It's over

But it's brutal how media now don't hide that he is addict since he outlived his usefulness

Hay Ohhhhh!!!
Marriages in China have plunged by a FIFTH to record low :marseyjewoftheorientgenocide:
you may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
Reported by:
:marseyglow: they are talking about the Vegas shooting :marseyshutitdown:
That feeling when you get dumped by an onlyfans thot


Oops, all Chocobos!

Shouldn't have created a party entirely of white mages :marseyfacepalm:

Trump's planes are crashing before they're even made
since the dust has settled, how's Dial of Destiny?


:marseymayo: Sweden skewl shewter :kaptainkroolblunderbuss:confirmed mayo :marseymayo: monkey :funkykongdrunk:

OREBRO, Sweden, Feb 5 (Reuters) - The worst mass shooting in Swedish history was carried out by a 35-year-old Swedish man who lived locally, had been unemployed for a decade and had changed his first and last name, a police source and tax data show.

Swedish media named the suspect as Rickard Andersson. The police source also named Andersson as the alleged gunman.

Aftonbladet reported that, according to documents viewed by the paper, the man had previously been enrolled at the school for several mathematics classes, without finishing them. The most recent class he was enrolled for was in 2021.

Police said the suspect, who died at the scene, was not known to them prior to the event and had never been convicted of any crime. They also said he had no gang connection and was believed to have acted alone.

Aftonbladet, which spoke to relatives of the man believed to be the shooter, described him as a recluse who had limited contact with his family for years.

The paper said the man did not have a high school certificate.

Swedish public broadcaster SVT, which did not cite its sources, said the attacker, like many in Sweden, had a hunting licence and used a hunting weapon.

Tax data showed that the attacker last declared work-related income in 2014 and that he lived in a one-bedroom apartment in a low-rise building less than a kilometre (around half a mile) from the city centre.

Master race at it again! :donkeykongsad:

Chapos out themselves as watching capeshit



jannies :marseyeffortpostnow: mark effortpoast plz

remind me never :marseyitsover: to put effort :marseysisyphus: into posting :marseycomplain: on this website again breh

I swear this algorithm is against me or something :marseysmugface: cuz none of my kanye :marseydonda: posts (which no one else posted about) got any updanks whatsoever


Watch this spectacular number from the film.


The study of anatomy has turned out to be much wordy-er than expected.

It is going to take longer than I thought.

Drew this yesterday:

Losing the battle of the bulge : canada | The Canada armed forces is fatter than the general population! And redditors cope about BMI instead of addressing it!


They are using BMI to come to this conclusion. The index which puts heavily muscled people in the obese category...

No. That literally does not happen. You need to be roided to the gills eating 6 full meals a day and working out nonstop to even get close to being obese via muscle.

I've been overthinking buying a power extension from a website for the past 2 hours

ffs just buy one

just buy one JUST BUY ONE


:#marseyschizotwitch: :#marseyschizotwitch: :#marseyschizotwitch: :#marseyschizotwitch: :#marseyschizotwitch:

Additional information: check it out, with this one you get a free pen

Reported by:
  • Grue : This too shall pass.
Weekly Mass Discussion Thread #76

!catholics !christians happy Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time!


First Reading

Thus says the LORD:

        Cursed is the one who trusts in human beings,

                    who seeks his strength in flesh,

                    whose heart turns away from the LORD.

        He is like a barren bush in the desert

                    that enjoys no change of season,

        but stands in a lava waste,

                    a salt and empty earth.

        Blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD,

                    whose hope is the LORD.

        He is like a tree planted beside the waters

                    that stretches out its roots to the stream:

        it fears not the heat when it comes;

                    its leaves stay green;

        in the year of drought it shows no distress,

                    but still bears fruit.

-Jeremiah 17:5-8


Responsorial Psalm

R (40:5a) Blessed are they who hope in the Lord.

Blessed the man who follows not

        the counsel of the wicked,

nor walks in the way of sinners,

        nor sits in the company of the insolent,

but delights in the law of the LORD

        and meditates on his law day and night.

R Blessed are they who hope in the Lord.

He is like a tree

        planted near running water,

that yields its fruit in due season,

        and whose leaves never fade.

Whatever he does, prospers.

R Blessed are they who hope in the Lord.

Not so the wicked, not so;

        they are like chaff which the wind drives away.

For the LORD watches over the way of the just,

        but the way of the wicked vanishes.

R Blessed are they who hope in the Lord.\

-Psalms 1:1-2, 3, 4 & 6


Second Reading

Brothers and sisters:

If Christ is preached as raised from the dead,

how can some among you say there is no resurrection of the dead?

If the dead are not raised, neither has Christ been raised,

and if Christ has not been raised, your faith is vain;

you are still in your sins.

Then those who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished.

If for this life only we have hoped in Christ,

we are the most pitiable people of all.

But now Christ has been raised from the dead,

the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep.

-1 @Nightcrawler s 15:12, 16-20



R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Rejoice and be glad;

your reward will be great in heaven.

R. Alleluia, alleluia.

-Luke 6:23



Jesus came down with the Twelve

and stood on a stretch of level ground

with a great crowd of his disciples

and a large number of the people

from all Judea and Jerusalem

and the coastal region of Tyre and Sidon.

And raising his eyes toward his disciples he said:

        "Blessed are you who are poor,

                    for the kingdom of God is yours.

        Blessed are you who are now hungry,

                    for you will be satisfied.

        Blessed are you who are now weeping,

                    for you will laugh.

        Blessed are you when people hate you,

                    and when they exclude and insult you,

                    and denounce your name as evil

                    on account of the Son of Man.

Rejoice and leap for joy on that day!

Behold, your reward will be great in heaven.

For their ancestors treated the prophets in the same way.

        But woe to you who are rich,

                    for you have received your consolation.

        Woe to you who are filled now,

                    for you will be hungry.

        Woe to you who laugh now,

                    for you will grieve and weep.

        Woe to you when all speak well of you,

                    for their ancestors treated the false prophets in this way."

-Luke 6:17, 20-26


I find it interesting how famous the Beatitudes are, while what I will now dub the "Reverse Beatitudes" are rarely spoken of. "Woe to you" is not a phrase most people associate with Jesus. "Cursed is the one who trusts in human beings." I think the point is that mortal success is no proof of divine favor or personal holiness, and thus to take pride in such things is foolish.

Lazy, homeless, Ausfalian :marseyitsoveraussie: just discovered canned :marseycanned: chicken :marseyblackcock:, corned beef :marseycertifiedangus:




"In you I see the manifestation of bodhisattva," Bhutan PM Tshering Tobgay tells PM Modi at Delhi address

Priest King transcends religious boundaries, he's the reborn Priest King of Harappa and the Bodhisattva who was promised


Football Manager 25 cancelled
A Message from Sports Interactive, An Update on Football Manager 25

Sports Interactive regret to inform that, following extensive internal discussion and careful consideration with SEGA, we have made the difficult decision to cancel Football Manager 25 and shift our focus to the next release.

For the large numbers of you who pre-ordered FM25, we thank you enormously for your trust and support – we're very sorry to have let you down. Please see the FAQs below on obtaining your refund.

Development Update: Football Manager 25

We know this will come as a huge disappointment, especially given that the release date has already moved twice, and you have been eagerly anticipating the first gameplay reveal. We can only apologise for the time it has taken to communicate this decision. Due to stakeholder compliance, including legal and financial regulations, today was the earliest date that we could issue this statement.

We have always prided ourselves on delivering the best value for money games that bring you countless hours of enjoyment, that feel worth every moment and every penny you spend. With the launch of FM25 we set out to create the biggest technical and visual advancement in the series for a generation, laying the building blocks for a new era.

Due to a variety of challenges that we've been open about to date, and many more unforeseen, we currently haven't achieved what we set out to do in enough areas of the game, despite the phenomenal efforts of our team. Each decision to delay the release was made with the aim of getting the game closer to the desired level but, as we approached critical milestones at the turn of the year, it became unmistakably clear that we would not achieve the standard required, even with the adjusted timeline.

Whilst many areas of the game have hit our targets, the overarching player experience and interface is not where we need it to be. As extensive evaluation has demonstrated, including consumer playtesting, we have clear validation for the new direction of the game and are getting close – however, we're too far away from the standards you deserve.

We could have pressed on, released FM25 in its current state, and fixed things down the line - but that's not the right thing to do. We were also unwilling to go beyond a March release as it would be too late in the football season to expect players to then buy another game later in the year.

Through the cancellation, every effort is now focused on ensuring that our next release achieves our goal and hits the quality level we all expect. We will update you on how we are progressing with that as soon as we are able to do so.

Thank you for reading, your patience and your continued support. Our full focus now returns to creating a new era for Football Manager.

Sports Interactive

Must be pretty broken to have to cancel the game entirely.


Drumpf :marseydarktrump:Says Zelensky :marseyazov2: 'Dictator' Without Elections :marseyupvote2:


new toss
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