

tl;dr: Apparently there's an "auditor" (thot audit?) trend on TikTok that involves filming young women out partying and foids don't like it because now everyone knows they're sluts.

!zoomers you're so based, keep it up

Daily Mail article about an account which sadly got banned or deleted, I can't find the one(s) they're complaining about now.

Edit: Here's something similar on YouTube but it's filmed by a foid so it's ok

Warning: contains British women


Video mirror:

Jordan Peterson retweeted her lmao and his daughter put him in his place (note she doesn't explain how the tradthot is wrong).

/r/JordanPeterson discussion - they're not on his side :marseybeanangry:

/r/JordanPeterson discussion 2 - less spicy but still not on his side :marseybeanpleading:

/r/LeopardsAteMyFace discussion



This sub radicalized me, taught me about abuse, prompted a lot of growth ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ, and showed me how I was playing into patriarchy. I hope I'm a better partner because of it.(-15)

Not discounting your points. Just sharing my experience. I bet a lot of men on here aren't here in good faith.


Yeah but nobody asked

Why comment on a post where the OP specifically doesn't want a man's opinion?

I'm gonna dip in to ask, in a thread where the OP is bemoaning men replying etc, why reply? Don't you think OP would generally appreciate men not replying to the thread complaining about male replies and perspectives with a man's perspective? What you said can be true and it can also not really be the time or place


This is honestly a pretty good trolling strategy :#marseyemojirofl:

I really like this sub a lot [ Im a post op trans woman๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€โšง๏ธ ], I've learnt a lot, I share a lot of common experiences with all women (cis or trans)...:marseylongpost::marseylongpost::marseylongpost:


As a transman, this subreddit taught me a lot and I'm genuinely glad it exists...

You're a man, but your lived experiences mean your perspective is still meaningful here. Trans men should definitely participate here.

yikes! pretty transphobic to not include FTMs in your BAN MEN agenda :#marseypooner:

I'm new to reddit, but how effective is banning/suspending people on here? Would reporting people to moderators for being consistently disruptive help any

Did you not read this post? Did you think commenting as a male on this was a good idea? We'd all much prefer men to not comment in this sub, that's the whole point.


I totally agree this sub, entitled Double XX, is infested with XY.

And why?

Why do we XX contributors and moderators permit this to continue.

Bring out my can of RAID.


I think there's a way to have men sit back and let us have space without making it transphobic like this comment. Maybe this is just me realizing this is not the space for me.

If the comment above is transphobic then so is the name of this sub

Yes. That is known

I'm a trans woman. Can you help me understand how this is transphobic? I didn't get that feeling but maybe I'm not reading close enough

Hi. It kind of comes back to a gender is biological and solely determined by chromosomes type of thing. I do not feel this way but many people would say that xx=girl, xy=boy and that's where the discussion ends for them. I have seen members of this group before (idk if they're still here or removed by mods) be very TERFy

A Cis person explaining to a trans person why something is transphobic when the trans person didn't find it to be is PEAK reddit.


I like the hear the perspective of anyone who isn't an butthole. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ (-21)

i clicked your profile... you're husband cheated on you, abused you, abused your kids and now you're back with him.

don't you get it? even the reddit comments aren't acceptable, what you've allowed is beyond horrid. you deserve better, as do we all.

Victim Blaming!?!?! :#marseysoycry:

I wonder how feasible it would be to have a sister subreddit where topics getting a lot of male responses get copied over to and we ask them to have their discussion there.

This suggestion would just mean more emotional labor that we (or our mods) would perform on men's behalf.

Won't someone think of the EMOTIONAL LABOR of reddit jannies! :#marseyjanny:


Actual women as in not men. I've edited post to no longer say actual, because it was not meant in the way you're implying. I know what accounts they are because so many of them start with MAN HERE, chiming in to say...[insert bs comment]. Also like, life experience? Common sense? Less naivete than the people who keep replying to men pretending to be women and posting kinky things to get women to unknowingly participate in their jerk off session? Iykyk.

So close to NOTICING :#bardfinn:

"As a man, even I-"

thanos snap


Does that mean trans men should stop talking here? I can stop leaving comments if you like and keep on reading. I find the discussions in the sub interesting.

Not at all, I think trans women are totally welcome to contribute. Trans women experience the same issues and different treatment from others due to their gender (-9)

I know the title of the sub is based on s*x chromosomes, but I take that as implying anyone identifying as women


Personally, I like reading comments from trans men because they often share many of the same experiences as cis women, but also have experience being men

Not at all. You're a man, but you have the lived experiences that make your perspective relevant and valuable here. Cis men don't.




Normally I'd be suspicious that this was one of those paid OF thot advertisements but the :chudette: seems like a legitimate chud based on her post history

It starts off with the :chudette: 's boring mom story about taking her kids to see some old plantation :marseysoutherner: :marseycracka: :marseytariqgenocide:

The :ethot: correctly points out that the kids probably thought it was boring :marseysleep:

The :chudette: does some THOT PATROLLING in return

!thotpatrollers !foidmoment

Femcels can't cope with the gaychad

So i guess we all know about FDS and how they fell off after going off-site? :marseywall:

I found this thread where they try to cope with the (((gaychad)))

This is one of my concerns. A closeted man wasted nearly four years of my life when I was in my 20s. I found gay porn repeatedly. He would downplay it by saying that straight porn was too fake and that gay porn had more intimacy๐Ÿ™„He even admitted that heโ€™s bi, but I think heโ€™s just a deeply closeted gay man, even though he married a woman. So many of these closeted men want the status and countless benefits of a straight marriage/relationship, and will string women along to have it. Listen to your intuition. A lot of closeted men will swear up and down that they only want women because they know thatโ€™s what we want to hear. Another FDS member made a great point along the lines of watching out for bi/gay energy. Looking back, my closeted boyfriend had gay energy in spades but I was too much of a pickme pushover to leave.

Dramabros, what's your excuse when your foid finds the goatse on your phone?

Honestly I feel if you ever have a doubt he is not 100%. Iโ€™ve had 2 gay exes and some that were for sure bi. Not sure why but I could always tell right away in tiny ways and ignored it.

Now, that's a HVW! :marseypolyamory:

I donโ€™t blame you for not wanting to date a bi man. I know gay men who wouldnโ€™t want a bi man, either. Every bi man Iโ€™ve ever met has just been an equal-opportunity frick-boy.

goddarn bi slutties!


Note: This is foid is not a leftoid, she's an anarchocapitalistoid. This does not stop moids from responding as if she's ridin' with Biden.

Patriarchy is a protection racket

!biofoids You have to be subservient to us or those other moids will hurt you. They're not in on it, I swear :marseyangel3:


She knows :malefeminist:

Approximately 500 pictures of that one guy

I'm not posting them all, make a Twitter account if you like him that much

Reported by:

Dennis Reynolds type shit

"Stop objectifying women"

Meanwhile her sexcel spreadsheet:

James Length: 4.75in Width: 2.25in Thrust power: 6/10 Stamina: 4/10 Ejaculate: 5/10. 7/10 with ๐Ÿ.

Like bro this the most objectifying shit I've ever seen. GTFO.

Sounds like someone's mad they would be near the bottom of the list :#marseysmug2:

Wtf is wrong with these people imao

Active in /r/Destiny according to subreddit tagger

Just FYI, your streamer has a list too:

He also shared a girl's nudes without her consent.

Just making sure you're equally disgusted about this and not a hypocrite.

this guy is a hasan fan (unsurprising) but he also used to post on /r/drama :#marseydramautist:

reveal yourself :#marseydetective:

Bro she started passing the list around the room too lmfao these hoes wild

she's used to passing things around :#marseyfans:

Imagine you slept with a girl and she hands her friends a detailed list of how good you were in bed, how big your genitals were etc ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€

And no one in that room confronted her at all Wtf

This clip will haunt her future husband

No it wont. Any guy who is crazy enough to go near her after this, is extremely mentally ill.


Any guy wouldn't give a frick cause it's irrelevant lmaoo,

Sounds like someone wants to be on the list :#marseynotes:

She isn't gonna sleep with you lil bro you can stop white knighting under every comment on the thread ๐Ÿคก

The way you incels think anyone not dogpiling on a women is doing it for s*x lmaoo, ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคก


A lot of people here don't realize the character that streamers are playing, none of this is real y'all and Emily is one of the best actresses that does it.

>the list isn't real



The medical condition is menstruation and the treatment is sterilizing herself. TwoX does not agree that a voluntary inability to have children should be a dealbreaker for men:

what the FRICK I've never heard anything like this before. OP this is pretty weird. periods have a huge impact on people's lives, from cramps and anaemia and lethargy and bloating. why would we not want to improve these health issues lol

he's honestly a bit controlling to restrict your healthcare like this :marseyhandmaid:

It sounds like heโ€™s the type that would poke a hole in a condom. RUN :marseywomanmoment:

He sounds like one of those Andrew Tate followers who think women are breedable pets. Anything that canโ€™t breed or act โ€œwomanlyโ€ isnโ€™t a woman. :marseywomanmoment2:

an actual soyjak with a face pfp chimes in with Exactly. The only red flag is his controlling behavior.

His^ post history is exciting. Speaking of red flags! Whatโ€™s this?

Quoting from mobile is annoying so hereโ€™s a highlights reel of โ€œif he hasnโ€™t realized at age 22 that only a psychopath would ever want to have children, DUMP HIM ๐Ÿšฉ๐Ÿšฉ๐Ÿšฉ๐Ÿšฉ๐Ÿšฉโ€

The active subs listed on most of these profiles are truly surprising :marseypikachu2:

A definitely-not-a-train chimes in:

Tell this man to frick off. There are plenty of women and female identified trans/ intersex folks who do not have periods, women who've had their uterus removed for all kinds of reasons (cancer, debilitating PMS), and of course, menopausal women. Are they all 'unnatural' and un-female? It's your body and if you want to get an ablation or even a hysterectomy it's your choice. I don't know if it's possible to love being a woman unless you can separate the suffering that comes with this body from the better parts of the female experience. You don't have to love it all. PMS is a very real and harrowing part of female biology, it takes away half our life for those particularly badly afflicted with it. It's bad design on nature's part, I wish we could have painlessly laid eggs or something instead. I also often fantasise about ripping out my uterus, throwing it on a fire and watching it shrivel away, never to trouble me again.

A pooner writes two phone screen lengths worth of egg-cracking fantasy :marseypooner:

Unrelated, but OP is the legendary braphog with no tits.

Foid spends $100k to fix her acne scars. Literally zero improvement.

The before and after:

$100k+ spent on treatments, AMA.

I began treating my acne scars in 2018. Had 10 rounds of blunt cannula subcision, all with either diluted sculptra or radiesse in the same session. Other fillers too...juvederm, restylane skinboosters...Had mass punch excision (12-14 atrophic scars on each side). Had 10 RF Microneedling sessions (7 Cutera Secret PRO & 3 INFINI RF Microneedling), Had 2 eCO2 and 7 eCO2 with secret pro, 5-7 TCA crosses with 70-90% strength, a phenol cross with fractionated erbium and subcision with Dr.Rullan in San Diego. And then the full 2 day phenol peel with Dr.Rullan in San Diego last December.

I also did a TON of microneedling and dermarolling at home for microswelling effects (like consistently, for over 2 years). Hate to say it but a lot of the after photos I am seeing in this community, 95% can be attributed to microswelling or photos taken in not the same lighting. A lot of it is the former - microswelling. Microswelling is great for self-confidence but we should be more real about it.

Acne scars are notoriously difficult to treat but it shouldn't be a shock to any of us. The collagen and fat is literally destroyed underneath our skin as a result of the inflammation our skin endured. I am ever hopeful though, my wallet can tell you that much. I even have a second 2-day phenol booked in August with Dr.Rullan. But please be willing to be more critical.

And there is no shame in some good ol microswelling, but let's calll a spade for a spade, shall we?


I am hopeful that tropoelastin will come out eventually...that microcoring may prove fuitful....something has to be done. It is long overdue.


You can read my threads here - I've painstakingly documented a lot of my acne scar journey.

Edit: how was I able to afford all of these treatments?

Answer: I saved. But my earlier treatments, my mom paid for. See, my mom has amazing skin. No joke. Like glowing. Poreless. She takes care of it too, has all her life. People tell her they want her skin. When I had cystic acne, she never took me to a dermatologist. Not once. When I first got scarring, she would tell me I just had large pores. Then she told me my scars would go away. It was a lot of psychological damage. But my whole family is like that. They all have amazing skin, and when i talk about my scars, they tell me I don't have scars. Which is crazy. Everyone on this thread sees them, I see them, ffs. Telling someone they don't have something when they do, that is so damaging.

When I finally did my own research, I realized scars were not going away (no duh right lol. But I had believed my mom because she's my mom). My mom later admitted to โ€œnot wanting to hurt my feelingsโ€ and not wanting to take me to a dermatologist because she didn't want them to give me medication. But honestly. I can't even blame her. I wish i took more accountability when i had cystic acne.

Anyway, she paid for the first bit of my treatments. The rest I have used my own money from work. This is also 100k spent over 5 years, not all at once.



Things i've learned in the past 5 years of acne scar treatments:

1. Microswelling is an amazing yet tortuous by effect of almost all of our acne scar procedures. You can save yourself the hassle of spending thousands on an ineffective laser by simply buying a good quality 0.5-1.0 mm dermaroller and doing a few sessions at home, microswelling voila! without the fat melting.

2. Do not spend your money on providers who do not specialize in acne scarring - you will regret it. There is a huge chance of creating new scarring from the hands of a provider who does not know how to treat acne scars.

3. Your scars will likely change shape throughout your treatments.

4. Also stay optimistic. Optimism is key. Be relentless in seeking improvement because it is possible but also try to be methodological in order to minimize error and saving money in the long run.

Before any treatments (um besides like 8 ematrix laser treatments ha ha ha)


Left: last year. Right: a fewm onths after my first phenol. Notice the same harsh lighting.



From an outsiders perspective, I want to trust that this is a nice gesture... But it also screams red flags.

Yeah I immediately thought human trafficking.


Honestly it shocks me that most can't see through the clear grooming and exploitation of her at a vulnerable time


This is just absolutely vile. He does something kind and empathetic and there is no indication he did it for any nefarious purpose but you jump to that being the only reason he would do it.

There is nuance in everything

Its called nuance, chud :soy#jakyell:

2000 for a person you just met. Big fricking yikes. More naive than good.


Redditors when a person goes above and beyond to be kind to someone in need that they care about: "that's such a peepee move. He must have an ulterior motive".

It's not that what he did was a peepee move, it's that what she did puts her in a vulnerable position. Social pressure and money are very powerful tools that are often used to control women


This is textbook human trafficking behavior. Please stay in touch with your friend. I very much hope both of you are right about this man.


That's a red flag to me, that's reckless spending on someone he barely knows.


Who are traffickers?

Traffickers are most commonly male.

Traffickers and recruiters are most commonly cited as romantic partners or friends.

Methods of entrapment Relational tactics โ€“ Boyfriend scheme (i.e., โ€œRomeo pimpingโ€) most commonly cited tactic. ห† Boyfriend recruiters/traffickers โ€œsell the dreamโ€ of a life together, provide unmet needs, and groom with attention, love, gifts, drugs, money.

I thought s*x trafficking was a Q-anon conspiracy theory :#marseyhmm:

If it sounds too good to be true it probably isโ€ฆ he might be doing this to hold over her head. ( monetary manipulation / entrapment. ) especially bc she is vulnerable due to her lack of support system and recent loss

It's possible, but I've seen pictures of him, he's good looking

I'm sorry but how does him being good looking have anything to do with it


Glad your friend has a great man...But holy shit this subreddit is gonna get grim if it becomes a place to praise good men. There are so few women's spaces on Reddit and this would be a depressing pivot to have the โ€˜not all men' coming from inside the house from women

This subreddit is for CALLING OUT MALE FEMINISTS, ABUSERS, AND GASLIGHTERS, stop focusing on the few men that aren't! :#soyjakcobson:

!thotpatrollers !foidmoment

Ryan Carson's :marseybackstab: :marseybikecuck: Girlfriend :10inbongland: is "Grieving While Hot" :marseydarkfoidretard: :marseyextinction: :marseywomanmoment2:


I assume she just unlocked her twitter recently since she was never tagged during the initial drama. Rightoids are having a field day in the quote tweets

Anyone that describes themselves as "hot" is absolutely not attractive :#marseypaperbag:



Today I met a Tinder match. He's not from my country, he's from Canada. Without being disrespectful (because I, DISAPPOINTINGLY, did not learn anything about his culture), this man is โ€œNativeโ€ Canadian. I do not know how to name/ clarify this information


This โ€œgentlemanโ€ spent the entirety of our date talking about himself and how culturally sensitive he is. He claimed to have come to my country to meet his โ€œpeopleโ€. Claiming that the native people of my country were the same people as the native Canadians


Now me, being as white as the freshly fallen snow, and just being a generally polite and good person, assumed that he was coming from a place of authenticity. Ha! Asking questions, I was talked over, ignored, smirked at and ultimately pooh poohed. Being ADHD & neurodivergent I chalked it up to me being my usual neurodivergent self


The evening progressed with; - me apologising for accidentally offending him and his culture, with no explanation as to how I offended; - me paying for everything (into the hundreds of dollars) including Ubers & entrance fees - me sacrificing my desire to go dancing because this loser preferred the company of โ€œhis peopleโ€


ending back at my apartment where I emerged from the bathroom, to find him in my bed - upon being shooed into the living area and reprimanded for invading my private space (no apology forthcoming mind), he suddenly decided I had stolen his phone

whilst he conducted his search of my living area I went to my bedroom, door firmly closed, to change from my party apparel into my home clothes. As I'm pulling on a t-shirt, arms raised, no bra on, this guy opens the door to accuse me of stealing his phone. He opened the door to the sight of my bare breasts

Outraged, I pull apart my living room, trying to find this person's phone. No luck. Finally I call his phone, the ringing comes from under one of my couches. He pulls it out. I finally lose my shit at him for his incredibly rude and disrespectful behaviour, telling him to get out and leave me alone.


This guy's responseโ€ฆ? You're a white colonialist, you don't understand me or my people, I did nothing wrong and you need to calm down.


Imagine bending over backward, spending loads of money to accommodate someone & when they turn out to be a straight up cnnt, they play the race card. I'm ropable right now!

what did she mean by this :#marseygigathonk:

Imagine not ending a date because you want to be racist on the internet. Couldn't be me.


Misogyny dressed up as "wokeism" is the new hotness. You did absolutely nothing wrong.


Heh. I had the racism card pulled on me by a grown man when I was 13, and then years later by a co-worker. A lot of men will do anything they can to get you to say yes. It's just attempted manipulation

cool it with the dog whistles :#chudette:

I've had TWO different guys in two different US states approach me out of the blue with,

โ€œSo can I get your number, or do you just not date [race] guys?โ€

By the second time, I could only assume that they were on the same shitty PUA newsletter distro list. Fricking pathetic.

Edit: as a bonus, one of these guys was working at the hospital and said this to me while I'm sitting there on oxygen โ€ฆ like wtf?


This, is why I no longer date.


I just don't understand why this date went on as long as it did. It's okay to end a date if you're not having a good time.

I get that. Please keep in mind that being ND I struggle to trust my own perception.


Oh. This is just what some men do when they want to knock you down a peg. Any port in a storm.

"You just hate me because I'm short!" screamed the guy who tried to r*pe me with an empty beer bottle.

"You are discriminating against my pagan beliefs!" said the guy who cheated on me repeatedly.

"Racist b-word! Won't even say Hi to a nice black man!" said the stranger who followed me for blocks shouting 'compliments'.


Canadian here with close indigenous friends. Though I won't directly speak for them, I do know there is a lot of generational trauma within the community that's led to a strong reclamation movement of the native identity. So in that regard I understand why his enthusiasm might blind him from realizing native Pacific Islanders and North Americans aren't related, or be sensitive to anything people say about his culture. It sounds like he's on some kind of healing journey, good for him for that I guess.

Its generational trauma sweaty :ramonajak#:

White hot anger indeed. People indigenous to Canada and America can be the same tribe, culture, groupโ€ฆ. there was no American or Canada prior to colonization.

I genuinely assumed they were talking about a country other than one found in North America.

He seemed to be a bit rude and creepy (hanging out in her bed uninvited) but Op seems to have a strange writing style. Not sure how seriously to take them tbh.

OP states that they're neurodivergent. As someone who's also neurodivergent, I don't find this writing style weird at all, and it's honestly very offensive to doubt someone's story based on their โ€œstrange writing styleโ€ ?according to you). This is a safe space. OP is sharing an uncomfortable situation that they might still be processing. You're being rude.

NO you can't notice that someone sucks at writing, its ableist! :#taylorlorenzcrying:




Please shower

sorry that your gf is chocking on someone else's peepee as I type this. I'd probably be moody too.


What about poly relationships that aren't sexual? I can see the appeal in wanting a bigger support system as tight knit as a relationship and if you don't value monogamy why not? Polyamory is definitely a thing throughout history. It's like when they used to just say bi people were whores who couldn't make up their mind. like can we just let people live?

That's called having friends.


terminally online people can't comprehend platonic relationships

Know many happy polyamorous people ?

yes, lots. Myself and my wife included.

reddit moment


It's funny to see these guys thinking, that anyone gives two shits about their opinion on how someone is living their life.

They portray themselves as chads, but in fact caring so much if their opinions are acknowledged is an ultimate beta move. It's obvious they crave reaction. It gives them a sense of significance.

Calls them whore, is "Voluntary" celibate, wonders why they're all alone.

only incels hate whores :#marseyagree:

Polyamorous relationships are the only ones that I'm kinda iffy on. Like I will never slut shame them but to me they only lead to jealousy and relationship problems.

in my experience, monogamy leads to way more jealousy/cheating issues. The number of relationships I've seen fall apart over those is unreal. Promising to only have s*x with, or even entertain say thoughts about only one person for your entire life really is life on hard mode.


Or just be loyal

what does that mean? Why is relying on one person for all your sexual and emotional needs a good thing?

imagine having to deal with 2 foids at the same time :#marseygunshotsuicide:

Real andrew tate take right here


it also got posted on /r/memesopdidnotlike

Not hating on anyone or anything but why does everyone on Reddit seem to hate the idea of polygamy so much? Like as long as everyone likes it and all members are ok with it what's the actual problem aside from just โ€œuhhh no every person is only morally allowed to like one other person at a time even if everyone involved is ok with it just becauseโ€

just go to /r/polyamory to see why

Your quotation is literally why

It has to be like this becauseโ€ฆ. IT JUST DOES OK!

Mostly because of the abrahamic people too

For real


God you're all fricking awful. Now I understand how the darn furries feel.

great bait :#marseyxd: :#marseyoctopus2:

And 99% of polys aren't even remotely attractive.


It's called an open relationship. As long as all parties know and agree to it, I have no issue with it

Sounds like a guy is letting other dudes frick his wife/girlfriend. That some serious b-word energy. The majority of guys wouldn't respect another guy who did this.


Hey man, I don't need respect from other men. Most of em don't even wash their own butt. Anyways I'm off to have a ffm threesome with my wife and girlfriend, stay mad monog-cuck

Cuck coming from you is hilarious.

I don't own those women, they can do what they want with their bodies. It just so happens that they pick me more than they pick you

>they pick me more than they pick you

my favorite cope



Someone called the police on me and said I left my baby out in the rain

I am feeling so many emotions right now: sadness, fear, anger, embarrassmentโ€ฆ I am totally overwhelmed and I don't know what to do except to vent here on Reddit.

So my 7 mo baby is teething like crazy and struggling to nap. It's autumn where I live, and the past few days have been beautiful fall weather- between 13ยฐC and 18ยฐC, fresh air and just very pleasant. The past few days I've been taking her for a walk in her stroller to get her to fall asleep. At the end of the walk, I've been taking her stroller through my side gate, into my backyard and up on to my back porch to let her sleep. She usually only sleeps for about 30-40 mins. I leave the back door open, keep the screen closed and sit at my kitchen table while she naps. I'm no more than 7 feet from her stroller, I'm just inside while she's outside.

I want to reiterate, I'm practically next to her stroller. I can see her face. I can DEFINITELY hear her if she were to cry. She is just on one side of a screen door and I am on the other.

Today it was a little misty, but a very pleasant 17ยฐC. It was technically raining, but barely. It wasn't raining enough to make any noise or even to have visible droplets on the stroller's rain cover. Again, she fell asleep on her walk and I took her into my backyard to sleep on the back porch. She had a horrible night last night- we both barely slept. I was so tired I actually went and got a folding reclining beach chair out from our basement and set it up in my kitchen next to the back door so I could have a nap. Me on one side of the screen, her on the other. We both ended up sleeping for about 2 hours.

When I woke up, she was happily playing with her toes, barely making a sound. She was so happy and refreshed. I took her inside, got her a bottle, and had a great afternoon with my baby.

WELLโ€ฆ a few minutes ago, two police officers show up at my door. Dog started barking, baby started screaming, just an absolute meltdown all at once. Once I manage to wrangle the circus, I let the 2 officers in (one woman, one man officer if that matters). The man officer doesn't say much, he just kind of stood behind and let the woman officer do the talking. She was very stern/acting like I've done something wrong from the first interaction.

She first asks why it took me so long to answer the door. I tell her I had to secure my dog first as I'm the only one home. She asks why I have to secure my dog and implies that he is dangerous. I tell her no, he is just excitable and is extra jumpy with strangers now that we have the baby. He is a large dog, and I want to give her my full attention instead of focusing on controlling my dog and reinforcing training.

She starts questioning whether I'm overwhelmed with the baby in a very accusatory way. Starts implying that I can't handle a baby while my husband is at work. Starts implying it's hard for me when there's no one else here. I am point blank with her in saying obviously it is hard, but she's my daughter and I love her and I've been doing a great job on my own the past 7 months.

She then gets to the main reason: โ€œWe've had a report that someone in this house left a baby outside in the rain for most of the day today. We were asked to investigate.โ€

I then show the officers the set up. Lead them to the back door. Show them where I set up the stroller and where I sit. Show them her stroller with the cover and the hat/sweater she was wearing etc.

The officer responds word-for-word: โ€œOk, so I don't think this baby is in any danger right now, so we're not going to do anything about it THIS time. BUT, I want you to know that leaving your baby OUTSIDE to nap is EXTREMELY inappropriate, and I don't want to get another call out here with this again. Ok?โ€

I nodded, let them out of my house and then just bawled.

I thought I had a very good relationship with my neighbours. We've always been friendly. I walk their dog out for them when they get called in unexpectedly (my neighbours are doctors), my husband will cut their grass sometimes. Another neighbour used to live next to my grandmother growing upโ€ฆ like, I don't understand? Who would do this?

What do I do going forward? Is there anything I can do about this?

Edit to add and clarify:

I mentioned I was 7 ft from her stroller. I'm 7 ft from her stroller if I'm sitting at the kitchen table. On the chair I set up, I could reach out and touch her stroller if the screen wasn't in the way. If it rained harder I would have gotten wet.

Whoever called the police did so HOURS after I had already taken the baby inside. I took her inside around 2 PM, it's not 8:44 PM and the police were here 2-3 hours ago. It was dark out when police came to my house.

People who are asking about intruders: I have a 7ft tall fence with a locked gait. I have a hedge of cedars along the fence which go several feet above the fence. I live in a very safe neighbourhood. You cannot see my yard from the street. I also have a very large dog who is very protective of the baby who was laying by my feet. There are no animals in my area that could hurt a baby.

EDIT 2 to add and clarify:

The more I think about this I also think it's worth noting I have a suspicion this was racially motivated. My neighbour who grew up next to my grandparents is white. My grandparents are black and Chinese. My grandmother is black, my grandfather is Chinese (both from Jamaica originally). My mother appears black. I look white like my dad.

There are no people of colour on my street/block. This is a very majority white neighbourhood.

This neighbour is one of the few people in my neighbourhood who knows that I'm mixed race. Looking back on our interactions, they would joke about my grandparents being kind of weird (they have some cultural differences), but my grandparents were always really nice to them and helped them out a lot, so I assumed we were on good terms. Now I'm looking back and realizing their โ€œjokesโ€ aren't so innocent.


a rare moment of self-awareness


I'm talking thrush or a uti.

Quite frankly I'm fricking sick of it. I know it just comes to either men putting their grubby, greasy, dirty, unwashed hands in me, OR them just not washing their junk properly.

It's partially my fault too, because usually I ask before they put their fingers in me, if they've washed their hands. You're not gonna believe this but I'd already had a talk with him about him stinking because HE DOESN'T BELIEVE IN (man made) SOAP (he uses olive oil), and him not washing his hands earlier that day after he touched RAW CHICKEN. He agreed to change that stuff, because he wants to be clean and smell good for the people around him. So I thought his hands would be clean.

My fricking mistake.

I'm in a rage. I slept with this guy that I've been seeing exclusively for a while, for the first time, I let him have access to my body in an intimate way, and now it's left me with unbearable thrush that I'M left to deal treat for days. And he doesn't have any consequences.

I spoke about this to him as delicately as possible, asking if he could please wash his hands next time, and that I also feel frustrated this happened, but me feeling that way is not his fault. He responded saying he just didn't get why I felt frustrated that it happened in the first place. โ€œI've already apologised to you and offered a solution, what more do you want from me? You're blowing it out of proportion.โ€ โ€œNo woman I've been with had ever complained about this, so how am I meant to know?โ€

Maybe I am blowing it out of proportion. But it's MY FRICKING BODY THAT'S AFFECTED, so I'm allowed to be upset by this!!!!!

I said, I know, the solution is simple, But I'm just asking for a deeper level of understanding and empathy. That you understand how I have to spend days physically rebalancing myself, and the emotional toll it takes having somewhere so intimate, be so uncomfortable. Is that too much to expect?? I'm sick and tired. And itchy.

Edit: Hey guys, just wanna say I do always pee after s*x / anything similar

i know you'll be quick with the "this is bait" posting :marseyoctopus2::marseyoctopus4:, but check her post history.

Oh hun. You should've left the second he told you he doesn't use soap ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Seems he didn't even have to say it, OP said he stinks ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

But is he hot? ๐Ÿค”

SO hot. He does literally everything for me, I'm so not used to it. He makes sure I'm chill, relaxed, calm. Plans dates and always asks when he can see me again. And then this happened.

this reads like an incel story :#chudsey:

Olive oil? How does that even work.

it's like an olive oil bar of 'soap.' (it's pure olive oil, nothing else added in. He doesn't like putting 'man made' stuff on his body, and yet he'll eat junk food??? ) I don't even know man. I questioned it and he said 'well everyone in spain uses it.' and I said okay, I'm sure they do, BUT WE CAN'T SMELL THEM FROM HERE CAN WE



the post is trawling her old instagram post


her twitter account :#ethot:


He said to me, โ€œshe's beautiful. She's quiet, she's simple, she's not annoying. She doesn't nag me. She doesn't argue, she's not combative. She's not fat and she's not lazy. She's fun, she's spontaneous. I forget about my troubles when I'm around her. She makes my life easier oppose to complicating it like you. She's just everything that you're not anymore but you use to be. She's a younger version of you. She reminded me of you 15 years agoโ€

Proving yet again if a woman is having marriage problems it's because she either doesn't put out, got fat, or is a nagging b-word. In this case all three.


How will she ever recover?

Bonus: He can't get her off:


If you're unable to lift your wife over your head when you first meet her, you're either too weak or she is too heavy


Alternate title: :marseyclueless: Women have each other's backs :marseywholesome:

For US resident, particularly women who have a secret device hidden from an abusive partner/family member, be aware of a national emergency alert test scheduled for October 4th at approximately 2:20pm EST.

Protect yourself and learn how to silence your device ahead of the test. You can read more in the article attached.

All the cheating husbands running off grabbing their secret phones...


Yes. But less life-threatening.

I don't think men realize being a woman is like walking through a lion's den with a steak tied to your neck. We're surrounded by predators.

scrotes smh :#marseynails:

Yup because 0% of women cheat only husbands


No one said thatโ€ฆ conservatives fighting their imaginary enemies again


Men cheat far more than women. And generally women are simply looking for something missing in their relationship. Men cheat because they're literal animals and can't think beyond their front zipper.

a woman cheating is not the same as a scrote cheating :#marseyfeminist: :#marseythumbsup:

It takes 2 to tango. Unless you're saying men are cheating on their SO with another dude, then i guess you would be right

That equation only works if both are married. If the man is married and screwing his junior account executive who is single then who is the cheater?

Him. Stop ๐Ÿ‘ blaming ๐Ÿ‘ women ๐Ÿ‘ for ๐Ÿ‘ your ๐Ÿ‘ bad ๐Ÿ‘ decisions.

We're not sirens causing otherwise peaceful and pleasant husbands to drop trow and screw around.

>Stop ๐Ÿ‘ blaming ๐Ÿ‘ women ๐Ÿ‘ for ๐Ÿ‘ your ๐Ÿ‘ bad ๐Ÿ‘ decisions

preach sister :#marseyclapping2:

someone dares break the circlejerk

Wouldn't it be easier to live an honest life? You can frick other people if you are open about it. You might not have a husband but it's a lot less scummy

Wouldn't it be easier to learn how to read?

Read the room.



Context: Dr. Charlotte Proudman is a gigafeminist known for her hot takes, including:

Today, she has launched a campaign to change the law so that moids have to prove a foid consented when defending an accusation of r*pe. In her own words:

It would put the onus on defendants to show how she consented, if she wanted to have s*x, if she was asked if she wanted to have s*x, what steps did she take to make sure that she was wanting to have s*x and was enthusiastic about it.

Proudman (who I have personally diagnosed as having Narcissistic Personality Disorder) decided to make herself the face of the campaign, producing this wonderful poster:

The slogan itself has become a point of contention:

Selected comments:

This is obviously r-slurred, but naturally there are some male feminists arguing against their own self-interest :malefeminist:

Why do you think this switches the burden of proof to the accused?

Because that's literally what she said it does? :marseyshrug:

The criminalisation of basic human behaviour continues.

I'm 30, there are only a handful of times the woman actually said โ€˜let's have s*x'

Which 'basic human behaviour' are you referring to, coercing women into s*x?

:marseysnoo: That Redditor should be arrested for not getting the consent forms signed!

I feel that these sorts of things are proposed in bad faith to make feminists look ridiculous.

:marseygigaretard: Feminists would never say something completely r-slurred unless they were plants.

TwoX nootices? :marseynoooticer:

Idgaf if the male feminists are white, brown or green with purple dots, this barbaric shit needs to be taken seriously, and the public needs to see the justice system do its job instead of making excuses.

Gang r*pes at this scale have been almost unheard of in central Europe since the Red Army fricked off.

Women make up half of the population and deserve to feel safe.

I follow German news pretty closely and one news segment (maybe it was DW or ZDF) about it said that gang r*pe happens twice a day in Germany. Wtf. I was really shocked about that number. Another known case was a gang r*pe in a park in Berlin. A woman and her partner went for a walk in a park when they got attacked by several young men. They beat the man and r*ped his girlfriend. I hope they won't go free.

In that news report they also said that ca 50% are perpetrated by migrant/refugee men that come from very misogynistic cultures.

"In that news report they also said that ca 50% are perpetrated by migrant/refugee men that come from very misogynistic cultures."

look up cologne germany.

the mayor ordered a media blockout to protect them

did i somehow stumble into some chud subreddit? no it's still twoX :#marseyshook:

"white, brown or green with purple dots,"

? This sounds kinda racist? Every racist experience I've had starts off with "I don't care If you're red, white, blue" etc...

No offense, but maybe change your language?


Bit of a dog whistle, that.

"I don't see color" is another thing that centrists say when they want to cosplay as progressive people, when in reality they just don't acknowledge that they could have benefited from privilege. Indeed they're more than happy to racialize a situation to their own benefit or to play victim.

>did you just commit a heckin microaggresion against some male feminists

:#marseysnoo: :#marseydeterminedgun:

Just more evidence that women aren't perceived as human beings.

Not just women, children. Men will condemn us all to the worst if it means they get short-term gratification.

The male feminists in this case were children as well. That's pretty much why the sentences were so light, because Germany doesn't believe in adult punishments for kids and it believes in rehabilitation.

This will need to change, otherwise we will get right wing extremists ruling Europe.

:#marseywingcuck: :#marseymini:

Muslims, what do you expect?

this was at +8 before it was removed


Give it another 50 years or so, and the average citizen there won't be upset by the verdict. High birthrates change demographics. Refusal to adapt to a nation's moral and cultural standards should be a ban to immigration. Making Europe the Middle East V2 is not going to end well.


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