The Mew york times is now a racist newspaper for racists

We are so back

Some social skills tips I recently learned

Note: I am not responsible if some of these statements turn out to be incorrect, but as far as I am aware in my limited experience they are correct.

1. Improve eye contact. Remember to blink.

2. If male try to be fit

3. Stand straight and don't slouch your shoulders inwards

4. Keep your head up at all times unless you are watching out your steps on the road or checking your phone.

5. Practice your resting poker face. It helps you be in better control of what emotions you are displaying when with your face.

6. When speaking with someone, do so as an exercise in learning more about them without seeming like you are intruding upon them. Ask them things like how did something make them feel, or what they think about something they mentioned, or more follow up details on something they said.

7. Look for common ground. You don't need to agree to enjoy things that you don't enjoy, although being aware of generic things helps, like the newest movie that everybody cares about, or the newest famous song, or tv show, or tourist spot, or sport, etc. Sometimes common ground can be as simple as relating the ability to feel similar emotions even if its for different things. For example - if somebody mentions they like some specific song, you ask them how it makes them feel, then whatever feeling they mention, you mention back the closest thing you know of that makes you feel the same thing.

8. Zoom in/ zoom out perspective - Basically this is about where the other person is on the spectrum in terms of whether they care more about details/ specifics of an event, or about the more general idea. For example - somebody asks you how was your day? If you are details oriented you tell them all the things that you did in your day, woke up, had an argument, played some games, etc etc. If you are an ideas guy you might answer it was good and satisfying. Figure out where the other person is on the spectrum and try to align your own descriptions closer to a similar level of detail. You can still have your own interests.

I hope this list helps you out if your social skills are not up to par, and if you think you are low on social skills I recommend practicing and looking out for more information on social skills online and applying it and learning from the experience.

Think of it like any other skill that can be leveled up with experience and a focused mind until its like second nature.

Note: First work on not looking uncomfortable/ untrustworthy/ creepy/ extremely dirty, then work your way up to being interesting.

Hope this helps. Take care. Good luck.

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RIP to Cheese Nips :marseycheesehead:

I just drove to the 7/11 like an hour ago at 3am to buy hard seltzers bc I'm a faggot and there's like 10 different flavors of cheez-its they sell now and that's only at the 7/11, the grocery store aisle must be wild, I don't eat or buy crackers on the regular so I wouldnt know. I know lay's chips has a bunch of wild flavors now though through parties and get togethers. Reminded me that cheese nips used to be a big competitor, but aren't around any more. i used to munch :catmunch: cheese nips :marseycheesehead: after school as a child

RariTay (This was the least horrific way to do this one.)
Weekly “what are you reading” Thread # 18 :marseyreading:

To discuss your weekly readings of books, textbooks and papers.

I'm halfway through “The Remains of the Day”, chapter 4 to be more accurate. I watched the movie based on the book years ago and despite the good performances it doesn't do much justice to the story. The international conference in the book takes place in 1923, not in 1936 like in the movie and that makes Lord Darlington a more sympathetic character, at least until now, plus the American politician in the book is a complete butthole unlike the reasonable Christopher Reeves character in the movie, Darlington makes fair points about the Treaty of Versailles but I can see him turning to “appeasement” politics later on after the rise of nazism. Stevens is much more sensible character in the book as well to the point of being on the verge of tears during the conference dinner knowing his father was on his deathbed.



thanks snally!

Why and how it's a detriment to society as a whole

Someone on giphy accidentally made a Marsey Cinderella -- Marseyrella

🎶 imagine me and you, and you and me 🎵
Post ur most SECRET marsey



I seriously don't get the issue people have with a person being able to write with their left hand. I get being annoyed if I did it commonly because my handwriting is shit and can pretty much only be read by me but it was just for my personal notes. When I go back tomorrow I'm only using my left hand.

I managed to wake up really early!

Turns out if you sleep in complete dark it gives you hours of improvement in your sleep schedule. Who could have known!

My will to life also increased with the start of the new year so I have things to wake up for now and look forward to doing.

How your day is going well too.

Good luck.

Pancake saga I consider myself a competent chef, if you give me a recipe there's a high chance I can make whatever it is although it may not be the best you've ever had. I've made pancakes before too, to varying degrees of success. The really bad ones coming from when I was 12 or so.

Anyways I had to actually make something tonight and settled on pancakes bc we are low on ingredients and they're easy. I was looking for my mom's recipe but I couldn't find it but it's a modified online recipe to begin with so I just looked up “pancake recipe” and made those with the add ons I could remember.

Everything was going fine until it came to add the splash of vanilla and whoops…it was a new bottle and I added like a table spoon. I was a bit worried because I could smell the vanilla from across the kitchen which was worrying but I didn't have enough milk to remake them so I carried on. Even though I followed the recipe the batter ended up way to sticky so I just added milk until the texture seemed normal.

Firing up the griddle I really thought I was gonna be hit with the terrible smell of biting vanilla or something but no it was all good. It kinda smelled like the waffles from Waffle House weirdly. When the first pancake was done I tried it and it was edible!

As for how they taste, with syrup they taste like normal pancakes but when you don't add syrup they taste weirdly like you're eating a baozi with no filling. This is a good thing though because I love baozi so weirdly enough this was a bigger success than intended? Idk why they taste like bao bc all the recipes I could find for bao have very little in common with my pancakes. @X sorry to bother you but you're also the only Asian person I know on this site so maybe you have some insight?

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