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Please help me feed my family $ANNA AsCzbtFHxokNyoJr4xzoXXPmpGdcHnH275sC7frrpump pic.twitter.com/VKbErEIejs
— Anna Khachiyan (@annakhachiyan) February 12, 2025
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Background: /r/straighttransgirls is where the s of the Blaire White variety go to rant, away from their overwhelmingly transbian ("it's maam!") counterparts.
OP wonders if these euphoria boners often discussed on the main trans subs are real or are just a terf psyop. Commenters proceed to fight over:
AGP is a fake term and transphobic to even mention
AGP is real but it's perfectly fine
boners indicate transbians are just fetishizing perverts
it's fine to get boners over spinny skirts…not sexual at all
[–]AbsolutelyRidic 7 points 23 days ago
[euphoria boners] normal things that happen if you have a peepee, aren't taking estrogen yet, and aren't constantly miserable.
[–]Pink_T-Goddess 0 points 23 days ago
Oh shut up gurl.. stop making stuff up.. I didn't experience this so called "euphoric boner" even when I haven't transitioned back then and was just starting on Estrogen... I literally have fluctuating libido but I don't get a "boner" by the sight of me looking like a very beautiful woman.. This is not a thing, you guys are just making it up to cover your fetishes... Having a fetish is not a bad thing but don't lump is in with you.. Don't treat our existence as the same as your existence...
More coping seething and coping again in the comments.
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Let's say this is possible, in a hypothetical and Reddit could police anonymous-esque accounts out of existence. Would people stop using Reddit? And maybe they had that feature the gram used to have so you can see that your friends post elsewhere. Would it be more civil? Less weirdos??
I think maybe you'd be less inclined to read some opinion of a fat. But at the same time, I've seen white girls using the n word under reels and notgaf.
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Al jazeera
a lot of dummies about to get decapitated
Hamas fanboys cope that their hero is dead
Defund the un
Israel isn't committing genocide but they should down boy
Thai cucks
American leftist Jews cope that they suck and are about to die
I'm not bothering with this one
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I had a lot enjoyment laughing at delusional nafo types, their r-slurred piggy banks in the Whitehouse an most of all because redditors love Ukraine so my morality forced me to believe the opposite.
Now that establishment is anti Ukraine and slava ukraini shitlibs
are defeated, I decided to come out in support of Ukraine and hope we give 200 billions more of our tax money
And yes I base all my political views on contrarianism
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Right off the bat, I'm American, and this is just my best guess, but I've been talking to and hearing a lot of Americans say stuff like "oh if it came to it it would be over in a day" or some stuff like that. WRONG
We. Would. Not. Be. Able. To. Stop. The. Bombings.
I don't think most Americans consider how much easier fighting a war is when you can identify your enemy by skin color and language, you guys speak English (mostly) you have basically the same demographic makeup as the US, basically what I'm saying is that you are the platonic ideal for a partisan guerilla campaign.
You can't buy KN03 in Canada because the government is worried people would make black powder with it. Americans have nothing to fear from !leafs bombing them.
I can pretty much guarantee that the first thing the Canadian military high command does is erase all records of who is in the Canadian military, hide all of their leopards, their jets, their stuff that is on par with US military tech in bunkers in the Northern Territories and destroy the fricking maps, you won't be using them for a while, but they're nice to have around if needed.
No. We haven't even destroyed the long gun registry 20 years after a court ordered it to happen.
The Canadian military will then systematically erase any identifiable signatures it has, servicemen and women will burn their ID cards, their uniforms, bury caches of small arms, explosives, anti tank weapons, anti air rockets.
Lmao no. Most CAF members have little to no real training. They don't have the ammo needed to train. Heck they got rid of post basic training! !burgers that right leafs go to basic and then "learn on the job".
This war would not look like anything the US has ever seen before in its history, this war would look like car bombs in Des Moines Iowa every day, Police Stations being shot up in every state of the Union, political assassinations.
Canadians allowed themselves to be disarmed (at least the lefties did). They don't have guns to shoot with.
/u/Grotesque_Bisque You're a moron jacking off to fantasy
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So, this is a bit late, I celebrated Thanksgiving a week early so didn't have time to play, so let's pick up where we left off.
So it's well known that, at some point, this game was planned to be a live service title. You can see a bit of that in the faction areas.
You earn rep, there are rep grinds, and unlock rep tiers, to get new items from rep merchants. Kinda like Destiny.
The Veil Jumpers want us to find their missing remembers a check in on a town that's gone dark. All your current party members (4) come with, which makes me wonder why they reduced the party size to 3 . On the way to the village the game takes the opportunity to show case 1 of the only 2 thing your party members are good for. Puzzles, kinda, will get to that later.
I'll say this about the art direction of it really does take the bite out of the mysticism and grandeur of a lot of thrse places we've only heard about in the previous games [emphasis on games]. I guess that's an inevitability when it comes to AAA soulless slop
The blighted village segment is another talkie hallway, I guess they were trying to build atmosphere here m, but the lighting is too bright and the cringe writing prevents anything from seeming eerie like blighted infestation used to be.
It ends with what a lot of people are calling a moral quandary, it's not really as rook is hard coded as good in their background, but yeah you get to choose to either free the mayor or leave him to die.
We return to the Veil Jumpers to report that the mystery neighbors have control of and are spreading the blight. Nostalgia then makes a cameo
I saw a crow flying around throughout arlathan and suspected it was her. As one would imagine, since near not a darn thing carries over from the previous games her appearance boils down to "Remember me tis I Morrigan, witch of the wilds, I'm important!"
We're nudged to return to the ritual site to find a mcguffin. At this point the skill tree is made available to me.
It creates the illusion of depth, lots of increase by 5% and all that crap, not much in the way if actual abilities and what little there are pretty underwhelming, and doesn't nothing more than scratch the enemy. I suspect this is largely due to me playing rogue. I felt all the promotional materials leading up to the game and the stylistic choices when it comes to abilities were encouraging to player to play a mage. The mage, from what I've seen, seems to have the most thought put into it as well. You get 3 mage party members in this game though so frick that.
We encounter more new darkspawn, look how they massacred my hurlock boi. At this point enemies become more spongey, particularly the Hurlocks that engage in spear chucking. The bow is this game low key kinda shit. It's like a shitty version of the Kingdoms of Amalur bow, particularly because Veilguard combat is largely dueling, like stellar blade, where as Kingdoms of Amalur is more action packed and the bow is meant to integrated into combos with other attacks, same can't be said for the Veilguard which results in one-sided sniper battles. The ranged units aren't any softer upclose either, and the game's parry system shits itselfif a ranged enemy is compelled to shoot you point blank.
After traversing the rest of the ruins we finally corner the ghoul who to Solas' mcguffin. This boss fight was kinda tedious, not a fan of bosses dipping out for a bit and summoning henchmen to distract you especially in multiple phases. After the first phase Harding pick up the mcguffin and turn into bullshit. I DID like how she girl bosses you out the way though.
This is when the game introduces the only other feature that companions are good for, combos.
This pretty much the extent of the combat usefulness of your party members, which is what I suspected would be the case when I saw the companions didn't have health bars in the gameplay reveal. I really hated this aspect about thw mass effect games, squadmates by and large just felt like dead weight compared to party members in other RPGs and you have even less control over your party in the Veilguard, and not only that their abilities are a on a global cooldown as well, so you're resigned to watching the spectacle of your party member leaping around launching impotent attacks dramatically while doing something actually worthwhile once every 60 seconds or so. Rook's abilities are fortunately not constrained in this manner, at least on the rogue.
So we beat the boss, retrieve the mcguffin get a scene with tge mystery neighbors, which I got to say, Ghilan'nain looks pretty cool. With the mcguffin in hand you now can use it to emulate any unlocked companions unique puzzle power, making them even more useless We return to the lighthouse and I decide to change my Rook's hair.
Have another conversation with Solas and then set off following leads on the mystery neighbors around Thedas this leads us to the crossroads
which is a sort of hub area between the various zones in the game. It has side content of its own, which are mostly flashbacks of Solas' rebellion against the gods
He had hair back then. These are kinda shit, narratively, so far, they do really portray the world Solas described at the end of trespasser and as of now are only focusing on the two currently free mystery neighbors and not the rest pantheon. From the crossroads we can unlock Treviso and Dock Town for now.
Treviso is
Seems they didn't completely nerf the cake in this game The Qunari military has invaded Treviso for some reason. Antiva has now standing army, just the reputation of it's infamous assassin's guild,
a reputation that's changed for the altruistic. This once pragmatic league of assassins have now take on responsibility of protecting the citizens from the qunari and disturbing le heckin' wholesome shelter and welfare.
The crows tell you of Lucanis one of their mage killers that's locked in a underwater prison. Like most underwater sections in my experience, this place kinda sucks, it's boring and tedious to navigate through (yes I'm aware it is a circle, but it's a lumpy disjointed circle. Lucanis doesn't preform any better as a melee character than the, thus far range party members I've been working with so far. The final boss of the area is the most bullet spongy enemy I fought so far and he's protected by a barrier which I'm apparently supposed to use my rubber band arrows against. After about 25 minutes of peppering this dude I finally beat him and get lucanis as a companion.
Next stopDock Town
I get Dock Town is a slum but it really doesn't live up to the hype of tevinter that the 2018 showed off with all the magical neon signs and such.
Here you help the shadow Dragons fighting off venatori and learn they can control the darkspawn courtesy of the mystery neighbors.
This mission ends in another mage boss fight, though thankfully not as bullet spongy, just henchman spamming. With these two missions complete the game opens up and let's you engage in side missions.
I decided to help out neve in Dock Town. This turned out to be another talkie hallway mission, and there's a pattern here, as all companion's first missions are like this.
Decide on ripping the bandaid off of the black character immediately, and went on the mission to recruit Davrin.
So far he's okay on his own, and I really like his interaction with shrimp fried rice, a good depiction of elves from the sane culture, but different clans and circumstances in life, for this game at least. I didn't realize however that recruiting Davrin would immediately railroad me into a major choice involving the fate of two major cities and the side quest with in them .
I spring for Neve's city and was confronted by the spongiest most bullshit boss fight thus far.
After finally chipping away at enough of this b-word's hp to trigger her retreat the gang heads back to Treviso to find it fricked up. Lucanis is surprisingly level headed about things, but leaves the party for a bit and is hardened. I'll pause her for now and hopefully pick up sometime later next week. So far the game suffers from the same slow start inquisition did, but doesn't have the mechanical depth or the filler to experience it in of that game. There are few plot hooks however the motivate me to keep on trudging along.
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I'm 28F, my husband is 32M.
Not a good start, he's a confirmed groomer.
He's always wanted kids [..] I don't express myself as super excited about it.
Stop wasting his time, b-word!
I've seen so many depressed moms who regret their decision
How many happy mothers do you reckon she's encountered that she completely discounts because she can't relate to them?
Last month was our marriage anniversary [..] he had a gift for me. I was excited. I opened the box and it was so creepy. It was a realistic doll like how a baby looks.
Even the sight of a baby upsets her. This woman is ROTTEN!
I was so creeped out, but I didn't want to ruin the night, so I just said thanked him and went to bed.
Now she's denying s*x to her husband on their anniversary because he actually got her a gift from his heart and not a Stanley cup handbag or whateverthefrick
a few days pass and last night sunday, he went out with his friends. [..] he'd be home late. [..] At 4 AM, I woke up to get ready for my shift. I went downstairs and saw him passed out on the couch. I went closer to wake him up so he wouldn't hurt his back sleeping there.
He would rather risk his back than risk waking up this harpy
Next to him was his drinks. A bottle of lube. And that silicone sticky doll. Without clothes. Placed on his private parts. He was just laying there. Passed out.
This man is so desperate to be a father he used a doll and the lube that his frigid wife needs to simulate the warmth of the child she won't provide him with, and HE'S the monster?
Disturbed. I quietly went upstairs, grabbed some clothes and left. I called in sick and checked into a hotel.
Any reason to get out an honest day's labor with these harlots
i don't know how to tell my friends or family. I'm Indian
EDIT TO THIS POST. A lot of people are asking about picture. Before leaving the house, i took a picture because i knew no one would believe me.
Now admitting to an actual crime, very good!
Or, more likely, this is a bored 20-something troll that realized getting proof made way more sense than running off, not understanding that running off with no proof is what an actual woman would do.
When you're pretending to be a woman you must heed this
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Former Prime Minster John Howard has had shoes thrown at him during an episode of the ABC’s Q and A.
— Clown Down Under 🤡 (@clowndownunder) February 20, 2025
“That is for the Iraqi dead,” the man said as he threw two shoes
A female audience member then shouted: “You’ve got blood on your hands,” before walking out pic.twitter.com/dAcy8tW2ju
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Musty video:
Exposed as a Non-FBA
Reporting to ICE and Local Police
Sick Non-FBAs are truly a detriment to our great nation.
Should have twerked better and not worn them foreign shoes, sis
Jeff raises a GOOD POINT
She's part of a Demoncrat Psy-Op to import Tethers to make true and honest FBAs look bad!
The only person trying to put a wrench in this FBA-Trump alliance is some dusty butt groyper account that's getting ignored
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Coming soon! pic.twitter.com/BETCBf4s3N
— Gunther Eagleman™ (@GuntherEagleman) February 5, 2025
— Eyal Yakoby (@EYakoby) February 5, 2025
The Trump Resort, Gaza in 2030 pic.twitter.com/8ERR1Nyiz5
— Shelley G (@ShelleyGldschmt) February 5, 2025
— Hashem (@HashemAllMighty) February 5, 2025
Thoughts? pic.twitter.com/5zn6HMLSJd
— Jews Fight Back 🇺🇸🇮🇱 (@JewsFightBack) February 5, 2025
Think bigger pic.twitter.com/vxZJpXvxEq
— Kitty Surprise (@KittySurprise1) February 5, 2025
Confetti was needed 🎉 pic.twitter.com/H5TP1H2AIE
— Caт Вee ✡︎🪶 (@CatShoshanna) February 5, 2025
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An old underground backup generator for Sweden's biggest airport. It's right outside the airport so while trying to find it I felt a bit suspicious.
This is actually inside and underground, not outdoors.
Helpful [110] Not Helpful [4]- 83
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this is the natural conclusion of diversity politics. when you elevate foids and every other demographic to positions on the basis they are foids or whatever else, people become less trustworthy.
was this woman a competent pilot? probably, but it doesn't matter - diversity politics ruined any respect she might have.
i've been reading a lot of sirpings blogs and learning a lot from him, and I think he might be a genius.
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These people have always talked the talk on why guns are needed to protect against tyranny, so now that we have clear proto-tyranny brewing at the highest levels of the US executive branch their trigger fingers should be itching.
And yet we haven't even heard a peep from these people. Curious, as some might say...
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