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If you could attract a Princess you’d do it.
— Megha (@meghaverma_art) February 24, 2025
You can’t.
That’s why your “harem” is made up of low rent prostitutes spat on by society and your sons are all bastards. https://t.co/Q4EYEUU70K
Unironically agreeing with Tate
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first of all I will stop drinking right now as all it's done is gotten me into giant escalating fights with random people, inspired me to engage in poorly thought out troll attempts, and call women out to fist fights.
but the thing I'm most upset about is I let @TheGrillcast down - I will be better from now on.
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Canadian here. Not sure if this is PreperIntel worthy but just reporting something I've honestly never seen in my life. Canadians woke up today feeling super patriotic. And super pissed. Not that we aren't usually patriotic but we aren't a bunch of flag wavers. It's more a quiet patriotism we keep to ourselves. And we are generally a polite and reserved bunch in general.
Not today. Holy... the mood in Canada is ... PISSED.
Most of the anger is aimed at your current head of state but also at your country as a whole. Not so much individual Americans. You will be perfectly safe traveling through Canada or visiting. But there is outright anger directed at any product with a "Made in the USA" flag. Every store in Canada is going around with maple leaf stickers marking the "Made in Canada" products. Consumer boycotts are springing up organically across the country. The talk is really sort of ... ugly.
I get the sense there has been significant damage done to the US Brand in Canada. And I don't think it's confined to Canada. I have friends in the UK who say the same. They are also just frankly pissed beyond all reason. I expect it's the same across Europe.
Hopefully it dies down. It's absolutely non-productive and unCanadian. America and Canada have been ride or die BFF's for a century or more. I live in Arizona 1/2 time and I love LOVE it here. I have yet to personally meet an American I didn't genuinely like. You are good people. You do not deserve any of this.
Unless of course you voted for this. In which case... hope you get everything you voted for and then some.
also RIP to /r/prepperintel, it has turned into just another 'Drumf le bad' subreddit
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Probably employs the same people you get from rent-a-drunk temp agencies.
Sadly, looks like we won't be getting any totes authentic grassroots kitty hat marches for the inauguration.
Protesters-for-hire firm sees dropoff in inquiries from Democratic groups 'dejected' after 2024 election loss
I wonder how much it would cost to hire them to spam bardfinn with ywnbaw posting?
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Our stats:
Cloudflare stats (30 days):
Cloudflare stats (7 days):
Google stats (30 days):
Chats by activity (30 days):
id | name | owner | messages past month
1 | Chat | | 13961
427 | love and appreciation for manul | @Patsy | 3222
959 | SERIOUS MARRIAGE CHAT | @Rad_juju | 3153
631 | Football Chat | @SN | 1959
905 | JJ & Comm | @Rad_juju | 802
924 | Mario Party | @TriHard | 577
922 | LuigiFuckers | @Kongvann | 433
453 | Official CuteAndValid Chat | @UncleAbortion | 388
746 | 🐕🐕The Dog Log🐕🐕 | @Y | 381
452 | Britbong Rightoid Schizo Conspiracy Chat | @UncleAbortion | 210
208 | The Footy | @Avalon | 170
182 | Mops and mop accessories | @Kongvann | 157
806 | Official !hornyposters Chat | @UncleAbortion | 151
16 | FGCHAT | @TrapEnjoyer | 141
471 | @Patsy Did Nothing Wrong | @UncleAbortion | 97
818 | Fedchat | @HollyJollyJihad | 84
320 | marital rape | @binturong | 79
949 | Cat Chat | @Rad_juju | 76
47 | Gluewies 47 | @UraniumDonGER | 51
337 | rDrama.net Public Programming | @Patsy | 48
977 | COOMthread | @Coom | 35
909 | redscarepod.net | @JoyceCarolOates | 29
87 | Tea Party Chat | @Drippo | 28
957 | ive only gotten more racist | @Pasty | 28
117 | /fit/sisters (NO BOYS ALLOWED) | @box | 23
432 | 'buchat | @Patsy | 23
871 | JJ & SHILL | @Rad_juju | 22
131 | Mountain Lions, Funny Dogs, Smoked Meat | @Ambervixen_Fluffymug | 13
638 | We curl in the squat rack | @seal_cel | 12
401 | Bundeschat | @UraniumDonGER | 11
666 | _666_ HOUSE EDGY SECRET CHAT _666_ | @YappingCat | 11
162 | AI shitposting | @WaitingForSummer | 10
543 | last bastion of inceldom | @seal_cel | 10
101 | Chadcentral | @Losercel | 9
622 | Rothschilds Family Private Chat | @Count_Sprpr | 8
143 | Slackernews jannies | @SN | 7
606 | friendly dms between best friends | @Patsy | 6
158 | Funding המוסד למודיעין ולתפקידים מיוחדים | @YappingCat | 4
866 | OFFICIAL JEET HATE CHAT | @676974 | 4
955 | Ho Chat | @Rad_juju | 4
(42 rows)
we haven't been contacted by any law enforcement or governmental organizations in 2025 (or ever for that matter)
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The Colombian president started the fight on accepting undocumented immigrants back into his country. His main complaint was that they were coming on a military plane and that's inhumane treatment. Good news, you can treat them as humanely as you like when you have them back.
— Cenk Uygur (@cenkuygur) January 27, 2025
- DickButtKiss : He's a good kid that Fuentes
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As everyone now knows Nick lives in Berwyn
Berwyn is a boring suburb a stone's toss from Chicago. The only significant things about it in order: Filming
the car spike (which has been torn down, RIP) in Wayne's World, being the home of Nick Fuentes, and Cigars and Stripes.
Anyone who is planning a pilgrimage to your groyper
holy site should stop by for a meal after you get pepper sprayed. Cigars and Stripes is a great and strange place. It is typically a host to bikers
, misfits
, and all sorts of other weirdos
And now a quick ad for Cigars and Stripes's wings
before we get to the drama. They are still the best
I've ever had. He has huge smokers with hundreds of wings slow cooking
all day round. They are meaty
and juicy
, and served over lightly toasted
white bread to soak up the flavor
If you didn't watch the ad above , Cigars and Stripes is owned by a dude named Ronnie Lottz. He is a fan of old school pulp horror
, wrestling
, and Cigars
. He is also extremely eccentric and possibly a recovered coke head
. Ronnie used to be a wrestling manager back in the day and hosts some amatuer events. I attended a
event that was a lot of fun, but not everyone appreciated it
But the noteable drama happened a couple of years before that. As mentioned, Ronnie is a huge fan of classical horror. Every Halloween he hosts a spookie
week where he invites freak performances and builds some decorations and pratical jokes around the bar.
One of these practical jokes involves a two way mirror he installed in a door by carving it out, which revealed a monster on the other side when you flipped a switch
. Well, one day Ronnie made the biggest mistake of his life. He let a foid perform on comedy night
, and she did not appreciate this mirror. Why? Because it was in the women's bathroom
Ronnie hated the accusations that he was a deviant, but being a former pro wrestling manager, loved the attention and the chance to play front man again. He would give commentary to any journo who asked. One of my favorites is from Jezebel, it is too long to post here, but here's the intro:
(Phone rings)
(A woman answers.) "Bathroom mirror, how can I help you?"
Oh, excuse me, is this Cigars and Stripes?
Yes it is.
I'm calling in regards to a video posted about a two-way mirror in the bathroom—
Hold on.
(Man picks up) Hello?
Hi, I'm with Jezebel, and I'm calling about the two-way mirror in your ladies' restroom.
What does Jezebel do? I've never heard of her. And yes, absolutely: we have a two-way mirror in there, yes, yes; we've had it since 2001.
Okay. So, I'm just wondering why it's in the ladies' room?
Young lady, I have in my beer garden—I have a 10 and a half-foot hole. Did you know that it's haunted. Did you know that a man fell dead. Do you know that we do seven days of Halloween. Do you know that mirror's been there for the longest time. That woman opened the door. I mean she opened the door, there's nothing in there. Open the door and pee and do what you want. Quite frankly I'm enjoying people calling, because I'm selling chicken wings. Look, this woman is looking for a viral video. There's a big movement in reality TV to be outraged about feminism. I've been in professional wrestling. So yes: come see my mirror; eat my wings—I don't know what to tell you, honey.
And you're going to keep the mirror in there?
I will burn this fricking place to the ground before I get rid of that mirror. Do you know how much joy that mirror has brought to us? We're synonymous with Halloween. We do a freaky family fun day, and all the kids look in the mirror. This is a fun house, honey, and if you don't like the two-way mirror, go frick yourself; and if you come on my stage, have something to say. Everyone needs an angle. My angle is: I do barbeque; I promote it, and I break my butt for the local comics in Chicago. I pay them. I try to make them into rock stars. They do nothing, except for this. One girl said she wanted to pull her pants down and show her clitoris to me, and they all came and ate the wings.
At the time it made national news and there were dozens of reddit posts about it. The 's video got over 3 million views
. Facebook was filled with posts from foids all across Chicagoland declaring they would never go there again.
There was a post on SRD filled with no fun havers , but I can't find it. I don't know if it's because of reddit's terrible search
function or because the SRD mods delete everything that is interesting outside of poweruser slapfights.
That's all. I have more stories about Ronnie and the other characters I've met there, but they probably aren't interesting unless you've been there. You can enjoy more of Ronnie's antics on Instagram:
Any of you !chiraqis go into the burbs for some wings and a peep at girls peeing?
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You're right, Russia was completely ignorant of the battlefield condition of the war until I posted about it.
— JD Vance (@JDVance) February 21, 2025
"This will not stand. This will not stand, this aggression against Kuwait."--George H.W. Bush on August 5, 1990. Full quote from Jon Meacham's biography. Future history students will be asked why this stopped being the reaction of a Republican president to the invasion of a… pic.twitter.com/PuaztoiVaG
— Niall Ferguson (@nfergus) February 20, 2025
This is moralistic garbage, which is unfortunately the rhetorical currency of the globalists because they have nothing else to say.
— JD Vance (@JDVance) February 20, 2025
For three years, President Trump and I have made two simple arguments: first, the war wouldn't have started if President Trump was in office;… https://t.co/xH33s6X5yf
This is bullshit. “Russians have a massive numerical advantage in manpower and weapons in Ukraine, and that advantage will persist regardless of further Western aid packages.” https://t.co/YbH7H3wShO
— Shashank Joshi (@shashj) February 20, 2025
Behind the tough guy language, there is no argument here. What's the firepower advantage of the respective parties to the conflict? Manpower? How might that change with further NATO action, and how are you proposing to change it?
— JD Vance (@JDVance) February 21, 2025
As it turns out, I'm right and Joshi is wrong,… https://t.co/de9QIt0UjR
Well, thank God also for free and open debate.
— Niall Ferguson (@nfergus) February 20, 2025
Having visited Ukraine every year but one since 2011, I think I have an informed and realistic view.
I repeatedly criticized the Biden administration for its failure to deter Putin in 2021 and failure to end the war while Ukraine…
In this thread I'll respond to some of what I've seen out there. Let's start with Niall:
— JD Vance (@JDVance) February 21, 2025
1) On the general background, yes, you have been more right than wrong on a lot of the details of the conflict. Which is why I'm surprised to hear you call the administration's posture… https://t.co/w7OQemI3R7
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The truth is that some, not all, of these so-called "other people" were put in this world to deceive you. Why? I don't know. But far fewer people than you think exist, actually exist.
Sonder is a midwit trap, where the midwit believes the most complex explanation because then he feels smart.
It's simpler than that.
You're under the delusion that every car carries those with "lives as vivid and complex as your own" --- why? There's absolutely zero proof of this. None.
"Sonder" is an artifact of a deluded mind, tricked by the world to believe in its boundlessness and complexity. Most of these "people" didn't exist before you saw them, and will cease to exist soon after. Anyone who tells you otherwise is off.
Eerily off.
There is something wrong with this world
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In short, OP talks about interviewing candidates and being heartbroken at how many have psychology degrees followed by unemployment or low-wage employment in an unrelated field. With this experience, they offer a word of warning to those who wish to pursue this degree. Sure, psychology is interesting, but it's not a reliable career to pursue if you hope to become financially independent.
OP isn't wrong. According to Harvard, psychology is a top 3 most popular degree and it's not a surprise. Many people are interested in psychological topics and they pursue the degree at a young age without considering much concerning the job market or retirement or anything of the sort.
According to a Niche ranking, psychology was the third most popular major among college students in the classes of 2022 and 2023. The share of college students majoring in psychology now hovers around 6 percent, up from 4 to 5 percent in the 1980s.
The number of people with psychology degrees far outnumbers the available jobs. Unfortunately, Redditors don't want to hear it. They love their precious degree and they'll defend it to the death, darn it.
They survived by tricking others into getting a useless degree
If you aren't going to become a psychologist, why spend hundreds of thousands on a psychology degree?
If anyone young is reading this, please don't listen to this fart. We live in a capitalist world. Rid your mind of this nonsense of "chasing your dreams". You're at university to set yourself up to make money, not to pursue your passions. There is nothing remotely passion-provoking in a university.
One of the few based takes.
This is massive cope. You can literally do the MIT psychology course for free online.
The truth is that if you're curious about psychology, there is no need to pursue a degree in it. Everything you could hope to learn is online, neatly organised, waiting for you to access it for free. It's a stupid reason to go to university. If you're trying to get money, the psychology degree is still useless. So, in short, avoid the psychology degree.
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So according to Jason Schreier, Rocksteady was adamantly against doing a Superman game.
— Alfie ☀️ (@TheGeekForFun) February 26, 2025
They hated that character, and no one working for WB has ever pitched or wanted to pitch a Superman game in 10+ years 💔 pic.twitter.com/BVUhlFDUWz
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!nonchuds !cuteandinvalid !lgbt Total Trump Death
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Some nasty witch made a post about her trans pikachu or something and posted it on /r/pokemon. They didn't like it as confirmed by unddit:
- removed comments: 132/322 (41.0%) deleted comments: 21/322 (6.5%)
Anyway, as I'm the chad type (and they are the crying soys), I've noticed that like a majority of trans positive comments are downmarseyed to oblivion due to bots and/or brigaded by right-wing extremists and the reactions are too funny:
/r/Gamingcirclejerk - G*mer couldnt stand seeing anpikachu and a trans flag in the same pic [sic jfc]
Anyway, the thread got posted to our friends over at /r/gamingcirlejerk by the gorgeous Oktavia - whose beauty only reflects their orthographic skills - and it's a crysis-just-got-released-in-2007 situation. Most comment chains got jannied clean but undelete has them saved:
Anyway, transphobes got btfo'd by lore accurate pikachu:
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No tax up to 12 lakhs, insanity.
— Rishap Vats (@VatsRishap) February 1, 2025
Cannot believe jokers cosplaying as “middle class” have forced the government in such a corner that it felt it had to do this.
Findom enjoyer genocide
Nah indirect taxes are better even at progressive taxation. Taxing income is stupid.
The middleclasscel will kiss his robber's feet for leaving him a little more and he will be happy.
Madarchod NRI I hope some wignat screwdrivers your fat gut.