that they are human enough for the Chaos Gods to get their claws into humanity one day through them if they wished to. Such as the Squat outposts of Necromunda.

There is also the factor that just because the Emperor came up with his own definition of what counts as human doesn't mean it fits in with what the chaos Gods can use to empower themselves under the category of human.

For all we know half the humans that do not even count as abhumans due to the extremes of genetic alteration over time would still count as humans for the purposes of the Chaos Gods.

The only way to guarantee that the Emperor has all humans across the galaxy under his control would be to cleanse every single lifeform in the galaxy that does not count as human, to avoid any mistakes of accidentally leaving a human race behind.

5. It would have been impossible to get all humans under one single banner anyways:

Humanity spread across the galaxy vai the use of warp gates, holes in space time that allow for super fast travel using heck as a detour to ones destination.

The issue is that warp gates are not stable and can shut down and open up in new places over the course of thousands of years.

For all we know, there are hundreds to thousands of smaller human civilizations spread across the galaxy that are no longer reachable as there is no warp access point to travel to them anymore. The Emperor of Mankind and the imperium would have never been able to reach these civilizations to get them back into the Imperium of Mankind no matter how powerful they became.

6. We already have a successful impossible to exterminate species in the Galaxy of 40k which acts as an example of a solution that works:

Yes. That's right. The Orks.

They are the only species in the galaxy that have existed for millions of years and show no signs of ever going extinct even now.

The Orks are genetically modified biological weapons that are a self replicating ecosystem in each individual growing 24/7 due to the release of spores from their bodies and keep improving in combat as long as the fight gets harder or they are faced with a greater adversary without dying out in one hit.

The Orks also love fighting so much that they would go far and wide looking for a fight. If a good scrap was available at the other end of the galaxy that's where they would go, leaving behind Ork ecosystems all along the way.

So the winner in the 40k galaxy in terms of survival is:

A) A species that constantly adapts to the fight


B) Is forever spreading out across the galaxy


C) Has a high reproductive rate to make up for any and all losses.

The Orks are the "Go forth and multiply species of 40k"

The Orks are humanity after it escaped from the confines of God Emperor Leto II's control.

All the Emperor had to do to win was to conduct a "forever crusade" spreading out across the galaxy beyond even his ability to control it.

The Imperium of mankind would have won if instead of being centralized they were decentralized as a society while still doing all the shit that they did, actively encouraging everyone to get as far away from the center as humanly possible.

The imperium and humanity would have survived as long as they considered anything capable of reproducing with their fellow man as human.

The humans would have survived as long as they would have exiled all the psykers they found outside the borders of the Imperium instead of killing them.

Instead the God Emperor of Mankind homogenized the species to the point that a single bad glitch in the system could crash the entire system.


The imperium of mankind could never have escaped the chaos Gods, the only remaining winning strategy was to accelerate the dispersal of humans across the Galaxy to such extremes and varieties of cultures that even Chaos could never hope to control all of them.

There would never emerge a perfect human utopia, but so would there never be a single extinction event to take down the entirety of mankind. The God Emperor of Mankind should have Leto II maxxed.


Before long, Alice was always pushing me to spend more time with her, and I was always pushing to spend more time studying psychology. By then I knew I couldn't give her what she wanted: marriage.

So I broke up with Alice over a long conversation that included an hour-long primer on evolutionary psychology in which I explained how natural selection had built me to be attracted to certain features that she lacked. I thought she would appreciate this because she had previously expressed admiration for detailed honesty. Now I realize that there's hardly a more damaging way to break up with someone. She asked that I kindly never speak to her again, and I can't blame her.


None !ranchers !BIPOCs !gayporn

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