
Also frick Paul! This is all his fault!!! :marseyoverseether:

Stop saying "Abolish S*x Work" : r/socialism


:marseysmug5: :marseyzelensky:

do with this information what you will

NK gΠΎt Π°n АWАБS fΠ°stΠ΅Ε™ thΠ°n UkΕ™Π°Γ­nΠ΅

Аs Π°ΔΌwΠ°Ρƒs Π•U саnt fΠ°rt wΓ­thΠΎut buΕ™gΠ΅Ε™s Π°Ρ€Ρ€Ε™ΠΎvΠ°ΔΌ


АustΕ™Γ­Π° dСсídΠ΅d gΓ­vΓ­ng khΠΎhΠΎΔΌs wΠ΅Π°Ρ€ΠΎn Γ­s mΠΎΕ™Π΅ Γ­mΡ€ΠΎΕ™tΠ°nt thΠ°n gΓ­vΓ­ng thΠ΅m hΠ΅Π°ΔΌth :marseyxd:

The Return
Reported by:
fundraising for /h/therapists

/h/therapists will be the official hangout for the !male feminists of rdrama

hopefully we can even start our own house

someone keep this old lady company
Bros, if you're 29 and about to turn 30 soon but aren't yet married as a man :marseypropose: is it over? :marseysad:

Are AI waifus and anime the only hope now? :marseydepressed:

get your hoe ready

get that b-word ready

Manul and Womankind.

:marseyflagfreesyria: Ziggers claim that Syria is about to get gangraped... again :marseyscared:

Someone is a little too optimistic here :marseyorthodoxsmug:





You have to wonder what this is supposed to achieve. Like whatever concessions they'll get in talks, w/e that's separate. But just from a PR pov doing this interview doesn't help them on those talks at all but it does absolutely poison any concessions made in the public opinion.


So how this is going to go, is I will be writing a short description after each percentage of people who thought the dissolution of Yugoslavia was a mistake in each Balkan Nation, ordered from highest to lowest. Yugoslavia is a very controversial topic as it does encompass the topic of Serbia, and rising tensions within Europe

1: Serbia, 81% (Big Shocker)

Being the Head State of Yugoslavia, it's pretty obvious most Serbs Reminisce of the days of the Yugoslavian Nation, Serbs nowadays are filled with heavy nationalism (like most Balkans) and aren't in a very good position economically or warfare wise, so going back to that highly powerful Balkan State is what Serbs normally wish for, and also trade routes Establishing connections with Austria and having an actual sea route from Croatia and Slovenia would be great for the Serbian Economy,

2: Bosnia & Herzegovina, 77%,

Bosnia & Herzegovina is often a misunderstood and overlooked nation in today's society, to their east, an angry patriotic conservative war machine, and to their west an unsolved border dispute with Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina is in a tight position, with both a problem of language as it is Serbian just in the Latin Alphabet. and a Problem of Land, it has Zero Sea Routes just like Serbia because Croatia is the only Balkan country to have a long shoreline, Slovenia has a small one which is semi useful, but I digress, unlike Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina has ties to the EU Economically, Bosnia & Herzegovina is the 2nd most likely successor in my opinion to the reform of the Yugoslavian Monarchy, I am saying this as a later on entry will be explained to greater detail,

3: all of the three minor Yugoslavian ex members, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Slovenia respectively 65%, 61%, and 45%

I am grouping these nations together as these are the least likely to actually reform Yugoslavia and all follow the same jist, see these are very Ethnically Questionable small Nations, North Macedonia is Argued to be Greek or Bulgarian, Montenegro is argued to be Albanian, and Slovenia argued to be Croatian or Italian, all of these countries don't really make sense to be "An Independant Nation" as all are One: Small in Landmass 2: Horrible In Economy even worse than Serbia (except for Slovenia) 3: Ethnically these people are a strange ethnic group, Like Belgians and Swiss they don't really have an ethnic Identity, Belgium and Switzerland at least have good enough trade, The only reason these countries would want Yugoslavia to reform is for a higher level of protection and ethnic identity.

4: Croatia, 23% (The Turning Point)

Croatia is a rather interesting nation; they are arguably the most powerful Balkan in the Yugoslavian Peninsula for General Statistics, they have the best GDP in terms of the area, Good Trade Connections, Good Allies as they are in the EU unlike Bosnia & Herzegovina which has simple trade connections, and a strong population, this country, is EASILY the most likely to reform Yugoslavia if they ever choose so, with an insane amount of upsides, if military fanaticism were to rise within Croatia, The Balkan Peninsula could be quickly and swiftly dominated, ignoring only North Macedonia and Montenegro on the way as they are NATO Members, what is the problem with this is Croatia really does not care, they like the current state of peace so they do nothing, but sit back tightly on their sea shore as the average Bosnian yells "HEJ, JEBENA KUČKO! VRATI MI MOJU PLAŽU!" at them

5: Kosovo, 10% (Big Shocker pt2)

See, Kosovo is a nation derived from a steep history of Yugoslavia, being Owned... and Owned... and Owned... until they just said frick it and left, Kosovo is the TRUEST example of an independent Nation, they don't want to expand, they just want to sit down tight in their spot, no conflicts involved, most of the people of Kosovo HATE war. and that is why none of them like the idea of Yugoslavia.

Se o Flamengo :marseyflamengo: perder pro vascu :marseyvasco:, me banam por 1 semana , se o mengo ganhar eu quero 10¹⁰⁰ moedas


Least obvious DNC/Newsom shill posting


New Doug Kino
:marseychonkerfoid: :marseyobesescale: :marseychungus:
Redditors and Leafs jerk themselves raw over Le HECCIN Resistance!


In actuality, this is how the invasion of Leafland would go on Day 1

>95% of Canadian military surrenders at the first show of force (it's not like they had gas or enough working vehicles to fight back anyways)

>Chinese secret police in Vancouver begin rounding up and slaughtering suspected dissidents to Chinese rule while the CBC runs news stories about how Xi is the only protector of Canadians worth trusting

>Brampton Ontario is declared a part of Punjab by Modi

>Various Sikh, Hindu nationalist and Pakistani factions armed with long sticks take to the streets and begin fighting each other while screaming unintelligible insults in broken English

>Trudeau flees to Klaus Schwabs house for a "Scheduled Climate and Racial Justice Summit"

>PSA ships 200 pallets of complete AR-15s to Alberta, support for American occupation reaches 97%

Flo Rida - Club Can't Handle Me ft. David Guetta - YouTube
Spez award: a high price award where you can edit someone else's comment and it stays for 24 hours


Look at the cast for Nolan's new Odyssey movie

And I just know I'm gonna be dragged to this shit even though she knows how pissed I still am about not being able to hear a goddarn word in Tenet because nobody will real that fricking r-slur in to tell him to stop blasting fricking horns in my ear when I'm trying to listen to important dialogue between two characters drinking tea how unnecessary is that shit @YALLAHblessYoTraplord

I'm growing rhizopus oryzae on rice so I can make a maltless corn whiskey

TL:DR rhizopus oryzae make enzymes that convert starch to sugar, you need these to make grain based booze (beer, whiskey, saki, ect)

This is my 3rd try growing rhizopus oryzae on rice, first time I didn't get the proliferation I wanted (I think it got too cold/dry). Second try got infected with orange mold (bad).

This time I'm growing in jars turned on their side and instead of lids I put cloth over the mouths. I roll them every few hours so the mold will grow thruout instead of just on top. Basically tiny koij drums (which seems to be something you can't find anything about on the DIY level in English)

For whatever reason there's jack all about doing this on the English internet. Even if you search "koji whiskey" you get a handful of posts about it virtually none of which have follow ups, or they just buy angel yellow label (rhizopus oryzae that was grown on rice flour + yeast) and just chuck it in to a pot of unmashed corn and water and ohh and aah about how it totes still converts the starches to sugar not understand they basically just added a shitton of enzymes they could've gotten for cheaper on amazon and that it's not as effective as mashing and adding it

I'm doing all this to have a cheap constant supply of enzymes and make a cheaper, tastier whiskey


If it works I should have a cheap DIY way to turn any starchy food waste (potatoes and bread being the two I'm most interested in) into cheap booze!


:malefeminist: :marseydose: :marseypibblechad: :marseymandela: :carprapeface: :marseytufu:


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