
It's fundamentally disrespectful to artists


that's exactly why people are pro AI

Please CA, do it



LMAO :#marseyrofl:


Dating update: Girl #3 canceled second date last minute after an amazing first date. :chuditsover:

A few weeks ago I started dating for the first time. I'm in my twenties.

Total dates 6
Total girls dated 3
Over/back status It's over
Higher than a 6/10 2
Were asexual 2
Broke up with me 1
Had a fun first date with 3
Friendzoned me 0
Met on OkCupid 2
Met on Bumble 1



If you ever wanna know why capitalism :marseyatlasshrugged: sucks, think :marseyhyperthonk: about how many people you've known who wanna open a 24 hour coffeeshop and bookstore (with a cat) if they ever get rich vs how many rich people ever actually :marseynerd3: open a 24 hour coffeeshop and bookstore (with a cat).

Like, the world :marseyww1american2: would :marseymid: undeniably be a happier place :marseychtorrr: if every town had at least one 24 hour coffeeshop and bookstore (with a cat). People would :marseywood: go there :marseycheerup: all the time. But maybe not enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: to make a constantly increasing profit. Maybe not even enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: to pay extortionate rent.

Innovation is figuring out how to make a 24 hour coffeeshop and bookstore (with a cat) work in your town, not making VR goggles :marseyscientist: nobody has a use for or making phones so thin they blow away if you leave :marseypeaceout: em on a table :marseywould: outside. Innovation is doing more with less, not less with more.

Would :marseymid: you rather have a slightly thinner laptop :marseystopposting: that answers questions incorrectly with some built in AI chatbot, or a used record store where :marseydrama: you can go and ask the nerd behind :marseynotes2: the counter what a good place :marseychtorrr: to start with hardcore is?



Gf was drunk yesterday and admitted I had the smallest peepee she's been with

!truecels it never ends

Most disappointing book relative to expectations?

What's the worst book you've ever read, discounting self published crap?

I bought my mom Jo Watson's Among Others half a decade ago for mother's day.

I didn't know much about the industry :marseydunce: so I thought that it winning the Hugo meant it had to be at least of decent quality. It was so bad that she said it had to read it too :marseyxd:

300 pages of the most pretentious precious child crap :marseyxd:

Reported by:
  • chudscantsneed : one of its literally who producers not Makoto Shinkai

Arrested cause they were 15 and older (disgusting hags). VERRRRY SHAMEFURR!


He paid 30000 yen to the great :marseyfingergoodjob: grandma :marseymariacalavera: (17) and 15k to granny :marseychingchonggrandma: (15) out of curiosity, what is that in Reichsmark?



The economy of the rising :marseychartuptrend: sun is really :marseythinkorino2: in the dumps folx. Sad!

Neckbeards argue about whether loli enjoyers are pedos for three days [POLLS INSIDE]

It starts with a :marseyoctopus2: self-evident claim by Jackson Hinkle on Friday:

Which upset this guy:

Which got some dissent but the pedos are out in force:

And turns into a longgg argument about whether DBZ is for pedos too:

At which point the loli enjoyer decided to escalate to retweets:

The girls there are from this last year:

Which leads me to an easy engagement-bait poll:

Are you a p-do if you prefer the girl on the right?


Here's Albini recounting buying child pornography while in Hamburg:

Jaded as I am, I can't help but flip seeing a girl and guy of twelve or thirteen, tops, ramming Martel bottles up each other's asses. These are not the Dutch equivalent of abused trailer-park kids, either. They look to be in excellent health and seem to be honestly enjoying this. Makes all the conventional arguments against this kind of thing seem really silly.

They're kids. Kids like to play with their own and other people's privates. They're just being photographed at it. Now, people who get a voyeuristic charge out of watching them, like me, I guess, well, we've got some grip-on-reality problems. There's maybe 1% of all pornography that has any effect on me, and it's definitely not a turn-on very often. But when it is, and it's as weird as this, it's pretty hard to take.

And here's him promoting his friend, Peter Sotos', chld pronography magazine:

The cover of PURE 2 is a guy holding open a toddler's puny hole so his spuzz can dribble out. The girl is past crying. She is destroyed. [...] Like I said, I like that sort of thing

Sotos later defended his use of child pornography in cout, stating "child abuse is a sublime pleasure"

Albini also produced an album for Sotos called Buyer's Market, which Wikipedia describes as "sound collages of spoken word samples from parents, law-enforcement officers and victims of s*x crimes and pedophilia". When asked about his relationship with Sotos in a reddit AMA, this is what he had to say:

Peter's an old friend. I've known him for 30 years or so. I'll help him do whatever he wants to do, from wash his car to edit his album.

Reported by:
Goomble your way to greatness with this TOP SECRET foolproof method [DO NOT CLICK UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE RICH]

Second in a series of helpful how-to posts.

Last time we talked about how to get shitloads of dramacoin the old-fashioned way, but what if you're a lazy piece of shit :carplazy: and you just want to get lots of DC quickly? Enter gambling: this top secret backdoor is a way to rapidly unlock thousands of coins that would otherwise have required tedious hours of quality posting.

The casino here offers several different games of chance: roulette, slots, blackjack and the lottershe. For our purposes, we're only concerned with slots because that's the best one to shit up threads with publicly. If you post !slots1234 (or w/e number) you'll wager that much money on your post. If you win, just like at the casino in Monaco or Macao, lots of other people will see you win and they'll think you're cool and want to have sex with you. It's just like Monte Carlo, except instead of lucky gamblers shagging models in their lambos, you'll have dramautists crawling up in your DMs begging to suck your cock for DC. (This is true even if you don't have a cock or you've deprecated it, damautists won't check before they promise the succs-for-bucks)

Okay, so with that out of the way, how do you rack up impressive winnings like mine?

The number one secret is only gamble when you're pretty sure you're going to win.

If you've got a good feeling, or you're on a hot streak, or you're posting in a lucky thread: lots of rare Marseys, or golden flashing ones, or if everyone else is already winning big, you should try to get in on that action, too.

Sometimes you are going to lose, and that's just how chance works. The other important thing is make small bets when you're going lose and save your biggest bets for the ones that will pay off. For example, maybe you lose two or three 300 DC bets, but that will just angry up Chaos because she knows you're not serious and you're betting like a pussy. So then as an apology you'll want to bet big, like 5, 10, 15,000 to show you mean it - but don't do it unless you're going to win. If you keep winning 10,000 DC bets and losing 200 DC ones, you can see how the math works out.

Try to get in good with random number generators. The Mersenne Twister and I go way back: we used to fool around back in college and it was all basically innocent but everyone knows Twister has always been a little kinky and it's true. If you get on her good side, she will pay off in spades. Not that many people understand this, but gambling on a computer pretty much comes down to /dev/random and so if random numbers love you, then you will consistently win at gambling.

If all those tips don't work, and you're still a loser, you should try praying. Specifically, you should pray to become more like me...


...because being specially blessed and favored by the Lord God Almighty and her favorite boy, the Son of Man can come in handy in all walks of life, but one area where it especially pays off is at the slot machine.

Thank you. I will not be taking any questions from the panel. !wincels please explain it to the losers if they don't understand.

Hey frick u r-slur

Kenzie (my new best friend) thinks yall are uncool bitches


!bookworms !kino

>“His wife spent a month arranging the prostitutes in advance”

>“Who will lay with the famous writer out of curiosity”

Some screen caps, is cuckshit :#marseyxd: @BWC @houellebecq @manysuchcases


The new name puts a focus on inclusivity. Krone told The Associated Press that they wanted a name going forward that made clear that all children and teens are “very, very welcome.”

He added that when people question why the organization needs a new name, he points to historically low membership numbers.

Like other organizations, the scouts lost members during the pandemic, when participation was difficult. The high point over the past decade was in 2018, when there were more than 2 million members. Currently, the organization serves just over 1 million young people, including more than 176,000 girls and teens. Membership peaked in 1972 at almost 5 million.


:soymad: :marseysulk: :marseycrying: :marseytears: :carpcrying: :carpcry:


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