Another "journo" eats the bait

Butt kitty lol

Bait sub idea: Street Pooping

Interestingly, all the arguments people normal make about breastfeeding in public can be made for pooping into a plastic bag in the middle of the street too.

It's only natural!

Just don't look!

When you gotta go, you gotta go!

So I propose a sub that is pro breastfeeding and pro street-pooping


R*dditors seethe when some dude posts his selfies


I have a bunch of family members who go against these things because “America”. I’m just so done with them because I feel like they’re not willing to care about others enough to do the minimum. My parents drove from SIX HOURS away to visit us as a SURPRISE. We have a toddler who can’t be vaccinated yet, and they put him at risk because they “couldn’t go without seeing him sooner” and “this isn’t living”. We all know multiple people who’ve gotten the virus and lived through, but lost either physical or mental faculties (and they were healthy before this happened!) What am I supposed to do about this? How can I trust these people when such a simple thing as taking this virus seriously seems beyond them.


I cut these people from my life. You have a kid to protect and should probably do so as well.

Please understand I mean no disrespect to either or your parents but I would have shown them the door - turn right back around and drive the 6 hours back. Sorry but that's my baby that they endangered with their "surprise". And them knowing that they lied to you about being vaccinated!? Likely lied about their trip being a "surprise" as well I would imagine.

I’m really sorry you’re having to deal with this 😕 But maybe it’ll be easier, mentally, with the reassurance of sane people that you’re doing the right thing by taking steps to protect you and your family

I'm sexually aroused at the thought of catching covid

Is there a subreddit for people like me?

Librights (jewish chadyjeebyphiles) reproduce by banning abortions

Sub is in complete riot mode


Today was kids dad bday he turned 39. We had a terrible day. He bitched all day because he didn’t do anything today and because the pair of $500 shoes I brought him as a gift was NOT the shoes he wanted.

I’ve (29F) been dealing with a Virgo male (39M) for 8 years. He blames everyone for his problems and while he has ideas, he doesn’t like to do the work. He wants everyone else to do the work for him. Does this pertain to all male virgos? If so, I’m staying far away.

Good morning.

[POLL] Shop items

Hi! We’re having a disagreement about the shop items and it falls into two camps:

  1. Fish - want to add handy one-time buys to the dramacoin shop like a mute button for profiles and other similar enhancements to the site. You buy it, one and done, and your site experience is permanently improved. This allows some minor things to be gated behind behind a dramacoin investment, removes dramacoins from circulation, and gives people reason to use the shop as something other than a Buy Ban Awards button.

  2. Not-Fish - want to just add these features with no dramacoin cost so everyone can immediately do things like mute profile songs. This will likely be the more favored option, because you all want a welfare state and to spam ban awards. It removes any sort of gatekeeping from site usage and removes any possible cute elitism or anything. And no one will ever hear your profile music again in the example of the mute button, because honestly everyone hates your taste in music and will use it immediately, no matter how new they are. You, specifically.

Upvote the option you want. Downvote the option you don’t.

Frick off carp. Why the discrimination on the zoomer forums

Your flair makes me mad.

Also you never told me if my plan worked.


Shoving 🥑 down your gullet is now a cure for belly fat


What do yous think??

added shop (super beta, more items are coming)

58% upvoted


You can tell how many SRDines have been camping by the sheer number of reddit circlejerk talking points come up in this thread alone

We got abortion freakouts:

He has two daughters. But Joe’s rich. If one gets pregnant he can just fly them via private jet to his favorite state, California. This law really only affects poor women.

Voter ID bullshit:

We have to pay for identification and some people have legitimately zero money, zero way to get to the building which issues the identification. Voter ID laws at their worst, disenfranchise the most vulnerable citizens.

Ben Shapiro for some reason?

From a disgruntled failed hollywood screenwriter that started a "news" site too lmao

They even brought the gaaaymers out of the woodwork

Coming from a guy that thought Cyberpunk 2077 was a descent game... I think I’ll live

Featuring this guy right on the verge of self-awareness

Policy? Joe doesn't know about that because it's for NERDS

Here's some dude that seems to think taking medicine is being a hypocrite for some reason and you can just hear him finger his bussy as he smugposts about it

Funny how people say that, but then when they get it they act like little bitches and take the "kitchen sink" instead of beating it with their own immune system.

All in all:

Hey Reddit he called you weak bitches lmao I think he's kinda right

Petition For Jannies to Add A Badge For the Editors of the Pibble Guide

I think everyone who helps edit the guide should receive badges for their contribution. This was inspired by the post pushing for bounty hunters to get badges.

As of posting, @Dahl_Fook @Kellere31 @jackie @fartbinn @Wizdumb337 @Unironicdramadebater @Gibberish @BosnianProstitute @HetsAreFeds @janniejihad and @Proctologist have all made a contribution, and are eligible to become editors once the draft is finished.

If you want to become an editor and potentially get a badge, simply gift me 300 dramacoin, and you'll be sent the guide a day before everyone else, with permission to suggest edits.

Remember, this is more than just a pibble killing guide. This is an effortpost guaranteed to make people seethe, if posted on reddit, facebook, twitter, etc.

Newest Contributors: @Sneed @SoyJackKennedy @SaveUsUncleTed @UraniumDonGER @kapindra @SnappyIsMyWaifu @KissingerFanBoy @drama_enthusiast


Sub tag line should be - strength shouldnt mean slavery. We are free but we won't do it all.

Make the conversation sound super empowering like you are righting a wrong.

Post can be something like," my man doesn't understand how hard shopping is so I made him start to do the shopping. Now hes the one who gets the groceries the past 6 months."

"I often forget my Id when I go to work. So I looked the guard in the eye, flashed him a tit and told him to remember my face, havent had to bring an id card the past year even once."

"I am really really bad at keeping things organized, but then after a long and heated argument with my hubby, I got him to agree to do the cleaning around the house. Havent had to touch anything in one year. We couldn't be a happier couple."


Holding your breath for the elderly is still less r-slurred than wearing a piece of cloth lmao

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