Reported by:
  • Aevann : get her to make an account and say hi
USER WAS BANNED FOR LIFE FROM RDRAMA.NET I tricked a foid into marrying me

Bottom text lmao.


What did she mean by this?

Reported by:

Previously, I had declared my feelings of affection to a female friend of mine (let's just call her Sarah because her name is Sarah). The feelings were not reciprocated, but she let me down in a weird way, she spoke about how she doesn't know how she feels, but she's not looking for a relationship at the moment. She embraces the asexuality meme which is partially how we ended up being friends.

More recently, I decided to give it another shot but to be more tactful this time. I told her I don't think I'm asexual anymore, and that I want to be in a relationship. Once again, she reiterated that she doesn't know how she feels and that a relationship isn't what she wants. Nevertheless, as always, she was nice about it and continues to actively pursue my friendship and constantly tells me she loves me.

At first, this confused me. However, I think I have some of it figured out. I have learned a bit about women and human relationships in general from this experience, and I'd like to share some of the reasons why it's almost certainly a bad idea to pursue your female friends. Now, of course there will be exceptions. Sometimes your female friend genuinely does like you and you'll have a romcom moment. My point is that that's probably not the case, and while you may view the friendship with rose-tinted glasses, she sees things totally differently.

1. They're used to it

Since they started developing breasts, women have been the center of sexual attention. It comes from all angles including older men, teachers, family members, and even other women. At some point, they get used to it and it becomes background noise. "Yes, he's ogling my breasts but I need to finish scanning my groceries".

The sexual attention also comes from male friends. You're NOT the first male friend to express romantic emotions, and you won't be the last. She's turned all of them down, what makes you think things will be different with you? She's used to it, she probably saw it coming, and she doesn't want it. If she did, you wouldn't have to ask because she'd make it obvious to you that she's romantically interested.

Now, there is the possibility of misreading signals, which brings us to the next point.

2. Women genuinely have platonic feelings

This is not to say that men are incapable of having platonic relationships. Nay, that is not my point. My argument is that it is much harder for men to do so. People shit on Steve Harvey but he was 100% correct when he said the following:

Things aren't the same with women. They can genuinely love you deeply without any sexual or romantic feelings. Why is this? Women don't have to deal with the famine mentality. For many men, s*x and love are scarce resources, so when it even vaguely seems like there's an opportunity for it, the feelings come on strong. Hence the cliche of "the cashier smiled at me now I want to marry her". (Most) women aren't leading you on intentionally when they allow intimacy into a friendship. That's the way friendships should be. But it doesn't mean she wants anything sexual or romantic.

3. You're in love because you're lonely

This is probably the crux of the issue. When you're starving, even a mud pie looks delicious. As men, you will face long stretches of loneliness and never being told you're beautiful, attractive, or worthy of anything. Inasmuch as catcalling and sexual objectification should be chastised, it at least serves as some kind of validation of one's attractiveness.

A friendship with a woman can bring about those feelings of validation within men and if you're not ready for it, it's going to develop into obsessive love. If you had higher self-esteem, more experience with women, or a source of love, your friendships with women would be completely normal and platonic. It's when these elements are missing that any smile, hug, or eye-gaze turns into fantasies of marriage.

When she inevitably turns you down, what are you left with? Nothing yet again. Nobody to say they love you or assure you that you are wanted in this world.

Things get more complicated if you're an introvert. Most relationships seem useless unless you're benefitting considerably. In your mind the thinking is "I'd only put this much effort into a relationship if I had romantic feelings". Whereas if the woman is an extrovert, it isn't costing her much mental energy to maintain the relationship. I hope that make sense.

4. She knows already

Don't bother. She already knows you like her. She accepts that as part of the cost of the friendship. That's not a bad thing. It means there's something good about you that she wants in her life even if its not of the romantic nature. You should be flattered by this even if it is heartbreaking at times.

Some women are a bit mean with this. They essentially get everything they would get from a boyfriend (someone to talk to, someone to take care of them) without the need to commit. But that's not always the case. In my case, Sarah goes out her way to be nice to me and to spend time with me. She's not using me for anything - a genuine, platonic friendship is all she wants. It's hard for my brain to wrap my head around it. I thought it was obvious that she felt something. Maybe I had to take the lead and break the ice? Nah, I'm convinced she knew ages ago I liked her but loved me enough to still be my friend despite not sharing romantic feelings.

5. You may lose everything

Life is about taking risks so I don't want to stress this point too much. However, if she doesn't already know and you spring it up on her, she may never trust you again and you will lose all the intimacy of your friendship. She will remain guarded around you, and perhaps even think of you as a slimy coomer who tried to use friendship to get into her pants. Shit can get brutal.

I've been lucky to have an understanding friends who has continued to be nice to me. I know that this isn't the case for everyone, and it also depends on how you respond to the rejection.


Heartbreak is one of the worst feelings to experience. It's like a knife constantly twisting in your chest. But it's part of life for most of us. A lucky few will find high-school sweethearts and never have to play the dating game, but for most of us, we're going to get rekt a couple times before we find the right one (if we ever do). Please, for the love of god, don't go looking for a girlfriend from your female friends. There's a difference between a girl friend and a girlfriend.

I'm probably preaching to the choir, and this may be obvious to most people here. But I know there are some autists who may need to read this to spare themselves the heartache I went through. The funny part is that if you're in love, nothing I write is going to change anything. You'll think your case is different. You'll try your luck. And you'll get rekt. But don't let me stop you. Some mistakes are meant to be made.

I know the asexuality meme isn't true. One day, she'll find a guy she likes (not me) and all that asexuality shit will disappear. And when it happens it will hurt like heck. However, I'm prepared, and I'll still be her friend. I'm wiser now thanks to the mistakes I've made. Thanks for reading.


The only thing gayer than a 9gag PRO user, is a 9gag PRO+ user! :gaydar: :gaydar: :gaydar:

It's nice cuz the PRO users are in on the joke

And dab :marseydab: :marseydab2: :tayhyperdab: on the poorcels :marseybeggar:

RANDOM RACISM that has absolutely nothing to do with the subject of the post coming through choo choo :marseytrain: :marseytrain: :marseytrain:

It's over for 9strags

Back to PRO+

:marseypraying: PLZ god let me be reborn as Jew

bonus turbo reddit soy reply :soysnoo5:

:soysnoo2: :soysnoo2: :soysnoo2: showed that racist

My husband said he wants to divorce because I breastfed my son: 'Now they've been in another man's mouth'

In six short days, this tale of moidal dysfunction has gone from /r/NotHowGirlsWork to Xhitter, to the NYPost (the house media organ of the angry Xiterverse) and now back to /r/2XC.


What's the verdict, dramautists?

Reported by:
  • BananaSundae : we should make a vampire the masquerade roleplay group
  • TheFatController : I can only imagine what piss forest shenanigans would result from that
How house vampire looks at the fricking rest of rdrama
:marppy: Drama Report: 2024-05-02 :marseyminer:

Top Drama

🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Fraternity brothers pelted by anti-Israel protesters at UNC Chapel .../r/JoeRogan (2M)60%2049
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘and the Boomers in Congress/r/AdviceAnimals (10M)67%1732
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Can someone explain this to me?/r/Asmongold (311K)61%1323
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Joe Rogan Experience #2143 - Tulsi Gabbard/r/JoeRogan (2M)44%480
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Hows this arena version looking for you/r/leagueoflegends (8M)61%656
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Pi Kappa Phi made $60K (so far) off of yesterdays protests/r/UNC (23K)47%433
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Pro-Israel mob attacks student protest encampment at UCLA/r/IsraelPalestine (88K)53%486
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Why do Christians seem to not care about the hurt they cause the LG.../r/Christianity (432K)48%320
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Guy is carrying a gun in his belt at Madeira Kroger's just to visit.../r/cincinnati (143K)60%398
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Does OSRS really need Aggression potions?/r/2007scape (913K)46%246

Relative Drama (takes into account the size of the subreddit)

🤓🤓🔘🔘🔘Is there any organized effort to counter the anti-Jewish protests a.../r/altmpls (5K)49%160
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Pi Kappa Phi made $60K (so far) off of yesterdays protests/r/UNC (23K)47%433
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘The PSL, a fringe Marxist-Leninist group that thinks NATO started t.../r/ualbany (5K)49%87
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘To anyone thinking of boycotting commencement.. /r/Temple (23K)56%207
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘To The Students Protesting Currently /r/UBreddit (23K)54%194
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Tiny brains buy same laughable poor specs junk every year for "only.../r/applesucks (23K)57%201
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘This sub is just full of people hating on tim hortons/r/TimHortons (22K)55%131
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Pathetic. Disney is going to ruin the X Men/r/MauLer (23K)45%107
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Pro-Israel mob attacks student protest encampment at UCLA/r/IsraelPalestine (88K)53%486
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘When people think generating AI art is like some "one click wonder"./r/aiwars (35K)49%171

:marppy: autodrama: returning jobs to dramautists. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:


Another sad victim of America brain disease


Turns out he was a :marseybrasileiro: !macacos so everyone now gets to claim he was their preferred racial group

It's extra stupid because the Met infamously did shoot a Brazilian in 2005 and he was innocent

To the shock of g*mers worldwide - known chinese spyware ends up being spyware

Surely this isn't legal.

Valorant now takes screenshots of your pc, They are actually able to screenshot groomercord chats and fullscreen any window without you knowing and uploading it to their servers.


>Decide to play valorant

>All of China gets to know your groomercord chats, bank activity, goon websites and every other degenerate activity you're up to in 2-6 minute intervals of playing the game

Relevant Unknowncheats thread with more technical explanations:

Reported by:
  • JohnnyBOO : Divorcee taking out his anger on innocents
Bardfinn finds a very r-slurred way to be pro-Israel *and* pro-Hamas

Nooooo the Christians are sending the Jews against the Arabs! There would be peace in the middle east if White Identity Extremists weren't arming that famously poor demographic, Israeli Jews, against their will!

Yes I have a very nuanced view of world politics from behind my screen in my parent's sunroom.

Got to give him credit for finding an angle that allows him to blame red-hat Nazis on Reddit for war in the middle east.

Giant fricking mong.

Edgy flash animations were apparently "traumatic" for !zoomers :marseydepressed: :marseyzoomerimplosion:


Me and my girl, 10 years apart : aww

"Restrictive" :marseyconfused:

"Atypical" meaning the exact opposite of anorexia


Aella, the neurodivergent lesswrong prostitute that is now kinda Twitter famous for her r-slurred polls and for organizing an orgy for her birthday, is now in danger because some insane guy that tried to kidnap her is allegedly now out of jail lmao

Stuff from when he was originally imprisoned:

Destiny subreddit has a copy of him trying to get into her house

Aella's blogpost


mmt of the Miami beach zombie

and this other guy

Also made me think of actor Armie Hammer


Dudes have spent thousands of years arguing in dozens of languages that they cannot possibly be expected to control their peepeees or their fists when women dare to go out in public or talk too much or have bare ankles or whatever other disobedient thing men don't like. Dudes have founded multiple entire fricking religions on this concept.

And now "the logical s*x" is having a collective meltdown because women repeated that back at them.



I wouldn't be blamed if I fought back against the bear. Wouldn't be blamed for hurting it if it meant my survival and life.

If a man attempts to r*pe me or succeeds in raping me but I claw the shit out of his face and arms in an attempt to defend myself, I'll get accused of being just as bad and assaulting him.

I wouldn't want to hurt the bear. It probably doesn't want to hurt me.

I will always choose the bear. 🐻

You won't get relentlessly bearsplained to either.


If they maul me I either die, or survive and have a fricking badass story.

If the bear mauls you and you survive to tell your story, people will believe you when you tell it.


Bears won't film you while you're taking a shit in the woods and share it with bears all over the world, for no reason except that they get off on it. Only men are that depraved.

Bears only attack you if you mess with their cubs. We have more in common with bears than men.


The Bear won't dress up like a woman and try to eat me in the women's changing room while screaming that I must refer to myself as a menstruator or it hurts his feelings


He could fix all his problems by identifying as a furry and approach women in his new bear fursona.


Well, props for being self aware. Yes, you are a man and are seen as one, so women would choose the bear instead of you.

Well, wouldn't he also choose the bear? Surprised that that's not his first response, being that he's a woman and all.


Bro, you are the reason we choose bears.


Some good material there for inciting a bit of moid rage :marseyagree: :!marseydicklet:


Daily reminder that Sexy Indian dudes are the most fragile and cringe people on earth

Can't even handle a little banter


Cameron, 20, Houston TX

:marseyking: At least two Red Bulls :marseysaint2:

Segment like a really sus video where Cameron explains he consents to the show timestamp


  • "Kinda complicated I guess"

  • Part time real estate, part time construction with my Dad

  • "From Sunday to Wednesday I do real estate, I guess full time"

    • He lays out his schedule timestamp

      • 5am wakeup

      • 6am gym

  • Real Estate agent, lots of calling people

    • Done it for a year

    • Wants to do this full time

    • This month is "most money he's ever made"

    • $14'000 this month but he "spent most of it"

      • Sold a single listing and got them a new place - he knocked their door
    • He tries to explain how timestamp

    • When he started he "spent the money before it was in [his] pocket"

    • Was a server at resturaunt, quit it to be agent

    • Hems and haws then admits it's 2'500 "over 6 to 8 months" so much less than other guests :marseylaugh:

    • "I try to prospect but like I've started playing Minecraft and stuff you know what I mean?" timestamp

      • This is what he was doing last year instead of working?
    • Works 4 hours a day 4 days a week timestamp

      • Actually it's 1 hour a day of calling people?

      • Actually he's showing houses as well?

      • Maybe 3 a day? :marseyantiw#ork:

    • A day in the life of a real estate agent timestamp

      • Later clarified to 1 hour a day with a lot of staring at the screen doing literally nothing, sometimes watching Financial Audit videos MARSEY LFMAOOOOOO


      • 3 hour lunch break lmfao

    • Saved $2000 of that $14000 check

  • Construction timestamp

    • Dad's company, Dad cuts him a check

    • About $125 a day, 3 days a week (around 10 hour days for this)

    • Doesn't know if he's W2 or not

      • "Uhhhhmmm my dad has his company and I just kind of go in and he gives me a check"

      • "I don't know I just get the check and I just picture deposit it into Wells Fargo, it goes into my account"

    • Just started this, started around last month

  • Living with his parents

  • "I used to make a lot of money as a server"

Personal Life;

  • Girlfriend of 2 years is in the room timestamp


  • Parents helped him out 7'000 on a car downpayment

    • He paid them back 4'000
  • He did not set money aside for taxes

  • Credit Card 1 (Discover) (1'015) timestamp

    • 1326 previous - 994 payments + 664 new transactions

    • "Why are you putting more money on a card that is accumulating interest?" timestamp

      • He is extremely confident things will just work themselves out
    • "If you look at my spending I try to be really conservative with it" :marseyxd:

    • Lots and lots of eating out, some paint he got reimbursed for

    • "Everyone's net worth is negative at 20 years old" :marseybrainletclapping:

  • Credit Card 2 (some bank name) (2404) timestamp

    • $2391 - $200 payment + 157 new purchases + $55 interest accrued

    • He paid another $200 payment on this

    • Credit limit is $2500

    • Ate $29 in fees this year

  • His stonks timestamp

  • 2016 Jeep Wrangler timestamp

    • $31355 balance :marseytrollcrazy:

    • 10.something interest rate :marseytrollcrazy:

    • There's an unpaid balance of $680

    • He tries to explain, his parents took the car out for him, in their name, he's paying for it

    • Caleb seethes because he keeps looking at the camera :marseyrage:

    • 6 year term

    • Jeeps in the shop, $300 - lots of other spending on parts for the jeep

    • Suspension is messed up

    • Lots of other issues with it

    • Pays for car insurance under his parents name - $400 a month

    • Went to college for a year, took a year off, couldn't afford to both go to college and pay the jeep :marseydespair:

    • He didn't really know what he was doing at college

    • "My way of justifying it was I didn't know what I was doing in college and I had the Jeep anyways"

  • Credit Card 3 ($472) (Spark Business) timestamp

    • 536 - $71 payments + $12 interest accrued

    • Not the real estate card

    • "This card was a really dumb decision... probably the worst one"

    • "Every year we get a fee as realtors, we have to pay like 400, 500, I didn't have the money so I opened a credit card and paid it with that."

    • Minimum payment 17, 30% interest

  • Credit Card 4 (CapitalOne) ($352) timestamp

    • Minimum $25

    • $8 interest accrued

    • $727 - $700 + $323.85 :marseyxd:

    • "This month I spoiled myself" :marseyexcited:

      • He tries to explain why he thinks this is a good idea
  • How much he owes to his family timestamp

    • $11'000 total?

    • Informal, gets brought up when the dad's mad :marseymad:

    • He paid 4000, it's down from 15'000

    • Pays $400 for rent

  • Checking Account timestamp

    • $150 in there

    • fair bit of going out to eat, eBay headphones, smoking "trying to quit," $1000 into his RobinHood

    • THIS R-SLUR INVESTED 15% of the portfolio INTO TAKETWO HOLY SHIT :marseyxd:

      • waiting for GTA 6 thinking it will moon shot

Spending piechart timestamp

  • He gave his parents 4000 which might be upfront rent payments might be debt payment? to help pay off the house???

Caleb makes him cry bigly :marseycry: timestamp

  • "To be honest, it might just be a reaction to the Red Bull"

Oracle seems to be a long-term sponsor, every video now

New Toss - Golem edition

Y'all uppity males can't behave and get banned. At least the bear mauls you in good faith.

r/ meme users try to understand the fear of SA challenge, impossible

but le r*pe

/r/meme user tries to understand that being in a forest with a bear is safer because i can either scare it off or play dead

I cant scare off a male feminist and if i play dead hes probably gonna r*pe me


I am a man. I would be safer alone in the woods with a bear than alone in the woods with another man.

Like, statistically.


*"risking" because not all bears are aggressive. An aggressive one would 100% manage to kill a person, but many bears are relatively shy or even friendly

as opposed to scrotes that are all bloodlusted, of course :marseyface:

This is true but that doesn't negate the idea that a bear may be less dangerous. Even grizzly bears aren't likely to attack you just because, they often hear people coming at a distance and flee. If you had antagonjsed both options, either take the man for a better chance at survival or take the bear to potentially be killed quicker if the man is unarmed. the quick death in question


Proudly stolen from autodrama.

Reported by:
  • COOF : how doomed a country is can easily be measured by how many poojeets live in it

!bharatiya the !nonchuds's "president" has completely lost it

President Joe Biden said on Wednesday that "xenophobia" from China to Japan and India is hobbling their growth, as he argued that migration has been good for the U.S. economy.

"One of the reasons why our economy's growing is because of you and many others. Why? Because we welcome immigrants," Biden said at a Washington fundraising event for his 2024 re-election campaign and marking the start of Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month.

"Why is China stalling so badly economically, why is Japan having trouble, why is Russia, why is India, because they're xenophobic. They don't want immigrants. Immigrants are what makes us strong."

The International Monetary Fund forecast last month that each country would see its growth decelerate in 2024 from the year prior, ranging from 0.9% in highly developed Japan to 6.8% in emerging India.

They forecast that the United States would grow at 2.7%, slightly brisker than its 2.5% rate last year. Many economists attribute better-than-expected performance partly to a migrants expanding the country's labor force.

Concern about irregular migration has become a top issue for many U.S. voters ahead of November's presidential election.

Biden, who has condemned the rhetoric of his Republican opponent Donald Trump as anti-immigrant, has worked to court broad economic and political relations with countries including Japan and India to counter China and Russia globally.

Randia laughing at DDD

:marseyjewoftheorientglow: agreeing?? @X pls help I don't trust bing translate

World News:

GeopoliticsIndia (apparently there is another indian sub I didn't know about, how many are there?!)

"One of the reasons why our economy's growing is because of you and many others. Why? Because we welcome immigrants,"

Yeah India isn't US and we don't have resources to even support our existing population


Some 30 police officers in Sweden provoked public outrage in yet another major scandal involving gang activity. It appears that law enforcement officials allowed themselves to be seduced and exploited by gangsters to whom they gave information that later led to several deadly altercations on the streets.

The shocking details were first revealed in an extensive investigation published by the local daily Dagens Nyheter (DN), which found over 500 instances of Swedish police personnel leaking classified information. Gang members were briefed regarding ongoing investigations, upcoming raids, or competing gangs.

DN's report also found evidence that leaks concerning information on rival criminals assisted in several attacks on enemy gang members, including at least four murders.

The report—based on conversations with some 50 sources in the law enforcement community and the criminal underworld, backed by hundreds of public documents—also revealed that, in many cases, the gang members used quite unconventional methods to obtain the information, such as starting “sexual relationships with strategically selected [female] police officers.”

One example is “Elin,” who met her gangster boyfriend through a dating app when she was still a cadet. Regularly, she chose to feed him classified information she obtained through illegal searches over the course of four years until she was caught.

>be male cop

>work your butt off to be able to work against organised crime

>woman boss because "women can!"

>go on a stakeout

>"finally we've been able to arrest him"

>hear your boss getting pounded by Abdi

>call DN (newspaper)

The people of YouTube :marseykingharkinian: argue over whether dropshipping is a scam

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