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The forge was an influential rpg forum run by a weirdo pervert named Ron Edwards. He was a pretentious twat who said that vampire the masquarade caused brain damage.
Originally it was started in 1999 as Hephaestus's forge.
They discussed the design and making of tabletop rpgs and developed the gns theory or big model theory .
It's outlined here
Forgeworld produced some great games like Apocalypse world and Dogs in the Vineyard which is Mormons fighting demons who want to molest children
but also bullshit like Bliss Stage which was made for demons who want to molest children
It was essentially Neon Genesis Evangelion but not the Neon Genesis Evangelion of the anime or manga adaptions but the Neon Genesis Evangelion of the pornographic doujins found at every Japanese con.
That is not a link for those. Look up your own "Shinji chad " or "Shinji cuck" porn ya sick frick.
The Forge defined all players as wanting one of three things: narrativist, which wanted story, simulationist, who wanted realism, and gamist, who wanted to have fun and play the game. They hated the latter two and worshipped narrativism as the one true god.
Certain g*mers compared it to an evil cancer or a cult
The Forge was controversial even when it was still going
Here is the Forge in all its glory
Osr or "old school roleplaying" is another weird rpf cult that is either diametrically opposed or partially overlapping with the Forge
Ron Edwards compared gms running railroady games to child abuse.
The forge closed in 2010
Reaction was mixed
Ron Edwards claimed it had fulfilled its purpose.
He was coping
Many fans and detractors still exist and still hate it
My own thoughts on their theory is that it's far too narrow. Every player has his own agenda that might include aspects of all three and other motives. It's a radical simplification of a hopelessly complicated muddle. Most of the forge alumni agree.
Also while Ron Edwards is an butt he's not a male feminist and didn't make a game for male feminists about playing a male feminist . Unlike Black Hat Matt Mcfarland and Beast the primordial. How can you hate Ron Edwards or Byron Hall, the author of fatal the worst rpg ever made,
when neither of them are actual male feminists?
The best link in this post is these two:
Live by social justice die by social justice
A forge alumni learned this lesson far too late.
Let that be a lesson to you all: be a chud.
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Frick all of you who said the tariffs are just a meme and wont work. Not even week into presidency and scoring wins
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— Dan Hentschel (@danghentschel) February 15, 2025
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ANOTHER airplane crash. So many casualties and crashes over the past month. It's almost as if we should have had an FAA chief, head of TSA and not put a freeze on qualified air traffic controllers.
— Wajahat Ali (@WajahatAli) February 17, 2025
But, hey, President Musk wants more of the pie so Trump will give it to him. Goodβ¦
Thanks Trump for freezing FAA flight control hires!
β Morgan J. Freeman (@mjfree) February 17, 2025
You are murdering people.
Or are u blaming DEI, Biden & Obama β under which we had nearly no major airline crashes???
BREAKING: Delta flight 4819 from Minneapolis/St. Paul, is upside down on the runway after landing at⦠pic.twitter.com/AKWSo8w4dn
these two headlines together seem like they should be the end of the Musk Constitutional Interregnum in US politics pic.twitter.com/MO7GJ754ey
β Will Stancil (@whstancil) February 17, 2025
all this time it was literally DEI OR DIE and we didn't realize it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! https://t.co/21zjEnF8sc
β hasanabi (@hasanthehun) February 17, 2025
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How sad is it that I, a sperg who irregularly uploads mainly audio only content of niche rdrama schizos and obtuse political satire, has garnered more subs than a guy who uploads daily normieslop raccoon and car videos from his house that his dead cuck father begrudgingly gave him so he wouldn't kill himself and join his fiance in the afterlife?
I guess that argument for not coming on and debating pizzaking has crumbled. Any guesses on the next cope?
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UK weighs requiring households using only streaming services like Netflix and Disney to pay BBC license fee β Bloomberg
— NewsWire (@NewsWire_US) January 28, 2025
- 762x38mmR : user is a BIPOC. clean it up janny or something idk
- meatrocket8
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- Fresh_Start : Zoomer incompetence has given me hope for my future.
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Apparently the uber soys working on DA4 deliberately avoided the use of spiders as enemies, in order to avoid offending the sensibilities of those with arachnophobia.
The news of this going along the grapevine is just many tiny titbits of news, making even the most braindead slopconsuming
DA fans hesitant about being excited regarding the upcoming Dragon Age 4 in less than a month - especially since 3 months ago, Bioware had released a trailer which garnered a large amount of dislikes from people for a myriad of reasons.
The reason for the backlash or dislike or lack of positive feedback are many, including the great fracturing of the fanbase - but most of it was also to due with the context within which the DA4 trailer was released. For the past 2 years gaming has seen spectacular mega-blockbuster game failures from AAA developers and publishers, stuff like Redfall and GOllum, Forspoken and Suicide Squad and Skull and Bones, Saits Row 2022 reboot and so on.
ALL of these uber AAA games had immediate uncertainty and pushback upon their trailers, Saints Row 2022 reboot's trailers back in 2020 & 2021, had immediate backlash from the core Saints Row fanbase, whom had gotten used to the dark humor and morally abhorrent but likeable protagonists of the series.
The student soyboys protagonists of the reboot, left many with uncertainty as to the quality of the rest of the game, if the developers could seemingly miss the previous tone of the series so badly to SUCH an extent. Even Saints Row 4, the batshit insane matrix alien invasion parody title, held the dark humor and moral abhorrence of the protagonists to old standard, even if Saints Row 2 fans hated the zany story.
Instead it gave the fanbase a fear that the developers of the Saints Row 2022 Reboot legitimately hadn't actually played the games, or legitimately didn't comprehend them and their themes.
In the ensuing months past its release in 2022, the /r/saintsrow sub was a perpetual battleground, where shitlibs wokes and soys tried to gaslamp everyone into believing the game was good or even of acceptable quality - yet this time, the spectacular critical and financial failure vindicated the detractors of the Reboot, in that their fears all the way back in 2020 were well founded - in that if the developers could not even hold the same writing tone of the previous titles, whether through incompetence or agenda pushing, then there was very little chance that the other aspects of the game would be up to par.
A similar phenomenon had occurred in the trailers, and pre-release period of many uber high profile failures. Forspoken to Gollum, to Redfall. And although a bad trailer is never a guarantee of a predictor of the quality of a game, these specific high profile failures, each so close to each other, each vindicating detractors from teh moment the trailers dropped, demonstrated that much could be inferred by veteran gaymers
or even normies
ESPECIALLY negatively if the writing tone of specific series was different, if woke girlboss or woke seeming modern contemporary politics were present within the trailer, like a canary
in the coalmine,
or just corpospeak and obvious trendchasing. The now infamous Concord failure was another such prediction by detractors as much as 2 years ago, since many Hero Shooter genre corposhit trendchaser soulless games have already lost millions for their demented out-of-touch CEOs. In fact Concord WILDLY exceeded even the worst predictions of failure as we now in the present know with hindsight.
I had an exchange with @Losercel 3 months back (can't remember the comments) where he exclaimed it was foolish for dramatards and other detractors to already be so negative with regards to a game still 4 months away, and I espoused that in isolation this might be true, but within the context of so many high profile failures, the negativity was warrented.
Again many reasons for the negativity, but basically 3 months ago, the pushback could be boiled down to 2 main factors.
Many peeps immediately despised the artstyle of the trailer, declaring it too be "too cartoony", and appearing to be targeting the zoomer or Fortnite or Hero Shooter fandom.
With an additional 15 years worth of build up disdain for Marvelesque dialogue and writing
Additionally peeps decried the tone for being waaaaaay offbeat, too similar to Disney/Marvel or too light hearted, in comparison to the previous entries of the series having been relatively grimdark in tone type Dark Fantasy, with certain portions of of ALL 3 games having had sections which were borderline horror in tone and theme. (The Broodmother quests in Origins, the female Frankenstein quests in DA2, and the MINDRAPE quest or Fade in Inquisition) Even inquisition could have many dark moments despite its more colourful palette compared to its progenitors
"This is what Tevinter Magisters saw in Golden City."
Anyways it's just a whole comment section meming and lamenting the fear that the feel of the game was too different from its predecessors.
Additionally since 2019-2024, another phenomena had occurred, a relative mainstreamification of chudtubers and anti-woke media critics on Youtube, for example the most infamous currently being guys like the Critical Drinker.
Born from many chuds, to eventually even normies having had no outlet to voice their discontent of modern Hollyweird woke slop from both Disney and Hollywood greater, in which race-bending of white european characters from traditional medieval periods, to disliked girlboss chars, to the perception that modern contemporary politics had found its way into escapism fiction.
These anti-woke critics/youtubers still wouldn't sway any liberally minded peeps, and their reach was still only a fraction of normies, but even IRL in my real world experiences, around the office water cooler, or worksites or between trusted friends or family, I have noticed explicit anti-woke sentiment or talking points espoused by peeps i would consider super normie and apolitical, with regards to modern Hollywood media
Even Hollywood writers have actively written that detractor fandoms have started to have an actual word-of-mouth effects upon their bottom lines! With many blame being laid upon the feet of the myriad of anti-woke or chudtubers which had sprung up.
This exchange between @SpookNarca and @eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee best sums it up.
Back to the no Arachnophobia thing
Basically in the past 3 days Biowarefans have been slapping
about how this is totally a non issue maaaaaaaaaaan, to this is another straw on the camel's
back in terms of redflags
"On it's own, the lack of spiders is not an issue. The problem is quickly becoming all these small things that wouldn't really be an issue "on their own", they add up. No more spiders, only 3 choices (this is an issue on its own), only 2 companions, can't control your companions etc etc etc... DAV is quickly becoming unrecognizable."
"It's a sign that this game is going to have no teeth to it; it's going to be modern Marvel levels of Slop"
"Exactly, people like this would piss and shit themselves if Sten was a companion, or other character like Javik or Regill"
"I'm scared of spiders like most people but this is weird. This reminds me of a mod that replaced spiders with mabari. But they still spawned in by coming down from a web which is way FRICKING scarier than a spider doing that lmao"
<insert eyerolls="" here="">
"I'm afraid of water. REMOVE THE OCEANS!!"
"To me this sort of thing raises concerns. These sort of changes feel more like "what we can do to appease the audience" whereas I don't think anyone who is creating a very good story would be worried about that because they know the game/story itself is enough that people will be a part of it and enjoy it regardless. Or it's just one less piece of art they have to design which would be in line with the Keep changes and scaling back scope."
This is especially noticable as ingame characters have joked at the amount of ingame spider enemies killed!
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And in my heart there is COOM.
If cooming has billions of fans (it does), then I am one of them. If there are only ten coomers, then I am one of them. If there is but one coomer, then that is me. If there are no coomers, then that means I am no longer on Earth. If the world is against cooming, then I am against the world.
If think about it, cumming is literally the PERFECT hobby. You don't need anybody else to do it. You don't need any "thing" else. You don't even need your clothes. It's just you and your body and coom. It's like a connection with god. Maximalism through minimalism, or vice versa.
I coom to genocides and abuse neighbor I desecrate the sacred. I blaspheme and spit when I coom then I coom some more. I'm an untrollable maniac if we're talking about the C*M scale hard peepee BBC porn human trafficking nigguh I corrupt the next generation by spreading drugs and STDs all around them.
You don't know what's made me coom so don't try me. This new generation of coomers annoy me. My generation is the one of true SOULFUL gooning. Everything else is just an imitation. Real shit, you think it would be a good business to open up a longue where I don't sell any drugs or alcohol, just provide calm music, chilled water, and a table where distinguished folks can talk about the finer aspects of gooning. What stroke you use, what new kink you've developed, if you're sick of one kink just keep GOONING until a new fetish lights your fire. TRUST THE PROCESS.
And you'll have some of the most amazing cooms imaginable
And to the admins of this shithole site: Yes this is an effortpost because you best believe I was gooning HARD when I wrote this. Headset on, "open video in smaller tab" shit nigguh I took my fricking shirt and pants off for this shit, we don't take half measures when it comes to gooning. I'm trying to start a C*M gang, you interested in signing up?
I GOON when reading the Bible
I GOON when I'm eating
I GOON when I'm on the phone
I GOON whenever I have even a vague sexual thought or my hand happens to brush upon my peepee. That's enough to derail my entire day with just coom. As you can imagine, it gets hard to deal with all the laundry when you COOM so much but I've learned to just keep a lot of towels lying around the house. Goon and wipe yourself as you see fit.
By the end of my reign, you'll be calling me Satan's Nightmare.
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Rake the leaves
Into a pile
The Canadian shot at the start of Fallout 1 was probably a vicious war criminal they caught administrating "Canadian healthcare" to a camp full of undesirables
And then burn them
Bonus one
Canadians deserve to die