Anyone tried to identify as French?

For context, /r/sayulita is mostly about people talking about how they got horribly sick from contaminated water. I have no idea what Sayulita is but it seems like some sort of a third :marseyswastika: world :marseyww1british1: country.

>Back home after a recent trip. One full week+ of nausea, stomach pain, vomiting and horrible diaherrea for the kids. Same without the vomiting for the adults, but still low energy. By far the worst experience I've had in 30 years of trips :marseycheckem2: all over Mex, Asia, etc. No way in heck I would :marseymid: visit there :marseycheerup: again until there :marseycheerup: is some sort of real change, absolutely not worth it. Too bad as it's a great :marseyobamadope: place :marseyminipixel: for surfing, hiking, mountain :marseymountaincat: biking, eating, but basic :marseysymbol: sanitation seems awful. I look forward to more Mex trips, just not to Sayulita, and I don't know if the kids will ever want to go anywhere again,it was really :marseythinkorino2: hard on them. Waiting :marseyunresponsive: for test results after visiting the doc back home. Sorry :marseyqueencrown: to be negative, but I wish we had believed the sickness :marseymask: reports and not just thought, "Standard Mex, it'll be ok."

>Went to Sayulita this weekend for a wedding. 16 out of 20 people in our friend :marseychinchilla2: group :marseymarseyloveorgy: got sick, either travelers diarrhea :marseyconstipation: or possibly norovirus: chills, fever, throwing :marseystoning: up, nausea, stomach pains, incessant diarrhea. We ate street :marseywallst: food, had drinks with ice, swam in ocean :marseyshark2: for a day, should've brushed teeth :marseychingchongpirate: with bottled water; so didn't play it as safe as we prob should :marseynorm: have.

etc etc

bonus wordcloud:


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

He did. He's repeatedly said that he wants to help us change, and tell gay people to repent. That's the first part of the paraphrase I did. The second part of the paraphrase is the title of the post. OP wants to tell queer people we shouldn't be queer, but he's crying foul when we tell him off. (52)

Ok but did they say it in THIS post? (-35)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

"I want to tell you how I feel about your personal life, but please don't tell me how that makes you feel".Peak victim mentality. If you can't handle being told how your actions affect others, leave others alone. (327)

Wow that's an impressive amount of putting words into someone else's mouth. You should contact the Guinness Book of World Records. The OP didn't say anything similar to that. (-46)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

You don't support it; and you don't have to let it bother you. It's not your life, is it? People can make their own choices. Did Jesus not say “Who among you can add even a second to your life by worrying?” Look how much you're worrying, look how much you care. Why? Because the Jewish Laws in Leviticus, which Christians don't follow anymore, said that Jewish men shall not lie with another man? (74)

i'm trying to help them change (-43)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

THE BIBLE DOESN'T SAY XYZ, & IT WOULDN'T MUCH MATTER IF IT DID (by Rev. Durrell Watkins, Senior Minister, Sunshine Cathedral)I don't believe that homophobia is mandated in the Bible. Every verse used by homophobic religionists to condemn same-s*x attraction, love, or intimacy is actually part of a missive condemning exploitation or violence (although, to be honest, biblical condemnation of violence is inconsistent). And, verses taken alone without consideration of literary, cultural, historical, and linguistic contexts are often misused, misleading, and misunderstood. Love, mutual affection, genuine attraction, and covenantal fidelity are never condemned, and I wouldn't care if they were. The Bible isn't univocal, so I cringe every time I hear, "the Bible says..." The Bible doesn't say anything...whatever one quotes from scripture is from a writer with an agenda speaking to a particular community at a particular time in one of three ancient languages (and the original do... (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

"I want to tell you how I feel about your personal life, but please don't tell me how that makes you feel".Peak victim mentality. If you can't handle being told how your actions affect others, leave others alone. (327)

You and the atheist (I hope you come over to the table bro) have some of the most well informed comments. I think one of the gentleman removed his before I could post this, who is mainly the target of the post, sorry but we're in a discussion board and y'all floated the question/argument. Here goes:I would invite you and others in this thread to do more research into the Bible, The Word Of God. Cherry-picking phrases to suit your own predilections, comfort zone, mock superiority, and exclusionary (self-hating?? I'm no psychiatrist but the psychology community has an opinion on projection in hateful ways…The 19 year old gay basher who killed the innocent 17-18 year old boy in a U.S. school last year for being gay, was found to have sent suggestive messages with no favorable reply to the innocent individual he murdered. Rejected much? Just take it in brother, let the Spirit show you what needs to be healed) ways is heresy. Yes, I said it. You saying that gays should be condemned is h... (2)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Oh my god shut up. First of all, being gay is not a sin. Second of all, for argument's sake let's say it is. It's not but let's pretend. Ok it's a sin now. Why the frick is it the only sin y'all want to chit chat about? Gossip is sin. Adultery is sin? You ever been divorced? SIN! You ever lie? SIN. You cherry pick which sin is the worst and it's all you talk about, thus trying to make yourself a victim when really other people fall victim to your homophobia. I'm so done with this bullshit from judgmental people like you. (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/friendly_extrovert

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮(+1🐮)

Number of comments: 16

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

:marseystims: Once again relevant garristoss:marseytrumpgarrison: from four years ago

For those who don't understand it... I would say to them: Think of your friends who will likely be killed if Republicans are able to get the level of control they aspire to and will probably achieve in another Trump term. By not voting, you condemn them to death. Our blood will be on your hands, and if your "principles" are comfortable with seeing us die so you can feel very temporarily better about yourself, you aren't a leftist, you're just an embarrassed Republican.

Copa América Betting & Game Thread - Venezuela vs México

:marseywave3: Welcome back !football! I once again apologize for the lack of threads yesterday, and also for the tardiness on the threads today. I'll be adding a special bet tomorrow as an act of contrition. :marseychristmasgift:

Brothers in arms with gasoline shortages and left-wing heads of state with ugly wives, México (AMLO) takes on Venezuela (Maduro) in this group B showdown. Will México fry up the Venezuelan team like a bowl of cunnilingus rice :marseylatinxpearlclutch:? Will Venezuela hit México where it hurts by working smarter, not harder :carpenterfloorist:? Will both countries take after their collectivist leaders and share the tie :marseytoasty2:? Take your picks below!



rDrama classified ads section

Selection from the Bay Area Reporter, January 23, 1974, p. 31.


He had a gun chilling in the passenger seat too--get a load of this shit :marseyxd:

This guy is king of the fudds, I and all real weekendgunnit stan :marseykneel:

!burgers: How not to talk to the police

@HailVictory1776: You will never be as based as this man :marseysneed:


>As a cyclist, try to be more courteous on the road. Allow the opportunity to be passed. Be one of the good riders on these streets, not the ones people hate.

When would have been a safe time for him to pass? When the first car was approaching? The second? When we were turning left? I will move over if it's safe to pass, not when it's illegal/unsafe to do so.

:marseybackstab: a traitor to the bikecuck cause!!

As a cyclist, stop making excuses for bad and dangerous drivers.

As a driver, try to be more careful around more vulnerable road users. Allow them space, and only pass when there's space to do so safely. Be one of the good drivers on the streets, not the ones people hate.

A believer.

>You are in violation of Colorado law. CRS 42-4-1412(8)(b) You absolutely must keep as far right as possible until you signal to turn. The guy behind you didn't even signal the left, as you did. You are required to yield to other vehicles before you make your turn.

I don't know mutt law but they keep arguing about it

>Whats that paved are between the houses and the street seems like there are no cars there and safer

Are you suggesting we ride on the sideWALK? The name should be a clue.

if it doesn't have bike in the name you can't ride on it. wait......

Any many more such seethes!


WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court overturned the bribery conviction of a former Indiana mayor on Wednesday, the latest in a series of decisions narrowing the scope of federal public corruption law.

The high court's 6-3 opinion along ideological lines found the law criminalizes bribes given before an official act, not rewards handed out after.

“Some gratuities can be problematic. Others are commonplace and might be innocuous,” Justice Brett Kavanaugh wrote. The lines aren't always clear, especially since many state and local officials have other jobs, he said.

The high court sided with James Snyder, a Republican who was convicted of taking $13,000 from a trucking company after prosecutors said he steered about $1 million worth of city contracts to the company.

In a sharply worded dissent joined by her liberal colleagues, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson said the distinction between bribes and gratuities ignores the wording of the law aimed at rooting out public corruption.

“Snyder's absurd and atextual reading of the statute is one that only today's court could love,” she wrote.

The decision continues a pattern in recent years of the court restricting the government's ability to use broad federal laws to prosecute public corruption cases. The justices also overturned the bribery conviction of former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell in 2016 and sharply curbed prosecutors' use of an anti-fraud law in the case of ex-Enron CEO Jeffrey Skilling in 2010.

The decision also comes as the Supreme Court itself has faced sustained criticism over undisclosed trips and gifts from wealthy benefactors to some justices that led the high court to adopt its first code of ethics, though it lacks an enforcement mechanism.

Snyder was elected mayor of Portage, a small Indiana city near Lake Michigan, in 2011 and was removed from office when he was first convicted in 2019. He has maintained his innocence, saying the money he received was payment for consulting work. His attorneys said that prosecutors hadn't proved there was a “quid pro quo” exchange agreement before the contracts were awarded.

The Justice Department countered that the law was clearly meant to cover gifts “corruptly” given to public officials as rewards for favored treatment.

Kavanaugh, writing for the high court majority, disagreed, finding that interpretation would “create traps for unwary state and local officials” and would “subject 19 million public officials to a new regulatory regime,” though he said a gratuity could be unethical or illegal under other laws.

A thread where I rate you based on your most recent impulse-buy

What was the last thing you bought impulsively? I will rate you based on arbitrary criteria

the one with black magic
Null suspended from X

I looked through a few days of Null's posts on kiwifarms before getting bored. Does anyone know what the suspension was for?

twitter furry is dying of aids. discuss
Wednesday night drunk thread

Wrote a sworn affidavit because the kid that attempted to beat the shit out of me parents claimed physical assault. My malpractice lawyer told me to not respond and just have enjoy my night. Don't think he planned on me counting to get shitfaced drunk on Svedka but frick it, I'm never going back. Only real downside is that I can't ask to press charges as it would be seen as retaliation. Would love to see that kid go to Juvie. He was gayer than me and would willingly drop the soap.


The Netherlands have picked a convicted child :marseygiftboxmarsey: male feminist :marseyspalrentfree: for their Olympic volleyball team :marseycheemsdog: :marseypedo:

He confessed to drugging and raping a 12yo girl. Was convicted in England :marseyrulebritannia: for four years, extradited back to Netherlands, where :marseydrama: they released him pretty :marseyroan: much straight away and put him on the volleyball team.

He feels :marseyvapecrying: no remorse and claims he has been unfairly victimised.

Apparently Netherlands has some cuck law where :marseydrama: you aren't allowed to be mean to pedos after they've served their sentence :marseylaugh:

A modern day "baby shoes, for sale, never worn" :marseyclappingglasses:
Cyberpunk True Ending

!male feminists good ending :rapevictimlove::rapevictimlove::rapevictimlove:
Reported by:
Baby goat dinner time


A story in three parts

Furry schizophrenic :marseyschizotwitch: thinks his fictional OC is his daughter, gets mad when :marseycoomer2: furry asks to comm NSFW of her :marseymeds: 3k not-botted likes

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