
Patient presents with severe anemia pulse Ox 89%, neutropenia and possible pancytopenia upon blood work. Final diagnosis was stage 4 bladder cancer so how did we end up at that diagnosis?


69 y/o male presents after multiple bruises and bone pain, neuropathy and paraprotein general screening. Further testing showed non IgM paraprotein. There are only 2 diagnoses that makes sense so start asking questions for this very obvious guided answer.

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Figured I'd help out last second and fly back to California. Flight connection got cancelled so offered to do telehealth but said I'd be a couple hours late and have to cancel some appointments. Apparently the response is cancel 5 more appointments and just be a peepee to somebody with privileges trying to help out? We didn't even agree on payment outside of the flight they got fully refunded for. I know we're not exactly on good terms given I've fired their best friend, hated her and responded negatively to her getting the job behind her back but she reached out to me and shit just didn't work out. Life happens sometimes.


!actualbiofoids !pinggrouplovers !male feminists

Rashmika being cute
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  • ChristoffWChanderson : "Garry admitting he's an alcoholic" is the only truth he ever says
  • Garry_chess_banevasion : Have I ever disagreed that I was an alcoholic outside of periods where I tried to not be one?
Thursday night drunk thread

Boyfriend is sadly still a wage slave and has to go out of town for the next week tomorrow morning. Figured we may as well get drinks but forgot how much he doesn't want to do this. I'm 3 beers in and he's shit faced drunk on tequila shots. Already passed him off to a friend that lives next to the airport so hopefully he sobers up but wouldn't mind him being β€˜sick' and we can just chill/frick this week.

It's over for LAcel Lebroncels

The Denvchad Nugchads let them have a lead to be sporting but it wasn't enough. It's over for calicels and Lebroncel traitorcels.

need crypto to pay my child support






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One thing you need to know about Lucifer, is that he likes to be treated as an equal. I hear people all the time use the title "Lord Lucifer", I get the sense that he really hates it.

Lucifer is a spirit that doesn't want or need worship, when he works with someone, he wants you to work with him and view him as an equal. His whole thing on what he teaches is respect and love in yourself, trust in yourself, being able to be free, of body and thought. He's my teacher, my mentor and my friend. He doesn't want worship, he to work with people on an equal level.

His whole sin having been pride thing, and because he was proud then he's not able to be free of redemption is just so ludicrous to me after working and building a relationship with him because he wants you to view and treat you as an equal and come to realize that the God within yourself is the God that is most deserving of worship.

John 10:34

Higher spirituality and discovering the truth about the world, requires you to question. The God within ourselves desires and craves freedom, and there is no greater slavery than slavery of thought and mind. A religion or a God that doesn't let you question, explore or discover the truth about life, death, the universe, or yourself, is a religion that is keeping you in chains. It's been over 2000 years and do you know why there has never been another prophet?

Because to speak for God, you have to comprehend God, to realize God, you have to understand God, to comprehend God, you need to look outside your preconceived notions of what God is because God is infinite and can't be fit into some kind of categorization. God is beyond words, speech, language, you can use words and symbolism to try to portray some aspects or a part of God, but it's like the parable with the blind men touching the elephant. It's only a small part of the infinite.

God is love. God is light. God is pressure. God is being (,I%20am%20the%20Existing%20One%22), God is consciousness. God is unconsciousness. God is one. God is many. God is me.

To find, explore and understand God is to look within and understand yourself.

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  • FreedomforIsrael : Groomercord user
  • X : Rule 4
  • DaddyReagan : groomercord posting
  • JollyJihad : Join our groomercord server and get AIDS and -ACK
  • UncleAbortion : Wow it is so much better than the website! No annoying losers!
  • King_K_Rool : :sharkymegalodon: #FreeGrue
  • collectijism : Stupid link banned me. I hate this website. I can't wait to tell the fbi I
  • Rankine_911 : this is entrapment :marseyglow2:
  • IanMurdock : Where is my badge?!
  • Konggles : I forgot what I'm reporting but i know there's some type of misia going on here I can feel it
Join our official groomercord server and get an exclusive badge

trans lives matter

Weekly Anime Post 139

Rewatched season 1 and 2 of classroom of the elite this week, and started season 3. Seems fine so far, more of the same mostly.

Apart from that, didnt watch anything.


@Aevann pin pls

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You know it's true, strags

@Picos_ice_cream stand with Israel... until @Picos_ice_cream's chudding ends!

Ghost :marseyhesboo3: test

Here we go..

Eat AI slop, shit AI slop

If only I could be Vice President for life.


I still don't know, you know

how far you've tracked my scent

and who you've told of this extent

if not here?

more for later, though

there's less that's good in these

and I shall take it as a sign

to withdraw

and leave the masks, all of them,

to whispers

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Tony Khan makes a normal comparison


dubbalos, are you embarassed by this r-slur?

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