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A lot of black diasporas and African American strags have a weekly post about how to "get in touch with their roots", as they often feel culturally conflicted
Usually i would have sympathy for the douchebags if they weren't libshit cowtools
The advice for AA with Niger/Nigerian descent is usually the same for the main sub members - go tour in Nigeria, learn the language, study history, ect. You know actual effort. Additionally these genuinely 1st world privileged douchebags balk at the notion of ACTUALLY visiting africa. No no I mean getting cultural credit for my libshit friends without effort or putting myself in danger in the mother continent!
Their elitism is so obvious usually, like they dont want to step foot in the ghetto (africa), but wanna pretend like AOC that she grew up in da hood, and is battle hardened by a rough and noble upbringing or some such shit
Basically this post about OP is sneeding that the head /r/africa mod keeps cucking him from "finding his roots" and OP is bitching that headmod is also a diaspora - except head mod actually grew up in africa and regularly visits home, he's also not a "root-finding" straggot like OP
OP gets turbo cucked by locals
"To be African doesn't mean anything relevant in the way you try to use it. There is no African race even though you would believe in the concept of race. African isn't more of an ethnic group or a nationality. To be African just means to be related to the continent named Africa. Africans (understand continental Africans) for people inside the continent. Diasporic Africans for others which encompasses Africans born in Africa who migrated abroad but as well people of African ancestry who still have identified relatives in the continent just like people of African ancestry who cannot identify with relatives in the continent as they were removed of the continent under circumstances we know. That's it."
proceeds to r*pe OP
"Based on what you wrote here and here in the comment section of this post you created and we're interacting in, it's very easy to state that your idea to be African fully echoes on a form of Black nationalism or whatever else term is used today to describe this. As a West African, and specifically a Senegalese, I'm afraid that I have to tell you that North African people are African. They aren't only African. They also are Indigenous peoples of Africa as long as North Africa is fully part of this continent we call Africa. So no matter how conflictual the dynamic can be between North African people and Sub-Saharan African people, you will never change this reality and you surely don't help yourself and the supposed "noble" cause you believe to defend here. In fact, you're counterproductive..."
"To be African doesn't mean anything relevant in the way you try to use it. There is no African race even though you would believe in the concept of race. African isn't more of an ethnic group or a nationality. To be African just means to be related to the continent named Africa. Africans (understand continental Africans) for people inside the continent. Diasporic Africans for others which encompasses Africans born in Africa who migrated abroad but as well people of African ancestry who still have identified relatives in the continent just like people of African ancestry who cannot identify with relatives in the continent as they were removed of the continent under circumstances we know. That's it."
He basically tells OP he's a tool for giving the headmod shit for literally having fled a genocide
Other respond to this rebuttal
"These people think as if because you're black then you can identify with the continent. Culturally Africa is very diverse, an East African and West African will have very little in common other than skin color. Moreover, tribal identity plays a major part here and these people have no trace of it. Just because we share shade doesn't mean we are on the same team"
Pan africans BTFO
"I have come to call these people "reddit Africans": black people who have never set foot on the continent for multiple generations, who built their "African identity" isolated from the source in the confines and zeitgeist of a mostly Western bubble. Reddit and similar online spaces are the only place where such irrational cultural entitlement is validated. Whereas in the real world, it is either met with confusion or ridicule.
actual Africans point out the
African-Kings cant stop being turbo ultra giga BASED:
"Being African and being black are two very different things. I think this entire post is narcissistic and an unnecessary bashing of someone who does a thankless job on a site that can be toxic and demeaning towards Africa and Africans."
"First off, judging by our own comment history, you pass of as some "black" nationalist or ethnocentrist. Usually you guys don't deserve any attention. It is not our fault when you guys feel insulted and emotional when we reject your weird unrealistic mindset, comments and ideologies of "black people" and correct you with facts you refuse to understand. Then you proceed to make nonsense up just to feel comfortable with your own lies. Plain and simple. This sub is not some sort of ancestry institution or your toxic place to spread your nonsensical ideologies"
TLDR: Basically Africans really hate African-Americans, and see them as pompous priviledged libshit undisciplined douchebags
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Balkanoids only ones based as per usual
However eurocucks try to rewrite history
Euros took the Brexit debacle very VERY seriously, and while i personally agree brexit was stupid, the RECTION of europeans, especially EU-supremacists went turbo bongphobia for the past 5-years.
The degree to which krauts, frogs and other westoids hated on England was downright embarrassing. I dont even think Irish, Indians or Boers hated the Bongs on /r/europe as much as the heartbroken eurocucks did. You'd think that the action which Bongland had undertaken was nothing short of ethnic cleansing against western europe to warrent such a deluge of hateposting and circlejerking about bongland, but no it was abandoning the 4th Reich of EU.
Even balkanoids who actually genocided each other, showcased less vitriol and bitter hate against Bongs past 5 years. And it sure as heck wasn't "banter"
and on the are <1000 vote posts, the pro-EU and anti-Bongland circlejerk tends to be broken where both Bongs and non sperg-EUcels agree that the bong hate has been wildly disproportionate against their crimes of abandoning eurolandia.
also /u/frisso gets dunked on for his revisionism
=I'd like to point out that the thread on Horizon & this thread may have the same effect of the view of others on Brits.=
"Sorry you cant point to a couple of threads after literal years of almost daily threads pooping on the UK. Some of them going into the hundreds if not thousands of comments."
=Brexiteers & Trumpists made an alliance to raid this subreddit non-stop for months=
"Ive been on here for a while, I have not seen this alliance of non-stop raiding on here. Generally any comments negative to the EU are nuked into oblivion."
=I've read Brits around here who did wish that on the EU and it's people=
"The vast minority and almost inconsequential to the amount of users on here that wish ill on the UK. Its not even close and its fairly deceitful that you are trying to make this remotely comparable."
=so few member advocate for them.=
"Thats fine, you can rest in the knowledge that the UK would help out anyone in Europe while hardly anyone would help us. We are used to it."
=the focus on anything negative done on your side while ignoring anything negative done by your side=
"No, just pointing out that of the two sets of users, one outweighs the other to the point of irrelevance."
=but unfortunately means a lot of deleted comments and users. Why don't we have an exercise to see who gets dog-pilled more for this thread?=
"Again, any comments negative about the EU get downmarseyd to the depths, I certainly dont remember this mass invasion you are trying to say happened. Yes, lets see who gets jumped on. What would this thread be like if it was negative economic news about the UK? Shall we look at some previous examples?"
=You do remember how ugly the Brexit rhetoric was, right?=
"Brexit was an almost 50-50 vote, most of the objection was against the EU institution and rarely against individual members."
=The victim complex appears again=
"Polls have been conducted showing exactly that. The rest of Europe would rather help India, Nigeria and Vietnam (for example) over the UK in a crisis. The UK would help every other European country."
"Not a tory. The point I'm making is that this sub alienates pro europe UK people because of how gleeful it is when UK does badly, although most of the UK didn't want brexit but young people are just shit at voting (and are the majority in this sub and get all the flak)."
Euro douchebags are extremely gleeful whenever there were articles posted about foodshortages in Bongland, and how terrible it's going in england post-Brexit and how joblessness is running amok ect. They were downright sadistic in their happiness whenever news stories came out that Bongland was on the brink of the apocalypse or depression
So when an article goes out and says: "actually Bongland is actually doing ok economically compared to the earth and eurolandia" then the Eurotrash shit brix and
=UK's agenda with Brexit was always to destroy the EU by leading the "by example"=
"Is it? Must have missed that during the lead up to 2016. What's in it for the UK if the EU falls apart exactly?"
=So it became necessary and politially expedient to shit on the UK as hard as possible for as long as possible=
"We noticed, dont worry."
"72% upmarseyd, bushiness as usual here. Let the seething commence."
"My favourite part of Brexit was seeing the Germans angrily, often viscerally, demand that Britain is Europe and therefore automatically belonged to the German dominated EU."
"Impossible! The galactic minds of /r/Europe told me EU economy is booming."
Krautland cucked itself
"germany is in bad shape they relied on their auto industry and cheap energy for massive foundaries making huge specialized parts that overnight became uneconomical.....2 things that just went quickly out the window in a couple years."
Based monarchist
Unbased irish strag
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Greetings Dramatards!
Since nearly half of you appear to be Zoomers , and don't even remember the 9/11 World Trade Centre attacks on television, I would imagine fewer yet still will be aware of the existence of the big man Zacob Zuma - the 3rd Democratically elected president (2009–2018) of the Republic of South Africa.
This guy basically r*ped South Africa's economy into the ground, and his fantastical levels of corruption, and the corruption he enabled in South Africa have been virtually irreversible. He was responsible for enabling the Gupta mafia to enact "staatskaping" or "State Capture", where corruption was so rife, that bands of organized criminals literally took control of key installations like mines and trains and national budgets.
He nearly singlehandedly reignited ethnic tension between his modern Xhosas and Zulus with his abrasive behaviour towards his predecessor, president Thabo Mbeki.
He had open corruption where he normalized the grand scale nepotism hiring friends and giving key governmental positions towards friends and family members.
He reportedly had been married at least 7 times, divorced 7 times, was polyamorous, and has had at least 10 childrin, which made the Christians and Muslims of RSA foam at the mouth due to their national leader's infidelity
Basically, before Julius Malema arrived on the scene, Jacob Zuma had stolen the national stage for prime time national drama and embarrassment.
But the nuclear moment of seeth and mouth-foaming occurred when Jacob Zuma had been accused of r*pe, and the media fiasco which followed.
Like many people who had no idea who Trump was before he was elected, or became a very serious running candidate for Burgerland National election, so too did South Africans at the time have no idea who Jacob Zuma was, who would seemingly skyrocket his way into power as the Head of the ANC party in 2006, and his meteoric rise to presidency of RSA in 2007.
However, people who studied politics and knew history was already completely aware who Jacob Zuma was in 2005, and that the man had been a top ANC power-figure since the early days of High-Apartheid in 1980, and that he had always been a very influencial member of ANC politics, especially the Zulu-portions of the ANC party, where he was hailed as a national hero by his Zulu constituents for his efforts to counter the National Party regime in Kwazulu-Natal province.
Example: He joined the ANC at the age of 17 in 1959, and spent ten years in Robben Island Prison as a political prisoner. So he was one of the most prominent Revolutionaries of the ANC.
Zuma was born in the rural region of Nkandla, which is now part of the KwaZulu-Natal province and the centre of Zuma's support base. (And trust me we WILL be getting back to Nkandla with another colossal Looongpost about Nkandla)
After the ANC was unbanned in 1990, he quickly rose through the party's national leadership and became deputy secretary general in 1991, national chairperson in 1994, and deputy president in 1997. These are boring facts dramatards don't need to know, but it's important to demonstrate that Zuma had always been a key politician, and prominent ANC member since the very moment the ANC gained power in the new Democratic RSA - and that it was mostly white liberals who was surprised by this man who would propel himself to infamy between 2005-2007.
Zuma was the deputy president of South Africa from 1999 to 2005 under President Thabo Mbeki, Nelson Mandela's successor.
Mbeki dismissed Zuma on 14 June 2005 after Zuma's financial adviser, Schabir Shaik, was convicted of making corrupt payments to Zuma in connection with an Arms Deal, with a weapons manufacturer called Thomson Holdings. Who was Shaik and the illegal Arms Deal? Doesn't matter, not important - what is significant is to understand, already at this point in time, Zuma was thoroughly corrupt, and in bed with friends in low places.
Thomson Holdings (a weapons manufacturer), through its South African subsidiary, was seeking influence in government circles in this period, as the change from the National Party government to the ANC government had left it with few influential friends. To get an arms contract, it would need strong political backing. Shaik, had friends who was in charge of arms acquisition at the SA Department of Defence.
A deal established a fraudulent and corrupt relationship between Durban-based businessman Schabir Shaik and Jacob Zuma. Shaik's trial was the subject of intense media attention due to the involvement of several high-profile members of the South African government. Though Shaik claimed that his financial dealings were legitimate, on 30 May 2005, the Durban High Court handed down its final judgment. He was pronounced guilty of corruption for paying Zuma 1.2 million Rand (US$185,000) to further their relationship and for soliciting a bribe from the French arms company Thomson-CSF, now Thales, as well as guilty of fraud for writing off more than R1 million (US$154,000) of Zuma's unpaid debts.
Yet in spite of ALL of this dirty laundry being aired on the news, Zuma would somehow walk away from this trial unscathed. His connections with all of the various factions within the ANC government enabled him to not only spring free of any consequences of using his government position to fascilitate cronyism, but still keep his fricking position within the ANC.
Jacob Zuma had previously been a close ally of President Thabo Mbeki, and they had served as ANC Deputy President and President respectively since the 50th National Conference in December 1997.
However, with such a massive national scandal having tainted Jacob Zuma's name, his presence had become toxic, and Mbeki gave him the boot from his administration. Their relationship publicly soured after Mbeki fired Zuma from the national deputy presidency in June 2005. Zuma saw this as a betrayal and public and private spats between the two became common.
The relationship became so ugly, that ethnic tensions between the Zula (Zuma) and Mbeki (Xhosa) would flare up downstream between their respective peoples, both between previous inter-racial ANC partnerships, and between the common everyday people Zulus and Xhosas.
Zuma retained the ANC deputy presidency, and, in this close proximity, the acrimony between the pair deepened and spread into other pockets of the party and state, eventually becoming what Susan Booysen has called "no-holds barred, a brutal and all-consuming disagreement between two major ANC groupings."
Of course, I'm getting ahead of myself. The Zuma-vs-Mbeki rivalry would reach boiling point 2 years after this (2007), but in the meantime we will rewind back to Zuma's impending R*pe-accusation trial (2005). I'm merely mentioning the Zuma-VS-Mbeki rivalry so that you dramatards can understand the emotion and factions which were present within the country's black population and ANC leaders once the R*pe-trial would commence.
The wingcuckery of pro-ANC supporters, and the factions within the ANC, namely pro-Zuma, pro-Mbeki, and the ethnic loyalties of Zulus and Xhosas, would mean that there were extreme political emotions rampant by the time Zuma would be charged with r*pe - as people and politicians had much to gain or lose if Zuma was indicted of his accused crime, thus from the onset, wingcuckery had made any impartiality an impossible notion with the Zuma-r*pe trial
Jacob Zuma was charged with r*pe on 6 December 2005. He was prosecuted in the Johannesburg High Court between March and May 2006
It's important for dramatards to understand that although there are extreme leftwing and liberal policies within the modern Republic of South Africa at the national level, it does NOT mean that the actual South Africans, especially the black peeps of RSA are in fact on average liberal or leftwing. Policies like gov-mandated affirmative action and monthly grants are only supported by the majority of ANC-supporters or blacks, because they BENEFIT from it, not because there is general consensus of left wing type thinking within the black peoples of RSA
Similarly, RSA black people tend to be shockingly conservative, in contrast to their national politicians. This shock is usual for euro or burger libtards at places like UCT (University of Cape Town), where liberals/feminists/minority-rights-activists come to the shock than the average SA black person is substantially more religious and culturally conservative than their western contemporaries and that what is written by RSA law, and actually practiced in the SA homelands, are very different indeed.
The biggest culture shock for libtards tend to be modern Zulus, whom are not strong believers of modern feminism.
Modern Zulus still practice a strong hierarchy between men and women, similar to as how the famous yank 1950s timeframe depicted men as heads of the household, and women meant for domestic work. In the homelands inside KwaZulu-Natal this is especially prevalent - where women's rights may be similar to than of the 1800s. This extreme contrast if never addressed as Zulus make the single most populous and potent voting bloc of the ANC. Liberals turn a blind eye or are blind entirely.
Point is, it's not fair of me to make strong and sweeping statements of the entire population of South African, zulus, but if I personally were to be reincarnated as a south african woman - being a zulu woman would be at the bottom of my list.
Then there's other things which put zulus apart - Polygamy! Not the reddit-cuckold kind, but the old harem type kind.
Zulus are traditionalist who are ardent practitioners of Polygamy.
And oh yeah, the Zulus are similar to China and India in that male infants are preferred.
This polygamy has created several societal issues in SA.
Such as a metric shitload of bastards, illegitimate children and orphans. But most significantly is the gender imbalance. Where women are reduced as trade commodities between families, and young poorcel male zulus with no wives are fricked out of luck.
This one-sided polyamory also makes RSA-libs seeth and shit themselves, as it obviously fosters an extremely sexist culture, which is supposed to be in contrarian to the ANC's objective of equality.
Basically many libtards are caught between feminism and respecting the cultural practices of indigenious black peeps - after all feminism would bestow western imperialism against those unfortunate women who basically have to act as Harem bitches and housekeepers for rich fat Zulu indoenas.
Right anyways back to the R*pe-trial. I wen on this neurodivergent tangent about the extremities of Zulu cultural sexism to clearly depict what would follow for non-RSA dramatards. So that they might understand the nuclear-sneedstorm which would follow.
The wingcuckery of Pro-ANC factions, Zuma and Mbeki factions, the latent sexism of Zulu culture, all would contribute to a worthless dramatic trial.
The accuser of Zuma got a massive amount of backlash, and it was clear there were many powerful factions vying to ensure Zuma was not convicted.
This is gonna be a shitshow!
The chick who accused Zuma, Fezekile Ntsukela Kuzwayo, had a pseudonym assigned to her, to protect her identity - she was known throughout the trial as Khwezi.
Her father, Judson Kuzwayo, was, like Zuma, a member of the ANC during the struggle against apartheid, and had spent a decade imprisoned alongside Zuma on Robben Island before his death in 1985. Zuma was accused of raping her at his home in Forest Town, Johannesburg on 2 November 2005.
When she appeared in the witness box to give her testimony, Zuma openly called her a b-word and asked how much she was being paid. The judge had to reinstil order.
This is something even I didn't know: ""A group of mostly female Zuma supporters burns A4-size pictures of the complainant with her first name and surname, while shouting: "Burn this b-word." The Friends of Jacob Zuma Trust later condemns the action.""
She stated that she didn't deny Zuma's unwanted advances on her, as she had been terrified of his political power.
Every single day of this case was an unholy shitshow:
MARCH 13: ""Psychologist Merle Friedman testifies that it is normal for a person to freeze during r*pe and that most women who are r*ped do this. It is also normal to take long to report a r*pe, and to start using the word "r*pe" to discuss the event. Kemp questions whether her diagnosis of dissociative disorder associated with multiple traumas was not really "selective memory".""
It goes on like this with great r-sluration and the slimiest lawyer slander tactics invented by man. You guys can literally just skim the timeline, it's hilarious and fricked up.
But the real megaton bomb which propelled this case into national attention was Zuma and his remarks about AIDS.
Namely that he had not been able to obtain the HIV-virus from his s*x with Khwezi, as he had taken a shower after s*x to clean himself.
"De Beer casts doubt on Zuma's HIV status, saying the result showing he was HIV-negative was not submitted as part of court documents." Because the prosecution had not submitted a HIV test to the court documents, they couldn't include it later to prove Zuma had contracted AIDS to further prove his r*pe. Trust me, we'll revisit this!!!
The rest of the timeline becomes a muddled mess with counter arguments and shitflinging,
"During the 2006 r*pe trial in which President Jacob Zuma was acquitted of r*pe, there wasn't much in common in Zuma or Khwezi's testimonies. But one thing that was consistent is that Khwezi wore a kanga at the time. The garment – one that exists with respect and dignity in African womanhood and politics – became as popular as the showerhead at the time."
The khanga is like a giant body buff used by women like a headscarf of as an attire to help them carry additional stuff, including their babies.
"In many families around the continent, a kanga will be the first material a baby is wrapped in, and in East Africa, the Swahili proverbs on the boarder of the material have been seen as a language women use to communicate both among themselves and with people around them."
The khanga has a lot of cultural meaning in south africa, and has been used symbolically for a lot of stuff, including indicating that a woman was an available bachelorette.
"But during the r*pe trial in 2006, Zuma testified that Khwezi was wearing a kanga and he interpreted her dress as an invitation. From that remark, Zuma's supporters appeared throughout the trial, undermining Khwezi's accusation because of the way she was dressed."
When Zuma on the witness stand made on of his main arguments that her frozen non-resistance and wearing the khanga made him interpret her actions as acquiescence for his sexual advances, this commentary exploded in the South African black world, especially for women. This chauvinistic view that men can just frick women who wear this multi-use everpresent female garment, was the african equivalent of saying: hey she was asking for it!
======(from Mail&Guardian article(
“'But she was wearing a kanga, m'lud' has been the scandalised refrain throughout the trial,” wrote journ*list Nicole Johnston at the time for the Mail & Guardian.
Though Zuma was found not guilty, on the day of the judgment anti-r*pe activists protested outside the court and built a wall of shame made from posters and a khanga.
“This kanga is not an invitation [to s*x],” was written on one poster.
Members of People Against Women Abuse (Powa), an NGO which prioritises gender-based violence, wore kangas in protest to, as Johnston observed, “re-appropriate their right to wear the kanga — anywhere, any time”.
But during 2006, the word ‘kanga' emerged in headlines just as showerheads did when there was mention of Zuma or the case .
In his judgment, Judge Willem Van Der Merwe ordered that Khwezi's kanga be returned to her – she had asked for it to be given back as she gave evidence.
When she was granted asylum in the Netherlands after the trial, she appeared at an exhibition where she recited her poem. Even after the trial, the garment was one of the last things she publicly spoke on in relation to the case.
Many women still wear kangas wherever they go, but the silent protest on Saturday brought the fabric, and its importance back into public consciousness as a reminder that even a traditional cloth is made to be complicit in the country's r*pe culture.
=======(end article)
The trial began on 6 March 2006 in the Johannesburg High Court. Judge Bernard Ngoepe, initially assigned to the case, recused himself due to his involvement in the ongoing (but separate) corruption charges against Zuma; Judge Willem van der Merwe presided instead. Zuma pleaded not guilty to the charge, claiming that he and Khwezi had had consensual s*x.
To a shocked nation: On 8 May 2006, the court acquitted Zuma of r*pe. "Hundreds of supporters of the politician broke through police lines surrounding Johannesburg high court to celebrate the judgment, which was broadcast to a spellbound nation."
Although Judge van der Merwe censured Zuma for having had unprotected s*x with Khwezi. Part of the judgement read:
"It is totally unacceptable that a man should have unprotected s*x with any person other than his regular partner and definitely not with a person who to his knowledge is HIV positive. I do not even want to comment on the effect of a shower after having had unprotected s*x... [However] it is clear that the probabilities show that the complainant's evidence cannot be accepted. She is a strong person well in control of herself knowing what she wants. She is definitely not that meek, mild and submissive person she was made out to be. On the evidence as a whole it is clear that the accused's version should be believed and accepted. The accused's evidence was also clear and convincing in spite of media efforts to discredit him."
The r*pe-trial shitshow would reign on the media cycle for like the next 6 months. National drama and sneed abounded. Notable r-slurations followed:
Although there were reports that Zuma's legal difficulties were causing strife within the ANC, he retained a large public support base. Especially his zulu base back in KwaZulu-Natal province.
"The South African Communist Party (SACP) is battling to contain serious internal divisions over the party’s stance on African National Congress deputy president Jacob Zuma, with rumours circulating that next year’s SACP congress will be used to weed out the anti-Zuma lobby in the party." The left wing portions (Zuma) with at war with the neoliberal factions (Mbeki) in the ANC.
In 2007, the 52nd National Conference of the African National Congress would lead another nuclear shitstorm in which Zuma would defeat Mbeki as leader of the ANC.
All of this IN SPITE of his r*pe-trial and recent corruption charges against Shaik.
What was most dramastorm and r-sluration causing was the infighting between the black women of South Africa. Especially zulu women. The ANC Women's League defended Zuma. During the trial, his supporters – sometimes in their thousands – gathered outside the courthouse, sometimes clashing with smaller groups of anti-r*pe protesters.
"Zuma supporters were seen carrying posters questioning Khwezi's integrity (with such slogans as "How much did they pay you, nondindwa [b-word]?" and "Burn this b-word"), burning photos of her, and on one occasion throwing stones at a woman that they mistook for her."
On 3 July 2007, Khwezi was granted asylum in the Netherlands, having faced intimidation in South Africa during and after the trial. She died in 2016.
Due to his arrogance and baffoonery, Zuma would become a popular target for politcal satirists and cartoon artists.
The popular South African comic strip Madam & Eve would mock him and well known political cartoonist Zapiro repeatedly lampooned Zuma for his testimony, and Zuma now always appears under a showerhead in Zapiro cartoons.
This REALLLLLLLY pissed of the ANC-wingcucks
"There was another call on Thursday for cartoonist Zapiro to stop portraying Jacob Zuma with a shower head. The Commission for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Communities said Zuma should not have to always be confronted with his past. Zapiro has drawn the shower head as a reference to Zuma's comments during his r*pe trial in 2006 that he showered after having s*x with an HIV positive woman."
"Satirical cartoonist Zapiro is unfazed by criticism from the Commission for the Promotion and Protection of the rights of Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Communities, for continuing to put a shower head above Jacob Zuma in his depictions of the president."
"However, Zuma was still taking legal action against Shapiro over the cartoon. The cartoonist had received a summons recently indicating he was being sued for R5-million. He had initially received a letter of demand in 2008 for R7-million."
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- 38
Hello. Apologies for the lateness, some IRL happened and such and all that.
It is the 1st of Granite of the year 254. This year, you will be exposed to the brilliant tones of Dwarf Fortress as I have become too used to seeing it.
I have been left with a decently prosperous fortress, and the dwarves are happy.
If we are surviving, we can push onward. The deepest mark we have left in the stone is at Elevation 29, in our central stairwell. The depths of the world will make us much more prosperous, if we can exploit them.
...However, that will have to wait for a moment.
The siege is large, and our military is unlikely to win in a straight fight. A full alarm is declared, with the gates to the outside closed.
The dead reach the KOMPACTOR,
and it is hungry. Several dark hunters are pulverized.
Back to delving, then. An exploratory borehole is made in a section easily closed off.
...and somehow, we miss breaching anything at all. At -116, we hit semi-molten rock. Very well: magma forges are my favorite. Let's ignore the siege outside and get at this stuff.
After some careful delving, we find what we're looking for. Hot stuff.
Something else, too.
It sure is pretty, but this year's project is magma exploitation now.
First, a mood to help along, though. Exciting! Mineral gathers everything needed, and works away. The creation ends up being Ethbeshtaron Tureltunur, a chert scepter.
Not particularly interesting or valuable, but it is certainly a sign to move forward with leadership as we move into
Work on the forge-area starts in earnest, though dwarves are exceedingly cautious despite knowing full well that they're above the magma. Meanwhile, the undead climb the tower noticing the main gate is open, which is great for us as they go in one by one, dampening the mood but being easily dispatched. Due to the location on the borehole and weight of the stone, work is exceedingly slow as many dwarves must hold off the trickle of undead.
Yep, work is slow. Bigger concerns on the surface, just boring ones.
To distract from the forgeworks, another mood! WillowWalker creates Tadenshal, a set of tetrahedrite mechanisms.
And at last the forge is up.
A smelter follows, with the Magma Crafting Area now fully completed. A decently-sized area for future storage is dug on the level above. To commemorate this occasion, pig iron and steel are ordered to be made off of this smelter. The one to make the first steel bar powered by the depths of Armok's creation is Erush Zefonsebïr, a Fish Cleaner necromancer named after nobody.
Lor Cattenkadol is possessed, going less smoothly. My assumption is that a type of thread we do not have is needed: yet, it is late winter, and finding cave spiders may prove too long an undertaking. Still, orders are sent in to make the stuff as soon as we have it. MatsurisAhoge is appointed as our manager, as the previous holder was needed for military work too often and orders kept not getting put into the list.
Overall, an uneventful year, with the dwarves only whittling at the invasion force while the underground project is worked on. But with access to magma, what might the next overseer be able to do? The dwarves are happy enough, the supplies are full enough, and there are many options available.
My successor @BFBugleberry will be sent the save shortly after I fricked up nameclicking the first time. Best of luck!
Player list in order of succession:
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- 77
Here's a collection of some threads about the voice. Sadly, not much is happening atm.
127 upmarseys, 378 comments, 22 hours old.
[score hidden] Seriously, Spigelman is so out of touch. Most people gave up on the legal challenge issue months ago. There are plenty of better reasons to vote no than that.
[score hidden] No there aren't.
[score hidden] Apparently 60% of Australia disagree with you.
[score hidden] 60% of Australians are wrong then
[score hidden] Its not fear mongering if things us No voters are concerned about are the very things the designers of the voice have said. Watching videos of Teela Reid, Thomas Mayo, Marcia Langton and Noel Pearson talk about the voice and the powers it will have, has done more to seal my No vote than any of the things the No campaign has brought to the table.
[score hidden] I don't get why people are so against reparations- like I know it's not our generation but the current generation of Indigenous Australians are still absolutely reeling the effects of the stolen generations
[score hidden] NAL but half my family are. My understanding of the voice is that It establishes three things: There is a body of parliament called the voice. It can make submissions to parliament regarding legislation that will effect indigenous peoples. The government of the day has the power to do whatever it wants in regard to indigenous people (ie can ignore the voice entirely if it wants to) I've heard people describe it as an indigenous power grab? The only power it grants is to government, it just formalises a consultive process within parliament regarding laws that effect indigenous Australians.
[score hidden] This! It's not at all as complicated as people are making it out to be. The mental gymnastics No voters are going through is astounding to me.
[score hidden] All the No voters in this comments thread are just continuing to propagate fear/scaremongering. It's all they have because deep down, they're just bigots who don't actually want to do anything progressive for indigenous plights. It's as simple as that.
[score hidden] Calling no voters bigots is like Clinton calling trump voters deplorables, you're alienating significant chunks of swing voters which you can't do when you need a double majority to pass a referendum
[score hidden] I know it's bad politics and Clinton was a shite candidate (something something hot sauce) but she wasn't wrong in the slightest
[score hidden] It doesn't formalise it, it embeds it in the constitution. Why should there be a particular group of representatives from a particular race that gets to influence parliament outside of normal democratic pluralism? Why does it need to be permanent? If it's effective, should it not be temporary?
[score hidden] Because nothing else has worked? Because we're not singling out a race, but a group of people who have been mistreated for over 100 years? Because this "influence" is purely advisory and is just a "voice" in parliament? Because it's not permanent when taking the long view and any supporter of this would love to see the day where this wasn't necessary and could be removed?
[score hidden] We are, quite literally and expressly, singling out a race. There is not a single aboriginal person over the age of 100. If the influence is purely advisory, is this to say that there is no influence - as indicated by your use of parentheses? If so, what does it achieve but wasting resources? It can't be removed - it's in the constitution. What happens if and when the “gap” is closed? Or other races begin underperforming based on equality of outcome measures - which ignore individual choices? Do we get a voice for those races?
[score hidden] "Why should there be a particular group of representatives from a particular race that gets to influence parliament outside of normal democratic pluralism?" Because they are the descendants of the traditional owners of the land which our ancestors* took by force. Our ancestors* have done nothing but try to erase them and their culture from history. Even now we are destroying their traditional lands via resource extraction (e.g. fracking in the Beetaloo basin which is heavily opposed by the traditional owners of the land but the NT government is just walking right over them) and acting like we know better than they do (e.g. force Income Management cards, removing kids from their families, etc). "Why does it need to be permanent? If it's effective, should it not be temporary?" Because the issues that colonisation has caused for them is multigenerational and our government for the most part has fallen into the "why should we bother about stuff beyond our current term?" way of thinking.
*By "our ancestors" I mean the European colonisers. Some of us are not direct descendants of them but we still benefit from their actions today.
/r/AustralianPolitics - "Conservative think tank IPA accused of indoctrinating school children with Voice to Parliament lesson plan"
The Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) has been accused of trying to indoctrinate school children by distributing a classroom lesson plan that teaches students how to mount arguments against the proposed Indigenous Voice to Parliament.
The conservative think tank has paid for multiple Facebook and Instagram ads promoting high school education materials it says gives teachers "the cowtools you need to walk your class through both sides of the referendum". The ads link to a free, 34-page teacher guide and workbook the IPA has written for year 9 to 12 students in English, Australian History, Civics and Indigenous studies.
While the lesson plan promises to teach students about all sides of the debate, the main written exercise asks them to present the "No" case. It asks students to refute a series of statements supporting the Voice using an almost 1,000-word summary of various "No" arguments. Students are then asked to rank the arguments in order of persuasiveness and then "respectfully discuss with your peers". They are not asked to repeat the exercise from the "Yes" perspective.
Students are also asked to complete a true/false quiz that includes the statements, "Anyone who votes No in the Voice Referendum must be racist" and "There are no acceptable arguments for voting No in the Voice Referendum". [snip]
107 upmarseys, 232 comments, 1 day old.
[-8] It's a free country, putting out materials to support either side of any public debate (not just this one) is allowed.
[+7] Just because it's allowed doesn't mean it's right. Students should be taught about the referendum in the most neutral way possible. I like the idea of having kids construct arguments for and against the voice, but only if they have to do both and the materials they are given are neutral.
[-7] Sooooo they're teaching children critical thinking and how to debate? What a racist thing to do, how dare they teach our children to argue both sides, how bigoted. They know they must teach only group think and confirmation bias! 😂 They're challenging children to argue a point they may not even agree with, that is the BEST way to teach critical thinking. And school is 100% the place for political debate, discussion and challenging widespread opinions Edit: ok here's a better way to say what I'm saying. You must be able to plays devils advocate with any topic presented, if you can't, you need to look further into the topic to understand it better and form an informed opinion
[+20] You're probably the first person to associate critical thinking with an IPA publication. I guess they could just let the teachers get on with teaching instead, including critical thinking (which they already do.....)
[-5] Indoctrination is only allowed one way - regards all the woke companies.
[+10] Yeah, how dare we ask kids to be nice to each other! What a bunch of woke, communist, lizard alien, Jewish, propaganda! Seriously, the things you guys complain about, how are you not embarrassed to say such nonsense?
r/Australia discussion
447 upmarseys, 168 comments, 1 day old.
[+10] Always fun to see a thread on the Voice so early in the weekend; there's a good chance some actually good faith commentary will take place before the No campaign clocks in to work for the day. (Although it's possible they don't get any penalty rates, so maybe some choose not to in a twisted form of ironic solidarity.) Anyone shocked or in any way surprised by this move from the IPA needs to have a brief history lesson in all the ways that that organisation is deeply tied to the Liberal Party and the Capital class.
[+15] it's quite simple, I unironically believe that anything involved with conservativism is bad and anyone who votes for it is dumb. Prove me wrong, folks. prove me wrong.
[+6] Conservatives are the enemies of humanity. It must be exhausting for them, constantly having their amygdalas hijacked by fantasizing about what other people get up to in their private lives in the privacy of their own homes.
[-7] Ironic you'd make this comment on yet another example of bad faith commentary by the Yes campaign. The No campaign is brain washing our kids!
Here's some stuff from I week ago that I had saved in a draft. It's probably not up to date.
/r/PoliticsDownUnder - 'No Vote' cheerleaders gallery. #VoteYES
60 upmarseys, 40 comments, 20 hours old.
[+2] Shit c*nt.
[+0] Don't be a strag, let people vote what they want, we live in a democratic country.
Mark Latham has gotta have one of the weirdest political journeys in Australian history.
@fine_wesome in shambles
Not a lot in that thread, but it did get crossposted.
/r/Australian - "'No Vote' cheerleaders gallery. #VoteYES"
69 updooterinos, 420 comments, 5 hours old.
[+1] Is that because you experience change anxiety, or is there a good reason to vote No? I'm yet to hear one.
[+6] Please... let me know a good reason to vote yes... I haven't heard one yet.
[+1] the best reason to vote no is the voice wont change sh1t its just the next in the long line of non-solutions to the unfixable problem of abo disadvantage, which is more likely than not caused by things that can't be admitted on this site
[+1] Found the racist
[+1] Yeah what of it
Vote Yes: You're racist.
Vote No: You're racist.
Seems like no matter what anybody does they're racist. This entire thing has become silly. Both sides are like whining little children.
[-3] Vote no cheerleaders: Literal neo nazis
[+24] Great to see so many people opposed to the racist voice. It's a big NO from me.
[-5] You're not a racist if you vote NO. But you are selfish and probably don't give a frick about the damage done to our first nations people over the past 200 years in Australia and how we can begin to fix it.
My tax dollars beg to differ
[+13] Did you know that Hitler ate toast? if you eat toast you are associating with Hitler
[+2] Been looking for a single braincell in this comment and still haven't found it
Now to some other crap.
/r/PoliticsDownUnder - "You're the Voice that will make history. On 14 October, we know we all can stand together with the power to be powerful. History is calling, so Vote Yes. Are you in? John Farnham is."
55 upmarseys, 29 comments. 5 hours old.
Nothing too interesting, just lots of comments downmarseyd for saying no.
Also see this post from @PaulKeyedting
Cross posted to:
/r/FriendlyJordies - "You're the Voice that will make history. On 14 October, we know we all can stand together with the power to be powerful. History is calling, so Vote Yes. Are you in? John Farnham is."
55 upmarseys, 74 comments, 6 hours old.
[+24] How good is it to see a positive ad rather than the usual scare mongering negative ads that insist some boogey man is coming to take your franking credits/mortgage/negative gearing/kidneys etc
[+18] This is a really well done ad. Pity the cookers won't watch it, not would they “get” it, even if they did.
[-8] Speaking of songs, here's some lyrics from our other unofficial National Anthem, "I am Australian". We are one, but we are many. And from all the lands on earth we come. We'll share a dream and sing with one voice. "I am, you are, we are Australian". A yes vote, which gives an extra voice to one group based on their race, destroys that 'one voice'.
[+11] Where'd you get this talking point from, Peta Credlin?
Check out these posts if you've missed any:
Now they're arguing over land acknowledgements lmbo : AustralianPolitics
New Voice Newspoll just dropped: 42% Yes 58% No - CRIPPLING Blow!
Right wing commentator Andrew Bolt proposes gassing the boongs
Yes Campaign now using John Farnham's 'You're the Voice' as official soundtrack
Voiceposting infographic- "The most common misinformation about the Voice to Parliament Corrected"
Voiceposting- will the world condemn Australia if the Voice fails? r/australianpolitics discusses
- X : leave penny alone
- F0555hill : too long, didnt read
- _sus : no1curr
- rDramaHistorian : Unmitigated Autism
- johnnypoop : Power users seething itt
- EvilUbie : Severe Pennyphobia. Utterly disgusting!
- BernieSanders : Judt ban all foids and be done with it; bio, trans, larpers, doesn't matter.
- 370
- 162
!dramatards !BIPOCs !biofoids !r-slurs !pings !effortposters @FrozenChosen and my real !bipocs including @CarpathianSoren @bballbelle @GabrielMartinelli @tiptopkitkat
1) I gave Penny multiple grass awards which were removed today from their main @Penny account + alt account @lagrangian despite zero grass touching
2) Penny previously posted a fake "grass" pic like a week or so ago and then quickly deleted it because it wasn't even a grass pic and it was demonstrably faked for them lmao:
Behold the unaltered grass pic (and note I did not add the black marks, penny did for obvious reasons)
Compared to other pictures of the person who faked the picture for them
3) Normally idgaf but in this case I've wasted tens of thousands of dramacoins playing by the rules of rdrama.net (in the form of grass awards and various other awards and shit) to call out what I can see (and the largely silent majority of others on rdrama can see) is an obvious larp and because of that (by tangent) I also caught a bullshit 1-week admin ban for this as well, THUS please forgive me but I'm not going to pretend everything's "cool" just because my own bullshit admin ban expired
4) "Penny" called me fake btw. 😂😂😂 Lets put our cards on the table, Dwhite Dynamite face dox, featuring real black women 💅🏿💅🏿💅🏿 lol:
5) The evidence that Penny is a larp is overwhelming at this point. Everything Penny has said "proving" they're not a larp has been discussed to death and everyone's sick of hearing about it. Look at how penny talks now vs new account penny. It's so fricking obvious it's painful to watch people eat this shit up.
In case anyone has missed how obvious it is, here are some threads dissecting the mountains of tertiary evidence and everything to help flesh the picture out:
6) If your too lazy to read the above shit, some of the important take aways include that Penny apparently ONLY logs into rdrama on a SWEDISH VPN for OPSEC (because that makes fricking sense lol) and has countless ties to all things swedish including an ex-swedish boyfriend and her BEST friend on rdrama is swedish of course. E.g. also calls bathrooms "water closets"! Very Southern of her! 💅🏿💅🏿💅🏿
7) !jannies Did you know what account holds the record (BY FAR) for deleting their own comments?? Penny! Yes, penny has deleted approx. over 1200 of their own comments, which besides being the HIGHEST ranked by volume of self-deleted comments by number of ANY prolific rdrama poster, is ALSO about the highest ranked by overall percentage which is between 4-5% of Penny's total comments lmao. I wonder if there's anything weird or contradicting in those 1200 deleted comments which only admins can see!
NOTE: This is AFTER accounting for ALL the comments removed by autojanny btw for chud awards which only amount to about 90 chud-removed comments lol. Also in addition, you'll NEVER guess which account is a close 2nd place in both metrics to the Penny account! lol it's dramacel of course
8) It would literally take "Penny" 5 minutes to prove I've r-slurred and completely destroy my word and reputation at this point. INSTEAD of doing that, Penny has spent days to weeks arguing in every thread on alts calling everyone pointing out the obvious as stalkers or appealing to third hand testimony of dramatard friends as somehow proof XD
9) I want a fricking refund of all my coins wasted on this and Penny should not be an admin because there is no penny (except for the one in our hearts that liberally handed out N-word passes to the unwashed masses of rDrama by proxy)
10) Lol frick you, fake-butt nikka cac scrote
Good bait though ngl
- 42
- 60
This is a sore spot for africacels. Whenever people discuss the stunning success of Singapore which developed into an economic power which punches far above its weight, even though it is a relatively tiny nation by population and size.
Like much of africa, it was a colony post, used for trading. Yet it's early leadership was extremely well managed.
"I've seen Singapore come up a lot on discusslions of paths for African development and I am am the only one who thinks it's nonsensical? Singapore was a colonial trading post perfectly situated, comparing Singapore to let's say niger seems so incredibly stupid, Malaysia and other south and southeast Asian countries are better comparisons"
Basically they immediately lass out as always, and deny everything.
Africacels are not fans of Singapore's version of Attaturk - SingaDaddy (aka Lee Kuan Yew). That his authoritarian leadership turned a 3rd world backwater, into an emerging educated market state within his leadership lifespan, makes the Africacels green with envy
Africacels are illiterate morons
@X please correct their bullshit for us
"a well managed already good situation." lol lmoa. Ah yes this phrase
And this is the crux of the seeth for africans. They feel that post colonialism powers like Bongland and Frogland getting out of africa, had left few resources infrastructure and expertise for the new fledgling nations to govern themselves. And much of this is true. The colonization of Africa and Asia was different
However much of african nations did in fact inherit sufficient infrastructure, if not even more so than the fledgeling Singapore post colonialism, and the success of the tiny country is a painful reminder that failure was not a garrantee post colonialism, and that at least some; a non-zero percent of the fault of the failed state and anarchy and dictatorships in much of the 50 african states today is thus in the very least partly of their own doing - and this is a painful pill to swallow for /r/africacels whose entire libshit identity is build on their repression being the fault of white colonizers exclusively
Never once did african warlords seize power at the expense of their fellow inhabitants, or commit nation destroying corruption, no no, only colonization.
Thus the mere mention of Singapore triggers these fools like that rightoid who spazzed out this week from the non-binary option in starfield .
A few more levelheaded africacels try to go against the circlejerk
"Every successful country has lessons you can draw from and Singapore is one of them. You can't dismiss it outright. Singapore might have had an advantage in terms of its location but it also had several disadvantages; it had a small market, it had reached the limits of its entrepot trade economy, communist problem and surrounded by countries that either didn't like it or was at least suspicious of it, this meant limited trade.
The lessons African countries can draw from Singapore is that for a country to develop you don't need to be terribly reliant on having natural resources, you need a strong and pragmatic leadership that prizes economic growth and development via industrialization, carefully coordinating human resource development with infrastructure and industrial strategy, etc."
This of course deeply upsets the locals
And then what follows is a cope argument thread about nonsense and economics which basically boils down to the belief that africa never stood a chance bla bla
More example arguments about example this, example that
Chud Nigerian say:
"You are missing the point. Nobody realised the potential of Singapore when independence was forced on them or when they had to stand on their own. It took vision, discipline, and a bit of good fortune for Singapore to be what it is today. Any country can copy that and be equally successful. Singapore strategic location might not be as big a factor as most people assume. There are a lot of small African countries with massive natural resources earning millions of dollars, yet they are poor. Natural advantages don't determine wealth in the modern world, you need good economic models, vision, and discipline."
This ticks off the examplecels
Finland is great/poor example of prosperity
"You mean if the Malaysians knew how strategic and economically important Singapore would become, they would have still expelled them? They were expelled for tribal reasons. If Malaysia realised their economic importance, then they wouldn't expel them." LOL
- 92
- 83
Warhammer 40k is a fictional dramatic opera about genocide and superhuman daddy issues. In 40k future humanity, after a lot of catastrophic galaxy-wide wars have regressed from a star trek Utopia back into a ultra totalitarian religious dictatorship, where all of humanity worships (or is forced to worship by pain of genocide) the comatose corpse of the God-Emperor sitting on a giant hospital ventilator. Everything sux and is mega dystopian, and traitors (rebels/dissidents) are called synonemously as heretics, so show how entrenched emperor worship is.
The main thing putting 40k universe apart from all the other Starshit nerd franchises is the perpetual genocides, and specifically the XENOPHOBIA Humanity hates all other sentient life and aliens, and are prone to genocide all alien life
So art and fanfiction regularly places the totalitarian humanity (called the Imperuim of Man) in the position of genociding aliens, sometimes for fun, the Imperuim of Man is depicted fighting aliens from other well known franchises, like star trek, star wars, Xenomorphs, and other series just for fun. It's common
You'd think with such a turbo edgy universe with chud shit like genocide, slavery, neo-feudalism and racial supremacy being core themes of the universe that a more right wing-ish crown would make up the core fanbase But on Fricking reddit, and especially /r/Grimdank (a meme sub), it's often filled with turbo ultra omega soys
And these turbo soys will b-word about the most typical bullshit we have grown tired from reddit echo chambers. Like the frequent fights about Space Marine only being male in universe, or the frequently monthly "TRANS RIGHTS" posting , or virtue signalling by libtards who are clearly not sub regulars of give a shit about the 40k lore at all and wants to colonize all hobby/fandom subs like the chaos gods
Well in today's sperg congregation, we have another shitlib hugbox cry fest about some art on twatter where another generic 40k artist made some art about the Imperuim of Man facing off against the Navi from the Avatar movies.
The cardinal sin of the artist in question today is the use of the Navi specifically because they are space Indians (the yank type) , and the casual and INSENSITIVE nature of this fictional picture has ruffled the feathers of grimDork
Killing space natives is unimpressive
"Killing space natives in fiction is A POLITICAL STATEMENT"
"Ugh I hate the low brow members of this truly scholarly and cultured hobby of ours, ggnnhhhhh"
"YIKESERINOS, I keep getting a bad VIBE from fans who immitate the bad-guys too much, they give off a hecking NAZI VIBE!"
"It's getting disturbing for me how many of the fanbase is taking the purge the Xenos seriously"
"Chuds masterbate to Space Marines killing furries, and this makes me mad!"
Man this art REALLY pissed of the soys
"Some people are a little too excited to be space xenophobes."
@XY plz pin thank you
- BushWasRight : libertarian
- MangoRanch : groomercord users need to be lined up against the wall
- DarmstadtiumDonGER : I'm scared. Mom, pick me up
- 43
- 124
Hecko lovelies,
You may remember daddy Chad for his previous banger surveying constructed language groomercords. We discussed lovely and pretty things like baiting chuddies to do an accidental nazism , and posting generous amounts of toki pona (that is to say, neurodivergent pig latin ) using our best friend ChatGPT.
Daddy's been busy with another ol' scoop, and you beautiful people deserve to know. Without further ado...
We're still talking about the same small group of groomercords here. Servers dedicated to the obscure invented language Toki Pona - a toy language you can pick up in a couple evenings, and have plenty of entertainment as you watch cute twinks on Groomercord eat each other alive. Daddy Chad learned this - you should, too ;)
Our stage today is the largest groomercord around on the subject, "Ma Pona pi Toki Pona".
Part 1: Moderation bangers
What is this Toki Pona groomercord server , you may ask? You have come to the right place - your daddy will answer. Here are a few of the kinds of people you will encounter on a playful romp through the community:
As you can see, the target audience is very far from the average dramachad, who is instead deeply neurodivergent and perverted . (Ladies , call me)
Quick toki pona lesson time!
Jaki (pronounced "yucky" ) - gross, disgusting
How do you moderate a community of such mature , well-adjusted people?
The heroic mods manage well.
The iron mop of justice removes rulebreakers swiftly and with not more than one sentence of explanation.
But sometimes even one sentence is too much.
Have you spotted it yet? Racism is a big problem in the constructed language community. Out of 120 words in Toki Pona, 28 can be used to say BIPOC . That's more than in English!
How are they fighting racism?
This user with a avatar is the server's biggest advocate for Toki BIPOnians.
: Read these five scientific articles to keep your place in our hobby server
Is the approach working?
The mop of justice works overtime. Even despite providing ample links to information, our moderation team is heavily stressed by constant banning of racists.
Something must be done - it is decided. There are too many white moderators.
: This moderator did not use his platform to elevate BIPOC opinions. He will be... removed
: Wordswordswords. I'm technically not white BTW...
: I'm white... so take my opinion with a grain of salt... but...
If it were up to me, the second one should be banned . Upmarsey if you agree. Upmarsey if you disagree. Daddy's gonna buy a lottershe ticket.
A BIPOC pipes up. He has things to say.
: How come mayos don't listen when I try to educate on how bad they are... They prefer to talk to others
gotta , what can Daddy say. Just ban 'em ;)
A brave soul volunteers to fix the problem!
On the condition that the rules do not apply to him , of course.
But others are more jaded.
: It's like, it's bad vibes, man. Like, the energy isn't there, yaknow?
Now that we've introduced our heroes, Daddy will share some brewing drama with you. This part is a little low-effort - perhaps we'll see more of it soon?
Part 2: State v. Chudi Pona
In his previous scoop, Daddy alleged to having gotten exclusive access to a small, but lively chud Toki Pona server.
His little infiltrations have started bearing delicious fruit
Recently, some people taking care of some dictionary announced a big survey. Who uses which words? Toki pona has 125 - some people like to cheat a little . Maybe add a new one just for yourself and buddies , maybe add a dozen? Fascinating, truly fascinating .
As it so happens, daddy Chad had a good friend inside of the inner machinations ! The channel was invite-only, so do forgive the lack of Daddy's sharp wit and insight into the situation ;)
We'll visit those funny characters in a next effortpost by Daddy. For now...
The results just came out! And chuds began seething in their little chud server - so Daddy got his shit together, pushed his prolapse back in, and got to collecting seethe as soon as he heard ;)
Why are little Chuddies seething? You see, the little meme wordie they used between themselves did not get accepted into the dictionary for lack of notability.
Let's see now. What is going on in their server?
enepi, our word of the day, was originally coined in this Reddit post.
For those afraid of catching an STD from the link, Daddy got you.
Since then, the wordie experienced a surge of niche popularity, fueled by memes and the weekly 'toss - and the fact that it adds a 29th way to say BIPOC in toki pona.
We'll leave more DAJOOOOZ content until the next effortpost. Daddy's got some ;)
Quick toki pona lesson time!
Lon is that emoji
: This is why I'm an antivaxxer
That being said, 14 out of 868 is a least 1%... how do we explain that?
The answer is simple.
!chuds !nooticers, get in here, Daddy's friend helped us solve the mystery.
Response count the day before closing:
Response count after closing:
Who's gonna tell them, kittens?
- 37
- 129
Greetings Dramastrags
Holy hells the last 3 weeks have been heck on earth, I actually had to work at work . Anyways I wanted to talk about drama in safrica which regularly happened on and off in South Africa's rural community and the animal-rights-activists of South Africa which frequently came to blows at various times over the decades.
It's a fun "non-political" political tale of dramatardations, because everyone involved was always completely 11/10 at the emotional level.
Basically there are lots of pests and problem animals naturally occurring in Southern Africa, with regards to destruction of crops or herds of farmers. Examples:
https://anchorenvironmental.co.za/sites/default/files/2018-11/PREDSA eBook 2018.pdf
The humble fox preys on sheep lambs, cattle calves, or even wild game infants, and causes immense financial destruction to the farmer, or duress for the herd, as usually the domestic or wild herds are not capable of escaping. There's at least 5 species of the buggers where I come from.
Among them are the Redjacket jackal
, and the Aardwolf or Earthwolf jackal (looks like a hyena!)
Among the usual Savanah foxes, is the Rooikat or Red Cat, a very large lynx native to southern africa, and about the size of a large dog. They are extremely nimble and fences, including electrical fences don't do shit to prevent them from migrating where they wish.
Then there are jackals which are no harm to livestock whatsoever as they prey on birds, bird eggs and insects, but many farmers mistake them for Red jackals and kill them at night: these are the silwerjakkals/silverjackal
or Backoorjackals (literally translated bowl-eared-jackal )
Then crops threatened by animals are tarentale (Guineafowls) and vlakvarke (southern african warthogs)
So with so many native animals which can cause destruction to herds and crops, farmers tend to be less than animal lovers regarding wild animals which pose a direct threat to their herds, their livelihoods and their pets. Additionally most farmers here, both boer and black tends to be on the conservative side of culture and social beliefs.
I mention this, because on the farmlands of the Free State, Kwazulu-Natal, Limpopo and other rural regions of South Africa, the concept of veganism and animal rights are pretty scarce. To have a vegetarian diet is highly abnormal even today, and most certainly was an abberration 20 years ago. Outside of cities, this liberal adjacent thinking isn't very common on the ground level, especially amongst poor whites, and even more so amongst poor shanty town blacks in places like the Free State, it's not uncommon to see multiple dogs chained to a kennel with a 2 meter rope along every street in a black township; white farmers would regularly use beartraps against foxes; animal rights are not on the forefront of thought here as it is predominantly amongst the West.
I mention this background so that you guys can comprehend the worldviews of farmers here, and how they would clash against Animal-rights-activists from cities, and the Western Cape, regarding the issue of pest control, specifically pest control in a humane fashion.
Just like Isreal-Palestine, there tends to be a 2-3 year spate between farmers and Animal-rights-activists in the newest "scandal" regarding the less than friendly manner in which a specific pest had been dealt with in the rural regions in South Africa - example:
Many farmers dealt with foxes using various poisons, a controversial culling and pest-control method. Because, although poison is effective at killing foxes who prey on sheep, lamps and wild game, it is an indiscriminate killer, causing strong collateral damage to adjacent species which cause no harm to crops, and are themselves keystone species to that ecosystem they live in. Examples are owls which prey on both animals and dead carrion - because what happens is that the foxes die successfully from the poison bait, but then their corpses are still infused with the poison, which is ingested by the owl preying on them in turn.
Predictably, the owls perish, and the whole ecosystem can collapse, as the field owls are an important regulator of other pests like field mice, which in turn can cause substantially more damage to crops, seed stores, to the homes of rural people as their populations explode without the owls to keep them in check, you guys get the idea.
Animal-rights-activists and ecologists campaigned to get the most egregious poisons banned/limited by farmers successfully in the early 2000s, particularly since vultures (one of the most absolute keystone-species of the entire Savannah) were being affected.
In this case, the drama was muted, as most farmers agreed with the animal-rights-activists and ecologists, that wanton and irresponsible use of poisons wasn't such an ayoba idea.
I cant find sources for these very specific occurrences, as i learned all I knew by physical newspapers that don't exist anymore, and real world books
But by far the most nuclear drama involving spats between farmers using "inhumane" methods of culling pests which threaten their crops, and animal-rights-activists, is the matter of vinke/finches .
Of all the pests and diseases and threats to crops and livestock, the greatest is the humble vink/finch in South Africa. The 4 most common are the cut-throat, the scaly-feathered, red-headed and the cuckoo finch.
But Afrika itself has like 74 species of the birds, so trying to remember them all isn't important. But pretty much the lot tends to be a major threat to crops. Because although they are tiny organisms, they congregate into truly vast flocks of several thousands. Like locust swarms, these flocks can congregate in flocks of as many 20 000 individuals at once, and devour a hectare of maize, mielies, corn and wheat in about a day, they are ravenous little frickers and their groupings can come randomly.
Compared to the vlakvarke (southern african warthogs) and tarentale (Guineafowls), which regularly eat up maize/mielie crops, they are a much more proportional threat. Warthogs and tarentale can be a nuiscence but seldom eat enough to threaten crops on the scale of finches, and some farmers tolerate them easily as they are delicacies of meat.
Many farmers would invite friends to hunt Warthogs and tarentale, or even allow their farmhands to hunt/entrap them for food freely. But since finches are birds, and thus not contained by fences, and congregate in such colossal locust-like swarms, they are pretty much never welkom on a farmer's land.
Now over the many decades there had been various attempts to combat finches. Shooting them with .22 caliber small firearms, and wimbuks air guns, which fire an iron pellet or small bullet specifically meant for birds or bats. Farmhands and the sons of farmers were send out with a bag pellets/air-bullets and paid by the sack-full of birds.
Yet even with unlimited ammunition, the finches/vinke was so swarmed that culling them via individually hunting was always a pointless endeavor, and also even the smallest cheapest caliber bullets/pellets weren't free as not all hunts, stalkings and shots were successful.
Special snares with seeds worked well but too little effect on the large populations, also birds learned about the traps and would subsequently avoid them; also there were too many adjacent maize lands filled with food for them to risk into snare traps, and lastly the open fields of the Free State made disguising the snares much harder.
These are techniques all the way back from the 1980s still used today by rural black peeps who deem the effort of catching like 50 finches for one pie worth the time.
The Ashuta trap apparently originated all the way from places like Subsaharen Afrika (Niger Nigeria), and migrated alongside the many migrating peoples southward into SA alongside groups like the Matabeles and Zulus. Still used today.
All these traps have variable success, and are hard to track and keep at a constant r*pe of culling the darn finches, thus they were not a reliable method of population control or keeping the finches from devouring the crops of a farm. And since the objective of killing finches was to prevent them BEFORE they consumed all of the wheat and maize, the waiting game of snares were less than useful for stopping the flying rats.
Translation to English:
"Finches plague various regions of Southern africa, and the Department of agriculture, forestry and fisheries states that they struggle to combat the finches."
Mnr. Colen Burke, a resource-conservationist inspector, says that (the provinces) of North-West, Free State and Northern Cape are currently plagued by finch swarms.
They come by Delaryville, Litchenburg, Bultfontein, Reitz, Bothaville, Kroonstad, and all along the Orange River in the Northern Cape they occur naturally.
In the Bultfontein-region we are prohibited from using explosives, because the birds travel/migrate towards and around water-sources. We (the department) have asked the local farmers to utilize the burning of tyres, to smoke out the finch swarms, so that they may migrate towards regions in which they are not a plague, and may flourish in peace.
(Burning tires to smokes out finches. How fricking r-slurred )
Mister Hemran Meiring, the region-representative for Vrystaat-Landbou (Free State-Angriculture) in Bultfontein, stated that farmers have tried driving away the birds via burning tires, as the bird swarms cause great damage.
They (the farmers) had initially thought the vinke/finches eat approximately 0,2 gram per bird of maize per day, but have determined their calculations to have been inaccurate, and that the birds eat in reality about 0,4 grams of crop per day per bird, which cause immense financial damages.
The Department of Agriculture will investigate other methods of combatting the finches, and have considered glufostaat on reeds. (I have no idea wtf this means )
About 20 years ago, some galaxy brained chemical-engineer and pyrotechnicists had the bright idea to use explosives to blow up the birds. Finches behave similar to Tarentale/Guineafowls in that they congregate at night into trees to sleep, usually the same place, especially if its a row or orchard of trees. Thus, they would arrive at night and swarm the a whole row of trees, almost to the comical extent of bending down those trees with their combined weight like a saterday cartoon.
Using large quantities of Petrol bombs, detonated with explosives, these galaxy brained fools would blowup a whole row of trees, and killed several thousand birds with one stone (trigger)
And holy shit it worked! In the early 2000s, all over Free State and other provinces, a series of petrol bombings took place to blow up several flocks of finches as they rested at night in their havens, all in one convenient spot, as a prime easy target for pyromaniacs and foaming farmers.
The petrol-bombings became so famous and frequent, that farmers and pyrotechnicists would invite the local town people to come and view the spectacle! I'm not pooping you. In the boring rural landscapes this was the event of the year, and several hundred people would arrive per petrol-bombing to watch an entire treeline disappear in a wall of flame which hopefully killed enough finches that their flock size would have decreased beyond the point of being a bankruptcy financial threat to the farmer in question's crops.
"Every year, thousands of tons of wheat, millet and sorghum is lost as a result of millions of finches devouring crops of both commercial and subsistence farmers. It is estimated that there are 1.5 billion of these birds in southern Africa alone, and flocks ranging from 1 million to 5 million have been recorded. A flock of 5 million can consume 50 tons of grain a day.
Farmers in the Standerton area have taken the war to the birds, attacking them where they sleep at night. Farmers are fire bombing the trees and thickets they rest in at night, according to the Standerton Advertiser. Nightly explosions ripple through farmland as farmers take on these feathered pests"
======(from The New Humanitarian article)
For thousands of years, subsistence farmers in sub-Saharan Africa have been at the mercy of the voracious Red-billed Quelea bird (THE FINCH); sky-blackening flocks of the tiny “feathered locust” still decimate fields across the continent.
"Its main characteristic is that it occurs in extremely big numbers," Clive Elliot told IRIN. This retired quelea expert spent the better part of his 31-year career at the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) trying to help farmers and governments in Africa cope with the pest. Nomadic super-colonies can grow to millions of birds, making quelea not only the most abundant bird in the world but also the most destructive.
Small bird, HUGE damage:
Although they prefer the seeds of wild grasses to those of cultivated crops, their huge numbers make them a constant threat to fields of sorghum, wheat, barley, millet and rice. The average quelea bird eats around 10 grams of grain per day - roughly half its body weight - so a flock of two million can devour as much as 20 tons of grain in a single day.
With an estimated adult breeding population of at least 1.5 billion, FAO estimates the agricultural losses attributable to the quelea in excess of US$50 million annually.
Quelea populations are notoriously robust; millions of birds are killed every year, but "reducing their numbers is highly problematic - they are highly mobile, have few natural predators and breed extremely fast. Man has been unable to make a serious impact despite the arsenal of weapons available," Elliot said.
"A new population can swiftly move into an area you just killed out ... [and] because they breed three times per year, with an average of three eggs per clutch, one pair of quelea birds can produce up to nine offspring annually."
The birds are long-distance migrants with a range covering well over 10 million sq km of Africa's semi-arid, bush, grassland and savannah regions. "It's a pest in many different African countries, stretching from South Africa, north through countries like Tanzania, Kenya and Ethiopia, and all the way across the Sahel to Mauritania," said Elliot.
Intensive farming and an increase in cereal crop production throughout the continent resulted in an explosion in their numbers; according to some estimates quelea populations have increased anywhere from 10 to 100 times since the 1970s.
Since the beginning of 2009 relief agencies in Africa have reported quelea bird swarms with a direct impact on food security in Kenya in January, in Zimbabwe in April, in Malawi and Tanzania in May, in Mozambique, Tanzania and Zimbabwe in June, and in Namibia and Tanzania in July.
It is difficult to invest in national eradication programmes because flocks have no respect for national boundaries, and "The destruction is patchy - at a national level a country loses only up to 5 percent [of crops], but for the individual farmer whose entire crop is wiped out that is little comfort," Elliot commented.
Beyond control:
The most common way of controlling the pest is by large-scale spraying of infested areas, "usually with a chemical called Fenthion - also known as quelea-tox - where they breed or roost" said Elliot. "Another way is blowing them up - finding places where they concentrate and using fire bombs or dynamite." In some areas the use of flamethrowers on roosts had also been tried, but with little success.
According to the Natural Resources Institute, a UK-based development group, some 170 control operations are executed in South Africa each year, killing 50 million birds on average.
But, according to the Encyclopaedia of Pest Management, "Despite the annual destruction of millions of quelea birds by use of pesticides, damage has continued to increase annually." Besides being only marginally effective, Elliot noted that modern control methods also often had serious negative environmental consequences.
Most small-scale farmers have no access to aircraft, fuel, chemicals, dynamite or flamethrowers, and have instead relied on age-old traditional methods that are more effective, and certainly more environmentally friendly, but hugely time-consuming.
"The traditional way of control is mainly through bird-scaring. People go into the fields when their grain crop is vulnerable, using anything from catapults to banging and noisemaking - quite effective in the majority of cases," Elliot noted.
"One person can protect a hectare but it's very hard work," because the crops are vulnerable from dawn until dusk and could need protection for a whole month, he said. If you can't beat them, eat them.
More recent discussions about quelea bird pest control have turned towards predicting breeding based on weather patterns, deterrence mechanisms like netting, boosting natural predators, and even the development of a quelea virus.
Harvesting the birds as a natural resource might mean "two birds with one stone", Elliot suggested. "We have been trying to develop systems to catch the birds and turn them into food for people - they would make a great source of protein."
==========(END OF ARTICLE)
The petrol-bombing of finches has several issues.
The 1st is that it doesn't outright kill all finches, and sometimes only mains or mortally wounds hundreds if not thousands of birds per explosion. Finches have been found burned and singed several kilometers away from petrol-bombing sites, proving that they had not been killed outright, but mortally wounded, only to succumb to a gruesome and painful death, after a long flight away from the detonation site at the resting treelines, meaning the birds suffered before the final moments. This agitated animal-rights-groups who have considerable pull in our government to ban or regulate petrol-bombing of finches.
Other problems, is that not only finches tend to be killed by a petrol-bomb. At the bombing site, always there are armed men with hunting rifles and pistols standing in wait for the bombs to conclude their explosion, because afterwards, they would drive through the treeline, to go and kill all the mortally burned foxes, tarentale, steenboks, hares and other critters that have been unintentionally, but unavoidably caught in the explosion, to spare them of their suffering. This further aggravated tensions between vegans/liberals/animal-rights-activists and SA farmers, whom are more concerned about their financial ruin at the hands of these feathered pests, than having concern for their individual suffering from the imperfect petrol-bombing culling method.
Once again most of this drama is between news paper and live forums, so i cant find good online sources to further back myself up.
Anyways I personally witnessed such a petrol bombing when i was like 10 years old, and have vivid memories of it. Today there is still ongoing debates regarding the use of Petrol-bombing to cull the Finch swarm plague, and many farmers petrol-bomb in "secret" to not notify anyone that they are destroying a problem swarm devouring their shit. The modern ANC government has also loosened the restrictions on petrol bombing in the past decade as food security in places like the Free State are sometimes threatened by a rogue swarm.
But the corruption, and ineffective governance and communication between national departments and local municipalities also adds to the legal confusion and deceisive ruling on whether petrol-bombing is humane, should be allowed, and consequently lots of sneed and bitching between the two factions continue in this limbo of legality
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Post anything and everything !g*mers. If I haven't heard of it, I want to. As long as it's good.
And don't be afraid to longpost a little. I certainly will with my entry
As for me, I humbly submit Gihren's Greed, a Gundam themed grand strategy game set in the original series timeline. (Universal Century) It's honestly the perfect “fan game” and a love letter to the series as a whole. It's not another strategy game with Gundam assets slapped on. Rather, the entire game is built around Gundam lore first and foremost. Like the board game Axis and Allies, it is intentionally unbalanced and somewhat linear so as to better simulate the “history” of Gundam.
The game is military management with strategic and tactical elements. The player controls one of the major factions of the setting and works to defeat any and all enemies. Each OG Gundam anime is its own time period so you'll have to potentially face multiple wars — i.e. Char's Zeon only has to face the Federation in UC 93, but the hegemonic Federation starts in 79 and has to face the Zeon Monarchy, then the Delaz fleet, then the Titans/AEUG, then Axis Zeon, and then Char's Zeon remnants. It's kinda neat though since you can choose your own campaign length based on which faction you pick.
Like Axis and Allies, the game tries to replicate the “conditions” of each faction and can be downright unfair. For the One Year War, the game's first time period, the conflict is set up not unlike WWII with the Allies inspired Earth Federation having a superior industrial capacity and the Axis inspired Principality of Zeon having better technology and initial soldiers. In Gundam the Zeon were also the ones to invent mobile suits, the giant robots that the series revolves around, and it took the Federation half the war to finally build their own.
Sure enough, the Zeon player enjoys several turns of complete dominance where your robots can literally curbstomp the primitive 21st century tanks and jets that stand in your way. The tradeoff is that you need to capture enough territory to prevent the Federation's superior economy from drowning you when they do counterattack.
Conversely, the Federation player is stuck with those same tanks and jets for a time and must struggle to survive. It'll be several turns before you invent a tank with arms, and the titular Gundam is locked until a story event.
Win conditions also vary, often railroading you into canon strategies. The Federation can capture all of Zeon as soon as your successes allow you to, but Zeon can't win without taking the Federation's underground base at Jaburo. You can attack Jaburo conventionally by having Char find an underground entrance, or you can fund a flying cannon called Apsalus, or you can deorbit a space station directly on top of where Zeon believes Jaburo to be. If these three actions can't be taken for some reason, you're destined for a draw at best.
Other periods have their own quirks. In the following Zeta Gundam timeframe, the Federation is in the awkward position of having to choose between the Titans and AEUG and your unit roster depends on this decision. The Titans are well paid but evil PMCs so they get more mobile suits and pilots, but their pilot skills cap out early. The AEUG are the quirky resistance fighters with plot armor, so while they start with little to work with and have less mobile suits, the pilots they do get are plot armor protected and some of the best in the game. Flash forward to CCA and the Federation is theoretically at the height of its power, but you must take specific steps to stop Char's schemes or you'll suffer heavily. Meanwhile Char has few mobile suits and pilots to work with, but he can smash an asteroid into the Earth to make it laughably easy to seize. The Principality can also take the Federation's place if it won the first war but suffers from a lack of protagonists. If the Feds can't stop Char's asteroid then war hero Amuro can use his psychic powers to stop the impact just like in the ‘88 movie. Zeon alas doesn't have any anime flavored burning justice, so you're SOL if you didn't win conventionally.
True it its anime origins, Gihren's Greed has plot armor as a mechanic of sorts. Virtually every named character in Gundam as of a game's release will feature as a playable character with skills befitting their roles. Main characters like Amuro Ray and Char Aznable are unbeatable when all things are equal, and “ace” management is important. Named characters need to be countered with your own instead of unnamed grunts since they can kill entire fleets if left unchecked.
The game also replicates the events of the actual animes through event chains that the player may or may not go down. For example, the plot of Gundam ‘79 is told through events where the Federation player will usually choose between two options. If you follow canon, Amuro and friends and the original Gundam will be unplayable but will kill all the Zeon characters they're supposed to. Alternatively you can choose to annex the Gundam into the regular army and cancel the anime storyline. You get the characters and the resources directly, but the Zeon pilots they would have been occupied will also be added to the enemy's controllable roster.
Funnily enough, antagonist factions see these event chains from the other side. The Zeon player can make all the canon decisions of the Principality, but you will, of course, lose. Making smarter decisions instead allows you to change history by killing the Gundam and sparing the villains-of-the-day.
Knowledge of what happens in the anime is important since the wrong decisions can be very punishing, for instance the Federation will immediately lose the Gundam if you fail to resupply it when you're supposed to. Named characters are usually just injured when felled in battle, but story events will kill them permanently. Of course you can also ignore some of the event chains in favor of micromanagement if you feel you can use the characters better through direct control. Event chains are often high risk high reward.
The game is mostly military but there is a morality system for every faction. There are neutral territories that can be occupied for at the cost of a morality loss for every turn of occupation. Many event options also flip you one way or the other — sparing your enemies and not experimenting on people = good, using nukes or turning people into cyborg super soldiers or smashing large objects into the Earth = bad.
The game allows for all factions to go both ways and there can be advantages to either like bad Zeon getting more Newtypes plus easy ways into the Federation's main base whereas good Zeon can keep the more honorable pilots and commanders from rebelling. Some factions like the Titans play fairly differently depending on your morality. The good Titans can recruit Federation pilots and keep the loyalty of Paptimus while the bad Titans can mass produce cyber newtypes and make use of Bask Om's sneaky strategies. There's generally no reward for being in the middle though. In this instance, the centrist Titans would lose Paptimus and his followers while also not benefiting from the unique talents of lovable tyrant Bask Om.
That said, you actually get good guy points for every turn you spend not doing anything evil. You're free to take specific bad guy actions if you know what you'll get. Then you can just wait until the world forgets about anything you've done lol
For all the intentional anime shenanigans, Gihren's Greed is still a war game. Making the right decisions and using your protagonists correctly is strategic in its own way since the consequences come in the form of economic penalties or sudden enemy spawns or opportunity costs. Of course, you also need to build regular armies and fleets and manage technological research. Even Amuro will pop like a firecracker if he's still in the first Gundam when your enemies start fielding high tech units like post war Gelgoogs and Marasais.
The game has both currency and resources, and you can grind to a halt because you've run out of one but not the other. Units also come out of specific production centers so you need to keep these out of enemy hands. Faction balancing should be kept in mind like Zeon needing a blitzkrieg to close the economic differences with the Federation. You need to keep on top of tech so the enemy doesn't outpace you. You also need a diverse roster of units since there are varied combat scenarios and no one unit will handle them all. This also means going down different tech trees since, for example, more advanced air or aquatic units can't be fielded until you've researched their predecessors. Lastly there's an intelligence division to fund unless you're okay with never knowing what your enemy is doing and what they have. There's also espionage that allows you to steal enemy designs — your chances improve based on funding but what you steal is rng. This can actually change the course of campaigns if you're lucky, since the Feddies might steal a Zaku when they're stuck with tanks and the Zeon might be able to mass produce the Gundam itself.
Gihren's Greed also has a map for both Earth and space. The Earth is risk style, divided into territories and the continents. Earth's orbit is also important though since it allows you to drop units directly onto continents you don't otherwise have a foothold on. Same goes for the oceans. Space too has geography in the form of asteroid bases, the moon, and clusters of space stations called sides. The placement of everything in space matters, Federation base Luna II is close to Earth for example and can send reinforcements to the planet quicker than Zeon can through Side 3. Space is also interesting because the locations change with time periods. In the One Year War many sides are destroyed and the largest base is A Baoa Qu. Come the Gryps War and many sides are repaired and important again. Meanwhile a massive asteroid called Axis has appeared in what was empty space and obviously effects the routes you can take from place to place.
In battle, geography forces that aforementioned unit diversity since regular ground units suffer in harsh conditions like mountain, snow, or desert and overworld features like mountain ranges and lakes force ground units to take detours. You'll want dedicated units to seize these territories and you'll want air transports so the slower mobile suits don't walk everywhere. The sky itself can be a battleground so you'll want fighters and add-ons for grounded mobile suits. In the OYW for instance you'll need to build flying sleds since no mobile suit can fly. Space is more fair but you'll need spaceships to act as motherships. These in turn need to be protected since mobile suits always beat spaceships in battle.
Most factions need to take Earth and space to win so part of the difficulty is managing both types of units. (Obviously things like submarines and jets don't function in space) This is another thing the factions aren't balanced on. Federation GMs are usually all purpose while Zeon mechs, though often superior in their chosen environment, are useless outside of it. Building too many ground units as Zeon can cost you the war if the Federation breaks out in space and takes Side 3 unopposed.
Lastly every battle must be approached tactically. Units are placed in ranks and some units are good frontliners while others need protecting. Proper placement is the difference between victory and defeat — snipers in front and Gundams in back can lose to even an inferior force while the correct placement can beat a numerically superior force. Even aces need to be placed correctly so they don't immediately draw fire and because some prefer ranged combat while others are better in melee.
And of course there are logistical units that can resupply or scout but can't fight. All in all Gihren's Greed is a balance of MIC management, tactics, and correctly navigating the main characters and event chains. You also need to understand the balance of each time period.
This game is the ultimate Gundam experience, and it's hard.
Gihren's Greed is obscure strategy kino and I daresay it's the most dedicated game ever made for a fandom. It is the ultimate Gundam compilation experience at the cost of being downright inaccessible to normies — as specialized and linear as Axis and Allies but for the benefit of a fictional setting.
Anyway, any spergy-gems you dramatards would like to share with the hole?
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This is older but I didn't see other posts about it. Idk what hole to put it in.
Linked is the news story
"A Florida man has been charged with gunning down his parents and older brother after investigators say he stole more than $200,000 from the family to send to a Bulgarian woman he met on a pornography website, court records show."
here is a video of his interview with police
This guys dad was a pharmacist who had saved up for his whole life.
The kid stole all of his money and spent it all on some cam girl.
When the family found out, I guess they flipped their shit and so this kid killed them all.
7 minutes in the detective asks what does he like to do
The whole interview is cop's being completely inept at interrogations while this guy talks about his massive L's in life.
Guy got kicked out of Nursing school for stealing a bunch of drugs
“Sloan said that Grant Amato had been placed in a facility in South Florida due to him being unstable (records show this admission was voluntary),” the affidavit said.Sloan said that she and Cody had a conversation where Cody told her that he was afraid that Grant Amato would kill everyone.”
The girlfriend told investigators that Grant Amato had been “going downhill” since he was kicked out of school, where he was studying to become a nurse anesthetist.
He was unemployed after being fired from Advent Hospital Orlando in June 2018 after he was accused of stealing eight vials of propofol, a heavy-duty sedative typically used during surgery.
Here is a link to ALL of the videos from his trial
Apparently the Cam Girl he gave all the money to was some Bulgarian named Silviya Ventsislavova.
Pictures of her here
Here's the wikipedia article for him, which is a pretty good summary
He got three consecutive life sentences without the possibility of parole
Famous last words:
"When asked if he felt remorse, Amato responded with, "My family has been blaming me for months for ruining their lives, stealing, and not following the rules of the home, so I might as well be blamed for this too.""
Here's a crime show documentary on the case
"Killer Cases: Obsessed Man Slaughters Family to Continue Bankrolling Cam Girl"
That title
I'm not good at making big effortposts, so it's not pretty, but this should be a relatively complete collection of information about this dude and his case/crimes.
Think I might have messed up and accidentally deleted stuff by editing an old post.. but w/e this is good enough.
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Platform: PC, Xbox Series X/S (reviewed on both Series X and Steam Deck)
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Developer: Bethesda Game Studios
Release date: 6 September 2023
In the lead-up to Starfield, much has been said about the highly anticipated sci-fi epic. The sexy Todd Howard has called it “Skyrim in space”, referencing the open-world freedom you'll be having in the heavens. By my estimation, Howard is being incredibly humble. Starfield is far more than a derivative “Skyrim in space” - it's Bethesda's magnum opus and a testament to the heights gaming has reached.
By no means is Starfield perfect. As I'll discuss, it has bugs out of the wazoo, and there are plenty of elements that I can predict will annoy some players. However, when the stars and planets align, Starfield is a dizzyingly brilliant work of art that'll haunt your mind long after you put the controller down. So put on your helmets, cadets, and get ready for an intergalactic adventure.
STORY - Started from rock bottom
Starfield kicks off on Vectera, which is one of Anselon in the Nairon system. There, you're given your cutter (a laser-powered device) which you'll use to mine for minerals. It doesn't take too long before you stumble upon a strange piece of metal that gives you brilliant 2001-like visions accompanied by orchestral music. As you soon discover, you're not the first to have these experiences, and the Freestar Collective has been hard at work attempting to figure out what is going on. Is it the voice of God? Are extra-terrestrials making contact? Or are you simply going insane? Through your adventures, you hope to solve these questions and many others.
As far as the plot goes, Starfield does a sufficient job of gripping you. The mystery is a deep one that can be tackled from philosophical, spiritual, and scientific angles. It forces you to think about the origins of mankind, the nature of reality, and the fate of our species.
Fueling this mystery is a vast universe for you to explore. Every planet, moon, space station, and solar system is another black hole of secrets waiting for you to dive in. Consequently, no matter how many hours you put in, there's always a sense that there's something more to discover if you could just travel a little farther or talk to the right person.
Truth be told, I have no experience with prior Bethesda games, so I cannot compare them to past titles. However, I do enjoy show-don't-tell stories that leave plenty to the imagination. If you're okay with not always getting concrete answers, and with the idea of telling your own story through your actions and dialogue choices, Starfield will have you rapt for its entire length.
During your adventure, you'll have plenty of companions to befriend. Want to explore Akila with Sam Coe, or mine moons with Vasco? Maybe you'd prefer your journey to be a solo one. The choice is yours. How you act around your companions and what you say to them will determine how much they like you. You can also romance some companions. They're all unique with full backstories, and I never felt myself really hating any of them. Personally, I stuck close to Sarah, as we share common goals, though I'd occasionally choose to have Vasco the robot assistant by my side.
There are also several factions and groups you'll encounter. For instance, the House of Va'ruun are a group that worships a serpent deity. In addition to the Freestar Collective, there's the United Colonies, Ryujin Industries, as well as the general riffraff called Spacers. They all provide some unique content, making it worthwhile to put some thought into which way you will go.
GAMEPLAY - Slow and steady
After a brief tutorial, you're left to do pretty much whatever you want. Will you side with the Freestar Collective and follow Sarah in her scientific endeavours? Or will you join space pirates and rob innocent people? The choice is yours, and there aren't many barriers to stop you from doing whatever you want. I had a first-hand experience of this when I was tasked with ferrying some passengers from Earth's moon to a distant solar system. Upon entering my spacecraft, I found strangers and shot them on instinct. Those were my passengers, and I failed the mission.
This commitment to realism follows you during exploration, too. When you enter settlements, there aren't any artificial markers to indicate stores or hotels. It's up to you to genuinely live in the environment, open doors, read signs, and speak to people. You'll also have to behave yourself, as law enforcement is present. They'll blast your brains out if your crime is serious enough, though if you escape you can gain a bounty that'll have to be paid off.
Realism extends to your interactions with NPCs. You can have lengthy conversations with them, and there's a cool ability to persuade others by saying the right things. It's a risky game, and there's no way of learning the right answers because they'll change their reactions if you try to save scum. As you walk through settlements, you'll overhear NPCs talking, which could trigger the start of a new mission.
All in all, the gunplay is serviceable. I didn't spend too much time in combat scenarios and I tried to avoid them as much as possible, as my true joy came from exploration. The weapons seldom feel too different from each other, though you have plenty of options when it comes to weapon modifications. One thing I really like about combat is that you can loot your fallen foes for their pens, weapons, sandwiches, notebooks, caps, uniforms, anything they have on them really. You'll end up with a lot of junk, but you'll occasionally find useful items like keycards.
The space element does add some cool effects to certain encounters. For instance, on low-gravity planets, you'll find yourself bouncing all over the battlefield as you shoot your enemies. When they die, they'll float off which is pretty funny. The fights between spacecrafts in space are also very cool, perhaps even more than regular gunfights. Craft the right spacecraft and you'll quickly turn your opponents into scrap metal.
Ship customization and outpost building
To help you cross the vast expanses of outer space, you have a spaceship called Frontier. This ship can be heavily customized. You can add weapons, shields, and boosters to travel faster or turn space pirates into shrapnel. You can also purchase more ships to expand your fleet. I enjoyed flying around space and the interstellar dogfights did a good job of raising my excitement levels. It should be mentioned that you cannot do the following: land on planets, fly in a planet's atmosphere, or manually travel between solar systems. Nevertheless, you'll never feel restricted, and there are plenty of opportunities to cruise through space, occasionally receiving transmissions from thieves and salesmen. I haven't delved into ship customization too much yet, though it is evident that for those who wish to embark on massive projects, great freedom is available.
It is possible to set up outposts in convenient places. Here, you can have a crew to help build your De Beers-esque mining empire, and there are several options to make your outposts feel a bit more like home. Once again, I haven't spent too much time exploring this system, though it evidently allows for great creativity.
Onto exploration. Starfield is huge. Massive. Ginormous. Planets are unique, and while most of them are relatively desolate, what do you expect from a sci-fi game? I loved the feeling of being a pioneer and setting up shop on a new planet to begin my environmentally exploitative affairs. You'll seldom encounter alien life, and when you do, it's often scared of you or ambivalent. There are few planets with hostile life (such as Akila) but you can avoid the monsters for the most part.
Be careful when loading up on junk! Carry too much and you'll wind up encumbered. When you're encumbered, you'll use up more oxygen, which brings us to our next topic - systems. There is a lot of micromanaging involved. Personally, I love it, but I know there are players who won't. For example, you have to manage your inventory, the inventory of your companions, and your ship's inventory. You can suffer from status afflictions that need curing, your ship needs repairs, there are research projects to complete, you have skills to upgrade, you have money to manage, and it can get overwhelming very quickly when you find yourself with poor lungs, an overloaded ship, and a couple of time-bound missions on your plate.
The solution? Go slow. This is a game that greatly rewards earnest curiousity and attention to details. Take a break at New Atlantis, sleep, visit some stores and you'll probably find the items you need. You'll also get a chance to sell cargo you don't need anymore. Trust me, you'll have tons of garbage to offload. Don't be afraid to just ignore your missions for a while and do whatever you want. Moonwalk on Luna for a while, set up an outpost on Europa and mine it for all its worth. There's always something to gain from venturing away from the beaten path.
A few more pieces of advice. Firstly, turn the HUD opacity all the way to 0. You don't need it. If you're lost and can't find your next mission checkpoint, you can bring up your scanner which'll give you the information you need. Secondly, though you can play in both first and third-person mode, first-person offers a superior experience. This is because you'll be able to easily aim by using your gun's downsights instead of relying on an immersion-breaking reticle. Secondly, there are SO many items to pick up. It's hard to aim for them in third-person. If you do insist on playing in third-person, consider switching to first-person when doing your looting, as it'll make things easier to pick up, especially small objects.
It's easy to tell that I love Starfield's gameplay. It feels like Red Dead Redemption 2 in space as far as how interactable everything is and how slow-paced the gameplay can be. This is the sci-fi game I've always wanted and I'm so grateful to the relentlessly handsome Todd Howard and the rest of the fine folks at Bethesda. Despite this, there are flaws, and they will be discussed (no offence, Todd).
The audio is serviceable. The typical soundtrack you've heard in trailers is pretty much what you're getting for the game's length. There are upbeat, heartbeat-raising scores for combat encounters, and plenty of synthy tracks for your “cruising past Alpha Centauri in my spacecraft” moments, but nothing you'll remember. Overall, the soundtrack does a good job of setting the mood but it doesn't feel like the game has much of an audio personality. Too many times it leans on obvious tropes featuring grand orchestras and spacey synths.
The game's visuals are a different story entirely. It oozes personality. Often, you've heard the game described as “NASA punk” and that's pretty accurate. This isn't the kind of futurism you'd typically expect, you know, with holograms and sleek designs. Instead, you get that clunky, lived-in mess that you'd associate with NASA. Everything is modular and clinically white, and there are plenty of sentimental knick-knacks everywhere (that you can steal of course).
I beg you to explore as much as possible. You'll discover gorgeous lands with sunsets beautiful enough to bring tears to your eyes. Venture through red dust devils, or hunt worms in rainforests in Jemison. The sights are marvellous.
It runs at a pretty smooth 30fps on Xbox Series X, though there were occasional dips during explosions. As for the Steam Deck… forget about it. 20-25fps with frequent dips. I'd recommend not playing it here at all. You're robbing yourself of an amazing experience by playing on hardware that simply can't handle the game's demands.
Like I said, the game isn't perfect and there are issues that must be discussed. I'll address personal dislikes first. I don't like the looting system, and I think it should have been simplified. It's far too easy to end up with an inventory full of nonsense. Secondly, I don't like the powers you eventually gain. It takes the game from sci-fi to fantasy, robbing it of its more grounded feeling. In the modern feature-rich gaming landscape, I understand why that was done. However, I believe the game would have been better off without the cliche superpowers.
Bethesda Bugs - The GI Jane Effect
There are bugs - don't believe reviewers who claim there aren't. Sometimes, I caught NPCs holding invisible guns. Often, NPCs had their hair removed entirely, leading to the GI Jane effect. There were also several instances of enemies becoming jittery and spasming in place. Oh, and the game crashed several times on the Deck. Some of these issues will probably be mended with the day one patch, but I believe you should be aware of my experiences.
Do these bugs suck? Yes! Do they ruin the game? No! Am I happy with my life and the man I've become? No! Am I going to overcome my sordid addictions, make peace with the mistakes of my past, and implement positive daily habits? No!
I love Starfield. I love it so much. It's kept me riveted for entire nights several times. There's so much more I could discuss but I'd like for you to take the journey into the Starfield on your own. This is a game that lives up to the hype behind it. Its magnitudes are breathtaking, the characters are complex, and by god is it beautiful. This is SOUL.
Score: 97/100 Hollys.
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Black economic empowerment is the system which the Mandela Administration had championed to get black peeps work forcibly to uplift them from poverty, at the fears that the white middle class would deliberately exclude them from sustainable jobs - there was genuine good intentions from this initiative, but like all things corrupted, it is one of the biggest hobblings of modern RSA.
Elon Musk's Starlink has had stunning success in many places where there was low levels of infrastructure, including ravaged places like Ukraine, where infrastructure was damaged and distorted. Especially even in rural places like in U.S., Europe and New Zealand, in addition to portions of Canada, Australia and South America - it would never obviously compete agianst fiber or anything but where rural municipalities/counties/local admins were way too brokenshit poor or the local ISPs were too monopolisitc to provide good internet, a lot of rural peeps benefitted from being able to succ internet porn straight out of the fricking atmosphere
South efricans, especially the rural cucks were hyping the starlink shit all the way through 2022, only to be devastated by the news that Starlink wouldnt be coming to RSA because our commie government refused to slacken the BEE requirements that 30% plus must be black locals of the local admin's choosing,
a mega-company like starlink wasn't gonna accept such bullshit and RSA is relatively poor and not a priority market so, the deal fell fricking through
plenty of teeth gnashing and seething from rural cucks like myself
=====(from article) "At least 20 African countries already have Starlink or are planning its roll-out soon. South Africa's neighbouring countries, Botswana and Mozambique are also a step ahead of South Africa in this process.
The ANC government requires of Musk's Starlink company to meet its black economic empowerment requirements. Among other things this means that previously disadvantaged persons, including black South Africans but excluding white South Africans, must have a minimum of 30% shares or ownership in a company to qualify for a license. In reality, it means that the ANC government now even wants to dictate to international companies wanting to do business in South Africa about how they should do it."
"The legislation that requires Starlink to find a South African partner that complies with all black economic empowerment legislation is outrageous as Starlink has no obligation to comply with the ANC government's requirements and it is preventing businesses owned by white South Africans from having an equal opportunity to enter into a partnership with Starlink.
Starlink availability in South Africa would mean that South Africans in all parts of the country, even those in the most remote parts, would have access to the internet. In turn, this would help ordinary South Africans to acquire new skills, leading to possible employment – an issue that calls for urgent attention."
"The ANC government would rather press on with its outdated cadre deployment policies that are aimed at only benefiting a few politically connected individuals while the rest of South Africa is being prejudiced.
The government's obsessive race legislation blinds it to the major economic crisis the country finds itself in currently, and it is sowing division. Solidarity says enough is enough!"=====
Right so one thing that came from the meming and mockery of BRICS was that Chinaland was willing to invest considerable infrastructure and resources into RSA, as they noticed we had this slight problem with electricity, however the chinx who investigated also came to realize the existence of the BEE policy which had kept the ANC in power for the past 3 decades, and they immediately went back to daddy Xi to complain saying that they sure as shit didn't trust the local labour
Usually China makes deals with african nations to build roads/darns and other infrastructure with their own imported labour, as they basically never trust the locals - not the chinese ever made any effort in the past 20 years to try and accumulate education for the local african populations and workers, but whatever.
Anyways, one big talking point which prez Rhamaphoza has touted recently with all the BRICS hype is that "China has promised extensive cooperation in the energy sector." and that he could secure aid from chinaland to through BRICS economic talks and diplomacy to bypass the suicidally corrupt ESKOM to build and refurbish the struggling powerplants.
Well the chinese was once again aghast at the terminal r-sluration of their african allies, and "SA was advised to streamline its tender processes", translation - the tendering for construction projects in RSA is so inept and corrupt that it would scullfrick any chinese engineer foolish enough to entangle themselves in it
Additionally the BEE policy now directly clashed with China's preference to utilize their own specialists and workforce, and basically there is trouble in paradise
We now waiting for the upcoming two weeks to basically let nothing happen when two corrupt nations find friction in this.
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The Korean music industry doesn't put on any pretenses about "discovering" bands and pretending they have some kind of authenticity. They're quite open about their manufacturing process. A management company will hire talented teenagers, train them for years, combine them into a k-pop group, and then manage that group and keep most of the money they earn. It's a controversial system. The management company spends a lot on training and promoting the idols, but if they're a success they're basically indentured servants locked into long contracts, typically 7 years. This has led to many disputes where groups that succeed try to escape from their contract, most notably the saga of TVXQ in the 2000s.
When Crayon Pop disbanded, the management company said they owed as much as they had earned so they got nothong.
Let's play Rashoman with the latest scandal.
The Accusers' Account
Spike Entertainment formed the boy band Omega X in 2021. They put together 11 effeminate pretty boys, some of them veterans of earlier failed boy bands. Omega X fared better and began to build a following. But not everything was not going well. The members put on a happy face in public but behind the scenes they lived in misery, tormented by the cruel CEO of Spike Entertainment, Kang Seong-hee. She subjected them verbal, physical, and even sexual abuse. She even went as far as gaslamping!
This seems to be the only photo of her floating around the internet. Presumably it was picked to be unflattering.
This situation could no longer be kept secret after a shocking incident in October 2002. While on tour in Los Angeles, Kang was sern berating the band for not publicly thanking Spike at the end of their set. One of these waifish boys, Jaehan, had a panic attack but Kang was relentless in her tirade. She became so furious that she lunged at the poor boy and knocked him down.
Omega X, the least effeminate K-Pop boy band.
Omega X fangirls witnessed this horrifying scene and were able to record it. Finally the boys had the evidence they needed to sue Spike Entertainment and win their freedom. At first it was a struggle to get by with no company to promote them. Their luck changed when two members were cast in the boys' love drama (yes, it's what you think it is) A Shoulder to Cry On. The show was a hit.and the softcore porn company that it produced it, Picturesque Entertainment, offered to manage Omega X. Rebranding itself as IPQ Entertainment, it took the boys on and entered the music industry.
A Shoulder to Cry On. The literal translation is more like "comfort the boy".
Kang wouldn't let them go that easy. Driven by greed and her jealous lust for the young flower boys, she sued IPQ. Her minions spread the vicious lie that the band had been plotting with IPQ to defect to them all along. Now more than ever, all true fangirls must unite to protect Omega X!
The Witch's Account
Kang had some quite interesting things to say in her defense. Her father had died while they were in Los Angeles and she had to stay there babysitting the band so she missed his funeral. But the boys weren't grateful. They made shockingly insensitive remarks, like "Hey dude, what does this have to do with us? We got you flowers and we all had to chip in $10." During the incident in the hotel the boys were insulting her, which was conveniently edited out of the video.
After the video went viral, she got a peculiar ultimatum from Danal Entertainment, a company that had invested $4 million in Spike. They would pull their money out unless Spike gave Omega X to them. Kang said she would have to ask the band, but Danal said they had already talked to the band and written up the contract. That's when she knew the whole thing had been a scam by Danal to steal the band. Apparently she refused, which led the band to sue to end their contract. The company IPQ Entertainment that they later signed with is essentially a subsidiary of Danal.
The Truth (My Account)
The little brats are lying about what happened in Los Angeles:
At the concert they chose not to read the line off the teleprompter thanking Spike Entertainment, so we know they were trying to provoke her.
You can't actually see her assault anyone in the videos.
She is yelling at Jaehan during his "panic attack". She's telling him to stop faking it because he was faking it.
In Korean culture you're actually supposed to not intentionally piss somebody off while they're mourning the death of a parent. I don't believe that all 11 of them were unaware of that.
Hieronymus Bosch's depiction of Heck, a place where all 11 members of Omega X are destined to go.
Danal Entertainment demanded control of Omega X and a few months later Omega X just happens to coincidentally sign with a subsidiary of Danal. What are the odds of that?
The best part is the sexual harassment allegations. There are a couple photos of her touching the idols' arms. If you know anything about k-pop fans, you know why they're so outraged. They're just jealous that it's not them doing it.
As of now, the two sides are pursuing legal action as well as fighting a proxy war via rival youtubers. Further gossip and slapfighting can be expected before the crisis is resolved. She may be named Kang but to me she's a queen and I hope she slays.
YouTube fangirl shows all the evidence with subtitles for what Kang is screaming at them. It's kino.
An in depth account of the whole saga.
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Part 1 - He posts his resume
Car selling e-course
Design a online course educating students interested in selling cars.
Course was made using Groomercord software
Part 2 - He humble brags on reddit
I don't get why so many people struggle with getting interviews. I don't mean to boast, but I've only applied to about 10-13 jobs and I've already got 5 interviews in the span of 48 hours.
I'm curious what methods y'all use when applying to jobs. Do you just apply and wait? Or do you take initiative call them to follow up ?
What is this post even. Ok congrats? Darn. If you're genuinely curious you could have asked how are people approaching their job search, or read through the many posts. Or as others said, share your wise amazing interview-getting knowledge then?
Bros got interviews with Herbalife, Amway, Mary Kay, Avon, and Primerica
Part 3 - He brags on reddit about his 7 interviews lined up but takes the 1st job he interviews for
based on your recent posts; resume, lots of interviews, quick hire process etc. Sounds like you got a job at an MLM.
What is a MLM
Be careful though, research that the company is not an MLM or a devilcorp, they all advertise marketing jobs but it's essentially sales.
If I were you, I would still try to do the rest of the interviews.
I researched them, they are legit.
Check their name to see if it shows up on /r/devilcorp sub.
Not on there . And I'm playing shinobi striker rn
What company is this? Because honestly this seems really suspicious, particularly given the resume you posted recently that was full of copy-edit errors...
Green marketing group
Isn't that the group that puts people in Costco to sell electric service and whatnot?
Part 4 - We take a quick look at Green marketing group
This is the shadiest website I have ever seen. They literally don't even list what the frick they even sell
The "GREEN" in Green Marketing Group stands for growth. One of the founders quit making 80k a year with 401k and benefits to help start this company that now generates millions in revenue, shares 50% to 60% of the company's profit to employees and hires talented and ambitious people, while providing high-paying jobs, careers, valuable leadership skills, and entrepreneurship opportunities.
Isn't that literally just paying people
GMG has the privilege to work with some of the top Fortune 500 Companies in the nation. Our exclusive clientele and partnerships is what separates us from other companies, while our proven marketing approach is why elite clients come to us instead of the competition and continue to do business.
We have a privacy disclosure with our clients...which means we can not disclose who they are or what we do for them publicly.
An employee doesn't have to pay us anything (except their time and effort).
"posts all the red flags about green marketing whatever"
Alright thank you. What about this other company called unlimited ad group
i know you're young but you have to be resourceful and help yourself. thats how you're going to learn. start by looking at their glassdoor for reviews. read their website, what learn about what they actually sell or do. dont just look at their pretty group photos, that means nothing. next just start googling and learning how to identify a good company from a bad one. within 2 min of looking at this company's glassdoor i would easily pass.
look i hate to be a downer, but theres a reason why the job market is bad. i know you're happy bc you got a lot of interviews, but they're at shit companies. Idk how you got them. these all seem to be very entry level, stand outside sales jobs. try to apply at actual companies that exist or if its a start up, then one that can actually tell you what the frick they do. and also look up what an MLM is so you avoid joining one.
you seem like you want to work in tech so why not apply for social media marketing positions, even if they are very low entry level.
or if you have time, study for Comptia A+ certs to help you break into the field. you can get that cert studying materials from udemy.com for like $15 when they have a sale, take your test and just search indeed "comptia A+" and there are actual jobs that can get you experience being technical support for a small-mid sized company
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If you're a non-g*mer, you might want to read this part. G*mers can skip ahead.
Run by the roguishly handsome Todd Howard, Bethesda is a gaming giant known for its immersive open-world games from the Fallout and The Elder Scrolls franchises. Starfield is an upcoming game by the studio. It is set in the 24th century, in a future where mankind has conquered The Settled Systems. The game begins during a period of relative peace between the Freestar Collective and the United Colonies. To say that anticipation is high is an understatement.
So why the hype for Starfield? Well, a few reasons. Firstly, it is Bethesda's first new IP in over two decades. Secondly, it is a game that has been in development for a very long time. Though the first teaser was shown in 2018, Todd Howard had been discussing ideas for a sci-fi game since the late 90s. In fact, Bethesda had a game in development titled The Tenth Planet, though it was canceled before release. Thirdly, Todd Howard is 53 years old. Due to the length of time it takes to develop modern AAA games, this is almost certainly his last game as head of Bethesda. Starfield will determine Todd's legacy. If it succeeds, he will forever be remembered as a gaming icon who released the archetypal sci-fi game. If he fails, his entire career may be cast into doubt.
Lastly, Starfield will be the first exclusive released by Bethesda since its parent company, ZeniMax Media, was acquired by Microsoft. As g*mers will know, Xbox's main draw has been Game Pass, but it has lacked the first party games to compete with Nintendo and Sony. The recent spree of purchasing studios was Microsoft's way of mending this problem. With a cool $7.5 billion price tag attached to the acquisition, this is undeniably gaming's biggest hail-mary of all time. No competitive move has ever been this major, not even during the Nintendo vs Sega years.
Decades of research have gone into this game, and Howard visited both NASA and SpaceX during development. Developers kept an entire vault of ideas, indicating just how large the lore is. Starfield is set to release on September 6 on Xbox Series X/S and PC. Owners of the Premium Edition and Constellation Edition have early access from September 1.
Review copies were sent roughly a week ago, so it's expected that leaks would spring up. The manner in which it happened is a huge surprise. Earlier this week, shoddy footage of a African American gentleman playing Starfield was seen on the internet. In the footage you can hear dogs barking and a baby crying, but the footage is undeniably Starfield.
Now, there are some legal reasons to not leak. If you've been given a review copy, a leak involves the violation of your NDA, which can result in you being sued. If you illegally obtained the game, you can face charges, as the leaker of GTA 6 has discovered.
None of this deterred Tyrone, who posted a vieo of him smoking a blunt (an emptied cigar filled with marijuana) on his porch. He reviews Starfield stating: "Todd, no offense man, that's a good game."
All his videos have been archived here: https://gofile.io/d/RsRWH5. As you can tell, in addition to being a g*mer, he is also a gambler. Well, Tyrone is about to get royally flushed.
After finding a little internet fame among g*mers, Tyrone's videos were taken down from TikTok and YouTube. This did not stop him, and he vowed to upload more footage, which he did. He then revealed that he can get more copies of Starfield. He posted a video of himself in his car with several copies of Starfield, including the Constellation Edition boxes which cost a fortune. He also revealed he has an online store, and upon visiting, it was discovered that he sells tons of items in bulk.
Internet fellows bought copies of Starfield, despite not knowing how the game was sourced. It is alleged that he works at a warehouse. Tyrone filmed himself sending copies via FedEx.
Tyrone's antics were wild. They were flagrant. He had no care for the law.
The walls started closing in when his xbox account was deleted and his console was hardware banned, rendering it unusable. Next, netizens discovered that his online store had been taken down. Then... the arrest record. Tyrone, full name Darin Tyrone Harris, is charged with marijuana possession and two counts of theft (one a misdemeanour and the other a felony).
People on Reddit who claimed to have purchased from Tyrone have since deleted their messages.
Tyrone, Tyrone, Tyrone.
Stealing is wrong. There will now almost certainly be g*mers who will not get their games on time because Tyrone stole them. He could have just enjoyed the game. Heck, he could have just sold them on the low. But no, he had to show his face online and bask in the clout. That is what did him in.
This story has been reported by major publications who all have his face and details. He got the fame he wanted, but I doubt he's enjoying it right now. Forever, he will be known as a thief, and he will never find gainful employment.
Lastly, it is worth noting the following:
a Black man named Tyrone
he's a weed smoking thief
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Thank you @A for the pin!
With the persistence of undead sieges leaving the fortress cut off, one cowardly dwarf dares to challenge them with tactics and ingenuity.
Let us begin Year 253 of Mostibkun, "Orangecat": Chapter 4 "The Cudgel of Cats Strike back!"
My name is Sazir, "Spysix" Townbrews, carpenter. My predecessor is the woodcutter, I am the shaper of the wood.
Apparently I'm not very good at it.
(He's literally me)
Yet I am of good focus and iron will. With great musical tastes. I am not the most confident in my own abilities and I am very unforgiving of myself, and in general. If slighted I feel I must seek retribution. Yet any resistance and I am likely to give up.
Thankfully I am usually calm and not the type to think of others or what others think of me.
Despite my liking for brawls and being a very competent fighter. I am a kitty .... cat.
Perhaps I can focus on the issue of the undead, will their defeat, and cure myself of this problem.
My wife is @IslamWasRightAboutWomen
Together we have five children that we don't share... previous marriages I guess?
Either way, we share a bond of focusing on our duties and brawling. She has been training on how to dodge in our last sparring session. But lately she has been feeling dejected from being unable to make merry and acquire "things." Typical dwfoid.
Soon we will have reasons, real reasons for merry.
We have too many animals roaming the halls. The only secure pasture we have is at our front door and its awfully crowded. Perhaps there is securable land above us for the horses, the legion of ducklings and so on. The problem is, we're still under siege. 21 Undead and 4 Dark Hunters, they are the undead that still have their mental faculties, very deadly. Rumored to be able to slay ten dwarves alone! So we have that to contend with with our 28 dwarves and legion of dogs and cats....
So far, as we have in the last few years, we have very little options when we're under siege. Perhaps we're better off digging down. Surely what is below couldn't be any worse than four dark hunters and their minions prowling around our brook?
Look at those rotten bastards.
We really need to do something about these guys. If they have such power to slaughter dwarven armies then it will be up to use to devise an equally devastation solution to the problem.
Oh, and we have a dead llama near the infirmary... why? Our refuse and corpse disposal is outside but that's something we can't do right now.
Oh, what the fook
Some deader is hanging off our wall and trying to take pot shots at our chickens!
Called on the Cudgel of Cats to mobilize and deal with the menace, the zombie drops down in the middle of all the animals in a panick to run into the fortress. There was some trampling, and fighting and stabbing from our spear dwarves. the zombie was killed and the body mangled. He/they ain't gettin up again!
Dead, b-word. Getting teabagged by a duck as well.
Well, one down. 20 more to go. While we're relatively safe (for now) We continue to train well into Mid-Spring
Perhaps being cooped up in this fortress for nearly years at a time gives us a certain cabin fever that is only pushed back by training? Adequate motivation I think.
While we train up, what stray cats that exited the gate I quickly lowered and raised to dispatch that undead crossbowdwarf are being hunted for sport by the undead. You are now my nemesis, Iden Lavathfath!
(Yes, that is cat teeth.....)
What cruel puppets to hunt down a kitty??? Poor scared creature running after with it's mom only to be lost and be struck with a bismuth mace??! Very upsetting. So upsetting I must devise something to overcome the terrible power of the dark hunters, we can't face it head on! I can't face it head on. Such terrible power must be met with ingenious dwarven solutions.
Overseeing construction of what will be the killing floor against the undead. They dare shoot us from the penned pasture? We will shoot them!
Meanwhile more undead somehow are getting past the pen, its time to close the front door for good (until they leave anyway)
This dwarf decided to bring her daughter to the fight. Mom of the year right here. Another zombie dead. This is getting out of hand. How is our pit coming along?
Well, a little after a week, I had a better idea. See, we're having issues with miasma of due to animals dying of starvation within the fort when we're holed up. Leaving them out in the air is not an option. What we can do is create a refuse compactor of sorts to reduce corpses to dust. I think this can apply to the undead as well....
Mhm, yes, there we go, with addition to the compactor it's giving me... ideas. Just need to bring the bait, I mean, Our finest war dogs. Very fine canines. The best, I'm told.
( Pupper Pulverizer pasture)
While that was being sorted, Tobul Tolunasob had a strange mood moment and created a... tetrahedrite gong.
This is a tetrahedrite ekzong. All craftsdwarfship is of the highest quality. It is encrusted with round tetrahedrite cabochons. On the item is an image of Urnbores the tetrahedrite ekzong in tetrahedrite. The ekzong is a large stationary percussion instrument. It consists of a wooden bell. The musician strikes the bell with bone mallets. The instrument has a single middle pitch. The instrument has a resonant timbre.
Ok whatever, it has a value of roughly three thousand, we'll save it for the merchants.
Now back to our project we just need to dig up to the surface and hopefully we can bait, I mean, have our dogs deal with the undead on our terms! Here we have @MatsurisAhoge standing by to observe, we'll have the others armed and rush in should there be a uhm... crisis...
Okay, we're sort of getting somewhere with this.. I pulled back Matsur and got cages to the side of our hall here to keep the undead irresistibly coming this way.
Pull the lever Krunk!
Okay, that sort of worked, we got I think four undead with it, but none of the hunters, and so far they're not interested in the dogs in cages. Blast, I'd make a chain pole but I can't under the bridge. The cages are not working as I had hoped. I just opened the front and thus cant bring in more dogs without risking dwarves until the undead either leave or all die.
Ok, they just killed the one war dog that ran out... Four dark hunters are creeping towards the mouth of doom... by Armok, do it!
Blast, they're scouring over the hills, probing for more weaknesses in our perimeter as usual. Perhaps if we unlock our doors a moment...
Yes.... Drat, the dwarves took too long. He ran in, killed a few cats trying to sneak outside and left when the gate was down... Now he climbs the rampart I have made for our milita to "observe"
@I_am_living_in_your_walls is has been slain by the dark hunter but the dark hunter is seriously injured!
And on the 19th of Slate, the dwarves claim a dark hunter kill in hand to hand combat, the death blow delivered by @s_a_n_t_b I was able to get a few stabs in but Santb is braver than I despite also an avoider of fights.
Now we reset the trap and await for another dark hunter meanwhile we lost count of our Diagnostician. Great, idiot probably slipped out when we had the doors unlocked briefly. I know some of the dwarves are stir crazy but surely not so crazy as to risk running into dark hunters, which are now distracted by few of the cats that bolted out as well.
Maybe this bait will work?
We will wait, meanwhile we have entombed @I_am_living_in_your_walls in a silver sarcophagus. Dying in the fight against the dark hunter that lead to its demise is a noble death, and thus deserves a noble burial.
Meanwhile we're crossing well into the Summer with none of the undead bothering to come closer and hunting for either a random cat or forest creatures. Which gave me the next (brilliant) idea. We release more cats and we get the Cudgel of Cats to commit hit and run tactics.
Cats out of the bag, we manage to rush three and kill three with quick jabs of our spears, they're not getting back up.
I, @s_a_n_t_b and @CustodialCrusade have ran out and began dispatching the undead. @Cream_a_da_crop down back at the pit couldn't handle the smell of rotting dog and fainted... great.
Thankfully the dark hunters are distracted by our cats. Go Cats!
I can't seem to make up my mind if I am terrified or not
Until the "It's over" voice within me was drowned out by the "Frick it, we kill!" within me!
Stab left, stab right! Frick!
I bleed and I think we lost some teef but I still stand... Finally @CustodialCrusade gathered his wits and joined me along with @s_a_n_t_b. We fight the undead and...
The world is black around me. Have I fallen?
I woke in our hospital, Santb and I have been recovering from our wounds. Santb and CustodialCrusade has hunted down the other undead and the distracted dark hunters either decided to withdraw from their numbers being devastated or were tired of loitering here. I am unsure but I like to think after killing one of their own and their minions this was a victory against the siege. And now that they're gone we can properly set up the trap again and perhaps focus our efforts in tending to our wounds and burying our dead. Also to grab some loot from our kills. There were some steel armor pieces, steel crossbow and a silver hammer.
We found our diagnostician and gave them a resting place as well, just not as fancy.
On 18th of Malachite, a new dwarf is born! We defeat the avatards of death and we bring life!
And ten days later, migrants arrive. We started this year at 28, down to 26, and now back up to 35! None of them stand out so far really other than two of them are competent fighters and not much else. Of course its raining as they arrive so they come to us with a foul mood. Well. Lets hope our dining hall impresses them, we have work to do! Half the year is gone, lets hope we can get enough cat merchandise out and make some coin.
Meanwhile our team is back to sparring together. Once we deal with the next threat, we can face it all together. Who knows, perhaps we won't need the KOMPRESSOR to kill them?
I really have been recovering for most of the summer that to me I hardly experienced it as the cold winds of fall grace us once again.
One of our new arrivals, actually my uncle, was taken by a fey mood
Which he then uses to make a.. toy boat. Great. Thanks uncle.
Worth two thousand, that should fetch a nice price with the merchants. Which, speak of the gods, here they come! They bring a goblin diplomat who was willing to share some gossip with us.
There wasn't much to share really, leaders die or abdicat and are replaced by an appropriate next in line. I was hardly listening, I was still recovering from my almost-death experience.
We bought bags of seeds, lots of bags, a few boxes of leathers, bear meat. lobsters, couldn't go wrong with extra plump helmets figured it wouldn't hurt to be really stocked up on food if there is another siege featuring a larger horde of undead now that the necromancers knows we're not push overs.
17th of Sandstone, more migrants have arrived, just a couple, some are long distant family members, so we're up to... wow 43 dwarves in the hold. Both are expert boyars and competant wielder of bows. If only the undead were vulnerable to bolts though. We need more hammardwarves than anything else. I now have to see about making another set of bedrooms below of about like... 23.
Wait a second, one of the dwarves is... a necromancer!
Former Baroness of the gildmoths no less! Her Niece is here as well and works as a Fisherdwarf. The Necromancer also decided to be one as well. Just don't resurrect any fishies.
Oh, and I got divorced while I was in a near bloodless coma. I think my exwife was not too pleased she was left behind while the rest of my squad were bashing undead skulls in. Oh and since we're divorced I learned we're actually cousins, maybe that's why, whoops.
For the remainder of the Autumn we've been busy as I oversaw the construction of additional residential ward two level-
Oh you have got ta be fookin kiddin meh! Looks like the dark rangers, 3 out of the four, are back for some action. Well, seal up the doors, bring the dogs to the trap. Actually, no, scratch that, metalsmiths! Priority order on some cages!
Oh, nevermind, they retreated again. puzzies.
Time flies faster now without the threat of undead. It is as if we're all taken in a whirlwind of jobs and responsibilities. Trying to get as much done with lessen anxiety of enemies at our door. I've set to get those new rooms built, along with extending our first floor hall to a winding large stair way to the top of the hill. I won't be able to complete it in time, but I think it will be a good plan to expand our pastures on the hill above us, our entrance is getting a little crowded. Walled in of course. I've commissioned stone blocks to be made in preparation of building an expanded perimeter.
The alternative would be to dig and find a cavern that could provide fungal pastures for the animals to graze. I will leave that up to the one that will come after me.
In Mid-Winter, Thob was possessed to make something.
Dwarf bone? Where did he get those??? Perhaps bones of one of the undead left out in the fields? Either way. First we discover a necromancer among us and now a bone cage. Creepy. You know what? I think I'll use it... on the necromancer. Until we can figure out what to properly do with them. We're in mid-winter and we're only half way done with all our current projects. The only good thing is everyone's mood has shifted for the better. We're making lavish meals with what we bought after selling cat figurines and that stupid gong and we have more drinks at our disposal. This might not have been accomplished if that siege still persisted in our lands. Overall we're doing great. I needed to make sure we have a Sheriff so I appointed @CustodialCrusade for the job, just in case mischief were to occure in the fortress. We're almost at 50 dwarves and that would mean we can soon have a mayor and a captain of the guard. I also appointed @santb as the hammerer. That way if that necromancer we have is up to no good I know in great confidence he will dispatch them swiftly in dwarven justice fashion.
We're in our final month of winter, I am trying to make the new wing of residentials be completed before the spring so the leader after me would not have to deal with it. Instead perhaps they can focus on moving our pasture above us on the green hill? I had an idea of a burrow like highway that can then wall off the green on top of the hill. There is more room and we don't have to worry about bridges with animals in the way nor have to worry about undead climbing corners trying to take pot shots at chickens and dogs.
On the 18th of Obsidian @WillowWalker gave birth to a baby boy, or you know, until the chief medical dr decides the gender. It's 253 after all.
We're full to the brim with food this winter, buying all that extra seeds, meat and such I think will pay off. The food won't rot as long as they're binned and barreled. Only thing we lack is fish and plant.
Oh and we have another baby on the 21st from Kivish THerlethathel. Bringing our fortress up to 45. Once again, another declaration of life conquering death in proliferation! Our cat population has been bursting as well despite the few that were run down by the undead. I am unsure of our war dog population, it is now heavily skewed female vs gelded males since most of them, erm, died in service of the kompressor.
As we hurry to finish rooms, Spring has sprung!
State of the fort:
As you can see, we have a happier population now thanks to food surpluses, freedom, and nice rooms.
The Fort itself with two new branching off hallways, one leading downward to a outer hall around the killing floor for our "backdoor." The other leads up to the hill, still enclosed, so no worries of anyone trying to enter from above, yet.
I fixed the one gap in the wall but now a stairway is stuck in the middle of it despite making a 1 2 3 4 priority set on stairs being removed. Dwarves. Can't count on them to count.
Here is the final layout of the compressor trap. You can see there is a main hall and a separate hall in case fighting would have been dragged out into the hallways and perhaps we could have some shooter dwarves take free shots at them. With that bridge there its difficult to install traps, so I just have the one tether with a dog to bait undead next time.
There are two switches, one for the bridge outside and one for the compressor itself. I thought it would make sense if a dwarf is quick enough that when undead are lured by the signs of life of dogs we can close the gate behind them and then smash them. I only killed I think 5 undead with it and 9 dogs so far. lol
And here is our newest additions in the tomb. That's a very nice silver coffin for @I_am_living_in_your_walls. with engraved dwarves, hopefully telling the tale of his fight and demise.
New Dorm wing, I just didn't want to have the current ones we have be so stretched out it becomes a longer travel time for the dwarves. Plus would need it anyway from our pop explosion.
Made this to plan on isolating the necromancer, didn't have time though.
Overall, despite starting the year with a siege that resulted in two deaths. I think we did very well this year. I think from spring through summer it took me about a week between work and kiddos considering I had to heavily micro manage the dwarves while trying to get them in advantageous positions to getting easy kills against the undead. Dark hunters are apparently no jokes as @s_a_n_t_b pointed out and four of them are very deadly. I was very happy we got one of them killed by just one fight without using the compressor. I was hoping to get the others but they seemed more interested in hunting down cats. Since they were preoccupied I figured I'd take the milita to run around and kill the remaining shamblers a la Shaun of the Dead style. One of the fights got deadly and almost died but bringing the rest of the militia got us quickly the situation under control, once the remaining undead were killed the dark hunters retreated to the edge of the map and the siege was over.
I did have to save scum a little bit while making that squish pit since I was a bit rusty with digging with slopes and it was just annoying.
Summer was all about recovery, cleaning up, and sealing up the back way proper. Thankfully we had migrants and merchants come that allowed us to get really stocked up on food since if we needed anything crafted we can just make it.
We got shrooms for days, food for days, drinks for days thanks to those artifacts and cat figurines I traded. Def worth it. Making lavish meals really started shifting everyones moods for the greener.
So this next spring should be more peaceful with plenty of options to either go down to the cavern or fortify our hill, or whatever. I'll be pming @searcher with the file later after this post.
Player list in order of succession:
- smolchickentenders : This neighbor is a big fat phony
- 120
- 110
"b-b-buh heymoon donald trumb isnt gonna be dere its gonna be le boring"
Don't care + didn't ask, the oddball candidates for president are all hilariously r-slurred and weird. Choose your favorite, and duke it out with the others in the comments!
The savior of the white race
Listen up, chuds, this guy is your champion. By that, I mean he is turbo-wingcucked by culture war BS. His entire political platform basically boils down to "owning the libs". Responsible for a variety of epic (if politically questionable) trolls, including the Martha's Vineyard goofballin' (where he sent loads of immigrants to Ney York City to own the city slickers), introducing a bill to ban electric stoves in Florida, and beefing with Disney for being an average corporation in the year of our lord 2023. Meanwhile, DeSantis's online antics have raised eyebrows - his campaign has repeatedly made memes that are ultra spicy. Like the man keeps doing it. Recently, he tweeted a video showcasing Deathsantian Soldiers marching forth from a Black Sun. Uh, did somebody say BASED?
Proving that women can be republicans
That's right folks, it's a white woman. And she ISN'T a democrat? Well, at the very least, she probably fricks dogs, right? This beautiful indian (dot) princess, while part of Rubio's () campaign, was critical of trump. Famously, after Trump dissed her on Twitter, she shot back "bless your heart". She also is quoted as saying:
I will not stop until we fight a man that chooses not to disavow the KKK. That is not a part of our party. That's not who we want as president. We will not allow that in our country.
...in 2016 she said that she would "of course" vote for Trump.
Seriously, who the frick is Asa Hutchinson? If you haven't heard of him, that's probably because he is trying to be the "sweet old grandpa" of the primaries. Or he WOULD be the sweet old grandpa, if he hadn't participated in TRANSGENDER GENOCIDE! That's right, under Asa's leadership, Arkansas became the second state to pass a bill banning s from being on women's sports teams. Thought we would forget, did ya?!
He has a style that is not my style. And that is fine. That's Donald Trump. And guess what? That's exactly who the base of the Republican Party supported and said that's who we want to carry the banner.
The punished
MIKE PENCE... a man abandoned by his country... by god... On that fateful day, January 6th, the forces of good, led by Trump (who is basically Aragorn), assaulted the fortress of evil, wherein the dirty scumbag democrats and RINOs were preparing to finally destroy all hope and goodness forever. As Trump breached the front gates, he beheld before him the man he had once considered his closest friend sealing the deal. "Et Tu, Pence-ay?" Trump gasped. Pence sadly nodded, BETRAYING the republic.
Now, he seeks to finally extinguish the light of Trump forever. Will he win? Or will he be defeated???
Bringing curry to the White House
Vivek is the GOP candidate for the kids. After all, he is one of the youngest in the running, and recently was seen rapping to Eminem, proving, once and for all, that rap is dead. But outside of his hip attitude, who is vivek? It might surprise you to learn that Vivek is based. By based, I mean he is a conspiracy theorist. He has suggested that federal agents were behind the 9/11 attacks. He has also suggested that they were behind the 1/6 attacks! I'm sure we can all agree that this is a bridge too far. Anyways, Ol' Ramaswamy has weighed in on creating human-animal hybrids. No, seriously.
Obama's little brother
Tim Scott is unique in the GOP primary because of his moderate policy positions, of course. This guy is running as a moderate alternative to the other candidates. The only big stain on his record is his disparaging remarks about the gays that he made on live television, we have to cut him some slack because he didn't know any better (because he is a conservative Christian from the rust belt, of course). Oh, also, he's a big black gorilla BIPOC.
EXTREMELY IMPORTANT EDIT: I have been informed that Tim is a VIRGIN! That's right, if elected, Tim will be our first incel president!
A giant pile of grease
How dare this fat frick show his face in public again. You'll have to excuse my sheer hatred for Chris Christie, there's really no political reason for it, I just am naturally predisposed to hating him. It's not just me, Joysey hates him too -- he left his tenure of governor with just a 15% approval rating. Yeesh! He has been accused of fraud, straight up lying, and just doing all sorts of shady shit. Basically, FRICK CHRIS.
Literally Who?
Yeah, I got nothing. This is the most generic candidate on the roster. The most I can remark on is that his hair game is on point. He also passed a pretty strong anti-trans law when he was the governor of North Dakota, so there's that.
- rDramaHistorian : Tldr; Never trust a country that sounds like a group of lesbian 4channers
- 64
- 159
This is the story of how the international community came together to finally end the impunity of assassins in Lebanon and completely failed. It's very convoluted and the wikipedia page sucks so much of this comes from memory. Please forgive me if some of the details are wrong.
Assassination became common in Lebanon during the 1975-1990 period of civil wars. I mean really common. Most of the important leaders in that era did not die of natural causes. There were no investigations because law and order had completely broken down. There was no reason to anyway as suspects could just flee to another faction's territory in a matter of minutes. With the end of the war, assassinations largely ceased. But in 2005 a shocking event opened the floodgates again.
Rafik Hariri, leader of the Future Movement, killed February 14, 2005
A 1 ton car bomb in the business district of Beirut killed the prime minister, Rafik Hariri, and 21 bystanders. The police responded immediately. Knowing how important it is to keep the city clean, they towed away all the cars and had a bulldozer sweep the area, wiping away much of the evidence. But immediately everyone knew that Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad was responsible.
How could they be so sure? It's really pretty easy. Just like a gangland hit, in Lebanon the victim usually has a beef with someone in the days leading up to it. It's possible that a third party took advantage of this, killing the victim to frame the obvious suspect. (Israel is known to have done this effectively to get rival Palestinian factions to fight each other.) But in most cases, it really is the most obvious suspect. After all, they aren't going to be prosecuted so who cares if everyone knows they're guilty?
The Corniche in better times.
Assad had the obvious motive here. At the time, Lebanon was effectively a protectorate of Syria. The Lebanese had their own government but the presence of Syrian troops and intelligence officers was always looming in the background. Lebanon's own security services were more loyal to Assad than their own country. It had been this way since a Syrian invasion in 1990 crushed the militias and a peace agreement was forged between the warring factions.
One of the chief architects of that agreement was Rafik Hariri, a billionaire who had spent much of his life in Saudi Arabia and made his fortune there. He rose to prominence politically as he got along reasonably well with all factions, had the cash to pay bribes, and had very close ties to the Saudi royal family. His company Solidere was rebuilding parts of Beirut that were destroyed in the war. By 2005 he was prime minister, the highest office reserved for Sunnis.
But trouble was brewing. The regional situation had changed greatly since 1990. With the US invasion of Iraq, tensions between the Sunnis/Saudis and Shi'a/Iranians had reached the boiling point. Lebanon was sure to become a pawn in their game of proxy wars. The president's term was about to expire and Assad wanted it extended. Hariri and others like the Druze leader Walid Joumblatt joined in opposition to this. Shortly before his death, they visited Damascus where Assad allegedly just straight up told Hariri to his face to do it or get blown up.
Kamal Joumblatt, shot by SSNP thugs working for Assad, March 16, 1977
With Assad's guilt so obvious, you might expect the public to be outraged, and many were. Mass protests and international pressure forced Syria to pull its troops out a few months later. But many had been glad to be under Syrian occupation. At least they had ended the war and they had helped Hezbollah in its long struggle to drive out the Israelis. Pro-Syrian factions held power in the parliament and especially the security services, whose directors were chosen by Assad. The people who theoretically should be tracking down Hariri's killers were not just apathetic, they had likely been involved in the plot themselves.
Bashir Gemayel, blown up by SSNP thugs working for Assad, September 14, 1982.
However, blowing up a prime minister was too much for the rest of the world to swallow. The UN Security Council sent a team led by German judge Detlev Mehlis to carry out an impartial investigation. All kinds of drama took place. The directors of the security services and military intelligence were arrested. There was a fake claim of responsibility supposedly by Sunni extremists. Top Syrian official Ghazi Kanaan had been the unofficial viceroy controlling Lebanon for many years. He called a Lebanese radio station and made a rambling statement hinting that he was going to be made a scapegoat and then shot himself. Witnesses came forward with detailed knowledge of the plot and then recanted or were discredited.
Mehlis released an initial report several months later. It implicated top officials in Syria and Lebanon's security services. But there was no smoking gun proving the guilt of an individual person. The best evidence found was records showing that 6 burner phones were often on the routes taken by Hariri, were only used in the weeks leading up to the bombing, and only called each other. These were certainly members of the plot, but their identities were a mystery.
Meanwhile more assassinations were taking place. Every few months a prominent anti-Syria politician or journ*list was blown up. There was no mystery about who was doing these. A pro-Syria TV reporter was caught on a hot mike joking about how many more MPs had to be killed before their side gained the majority. Awkward!
May Chidiac, journ*list, lost an arm and a leg, September 25, 2005
The investigation continued for years but made little progress. Finally in 2009 the Special Tribunal for Lebanon was set up to bring the conspirators to justice. If it worked in Yugoslavia it must work here, right? Prosecutor Daniel Bellemare would now lead the investigation. He looked over the work his predecessors had done and then decided they were wrong and threw out most of the conclusions they had reached. He even released the 4 security service heads who had been detained for lack of evidence.
Actual footage of me when Bellemare took over.
Bellemare had his own theory: the bombing had actually been done by Hezbollah, not Syria. This caused some immediate head-scratching. Hezbollah was a close ally of the Assad regime and cooperated closely with it. How could they carry out this complex plot behind the Syrians' backs? And why? Hezbollah didn't have any particular grudge against Hariri. Their only possible motive would be to do it as a favor to Assad, but why wouldn't the Syrians just do it themselves?
Zoomers, believe it or not, you could actually organize a complex assassination plot before smart phones.
Bellemare said he had evidence though. Remember those burner phones that we know were used by the conspirators? That's the "red network" Bellemare looked at other phones that were near red network phones, hoping to find someone who was also carrying another phone. He used this technique to find another network of phones that mostly talked to each other. Then he linked that network to another network and so on until there's 5 networks and you reach phones known to belong to Hezbollah members. Even this evidence became suspect when a phone company employee with access to the records was caught spying for Israel.
Hassan Nasrallah, leader of Hezbollah
Then Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah dropped a bombshell. In 1997 an Israeli naval commando team was ambushed and wiped out on a mission to capture a Hezbollah leader. At the time it was assumed that they had been lured in by intelligence from a double agent. Now Nasrallah revealed that they had been tapping into the video feed from Israeli drones for over a decade. They had noticed the drones paying close attention to certain route and realized they were doing recon before a raid. He played that footage and then showed more of the site of the Hariri assassination in the weeks leading up to it.
Bellemare continued investigating at a leisurely pace. He got into numerous slapfights with the judges and had much of his staff mysteriously resign. Finally in 2011 he issued an indictment of 5 Hezbollah members, only one of whom, Mustafa Badreddine, was of any importance. They laughed and went on with their lives knowing that nobody would try to arrest them. So the tribunal tried them in absentia. Badreddine was assassinated during the trial, leaving only 4 nobodies but the STL somehow managed to take 9 years to reach a verdict. One was convicted and the rest acquitted for lack of evidence.
George Hawi, former leader of the Lebanese Communist Party, killed June 21, 2005
The STL was also supposed to be investigating the other assassinations that followed Hariri's, but by now it's international backers had had enough. The investigation into Hariri's death had spent 15 years and $1 billion to achieve nothing. Funding was cut off and it finally shut down in 2022.
The Truth
So who really killed Hariri?
Hezbollah is the least likely. There just isn't any reason why Syria would involve them instead of simply doing it themselves. The supposed phone networks is the only evidence against them and that's a house of cards. I believe they were really accused because it was clear that Assad could never be brought to justice but it might be possible to at least hurt his allies in Lebanon. But that's speculation.
Israel is no more likely. They gained the most from Hariri's death as it ultimately led to Syria being ejected from Lebanon, but that couldn't have been anticipated. It would also be an enormous risk as if they got caught the Saudis would never forgive them. Nasrallah's drone recording is no more darning then Bellemare's phone records. The Israelis have a million reasons to observe that part of Beirut.
So we're back to Mehlis' initial conclusion. The bombing was almost certainly carried out by Syrian operatives and members of the Lebanese security services. The Assad regime loves blowing people up and we know they were responsible for other bombings. The best evidence against them is when Christian politician Michel Samaha was caught with explosives in his trunk driving home from Damascus. If they got caught red-handed plotting one bombing, it's safe to assume they did more. It also supports my belief that the Syrians used Lebanese under their direct control instead of asking Hezbollah to do it for them.
As for the individual people who carried it out, I doubt we'll ever know.
Saad Hariri, legendary frickup.
Rafik Hariri 's son Saad was his successor. It quickly became apparent that he lacked the charisma, intelligence, and courage needed to lead and support for his party dwindled. He has been prime minister on and off since then. His close ties to the Saudi royal family became a liability after MBS's coup there. On a state visit in 2017 the new Saudi regime just straight up kidnapped him, holding him for several days and forcing him to announce his resignation. He quit politics in 2022 to focus on spending millions of dollars on hookers. He was last seen in the news being accused of r*pe by a flight attendant.
The Beirut Holiday Inn, burned out in the War of the Hotels in 1976.
Hariri's company Solidere did some construction around the Beirut port. The burned out ruin of the Holiday Inn was finally torn down after decades. But Solidere turned out to be mostly a scam. The city was devastated again by the massive ammonium nitrate explosion at the port.
Bashar al-Assad continued to blow people up for several years. In 2012 a car bomb killed Wissam al-Hassan, head of the Internal Security Force's intelligence branch. He had originated the theory that Hezbollah had killed Hariri. Eventually the bombing wave ended, probably because civil war had broken out in Syria and Assad's regime was too busy trying to survive to care about Lebanon.
Michel Samaha spent 10 years in prison and was released in 2022. He appears to be the only person actually convicted of a crime and punished for it in this entire story.
The STL was politicized and incompetent, but that's not why it failed. It was doomed from the start. Ending the impunity for killers may be a noble goal, but it will take more than lawyers and condescending finger-wagging to achieve. The Lebanese did not end up in this situation because they're ignorant and need to be taught how civilized Europeans behave. It's the meddling foreign powers that are ignorant of certain realities in the country:
You can't trust the police to do the most basic tasks. They may even be the killers themselves.
The government in general is plagued by nepotism, corruption, incompetence, and laziness so it takes forever to get anything done.
Large parts of the population don't mind if their political opponents are killed. The other side doesn't care when we get killed so why should we care about them?
There are so many players who could possibly have the motive and means to carry out a hit that there will always be a reasonable doubt.
Suspects can find sanctuary in their faction"s territory. That may be as easy as going across town.
The masterminds often aren't even in Lebanon, so there's no way to hold them accountable short of war.
The Lebanese have learned the hard way that the only accountability they will ever get is through violent retaliation. That doesn't make stupid or bad people. They're just stuck in a terrible situation.
- 8
- 29
Virgin Galactic sponsorship mentioned in the description, Caleb is really moving up in the world
A couple new Caleb deets for this episodes
Has been to a lot of therapists
On Solexa
- "Can't be a millennial if you don't have an anti-depressant"
Chris, 39, Austin Texas
Personal Life/Education:
Big Wrestling fan
"I've been on stage in front of 30'000 people before introducing Taylor Swift"
- Very early on apparently?
Had gone to college "for Radio" because he wanted to do that
Moved from NYC to Austin
used to work for Facebook
Let go with the first round of layoffs Nov 2022
Program Manager managing relationships for the payments team
Meandering Storytime:
Was on medical leave when he was let go
Mentions mental health (Depression and Anxiety)
Based therapist at 1.50
"She told me that in order to continue seeing her I'd need to be dairy-free, gluten-free, sugar-free, drink half my weight in ounces of water every day, walk a mile or two every day, it was preposterous but it made me feel like I wasn't even good enough for therapy"
In september (2018? I can't figure out the timeline), started working out, lost 100 pounds over 10 months
- "30 Workout"
Has a different therapist now who's agreed to see him for free until he finds a job to pay
"Took some time to get back on top of my mental health and then when I started applying for jobs I just had... it's probably been 3 or 4 months of regular applying and I've had zero luck"
Tried to get a youtube Channel going? Eventually got tired of that
Took all his savings, stock money, retirement money and and planned on living his best life for 6 months before roping "I don't want anyone to feel sorry for me, I had a blast"
"6 months came up, I no longer wanted to not be here and had to figure out a way to survive, I no longer had any money or job"
That was in 2018-2019ish?
12 hours a day UberEats living in a Truck stop parking lot
Facebook found his linkedin and dm'd him for an interview during the Truckstop living saga
- "Went from homeless to making 108'000 almost overnight"
Started a podcast with a high school friend a year ago
"Troyalty Podcast" (sounds like it's a weekly thing)
Savings - 200-300 bucks left
Paid his rent ahead at least a month so he's fine for the moment there
$1000 eating out in the last month
- Throws a lot of groceries out because he eats out so much
Money left from Facebook
paid all the way through mid-Jan
Severance package - $20'000
Retirement fund 30k (took them out again )
Credit One (Card 1) $500:
Paid off => $500
Lots of subscriptions
fees and interest not mentioned for this card
Credit One (Card 2) $300:
270 in interest so far this year
73 of fees on this card
Capital One (Card 3) $893:
2345 in payments to it, 2'581 in transactions
$698 => $893
Credit limit $740
"Cash Advance 150?" No idea what this means
Lots of eating out and weed on this card
Financing a phone
- $175 monthly T Mobile payment on his plan
Went to see the new indiana jones movie so he could review it on his show
didn't end up going because he was nervous about being in public?
Spending not gone through:
Gambling, UberEats, some other stuff
- Gambling apparently only a couple times on some lotto site
This is a man who PAID MONEY for a ticket to a Jim Norton comedy show in 2023
- 78
- 95
Note that if you want to dunk on chapoids, you will have to create an account on an instance like lemm.ee, lemmy.world defederated from hexbear
from a hexbear chapo
Dude unironically wrote an essay about why heckin Hexbear shouldn't be defederated lmao. They're also defending their heckin chapo instance lmao
another hexbear essaypost from a chapoid
I really have no problem with communist or leftist views, but some of those guys need to take a chill pill. I'm cool with bashing the fash and social welfare programs, I'm not cool with basically talking about how everyone to the right of Stalin needs to die or how Tianenmen Square was a wholesale fabrication by the west. I typically just roll my eyes, block the bullshit and move on with life, but it's been really dragging down my lemmy experience.
Is asking, Does Ukraine really have a neo-Nazi problem?, make me a poopin puppet?
Kremlin propaganda
Okay what is meant by this because I have literally no idea
like, you had previously thought communist symbolism in general was Kremlin propaganda, before it was pointed out otherwise. So what still applies to the term? Any defense of modern russia? defense of the USSR? militant communism in general? Revolutionary Marxism? Its a blanket term that doesn't seem to be fully defined in this post. I would like it if someone clarified this. [another chapo]
Good, I like having them around. They give the fediverse the spice of life that prevents it from becoming just another necrotic pool of internet backwash filled with stale memes and pandering comments like what late Digg became and what reddit has been turning into. [17 downmarseys by ]
My view is that this federation of theirs is just sketchy. Their announcement post reads as some barely veiled call to propagandize the Fediverse, and the instance itself seems almost proud in a way to have developed their particular methods in their isolation. Though from what I've seen, those methods are mostly just whataboutism and “just asking questions”, not anything particularly novel.
If there was much content or interaction from them that was just neutral, it'd be much easier to swallow, but everything they post or comment always seems be a dog whistle at minimum. And maybe I'm just not noticing all the users not doing that, but the ones I do notice are all over.
All in all, I'd be more in favor of defederation. I've seen enough of this from the right already to have an idea of where this is going, and barring a larger effort from the instance to change, would rather it just got nipped in the bud.
I initially started using lemm.ee when joing the fediverse. Once you federated hexbear I left for lemmy.world within days, not really because I wanted to but because I felt I had to. I was being harassed because of a single comment that received over 100 responses. None of them were constructive arguments or legitimate discussion, all just trolling and insults. Lemm.ee is not usable anymore as a result of federating hexbear. I'm sure I'm far from the only user who feels that way. If you want lemm.ee to continue to be a viable instance there is no other choice.
Think about this way: f they were acting this way while promoting fascism, you wouldn't even have a discussion post, you would just defederate. Because they claim to be communist and left-wing (though their actually still promoting fascism) you feel the need to deliberate. Just do the thing that you already know has to be done. Stop dragging it out. []
Of course that comment was from a lemmy.world user
Ok fascist [-17]
Keeping hexbear is like keeping Nazis on the site.
If you go for freedom of speech and the ideals of fediverse then fine. I'm not against that ideal.
But don't treat these people different to any other extremist just because they are left and not right.
WORDS WORDS WORDS from a lemmyworld user talking about muh positivity
Banning state propaganda is great, but why limit that ban to Kremlin propaganda? US propaganda is just as, if not more, prevelent and toxic. The narrative surrounding the destruction of the Nord Stream is a good example:
American corporate media and government officials were calling for its destruction and outright threatening to blow it up for months prior to the actual attack. Immediately after its destruction, the corporate news outlets and government officials that had been calling for that very action acted as though they had never done so and presented a unified front that blamed Russia for the attack. Doing some critical thinking and realizing that Russia had neither the opportunity nor the motive to blow up their own pipeline is not Kremlin propaganda. Continuing that critical thinking and realizing that the US had both motive and opportunity, and was a likely culprit because they had repeatedly threatened to blow up the pipeline is not Kremlin propaganda. Shutting down all discussion critical of the US by dismissing it as Russian bots is US propaganda.
Another hexbear user doing a whataboutism
I've seen more posts complaining about Hexbear than actual objectionable things they've done. Maybe that's a sign of effective moderation, but in general I agree that defederation should always be a very last resort, and it doesn't feel like we're even close.
Also, with the ability for users to block instances coming soon, I think everyone will be happy then. At least, users anyway, it will still be down to the admin team to determine if the moderation workload is excessive and act accordingly - but that decision is and should be up to you.
Another from a hexbear chapo
One thing to also take into consideration is the very pro Chinese government slant by many of the users. Many there claim China is a democracy. While I have not seen Uyghur genocide denial there, I also don't peruse hexbear threads very often. That is something that needs to be looked out for.
As for federation with them? Their stuff is annoying af but blocking their communities has removed most of their shit from my feed.
Edit: well some of them were nice enough to bring the genocide denial to me. Thanks for that. I didn't really feel like seeking it out.
Actually had my first conversation with hexbear the other day. Accidentally came from /all and didn't realize what kind of sub I was in. While I don't really have their same beliefs, it was interesting to see things from another point of view. Had a swing of upmarseys and downmarseys as to be expected.
I posted a comment in the_dunk_tank without noticing where I was. While many people were heated over what I said, it was a misunderstanding due to a lack of specificity and ignorance on my part. After I clarified what I was intending to say, discussion ensued and it was ended on good terms.
The vast majority of users I interact with from hexbear are thoughtful, insightful, kind and genuine individuals that care deeply about humanity and moving forward. The hate that they have is for fascism and actual fascists.
To defederate hexbear would be a disservice to the idea of federated social media.
Stating that my people (and other Baltic nations) are subhuman
As a member of Hexbear for 3+ years I just want to say that this isn't acceptable over here and would land people with a very serious reprimand or a permaban if they don't admit to being in the wrong for this. The use of “subhuman” in particular is fascist behaviour and I'd assume it is wreckers rather than longstanding members, it's not language that socialists are fond of.
The only other thing I will say is that I genuinely appreciate that you're building this community with your userbase and having these conversations, it's the correct way to create a unique community culture and have people care about the space.
PSA: that's former Reddit commie powerjanny /u/lenins2ndcat who was banned from lemmyworld for hurting their jannies feefees and made this comment sneeding about me:
anpther fricking WORDS WORDS post with 120+ replies
Props for staying calm throughout all this. The initial rush of excitement seems to be pretty much over, which means things ought to mellow down on the timeline. I'm sure Hexbear can coexist with the fediverse the same way /r/cth coexisted with reddit, which is to say by showing up and ballin' for Marx and pushing the boundaries of acceptability. Except this time there are no ad revenue sources to placate by banning anything outside of the Overton window.
I can totally understand your strong feelings towards the USSR. I understand you've conceded that the hammer and sickle isn't strictly soviet symbology and can represent other things, but I would like to ask you whether or not you would think of the “stars and stripes” or the “union jack” (or really most western iconography) as hate speech given the centuries of pillaging, r*pe, genocide and dehumanization that they represent in many parts of the world.
Another longpost I'm not copying
Don't defederate from hexbear, they aren't that bad.
They aren't great, it's like a bunch of very confident college kids refusing to listen to anything that challenges their beliefs. There is a high percentage of trolls, but it's the Internet. I've seen some shockingly bad takes, like tiananmen square had no casualties, or as highlighted by this thread, criticism of the USSRs well documented atrocities is tantamount to Holocaust denial.
Just ignore them and move on.
Stating that my people (and other Baltic nations) are subhuman
Oh, that's includes a now deleted comment of mine. Yes, i admit i got a bit overboard here. I wanted only to highlight a certain political tendency in the region. rather than make a blanket statement about any nationalities and ethnicities. It really came out wrong. And while i don't really care whatever this instance defederates or not, here i must apologize since i was clearly in the wrong. I should only dunk on people for what they do, not what they are.
The lack of a sense of place by Hexbears by absolutely flooding this comment thread is the full and sole reason for me to fully support defederation. Lemm.ee is our server, our rules, made by people on the lemm.ee server. The fact that they feel the need to comment and respond on everything says enough about them.
And no, you're not being attacked so that you have the right to defend yourself. Federation is not a right.
from an admin
Unrelated, but honest doubt… because I know nothing about Hexbear and I'm very confused trying to tie the “for the lulz”/trolling behaviour, communism/leftism and Kremlin propaganda together. The modus operandi seems that of bigots/racists/fascists all over the internet which might relate to Kremlin propaganda, but I'm having a hard time figuring out where communism/leftism fits in here. Is Hexbear a former left-wing “forum” now taken over by fascist trolls? If someone might care to explain I'd appreciate it.
Glad to read this.
Appreciate your approach.
Personally I've seen a lot of hexbear commenters out for blood, seemingly very ready to argue and name-call. Also I've seen many comments and some posts suggesting lemm.ee is for racists.
I assume that is just the “wreckers” someone mentioned.
I don't believe this instance is racist and I don't believe hexbear is all propagandists and lunatics, but I must admit I've been readily blocking subs of theirs. They honestly just seem quite angry with the world and the west. Sometimes for good reason, but sometimes so reflexively it comes off as Russian or Chinese bot posting.
I could be wrong with my personal reflex, but that engagement isn't why I'm on Lemmy at all.
I've been in touch with you personally regarding this, and the evidence of mass brigading, trolling, and their toxicity is abound. just check the modlog, especially for political subs where they especially love to brigade and bully.
the only change they will make is the volume and frequency of their toxic bullying and trolling. keep his instance safe and defederate.
Bartender explains why he swiftly kicks out Nazis even if they're ‘not bothering anyone'
I would say defederate as I see little value in their content. Let those who seek out extreme content go to that server for it. It is just Nazism wearing a different hat.
Wait? Hexbear is leftist? I'm super liberal and my impression of that instance was another pack of Trumpers. Maybe they were brigaded but it's been nothing hit a cesspool. I've been trying to use Sync settings to block @hexbear. I vote defederate.
Defederating hexbear seems like a weak move.
I do think you're gonna have to develop a very explicit and clear line for what constitutes kremlin propaganda though. That or just go full “this is an anti-Russia instance and that includes all current and former states”. [-17]
I demand a Quote & Link to the Subhuman claim you try to collectiv guilt us over …
( its not the epicempenada quote/ copypaste isnt it ? ) [-1]
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Like holy hells you guys this channel is like the rings of a tree stump in how uncanny it follows the grooming of girl into being a transman, and their eventual struggle and unhappyness with being trans, and their eventual detransition.
Looks like an FtM trans dood as they were very young
According to the channel, they are currently 24.
Which means she came out at 16, and began taking testosterone.
Even commenters talk about how it is in hindsight. Lots of lovebombing and echochambers ect
It would have been inconceivable for me to expose myself to people when i was 16
2 years later
I love Jordan peterson fatherless behaviour
by this point they are 18 and their voice is much more masculine, you would certainly mistake them for a young boy in the street, or at least a twink.
I didnt really pay attention as to why they liked Lobsterman
They call themselves Olly, and they are 19 years old at this time, they took a personality test regarding transgender attitudes
They are surprisingly a based transmedicalist and not an AGP tard, I like this individual unironically. Which is what makes what follows tragic.
He's asking whether he's transphobic because he doesnt hold reddit r-slur views. Also he/shes a based lolbert
They state they are 20 at this point and very aimless and feel without purpose, they state they started to study theology, and have been suffering mental depression and uncertainty about their transition They don't say it outright, but its clear that they have had extreme uncertainty regarding their gender identity, and clearly these are the grassroot thoughts which would develop years later into their tradition
Olly literally state they have been feeling without guidance and find their other woke fools to have unfufilling morals and guidance, and literally desire a religious compass
They state they actually believe in god, but pretended to be atheist to fit into woke crowd. They go on to state that the very restrictions of religiousity gives their life meaning, clearly they have a deep unhappiness.
for the next two years they post videos about general life, but its clear they are in even more identity based pain, and struggles with their ideals in their transition.
Finally the nuke drop!!
Lmoa, they detransitioned into a turbo christian tradwife
At this point in their lives they are 22 years old. And ooooof their story is saaad.
The video is split between their feelings of doubt and uncertainty about being actually transgender.
They state they felt relief when they finally transitioned at 17/18 years, but they finally began to have doubts in 20/21 where they had doubts, and that their doubts itself would horrify and scare her. She says she felt incomplete and felt extreme dissonance with herself, even worse than prior to their transition, she literally gave herself dysphoria, as she was never transgender to begin with.
She also states that the lovebombing bullshit about how she was totally the same as Cismen, and knew it was BS, and that the fact that she was a manlet and couldnt gain mass in excercise.
Because she was working to some kind of goal they didn't have dissonance, but after having their voice changed to masculine and chopping of her titties, she felt hardcore dissonance
Also she was feeling hardcore regret from having chopped their breasts of.
She literally states she was semi brainwashed by the online cult, and that in retrospect she had never felt any actual physical disphoria , only "mental disphoria (her words), and that her feelings of uncertainty at 16 was because she rebelled against femininity, but that she instead of transition should have just been a tomboy!
Extreme chuddening in comments where the consensus of the commnents is that the tomboy had been brainwashed into ing out.
Anyways regardless the story at least has a happy ending, rest is boring
Went full hardcore christian tradwife mode.
She went full hardcore transmedicalist chud mode and calls out the groomer menace, in that young people are way way way to0 easily diagnosed as transgender, and that she feels extremely distanced from the mainstream trans online community whom has a very toxic hugbox
She calls out the medical community, and how absurdly easy the diagnosis is to claim someone is trans in USA
Also at least her voice has become more somewhat feminine
- 31
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Greetings guys, I wanted to talk about some Rhodesian war scandals, or at least event which stirred lots of seeth and drama back in South Africa, when my parents' generation received news negatively reflecting upon Rhodesia or the Rhodesian Bush war, as things rapidly went south for the Rhodesians over 15 years of war.
Many people don't know that modern Zimbabwe still has a metric shitload mines active all the way back 40 years ago from the Rhodesian Bush War. This one isn't as controversial as other events I've covered, but it did put the Rhodesian armed forces in a bad light (even from the eyes of their South African allies) when in the last desperate 5 years of the Bush war, they desperately started to mine colossal stretches of borders with minefields.
Just as a reminder, during the Rhodesian Bush War, 2/3rds of the entire nation's borders were bounded by hostile states and were frequently crossed by communist guerillas to sabotage government infrastructure to try and force the white regime to be toppled. As a military, the Rhodesians fare magnificently, but no matter their body counts, their communist opposition continued to grow and grow in numbers, and incursions into Rhodesia continued from more varied directions. Here is a further picture from the article to demonstrate how massively huge these borders were and how near impossible it was to man them with the small Rhodesian military over such vast stretches.
Farm attacks become as common as gov infrastructure attacks and the whole nation was in a state of near constant siege in the final years of the war from 1974-1979. It was a bizarre time. Thus, under extreme desperation the Rhodesians would mine nearly a 3rd of their entire "hostile" borders. This was a relatively dramatic schism between Rhodesians and their benefactor SA, and drew further criticism from the international community. It was considered cowardly and scandelous by South African supporters of Rhodesia back in 1970s.
Long after the capitulation of the Rhodesian regime, and the transformation into Zimbabwe, the giant stretches of landmines would still haunt Zimbabwe.
"Zimbabwe's minefields are uniquely dense and complex. At first the Rhodesian military laid in several belts - dense anti-personnel mines were buried in the ground in one section. Then a locally-made mine called the 'Ploughshare' was hoisted on posts and attached to a tripwire in another belt. As the war went on, fences and cleared ground were dispensed with and each mine-laying unit started using different patterns. The posts for the Ploughshares have since rotted and their tripwires eroded. After four decades of rains, animal disturbance and growing vegetation, HALO can never be certain where it will find each mine."
When it became aware that many of the mines laid out were South African built and designed, and given to the Rhodesians, there were further scandals and drama by South Africans themselves.
"Zimbabwe's minefields are uniquely dense and complex. At first the Rhodesian military laid in several belts - dense anti-personnel mines were buried in the ground in one section. Then a locally-made mine called the 'Ploughshare' was hoisted on posts and attached to a tripwire in another belt. As the war went on, fences and cleared ground were dispensed with and each mine-laying unit started using different patterns. The posts for the Ploughshares have since rotted and their tripwires eroded. After four decades of rains, animal disturbance and growing vegetation, HALO can never be certain where it will find each mine."
" the Rhodesian army planted an estimated 3 million anti-personnel mines between 1974 and 1979 in five major minefields across 850 kilometers of the country's eastern and northern borders. Dense belts of land mines — some with about 5,500 per square kilometer — on Zimbabwe's border with Mozambique have hindered development in marginalized communities."
Of course since the collapse of the Zimbabwean economy in 2001, any funds for demining efforts have been basically non-existent, and only foreign Demining NGOs like HALO have been putting any real efforts into demining for the past 20 years in Zimbabwe.
As the rhodesian Bush war continued its cycle of violence and reprisals, a lot of borderline warcrimes got committed by both factions. ZANU and ZAPU the two primary communist factions would frequently attack civilian targets indiscriminately and violently attack any non-communist supporting black factions, the white government under Ian Smith would brutalize and torture prisoners for information on communist guerilla locations and so on.
This contest of brutality would reach a peak when two civilian airplanes were shot down Air Rhodesia Flight 825 on 3 September 1978 and Air Rhodesia Flight 827 on 12 February 1979, by Soviet-supplied SA-7 heat-seeking missiles. They were fired by the Zimbabwe People's Revolutionary Army (ZIPRA) (which was the military wing of ZAPU), camping beneath the Salisbury to Kariba Airport route.
In the first attack, eighteen civilians on board somehow survived, and five of these went away to find water. Half an hour later nine ZIPRA fighters arrived, promising help; three of the thirteen survivors hid when they saw them, which saved their lives. In the words of Time magazine, the ZIPRA cadres "herded together the ten people at the wreckage, robbed them of their valuables, and finally cut them down with automatic weapons fire". Nkomo claimed responsibility for the attack and spoke of it to the BBC in a way Rhodesians considered gloating.
Wayback machine for Time magazine:
"" Of the 56 people on board, 38 died in the crash. Five of the 18 survivors struggled free and left immediately in search of water. Three of the remaining 13 were miraculously spared by hiding when, half an hour later, nine armed guerrilla soldiers arrived. "It's only because I know a terrorist when I see one that I'm still alive," recalled Anthony Hill, 39, an army reservist. He hid in the bush. At first the guerrillas, clad in jungle green uniforms, seemed friendly, promising help. But then they herded together the ten people at the wreckage, robbed them of their valuables, and finally cut them down with automatic weapons fire. From another hiding place, businessman Hans Hansen and his wife Diana could hear the victims crying, "Please don't shoot us!" as the firing began. Dazed by the ordeal, Hansen said later: "I'll never be able to get that moment out of my mind." ""
In the second attack all 59 people on board were killed in the crash, after the plane had been hit by the heat-seeking missle. The mood became very ugly within Salisbury (the capital of Rhodesia itself), and racial tension was on a knife edge. These incidents pulled back likely agreements to hand over democratic vote to the black population, as Nkomo the leader of these guerillas having claimed ownership of these two attacks, appeared boastful to the Rhodesian civilian public.
This cratered Ian Smiths secret idea to secure a peace with Nkomo.
Ian Smith, Nkomo and Mugabe would later meet in a secret meeting for peace, but basically teh main point of contention was who would control the military and what the military make-up would consist of. Initially Ian Smith had been keen to give a transitional military power between Rhodesian and ZAPU forces, but the 2 brutal attacks on the civilian aircraft facilitated Rhodesian public anger similar to the 2014 shooting down of the Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, when Russian separatists mistakenly shot down a large aircraft they mistook for a Ukrainain military vessel. But where as the Russians quickly scrubbed evidence of their shooting after they realized they had killed near 300 civilian passengers of non-beligerent countries, the boast of Nkomo actively stating they took responsibility of the two civilian airliners, fueled much greater national anger and tragedy.
"" But Smith's ability to engage in such negotiations was seriously compromised by increasing Rhodesian anger over the air-crash massacre. When he and his wife arrived at the Anglican Cathedral in Salisbury to attend a memorial service for the victims, two men in the crowd of whites outside held banners reading: "Prime Minister, give Nkomo a message from us when you meet him secretly next time: 'Go to heck, you murdering bastard.' """
"Responding to the popular mood, Smith told his Parliament that he would soon take "positive and firm" measures that would not be popular with the outside world; presumably he meant attacks on guerrilla bases in Zambia and Mozambique. His government also announced that because of the security situation, elections that were supposed to be held by Dec. 31 would have to be postponed for two or three months."
In retaliation for the shooting down of Flight 825 in September 1978, Rhodesian Air Force Canberra bombers, Hunter fighter-bombers and helicopter gunships attacked the ZIPRA guerrilla base at Westlands farm near Lusaka in October 1978, warning Zambian forces by radio not to interfere.
Some excellent combat footage
The point is after these two attacks on the civilian aircraft, the war would be extended for nearly another year.
""One of the more troubling aspects of the latest crisis was the light it threw on Joshua Nkomo. Until now, it had been assumed by many that the pragmatic and ambitious Nkomo was the strongest candidate to lead an independent Zimbabwe —even though, as a member of the minority Matabele tribe, he would lack the wholehearted support of the powerful Mashona peoples, who form about 80% of the country's population. But Nkomo's performance last week, in the aftermath of the crash and the massacre, raised new doubts about his qualifications for national leadership.
Britain's Foreign Secretary David Owen put the best light on a sorry situation when he observed that even as the Rhodesians "now have the seeds of their future prosperity within their grasp, so they also have the seeds of their destruction." The problem was that, with every alliance weakened by the latest events, it was hard to imagine which individual or group would be strong enough to make the next move toward a settlement. ·""
Did this for redactor0 and he still hasnt answered
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As many probably know by now the Voice is the biggest drama to happen in Australia in years, and it's pretty much taken over my posting. However, the campaign has gotten complicated and self-referential enough that I would 100% understand anyone jumping in for the first time or even after missing a week's worth of news would be incredibly confused about everything. This is why I present- the FULL guide to the Voice! Below is what will be covered, feel free to skip to 3-4 if you just want the drama without the context-
1. What is the Voice?
2. Who are the sides?
3. What is the Uluṟu Statement from the Heart?
4. What are the controversies?
If anything big comes up in the coming weeks/months I'll keep adding to this post, so save this if you want to stay up to date
1. What is the Voice?
The Indigenous Voice to Parliament is a proposed advisory body to Parliament. It would be elected by and presumably composed of Aboriginals, and it would give advice on Aboriginal issues to Parliament and to heads of departments or the PM personally. The election process is apparently going to be weighted, with elders (the oldest members/heads of a tribe) as well as those living in "remote communities" (this is essentially code for still living semi-tribally in bumfrick nowhere) given weighted voting over the mayofied urban Aboriginals.
It is important to note that the Government of the day both a) gets to frick with the Voice's composition, powers and process at will and b) can ignore any "advice" they get, HOWEVER they would not be able to get rid of it entirely. This is because the proposal is to put it in the constitution, which also means the Parliament can't actually just vote it in- the constitutional revision needs to be passed by referendum, and then the corresponding legislation setting it up gets legislated in afterwards. This does mean we have to talk about
1b. Referenda in Australia
Referendums in Australia do not pass by a simple majority vote. They pass by a) a majority vote and 2) a majority of Australia's 6 states (so 4/6). Territories count for the first count but not the second, so sucked in Canberra.
The proposed change is worded as follows-
In recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Peoples of Australia:
There shall be a body, to be called the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice;
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice may make representations to the Parliament and the Executive Government of the Commonwealth on matters relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples;
The Parliament shall, subject to this Constitution, have power to make laws with respect to matters relating to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice, including its composition, functions, powers and procedures.
To which when the referendum day comes you can answer Yes or No. So remember- YES means nonchuds , NO means chuds .
We still do not know when the referendum day will actually come, although there are some considerations. Albanese (the Prime Minister) has to call the referendum for early 2024 by the latest, and has committed to holding it in 2023. Voting in September/early November is presumed to be out because that's when Aussie sporting finals are, which means all the will be too busy watching footy and drinking beers to care about the Voice. By law elections and referenda have to be held on Saturdays so that also narrows it down. Pundits generally say October 14, but it could well be in November.
2. The Sides
2a. Yes
The Yes campaign is headed by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and his Labor Party (the centre-left party). In Parliament he is also supported by the Greens (left), the "teal" independents (rainbow capitalists) and a few members of the Liberal party (centre right, also known as literally fascism). Albanese brought the Voice as a policy to the 2022 federal election and won, although he mostly won because the PM at the time (Scott Morrison) had become for good reason despised by most of the population as a corrupt smarmy happy-clappy r-slur.
Albanese however is pretty much a fairly inconsequential career politician who has only ever rocked the boat with the Voice, and that was because it wasn't all that controversial a year ago lol. His Indigenous Minister who is currently doing most of the work to push this is called Linda Burney, who apparently isn't drunk when she talks despite the fact that she really sounds like it. She has essentially for the past few months been brought out for damage control whenever something goes wrong for the Yes campaign.
There are also a series of activists who are working towards Yes under the banner of "Yes23", of which I'll highlight two. Noel Pearson is the activist who is meant to get rightoids on board with the Voice, because he says things like "look if you pass the voice and nothing changes you can blame us Aboriginals for it" and "just give us responsibility for our own problems". On the other side there's Thomas Mayo, who's a communist who hates Australia which is why rightoid have been focusing on him despite the fact he really isn't all that important, and I only mentioned him because he gets brought up a lot.
2b. No (chud)
The mainstream No campaign is headed by opposition leader Peter Dutton of the Liberal Party and his coalition partner the Nationals (rural rightoids), and supported in Parliament by fringe parties such as One Nation (gigarightoid lolcows). Peter Dutton is a former cop who became leader of the Liberals after they lost the election, and pretty much leads the rightoid wing of that party. Some state Liberal leaders are actually pro-Voice, so he hasn't gotten his party in line as much as Albanese has.
2c. No ()
A fringe No group is the "Blak Sovereignty" movement, with its parliamentary head being Lydia Thorpe (a lolcow who I made a post about months ago). Their deal is that the Voice would surrender Aboriginal sovereignty to the colonial Australian government so should be avoided. Lol.
3. What is the Uluṟu Statement from the Heart?
The Uluṟu Statement from the Heart is a document published by a bunch of Aboriginal elders and activists in 2017 under a bipartisan program, that called for the Voice, plus Treaty (we admit the authority of the Crown in exchange for gibs) and Truth (a commission that's meant to tell all the bad things that happened during colonisation). The controversy here is on whether or not to count the meetings and notes that went into the signed first page- the meetings and notes call for reparations and all forms of other gibs, which the first page omits. The characters involved in the Statement from the Heart have also been scrutinised (this is where Thomas Mayo comes from for example). Albanese has committed to implementing the Statement in full.
4. Controversies
Controversies so far include but are not limited to-
the Voice becoming increasingly unpopular
Yes campaigners being communists
No campaigners being racists (some really were, some weren't really)
No ads showing Thomas Mayo begging for gibs (this is racist obviously)
National carrier Qantas putting vote yes on their aircraft
Other big corps supporting Yes
The mining industry supporting No (except it never did)
Whether the chud No or the Blak Sovereignty No would make the No official argument in a state-funded information pamphlet- chuds won
Whether the wording of the amendment would accidentally give the Voice power over the government of the day (it doesn't)
That's pretty much it, dramaussies tell me if I've missed anything big