Think like a doctor #I don't know answer

In all honesty there are no correct answers and only incorrect answers. Possibly a pentad combination could work, you could adjust or go for removal of lenalidomide, change to a two factor drug, initiate differing cycles of dexamethasome could be beneficial due to refusal of ASCT by patient. This is how medicine works, there's no one size fits all and all we can do is attempt to help.

This was a case I worked on with people from MD Anderson, John Hopkins School of medicine, Mt Sinai, New York and unfortunately the patient refused all forms of treatment and expired.


These are the biggest AI achievements from the last 5 years:

1) The bottomless pit greentext

2) Race-swapping filters. They're really funny.


Everything else I've seen so far is just uninteresting slop.


Say Drake, I hear you like 'em young
You better not ever go to cell block one
To any b-word that talk to him and layin' love
Just make sure you hide your little sister from 'em
They tell me chubs the only one that get your hammy downs
Then party at the party playin' with his nose now
And Baka got a weird case, why is he around?
Certified lover boy? Certified p-dophile


Tryna strike a chord and it's probably A-Minooooooor


!friendsofmimwee today is a terrible day for all the craKKKers on this site who don't listen to hip hop, this is the most entertaining drama of any kind I've seen in months

Edit: The cover art is Drake's mansion with the registered s*x offender symbol from Citizen :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd:

r/hiphopheads thread

/r/KendrickLamar thread

r/Drizzy (🤓) thread

It's looks like :gigabiden: shit his pants
Angry baby :marseyraccoon: herds some goats.

:a: :h: :o: :y:



Reported by:
  • Newfriend : /h/polarama arcticcel yakubear cope
:marseywrongthonk: :marseynooticeglow: :marseyhmmm: :marseyhmm: :marseythonk: :marseynoooticer: :marseygigathonk:
How can black men sound so wise ?

To me the actually fun part was that some of my black guy friends liked this post

Shes gunna leave him for a guy who knows emacs… :marseymanysuchcases:
Neurodivergent pineapple
:marseytariq: Neighbors :marseyrapper: be beefin' :marseypunching: or Marsey on safari :marseymajorgeneral:

All of us are ambiently aware of who the cast is here (:yakub:), the article is decent to fill in the gaps if you haven't checked in for like a decade, and if it's been longer since you cared this listicle goes back to 2011. Here's the article's summary of grievances against drake:

Drake has often behaved like an actual king, using other artists to prop up his image and his credibility and even actual music, sending out cease and desists for all sorts of reasons, stealing women, talking shit behind closed doors

This is the level of 4d chess they be operating on:

I don't recommend listening to any of this particularly, but shitty millennial rap feels like the 2000s so I had fun reviewing them. The tracks vaguely in order (YT links):

Future snipes :marseyrecursivesnipe: at Drake on an album, this track has Kendrick joining in :marseybutterfly:

Rick Ross calls Drake a yt boi :marseymayo:

While waiting for Drake, J Cole does some dumb shit :marseytariqitsover:

Future releases a second album on the same topic, this track has The Weeknd :chadblack2love::chadblack2love::chadblack2love:

Drake shoots back :marseykingcrown:

Kendrick executes Drake :marseytariq2:

P.S. Kanye is sorta back, he's still blacklisted by the media but he's selling clothes and releasing albums, I refuse to figure out if it's good.

New Ben Garrison
He's gone bananas :marseybanana:
It Chapter One, It Chapter Two

It Chapter One

Altogether a pretty cool film. Some characters were too one dimensional such as the bad dad whose only personality traits were either creepy or angry. And the 80s kids riding around on bikes thing was :marseysleep:. But the impressive parts were that it didn't rely on cheap tricks to be spooky. I liked how they still managed to have scary scenes even while it was daylight and while the characters were surrounded by other people, opposed to the usual getting split up in the darkness.

It Chapter Two

This one was odd. The first mistake they made was that they just copypasted the personalities of a bunch of 13 year olds onto middle aged adults. Apparently no one grew up or changed or anything in 27 years. Eddie was especially weird to watch. His character came across like some parody of a teenage girl in the skin of a 40 year old man.

The second mistake is that they noticed that people liked Richie's jokes from the first film and did what shitty writers always do: completely miss the point of what makes that character funny and just have him spew stupid one liners for the whole film. idk if they noticed Marvel's success at that time or what but all the misplaced jokes had the same effect they do in Marvel films. They completely kill the tension, or generally flatten emotion so every scene feels silly and superficial.

I don't think the creator must have actually had any adult relationships in his life because the whole dynamic between the characters was weird. The tone was all over the place, romantic scenes out of nowhere, stupid jokes every few lines, deaths taking a whole two minutes to get over before everyone's happy and laughing again and etc

They attempted the spooky scenes in daylight again but failed to build any tension so it wasn't scary at all and felt more like watching Ghostbusters or something.

Pennywise as a villain is a cool character and was acted well but was kind of wasted in this one.

Why the frick is snoop dogg on the Kentucky derby

wtf man

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