Amazon continues to fall off

Ordered a cheapish 1tb Kingston m.2 SSD on amazon. Delayed twice because of prime day and then crowdstrike.

It finally arrived today and it looks like the inner packaging (not the padded amazon mailer, the kingston-branded cardboard-and-plastic thing) got run over by a truck repeatedly. The plastic around the drive is dented and scratched to shit and the cardboard is bent in 4 different places. Seriously, it looks like someone picked it up off of the warehouse floor after a forklift went over it.

This is, to put it lightly, very annoying. I'm already getting the parts for this build a week later than originally advertised thanks to prime day and crowdstrike, and now I will probably have to wait another week for a new SSD.

I'm still waiting on several other parts and I'm debating whether to wait for them to arrive to test, or to take apart one of my laptops with an m.2 slot tonight just to make sure the darn thing is at least recognized by the bios.

Edit: bit the bullet and tested it in a project laptop, and it was at least recognized by the bios. Will have to wait for the rest of the parts to test for further problems.


I didn't know. I've always been quite sheltered, to be fair.

Grew up in rural Ireland and never so much as had a catcall from a man in my life, let alone being mobbed by dozens of them at once.


How do people avoid aggressive homeless shooting up? : ottawa
Canadian Woman Accused Of "Racism" After Witnessing Indians Defecating In "Poop Holes" On Ontario Beach :marseygigachadbrony: :kovid: :greendesigirl:


I wonder how many Japanese/Asians people were at the writer's table for this game... probably zero

There's one Japanese female professor working at an American university and whose specialty is LGBT issues in feudal Japan.


He took roughly 13 sentences of primary source material and made "research based assumptions" and ended up with a 480 page book...

But that's how research works :marseypregunta:

But the chuds hitting 2 walls. First he exist and second it's an fiction game

>While each Assassin's Creed game is heavily inspired and influenced by history, they are still works of fiction

So chuds with all the butthurtness can't archive anything. Did he existed ? Yes. Was he an assassin probably not.

Also Japan gov hate this mayo not because he wrote 480 page book about some black samurai, that part they even like and in 2024 would even love if someone writes a book how samurai were lgbt life matters. But that mayo wrote about Japanese slavery and used this Yasuke as example of jap slavery :marseysoycrytremble:

You remember how people cried that MJ is black in Spider-Man ? She is most successful MJ.

It's also funny how they cope with ghost of Tsushima 2 and ps5 pro. Telling how much better ghost of tsushima is better than assassins creed. Reality it ain't got is an AA game and has more flaws than assassin game. Now more people play odyssey that ghost of Tsushima because it was better game

I am the transgender witch you couldn't burn

I am the transgender witch you couldn't burn

I am the transgender witch you couldn't burn

I am the transgender witch you couldn't burn

I am the transgender witch you couldn't burn

I am the transgender witch you couldn't burn

I am the transgender witch you couldn't burn

I am the transgender witch you couldn't burn

I am the transgender witch you couldn't burn

:#marseytrollcrazy: :#marseybangfast:

!transphobes !bardfinn aaaaaaaaaa

The :marseymacacosalute: prison that uses Geese as it's first line of defense against prison breaks.

!macacos :hmm:

Reported by:
  • hop : BIPOC DIE
White :marseyhornybonk: Guy Says N-Word On Live TV
Starshit post :marseypalpatine:
Video games are clearly improving at a satisfactory rate even now.

I can prove it:

1. RDR 2 - release date 2018

2. Death stranding - release date 2019 and looks better than RDR 2

3. Cyberpunk 2077 released in 2020 and looks better than death stranding.

3. Horizon forbidden west release date 2022 and looks better than cyberpunk 2077 ( Original release ).

4. Death Stranding 2 release date - 2025 looks better than Horizon forbidden west.

Comparing these games because they are all open world games.

So we are seeing a noticeable improvement in the quality of games at most every 3 years if we go by open world games.

You can see the same for Resident evil games when you compare them in 3 year gaps.

Video games are improving noticeably every 3 years.

The biggest gains are being made in open world games as they have the most open (heh) space to improve upon their formula and add variety which gives them the most space to innovate and try out new ideas.

I did a study of upcoming games graphics and right now human hair and skin textures are still off. Even metahuman skin is off.

Expect skin to be fixed in another half a decade and hair to be fixed in a decade.

Beyond this we need upgrades to the physics engine so that hair does not travel through clothes or equipment.

Beyond this I am not aware of any other negative feature of video game graphics that currently stands out and ruins the realism.

I just checked the GTA VI trailer again. They have upgraded hair physics and skin in that. Still a little off but the hair don't have a physical weight to them and don't glitch through items.

The hair quality only appears to apply to ponytails however and the main head of hair they have limited how much detail it can have so it still looks fake.

Skin is off depending on the lighting condition. It might be more due to the GTA style rather than inability though.

The crowd density is also very good. I counted up to 40 NPCs on screen in the more dense scenes.

I have no idea how GTA is pulling it off but they are doing the impossible if we compare it to the output other studios generate on the ps5.

Reported by:
why im voting for joe biden/joe biden's replacement


  • idiotic tax cuts for the rich. here is an accountant (knows more than I do) bitching about plans (before it was passed), here is the wikipedia, here is a summary about why it sucks. Note that it expires in 2025, at which point taxes will shoot back up. the US eroded its tax base with the law, and making the cuts indefinite would mean the us loses even more money. its not sustainable. the law was designed with the assumption that it would frick over the 2025 administration (which in 2017 republicans assumed would be Dems) because taxes will shoot up (and thus be their fault). the net result from all of this? +$500 to net household income, considered statistically insignificant. but the 1% got a nice cut.

  • under trump, the federal reserve overplayed its hand. they had QE running even though the markets were good (bad idea), then when markets went to shit (covid) they had no recourse (because they hand was already played) except inflating the shit out of everything. Biden became president during the midst of this, but it's a well-known economic fact that there is Nothing You Can Do during an inflationary recession. I will repeat it for those of you in the back: economists don't have cowtools to deal with inflationary recessions. the outcome we got was the best we could have, inflation was a lot worse in other countries.

  • trump wants to put a blanket tariff over ALL imports (terrible idea), wants a weaker dollar (say hi to inflation)

  • absolute disaster for the national debt (source)

military and global affairs

  • abused the state dept to fabricate and push anti-vaccine propaganda in the Phillipines (reuters) in an effort to combat the Phillipines buying vaccines from China (the US's were too expensive). Biden shut it down after he found out about it (was kept on the dl)

  • a long, long list of ways that trump has fricked over us troops

  • the whole first indictment

  • always lets putin get what he wants

social issues

i will reference project 2025 in this section

  • trump set up concentration camps for immigrant children, then "lost" 1488 of them... where i have i seen that number before? (ap news)

  • make abortion flat-out illegal

  • rollback trans ppl in the military

  • roll back s*x discrimination protections on gay and transgender people (page 584)

  • define trans people as child s*x pests: "Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women." (page 5)

  • "It should also pursue the death penalty for applicable crimes—particularly heinous crimes involving violence and sexual abuse of children" (page 554)

  • taken together, it seems as though they are paving the way to outlaw existing as a transgender person (possibly through the death penalty)

  • redefine public transit as to include ride sharing: "A better definition for public transit (which also would require congressional legislation) would be transit provided for the public rather than transit provided by a public municipality." (page 635)

  • reduce funding for public transit (more for personal automobiles) and remove federal funding for city transit -- instead, funding would have to go thru state govts who then do what they want rather than straight to the cities

  • get rid of the dept of education, fda

he is a p-dophile


Reported by:
  • hop : not fake, i doubled my crypto r-slur

The idea of the significant percent of those losing all their money warms my black heart cockles. The scammers getting rich is bad though. How do I balance my attitude to this?

Reported by:
  • N : fake and straight screenpost but at least it's funny
The trump shooting just got better
Anime enjoyers are on watch. :marseyceiling:

He was just be nice guys, being mean would be something the evil Logan Paul would do. Saying "Prime is fire, I can't say that on camera though" is totally not a little b-word thing to say.


Man those were fricking great. Judge Dredd was better though and I don't understand the seemingly universal sentiment that the 2012 one was somehow superior. But both really were great.


Reported by:
  • hop : sam hyde is r-slurred silver spoon yuppie jew yorker
  • melgibsonsDUI : ITT: Dramanauts seethe about Sam Hyde (for various reasons)
Old grooming accusations against Sam Hyde resurface and his fans decide to defend him by siding with grooming

Grooming children is now red-blooded American and MAGA

Based is when a 29 year old grooms a 16 year old.


Im pretty sure the next person is a dramatard and they just straight up admit to finding 15 year olds attractive

"It's cool because the AoC is 16, commies"

Lol keep yourself safe

This one isn't surprising because everyone knows groypers are pedos


It just goes on and on

!nonchuds this is who calls you a groomer online

:marseyreich: :marseyhitler: :marseyhitlerhindu: :hitler:


Redditards praise it because they aren't capable of independent thought


One man dares declare the emperor has no clothes


Martin Scorce's white guilt


5/10 (because she's not a landwhale) discusses the film


Scorce fans are just as brainwashed as Marvel zombies


It's good the film is boring


The film will be forgotten as a self-indulgent piece of white guilt flogging

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