
My partner does not expect or want me to take his last name when we get married, and I never wanted to take his name in the first place. Most feminists would probably see this as a win.

However, by the same token, my partner also refuses to take my last name. On face value, I can’t really blame him because I don’t want to change my name to his either. But on the other hand, I feel like it would be a nice thing for him to do, to support me “sticking it to the man” so to speak. Am I being unreasonable for being dismayed that he refuses to take my last name?

Also- he insists that our children have hyphenated last names. I’m okay with this but I do prefer they just have my last name, as I carried the child and gave birth to the child. On the other hand, he views it as an erasure of his identity if the children do not have his last name. He understands that women have experienced this kind of erasure for centuries and feels that it was wrong, but he thinks that to not hyphenate our kid’s last name would be the erasure of his, which he views as reverse discrimination and disrespectful.

If I had to chose between the kids having just my last name and my husband taking my name, I’d prefer my kids had only my last name, but my partner is not okay with either.

I know progressive men who have changed their last names and men who have allowed their kids to have only their partners last name, so I know that this idea is uncommon, but it isn’t unheard of.

Are my preferences unreasonable? As a woman living in a patriarchal society I think the least my partner could do is allow the kids to have only my last name or the least he could do is take my last name. Is this erasure of his identity and am I going too far?

I love my partner and want him to be in my life but I have a more progressive vision of what our family would look like. Thanks for the help.

All the comments are agreeing that she is right of course, and yet he STILL has the nerve to not cut his balls off

!biofoids can you believe this scrote?

I make vice journoids uncomfortable

I will sleep well today

I associate it with mothers and suckling and boobs and babies. To me, it’s almost like drinking a glass of semen with your lunch.”

How do you think of baby drink and associate it with semen :marseyyikes:


What if this police was a Russian agent?




r/EDAnonymous post

Reported by:
Cissy is the new hot slur on Twitter


everyone loves slurs!

Saying "R-slur" in real life is the most contrarian thing you can do.

Thanks to this website I have been using the word filter words instead of the actual problematic words and r-slur is the one the generates the most seethe.

My rightoid friends will sperg out and go



and then my leftoid friends will sperg out and go



So I'd like to thank you r-slurs for introducing me to a word that manages to make everyone I know mad. :marseywholesome:


Girlfriend and I been together 5 months, we are both 31 let's call her Amy. My girlfriend is beautiful, she works out goes to workout classes everything however, when she was younger she was really hot. This whole conversation started when she was showing me photos from her past (her social media only has recent photos).

She told me too that when she was younger she would get free flight upgrades, invited to celebrity parties. She told me that when she started working at her first company, she got invited to their company's town hall where she got to ask the CEO questions in front of the whole company etc.

She then asked me to be honest and tell her would I have preferred dating her now or back then. I told her now, and that I don't think I could have related to her back then as I do now, and that her personality is what got me to fall in love with her. She then goes okay what about from a purely physical perspective like lets say my personality is the same now just that we swapped bodies. I said yeah from a physical standpoint I would choose her in early 20s.

She then asks me what age do I find women the most attractive, I say it depends on the woman but tell her generally 21-24. Up until this point she hasn't shown an ounce of anger, then she says oh so women after 24 are basically worthless in your eyes.

I told her if I could swap and get my 22 year old body back, my youth everything I would do it too in a heart beat. She then starts saying this is not about youth this is attraction. Then starts calling me a creep and an butthole for preferring younger women. She then goes onto say that she thought since I was nerdy I didn't have the same obsession with college girls as the bro type.

In another almost certainly bait post where a man tells his girlfriend that she looked better when she was younger, the comments are rightfully calling op a dumb creep:

I am 46 and my man is constantly telling me he is baffled about how I just keep getting hotter and hotter the older I get. We met when I was like 26 or so. He kinda makes me believe him 😆😍 That is how a man makes his woman feel wanted.

Her husband is doing a good job, kudos :marseythumbsup:

I worry that you didn't see this coming, it is called a white lie, no harm no foul. Sometimes people just need some reassurance in life as they get older. Everything you said is correct and handle perfectly, until you didn't. Should have said you look even prettier now, she doesn't want to hear some horseshit about you prefer a certain younger age. Come on man!

Remember to lie to your SO moids

I'd be creeped out too if my husband told me he was attracted to 21-24 year olds


You "generally" find women "most attractive" at age 21-24 while you're 31? That's...honestly kind of not great, man. I am "generally" most attracted to people my age. 21yos look like babies after a certain point; babies with lives ahead of them and dreams and ambitions, yes, but way too young for me. Your girlfriend probably feels the same way, so I can well imagine her viewing that as kind of creepy

Women are hottest when their age = your age

You know you just proved an old hypothesis of mine: people who go after younger people pointedly or think younger is necessarily hotter are just projecting their own insecurity. Because they didn't age well either in body or mind.

You're insecure if you say younger = hotter, definitely not cope if you say the opposite :marseyindignant:

Maybe one day moids will learn to not say the quiet part out loud


>He drove there to KILL people!

>He murdered unarmed people!

>He crossed state lines!

One user attempts to correct the soys:

Predictably, they still think Eatenhouse is a KKKiller.

Soy reveals his real intentions, to get rid of the 2A:


Lol which one of you is she talking about





Love from Afghanistan 🇦🇫

Bud Light is fricked

This chef is a monster

Redditors r dumb


Wow, it might not be delayed for the third time. Praise be.

Edit: Frick

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