Reported by:
Nearly 70 thousand foids are subscribed to SaintMeghanMarkle.

I think most of us consider Markle either annoying or unremarkable at worst, but who cares because it's just Royal Family shenanigans, right? Not so for the foids at /r/SaintMeghanMarkle.

A sampling of some recent posts:


Last night on Christmas eve, I had to have my sister, tell my nephew to " shut the frick up " because his greatest pleasure in life is seeing my blood boil by mentioning how Meghan is the injured party and the royal family only picked on her because she is black. It was Christmas eve, so it took an amazing amount of strength, not to start with my list of proof that she is just a grifter, but at least I have the belief that soon the whole world will know what a gold digger she actually is. Merry Christmas every one, no matter how you celebrate it.

Even from the little snippet of the pic of that stupid Kermit green "ensemble", her jankie strapless bra is obvious.


Apology post:

Cuckery to pirates:



PIxar trans kill count:

BHARAT :marseypajeetitsover: WON, H1BS WON, ELON WON


is my aưtistic daughter trans for using a homemade funnel to pee?


Gab no le gusta X :marseydisagree:

I wonder how is doing :marseyclueless:

>"I did not sign up to support Trump in 2015 to eventually get told to "F" myself in the face by the Tesla billionaire and have some Brahmin pharma huckster"

Thought I would NEVER be mad at Trump. BUT I am now.

  • misstina- Ultra MAGA

:purerage: :marseytrump:

Trigger warning: extreme racism


I interupt this sneeding for a random trad wife post


there are a whole bunch of antivaxx posts that were the top for this week that I'm going to skip :marseyyawn:

Gab is a cesspool of racism and bigotry by a bunch of "r-slurs" (as Elon would call them) that have ZERO creativity. Be prepared to watch bravely anonymous incel edgelords call everyone a "jew" and a "strag"... over and over and over again.

But, you know, since you feel like your "race" is being threatened, you might fit in with the white nationals and self-identified Nazis here! Welcome!

Gab has a whole dynamic of users that hate the rslurred esoteric Hitlerist Gab users, and hate Gab, but still won't leave

:marseybrainlet: "jew!" :!marseybrainlet: "cute twink!" :soyjakmaga: "man I hate this fricking website that I check every day"

Yes, Gab is full of spammy inline advertisements in the comment section. :marseyitneverbegan: I think these ads actually work, since Gab has a lot of mentally challenged old people who are banned from facebook. This is probably why Gab's UI has shifted to look more like facebook over time.


that's all for now

I had to turn off addblock to get Gab to scroll properly (?) and the site gave me even more of the literal ick

There was a whole bunch of weird religious merch and that was very creepy, reminded me of an evil cult :marseyworried:



Reported by:


:#marseyvaxmaxx: :#marseymaid2:


This is very similar to how COVID began in 2019z I believe reports were coming out (very vaguely) end of Nov 2019 about a mysterious virus. However, American news outlets weren't reporting the events. Obscure "news" outlets were doing the reporting.

I think it was the end of Dec 2019 or early Jan 2020 when very limited reporting was finally coming through US news media. By then it was too late.

Eerily similar beginning timelines.

Redditor finds BUGS in his SOY :marseyyikes:


It is the year of our lord 2024, and we are approximately 41% of the way towards owning nothing and being happy. Many of our benefactors have gone ahead and started with the incorporation of bugs and other protein rich ingredients in our daily use products. The latest pioneer into this new frontier appears to be Soylent, proudly coming out with their new Insect line of soy based meal replacements.

I am your trustworthy tengu reporter Aya Shameimaru here to give you the most TRUTHFUL and RELIABLE news on the activities of the Outside World.

One Redditor seems to be distressed over the discovery of savory seasoning in his Soylent drink!

Recent order of pumpkin spice I found what looks like dead bugs under the outer wrapping. The inner seal looks intact but I'm not sure I want to risk drinking them. Anyone else experience this? Wondering if I should request a refund for this order

Users of /r/soylent respond:

That looks to me like a small over fill that led to leakage. Not bugs :smugjak:

The small over fill in question:


More protein? Kk thats gross. Sorry op. Hope you get a refund. I'm never buying soylent again. :soycry:

Bugs are good for you, have you tried taking a workshop on Media Literacy?

Was this ordered from directly Soylent? So gross :disturbing:

Yes direct from their online store, not Amazon or Walmart... :marseyamazon:

Did you report this to the FDA yet? Otherwise someone else can, because this is a serious probably for a lot of us who live on Soylent :chadsoylent:


And with their recent supply issues in Canada... I am losing any remaining trust I have in Soylent. :imwatchingyou:

Poor Leafs can't get a break. First they have to be Canadian, now they have to deal with trust issues! :marseyflagcanadagenocide: :marseyflagcanadagenocide: :marseyflagcanadagenocide:

This isn't the only instance of this I've found. I've done some investigation into other incidents like this one.

Is there anyone in the Outside World who can solve this incident?

Ordered a box of 12 Cafe Chai through Amazon, and received this. The box appeared to be water damaged, as well. Buyer beware.

Edit: According to /r/whatisthisbug, these are dead, desiccated maggots. Fun!

When I ordered my first box of Soylent 4 years ago it had a cricket in it.

Take some pics of any serial number of batch ID that you can get and email to Soylent and ask for a replacement. Also, throw the box, it's not worth the risk. Soylent will replace it for you quickly enough. They did for mine.

Edit: Obviously I ate the cricket for extra protein once I grilled it to get rid of any contaminants.

Free grilled crickets! Yahoo! :marseygrilling2: :marseycrickethappy:

Found this in the box of 1.8 I just opened. Haven't opened the bags yet but gross.

Better check with the landlord and see if they allow pets.

looks like you got the extra protein pack :marseylickinglips:

There is always an upside to a happy little accident!

Also here's a freak who sees it as a feature instead of a bug !carlos :carlos:

Hi guys! I have seen that a lot of people have done their own DIY formulas for Soylent or Huel, and I have a doubt... would be possible to make it with cricket powder protein? Since is an animal based protein, it would have the aminoacids and the protein itself is cheaper than whey or vegetable based protein. What are your thoughts on this? :marseycricket2:

Crickets sound like a safe and sensible alternative to reduce both your carbon footprint and quality of life. What a steal! :marseymischevious:

I experimented with that and wrote about it here: The Case for Crickets :p

That was an interesting and informative read! Cricket drinks though... I don't think I could do it. I'm impressed you drank a whole cup of it for the sake of science (and business)!

Trust the science!!! :sciencejak:

RL has enough difficulty getting regular people to buy their product without adding bugs to it


Ultimately, you should be mindful of the things you put in your body. If you want to be a good reporter like me, I recommend eating only the best mochi and sake provided by the lovely people of Gensokyo.

Until next time!

but really this is the most vile thing i've seen in a while. if you're reading this DM me so we can meet up and i'll give you a rimjob :marseyfemboy:



Also op



Pretty and popular, Aubrey Vanlandingham had the world at her feet as she progressed through high school in a well-to-do suburb of Austin, Texas.

Not only was she a cheerleader, but she had also just been made president of the school's Future Farmers of America.


And she was particularly proud of her pet goat, Lacey, which she paraded in animal shows across the state for cash prizes and certificates.

But, prosecutors claim, her desire to win got too much for the teen, and she turned to evil ways to ensure victory – by poisoning a fellow student's goat.


The brazen teenager showed no remorse when authorities launched a probe, allegedly telling cops: 'I don't like cheaters' when questioned.


Initially the brunette denied targeting her rival's goat, but then admitted to cops that he had injected the white and brown farm animal with pesticide at the school's barn facility, leaving him 'bellowing' in pain before dying in its 15-year-old owner's arms.

She is even said to have Googled how to clear her disturbing search history, after looking up 'how much bleach kills a goat', 'if goats inject bleach do they die' and 'poisoning pets, what you should know'.


Officers also recovered sickening video of Willy running away from Aubrey and convulsing after she allegedly poisoned him, before sending the twisted footage to the mother of his freshman owner.


:marseydisgustnotes: COMMUNITY NOTED final boss of indian food prep: 27 seconds in there's a guy cutting meat with his toenails

!antibharatiya !frozentoesen

Community Note by @Fresh_Start

The clips in the video are from the poorer street food vendors and the average Indian also would not go to a place where they are doing everything by hand like that.

Helpful [4] Not Helpful [15]


What's yalls new year resolution?

Mine is to learn :marseybowing: clown :marseyjoan: makeup. I love clown :marseyblahblah: girls.




IQ test inside! Kewl site I found

Looks like a windows computer. the person who owns it is connected to someone who sent child pron to minors and is a abuser. it would be a shame if people were to join

/r/television :marseyshrug: At :marseytrain: in Squid Game. :marseyjanny2: In Less Than 1 Hour


I just don't care 🤷‍♂️

-620 in 50 minutes :marseyxd:

In other words: very lazy casting

-700 in 50 minutes :marseyemojilaugh:

I have W rizz with Spanish girls


I am not encouraging shitty behaviour but it seems like being nice and friendly towards males is constantly getting me in uncomfortable places and I don't understand why it's happening.

I'm currently anxious and feeling really fricking fed up. I work with so many people. Male and female. I treat them all the same. Some I sit and drink tea with in the staff room and natter with. Some I will stop in the corridor and make chit chat like you'd do a auntie in asda. I am never ever flirtatious or suggestive. JUST NICE.

I've recently been messed about by a man I worked with who doesn't work there now. No problem. That was mutual and its done with. But I've made the silly mistake of talking to a man at work over a cuppa about the mistakes I've made with some humour thrown in. Other people were there. We all chatted like adults. He's been with his girlfriend 15 years. I know of her. So all is fine. He's always seemed normal. I asked him for some advice this week about a work issue as I was abit upset with the way something had been handled. Since then he's been messaging me daily. He's apparently thinking of me. He keeps asking if I have ten mins after work to see him. Today he's asked if I'm free at all. It's my day off and no I'm not! He's being creepily weird and I know he's testing the waters and I absolutely hate how shit it feels. He has started writing statuses on fb this week after 3 years of not posting. He's told me he's looked through my pictures and he would marry me if he was single.

I can't cope with this shit. I also gave my number to a local football coach in June. Married! I had to take my son out of coaching after 3 weeks because he was chasing me for s*x.

I'm just starting to really hate men. I dont know how to handle this silly peepee at work now either. What a twat to think it was at all appropriate. I have really ignored messages for hours and hours. If I don't reply the next day he pops up again. I try push it straight Into polite work chat again and he's pushing it. I don't want to feel uncomfortable. Please advise me. Am I to blame.

It seems like she has a habit of getting into deep conversations, and probably telling stories that contain s*x (I guess that's what 'mistakes I've made' refers to) without realising that that's more than enough to attract the interest of the moid. The refusal to take any direct action is also a repeating theme.

>maybe if I just ignore him for long enough he'll read my mind :marseyfoidretard:

Just tell him 'stop messaging me'

and if he doesn't report him at work

I understand i would rather not tell work because when I first started I had to report a man 30 years older than me for messaging me. It's the 3rd time this has happened and I hate it because I'm just not looking for male attention. I'm single with kids. I don't want anyone unless it's natural and I have feelings. I no feelings whatsoever for this latest one and I can't believe how he's behaving. I dont know what I've done to make him even think beyond acquaintance/work chatting there's anything.

lol 3rd in a row and still doesn't know how easy it is to accidentally activate the few neurons that a scrote has

Just tell him 'stop messaging me' and if he doesn't report him at work

Well said. Pull on your big girl pants and just say not interested. Cannot understand why this needs to be a big deal.

When you tell a woman to stop being so indirect :marseyscream:

Op tries to find reasons to avoid the massively difficult task of saying 'no' to someone

I don't want to involve managers. He's in a 15 year commitment and living with her. So he's crossing a line anyway. But why an earth do people already in relationships behave like this.

I hate the awkwardness. He's been nice and now he's crossed the line and made me feel so awkward. I dont know how to reply

Yep he sent me a peepee pic that night! His wife was then stood next to me at football.

The scrote, fuelled by the erotic situation of not having been blocked yet takes the relationship to the next level of random peepee pic out of fricking nowhere

He messaged me on whatsapp. My kids play with his kids too. So he made normal conversation about the kids etc and arranging another day out at the park do they can play. Then gradually flirted a little. Then photos. Then oversharing. I wanted my son to enjoy football but after 3 weeks I realised it was not appropriate

Or maybe not so out of nowhere. How much do you wanna bet she was quietly enjoying the attention and light flirting until it turned into no-more-plausible-deniability peepee pics

OP I understand what you are saying. Please ignore the 'helpful' people on here who are seeking to blame you for a man's shitty behaviour🙄 I was friendly with a guy a work who had a DS the same age as mine. It turned out both boys participated in the same local sporting activity each weekend. We exchanged numbers as he said it would be nice to meet up with the boys after the activity and go to a cafe for lunch. In the ensuing months he began messaging me about unrelated things, commenting on my appearance and asking what I was up to on a Friday night. I blocked him. What was depressing was the number of female friends who rolled their eyes and told me I was incredibly naive to exchange numbers, of course he was only interested in one thing etc. This was a married man with who seemed perfectly pleasant but apparently I was in the wrong for not realising you cannot possibly just be friendly with a guy.

How many women go through life without realising how r-slurredly single minded men are is kind of :marseymindblown:



This is ongoing, with no end in sight so far.

1. :chudsmug: "That statue should be in JAIL"

2. :chudjakcry: "they built a frickin statue" :marseytroll: "as they should"

3. :chudsmug: "let's make a petition to get it removed" :chudglassesglow: "why can't we simply destroy it"

4. :marseylaptopangry2: "some real racist comments in here..." :marseyrapscallion: "you sound vaccinated"

5. :marseyhatium: "If I lived near that monstrosity it would be a boat anchor"

6. :marseysaluteusa: "I love that bird" :marseysmug2: "I use that flag in your profile photo as potty paper"

7. :marseyhmmhips: "is that real bronze... scrap prices are up right now wink, wink"

8. :wavyhairblackjack: "darn racists... I wish many generations of Amurimutts for your bloodline :marseysatisfied:" :chudglassesglow: "So then you agree that mixed grandkids would be a curse?"

9. :marseychonker2: :petertoilet: "where is it, I wanna take a dump on it too"

These comments just go on and on lol...

:marseynull: kiwicel podcast
EFFORTPOST Into the K-hole Episode II: The NewJeans Saga Part I.

On tonight's episode:

We begin the NewJeans Saga. Join us for a brief look at the history of the major players in the scandal, as well as the opening volleys of a feud that could alter the landscape of pretty ricefoids shaking their hips on stage for ever.

Who is MHJ?


What exactly is, a NewJeans?


Why do I keep using Twice for the OP?


Find the answers to all of this and more, right after these messages from our sponsor:


Now, back to our regularly scheduled programing.


Christmas Thread Theme


On the morning of November 28th, 2024, an official representative of the superstar Kpop group NewJeans announced that the members would be holding a press conference to address the ongoing dispute with their record label, ADOR. Two weeks prior, on November 13th, the group sent a letter notifying ADOR of numerous issues that they considered to be breaches of their contract. Per a (standard) clause in the contract, ADOR had 14 days to respond to and ameliorate these breaches. If it failed to do so, NewJeans would have the option to terminate their exclusive contract, without penalty. With the 14 day deadline set to pass at 12:00 AM KST, November 29th, it seemed premature to call a press conference. However, the group was planning to board a plane to Japan in preparation for promotional activities later that evening, and expressed their wish to update their fans on the situation before ADOR could take advantage of their travel to control the media narrative.


They know what they did

And so, at 8:30 PM, the members of NewJeans and a PR representative met with the press to announce their response to ADOR's failure to rectify the alleged contract breaches. What followed was a bizzare press conference that saw members claim their contract was terminated and that they:

  • were no longer under contract with ADOR after midnight

  • would not need to pay a termination penalty

  • would begin seeking other oppurtunities while finishing scheduled events with ADOR

And the really bizarre part...

  • would not seek to confirm the termination of their contract via legal action.

This, of course, raised numerous questions amongst the entertainment reporters present who have a solid grasp on how contract terminations work. I'm sure the dramatards in the audience who understand contract law, or are capable of tying their own shoes, have many of the same questions. Thankfully, the girls took some time to take questions from the press.

An excerpt from the press conference. Did you understand?

Always a good idea to check the specifics after terminating the contract


Leaving the world with more questions than answers, the members of NewJeans boarded a plane to Japan to resume promotional activities, setting the internet ablaze with discussion of what was in the future for NewJeans. Well, in order to predict the future, one must first understand the past.

And that past can only be found...

...In the K-Hole.

:m#arseygeisha: :marse#ygeisha: :marsey#geisha:

:marsey#geisha: :mar#seyscreamgenocide: :marsey#geisha:

:marsey#geisha: :marseygei#sha: :mars#eygeisha:

The Main Players


The illegitimate love child of Kim Jong-Un and Xi Jinping Bang Si-Hyuk

HYBE Corporation, initially founded by Bang Si-hyuk in 2005 as Big Hit Entertainment, is the largest of the big 4 record companies in Kpop, with a market capitalization almost 4x greater than that of their next largest competitor, JYP Entertainment. Their success is directly tied to that of their most popular group, BTS, who during their heyday, generated more GDP for South Korea than the Korean domestic airline industry. This great financial success provided Big Hit Entertainment with the opportunity to acquire numerous smaller record labels including Source Music, which would later go on to debut the girl group Le Sserafim, in 2019 and Pledis Entertainment (Seventeen and Formis9) in 2020

With these new labels under their belt, Big Hit Entertainment restructured itself as HYBE Corporation in 2021, structuring all of their various sub-labels underneath the new Hybe Label division. During the years proceeding the re-structuring, HYBE developed plans to debut numerous gril groups, and leading these plans was the former Visual Director for SM Entertainment, Min Hee-jin (MHJ).

Min Hee-Jin

Born in 1979, MHJ began her career in Kpop as a graphic designer for SM Entertainment (one of the other big 4 companies in Kpop) in 2003. Eventually she was promoted to creative director, where she oversaw all visual branding for a number of SM's gril groups, including Girls Generation, Red Velvet, and f(x). Her impact on the industry in this role was massive, as she shifted artistic direction within the industry towards the idea of more experimental "concepts".

You can think of a group's concept as the overarching theme of the group, impacting everything from album art, photoshoots, music videos, and costumes to public behavior and even the type of music the group produces. The concept of an artist can remain static for years on end (think of how Motley Crue have always been party boy rockstars), or change over time (compare the early music and style of The Beatles to their later work.)

Leaving SM in 2018 due to burnout, it wasn't long before she found herself hired by Big Hit Entertainment to oversee the rebranding to HYBE Corporation. It was also announced that MHJ would be the creative lead for multiple new girl groups, as well as the producer for a label that HYBE would launch in the next few years. MHJ took part in initial planning for a new girl group with Source Music, but in 2021 HYBE established the ADOR sub label and named her as the CEO. The first act to debut under ADOR would be the girl group MHJ had begun developing with Source Music, NewJeans.



Upcoming January 2025 Vogue Korea cover featuring NewJeans

Auditions for Mhj's new girl group began in 2019 under Source Music. Initially planning to debut in 2021, this was pushed back to 2022, ostentibly due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. Officially debuting on July 22nd of 2022, NewJeans quickly became one of the biggest acts in all of Kpop. Their achievements speak for themselves:

  • First idol group in history to occupy the #1, #2 and #3 spot on every chart in Korea for 3 consecutive months with Ditto, OMG, and Hype Boy

  • NewJeans surpassed 5 billion total points on Circle Digital Chart in only 64 weeks, second only to BTS (53 weeks)

  • First girl group to ever chart 5 songs on the Billboard Hot 100 in the same calendar year in K-Pop history

  • Set a Guinness record for fastest artist to reach 1 billion streams on Spotify and also became the fastest Korean act in history to reach 3 billion streams


Newjeans debut single and MV, Hype Boy, released July 22nd, 2022.

This groups massive success on the charts led them to become one of the most sought after brand endorsements in the advertising industry , with them eventually going on to work with Nike, Coca- Cola, McDonald's, Apple, Levi's, and Calvin Klein. NewJeans was so successful on this front that In April 2024, Forbes Korea reported that the group had earned ₩30 billion (~$20 million) in advertising in the course of a single year. to put this in perspective, Patrick Mahomes had total estimated off-the-field earnings of $25 million in 2024.

You know you've made it big when even your slop meal gets to go on tour.

The Vietnamese-Australian member of a Korean girl group's English male name is Harry.

Born to Vietnamese parents in Melbourne, Australia, Phạm Ngọc Hân's (20) first experience in the entertainment industry was as a member of the Australian kpop dance cover group AEMINA. In late 2019, she was the only person to pass the Plus Global Auditions, the first set of auditions for the girl group that would become NewJeans. Hanni is widely considered to be the best vocalist in the group


Marcus the Cleanup Queen

Born in Chuncheon, South Korea in 2004, Kim Min-ji began training with Source Music in 2017. She was likely the first member selected for NewJeans, as she was the anonymous face of the Plus Global Auditions that selected Hanni. Often acting as the de facto leader, Minji is the oldest member and one of the best dancers in the group.


Her male English name is Demitree.

In 2005, Danielle Marsh was born to an Australian father and Korean mother in Newcastle, Australia. Moving back and forth between Australia and South Korea as a child, Dani's first experience in show business was as a child actor in South Korea. She began her kpop career as a trainee at YG Entertainment ( the last of the big four Kpop companies), leaving the company and joining Source Music in July 2020. Probably the most popular member internationally, Dani is a talented vocalist who provided the Korean dub of Ariel for the live action Little Mermaid movie.


This Kang's name is Stephen

Originally from Seoul, South Korea, Kang Hae-rin dropped out of middle school in 2020 at the age of 13 to begin training with Source Music, later earning her GED. A taleented singer and dancer, Haerin is also a global ambassador for Dior.



(Male name) Collin is the reason we need pedobear.

Lee Hye-in was born in Incheon, South Korea in 2008, making her the youngest member, or maknae, of NewJeans. Getting her start as a child model, she also was a member of a kid's group called U.SSO Girl from 2017-2018. She later went on to star on a YouTube children's channel called PocketTV. She eventually joined ADOR as a trainee in 2021. Despite being the youngest member of the group, Hyein has the most showbiz experience in the group.

Now that we've had a chance to meet the stars of our story, we are finally able to see where the NewJeans/ADOR drama truly began. But first, it's time for a...

Cookie Break

After the success of their debut single Hype Boy, NewJeans quickly followed up with the lead single of their self-titled debut EP, Cookie. As @0BS3SS10N mentioned in the comments of our previous episode, there was something a little off about this song.

:pedobear: :worm:

With most of the song in Korean, the lyrics, once translated into English, are something else:

Now, these lyrics wouldn't be too bad in and of themselves, at least compared to western music, save for one small problem; the majority of the group was underage when the song was released. At the time of release, Dani and Hanni were 17, Haerin was 16, and Hyein was 14(!). Only Minji was over the age of 18 at the time. This generated a great deal of controversy in western markets due to the sexual tone of the lyrics.


A solid summary of the drama

As @ftincel touched on above, the scandal was complicated by a report of a pattern of weird, borderline pedophilic behavior surrounding MHJ. She had numerous pictures of underage girls and a 15 year old Brooke Shields on her Instagram, and had also been accused of over sexualizing underage idols while at SM Entertainment.


HYBE, ADOR, and NewJeans themselves argued the song was actually about burning a CD for someone (to bake a CD is a euphemism for burning a CD in Korea) and that the translator who worked on the MV above had mistranslated the lyrics. Most Westerners didn't buy this, pointing out that two of the people in the group (Dani and Hanni) were native English speakers. However, as is common with scandals related to Kpop idols, there were plenty of fans who were ready to eat up the cover story.

Let's see what /mu/ had to say at the time:

You know it's bad when even 4chan thinks you've gone too far



I think this is a compilation of translated comments from Korean sites. If not, someone needs to investigate this guy.

With all of that background info and the Cookie drama out of the way, we can begin our story in earnest.

The Beginning of the End

The Audit

On April 22nd, 2024, bombshell news dropped that HYBE would be launching an internal audit of ADOR and it's executives, due to concerns that MHJ was trying to attract investors to take the label independent. At the time, HYBE owned about 80% of ADOR, with the remaining 20% being held by ADOR executives, predominantly MHJ.

HYBE alleged that MHJ and a VP at ADOR, identified only as Mr. L, were working in collaboration to "free" ADOR from HYBE. The scheme included Mr. L passing classified info about HYBE to MHJ. Mr. L had previously worked with HYBE, most relevantly during its IPO, before being transferred by the company to ADOR. Once HYBE became aware of the plan, the audit was triggered, executives electronics were examined, and plans to remove MHJ as CEO of ADOR were initiated.



For her part, MHJ released a statement alleging that the audit was an illegal attempt to oust her as CEO In retaliation for her accusing Illit, a new Kpop group under HYBE's sub-label, Belift Labs, and their producers of "copying" NewJeans.

April 23rd and 24th

The next day, April 23rd, HYBE responded that it had clear evidence that MHJ had been planning to take ADOR independent long before Illit had debuted. The main piece of evidence for this was an unreleased internal document detailing MHJ's plans.

On the 24th, various ADOR executives tried to distance MHJ from the discovered internal document, but a report from Dispatch (basically the Korean TMZ) revealed that she had almost $73 million in put options on HYBE.


April 25th

The Next day, April 25th, HYBE made public it's initial findings from the audit and stated it's intention to report MHJ to the police.

A leaked conversation between MHJ and another ADOR executive, A

In response MHJ called her own press conference that day, which ran for almost 2 hours.

During this press conference MHJ touched on a number of topics, including:

  • Reiterating that the only cause of the audit was an internal complaint she filed over Illit's "plaigerism"

  • Complaining that her shareholders agreement that she signed with HYBE was unfair and currently being renegotiated.

  • Alleging that she was promised NewJeans would be the first of HYBE's new girl groups to debut. Instead Le Sserafim was allowed to debut first. (Remember this one, it will be important later on)

  • Claiming that she would take legal action against HYBE for seizing her and other executive's electronics

  • Stating that all of ADOR's internal discussions about seeking outside investors and breaking away from HYBE were merely jokes

  • Tacitly admitting that she would consult a Korean Shaman to help make business decisions (again, more on this at a later date)

The entire press conference is a trip, and this all is just a snippet. We'll do a deep dive into the press conference and it's after effects next week, but for now, let's see how the internet reacted:

Reddit Reacts

Warning:: May contain spoilers for future parts of the saga.

/mu/ Reacts


That's all the time we have for this week, but I hope that I was able to whet your whistle for the drama we have ahead, because theres quite a bit of it.

On next week's "In the K-Hole"

  • A deep dive into MHJ's April 25th press conference and auxiliary accusations!

  • The parents of NewJeans speak up!

  • New legal challenges!

  • And much, much more, all next week!

I hope you enjoyed this episode, as well as your upcoming holidays. A very merry Christmas to you all and yours...

... From the bottom...

... Of the K-Hole.

Do confirmed dead users still get "survived fistmas" badges?

Import badge integrity question

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