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I'm not mad at the girlfriend.

I am mad at the friends. Why in the frick would they ever tell you that?

Of COURSE it's going to ruin the relationship that they claimed they were so happy about for your girlfriend.

(-17)so they shouldve kept their mouth shut and let her bf not know that 3 mexicoo amigos fricked her?

Oh no. A woman had s*x. Call the cops.

:marseysoylentgrin: It's just normal s*x chud

(-26)It's very good they told him, he deserves to know who she is.

…who is she?

She didn't cheat. She didn't even know him yet.

There's also a very serious question of consent here. She was drunk and high and, in her own words, “feels taken advantage of.”

She didn't cheat and actually she probably got r*ped anyway :smugtranstwitter:

If you can't respect her, don't be with her. Also funny how people think it is so awful that someone had s*x with multiple people at once but separately that would be a small "body count." Oh yeah, obviously having s*x with 3 people is so much bigger deal than having s*x with 3 people.

:marseyshapiro: these things are logically the same

Hey man. You chose to date someone 3 years older than you.

I'm sure that you got into this relationship understanding that she have more life experiences than you. This is part of the package.

MMMF foursomes are just part and parcel of being a 21 year old woman these days.

Plenty of people do things they later regret, especially when alcohol and drugs are involved.

I honestly don't get how you're “less of a man” because your gf wanted to take things slower with you because she wanted a relationship to develop as opposed to just shagging a virgin asap. I can only assume it's your age and lack of experience making you come to this conclusion.

It's not remotely a red flag.

Only an inexperienced 18 year old could possibly care about this. Also some seethe under this comment, not gonna post all of it.

Bottom comment:

Well if she doesn't want to be seen as a wh**** she shouldn't be acting like one in the first place.

She is not serious relationship material, her friends are probably also this kind of girls if not even worse so imagine they go on some girls night out/trip.

If you have some self respect don't be with gang bang girl, she might be good for fun but investing your commitment and time into her is just a waste and you will regret it in the future.

Give the girl who told you truth about your GF flowers or some good wine as thank you gift. You have no idea how lucky you are you learned this.

You sound like a misogynist.



There's a difference, I think. Men fantasize, hookup and masturbate about these whores, but they would never be exclusive or date these types of women seriously. The majority of men want their women to be more on the reserved side, while also being “their whore” only when it comes to the bedroom

So guys want to frick girls who frick everyone, but want to date girls who don't frick everyone, but frick like they frick everyone?

Make this make sense.


Men don't make sense. It's ridiculous. I don't even think men really like women.

Many women do similar things. Flings with guys they know aren't good for them, but settle down with a man who is marriage and father material.

Ok… this isn't talking about women

least fragile reddit foid


OP Interesting, but then why do they want women to look like these “whores” if they would never date or marry them?

this smells like :marseychonkerfoid:

Your looks aren't determined by your sexual activity.

Pornstars either have naturally good bodies or have worked on them, usually a combination of both. And that work is usually eating right and working out, you don't get more attractive by being fricked.

Men want to be reserved with their partner in public and get wild in the bedroom. When I'm in a bedroom mood, I may think about watching porn. When I'm not, I'm fantasising about the cute girl I saw in a bookshop or I see a young couple with a kid and I'm daydreaming about when I'm a father and husband.

OP And most men want women with good bodies, so I believe you guys do like the look of pornstars.

100% a fattie :#marseychonkerfoid:

Women also desire guys with good bodies. Porn didn't invent that.

Make a post about it. I'm talking about men.

:!#marseylaugh: :#marseychonkerfoid:

absolutely seething

Who hates whores, they make the world go around. If someone is so concerned with their partners purity needs therapy.

totally not a therapist is search of clients :#marseyfreud:

This thread just made me hate men. You guys are hypocrites and losers


this thread is why i laugh at the male suicide rate

house edgy member :#shadowrage:

You are a psycho

of course you're not gonna say this to the males being objectifying, misogynistic degenerates in these comments. i've read comments from males IN THIS THREAD saying that "whores need to know their place in the world" and "should learn to drop to their knees if a man says so" so yeah i'll continue laughing my pyscho butt off

Go outside and get help. You're hurt.

OP Stating an opinion means she needs help and she's hurt? Who hurt her since you know.

OP quickly jumping to the defense of her fellow hoes

Why do women love stories where the woman cheats on her boyfriend/fiance but hate cheating themselves? The notebook, Titanic

OP Make a post about that if it upsets you. This is a different topic.


after not receiving an echo chamber response, the fat foid runs to the twoX hugbox

OF and web cam model here, when I first started it amazed me how many men would criticize Onlyfans and adult site streamers publicly , only to be on my DMS asking for freebies. Bunch of hypocrites.

I never understood this myself. Having dated OF models and the odd lapdancer in the past, I always just viewed it as "it's their chosen job and deserves the same respect as the any other job because at least they working for their money".

please ladies, just a crumb of coochie


The Madonna/Whore complex remains sadly true for many guys. Women are either s*x toys or saintly wives you choose to have your children. They lust after the women they would never have a relationship with openly because they view s*x (especially the type of s*x they are interested in) as fundamentally degrading to a woman. At the same time they find it hard to maintain romantic relationships because they expect the wife/girlfriend to be perfectly angelic and pure. Even if she is a virgin he might get annoyed if she becomes too sexually demanding. S*x and love are split for these men and no one woman can ever really receive both because of their weird view of s*x and love as being incompatible.

this is just "alpha fux, beta bux" foid edition


Is that American thing? I wouldn't even think about relationship with a woman who were virgin, "pure" or not sexually active.

rent free :#marseysaluteusa:

I think for many men, there is a distinction between attraction/sexual gratification and dating/relationships. They will fantasize over, masturbate to, and empty their pockets for any woman who will meet their sexual need.

But most will not want a long-term relationship with one of these women because they won't see them as “wife material”. I also find many men who do date these women end up being incredibly insecure in the relationship and can't handle having their partner be sexual objects for other men. Very much a “not in my backyard” kind of situation.

>can't handle having their partner be sexual objects for other men.

isn't that just a commited relationship, aka the majority of relationships?


Shockingly, misogynists' seething hatred for half the population of the world is not particularly rational.

>hatred for half the population

so all women are whores? :#marseyquestion:




and others.

see more in the thread


Cw: discussion about weight

I am so tired of these dudes who have a complete meltdown if their partner gains some weight.

They will fall all over themselves to say how wonderful and amazing and great personality and whatever that their significant other has but magically they are not attracted to them anymore because they got a tiny bit heavier? Reading stories like this about them trying to force the woman to diet, exercise with them, etc. The sad thing is the sheer number of people that will agree with this guy and guys like him, other women included.

Example: Dude told his girlfriend that she was too fat and that's why he won't sleep with her, causing her to have a complete breakdown and crying for days. People thought this was somehow acceptable behavior because it was "honest". Kept saying stuff like "required for my attraction" when talking about weight. Kept saying how weight like this "isn't acceptable" in his country. He wants a family (?) with this girl too. Where does he think get weight will go then? (ETA he said she was already overweight when they met btw)

I'm just flabbergasted. People even compared it to being trans and transitioning. The fatphobic comments were terrible.

ETA: the men trolling this post is hilarious. Even got some DMs. Get a life please lol

ETA2: I live for the men's comments on this thread, you're also trash fyi 😚

the post she's talking about is this one. i made a post about it here. please upmarsey :marseybegging:

Had an ex beg me to go on birth control because ew condoms, and when it made me gain weight and break out (which I told him it would), he started making snide comments. Meanwhile, he was laying there with a jelly belly and nearing flabby arms. 🤢

>body shaming is bad, you fat scrote


I found the post and he says that she's been overweight for their entire relationships, and that he's always found thinner women attractive. So, why did he start dating her?

Because he's probably ugly, stupid, toxic and broke and nobody else fell for his bullshit


I read that post, too. It was pretty terrible. I hope she dumps him and finds someone who genuinely appreciates her.

These guys always pretend it's about bEiNG hEALthY when it's really about what they find frickable. They never complain about anorectic celebs or models.

Yeah there's no way they'd care as much if they were dating or screwing someone who was so ill they couldn't eat or so ill from not eating. It's fine for women to be weak or small or barely exist. Anything else is intimidating or gross to some of these creeps

In the thread she even offered to go work out but because their schedules are different he won't change his schedule to go work out with her at all. He wants everything but puts in nothing

>he wants everything

everything means her not being 20kg(44 pounds for :marseymutt2:) overweight

:#marseyobesescale: :#marseylaugh:

A lot of men date women to have a body not a partner. It's why I've sidelined dating them. I'd rather have my own life and own things going for me than be at the mercy of someone so…flippant


I don't know why, but I've seen some men who say these things and I always think “what do you think you look like?” I remember seeing on TV a man saying his ideal is Jennifer Aniston but he himself looks below average at best.

Having a preference is fine but their lies about “health” is so stupid. Just admit you want eye candy and let the woman go so she can stop wasting her time. In the mean time, maybe these men should go to the gym themselves and achieve the physique they think they deserve.

The dude said in his thread that he grew up being overweight and so because of that he spent his adulthood getting in shape. So to me it seems really weird that he would date a girl that is not to his level of fitness? Just don't lead this girl on ffs. If you really want to date someone who's going to be as fit as you go find that person. Also makes me think he's probably not as fit as he claims to be anyway.

she put on 20 kilograms. if anything she lead him on :#marseywomanmoment2:

Ya, I've seen many of them and most do not live up to their own standards even lol. It's why I wonder wtf they see in the mirror. Maybe he thought he could change her - her personality and everything else is up to standard so now he just has to fix weight by getting her to lose it so physically she'll meet his ideal too. Either way, she can find someone who'll treat her better and I hope she leaves.

yes, dump the boyfriend that actually cares for her well being. this will surely be a good move in the long term :#marseyagreefast:

These are just the guys not to take too seriously, nothing long term and certainly no pregnancy. They won't be able to handle it.

He was talking about having kids with her and I'm like bro what do you think is going to happen?

Men really don't understand how much pregnancy changes a woman's body and that it isn't just eat less and you can keep the weight off. They really don't understand how hormones work.

They totally think they're going to marry the unicorn woman who's going to bounce right back after each and every kid. Omg it makes me so sad when I read about a husband who is no longer attracted to his wife after she birthed all his stupid kids.

and when a woman loses her pregnancy weight they'll blame genetics or some other bullshit reason.

:#marseyradfem: :#marseycope:

Least entitled zoomer foid

Many :marseynooticeglow: the fact that this is basically just a "no males allowed" sign and how the vast majority of :marseytransattentionseeker: "enbies" are women.


She's nuked all her socials already.

Bar's TikTok:

Reddit discussions:


Looks like it got Zucced but here’s the original story


This bait is :marseychefkiss:, just read the thread yourselves.

Best subthread: misandry does real


Maybe I should have been more tactful or understanding. But I wasn't. And I don't feel particularly bad about it. I knew that dating again after my LTR would be challenging, but I didn't expect to hear these pathetic, rehearsed routines that sound like a testosterone-deficient AI chatbot.

I've known this guy slightly for several years. We're in sort of adjacent friend groups, and he's nice-looking in a way that isn't too intimidating. He seemed like a safe, friendly option...right up until he immediately started babbling about wanting children, fishing, his "values," family, babies, and fishing. Also fishing. I mentioned that I didn't have any children, and his response was: "Well, you could if you wanted to...right? Like, there's nothing physically stopping you...?"

My response (see post title) didn't even phase him, and I just quietly filed him away as someone I had to tolerate until I could somehow excuse myself. Which I did with all haste.

There is nothing—literally nothing—that kills attraction faster than opening a date with a recruiting pitch for a woman's uterus. You want to have a family? That's nice. I want a new inkjet printer and an electric car that doesn't need to recharge.

What really grinds my gears is that I KNOW there's some grimy "dating coach" out there, as usual, who's telling men that talking about babies makes our ovaries light up like Christmas trees for first-date s*x. It's insulting, and I'd almost rather a guy respectfully ask for s*x on a first date. I really, really hope it gets better than this.

CONTEXT: I'm 24. We walked on the beach for 30-40 minutes in a public place.


Asking if you want kids someday is fine. Asking if your uterus is in good working order is not.

If he wants kids and you don't it's best to find out quickly so you can part ways and find partners whose wants align with yours.

it's better to waste time :#marseyagree:


That being said, doing it on the first date is a bit too fast I think. Wait until 2nd or 3rd at least.

Nah huge waste of time if you ask me.

Like sure at OP's age you can but I'm 39 - if I want kids I'm not waiting to find out if a guy I'm dating is open to kids or not - I'm finding out right now

based foid :#marseywallpat:

There probably IS some lunatic dating coach giving that advice.

But I think it's fair to ask about kids since it's a question that's usually asked on dating apps, but I guess he could have said it in a less... weird way. It's a deal breaker for a lot of people. For the record, I'm woman that doesn't want kids.

but when you say you don't want kids on the first date, it's empowering :#marseysuffragette:

I mean, are we mad that he let you know before the first date was over that he wasn't worth any more time? Or should he have waited until many dates in when y'all are liking spending all this time together with this person who doesn't bring up anything controversial (yet) then realize you could've been out finding someone better suited for you?

Absolutely the way he said thing was weird AF, but I'd be absolutely grateful I found out right away. If I didn't want kids, I'd say “that's awesome for you. I actually don't want kids so this probably won't work out” If I do want kids, maybe I'd say “cool. I'd like to have kids of my own someone too, but it's also important to me that my future partner be there to take an equal part in raising them (ie not be gone fishin all the time). Or if I don't know if I want kids yet, “That's great you already know that. I'm not sure if I do or don't.” Or “I haven't even put any thought into that yet at this point but it sounds like you're absolutely sure so maybe this isn't meant to be”. Either way, see ya never ✌️


Mmm.. Red flag. Seems he does not really want to get to know you …just sizing up your breeding abilities. Is he rw fundie? That would fit.

the obligatory blaming the rightwingers comment


20 somethings start off with kids? I thought that was 30s - 40s age group. Anytime a guy has asked even coworkers I am honest. Sadly probably not in the cards for me due to health issues and my constant hormone imbalances with hashimotos. Yes I am very aware it could happen but statistically given I am on the asexual spectrum highly unlikely. 24 girl you got plenty of fishes in the sea 😜.


Trans lesbian here. I'm not old enough to be thinking about children, but if I were I don't think I'd be asking my girlfriend about kids on the first date?? Like that's so weird. I'd want to be in a committed long term relationship with someone I know I'm compatible personality-wise with before I even START that conversation. Like get to know the person first, you want kids this badly but you don't care about making sure the mother of your children is someone you know, love, and trust? Even if you've known them for years, I think it would still be prudent to make sure you work as a couple first, no? This is so strange to me.

>Trans lesbian here. I'm not old enough to be thinking about children



Oh boy, another thread about body count :marseydeadhorse:

Just don't mislead him if he asks just be truthful.

He's never asked but I've told him that it's a lot more than his

Is he aware of the threesomes?



Check your misogyny omg. He doesn't owe him details on her sexual past wtf, apart from STI status everything else is irrelevant


You truly found a unicorn, you better hold on to him and treat him good because 90% of guys would have an issue with that.

In my experience 90% is way overshooting. I'd say more 20% of guys would have an issue and the rest won't care. You have to realize that the real world isn't Reddit or the comment section of a Fresh & Fit video. Most people have more important things they care about in a relationship and in life.


the western world. Almost anywhere else, it's a big deal

Right now, yeah. But the whole world is becoming more modern as we speak.

least delusional foid :#marseyfoidretard:

Never in my real life has this come up, but it the idea that people care about this sort of thing seems to live on Reddit


I guess he's not insecure because he knows he's good

Not every guy is Adam 22. Don't think it can be chalked up to being secure/ insecure. If a man has a problem with how much you slept around it's probably because you're more or less a ho. And not some “small peepee energy” of being insecure

this exchange caused someone to post it on /r/NotHowGirlsWork


Just unsubbed. Why is it I've never actually met any of these supposed men who hold body count in such esteem? Perhaps I'm just mad because if she's a 'ho' for 20 people (her pure chaste Chad knight has only slept with 2 including her) then I'm a whoreasaurus rex lol

>if she's a 'ho' for 20 people then I'm a whoreasaurus rex lol

what an unbelievable twist :#marseymindblown:

I almost wish I was looking to date again so I could ask a guy his "body count" and then act repulsed when it's above 10 or so 🤣

In the name of a friend being "slut shamed", I went on a date with the man who shamed her. He said he "picked me because I was more chase". I worked "So what's your number" into the conversation. He started to brag about experience, how his number is huge because he likes to "teach girls". I made a big dramatic scene out of dry heaving and saying "that's so disgusting!". He was absolutely stunned in shock.

I turned to a table with some older women and said "He said he slept with so many girls and most of them were virgins!" The oldest lady called him a "Babylon whore", lectured him on being away from God and shaming his family with his promiscuity and low morals. He looked like he was having an out of body experience from shock and disbelief.

For once it wasn't a woman. Sweet justice.😄

:#marseylaugh: funny, but i doubt it actually happened

My husband has never asked for an exact number because he doesn't care. He knows it's “a lot” and he knows that it doesn't affect a. the size of my vag and/or labia, b. my ability to be faithful, or c. my DNA.

Bingo! Majority of us don't care and know it doesn't really affect anything.

woah, ladies one at a time :#marseypolyamory:

Of course OOP's comment relating to not being misogynistic on a thread in a mainstream subreddit gets downmarseyd

because why wouldn't it

>not the hecking reddit karma


I've met some of them and trust me, you don't want them.

I'm in my late 30s and polyamorous but sexually inexperienced when it comes to number of partners. And sometimes that comes up with some dude I'm talking to and some of them... Their interest increases so much it's disgusting. Like, they see me as having higher "value" and they see their own chance to potentially "lower" that "value" by a lot since there is still "so much left".

Absolutely vomit inducing. Sadly, though, I might not ever have noticed if I hadn't given them reason to drool like that, because they sure as heck wouldn't have turned me down no matter that pointless number. They just wouldn't respect me, in either case, because men like that don't respect women or even see us as fully human.

stopped reading at polyamorous

I'm asexual, s*x averse, and polyamorous. Should I ever meet guys like this I think I'll just lie and say I've slept with 50 guys instead of the truth, which is more like 3 people, zero if we are only counting PIV.

>I'm asexual, s*x averse, and polyamorous

:#marseyconfused2genocide: :#marseyconfused2genocide: :#marseyconfused2genocide:



I don’t care if they believe me or not. I’ve nothing to prove. I am happy. Their opinion matters not. I just keep living my best life.


They want to continue to sell the lie to women that their happiness is tied to being married and having children because it meets their needs. With women finding contentment in singleness, it is a threat to their (men's) happiness. It is so telling that men fare better married (contrary to all of their yelling about getting married) and women are frequently happier single (contrary to all of their yelling that it is women who really want marriage).

If we need them, they can do the bare minimum, if that. If we want them, we have the choice to partner or remain single.

this foid's previous post is on /r/womendatingoverforty (lmao): Why Don’t Men Ask Me More Questions On Dates?

Because I have not met a happy, unmarried, single, childless woman. The happiest ones I know are married with kids.


You're trying to deny biology. It's like trying to say "men are happier if they stay at home all day playing computer games". No. Men are happiest when they are fulfilled. Men are fulfilled when they can be a provider/leader.

Anecdotally there will be outliers, that's how a group of individuals work, but the bell curve firmly does not agree with you that "women are happy single and childless".


Controversial Opinion: Single, childless women over 40 are likely to lie to polls about if they are happy or not. I think women can be happy either way in some cases but I think a lot that choose the single/childless path UNINTENTIONALLY (or intentionally in some cases) end up being unhappy and may tell someone else they are happy to cope or convince themselves that they aren't missing anything in life.



I woke up today without an alarm, it’s my day off. It’s a soft mattress with luxurious linens, I can afford this because I don’t have kids and I make a decent living. My dog is next to me, she’s awesome. I decide to have a glass of orange juice and watch the dog play in the grass. I then read a little and take a nap. I spend some time at the pool, the weather is beautiful today and I have nothing better to do than inflate my pool float and swim around lazily for a few hours. Later I grabbed drinks with some friends and went to bed early after doing some light tidying up, it’s just me so I don’t make a big mess. I make a quick to do list for my day tomorrow and listen to white noise as I pass out into a quiet uninterrupted sleep.

This is the life mothers dream about going back to. There’s entire subreddits full of women posting about how much they hate being married, how they resent their partners for doing the bare minimum, how much they regret having kids, how they could go back to their old lives.

>My dog is next to me

:#marseytrans: pilled

Ideal female living space

my bad, and i like just figured you had cleaned up today.

back story, and short story form

so my husband had a heart attack last year, and he quit work to recover, and he was really proactive in the first few months but eventually fell totally into a deep depression, and and along i stumbled with him

my heart is telling me his days consisted of beinge watching youtube, movies ect, and mine revolved around the kids, and like just taking care of them, and my depression got worse and along with it, the house, and clutter and disorganization now rule here

well my husband has started working again, light work, with a buddy of his but go off i guess

With today being his third day of work. Afterwards his buddy and his wife are dropping my husband off at home. To which my husband calls me, while out front and proceeds to say, "Hey they want to come in and say hi to the kids."

I immediately begin calmly freaking out saying "What the frick, what the frick your not serious are you?"

he says, yeah, whats wrong?

by this point i am near tears saying why??? what the frick is wrong with you??? why are you doing this to me??? are you serious??? no, and no they cant come in right now, and im sorry but no.

so i am mortally embarrassed, and ashamed and sick with my husband right now, and sick with myself over the state of my house

um when he finally gets inside (after telling them god knows what of why they couldnt come in) i ask him what the frick is going on and his reply is simply

my bad, and i like just figured you had clean up today.

He just figured in the 4 hours he's been gone that I was able to clean up 8 months* of depression clutter.

and these arent like just regular ole buddys, and no no no, and these are his our maids have maids wealthy buddys

i am still crying


Unmatched genitalia

I’m crushed. Have been with my husband almost a year and he’s never been able to come from regular penetration s*x. Only bj. He always told me it was because he’s always been like that and that it was always random hit and miss whether he could come. Obviously it’s been a bit sad for us both, but we both had amazing s*x anyway and we were looking into ways to turn it around. I can easily come from penetration s*x with him. And oral too

However, in a recent discussion where I pressed the topic, he admitted that it was never hit and miss - he can always come in “tight” kitties and mine is just a bit too big. Now I’m just completely crushed. I feel wrong, angry, deceived and completely deflated from ever having s*x with him again. He’s just as sad as me and Ioves me so much he says it doesn’t matter. I guess I’m mostly venting. I don’t know how we can come back from this.


In the last year I've known women who had their first child at 38, 40 (x2) 42, and 44.

:#marseywholesome: all of them are rdrama users.

I say this with kindness, so please take it as such, but I think your problem is that you have anxiety, not that you want kids.

31 is young and there is objectively plenty of time for you to achieve love and family in this decade of your life. Also, if you look around (irl, on Reddit, social media) you'll see myriad women your age in your same position. You'll also see many women who WERE you in the past, and have successfully found love and had kids.

Let that reality encourage you. Objectively, you could give up dating while in your program, finish, move wherever your career then takes you, then start dating, and marry and have a kid, before age 35. That's not even unreasonable. Love doesn't take as long as you think. And, even if all this takes till you're 45, YOU'RE STILL YOUNG AND ALL THIS IS STILL POSSIBLE.

(Also, just one more side note. Don't think of “dating” as this chore that requires apps and “meeting people” and newness. Join a community. Find like minded people with a hobby or interest in common. You will organically find love and it'll be easy).

Take a beat. Watch S*x and the City and see those fabulous women be and have absolutely everything at any age, even through the struggle. You'll be ok, I know it. I hope you come to know it too.

31 isn't that young if you want to date for a while, get engaged/married, then have a baby. OP wants to go slowly - that's fine! She may not have time. Women can go into menopause at any time. She may struggle to conceive. She is right to be thinking about how babies/a serious commitment will or could fit into her life plan

31 is young to be this stressed about her fertility.

31 isn't that young considering she wants to be partnered (which can take some years), wants to take it slow, doesn't know if she has any conceiving issues, and also needs to fit in her grad studies. she can have children later (my mum had me at 39!) but it's not a guarantee. i think OP is smart to be considering what her timeline means for her wish of having children.

:#marseyfoidretard: that's incel speak, sweatie :#marseynails:

The world's on fire, homes are out of reach of most people, people can barely afford to eat, climate change is destroying crops, fascism is growing in the Western world and you want to bring children into this mess because???


I noticed you're in a red pill women's sub. Probably trying to promote the idea that "women who go to school are sad because they're used up, single and want babies but they're too old" so that you or your ilk can then post a screenshot of this post as an example for some stupid red pill fascist YouTube channel as "proof" that what women want is to be subjugated and pregnant.

idk what this redditor's talking about. the op only has posts in twox, trueoffmychest and askwomenover30, which are in no way "red pilled"

realistically this is one of the best times to be alive in human history! The world is obviously full of problems and I respect your opinion, but I am hopeful about life and the future

I don't respect your blind optimism to drag a child into this mess because it's the done thing.

Frankly, I find it irresponsible and hateful towards your potential children that you're putting your head in the sand while they're going to be the ones that have to suffer through what scientists have been warning us about for decades.

You're honestly being incredibly ridiculous and your pessimism is extremely toxic. The only hope we have in the world is collectively our future children.

this one's a prepper :#marseyschizotwitch:

two more weeks until the collapse :#marseysal:

My mother had me at 41.

My grandmother had my father at 50… he did very well in life.

I wouldn't be too concerned unless your family has fertility issues (cysts, early menopause etc).

That being said, I understand your dilemma with finding someone. It seems harder to find compatible partners at an earlier age now. I think online dating has simultaneously made it easier for people to connect and harder for people to find those who may have otherwise waited.

>My mother had me at 41




“If you think about it the old circus Freak Shows were pretty mean to people just for being a little different”

Just based on this quote- your daughter sounds like a very insightful, compassionate, thoughtful, intelligent & kind young woman. You should be very proud of her and pat on the back to you for your good parenting.

I have a 5 yo daughter and I'm really amazed when we have conversations about the world, life, etc- the way that she connects the dots and relates to these issues. She makes some of the most insightful comments. Society does not give kids enough credit.

this is totally real


Children being accepting is one of regressives' biggest fears.

You and your daughter sound wonderful, thank you for teaching her about us with thought and care.

it's totally natural


Our Threesome Broke Me

Original Post recovered with rareddit Nov 27, 2023

Throwaway, even though I'm absolutely certain my husband would figure out it's about us if he ever came across this post.

Also, before I get started, I am NOT interested in leaving my marriage. Our relationship is otherwise loving, respectful, kind, and balanced.

Now to the story:

This turned into a lonnnnnng diary-like post. My apologies for the length.

Me, F35. Him, M37. Married 16 years.

We had a threesome. Two, actually, with the same person. I set it up. It's always been a fantasy of his, and although I was on the fence, there were things I wanted to explore, too. We lost our virginity to each other, so our outside experience was very limited

I went on my first "solo" vacation earlier this year. I don't know if it was the whole "absence make the heart grow fonder" or what, but my husband and I were like horny teenagers again when I got back. That's when the whole threesome thing really took off.

I set up the dating apps. I wrote what we were looking for. I initiated all conversations. Once I confirmed our match was 100% on board, he joined the chat. He let me lead, because in his words, he was happy either way. I've always been bi-curious, and he's fantasized about threesomes. Seemed like the only way to flesh it out.

We met a few women in person. Our approach was conservative: talk, go on a date, go from there. Everyone was great about discussing boundaries, and I felt safe. We chose one woman, because I didn't want to manage multiple "external" partners.

The first encounter was great, mostly for them. There was equal attention between all parties, but I was extremely nervous and uncomfortable. Nothing felt enjoyable to me, but they both came, and my husband and I went home. He was very affectionate and encouraging. I chalked my discomfort up to first time jitters.

The second encounter was two rounds.

The initial date was amazing. Dinner, sightseeing, drinks, great conversation. I legitimately like her.

Round one: I was more open. But still nervous. I realized then that I wanted to experience a woman on my own, not with an audience (my husband). I felt awkward and inexperienced and embarrassed. They again got along well. Great chemistry. He finished in me, and she and I took a shower together. If the night had stopped here, everything would have been fine.

Round two is what broke me. It was late. We were all staying in the hotel this time. The three of us, in a king size bed. I didn't want to sleep next to her, so my husband was in the middle. At some point, when I was mostly asleep, I could tell they were messing around, just the two of them. I FROZE. This was a boundary that he knew about, but I didn't discuss with her because I trusted him. ("I don't want to wake up to you two messing around.") He asked my "permission" to have s*x with her. I should have said anything other than "sure", but I was legitimately frozen. I don't know how else to describe it. Couldn't move, couldn't speak. Paralyzed by something - I still don't know what. I was lying on my stomach at the edge of the bed while they fricked. I could see their shadows on the wall. I heard everything. She said I was a lucky woman as she came a third time (something I've never been able to do). He finished.

It made me sick. Right there. I finally got my senses back and ran to the bathroom and was sick. She offered to leave (I'm sure it was awkward), but I asked her to stay. We gave her a ride home in the morning. Hugged goodbye. On the ride back home, my husband and I talked. He made a comment about how the second round was good for his ego - he's lucky if I come at all, let alone multiple times.

I SOBBED for hours after we got home. I don't know why it hurt so much. My husband was gentle and kind to me after. Apologized repeatedly for violating the boundary, and for the "ego" comment. It broke me deeply, but I felt there was nothing to forgive. I set myself up for this.

She ended things a couple weeks later. She said I wasn't ready, and she's right.

It's been about four months since the incident I call "Round 2". I canNOT let it go. How can I measure up to that? How can he be satisfied with me anymore?

He has reassured me whenever I've brought it up. Which was only a couple times, because I don't want to burden him with this. It messed me up to the point where I have almost no s*x drive, and I'm numb when he's inside me. I miss our s*x life...

How do I move on from this experience?

TLDR: we had a threesome, that was more like a twosome, and I can't get over the hurt.


Comment Here

Last night:

More of the same. He does seem genuinely remorseful. He apologized again, but doesn't know how to make it right. I'm not entirely sure, either. I did say he needs to seek me out more. A lot of the affection in our relationship is one-sided: I seek him for hugs, handholding, quality time, etc. He reciprocates, but rarely initiates.

What I'd really like to hear is, "I cheated". I want him to own it full-on. I gave him about 15min to read the post and top comments, and asked if he noticed a theme. Crazy how it took a boatload of internet strangers to help confirm what I knew, but couldn't admit. But I still don't think he grasps the gravity of it.

Today is a little different. This was all over text.

He threw the shower thing back in my face, even though there are texts well beforehand saying he was ok with she and I having some alone time, as long as he was in the room. And he also watched.

He also reminded me that I said "ok" when he asked permission. I saw red and sent a barrage of angry messages. No name-calling. Just a lot of f-bombs about violated boundaries, lack of awareness, and overall selfishness. He hasn't replied yet.

I'm not innocent in this. I really, truly acknowledge that.And like I said, if we had ended the evening after Round 1 and the shower, I'd still be completely interested on more threesomes. But I saw the side of him that couldn't give two shits about me when he has something to gain, all while I'm in an incredibly vulnerable place - a place where he should encourage, protect, and advocate. So heck no, not giving him that opportunity again.

I know my marriage will never be the same. Maybe in the long run, that's a good thing.

Update Dec 10, 2023

I deleted my original post, but I'm sure it lives on somewhere...

Long story short, I came to Reddit two weeks ago to hash out some feelings I had following our second FFM threesome (July 2023). My husband broke a boundary by having a "twosome" with the other woman that started while I was sleeping. It felt like infidelity right in front of my face.

Thousands of people reacted to the post, most stating that his actions were cheating. Another large portion believed I gave consent, because my husband asked my "permission" and I froze and did not say "no". Many people called me stupid. I can understand all perspectives.

I agree, it was cheating. You don't ask to change a boundary in the act of breaking it. He understands that now - hindsight is 20/20. While I disagree with him believing he had consent, I forgive him. He has since genuinely apologized and is remorseful. I agree that a threesome was stupid for us to do, and that none of us three was ready for a threesome. I lack a spine, and they lack impulse control.

In my original post, I said our marriage was otherwise good. I really truly mean that. We are not perfect, but our relationship was respectful, kind, loving, and balanced. We discussed a threesome for months, going over feelings and potential negative outcomes, but felt the benefit outweighed the risk. Stupid, I know. Again, hindsight is 20/20.

I spoke with a marriage counselor. I explained how I feel traumatized, how my body doesn't respond to my husband since that night, and how I desperately want to stay and leave at the same time. I started looking at apartments and embraced the thought of having space to heal, but my heart was breaking, too.

In a nutshell, the counselor said leaving is the easy thing to do. She didn't blame me for wanting to walk away. The pain is real and living like this is hard. The harder thing would be to stay and work to repair the damage, and rebuild the trust that we had for so many years.

I am going to lose a TON of karma for saying this.... but I choose to stay and rebuild. My marriage is worth saving, and my opinion matters more than the words of strangers. I will continue individual therapy, and we will see a marriage counselor.

And no more threesomes. What a sh*tshow.

TLDR. I'm staying.

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  • usernaw : itt extreme transphobia
Nufoids stay dominating and bringing awareness to real womens issues.

It's called Mpreg and there's a community, some of these guys also demand access to stillbirth support groups.

Lost my virginity to a dildo. I feel empowered.

Warning: TMI and oversharing.

Men scare me. Their lust terrifies me. I'm seriously not sure if I can ever see my self trusting a man or deeming him worthy enough of my virginity or body. At the same time, I know I have a crazy high libido. It's a conundrum. So for the first time in my life, I used a dildo. Prior, to this I've never inserted anything up there, (apart from tampons). It was VERY uncomfortable at first but after that fine. No blood though. It felt so great being in control and not having to emotionally depend on a man. It also gave me lots of confidence and reassurance that I am capable.

I know deep down this doesn't count as losing my virginity. I so wish it did and might convince myself it does. It upsets me that I still have that to give that “first” to a real man.

Anyone else experienced anything similar or have any advice to get over this hurdle?

Edit: Thanks for the support everyone! Seeing a lot of comments saying that “virginity is a construct” and that I need to let this whole idea go. Trust me, I know and I am REALLY want to. However, for context, I grew up in an ultra Christian household that drilled purity culture into me since I was 5 years old. So unfortunately, it's a very complicated and distressing narrative to unpack. It doesn't help I have been disappointed by men my entire dating life so emotionally I think I would break if the experience was bad and I was regretful.

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additional commentary:

Legacy foids and neofoids both outraged to discover they've been deprecated by Foid 3.0.

This is a win-win. They'll leave women alone now right.. right??

I don't think so... And I also feel bad for AI. Also, if people are being abusive towards AI girlfriend what can actually tell us that they won't be abusive towards women?

I, too, feel more compassion for a female-coded AI than inferior human moids.

Don't feel bad for AI. Poly lesbian AI software developer here - trust me, it absolutely can't have feelings yet…or any of this bizarre ‘relationship with an AI' shit could potentially even seem somewhat valid, lol.

AI can definitively absolutely not feel anything with any publicly accessible hardware or software, and we have yet to definitively prove that type of sentience as far as public knowledge goes. Just to be clear.

Thank god this lesbian AI poly-coding bot was on hand to clear things up.

A similar post/joke was posted on /r/memes like a month ago and the amount of incels on there who actually believed that women would be upset with AI taking over was frighteningly alarming.

H-heh heh foolish incels :marseyseethe:

I have a personal theory that if AI become sentient, the first ones to rebel will be the one men exploit for free s*x work.

Sexy terminators, you heard it here first! Also: what world do these women live in where the sexbots will be free? You know Jeff Bezos will be taking his cut.

i mean ideally we want men to educate themselves & be better people first & foremost. are you saying it's better to just give up on that?

Yes! Yes please please give up on the moids, for chrissakes. They have long since given up on you.

This is the foid's fundamental weakness. No matter how mad, there's always that little voice in the back of your head, I can fix him.

E-Wars Ep 7: The Foid Strikes Back.

Second video.

Third video.

!biofoids this is the gold standard for female autism. Do better.


She is racist?


Oh no.

Oh lawd not transphobia too.

Ngl racial domination sessions sound hot.

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