What's your favorite rDrama word/phrase currently in your autocorrect?

If there is one nazi in a room and the 9 other people in the same room don't speak out and make a stand to oppose him, there are 10 nazis in the room.

if your husband won't vote against fascism and project 2025 he is complicit, just as bad as the MAGA fascists who vote for the wannabe dictator and convicted felon Donald Trump

I made the mistake of saying that during our fight....I'm now sleeping in my car.

I'm on the same side as your husband.

He also doesn't understand why women choose bear and he watches conspiracy theory videos all the time.

Well if he can't understand something as simple as the woman vs bear thing then I probably wouldn't expect him to understand the finer details of presidential candidates; in that case I wouldn't stress myself trying to make him see any further.

My god, "educate myself", "educate him", you're a broken record of preachy insufferability

Oh, I'm sorry. Did I offend you by being too logical about a situation you're trying to flip to fit your narrative?

Reported by:
  • 1 : windows 11 user, do not engage
Bridge suggestions

Marsey Dating! by CursedDankMEMES! A shit post game :marseyxd:

I made this in a day, for a shitpost. If things break or are broken I don't care :marseyxd: I don't know if it works on mobile. I made this as a test to see if I could and how. I hope to make an actual game eventually. Next project is making my actual game + a real marsey RPG. (now in the works!)

namecheap drops

soyteens are now forced to immigrate to


Reported by:
The perfect and overwhelming synchronicity of the Kamala astroturfing has really been a sight to behold
Reported by:

All credits due to the Kiwiggers! :marseynullautismpat: !comicshitters !nooticers

WES:marseytrain2:S LOST








idk some comicshitter site or something:

Edit: Lol I am late :chuditsover:

Turn on the Olympics. See this. Turn it off.

There's a literal :marseytrain2: demon fashion show France wtf????


It's 6 and a half minutes of chatlogs so I'll post screenshots of good bits below




!kino !trekkies look at Star Trek: Discovery, why millennial writers do this? :#marseypicard:

The worst part is when adults behave like children while children are portrayed as mature and wise.

Compare with this

I'm taking it from Critical Drinker's video, yes he's a chud y*utuber but he's right


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

It's 2024. How the frick can your camera phone suck so goddarn much at this point in time? (286)

Screenshots automatically upscale resolution. I'm sure ai can repair the images to get a clearer image of their faces (-15)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘


Liberal = terrorist but the gif is funny so I commend you (-12)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Cry about it libshit (-13)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

They should be charged and/or deported to Gaza, ASAP. If they want to burn the US flag and deface our monuments, then they should go coexist with the terrorists they align themselves with. (1)

Defacing public property is just a crime, but honesty it's fine IMO as a form of protest. I would rather they deface properly than hurt people which to my knowledge they didn't do. This kind of property is worth killing of stance is insane and anti American.Burning is flag is a form of protest, it's actually insane to think it isn't. It's a method of showing how it feels for you to live in a country at the moment. It's not done to offend you personally, it's about conveying a message.The closest to of these to something I get is waving terrorist flag, but I still think this is dumb, and especially not something people should be disappeared over. Like nobody on earth who has just waved a Nazi flag in a march to was deported or sent to prison despite it being a much worse flag IMO. If they get arrested it's for an actual crime they committed.As for getting violent with police, like again it's a crime, but whatever man. It's not like police are helpless. They're infinitely more trained... (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Let's stop talking about the last thousand years. What happened on October 7th was a large scale attack on innocent civilians. Israel has responded militarily to destroy Hamas, who trained and armed the attackers. Hamas hides behind children. Israel locates high ranking Hamas officials, and instead of sending soldiers into dangerous door to door combat, bombs the building they're hiding in. Innocents, along with the Hamas official are killed. If the terrorist wasn't there, no bombing. For those of you that don't understand what is occurring, this is called war. What's worse, it's war against a terrorist organization. They don't wear uniforms. War is horrific. War ends when one side surrenders. Hamas can end the war today. Release the hostages and disarm. End of war. (2)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Can't deport citizens. What to do about Americans who say "death to America"? (1)

Americans saying "death to America" well freedom of speech also means the freedom to sound like an butthole. But speech is speech. That itself is not a crime.Arson is a crime. Vandalism is a crime. Assault is a crime. Inciting a riot is a crime - there is a huge difference between peaceful assembly and a "mostly peaceful" assembly and a flat out riot. Assaulting law enforcement is a crime. Destruction of property is a crime. All are crimes which should be prosecuted in order to hold those people who commit them accountable for their actions and as a deterrent to others. Failing to hold people accountable for their actions, only encourages others to continue and escalate those actions leading to greater confrontations and ultimately violence. Non-American citizens should have their visas reviewed and possibly revoked if warranted. Non Americans who are here on a visa are expected to conduct themselves as guest of this country. If they are unable and are unwilling to do so then their... (2)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/MeasurementOk3007

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮(+4🐮)

Number of comments: 63

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

Jinxthinker's plan to own the coomers by posting coombait (but with black people)

the dejenerate podcast - how we fight n-zis 5:15

It's a short video plus it's all bangers, so I'm not clipping it. If you watch a single jinxthinker video this season, this is the one to watch.

  • He just completed phase 1 of the plan against p-dophiles, he used a throwaway to PM random people interracial porn

  • He was gatekept by a system that moderates what you can post on a new account on a 2nd website (I'm assuming he meant kiwi farms), but at least the jannies will see it and get heart attacks. Talks about another site being attacked.

  • Joker laugh 1:20

  • Calls for all his followers to join his righteous crusade

  • He's already been to heaven and knows how to attack p-dophiles 2:40

  • Pedos cowering, not knowing where he's going to attack next.

  • He will be making accounts, aging them, and building credibility by pretending to be right wing 4:00

  • He will be targeting, stallforum (?), and more anime forums. Cooming to own the coomers.

!jinxthinkers brat mode is out joker mode is IN IN IN (Trust the plan)

I asked null if there were any recent attacks of incoherent porn posts


One of the stupidest vibe ruining tropes ever lmao. "Hmm it's been like 17 minutes since I used my story to virtue signal about current culture war... Oh I know! I'll have the bad guy do it this time!" Like, literally replacing the whole page with a "sonic sez" would be better lol

Having fun on the wrong side of history there bud?

Villains typically have respect for everything but the actual life of people or they don't genuinely care. Bigotry isn't evil it's an ideology.


I honestly find it funnier when a fanbase is somehow disappointed with a villain for being racist/sexist. Like, when Freddy Krueger's about to kill a black girl and says a racist one liner first, people were like wtf. As if Freddy fricking Krueger is some kind of role model lmao

Oh, or the recent Halloween movie where people were upset that Michael Myers killed a gay couple. Like, obviously? He's an indescriminate serial killer, what did you expect?


Honestly joker hating Nazis makes tons of sense, he's all about chaos and they're a dictatorship.

That might be the most reddit thing I've read.

the imperium of man in warhammer 40k, famously murders people for heresy and being mutants (which often is just humans who adapted to other planets), is incredibly accepting of trans and gay people. in one book (pariah nexus i think? i don't remember) the practice of "tactical pansexuality" is discussed

Keep yourself safe.


Madam President's border is already paying dividends

The king of hamsters :chadthankskingcapy:

It's @Aevann

New XKCD :marseyoperasmug:

A series of fires have hit French high-speed rail lines, hours before the opening ceremony for the Paris Olympic Games

Rail company SNCF says it's a "massive attack aimed at paralysing the network"; France's transport minister says they're dealing with "co-ordinated malicious acts"

Some 800,000 customers are affected with disruption expected "at least all weekend", the rail firm says - passengers are asked to postpone trips and not travel to stations

Eurostar services to and from Paris are being diverted with several trains cancelled

Whodunnit? My guess is environmentalists.

Announcing !fosstards - your ping stop for all things Linux, BSD, Free Software and Open Source!

New ping group- !fosstards

Merari owns the !transphobes

Say :marseyclapping2: it :marseyclapping2: louder :marseyclapping2: for :marseyclapping2: the :marseyclapping2: transphobes :marseyclapping2: at :marseyclapping2: the :marseyclapping2: back

Trans :marseyclapping2: women :marseyclapping2: are :marseyclapping2: biological :marseyclapping2: women

!cuteandinvalid !chasers


I decided to pay my favorite subreddit, /r/forwardsfromklandma a visit and found a version of this comic edited as the Barbie movie (for some reason) and about the Mr. Beast :marseytrain::

Of course, the redditards jump at a chance to defend their own kind.

If she did groom kids; she's still a she. No one refers to cis men who groom kids as anything other than their preferred pronouns.

It's like they see the comic then decide to just be the person in the comic :marseylaugh:

Also I love that for every 1000 p-dophile pastors if 1 trans or queer person preys on a child all of us have to apologize for it. The right has shown time and time again they don't care or hold themselves to any standards, let alone the same ones we observe.

I think we should still stick in the realm of facts and reality. Priests/pastors technically abuse children at rates lower than the average for people with access to children in general. That means if being trans/queer is a minor predictor for NOT committing sexual crimes, it's most charitable to put trans folks 1-for-1 on even footing with pastors, not (the clear hyperbole) 1000 to 1.

I spoke in hyperbole but was well aware of it, you quote statistics that you don't have or didn't present. /r/notadragqueen and /r/pastorarrested are where I get my hyperbolic view point from. I'm well aware I don't know the statistics but to claim pastors are as bad as queer folk when committing sexual abuse of minors seems like a lie. Religion is a breeding ground for pedophilia because it teaches humans they're allowed to have power over others. That just simply isn't the case for the queer community. It obviously does happen and is terrible, but one community sweeps pedophilia and child molestation under the rug whereas there is at least some culpability in progressive spaces.

Religion has been harming people and children for 2000 years, queer folk just exist.

Real schizo hours right here. This neighbor just admits to now knowing actual statistics then pretends that progressives hold pedos accountable. :marseypedosnipe:

boy i sure am sick of hearing about this already

Well, just better sweep it under the rug, then. :marseyjanny:

Well yes, no matter what one has done one should be gendered correctly. If hitler transitioned i would call hitler she, and kill that motherlover.

Possible hot take: I think we should all correctly gender Chris-chan, whether you believe her transition was in good faith or not. She's a monster, but I don't want to start drawing lines where it is and isn't okay to intentionally misgender someone.

Hitler and Chris Chan brought up in the same chain. There has to be some internet law about this… :marseyhmm:

It's no about respecting a person or something like it. It just simple correct grammar: you refer to someone by their pronouns, because thats how you refer to them.

Redditard acts like this isn't a political issue and is actually about grammar. lol. Lmao, even :marseyxdgenocide:

All I'm going to say is that you don't often see the "groomed" kid—now adult— taking to Twitter to say they weren't groomed.

This brought to you by the "kids should be able to consent" party! This comment is currently +25 upmarseyd by the way… :soysnooseethe: :marseyshooting:

All this makes me so angry. Like as far as I know the accusations are false, but everyone is ignoring that and running with being bigoted to Ava because she's trans.

Yes, I too, am pretty sure there's no way a guy (:marseytrain:) who had secret chats and meet ups with minors and owned cartoon child porn would do anything inappropriate… :marseyelliotrodger: :marseyeyeroll2:

Nobody called EDP the hard r. The whole situation is just an excuse to be transphobic without consequences.

Someone did indeed call EDP the hard r.

Hahahahaha I'm gonna leave it on that one. Plenty of other r-slurred takes in there to comb through, but I'll leave that to the rest of you dramatards.

State of the Race Pt 2.

Thread theme

In my last State of the Race post, I discussed how tight the race was. Biden, despite the majority of Americans think he's old and r-slurred, had a very narrow lead over Donald Trump. I called it to close to call. Then the debates happened, and it became quite easy to call. Sleepy Joe was so bad that after some humming and hawing, he gave up and put Kamala in charge of the race. Any dreams of a 1968 Democratic shitshow were quashed as Harris extremely swiftly united the vast majority of the Democrats behind her candidacy immediately, with the ambitious types like Newsom and Pritzker instead bickering for second place as her running mate.

So, what does this mean?

Donald Trump (Crips - NY)

The facts for Teflon Don remain mostly unchanged. Here you have a tremendously unpopular man tied to tremendously unpopular Roe v Wade repeal (because America loves killing babies :marseybabykiller:) who can only win when he's facing off against people somehow less popular. There has been one major change - his running mate was announced

This eyeliner wearing cute twink :marseyhomofascist: has been the campaign's biggest weakness since announced. He is Trump's worst traits made manifest - while Trump has said he won't sign federal abortion bans, Vance has called for a total abortion ban without a r*pe or incest exception. While Trump's attitude towards women offends the median voter, Vance has said women in abusive marriages shouldn't leave. When Trump is left reeling trying to adapt to a new, much stronger opponent, J.D Vance has a minor media cycle about fricking a couch. (He probably didn't) (Probably). :marseyturnedon:

Picking Vance was a double down to bring out his core base, despite the fact he had the r-slurred edgelord vote locked up, based on the idea that Trump would slap around Sleepy Joe. Up against someone that can form coherent sentences, he's suddenly a piece of dogshit.

Is Drumpf in an unwinnable situation? Not necessarily. His opponent is deeply flawed. She was given the thankless job of Border Czar, and that's an issue Trump has a massive leg up on. She can speak full sentences without sounding like she's about to die, but she's still tied to the unpopular Biden administration. There's already been a few decent ads attacking Kamala as a radical liberal, which could be effective. But will these ads generate more disccusion when Vance gets involved in another scandal about how people without kids shouldn't vote or whatever? Trump in the cycle has been strongest as an abstraction - the idea of Trump, this butthole who made the economy strong and preceded over a peaceful world, was someone the voter's could hold their nose for and vote. Trump, the butthole lunatic that hates women, does not get the same treatment.

And I'll address this now - plenty of people here will say "um who cares about Vance lole". Median voters do. The people who don't follow politics and like it to be nice and boring will care that the Vice-President would be a particularly r-slurred 4chan /pol/ user.

Kamala Harris (Alzheimer's Association - CA)

The above post makes it sound like Kamala's got this locked up, like the guys she got locked up for weed as DA in California, but that's not exactly true. Trump's net favourability averages out at -9.6%, while Cackling Kamala averages out at -13.6% according to the most recent gallup poll. The popular vote for Trump vs Harris ends with Trump leading by 1% - when Hillary Clinton won the PV with 2%, this seems dire for Kamala. So why was I pooping on J.D Vance so much? :marseypridepearlclutch:

Besides the fact he deserves it for robbing Burgum, there are only 2 issues with Kamala. 1. She's a terrible speaker 2. She's tied to Biden's administration.

Both of these problems are easily countered by her strength - she's not an old, old, old Catholic. :marseypope:

She is ready to make abortion, the Democrat's strongest issue, front and centre. And frankly, her likeability issues are overstated. It's not 2020 anymore, she doesn't sound like a high wine aunt anymore, she sounds fine. She's not good, she's not exactly Reagan or Bill Clinton, but she is entirely adequte. With just some modest rebranding, she can work on being more likeable in a away Trump can't work on his likeability issues (since being an butthole is his brand) and Biden's age issues (because he was dying). With months until November 4th and a massive cash advantage over Trump, it's my belief that she will win this race. And don't take my word for it - Trump is scared of her too, kittying out of the debates they had agreed on, since he cannot win against someone coherent and not dying.

Also I want to get this off my chest - I've seen people say online say "erm why are Republicans making fun of her laughing a lot lol they are weird" the laughing is bad!! It's annoying and fake and she should cut that shit out!! Don't you dare call her a Happy Warrior!! She is no Hubert Humphrey!!


Kamala is seriously considering four men for her running mate. Governor Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania, Governor Andy Beshear of Kentucky, Senator Mark Kelly of Arizona and Secretary of Transport Pete Buttigegig. For the most part, these are all excellent choices. Shapiro has a controversial stance on education but would ensure the key swing state of Pennsylvania, Beshear is popular enough to win as a social liberal in deep red Kentucky but the Kentucky Dems don't want to lose him, Kelly was a fricking astronaut but has a poor record on unions.

Then there's Mayor Pete. Shapiro and Kelly having glaring weaknesses, but they're dull policy weaknesses. They aren't campaign derailing frick ups like calling all single women "cat ladies" to just really piss off every woman into getting up and stopping you from winning. They aren't Vance. Mayor Pete is. He provides no strengths and plays into Kamala's worst weakness, her ties to Biden. With the other running mates, Kamala is an agent of modest change. With Mayor Pete, she becomes the Joe Biden second term. Trump is likely praying for her to pick to Joe Biden, so he can reuse as many attacks as possible on her. If Mayor Pete is her running mate, then I believe Donald Trump would win.

What did Ben Garrison mean by this

Amazon Removes Books Critical Of Kamala Harris :marseyrave:

Cope, chuddie :marseyrave:


Reported by:
  • Vappy : is the dude above me joking or does he for real wanna frick it :marseyxd:
  • Arran : le heckin pupperino11!! keep yourself safe
  • FreedomforIsrael : Everything posted on this site is 100% serious :marseysuit:
Oh my God you guys I got a KLENNY his name is KLENNY MEET KLENNY

Isnt he perfect oh my God!

Might be the worst white savior liberal I've ever seen :marseymayo:

!chuds wonder what subreddits Alec moderates

lmao he looks just like you would imagine

Something called "Turtle Wow" got hacked

Live link to a thread since I didn't see anything elsewhere -

Sounds like all the login deets got yoinked

Edit -

comment link

From their website / groomercord


Unfortunately, our network has been the target of an extensive attack culminating in hackers gaining access to our login DB. As of now, we can confirm that the hackers gained access to the account data, but no character data is lost.

This means that while no progress should be lost once servers are back online, the encrypted passwords and emails are at risk of being leaked. However, the party behind the attack has made no demands nor have they given any intentions beyond "entertainment."

It is our responsibility to inform you all the risks, even if login details were not stored in plaintext. Further, we encourage you to change your password if you used the same login information anywhere else. While passwords are encrypted and hashed, it is still encouraged to exercise caution and change your login information anywhere it was used.

While we "could" have the server back up and running almost immediately with little to no lost progress due to the backup system we have in place, we are choosing to delay while we further reevaluate our infrastructure, consult with cybersecurity professionals, and ensure similar methods can never be used to gain access to our servers again.

We are deeply sorry for allowing such an incident to happen, and will double our efforts to ensure such an attack never happens again."

I was on when it happened. They were spamming the N word in big yellow server announcements in chat

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