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y̶͎̎̄ȅ̶͚̝ȩ̸̛́ ̵͍͗h̴͇́á̷̢w̵̞̪̕
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Total femboy victory :marseyhomofascist:

!cuteandvalid !femboys !bottoms !lgbt

Week 001- The Korean War Begins - June 25, 1950


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Out on the lake
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  • Aevann : SHUT IT DOWN
  • BraveShill : Truer words have never been spoken
  • DickButtKiss : This was obviously made by an agenda-posting buttburt libtard
AI makes an rDrama meme

Link to the tool

Prompt was "The average user"

EFFORTPOST The State of the Race! Who's winning? What's the issues?

Reading Rdrama, it's become pretty clear that this dump is a rightoid circlejerk that's blind to what's actually happening in America, and I want to just spread the knowledge :marseybow:.

The first thing to handle: Am I biased? No - I'm a European (:marseybong:) that's neurodivergentally into American Presidential Politics, especially the Cold War era (Franklin Roosevelt to H.W Bush), and I'd wager I know more about every era then most Americans here. Not saying that to brag, it's just autism.

So the next thing to handle - the state of the race. Which Dementia Daddy is winning? It started of with Trump fricking destroying Slumbering Joseph, who has been facing declining approval ratings ever since the fall of Kabul (:marseysigh: America hates to see an anti-war president). This is despite the fact that America does not like Trump. This is simply a fact, Americans have never liked Trump. He didn't win the popular vote against Hillary Clinton, herself massively unpopular, or Joe Biden.

Let's compare starting approvals. Gallup gives W. Bush :marseybush: 57% approval at the start of his term, which skyrockets to 91% by 9/11 and ends at 28% when he leaves office. Obama :marseyobama: starts with 68%, getting a lowest approval rating of 42%. Even Sleepy Joe :marseybiden2: started with 55%. Donald Trump :marseyhitler:? He started with 45% approval. That would peak at 49%, and would average at 41%. Please, I implore you to forget that you're a rightoid and accept a basic fact - Trump is not personally liked by Americans. They think he's a loudmouth butthole who's attitude is unfit for office, and during his term 59% of the public didn't like him. So, a Sleepy Joe sweep, right?

Biden started popular enough. He was basically an Obama third term, and Obama was massively popular. He was very old, the pic above is a newspaper reporting Nixon being re-elected while Biden unseats an incumbent, which was a concern, but people generally liked him.

That would change fairly swiftly. Inflation from the Covid spending :marseyballoon2:, under Trump lmao, caught up with America and inflation became rampant. Joe Biden had been elected on a promise of being a boring cracker who could let people forget about politics for a while, an elder statesman who would handle everything. He was already being blamed for the economy, but then there was the pull-out. Despite it being awesome, America finally stops wasting money on that shithole, Americans were horrified by the images it produced. His approval ratings sank like a rock and disapproval ratings soared. :marseystocksdown:

The "Joe Biden is too old to lead" stuff went from a Republican talking point to basically accepted fact. The public was promised a boring statesman they could forget about it, and they're seeing global chaos and inflation - which has gotten back to decent rates, but since the only way prices will go down is through a recession, no one thinks it has. I mean yeah you have dipshit shooters like Will Stancil, but that's about it. So, Drumpf sweep right?

Yes and no. Despite Biden's massive unpopularity, the Red Wave promised for 2022 was barely a red drizzle - the Trump Republicans were so massively unpopular, the Democrats managed to narrowly expand a Senate majority, unseated 3 incumbent governors and Republicans only got 9 seats from the 435 seats up for election in 2022. The public hated Joe Biden, but the Democrats weren't unpopular. However, that doesn't change the fact that Joe Biden is unpopular.

Turns out deplatforming works, hooray! With Trump, he became less of a man and more of an idea. Yeah, Trump was an butthole - but prices were low and the world was at peace. (Incidentally, ask anyone who thinks this how exactly Trump will do this again and watch them not answer you.) America has always loved it's Dirty Harrys and Dr. Houses - take no shit buttholes who get results. Trump, away from the spotlight and with Biden viewed with contempt, was poised to crush Biden. That was until;

Some rightoids have tried to spin this, arguing the public doesn't care that Trump paid hush money to his mistress. They're on the right line of thinking, but they're overestimating the public's knowledge. They don't know what Trump did, and they don't care. Trump went from butthole they don't like to Convicted Criminal(tm) - a massive step up. They have faith in the institutions, they think whatever the verdict is, it's fair, and while they could hold their nose to vote for the butthole that made prices low, they can't do it for a Convicted Criminal(tm).

Biden's popularity hasn't change. They still think he's a senile idiot that shouldn't be in office - but he's not a Convicted Criminal(tm). For contrast, NeoCon-Nikki Haley has pulled anything from 4% to 13% over Joe Biden. While the highest results were obvious bullshit, the pattern is there. If Biden didn't have to run against Trump, he would get his butt paddled.

So, two massively unpopular old men are running against each other. One is a criminal nobody has ever liked, the other is a senile r-slur. Who wins?

Frick knows mate. Trump leads in some key swing states, like Arizona and Michigan, but his sheer unpopularity following the conviction has led to these being narrow leads. Worse still, the Biden Campaign has about $100 million more then the Trump Campaign, so some targeted ads could ruin Trump. If I had to goomble, and I do :marseygambling:, I would put money on Biden winning. The warchest advantage will be the difference maker, but I wouldn't be surprised if Trump won.

Personally, I'm rooting for Biden winning while losing the popular vote :marseypipe:. I think the Rightoid outrage after 2016 would be funny.

Thanks for reading my longpost :marseyshy3: I promise there's no agenda :marseyblush:

None The :marseyturkroach: family

The female :marseyturkroach: Tiktok (pretty tame all things considered and she's closed the comments on all her videos, so no fun to be had :marseyitsover:

1. :marseyyikes: :marseydeadinside:

2. The :chudsmug: start to make their appearance and grabs the attention of a fat who uses "Chud" unironically lol :marseyhmm:

3. Emmanuel returns, causes seethe, and refuses to leave... he might be a Dramatard... emphasis on the "tard" :marseylaugh: :marseyxd:

4. :marseyfrozenchosen: "Grown men grooming young girls :marseysad:" :marseymoidmoment: "Isn't there someone you forgot to mention?"

5. :marseyfrozenchosen: "What a disgusting groomer..." :marseymoidmoment: "It's actually true love sweety"

6. :malefeminist: "Notice how it's always straight men who groom" :chudsmug: :marseynoooticer: enters room

7. :yakub:

8. Young girl gets groomed, "modern women to blame" :marseychud:


this "printerval company" has been pooping up search results for a while now, frequently with candles, thankfully bing is immune so far :marseysweating:

I am impressed by the SEO mogging

Was looking and zunes, and kept getting zune scented candle

The user who uploaded it has 30,000k products :marseydead:

and there's a lot of sellers on printerval like this, no way that's not giga automated

Beetroot scented candle? Aren't beetroots kind of...earthy? Could be nice :marseythonk: but I know none of these are scented because zunes don't smell like anything :marseyindignant:

booktok scented candle:

They have a lot of bad looking AI slop designs for sale, and also... I think they are using automated web scraping to create print on demand listings. People are saying their etsy designs were stolen by printerval, as well as art from all over the internet.

On most print on demand sites, artists (and occasionally art thieves flying under the radar...) upload art themselves, and then the artist gets a cut every time the POD site gets an order and prints the design on a shirt or mousepad or body pillow or whatever. This looks like the same thing, except the ratio of art theives and artists seems inverted, and most sites ban you from the service if you upload more than a certain amount of designs a day. Usually the limit is 30 or 50 or something.

Printerval seems to be prominently selling knock off Taytay shirts, and copies of popular shirts from other sites

Redditors dumb enough to order from there (and managed to receive their order) say their products were covered in stains, and the inks weren't even the right colors :marseyshrug: :marseyxd: Is this true? Or antimarketing from the 10 POD site competitors?

the vietnamese do not fear the mouse

zune flag for our compound

I saw some obvious AI art stuff on there but I forgot to screenshot and don't really care that much because it was boring :marseysleep: It's mostly art website scraping, including DeviantArt

Morbid Obesity Sonic the Hedgehog mug, anyone?

Dr. Disrespects the Age of Consent admits he was "inappropriately" DMing a minor



Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Glad it's a damper to your comfort going out to eat. I suggest you stop. You clearly can't afford and you're compete and utter buttholes. Make your own food at home. People never cease to amaze me. (-32)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Good! You deserved to be uncomfortable for doing that. Simple question, no response to bad answer. I'd say the server handled themselves well. You didn't deserve that much courtesy but they can't force you to be decent people! (-38)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

I was chased after when I had left already. That level of tip begging was what surprised me. (22)

Server didn't beg. They gave you a chance to have made a mistake. You failed the server/customer mores, not them. I def wouldn't go back there again! (-27)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Serious question. How do you justify not tipping even with a rude and obnoxious server? I have tipped twice, once for our original server who disappeared after delivering our food and the server who actually waited on us. What should I have done with our original server? She wasn't rude or obnoxious. It just seemed like she didn't care or was lazy. (2)

i've never not tipped. the one very rude and obnoxious server i've had in the last 6 years as an adult, we just walked out after she brought us our drinks an hour later. wrote a bad review and called her name out. i've never been so displeased with service that i have tipped under 20%. these broke butt bitches are walking out every single meal they eat out feeling guilty and cheap? jesus. i only eat out with my girl like once a month and i know servers. they're there for your tip money. i'm going to ruin some young woman's day, and ruin my mood because of guilt over $10??? this sub is a joke. anti tipping should be a thing when you're getting ice cream, vape pods, or any other service that's given to you right at the counter. it shouldn't be targeted towards wait staff. (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Because we all know those waiters, driving around in their Mercedes and BMWs, they definitely are the ones we should be taking our anger at the system out on! (1)

Maybe I live in a more affluent area or whatever but I've definitely seen restaurant workers that drive BMWs or Benz's. Sometimes it's obviously a teenager of somebody that lives in the area. Sometimes it's not, though. I personally know one person who works a good paying office job but has Fridays off, and they serve at a restaurant on Fridays and weekends. Why does it really matter what they drive? I tip 20% no matter what, unless something egregious happens, like getting my order wrong twice somehow. The only other time I'm super tempted to not tip is when I get a clearly bad attitude from someone that isn't just having a bad day. The ones that treat you like you're annoying and inconveniencing them for just being there at the restaurant as a customer. That entitled and flippant attitude drives me nuts, and most of the time I still tip because I think to myself that they probably just haven't been through enough of life's bullshit to realize they probably don't have it so bad in ... (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

The audacity seems out of control these days. Many times the service sucks and then they still want a 30% tip when I have to wait 30 minutes for a drink and 30 minutes for my check. I don't make that much money either and I don't get a raise every year. I don't go to full service restaurants at all anymore and they still want a tip at the service counter. people have tip fatigue. The wait staff should be mad at the self-service kiosks that started begging for tips because that's really when people started getting tip fatigue (5)

This is it. Those things are the death knell for tipping culture. People are realizing more and more that it is a scam and taking advantage of people's good-hearted nature. No one likes to feel emotionally manipulated just for buying some food. People are largely sick of it, as this sub indicates. (2)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/dannymac420386

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮(+3🐮)

Number of comments: 23

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramautists. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Warthunder remembers the challenger

Soyteens have an IRL meet up in Times Square :soyjakcobson:

Many gems to be had in this thread



Dear Prudence,

Last year, I became involved in my first poly relationship with a couple, Frank and Linda. To be honest, my attraction was mostly to Frank, but I decided to give this relationship a chance even though Linda was always a bit more distant with me. We settled into a routine. Frank and Linda have a daughter, Marcie, and because of my schedule, I've been able to pick up Marcie from school and help around the house a bit. I felt like we were a family. Recently, Frank and Linda brought someone else, Chelsea, into the relationship. As a result, I've been sidelined.

I still pick up Marcie from school and help around the house, but otherwise, Frank and Linda spend very little time with me. I feel both of them, most of all Linda, are more attracted to Chelsea and like her better. I resent Chelsea a lot. When I brought this up, they accused me of being “needy” and “close-minded.” I feel betrayed, but this is my first poly relationship and I worry that maybe they are right that I'm looking at this the wrong way. I don't want to be a “clingy” girlfriend. On the other hand, if all I'm doing is vacuuming and running errands for Frank and Linda, I don't think that's a real relationship. I don't even know how to discuss this with them again as the one time I did they blew me off.

—Trapped In a Love Square

Chrissy Teigen is a P-do (Hollywood Elite Pizza Watch)
:boomermonster: :ethot:

Burger cope. Burgers are the wealthiest peeps on the planet and yet building ingenuity is anathema to them

:ragejak: :ragejak: :ragejak: :ragejak:

Behold don't post this to amerifats with surprise, they might spontaneously combust or erupt in epileptic seizure :marseychainsmoker: :marseychainsmoker: :marseychainsmoker: :marseychainsmoker:

Eurocucks of 9strag cant handle bantz

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the Burger cries out as he strikes you :soycry: :soycry: :soycry: - eurocuks come laff at yanks not even being able to take the tamest and shittiest of jabs :marseypearlclutch:







Redditors mad when rightwinger films video of streets whores and junkies acting up in seattle.

The discovery institute is dedicated to advocating for ‘intelligent design' if anyone was wondering.

"this guy is from the other team you guys"

I went to check out that website at the end, run by the far right thinktank discovery institute. Their solution to homelessness is just throwing them all in jail, so that tracks with the content of this video.

Good. These 'people' shouldn't be allowed to wander the streets and harass people

The dude basically stalks homeless people in the Seattle area. No other goal than to get views, and provide footage for propaganda.

It was evident pretty quick he had no true compassion. The lack of self-awareness it must take to film yourself treating people who need help so callously and then cut to a "help the homeless" plea, it just feels like open mockery.

The only way you're going to help these people is to force them into recovery. Put them in jails where they can't sell their bodies or beg for fent money and keep them there for a good long while

“You're in a bikini so I started filming” wtf??? Bro is weird

No, the fat ugly, frumpy street whore wearing a 10 dollar bikini in public is weird.

      • Ngl shawty was thick in all the right places in that gas station


Conservatives win longtime Liberal stronghold Toronto-St. Paul in shock byelection result

sorry @DarkDeity you should have put it here and tagged !leafs

and !chuds

look at this gem fron /r/onguardforthee

/u/le_sadie is probably a 17 year old they/them AFAB that has no idea what neoliberalism is

Trudeau's press conference today:

"we're not gonna do anything but we'll say we're doing something again for the 200th time"

dramathots :marseygeisha: when spal :marseyspal: slides :marseyslipperyslope: into their dms :marseyyayyytext:

!dramatards !metashit

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