Never Forgive Them :marseylongpost2:

Neolibs ree at Social Security


1,041 days

Longest 3 days of my life :marseytime:




Sick of people using these awful arguments


Wait wtf, /h/cowtown is dead? Mooooo I don't have the coins to bring it back.


Helpful Spiderman :marseyspiderman2:

Twitter started recommending me weird animation :xencat:

:marppy: Drama Report: 2024-12-29 :marseyminer:

Top Drama

🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Help me understand this latest "Scandal" /r/GenZ (397K)55%646
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Am I wrong for saying my husband's kid can't stay the night with us?/r/amiwrong (432K)49%519
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘I think monogamy is extinct /r/Vent (341K)59%594
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘The CDC has published the schedule for 2025 to poison your baby/r/conspiracy (3M)64%617
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Could I live (happily) in each state?/r/TravelMaps (40K)56%503
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Alberta's healthcare system/r/alberta (354K)49%237
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Imagine it. X is the most balanced. I am SHOCKED! Reddit, on the ot.../r/elonmusk (3M)54%258
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Don't blame insurers for what doctor and hospital cartels did to US.../r/austrian_economics (48K)51%242
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Biden reportedly regrets ending re-election campaign and says he'd .../r/politics (9M)46%205
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘I hate the term 'picky eater'/r/PetPeeves (65K)52%217

Relative Drama (takes into account the size of the subreddit)

🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Democracy moment/r/neofeudalism (3K)51%61
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Canada post employees delivering after being forced back to work /r/CanadaPostCorp (7K)46%108
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Could I live (happily) in each state?/r/TravelMaps (40K)56%503
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Now choosing suppliers who don't ship using Canada Post/r/CanadaPost (34K)54%199
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Don't blame insurers for what doctor and hospital cartels did to US.../r/austrian_economics (48K)51%242
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘It Will Force You To Feel Hope/r/SnyderCut (20K)57%100
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘I had an abortion at 19 and I've never felt any regret over my deci.../r/AskMeAnythingIAnswer (39K)47%137
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Maga Troll At Collins & 1st/r/cedarrapids (25K)49%80
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘I hate the term 'picky eater'/r/PetPeeves (65K)52%217
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘I (59M) let her (30F) go and Ibelieve it's the worst mistake of my .../r/GuyCry (53K)52%169

:marppy: autodrama: returning jobs to dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:


Disposing of very large quantities of blood is an onerous chore. You can't give the stuff away—well, perhaps you can, but few are willing to endure the stares that proving this point entails.

Yet the slaughtering and butchering trade has long faced precisely this dilemma. London butchers in Newport Market during the 19th century were banned from tipping blood into the street sewers, due to the rats it attracted, though enough of them flouted this law that sewers under meat markets became commonly known as "blood sewers." Among London sewer workers, toiling in these "blood lines" vied in unpleasantness with the caustic rivers that ran under soapmakers and the boiling drains beneath sugar refineries. Indeed, one of the better ways for meat merchants to dispose of cattle blood was by selling it to these sugar mills, which used it in their refining process.1

Recycling was already the order of the day: bones were ground up for phosphorus matches, tobacco ash was turned into tooth-cleanser, old wool sweaters shredded into wallpaper flocking, and it was discovered that desiccated fish eyes made delightful buds for artificial flowers. Unlucky stray dogs wound up as phony cod-liver oil, and tallow makers in Paris were not above fishing dead dogs and cats out of the Seine when production quotas demanded it. But blood and animal waste remained a perennial problem. New Yorkers found one promising use for it in the 1870s: they tried mixing blood with other discarded offal to manure their fields.2

But perhaps the most creative approach to blood disposal is one we might all still readily grasp, as this headline from the January 1892 issue of Manufacturer and Builder magazine attests:

Door Knobs, etc., from Blood and Sawdust.

Doctor W.H. Dibble, of New Jersey, had patented an exciting material for interior decorators: hemacite, he called it. Hemacite, the magazine explained, was "nothing less than the blood of slaughtered cattle and sawdust, combined with chemical compounds, under hydraulic pressure of forty thousand pounds to the square inch."

Advertisement hawking hemacite skate wheels in the 11 October 1885 edition of the

Advertisement hawking hemacite skate wheels in the 11 October 1885 edition of the New York Times.

Sawdust back then had already found use in papermaking and as a filling for dolls, and desperate Swedes had also figured out how to distill brandy from it. But these base ingredients of blood and sawdust remained plentiful, and were wonderfully effective when combined together as an animal polymer, the blood's albumen binding with the wood particulate. "Hemacite," noted the magazine, "is susceptible of a high polish, is impervious to heat, moisture, atmospherical changes, and, in fact, is practically indestructible." Starting out as brownish powder resembling snuff, hemacite could be molded into any shape and dyed to any color, and it became a popular and reasonably priced substitute for both wood and metal among architect and decorators.

In fact, by the time of the Manufacturer and Builder article, the Trenton headquarters of the Dibble Manufacturing Company had been for some years producing hemacite house trimmings and drawer pulls, and it now had a catalogue of hundreds of designs of their most popular product, hemacite doorknobs. The doorknobs carried a guarantee for the lifetime of the door, because rather than having a separate knob and shaft to wear out, they were molded as one unbreakable piece. It was a successful enough product that Dibble eliminated his own name from the enterprise entirely: Trenton became the proud home of the Hemacite Manufacturing Company.

Dibble branched out into products like hemacite cash register buttons and, quick to pick up on the latest fads, roller skates.3 "To skate manufacturers and dealers," boasted an ad in the 11 October 1885 issue of the New York Times, "the superiority of our Hemacite Roller over boxwood is now well known." The campaign seems to have worked: the 21 February 1903 Times carries an ad by the Siegel Cooper department store, hawking athletic supplies, and nestled among promotions for medicine balls and $12 Swedish Dogskin Coats ("For sporting use or driving") is an entry for 75-cent roller skates with hemacite wheels, a more expensive option than skates with plain "black wheels." Curiously, Siegel Cooper's ad appears over a plug for Plasmon Cocoa mix—"A blood-invigorating and muscle-making beverage of the highest order." Plasmon's active invigorating ingredient? Albumen, which was also the organic binding agent behind hemacite roller skate wheels.

W.H. Dibble was certainly an inventive fellow, having previously patented a dentist's contraption to simultaneously pry patients' mouths open while draining away their saliva, but his hemacite products were not quite the amazing innovation that he led others to believe.4 Like a true American, what he had really done was nick a foreign idea and improve upon it. Long before Dibble's 1877 application, the Parisian writer Francois Lepage secured an 1855 patent for what he called bois durci: a pressurized mixture of sawdust and cattle blood or, less economically, egg whites. Lepage founded the Bois Durci Company and exhibited its wares at the Great International Exhibition of 1862, back when Dibble was still tinkering with ways to suck the spit out of dental patients. Bois durci went on to turn up in a variety of 19th century inkstands, plaques, picture frames, and furniture; Edison even used it for the housing on early telephones.5 Even bois durci was not the first use of blood in buildings. Cattle blood had long been used in "blood cements," as, for that matter, had albumen from eggs, milk, and cheese. One Chinese recipe called for 100 parts slaked lime, 75 parts bullocks' blood, and 2 parts alum. Floors in South Africa gained a black marble-like polish with the use of blood, and an early London tennis court acquired its hard and glossy surface in the same way; it has even been used as an additive in roofing material.6 It seems there is no part of a house that cannot be manufactured, in part, from blood. Hemacite certainly captured the attention of Victorian architects. By the turn of the century, though, Dibble's firm had already suffered a factory fire, moved shop to a new building, and changed its name to Trenton Brass and Machine Company. The old Hemacite Company was as much a victim of changing times as fire: new plastics like Bakelite were in the offing, pushing aside the quaint notion of sawdust mixed with blood. The rechristened company soldiered on for many more decades, surviving the Depression and a postwar strike, and until recently still supplied fittings to plumbing contractors. But even Trenton Brass is gone now, and with it the last faint trace of Dr. W.H. Dibble and his Hemacite Company.7 But old hemacite house fixtures, strong and durable as they are, live on. So the next time you find yourself running short on bouillon, you may take this token of advice: consider boiling your doorknobs.

!chemistry !chuds :#marseydracula:

I need anal s*x, but my BF doesn't want it anymore


So, this might be a little unconventional, but I recently asked my BF John (not his real name) to give me anal s*x to help me clear out my bowels. Every month around my period I start to get seriously constipated and I have been using butt plugs to help make passing the stool easier when it finally starts to move. I figured since I am already loosened up around that time, I might as well enjoy the situation while it lasts, and maybe it would actually help too. Well, it did help!

Anal s*x helped move everything along! The rhythmic motion of my BF's peepee inside my rectum helped loosen it up more and made me feeling like I needed to evacuate. Combined with the copious amount of lube that we used as well as the semen when he finished inside of me, anal s*x got me some relief from my constipation. I tried everything before that except for laxatives, which I did not want to use because of all of the icky chemicals. Fiber worked a lot slower than anal s*x too, but I still continue to use it. It helps. Just not as much as rubbing around inside my bowel for extended periods of time, which I don't think I could have really done as well with a finger or a dildo and it definitely wouldn't have been as fun!

Now, I'll have to admit that my BF did not want to have anal s*x at first, he said he hated that he had to put his peepee where I pooped from. John waits an hour to enter a bathroom after someone poops because he hates the smell. But he learned to like it especially because he knew it helped me, and I used scented lube anyways so it smelled pretty good. After the first few months of clearing myself out this way, it just became routine for us.

After he became a little more comfortable with it, he became a little more rough too. So, we were grinding pretty hard and both enjoying it quite a bit. He was pounding me really hard and fast, and then it happened... quick as a flash flood I could feel my stool moving through my canyon and heading for his rider cowboy. I know how much he hates the smell and I didn't know what to do when I felt it coming, and it wasn't like I had much time to react anyways. A very solid log started to push his peepee out of my butt as I involuntarily made grunting noises from the strain. Some of the poo was softer (probably because of the lube), and from what he told me later on, it formed a pretty thick layer on his peepee. As john was running to the bathroom to vomit, I was also trying to get to the bathroom to see if I could finish in the potty. Unfortunately, we only have one bathroom, so while he is using the potty, I had to use the bathtub to push out the rest of the poop. Oh my god! I was so ashamed of what I had done that I just stayed behind the shower curtain until John stopped puking and left the bathroom. The smell was pretty bad too, and I didn't have any potty paper to wipe myself so my butt was burning for a good 10 minutes. I heard the front door slam and when I got out the scene was pretty messy. There were bits of poop everywhere and the bed had more poop than the bathtub. I spent several hours cleaning the place by myself...

Contacting John afterwards took several days, and when I finally got a hold of him he told me that after his peepee was covered with my feces, he didn't think he could look me in the eye again and that he felt physically ill thinking about it. I asked him why he didn't help clean the place and he started cursing and saying that he was shaking from being covered in my "rancid waste". He is being dramatic and telling me that he can still smell it too...

Now John has given me an ultimatum and says that we can no longer have a relationship unless we stop having anal s*x permanently. That makes me sad because now I know he doesn't accept something about me that I learned to love, and I kind of need it too as I know my constipation will come back in a few weeks. I'm not sure what I should do at this point. Should I dump him and find someone who will be willing to have anal s*x with me even if it means they might get a little bit dirty?

Men have officially been replaced

It took me two sentences to teach it.


As discussed in my last post [NO DRAMA] The Stack Overflow Movies and TV subforum is really dumb: "Is there a reason that the McCallister house has a doggie door?" answer: because a dog is mentioned in the film - rDrama - the Travel subforum of Stack Exchange is really dumb.

Today's hit question is: Can I get a list of famous movies that feature suitcases?

A user tries to answer and gets shit on:


Cute little lizard
Reported by:
"Is there a non-racist version of r/csMajors?" :derpwhy:


Probably not because CS dorks usually have a sense of superiority even though the field is full of incels and socially awkward misogynists who like to call themselves 'libertarians' to cover for it.

I'm a person of color and I agree with the racists. Lol there is a growing trend to either send work offshore or to hire foreign workers.

It's facts. And it is happening.

Ironically once you're in software you realize the minorities they're talking about are also racist so it's really a lose-lose situation.

See: blind

just get off reddit

This sub has become another version of blind

Except instead of pretentious buttholes it's just buttholes with no prospects, I can't tell which is worse.

This sub is infinitely worse.

The people on Blind are horrible, but there is at least some useful information on there, and some of the people are so extreme it becomes almost entertaining.

This sub is just whiny children that have seemingly never been told no a day in their lives and believe that since they graduated with a CS degree they're entitled to a software engineering job with no additional work on their part. It used to be funny but these days it's just sad.

Going really far into debt only to have some curry eater slide into your company because they know a guy who knows a guy and he's willing to work for suppressed wages IS A LITTLE ANNOYING JUST SAYING

this is worse. narcissists > jobcels

wow the -cel suffix is everywhere now



If Kamala wins, Joe stepping aside will go down in history as a selfless move to save our democracy. He will have a sterling legacy.

Biden saved us from a total economic collapse. Biden saved us from a total national emergency with covid. He fricking did and it's time to say it. I challenge people to imagine all the things that would have happened with a vaccine rollout under Trump. Yes Covid is still here but good lord we would have lost so many more lives under Trump for 4 more years.

I'm grateful for President Joe Biden💙🇺🇸

I hope he brings out Dark Brandon and has a plan when Trump & his MAGA buddies try to Steal the 2024 Election.

To see him elevate the first black man as president and now the first woman - this man is going to have an incredible legacy. We've got to finish the job next week.

This Harris-stan was close to doubting whether Biden was in perfect health. Don't worry, he still would have voted blue no matter who!

For the last two years I've had to live in my parents house, and they are both MAGA. My mom especially. This means Fox News is on 24/7 and nothing else. Although I'm a left wing liberal, having to listen to that propaganda nonstop has worked its way into my brain and recently I found myself wondering, "Is Joe Biden really a bumbling old fool near death? Is he actually one of the worst presidents of all time?" Not that it matters because I would have easily voted for whoever was running against Trump, but…

Seeing this thread reminds me of how awesome Joe Biden really was/is, and I wish I could've experienced the majority of his presidency without all that noise squawking in my ear the entire time

Love 💕😘 :marseyflagsouthafrica:
Stop:manulstop:the Steal: hundreds of uncounted ballots:ivoted:from 2024 election found in swing state:marseyobjection:

reminder that :marseykamakama: as President of the Senate has the power to certify or not certify the election.

Beings that she is a womxn of immense morale fortitude with a steadfast commitment to the United States Constitution and the Law of the Land, will she do what's right and prevent an unqualified candidate(who possibly won through a rigged or at least misinformed election) from taking power and instituting a fascist neocolonialist patriarchy via Project 2025?

I guess time will tell :fingerscrossed:


why am I here?

quick, interpret this:

the old year's gone

will the new one be any better?

I have my hopes, but then

optimism is in short supply.


there is something.



Literally advocating for banquet servers and housekeepers to be freely imported. How tf did she think that lined up with this movement?

:marseynull: kiwicel podcast
Reported by:
The lizard is deathly afraid of a blueberry, covers in black spots in defence.

This is how the lizard reacts to normal wiggly food offered to it:

This is how she snipes crickets from above (bonus lounging cat):

This is how she reacts to an innocent blueberry. Note how she hyperventilates and gets covered by black dots in defense:

@Aevann this is the best post ever in this hole.


!g*mers !fightclub

!macacos o Sifudeu tá de graça

Pls I don't have electricity :cold: This would have never happened if America owned you :marseymagahat:


Chess tournament asks player to change jeans into something nice, the player quits the tournament, trans people most affected


Update at


Yes, every single one. They are all shit and boring.

I do enjoy horror games though

?? fix
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