Reported by:
  • ShitTornadoToOz : Actually made an effort
  • Wizdumb1776 : That's cause redactor is top tier. Having him here now is a major thing
  • uwu : Why hasn't this been pinned yet
  • dirigismo : WARNING: actually contains drama
  • OLDMAN : not meta jannie drama
EFFORTPOST [Effortpost] Olympic Figure Skating Scandal Roundup: Abuse, Anorexia, and Performance-Enhancing Girlpills

Sadly I haven't got a collection of social media chimpouts this time, but it's a good story.

The Scandal

Russian figure skater Kamila Valieva wowed crowds with her performances in the team event. At only age 15, she became the first woman to ever land a quad jump in the Olympics. The Russian team beat all competitors to take the gold.


The drama begins a few days later when the medal ceremony is delayed for undisclosed "legal" reasons. Pretty soon it's revealed that she tested positive for the doping drug trimetazidine in a urine sample she provided 6 weeks earlier. The Russians went through different forms of denial, cope, and seething:

  • She's a little girl. Why are you picking on this poor little girl? :marseypearlclutch:
  • She can piss clean now, so who cares about the past? Training doesn't matter. :marseyshrug:
  • There must have been a conspiracy to delay the test result to humiliate Russia. It's the fault of the CIA, not that we have to send our piss to get tested in Stockholm because nobody trusts us. :marseytinfoil2:
  • She's Russian so it's okay. That's all that matters. (This is the line Putin is going with.) :marseycomrade:
  • Okay, sure, talk about it all you want, but we might put polonium in your tea. :marseyspy:


Her status is still not determined yet. The Court for Arbitration of Sport is expected to rule on whether to ban her on Sunday or Monday. If she's banned then presumably the Russians lose their gold medal in the team event and she's barred from the upcoming individual women's competition.

The Eteri Expiration Date

The Valieva case is drawing attention to an open secret in figure skating: Her coach, Eteri Tutberidze, is a fricking nutcase running a factory that churns out a constant stream of drugged up disposable robot girls.


Women's figure skating has always been pretty fricked-up. In order to jump well, it's important to be strong, light, and not have a lot of injuries. A girl who is thin, hasn't gone through puberty, and hasn't been active long enough to get injured tends to be the optimal body type. Puberty also is a problem because a skater can't perform consistently while they're growing too fast. So you end up with a lot of girls around 15-16 being stars, and they have to go through very harsh training. And sadly many of them end up with lifelong injuries.

Team Tutberidze turns that up quite a few notches. Girls who train under her have repeatedly let slip in front of the media that they're fed only shakes, not allowed drink water on the day of competition, and routinely given all kinds of drugs. The PEDs help them practice far more than their competitors. And the results speak for themselves, both in success on the rink and the curse of the "Eteri Expiration Date".

The "Eteri Expiration Date" is a term coined by figure skating drama enthusiasts who have noticed all of Tutberidze's skaters fall apart by age 17. They fall victim to injuries or defect due to the constant abuse they suffer at her hands. Why do so many get injured? When Evgenia Medvedeva broke her foot, Tutberidze explained that it was her own fault for being too fat. More serious observers note that since her girls practice a lot more, they're taking more impacts to their joints. But why so many broken bones?


Alleged fat girl Evgenia Medvedeva

This is where girlpills enter the equation, or at least one specific kind of girlpill. If Team Tutberidze is taking the puberty-blocker lupron then they can be frozen as little girls for a couple extra years, long enough to get them through the Olympics once. Of course there are side effects, like osteoporosis, hence the broken bones. It would also explain why a lot of the graduates of Tutberidze's horror show end up having to take HRT because their endocrine system is permanently fricked up. And needless to say lots of them have anorexia too.

If your almonds aren't activated enough yet, consider that all the Tutberidze skaters have the same doctor, Filipp Shvetsky. Why an anesthesiologist would be doing sports medicine might seem mysterious until you find out that he does have qualifications. He was caught shooting up 6 members of the national rowing with drugs several years ago.


I've only begun to scratch the surface of the Tutberidze drama mine myself, but it's worth more investigation. She has repeatedly made catty social media posts bitching about skaters who have gone over to the other important Russian coach Yevgeny Plushenko, Plushenko himself, and Plushenko's wife. When a spokesman for the Putin administration was asked if he had any comment on these catfights, he reportedly replied, "No, I'm a fricking politician." Another reason to hate the regime.

I tried finding social media chimpouts but it was difficult because pretty much everyone agrees that they hate this b-word. The only thing really spicy I came across was Johnny Weir being called out for his fawning praise of Tutberidze and her skaters. Weir is a retired American figure skater best known for co-hosting Olympic coverage in the USA. He is a lifelong Russiaboo and trained there for a while, but everyone is sick of hearing him year after year talking up how wonderful and superhuman Russian skaters are and keeping his mouth shut when we see what makes them superhuman. Of course the irony is not lost on anyone that Weir is extremely over-the-top hyper-gay to the point where it's annoying and he'd likely be literally murdered if he went to Russia and acted that way.



If you'd like to learn about this vast untapped reserve of drama, I'd start with youtuber Paola La. She has done some very engaging and drama-centric videos that were my main source here.

Other sources:

EFFORTPOST [Effortpost] Short track speed skating causes a supernova of seethe

(If :marseylongpost: aren't your style, I've helpfully marked the chimpout section below.)

Short track speed skating is no stranger to controversy. Everyone is moving so fast in such a small area that skaters routinely collide with or impede each other. Interpreting the rules can be more of an art than a science, and someone inevitably ends up butthurt and accuses other players of cheating and the judges of colluding with them.

It helps that short track skaters come from a culture as dramatic and neurodivergent as our own. The sport used to be dominated by South Korea. The coaches there, no doubt influenced by the hazing they underwent in the army, had a style of leadership that involved constant verbal and physical abuse, and sometimes sexual too. Eventually this led to infighting and many coaches and players defected to other countries and taught their skaters how to be better athletes, better cheaters, and more insane.

The Events in Question

The 2022 Winter Olympics are barely underway and we've gotten our first major scandal/international incident, the disastrous men's 1000 meter race. I'm going to focus on this from the Korean and Hungarian perspectives because they were the ones who really got screwed.

Things are especially chaotic on this day because the figure skaters had used the rink earlier so the ice was optimized for them. That means lots of random crashes. But things are still looking pretty fair in the quarterfinals. The Chinese have gotten their three guys advanced, one because the guys in front of him wiped out and two because they were doing well but someone bumped them. One Korean has been injured and one Hungarian has been rightly disqualified for a penalty. Then we get into the semis and things go off the rails.

In the first semifinal the world record holder Hwang Daeheon blows past two Chinese skaters even after one of them reaches out and physically grabs him twice. But the judges rule that in fact he was the one who deserved a penalty because... I dunno, I guess his butt was too sexy to resist? :marseyshrug: Two Chinese advance, one Korean is eliminated.


In the second semifinal a Korean comes in second, but he gets penalized for allegedly impeding a Hungarian. This is not as clearcut as the case of Hwang Daeheon but it certainly could have been decided in his favor. As a happy coincidence this means the Chinese skater in third place gets to advance along with the two Hungarians.

So now we're going into the finals. The competition started with 24 skaters and all three Chinese remain. Such a happy coincidence. :marseythinkorino: They're up against the half-Hungarian/half-Chinese hapa chad brothers of the Liu family. Will the commies be humiliated once again on their home turf by foreigners of Chinese descent? Of course not. All three Chinese fail to keep up with Shaolin Liu but at the very end one gets close enough to engage in a split-second slapfight with him. The judges penalize Liu for this, and give him another bullshit penalty for something else just to add insult to injury. China gets gold and silver but is gracious enough not to take bronze too.


As the American commentator said: "What a hectic and unexpected result." :marseysad:

The Chimpouts

The fun part is when this scandal reminds ordinary Koreans of how they feel about China:

In an online community of university students on Facebook, one user ranted about the disqualifications, adding, “I wish China would go extinct.” The post received hundreds of likes. :marseythumbsup:

A 27-year-old office worker surnamed Hwang in Seoul said her ill feelings towards China go further back than this Olympic season. “They [China] carry this image of people who steal from others rather than creating through honest efforts,” said Hwang. “If you look at Chinese movies and dramas, many look like copy-and-pastes of Korean movies and dramas.”

“I’ve seen Chinese students free-ride in group projects and still get the same grades as the rest of the group,”

Videos of Chinese skaters coming into contact with other skaters have since gone viral online. Korean broadcaster SBS even aired a special segment titled Top 10 Worst Moments Of Cheating By China, which has fueled the anger online even further.

Chinese netizens have fought back against the accusations, calling Koreans “sore losers” who should “go home and cry to their mothers instead”.

Chinese lolcows respond in a completely rational :marseyschizo: way:

they flocked to BTS's official Instagram and left malicious comments that included emoticons such as the 'throw up' emoticon, or the middle finger emoticon

Reddit has sure become tame. I found a y'alled thread with but nothing very spicy in it. At least it's nice to see the jannies got some exercise.

Twitter is much better:

I was wondering why "South Korea" was trending and it was a mistake to find out. There is a lot of geopolitical tension between China and Korea with the #ShortTrack #OlympicGames . I don't even want to get into it. But it has definitely brought out ugly racist hate speech :marseypearlclutch: - This Chinese guy's whole account is a gold mine. He's trying to get in a million slapfights in broken English and Korean. - Still seething about THAAD. - Still seething about the 2002 Olympics.

Let's see how good Google Translate is these days...

You have no history at all in South Korea. You have been thinking about stealing things from your suzerain country all day long, and you stole the murals of Goguryeo and still haven't returned it, shameless. Even if you don't have culture, your eyes are not good. You can't even see the explanation in front of you. If you really can't do it, donate your eyes. It's a shameful thing.


the real drama was in the making. it's been kinda a weird piece to write tbh

this isn't typical rdrama fare, but I figured I'd share it here since you guys kindly helped with a bunch of the background research.

oh and as thanks for providing me lots of pointers to links, here's a dump of every relevant link I dug up, including histories of jannies (shockingly: all anarchists) and a bunch of old archives of the sub, a tangent about violence that didn't end up going anywhere, and a heap of other nonsense.



18 August 2014: - sub origin - in praise of laziness - atlantic - a world without work the right to be lazy

3 July 2015: - Doreen Ford was second-ever mod of antiwork, becoming a moderator when it had some 1300 users

22 February 2017: - slow growth. 2300 readers{"author":"phoenix--insurgent","resultSize":100} - main visible user besides AbolishWork, another anarchist who talks a lot about sabotaging bosses etc

31 October 2017: - discussion starting to pick up a tiny bit

3 September 2018: - i hate newreddit, but anyway, 4.8k subscribers and a new moderator. really starting to pick up steam within its niche - randomly selected self-post from that time. note: AbolishWork there in the trenches, doing her thing - currently active in /r/anarchism and /r/destroywork CrimethInc - run by that mod. rebel-left does its thing

19 October 2018: - 7.2k subscribers, helped by a boost from AskReddit and NoStupidQuestions{"author":"onedayitwillbedaisy","subreddit":"antiwork","searchFor":1,"resultSize":100,"query":"[META] frequently"}

13 February 2019: - 16.4k subscribers, well and truly taking off. New moderators:





(all anarchists)

21 November 2019: - 67.9k subscribers

New moderators:

/u/Whitepirate15 - mostly apolitical.{"author":"whitepirate15","resultSize":100}

/u/Sehtriom - anarchist

/u/Sasha_Unicorn - NEET, NeurodivergentPride, GenZedong communist,,,

29 June 2020: - 131.9k subscribers

New mods:

elektrybaut_trurla - generic socialist -{"author":"elektrybaut_trurla","resultSize":100,"query":"socialist"}

CremationLily - egoist anarchist -{"author":"cremationlily","resultSize":100,"query":"anarchism"}

(others beyond the "...more")

19 November 2020: - 194.8k subscribers, more and more memes

Early-ish media coverage:

22 October 2021:

10 November 2021: - Vice on Black Friday Blackout

16 December 2021: - Kelloggs strike - wow they made fake job apps - viral tweet

16 December 2021: - bloomberg interviews Doreen

"Sub culture" threads: - easy jobs - everyone is brainwashed into being happy working - tips for being a slacker - - immature to approve of daily work or capitalism - anger at hard workers, in post history user mostly talks about drugs, anarchism - on twitter but the Hard Antiwork Stance - I straight up don't want to work

"No, that doesn't actually mean antiwork" - we just want better conditions


AbolishWork was pretty strict about nonviolence on the sub, partially for optics but perhaps partially as principle:{"author":"abolishwork","resultSize":100,"query":"violence"}

onedayitwillbedaisy is eagerly violent and pro-chaos, but avoids it on antiwork to avoid getting shut down:{"author":"onedayitwillbedaisy","resultSize":100,"query":"violence"}

DnLocky recommends How Nonviolence Protects the State:{"author":"dnlocky","resultSize":100,"query":"nonviolence"}

“Peaceful protests don’t work. Change will come with blood.”

IAmThe11, by contrast, opposes violence and seems chill:{"author":"IAmThe11","resultSize":100,"query":"violence"}{"author":"IAmThe11","resultSize":100,"query":"socialist"}

“compassionate socialist c*m anarchist”

WinterTrabax - roommate of Doreen/AbolishWork( : - shoutouts for this and similar “knock it off with the violentposting” stuff

Sehtriom: - Appropriate response on violence sme violent posts

The sub evolves: The faultline between anti- and reform- exposed and explored, with gigachad meme dude stepping in: people begin calling the originals plants poor lost soul on what it "used to be" - wojaks wojaks wojaks

Anarchists complain about the shift:

Viral tweets about text exchanges with bad bosses:

The Interview: - mods how dare you, you're not our bosses - Petition: shut down antiwork - direct conversation with Doreen - ALT??? (no, people just fell for a troll: ![](


Doreen confesses to masturbating next to someone who didn't want it and putting their hand on her boxers:

Kimezukae - NYT + other interviews. - post-left anarchist "long-term unemployed" NEET doing NYTimes interview{"author":"kimezukae","searchFor":1,"resultSize":100} - stepping down

whitepirate15 - briefly head mod, all sorts of weird s*x stuff

EphraelStern - reddit powermod brought in to clean up and represent the will of its new userbase


WORKREFORM PLOTLINE: - 150k members in a day (470k now)

(commies mad) - anarchists notice its mods work at a bank - so do other commies - commies mad that it's reform - commies mad that some there don't hate right wing - commies mad that mod is cryptobro

(commies mad) - uh yeah i'm a low-level bank employee. spooky right? - peaceing out ( - SandersForPresident mod takeover timeline

(moderates /r/SandersForPresident, /r/NewDealAmerica, /r/OregonForSanders, /r/ReadyForAOC, and /r/VoteAOC)

DestroyWork: - simple summary destroywork chronicling antiwork’s original story

Communist lesson from collapse:

Related concepts: - tangping or lying flat in china’s-hikikomori-population-could-top-10-million.html - hikikomori in japan - NEET

Fun: - COAL MINING ENJOYER - whats your job on the leftist commune

RELEVANT GENERAL INFO: - Social gentrification - Most of what you read on the internet is written by insane people


Posting this ancient classic because the recent Antiwork shitshow gave me sudden déjà vu of this old dramatic happening. EncyclopediaDramatica also seems to be dead again so I figured it'd be nice to re-archive all this somewhere.


Way back in 2009 when the culture of the "old internet" was on its last legs with the advent of social media, a Washington furry couple known as Tomcat :marseyblops2cel: and Chewfox :marseychonker2: decided that it was a great idea to accept an offer to appear on the Tyra Banks show, which for the uninformed non-burgers here was pretty much a televised lolcow viewing session. Their segment only lasted about three minutes long, but in that time managed to completely spill the beans regarding the truth about depraved furry degeneracy to a massive audience of normies - causing previously untold levels of sheer seething within the furry fandom. Highlights include the host asking if they get turned on at Disneyland, an explanation of "strategically placed holes" (SPHs) in their fursuits that allow them to do the dirty, and awkward denials of bestiality.

This is the only clip on the internet I can still find of the interview, so forgive the 90's VHS tape levels of quality and the hilarious asshurt furry commentary dubbed over the clip:

The comments are also full of angry furries to this day lmao.



Similarly to the Antiwork initial reaction, the wider furry community was out for blood when this brutally honest interview was broadcast on national daytime television. Furries tended to close ranks and at least make an attempt to pretend it wasn't a "sexual thing" back then to avoid being bullied (or "fursecuted") by those darn normies, so it was seen as a complete stab in the back that Tomcat and Chewfox would expose them like this to such a massive audience.

Chewfox took to FurAffinity to write a blogpost in the immediate aftermath of the segment being aired - which seems to be totally wiped from the internet now, but it was pretty much just an attempt at trying to explain to the angry mob why she did the interview and why she thought it would bring more people into the fandom. It didn't do a great job of placating the crowd however, since the post got so many angry replies and views that it crashed the whole site for an hour. Incensed by both the interview and the subsequent DDoSing of his website, FurAffinity's libertarian owner Dragoneer AKA Neer decided to personally step in and janny Chewfox off the site completely. :marseyban: The following message is what would be displayed when trying to view her profile:

This account has been closed due to the following reason: User has brought shame to the entire fandom for their own personal self gain. Trolling shouts or otherwise harassing comments against this user will result in action being taken against your account. What happened has happened, but further trolling and attacks against the user will not be accepted. Please refrain from shouting on her shoutbox at this time. She is not able to defend at this time and it's considered spam. :marseylaugh:

This was later rescinded however once the drama had temporarily lulled, with Dragoneer putting up the following apology post.


It was claimed that her appearance on the show supposedly cost a few furries their jobs to due being outspoken furries in the workplace (and assumedly who's bosses weren't aware of what that really implied until then), but this was never verified. Outside of that though, it seemed like the drama was pretty much over.


Moving into 2010, Chew Fox was suddenly banned yet again from FurAffinity a few months later, with the following reason provided:

Banned Mar 27, 2010 - threatening legal action against Fur Affinity, harassment, intentionally causing drama. -Neer

The reason for this? Chewfox was spotted wearing a shirt at an Atlanta furry convention bragging about their involvement in the previous year's drama, pictured below.


Her account has remained permabanned to this day after this incident (which unfortunately has very little information still available outside of the photo itself), but the contents of the account has remained open to the public view, leaving it nothing but an ancient relic of internet drama to gawk upon. If you really like looking at furry diaper porn, I guess.


It wasn't until 2016 that Chewfox and Tomcat would resurface yet again, this time in the award winning documentary (no, I'm serious) Fursonas, which I pirated and suffered through just for the sake of finding interesting drama to post about here. :marseydepressed: They don't really add much to the story, except that A. they now have a kid together who they're already trying to groom into being a furry and B. she still has zero remorse for what she did. One interesting thing that was talked about here though was this ventpost from Dragoneer where he literally calls Tomcat and Chewfox worse than libertarians because of how much they damaged furries' reputations - this warped line of thinking isn't really a surprising position for Neer to take though, given that he himself enjoys and has commissioned furry child porn art involving his own digimon fursona. :marseypedo:

Chewfox and Tyragate

I really don't know what to say about chewfox that hasn't been said already. Suffice to say, she sold out the fandom for her personal gain. She got her 15 minutes on national TV by showing herself to be the very kind of person we all like to pretend doesn't exist, and she did it by taking a collective shit on the rest of us for a few dollars, and her moment in the limelight. I was less embarassed over the Allan Panda libertarian issue than I am this shit. [Editor's note: Allan Panda was found to be sexually assaulting children]

I hope it was worth it.

I thought about posting my thoughts about this to FA, but the grim reality is anything I'd have to say regarding Chewfox as "Dragoneer" would be laden with four letter words accompanied by my screaming. "GET THE FRICK OUT OF THIS FANDOM YOU RAGING !%#!%$!%$!%$!%$#!!" But there are reasons I do not resort to such things. There are only two people who could ever enrage me to even saying such things in public, and Chewfox doesn't (and won't) get the credit of being one of them.

There are many things I'd like to say to her, but none that I really could say without an overwhelming feeling of disgust.

Chewfox fricked over the entire fandom, and the sad part? She's proud to have done so.

There's nothing sadder than that, at all.

To inject my own personal take here, as embarrassing as what Chewfox and Tomcat did, it's amusing to see the zoophile and libertarian top dogs of the fandom come out of the woodwork to try and pin this couple as the reason the community has such a negative reputation, and not - y'know, all the zoophiles and libertarians.


Furry couple go onto a talk show, proceed to furpill everyone on national television, get exiled from the fandom forever for being too brutally honest about what furries are actually into. If nothing else, just watch the interview for yourself.


I know I'm a day late on this, but sometimes life takes some unexpected turns and you have to prioritize the people you love most dearly in life. In any case, I finally tracked down and picked up my Renamon body pillow that got lost in the mail so lets get this show on the road.

Without further ado, here are your winners for the 2021 Drammy awards! :marseyjam:



One fine day, the innermost circle of Reddit janitors decided that it's been a whole 2 weeks since they last flexed their collective e-peens and coordinated in a secret Groomercord group to shut down /r/NoNewNormal - an anti-gigavax subreddit that offended the vast majority of the powerjanny clique's delicate sensibilities. Their plan was to "blackout" Reddit, suddenly and simultaneously setting all their major subreddits private in hopes of riling up their users and attracting media attention; it's worth noting that this tactic is the go-to method when the powermods are having a slapfight with the admin jannies, having been employed multiple times in the past over equally inconsequential bullshit.

However, their surprise attack was ruined the day before they were ready to strike when a certain unnamed Dramatard :marseysmug: somehow snuck into their janissary ranks on Groomercord, and leaks of their pathetic behavior were passed along to our very own beloved @carpathianflorist and uploaded straight to our mega awesome website where we got to see for ourselves their secret discussions of how best to "psychologically manipulate" their sub's users into being their personal army. How scandalous!

News of a sussy imposter :marseysus: among their ranks swiftly reached the jannycord once these leaks started to be shared on Reddit itself, causing the ringleaders to fly into a sheer panic and start locking down all the server's channels. From there, they employed the most state-of-the-art verification system ever devised by mankind to keep us naughty dramatards out:

Surprisingly, this wasn't super effective at preventing the continued flood of leaks that kept coming out. :marseylaugh: :marseylaugh: :marseylaugh:

In the end the leaks, and subsequent onslaught of astroturfing of said leaks resulted in multiple Reddit moderator breakdowns, in-fighting, multiple moderators leaving, and the entire protest in general falling apart for a period of time. While /r/NoNewNormal did eventually fall to the eternal y'all, this bout of mischief was a testament to the kind of tomfoolery we have the capacity to pull now that we're living off-site and free from the watchful eye of the Reddit chadmins, beating out Christine Chandler's acts of matriphilia, the Kylie Rittenhouse saga and the short but sweet /r/superstraight movement to be voted your favorite dramatic moment of 2021. The whole event was notable enough that it was made a featured happening over on some New Zealand agricultural forum. :marseykiwi:

Notable rDrama threads regarding this dramatic happening, compiled by generous Kiwis so I don't have to:

Hi Merari

Update - It's getting really good

J-Slur-In-Chief has JUST NOW reached peak mald

Hot Goss Get Yer Hot Goss

Janniecord is currently melting down

Moderator belleariel has breakdown

Janniecord is in full civil war

:marseylolcow: BEST LOLCOW (59 UPMARSEYS) - THE USERS OF RDRAMA :marseylolcow:

Oh dear! In a shocking twist, the collective autism of this site's many beloved neurodivergents and schizos has managed to beat out Chris Chan's zany antics to be your favorite lolcow of the year! :marseyschizo:

Sorry Cristine, I'm afraid you're going to have to do better than frick your own mother if you want a shot at the prize next year. :marseycwc:

Special shoutouts to @pizzashill, @Impassionata and @mermaid for really putting the work into this group effort and winning all of us this prestigious award!

:marseyking: BEST MARSEY (57 UPMARSEYS) - MARSEY TWERKING BY @John :marseyking:

:marseytwerking: :marseytwerking: :marseytwerking: :marseytwerking:

This one was a close race between @John's fabulous animation of Marsey showing off her cussy in glorious silky smooth 1080p 60fps, and @Berzel's hilarious Marseyfied take :marseytroublemaker: on the classic troublemaker cat meme. John however narrowly takes the top spot, and has been awarded 1000 dramacoin for his efforts! Not to worry though, because this isn't the last you'll be hearing of Berzel's great contributions to our site this year. :marseyclapping:

:marseytwerking: :marseytwerking: :marseytwerking: :marseytwerking:

:marseyoctopus2: BEST RDRAMA BAIT (74 UPMARSEYS) - @Lv58_Skeleton's JOURN*LIST JANNY JAPES :marseyoctopus2:

Unexpectedly beating out the big favorites of /r/TXBountyHunters, /r/transparenttranskid and /r/friendsofbrian, the best voted rdrama bait of 2021 is actually coming from inside the house! :marseyohno:

By impersonating a Wired journ*list looking to interview some dramatards in the wake of the /r/friendsofbrian shitshow, @Lv58_Skeleton successfully strung along the entire mod team as well as a significant chunk of the userbase into thinking we were due for our big breakout into internet stardom, only to out us as gullible fricking r-slurs thirsty for any sort of attention or validation from some D-list journaloid. His motive? He just wanted to prove to the jannies that he could make an alt that nobody would figure out was actually him in disguise. Fantastic work all around, and 1000 dramacoin has been delivered to our favorite spooky calcium comrade's crypt.


An effortpost so long that it had to be posted in two parts. @Berzel's exposé is a fantastic write-up of the seedy underbelly of the popular zoomer vidya Roblox and the child prostitution rings operating on the site's official forums, and I think it's best to let the posts themselves do the talking here. I don't care if you're an illiterate mong with no attention span that gets scared by posts longer than two sentences, they're well worth the read if you're hungry for some amazing drama that occurred in a relatively obscure part of the interwebs. :marseyreading:

Part 1

Part 2

:marseygivecrown: DRAMATARD OF THE YEAR (101 UPMARSEYS) - @X (formerly chiobu)_ :marseygivecrown:

Having contributed at least a whopping 112 marsey emotes and making consistently great high-effort posts, it's no surprise that @X (formerly chiobu)_ was by far your favorite candidate to be Dramatard of 2021. A huge congratulations, and thanks a ton for all the great drama and artwork you've provided throughout the year to make this little corner of the web a delight to keep coming back to! :marseylove:

In honor of being the first to win this amazeballs title, X (formerly chiobu) will also receive a special exclusive Dramatard of the Year profile badge as soon as I bother to figure out how to actually add one of those.


:marseyjanny2: JANITOR OF THE YEAR (113 UPMARSEYS) - @Aevann :marseyjanny2:

:#marseycapypat: :#marseypharaoh: :#marseypharaoh2: :#marseycapywalking:


Noted air conditioner thief, unironic brony, former r/Drama mod, reformed libertarian and future CEO of google u/Darqwolff is back after around 3 years of inactivity. u/PlsDontNuke is Darqwolff, writing style and post history matches with Darqwolff.

Comment where he confirms that he is Darq{%22author%22:%22Plsdontnuke%22,%22resultSize%22:100,%22query%22:%22Darqwolff%22}


It should be noted that I've upmarseyd every single person who's disagreed with me here, as far as I know. That said. In 7th grade, I took an SAT test without preparing for it at all, it was spur-of-the-moment, I knew about it about an hour ahead of time and didn't do any research or anything. I scored higher on it than the average person using it to apply for college in my area. An IQ test has shown me to be in the 99.9th percentile for IQ. This is the highest result the test I was given reaches; anything further and they'd consider it to be within the margin of error for that test. My mother's boyfriend of 8 years is an aerospace engineer who graduated Virginia Tech. At the age of 15, I understand physics better than him, and I owe very little of it to him, as he would rarely give me a decent explanation of anything, just tell me that my ideas were wrong and become aggravated with me for not quite understanding thermodynamics. He's not particularly successful as an engineer, but I've met lots of other engineers who aren't as good as me at physics, so I'm guessing that's not just a result of him being bad at it. I'm also pretty good at engineering. I don't have a degree, and other than physics I don't have a better understanding of any aspect of engineering than any actual engineer, but I have lots of ingenuity for inventing new things. For example, I independently invented regenerative brakes before finding out what they were, and I was only seven or eight years old when I started inventing wireless electricity solutions (my first idea being to use a powerful infrared laser to transmit energy; admittedly not the best plan). I have independently thought of basically every branch of philosophy I've come across. Every question of existentialism which I've seen discussed in SMBC or xkcd or Reddit or anywhere else, the thoughts haven't been new to me. Philosophy has pretty much gotten trivial for me; I've considered taking a philosophy course just to see how easy it is. Psychology, I actually understand better than people with degrees. Unlike engineering, there's no aspect of psychology which I don't have a very good understanding of. I can debunk many of even Sigmund Freud's theories. It seems to me that, given my skill set and interests, the best way for me to do this is by entrepreneuring or perhaps just business-managing in the tech industry. So, as a huge fan of Google, I decided about six months ago that being the CEO of Google is my primary objective in life; I'm smart enough to have a pretty good chance at pulling it off, and there's much less competition to become the CEO of Google than there is to grow your own start-up into a multi-billion-dollar corporation. Everybody wants to start their own company; not many want to take over an existing favorite. Plus, if I fail to become the CEO of Google or decide I don't want to be, I could always try for one of the many other companies I like, or I could still decide to start my own company after all.... [This goes on for like 3000 more words]

He might be the most documented person on the internet, second only to CWC herself. He first rose to fame in 2012 when at 15 he posted his now infamous copypasta on r/gaming. Over the years he gained notoriety in the reddit metasphere for his long, deranged comments and outbursts, his often wacky and misplaced ideas about nearly everything, his ability to enter into arguments that would often last for days, his belief that he was smarter than everyone else, and his libertarianism (the cheese pizza kind, although he was also a tax is theft kind of guy). He'd argue in law and science related subs on a daily basis, entirely convinced that he was right and everyone else was wrong. His story has been extensively documented on r/SubredditDrama, r/Iamverysmart, and of course r/Drama. In fact, he was made a Drama mod in recognition of his productivity as a lolcow.

There was also a point where he became a Qultist, another time when he threatened a shooting spree if Andrew Yang didn't deliver on his UBI promise, a time when he claimed to have invented an alternative to the internal combustion engine, and this is merely the stuff I recall. He did all of this on a nearly daily basis.


Around 3 years ago, he had a couple of run-ins with the law I can't remember exactly, but apparently he stole a car, smoked weed and smashed his step-father's air-conditioner. Something like that. Anyway so all his alts got y'alled and we lost our most dramatic member. Until June 2021, when u/Doc_Optiplex discovered a review posted by Darq on his google maps account.

From there I discovered his twitter account and youtube channel, and actively kept an eye on his activity.

Recently while browsing WSB, I saw a comment with WORDS WORDS WORDS from plsdontnuke, and it just reminded me of him. I knew from his twitter that he was following crypto and WSB(he posted about the Gamestop thing). So I looked his acc. up on camas, and yup it was him. (*^▽^*)

What would you guys suggest? Should we invite him here?

EFFORTPOST Ancient Roman conspiracy theories, white supremacy, degreed historians, Richard Spencer, online harassment, and a cease & desist are at the center of this TikTok drama

Donna Peepeeens was a pop culture writer covering mostly Star Wars. Her Twitter was until banned in 2018. Basically your typical goober-gate era online feminist.



Donna's not writing much, instead spending her time spreading conspiracy theories on TikTok under, with 95k followers. She's talking about how the Roman empire is an invention of the Spanish Inquisition, Alexandar the Great was a womxn, Pompeii never erupted, blacklights were ancient technology, etc. The conspiracies are often centered around white supremacy, fasciscm, or other leftist concepts. She uses a lot of stupid TikTok filters, is very condescending, and overemphasizes her movements like an anime girl. I also have a feeling her glasses, hair color, and messy hairstyle are an attempt to appear older or more scholarly.

TikTokers have confirmed she never graduated with any degree, despite her TikTok profile.

Examples of the Roman history conspiracy

Rome didn't exist

Source materials to prove existence of ancient Rome can be dismissed because of eugenics and fascism

"Ancient Roman architecture" was built by Nazis

Actual historians (Roman history and otherwise) aren't happy

Proxmaxwell's response

Stakuyi's response

Meredithancret's response

Batdoeshistory's response

Matta_of_fact's response regarding a piece of art <-- great example of how Donna makes stuff up & responds to people

Maklelan's response regarding Torah

Batdoeshistory's response regarding Pompeii

theaidanmattis's response

The main event (Aidan Mattis) has spent more time responding to Donna's videos than anyone. This led to her making a video calling Aidan a white supremacist based on this college article. She also said followers of Aidan tried to dox her, so she called the state police.


In context: Aidan, as a founding member of the campuses's TPUSA chapter, was quoted in response to a student's (from a different college) request to rent space at the uni to have Richard Spencer give a talk. Aidan appeared to be uninvolved in the event but stood for freeze peach.

In response to the defamation Aidan is going to file a cease and desist on Donna.


Lastly, Miniminuteman is pressed enough by Donna's behavior that he's going to consolidate all the TikTokers into a single Youtube video to take her down.



The OG user momllenial (no underscore) is also pissed at Donna


EFFORTPOST [Effortpost] [Longpost] Irish football fans get dunked on by Portuguese fans


So a football match happened yesterday between Ireland and Portugal which ended on a draw, unlike the match which was boring, the r/soccer match thread was quite entertaining. I will post some of the best comments.

Because of this match Portugal managed to qualify to the world cup while the Irish didn't, this caused some expected seethe by the Irish crowd.

u/lboms1 · 20 h

Teams like Ireland are so pathetic, don't have a slight amount of talent so they recur to constant fouling and physical game play, so annoying to watch

u/eipic · 20 h

Teams like Portugal expect teams to bow down to them as if the land they walk on is holy, they cry victim when they don’t get their way and resort to holding their face like they got boxed by Canelo.´

comment here

u/Jjordynne · 19 h

Portugal needing the ref to scrape a draw against us, small nation mentality

u/RuameisterFTW · 19 h

Ireland is such a massive nation that you had to go to England to find a team to support

Irish Liverpool fans btfo

u/ivysforyou . 19 h

Says the the discount UK.

u/JapaneseJohnnyVegas · 19 h

Discount UK vs discount Spain

Good comeback (comment here)

u/xHypermega · 20 h

Irish fans are so delusional. Getting reality checks every time their NT play, according to their match threads

u/Team-Name · 20 h

Nah, most of our fans know we're shit. You shouldn't have to resort to shithousery to beat us. Portuguese fans ignoring all of the diving and favourable referee decisions are the most delusional.

comment here

u/SadgeKEK · 19 h

Are these Irish fans that dumb they don’t know the rules of football? lol

comment here

u/keithohara · 19 h

So we've played Portugal twice and the ref was Portuguese both times

comment here

u/ivysforyou · 20 h

These irish think this is UFC.

u/SouthBankWWFC · 20 h

These Portuguese are diving cheats

comment here

u/eipic · 20 h

I’m not exactly a fan of Serbia…

But I can only pray they beat the portuguese lot next week.

u/PumpedUpMatic · 20 h

Salty much hum

Should have tried to beat them as well and maybe qualify

comment here

u/ElKaddouriCSC · 20 h

The refs having a laugh there again haha. Gave a foul for absolutely frick all, Danilo is all over Ogbene. What a diving bastard

u/xHypermega · 20 h

What the heck dude, he got elbowed. He even has blood on his face

comment here

u/Jjordynne · 20 h

Teams like Portugal are so pathetic, don't have a slight amount of talent so they recur to constant whining and physical diving , so annoying to watch

u/ivysforyou · 20 h

Nice copy pasta dude... Portugal's front three are worth more than all Irish team including reserves.

Irish poorcels owned (comment here)

u/Red_Brummy · 20 h

Jeezo Portugal are whining, diving plums. Every chance they get they moan to the Ref after falling over. Still, good that Fernandes has not started.

u/FenrirXXVIII · 20 h

Most of the whining I see is from Irish fans.

both sides are whining but the portuguese have better banter. comment here

And for the grand finale... Here is my favourite comment chain of this whole thread...

u/LtSpaceDucK · 19 h

Fricking christ some Irish fans are the biggest whiners

u/EJAG1991 · 19 h

Irish fans abroad are wonderful, Irish fans in reddit completely deluded with small team mentality.

u/08TangoDown08 · 19 h

We literally are a small team lol, how petty are you?

u/PumpedUpMatic · 19 h

We only have 10 million people on this country and we still manage to be one of the teams with most talent in Europe

true tbh...

u/ef123455 · 18 h

I know right?! Premier league flairs will never shut up

u/LtSpaceDucK · 19 h

I had a completely different view on Irish people

Based... Basing your whole view of a nation on reddit comments.

And now for the most epic ownage of an irishcel by a portuguesechad on this whole thread...

u/iiEviNii · 19 h

Says you, miserable c*nts. Lucky to even be leaving with a point. Your team are actually fricking wank mate.

u/ef123455 · 19 h

Yeah, we will enjoy playing in the world cup haha

u/iiEviNii · 19 h

Will you? You just got dominated by a rebuilding Ireland team.

u/ef123455 · 19 h

“Dominated” we played our B team and drew

u/iiEviNii · 19 h

And you didn't deserve to draw. Are you telling me that Portuguese fans aren't constantly moaning about how bad the manager and team are, and about how much they're not enjoying watch them?

Because one look at the post match thread says no Portugal fans are enjoying their games.

u/ef123455 · 18 h

Yeah we are not happy but that is because we dont have a small team mentality like the irish and we actually demand results from our team…

Maybe that why your country is so shit at football, you Irish sure are happy with little… Imagine being happy about drawing lmao

u/TechM635 · 19 h

Your fans spent most the match complaining about the manager.

If ye even qualify for the World Cup and he’s still in charge.. ye won’t enjoy it

u/ef123455 · 19 h

Do Ireland fans even know the feeling of having your team win a trophy?? Truly sad to see…

u/TechM635 · 19 h

Not our soccer team, we expect them to be like this due to the fact other sports in our country like rugby get priority.

And we win trophies in the sports we give priority

u/ef123455 · 19 h

Ok enjoy your rugby trophies lol

Rugbycels cant stop losing!

Comment chain here

There is a lot more drama but the post is getting to big, if you want to see the rest feel free to sort by controversial on the linked thread!


In case you are wondering what I'm talking about

TL;DR: Moonchild is DMCAing numerous Pale Moon forks for alledged copyright violations, due to him getting bussyblasted over the Male Poon name and logo.

Part 1

Not long after Mypal shut down, in case you don't know, a new fork named Male Poon came out from a based individual named ManchildProductions, which led to this sneedfest from tobin.. Unfortunately, Moonchild and his furstrag self couldn't handle the project being up, files a bullshit DMCA against Male Poon, and gets it taken down :marseycry: :marseycry: :marseycry:. (archive of the github repo :marseythumbsup:)

Mourning on /g/

the palemoon sub discusses

The good news? There are mirrors off Github, so the browser stays for now

Mirror #1

Mirror #2

Mirror #3

/g/ thread where ManchildProductions discusses where to move his beloved project (archive here)

Part 2

Numerous people forked the Male Poon project, and you know what Moonchild and his pathetic manchild army did? You guessed it, HE FILED DMCAS AGAINST EVERYONE WHO FORKED MALE POON ON GITHUB

Twitter thread

The same individual (the one in the twitter link) forked Male Poon and renamed it Orbit Navigator with the specified purpose of making Tobin sneed. No sneed post from Tobin that I could find yet, but will update if there is one.

/g/entoomen discussing the DMCAs

Pastebin version of the DMCA


Unrelated to the Male Poon Drama, Tobin also filed a DMCA against roytam1's Binary Outcast fork (fork is still up as of today) due to commits that were allegedly stolen according to this thread.

Correction: looks like the commits were taken down but the browser remains (all commits liked in the dmca 404)


KiwiFarms thread where I obtained most of the info provided

In case anyone wants to try out Male Poon, you can download binaries here

LMFAO this is an extremely long effortpost.

Reported by:
EFFORTPOST The dark knight rises introduction, edition

= bane, = CIA agent, = masked men, = CIA soldiers, = Bane's 2nd in command, = Dr.Pavel, = bane's plane mercenaries

duh duh duh duh da duh duh duh da duh duh duh duh

"Dr Pavel Im CIA Bill Wilson"

"he wasn't alone"

"Uhh, you dont get to bring friends"

"They're not my friends"

"No worry, no charge for them"

"And why would I want them?"

"They work for the mercenary, the masked man"



"Alright get em on board ill call it in"

wheeeeeeeeeeeehm (plane noises)

"The flight plan I just labeled with the agency lists me my men and dr pavel here"

"but only one of you!"

cocks gun and gestures for guard to open plane door

"First one to talk gets to stay on my aircraft!"

CIA agent grabs masked man and forces his body halfway outta the plane door with a gun pointed towards his head "who paid you to grab dr pavel!?"

BANG, the gun goes off NEAR the masked mans head

"he didn't fly so well, who wants to try next?"

grabs a 2nd man and does the same thing "Tell me about bane! Why does he wear the mask?! Lotta loyalty for a hired gun!"

3rd masked man speaks up "well perhaps hes wondering why someone would shoot a man, before throwing him out of an airplane"

"at least you can talk"

"who are you?"

"it doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan"

CIA agent slowly unmasks the 3rd man, who is revealed to be BANE

"no one cared who I was until I put on the mask"

"If I pull that off will you die?"

"it would be extremely painful"

"youre a big guy"

"for you"

"was getting caught part of your plan?"

"of course!"

bhwyuuuuuuum a big white plane soon appears over the CIA plane

"Dr.Pavel refused our offer in favor of yours, we are to find out what he told you"

"nothing, I said nothing!"

the big white plane's cargo ramp begins to open, and causes the CIA plane below it to start rumbling

"well congratulations, you got yourself caught"

"uh sir"

"now whats the next step of your master plan?!"

"crashing this plane"

mercenaries, all connected to the white plane via a cable, jump out of the ramp and towards the CIA plane

duh duh duh duh duh (epic hans zimmer music)

"with no survivors!"

bane's hencmen land on the CIA plane and starts shooting thru the windows, and bane breaks out of his ziptie and punches the agent

] >


] >

] >

pew pew brrr pow pow


pilots yell "mayday mayday"

cool shooting and action plus hans zimmer music

2nd masked man (now unmasked) prepares to fasten his cable, bane stops him

"no brother, they expect one of us in the wreckage"

"have we started the fire?"

"yes, the fire rises"

bane grabs and secures dr pavel, who is screaming in fear

"Now is not the time for fear doctor, that comes later"

bane detaches the now destroyed CIA plane, dropping it to the ground, while he dr pavel and the mercenaries fly in the air attached to the big white plane

The end


Note: Since this already had KiwiFarms and Reddit posts, only the highlights will be posted here, with brief explanations provided (this is a terrible write-up, I know)

TL;DR: Two neurodivergent developers get into a spergout over some ukrainians Windows XP fork, states that it violates Mozzarella Public License 5.1, shuts the entire thing down.

Bird Farms Post

Reddit Post 1

Reddit Post 2

Reddit Post 3

In case anyone is wondering what Pale Moon is, it originally was a Firef*x fork developed by Moonchild Productions, which is now based off Firef*x before version 29, in which there was some past drama with the developers in the past

Now, enter Matt A. Torbin. He is the guy having a spergout over the Pale Moon Fork. He literally has at least twice called them terrorists, and criminals in the past. As you can tell, he really doesn't like them

Let's start with the first issue:

At the time, the developer of the Pale Moon fork (Mypal), Fedor2, in 2019, allegedly did not have the source code form set up right in the repo.. The problem was, since he grew in a post-Soviet shithole, specifically Ukraine, he did not fully understand how FOSS licenses work, due to how intellectual property is handled in that region. He also cannot speak proper English. Eventually, all was said and done, and Torbin seemed satisfied.

Ohhh, but it doesn't stop there. He is where Matt REALLY SPERGS OUT over him

Not only does Pale Moon exist, so does Baslisk, which is, you guessed it, yet another Firef*x fork done by MoonChild Productions, this time, Firef*x 52. Fedor2 also forks it, calling it Centuary, and this really gets the fatass riled up, this time proclaiming that he is in violation of MPL Section 5.1.

Not only does the drama continue, but now not only Fedor2 and Matt get into an argument over the license,, but now MoonChild gets involved.

Even more WORDS WORDS WORDS from Matt

Oh, and Fedor2 gives instructions, which really send Matt into a masssive spergout

Fedor2 then runs to the MSFN forums to get validation, and support over whether it violates Section 5.1 or not

Please help to understand what this is about

Here is another Pale Moon developer bringing the issue up

Anyway, in the very end, Fedor2 proceeds to close the repo up, stating someone else will need to take over the project

MSFN user mourns over its death

windowsxp sub seething

MoonChild tries to clarify, but people are still confused

Oh and supposedly, Moonchild and Torbin not only want the repo deleted, but everything destroyed, although Moonchild denies the case, accusing others of pulling an agenda to attack them.

Edit: LOL

EFFORTPOST (moderate effort) Fat and whiny nerd streamer is actually a male feminist - his community implodes

This was already posted but it was just a Twitter link and didn't explain much of the story or point out any of the funnier events and details.

Meet our protagonist: Arcadum. Overweight, 31 year old twitch streamer who runs DND games with 5000 concurrent viewers (which is a lot) and a decent following on other platforms. His games are noteworthy because he invites famous streamers to play and gains clout and viewership from their audiences.

Also, he's been married. Or he says he is. In reality, he's just been engaged for 9 years. He copes by calling his girlfriend his wife.

Recently, several women have come out with allegations towards him. And by several I mean more than a dozen plus a 🚂. Apparently they had to set up a groomercord server to organize this because a group chat wouldn't fit everyone (lol.)

There are a lot and they're long, mostly foid nonsense, so here are some highlights:

I remained motionless and did not touch Arcadum back in any way, shape or form.This weird, dry-humpy embrace lasted several minutes as he cried into my neck. I could feel him gripping at my shirt and pants and holding me violently and just crying into my neck.

According to the writer of this post, this was after a single (1) night of him staying over. This is the most r*pey allegation, but definitely not the most entertaining.

Arcadum is so rich and successful but he just wants friendship from someone he barely knows:

"Jadez, I need to know something." Sure, what's up. "I just dropped my merch line and today I made $300,000. I'm blowing up. I need to know if you're going to be treating me differently now because of this."

Arcadum ERPs with his personal 🚂 prostitute:

The next few months, I was essentially booty called by Arcadum on Groomercord on and off. He would phrase his invites as innocently as possible, telling me he'd like to talk in VR Chat. In full-body. At 11PM.

Pity party into sexual solicitation animation cancel:

he just continued talking about his sexual frustration and how he would need a sexual relief, to not feel ugly and like a pig and that he needs to release all the stress that he had accumulating from being so popular.

I remember him going on a tangent talking about something and then at the end just saying "I just want to c*m".

The most entertaining part of all of this is probably Naomi's twitlonger, because she had the guile to record some of their calls.

If you want to hate Arcadum, just listen to the calls. He sounds like he's roleplaying 24/7 and speaks in the most insufferable way imaginable. And that's ignoring how he permanently doing the "woe is me, my life is so hard" act.

Here are some clips of them: excuse the react streamer in the background.

"I'm such a psychopath that's why I don't play amogos:".

My personal favorite is how devastated his fans are that their parasocial daddy was actually a weirdo freak. Even better is that there's so much evidence that nobody can deny it. This cope is literally everywhere Arcadum related. Here are some links: (His groomercord:)

Here are some of his friends reacting to the news:

By the way, his wife left him and locked him out of the house. Presumably he's homeless right now. And, if it wasn't clear, his career is fricked. Nobody is gonna want to work with him after this.


EFFORTPOST Recap of the 2021 Battle of Portland

So yesterday was Portland's annual large street battle. There are a bunch of smaller brawls going on in Portland every month or so, but once a year a few hundred rightoids and leftoids from Oregon, Seattle, and California get together to beat the shit out of each other.

Here's the flyer for the "summer of love" event (which is a joke about the CHAZ)

Rightoids initially planned to get a permit for the event in Tom McCall Waterfront Park, but at the last minute moved it to a k-mart parking lot several miles away.

Leftoids got to the park around 1PM and played around there for a while before realizing that rightoids were somewhere else.

Then there was the usual threatening and attacking street preachers downtown as leftoids were waiting for the rightoids to show up:

There were some verbal arguments at KMart (which you can see on the streams) but nothing too crazy happened before this.

Then the leftoids figured out where the rightoids were and marched to the KMart, and that's where the streamers pick up the rest of what happened. First, the leftoids gathered around the entrances to the lot, blocking them off, and then the van leading the black bloc (leftoids) drove into the parking lot, which is what kicked off the battle:

The rest is caught on stream. Rightoids BLM the van, there's some fighting for 7 minutes, leftoids retreat as rightoids advance, then rightoids regroup at the parking lot. Leftoids attack journ*lists for 9 minutes, then rightoids come around the edge of the gas station. Rightoids push leftoids back for 8 minutes until they get to the lot where the leftoids parked. Rightoids BLM some supply and getaway cars for a few minutes before giving a statement to the media.

Oh and sometime after that there was a fun little shootout which no one knows anything about right now other than what we can see in these videos:

EFFORTPOST (Actually made an effort) (Not really 😂) Meet the 'Salty Army'

As any dramatard not living under a rock knows, When John McAfee (An actual Yogi) got Y'alled and the final post on his Instagram (posted barely minutes after reports of his death started coming out) was Q. Then the IG account got shut down and this led to a lot of colourful conspiracies. A post on arr drama was made linking to his IG here:

Searching for drama, I opened the Other discussions tab and discovered a subreddit: r/SaltyArmy

The subreddit logo is a picture of DDR with the text "Orange man good" and the content is basically just Trumpcel stuff posted by just one overinvested guy. What caught my eye was the sidebar and sub description.

Common Question

Q: Why is this Sub/Post NSFW?

A: This Sub is a Sample of a Balanced Societal Rhetoric. This Rhetoric comes in many forms & echos the formation of Societies best & worst. Not all Post, Comments, & Rules achieve a counterbalance mindset so they are not suited for all viewers. Discretion is advised.

When they ask you to explain what the r/SaltyArmy is:

Liberal Independent Conservative Knowledgeable (L.I.C.K)

Methodical Yearning (M.Y)

Based Analytical Logistics Loyal Strategic (B.A.L.L.S)

About Community

The BeachHead of Reality! We will call open the dogs of war and stand on the Salt Mound of JUSTICE. We will rise above the fray. We will decode, deconstruct, and report our findings. We never asked for WAR BUT WE SURE AS HECK GONNA GIVE IT TO THEM. Many eye's make great bedfellows. Many Steeled Hearts make great companions. And many Friends make small enemy's. Now ask yourself "WHO ARE YOU?" Join the SaltyArmy so the Salt won't over take you.

The guy that runs the sub has this banger comment:

It's recommended that the blue pill be inserted anally to comply with W.H.O standards now.,

Here he is welcoming people to his sub:

r/SaltyArmy Home, FRICK REDDIT we will use their cowtools against them.

"This is My Station There are Many Like it But This One is Mine."

We will call open the dogs of war and stand on the Salt Mound of JUSTICE. We will rise above the fray.

We will decode, deconstruct, and report our findings.


Many eye's make great bedfellows.

Many Steeled Hearts make great companions.

And many Friends make small enemy's.

Now ask yourself "WHO ARE YOU?"

Join the SaltyArmy so the Salt won't over take you.

All snappy worthy.

While the sub is restricted and the owner just posts stuff that you'd expect from a Daddy fan, I'm surprised that it still hasn't been noticed by the admins or AHS. Taking bets: What do you think will happen to the sub in the near future?

A. Gets Banned B. Will continue getting more and more shizoid, reflecting the owner's slowly spiralling down mental state

Invest in dramacoin and pray for the latter to happen!

Now playing: Stickerbrush Symphony (DKC2).mp3

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