Michael Tracey Stan thread

I've noticed unfortunate attacks on my favorite reporter from BOTH SIDES recently. I need someone to tell me Michael Tracey is cool. RIGHT NOW

Dear Fellow Burgers, if you've never seen this documentary I don't think you should be allowed to vote in November

:#marseysaluteusa: :#marseypatriot: :#marseyburger: :#usa:

UNIRONIC ELVIS POSTING - She Thinks I Still Care - YouTube
SEVERAL MORE ADDED - BIG DC OPPORTUNITY why is there no marsey tornado


1500 dc for each of the following





other natural disasters idk

i also have no idea what the latter two are supposed to look like, figure it out

oh and marseywhirlpool









500 each after the first one

no low efforts

NOTE: This should be marsey AS these things. Marsey EXPERIENCING these things just gets you 500.

go now



Druze are cool guys and friends :marseyross: of Israel.

IDF and Israeli :marseyjewish: gov spokespeople promise major :marseygaygeneral: retaliation strikes.

EFFORTPOST :!marseychartbar: Name color statistics for rDrama and WPD as of July 21, 2024 :marseychartpie:

Also posted on WatchPeopleDie

"Custom color" in the chart refers to a color that's not one of the preset color options. In other words, you have to enter a hex code to change your name to that color. The pie charts below only show individual colors with a frequency of 0.5% or higher. :marseychartpie: The rainbow slice represents the colors not shown in the pie chart, not the "Other" row in the table.

These are the 19 preset color options.

      #F04BEC - rDrama current theme color and default color

      #FF459A       #FF66AC - rDrama previous default colors (#805AD5 was also briefly the rDrama theme color)

      #805AD5       #62CA56       #38A169       #80FFFF       #2A96F3       #EB4963       #FF0000       #F39731       #30409F       #3E98A7       #E4432D       #7B9AE4       #EC72DE       #7F8FA6       #F8DB58       #8CDBE6

#F04BEC was newly added on July 11, 2024. The color #FF66AC was removed over a year ago (June 7, 2023) and added back the same day #F04BEC was added.


Compare the stats from July 11, 2022

  • Total users: 26,762

  • Default color: #F04BEC (pink/magenta)

  • Default color (pink) names: 22,089 (82.54%)

  • Non-default color names: 4,673 (17.46%)

  • Custom color names: 721 (15.43% of non-pink names, 2.69% of total users)

Our of our 26,762 users, 22,089 users, or 82.54%, have the current default name color #F04BEC (pink/magenta), which has been the default color since July 11, 2024.

This leaves 4,673 users (17.46%) who chose other colors. Purple comes out on top, just narrowly beating red. #805AD5 is the name color of @Aevann :capy: and the same shade of purple used by Ruqqus. :marseyruqqie: The beautiful red (#FF0000), once in first place, is now in second place. The red menace may not be winning, but it is still strong. White and black (#FFFFFF and #000000) are the most common custom colors. #21262D (#21262D) is the color of the midnight theme, the default theme of WPD and the former default theme of rDrama. Users who chose it like @whyareyou were trying to be invisible! With one more user than last time (4 compared to 3), #696969 is still not popular, but still common enough to show up on the chart (there were also 4 users with that color on WPD).

All users who had the previous default pink color (#FF459A) had their names forcibly changed to #F04BEC. Only 7 users changed their names back to #FF459A, and the default pink even before that, #FF66AC, has only 2 users (not on the chart). The third least chosen of the preset options is light blue (#8CDBE6).

The lovely @TwoLargeSnakesMating (we still miss you, Snakes) made a previous post with rDrama's name color statistics on July 11, 2022. How do those statistics compare? The colors are ordered slightly differently, but there doesn't seem to be much difference. While red used to be more common than purple, purple is now very slightly more common than it. 77.2% of rDrama used to have the default name color, and now it's 82.54%. I don't have data for users active in the past week.

As a redname, I love my fellow rednames, but my name color is actually #f22;/* (#FF2222). I made it paler to try to make it more visible on the midnight theme. I don't know if it had the intended effect.

I'm probably the only one on rDrama with a name color that isn't a valid hex code (#f22;/*). I changed it before it was no longer allowed. The /* indicates the start of a CSS comment. The only effects are making my name unbolded on the desktop site and making my name change to the color of the previous speaker in chat. My name changes back to red when I refresh the chat page. Sometimes it shows up as the theme color (mine is green on rDrama).

Here are the links to the comments in the first screenshot


What about our sister site :marseyquestion:

  • Total users: 2,428,237

  • Default color: #805AD5 (purple)

  • Default color (purple) names: 2,393,153 (98.56%)

  • Non-default color names: 35,084 (1.44%)

  • Custom color names: 3,212 (9.16% of non-purple names, 0.13% of total users)

As all of you know already, the gore site is a lot more popular than our niche drama site. Among WPD's 2,428,237 users, the default color purple (#805AD5) is overwhelmingly the most common color, with 2,393,153 users (98.56%). Most of those 2.39 million users probably abandoned their accounts immediately.

This leaves only 35,084 users (1.44%) who selected a color besides purple, a significantly smaller percentage than rDrama. Red (#FF0000) is, of course, the most common color option for them. Very suitable for a site about death. Two different shades of pink (#FF459A and #EC72DE) come in at second and third. How cute! :marseybow: rDrama's former default color #FF66AC is well-appreciated, at 19th place with 73 users. Like on rDrama, the most common custom colors are black and white. Blue (#2A96F3), WPD's previous default color up to around August 24, 2022, comes in at 8th place. Various shades of light pink/peach and dark red take up places 21-28. @MAGAshill's name color #DC143C has some popularity, with 11 users using it. Ten users thought #B00B69 was a funny color (but none on rDrama did).

Teal (#3E98A7), pink (#FF66AC), and magenta pink (#F04BEC) are the least used preset options.

Like on rDrama, my own name color on WPD is #FF2222. I changed it from #FF0000 to #FF2222 on December 27 to match my rDrama name color. I kind of miss the vibrance of pure red now.

In May, I made charts of the name colors of users who voted on WPD's top post, Gary Plauché shoots his son's rapist by AFX. The results were fairly similar, but as you would expect, the percentage of purple names was much lower. I don't know if the data is correct or not.

Thank you @Aevann for providing the data for this! And yes, that is a link to the unwholesome death site with a login wall. :marseypearlclutch:

rDrama -



Post 1: /u/No_Year_5543 makes post about a mod being a racist on Groomercord. Said mod deletes the post for "doxxing" and but it is later reinstated.

Post 2: /u/Mahadness shows one of the posts that was also deleted.

Post 3: /u/zachtan1234 posts the Chat-GPT parody apology the racist mod made on Groomercord.

Post 4: /u/Meneerjojo announces the old mods gave modding permissions to a bunch of random people who had criticized them. Also revealed the racist mod has been removed.

Post 5: /u/Moppyploppy mentions the previous drama about these mods keeping up a Holocaust meme sub banner. Old subredditdrama post about that.

:marseypopcorntime: David Sacks vs Paul Graham slapfight continues. :marseypopcorntime:

bonus meymey for those who clicked:


/tv/ thread.

!kino !anime :marseypedosnipe:

Fauxmoi thread :marseystitch: :marseyxd:

Someone needs :marseyspecial: to study :marseyreading: this phenomenon of why so many creators of children's cartoons :marseythundercats: turn out to be absolute weirdos


please :marseybeanpleading: no, I have a drawing :marseycrayoneater: of Zombie :marseynecromorph: Pumpkin :marseyautumn2: Magisword over my bed... dude was following me on Twitter :marseybluecheck: (not that I look at that cesspool anymore), he's from the same area as me.

this is absolutely heartbreaking to me. I loved this dude, if there :marseycheerup: ever have been any allegations against him, this is the first :marseywinner: I'm hearing :marseyhearnoevil: of it. my grandpa :marseyboomercartoon: was a chomo :marseyahs: and it still messes :marseyscaryteeth: with me 35 years later. I ain't about that shit.

frick man. sad



Selected responses:

This guy

New Jack Hulks Up :marseypunched:

I'm going to be away for awhile to focus on work so !marks make sure this hole doesn't die. :marseyblowkiss:


>#stopasianhate or something

>Why are kids these days like this? :marseyhmm:

>Like father, like son

>Actually it was just self-defense

>Here lies conservatism, imagine if the roles were reversed

>No YOU'RE the triggered one :marseynoyou:

Total dravidachad victory

@C333 is this true? :marseyshook:


The Xitter thread has rightoid infighting about whether this is demonic or based.

>I care about White people, not religion. Pagans are not "demonic." No more brother wars over religion.


>Pagans are demoniacs because they worship demons instead of the True God. Demons are fallen angels who 'hate' all human beings, regardless of race or tribe. Specifically, they will lie, deceive and lead humans astray in order to darn their souls (distance them from God).


>No, religious fanatic. I don't worship "demons." I also do not worship your Canaanite desert spirit. YOU are the reason why White people are losing, and why Jews are winning. NO MORE BROTHER WARS!!!


>'Julian the Apostate', impressive that you bring about an active ally of the Sanhedrin. Quite in the theme of Zelenskyy. I encourage you to watch this, to see how 'strongly' your demonic faith stands up to the Truth: [Youtube link to a Paganism Vs Orthodoxy Debate]


As per the old Soviet model (mostly started by Marshal Tukhachevsky) the Bolshevik obsession with 'ancient cults' and (even non-Jewish cults) paganism is spread through sanction of the KGB/SBU. So, whilst they sacrifice innocent Palestinian children to Moloch, they promote the same values on occupied territories of the former Russian Empire.

‼️☦️ As with all things Talmudic and occult, they love 'dates' and numerical symbolism. Coincidentally, on the 25th of July this year, Orthodox Christians celebrate the memory of Saints Theodore and his son John - sacrificed on this very place by a mob of demonic cultists. This 'neo-pagan celebration' setup by the Talmudic Kahal of Kiev, sanctioned by Zelenskyy and the kosher Mayor of Kiev, Klitschko, is a direct affront to the Christian faith. When they cannot defeat, they persecute and they mock. Their behavior is predictable. Saints Theodore & John, the first-martyrs of Rus, pray and intercede for us ☦️🙏🏼

:marseyschizowalltalking: :#marseymisinformation: :#marseyschizonotes:

Chuds have been having arguments like this for the last few decades, and there seems to be no end in sight:






@Aevann This is a textbook example of rightoid infighting since the based pagan vs trad christian debate is a staple of right-wing internal arguments.

Reported by:
Looks like gavin is running in 2028
Aevann cockblocked carp's trap chasing.
Let's all make erection maps and see how they pan out.

I don't foresee any meaningful changes. Michigan may go red and NC may go blue but I doubt it.

Let's see yours. Don't bother with the shades. We'll revisit this again in October.

!chuds !nonchuds

As a reminder, I was off by around 1% in 2020.

Carp map:

Actual result:

They call me Nate Platinum.


TLDR CharliXCX is a musician who wrote a song inspired by Dasha. She was also friend with a musician who transitioned into afterlife. This obvious moral conflict confuses our OP.

You heard about G*merGate getting Trump elected, but what about RedScare getting Trump reelected?? Plenty of yapping under this comment, is Dasha an alt right republican? Is New York getting MAGAified?

The problem with Dasha is that she's a relevant political actor with a far-right agenda to get Trump & the Republican Party elected to get Project 2025 implemented. She's an active threat to freedom, democracy & civil rights

OP's issue isn't just that Charli is friend with Dasha, we need to think about the message her music could carry

(OP) and also for many people charli is a role model, and so they could think that being friends with far-right is okay, and it doesnt say anything about you as a person??? she's a queer icon, so i guess i can wait from her at least some political clarity?

It's absolutely 100% your own fault if you saw her as a role model and became influenced by her.

(OP) girl wtf music is also media that can be used for propaganda, artists do have responsibility on what things they putting into their art

Charli XCX makes music about snorting coke and drunk driving

Glad to see an artists who stands for rights of all oppressed groups :marseykneel:

Tr*mp owned :marseylaughpoundfist:


Confess your literary sins.
  • I ended a line of dialogue with a double exclamation point and I'm not changing it

  • the second draft of my manuscript had 849 em-dashes in it

  • I mentally swap the races of characters in Golden Age sci-fi to make it more interesting for the modern audience (me)

  • I make fun of audiobooks, but I actually just can't concentrate on them. :marseynouautism:

!writecel !bookworms

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