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  • oppie : First and foremost, God*
  • DickButtKiss : Split the difference and get sucked off instead !fellas
so god help me

for some reason i loaded up on credits this semester and now i have to pay the consequences. i have literally no time for anything, ive just been doing assignment after assignment. so i have no time to shitpost on rdrama.

BUT the pros of being back at college, last night i stayed up late working with this girl on hw, she has been dropping not-subtle-at-all hints saying that she thought i was hot, well last night she finally just said that she would frick me :marseywould: she is quite attractive and i wouldn't mind, but im worried about how this might affect my relationship between us and me and my bf. so the question is should i or should i not?

also before anyone comments, she is bisexual. in fact one of the "hints" she dropped was that when i was feeling dysphoric, she told me that she saw me as a WOMAN, more specifically a HOT WOMAN. But i need to figure out how to bring this up to my bf. Another issue is, when the frick will i find the time for this...

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Cats are pets for aging childless women and absolutely no one else

What the frick is the point of owning a cat

Ah haha you're so cute for the 40 minutes a day when you're simultaneously awake and in my line of sight and I bet you're even cuter during the other 6 hours you're awake awww πŸ₯°

They literally exist (outside of farms) entirely to serve as surrogate children for women or to take pictures of to pretend to bond with other childless women over the internet

There is no reason for a moid to own a cat at all and crossdressing would be less feminine behavior and offer far more entertainment

Your cats are stupid and boring and serve no purpose and you should feel bad about yourself.

Cope below ⬇️

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my prices are higher! go and order u slave

click on the play button if u want my voice

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I am LITERALLY going to kill myself unless you upmarsey this post

i need coins, if you could gift me everything you have that would also be appreciated

everybody who doesn't upmarsey this post will be in my suicide note, that means if this post doesn't get 25000 upmarseys my suicide note will be miles long and kill dozens of trees from the paper that needs to be made for it

also ask me anything i guess !cuteandvalid !metashit

i will upmarsey anybody who replies as well thank you thank you

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Um. Can someone keep me chained up for a couple of days?

No s*x or nudity, and you can just ignore me except when you're feeding me.


Reported by:
  • johnnypoop : Least horny homosexual post
  • KILL_EVERYONE : literal turds DO NOT OPEN
  • Lv73_Slime : gay shit
  • Healthy : Not opening that thread but let me guess, at least one american has drawn comparison to BBC?
  • Shill : cute twink
  • FoidBlaster : I didn't open, b-word. :marseysunglasseson:
  • soapysoapy : if i don't win i'm going to shit all your pants
  • kaamrev : Degeneracy
  • MISANDRY : Adolf Hitler if you can hear me - hit this guy's house with an asteroid
  • TheOverSeether : A cute twink having a scat fetish??? :marseyshook:
It's a fricking beautiful Monday evening. LET'S LOOK AT SHIT [Bowel Movement Beauty Contest Voting Thread]

I really should just make these contests weekend-to-weekend because I don't do shit on weekdays and I GOT A fricking COLD so I was fricking practicing self-care by watching Netflix for four days (Dead Boy Detectives is SO fricking cute omg gais).

The fricking turnout for this bowel movement contest was a fricking lot greater than the fricking last one so I am going to assume you're all either BROKE or just more FULL OF SHIT than usual. Entries are fricking below. They are fricking submitted in no specific order and without usernames so as to avoid fecal matter related NEPOTISM (though you can just go look because they're all like THERE).


If I forgot your shit and you are fricking all upset about it please DM me with a fricking link and I'll add it in and provide a'lil something as an apology.


Winner will be fricking gifted 20kMB.

Second runner up will be fricking gifted 10kMB

A fricking third prize of 5KMB will be fricking granted to who I believe had the fricking most interesting and artistic shit. This award is fricking entirely at my discretion.

All participants will be fricking granted entrance to the fricking extremely exclusive !shitheads ping group.

All participants will be fricking granted this very ugly badge:



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The origins of rightoid bothsiderism

Many of you might have noticed a fairly standard rightoid tactic when backed into a corner, confronted with a tough reality is to simply declare "both sides" or something similar, without ever actually presenting those examples. When they do present them almost invariably they are wildly disparate events with no connection to each other.

This might seem like random rightoid coping, but it's actually an engineered response woven into the fabric of American society by conservatives.

The cons understand a few truths dems do not:

A) Americans love the perception of being politically independent.

B) Americans are fricking r-slurred.

"But both sides" serves a few important roles.

  1. it allows idiots to elevate themselves and feel special by creating the illusion of independent thought.

  2. it allows republicans to get away with the

Indefensible because the idiots from 1) will never apply any deep thought to these events.

it removes the need for substantive discussion at all. It allows the poorly informed to engage in performative political discussion in which everything is the exact same, and therefore the consequences of their political ignorance no longer exist.

"But both sides" has been carefully cultivated by conservative politicians. It's the perfect weapon, second only to "voting doesn't matter" which is heavily aided by both siderism.

Everything Everywhere all at Once is the only good A24 movie

The Whale - TLC show but moody

The Flordia Project - TLC show but tropical

This shit sucks. Have A24 made anything of the same quality of everything everywhere?

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new toss

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I love sissies so much it's unreal
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Do you like skinny, dainty ladies? If so consider joining the !petitelovers ping group today!

Post your favorite petite women ITT, 2D welcome 3D tolerated



EDIT: an hour later of making this post my boss called me into his office and told me the company is downsizing and I am getting booted. I think God is punishing me for making this thread


Ideas? I say we doxx him and then show up at his place with cacti to repeatedly shove up his butt

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Rebzyyx - I'm so crazy for youuu ᐸ/3

Continuing our daily SCENECORE series, today we are showcasing REBZYYX

He(?) has a lot of really good tracks so you can expect to see him again in the coming days


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I have also been convinced

Wrote rdrama on my tits, @A wheres my 50k marseybux? !nooticers


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Meet Tabby - Marsey's new up and coming replacement!

Like all of you, I love Marsey. He's such a cute little monster! He's adorned our pages through thick and thin, summer and winter. Marsey has had a good run, and it's time for something fresh!

^^^^^^^ Look at how cool he is! ^^^^^^

I've brought something to the table which is cuter, COOLER, kinder, more lean, more mean, and overall has more street cred than our previous esteemed fluffy furline. But don't worry, I've kept all your favourite Marsey features, including the colours and striped pattern we all know and love.

Meet Tabby!

My present to the rdrama community, gift wrapped and just waiting to be cuddled.

I took cues and inspiration from the artists at Reddit who developed snoo, and also to give him a more modern look. Tabby is a nicer more cat-like name too I hope you agree! I understand that many of you have put a lot of hard work into creating Marsey emojis. That's good! But we can start afresh. There's many tabby emojis that are itching to be created, but to save you some work, here are a few to start off with!


Using a jew newspaper to prove that even the biased jewish chads have to admit what's happening.

Asking isn'treali devils who Jesus was.

@911roofer is not a christian. Leave the ping group you satanic witch cute twink fricker or I will kill your family in minecraft.

Jews killed Jesus. You support jews you aren't Christian. Simple as that.

Wedding parable read it to understand why God chose the gentiles after the Jews betrayed him.

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KITTEH SLEEPING :marseysleep: :marseymarseylove: :marseyatsume: :marseysitting:

!r-slurs !lgbt !gayporn

@Bruhfunny_Thrall should be banned

his posts suck and we'd lose nothing from banning him.


Think like a doctor # just got into my main account

I'll be upfront in stating I have 0 expectations of anybody getting this correct.

Patient presents with right ulnar pain and leaves with a diagnosis of neuropathy and acute leukemia. What transpired to get to this point?

Please STOP upvoting bimothy

He doesn't contribute anything, he seriousposts r-slurred rightwing shit, and his gimmick is r-slurred even for reddit level shit.

I'm so fricking tired of it.

Reported by:
  • Arran : attention seeking NlGGER
I relapsed with self-harming

The fricking cwowld metwl slid owor my skin like silk sliding :marseyslipperyslope: dwown a fricking banyister. It dwoesn't take much pwessure wen u have a fricking sharp :marseybackstabsjw: razwor. Bwood came pwouring immediatewy. That's a fricking gwood sign - the fricking deep cuts are fricking bwight white :marseypolarbear: and take a fricking minyute two start bleeding. I am onye with the fricking pain because I deserve it fwor being worthless and a fricking piece of shit and a fricking bad perswon.

Am I bwoken that my mind cwonstantwy instwucts mwe two self-mutilate, b-word? It feels :marseyvapecrying: like there's a fricking gwoblin in my head (the Gwueswome Gwoblin) cwonstantwy egging mwe on two dwo the fricking nyeedfwl and start slicing. Can anyonye relate, b-word? I knyow I'm gwoing two dwo it again twomworwow and it's gwoing two be wose. The fricking cycle's begun again.

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God I fricking hate being told what to do

I can literally do all of my work from anywhere and they're telling me to be in the office. Fricking wish I retired and did this favor during covid because then I could've just done it while taking a shit given it takes just reading stuff. Now they want me to be present when my only plans for the week involve being a disgusting fatty degenerate.

Reported by:
  • 89wc : sage
  • mogus : you're not allowed to tell if you saged a post :soyjakcobson:

I have also upmarseyd one (1) good post and one (1) good comment.

Think like a doctor # Easy as frick results

Seriously how did nobody get that it was AMLM3 or APL. literally specified promyelocytes and a capital M so it's just a given at that point it's an AML sub classification. Without even knowing that, I mentioned that I was called in to biopsy the patient and we only do that for high risk patients so that should narrow it down to a dozen Dx's.

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It's all cool and shit but he misses a tiny detail

The important places are under Russian control so by this guy logic Ukraine needs to push Russia out and now that's impossible

Only Redditors can create fantasies about Russian running away from Crimea.

Even Zelenskyy is not delusional about capturing Donbas and was aiming at Crimea (also stupid idea since Russia just will use nukes to protect this). Donetsk is like giga fortress at this point it's like mega Avdiivka and it took Russian over 100k soldiers to take it so to take Donetsk Ukraine would need millions soldiers and it just ain't going to happen

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