
1. Take notes, fellas.

2. They all should come with warning labels :marseyredflag2:

3. Woman single, racists to blame :marseyconfused:

4. :marseykween: :marseycheers: "white men are deadbeats too " :marseynoooticer: :marseychartpie: ";)"

5. :coomerface: :soysnootype:

6. Making fun of single Mothers :marseythumbsup: making fun of interracial relationships :marseymad:

7. :donkeykongbooba: :marseyfrozenchosen: 10 seconds later :donkeykongsad: :marseyfrozenchosen: :marseymyeisha: :marseymarfan:

8. :marseychonkerfoid: "found the incel" :chudsmug: "Cro-magnon DNA! Check mate."

9. :chudette: "and you wonder why woman choose the bear" :marseyschizotwitch: "%J4$9P!"

10. :marseyseethe: "nice racism, dude" :marseysmug2: "thanks for noticing"

:marseytunaktunak: Sri Lankan pan rolls :marseytunaktunak:

I recently had a huge craving for some Sri Lankan pan rolls but the closest shop that sells halfway decent ones is about 40 mins away :marseyitsover:

Following a recipe online I spent 5 hours recreating them and it worked perfectly :marseywereback:

You have to start by making the spice mix

I'm not sure what the recipe intended, but I didn't like the thought of roasting something on a pan without oil. I used a little bit of oil for each spice and ended up with a paste at the end, but it worked out very well. I only bought the closest approximation to each spice that I could find, and it ended up tasting exactly like the ones I buy from the Sri Lankan joint. You can't skimp out on the cardamom pods though.

The next two tasks are to make the curry, and prepare the wraps for the shell. If you try this you should prepare the batter mix first and give it time to rest. When making the curry, cook it in small batches so it doesn't get too moist.

While you let the curry cool down, make the pancakes and stack them up.

When you are done you can start wrapping the curry in the pancakes. Proper pan rolls have a uniform shell, these ones are wrapped up like burritos but it's ok. Extra wrapping makes them filling and you only need to eat 2 for dinner.

This took so frickin long :marseylifting:

Cover in milk then dunk in panko crumbs and fry in a shallow pan. Just cook them until the crumbs look edible.

Following the recipe quantities will provide a shit load and should keep you fed for a week.

u/BunHein, vole man :marseyschizotwitch:

Found this maniac /u/BunHein searching for content to post :marseyxd:

His home base seems to be /r/voles, which has this great sidebar message:

Hello welcome to the Voles forum - the web's #1 source for all things voles. There are many types of voles as you can see on this reddit, and the more you stay here the more youll learn overall. One thing to note is that /u/BunHein declares official copyright on the /r/voles name especially in regards to other content. any spinoff content is legally owned and operated by /u/BunHein. I would not question or get into an argument with me on this forum. You will not win - and many of the forums most popular users are in my side, and if you cause a storm here, you are going to pretty well much be paying the price. Just a fair warning, and also you will be permanently IP banned from other forums operated by /u/BunHein such as /r/pronghorn, /r/halibutfans, /r/giantotter, /r/thepinkpantherfans, and more.

Already a good start, let's check the pinned post on the sub:

Just so everyone knows what the trolls do to me - last night I was driving to A&W after the interview when I crashed my truck trying to ban so many of you idiots and morons. And in general trying to pretty well much make the Forum go public.

Thankfully, there was no physical harm to are brave janny:

Bunhein: Nobody was hurt - didnt even half a scratch on my body. Ive had worse injuries being sick in a camping tent on a hunt I went on once. And im bet your wondering how that went (ticks and a garter snake in the tent and other visitors - this is going to be a chapter of my new book -Dogbite - that you will be able to buy soon...

Alas, the trolls were in that very thread:

I'm general you should like not be on Reddit well you are driving.

Bunhein: Try telling the trolls that....some of them knew i was getting in the car and started ringing up on my cell phone..found my number thru my page some how.

"your honour the trolls made me do it"

Well I'm just saying that hmm…you should focus on posting voles on a vole subreddit and not post red cars or some such.

Bunhein: Don't walk in here and tell me how to run my own forum. I am perfectly capable of knowing what this forum needs on my own. :marseybardfinn3:

Least obsessed reddit mod

don't text and drive????

Bunhein: Wasn't texting - I was opening up the forum. :marseyjanny2:

Well… thats you fault

Dont mod and drive

Drive THEN mod

Bunhein: Please let me know where the F you found this posted at so I can order DMCA take down of it.for attracting more.trolls and ruining my forum.


Some sympathy:

Oh my god BunHein I'm sorry that happened!!! I'm so glad you're alright. These bastards have gone too far more than once.

Bunhein: Yep been now two attacks on my life if you count the heart attack in June. :laugh:

Sorry for your loss sir πŸ˜”

Bunhein: It's alright I'm trying to fix it back up myself. Still there in the highway right now. Wonder when im going to get it back. Hmm....could be days oven months from now.

/u/PronghornEnthusiast, who seems to be some Bunhein sycophant/behind the scene troll, shows up with this take:

Imagine attacking a man's subreddit unprovoked, seeing that he wreaked his truck while trying to fight off the trolls (you), and having the audacity to come in and tell him that HE is to blame

Bun, I am so sorry that the trolls did this to you, I hope each and every one of them stubs their toe tonight while rushing to the bathroom in the dark

To really get an idea what makes this man tick, I check out his posting history, and this post from a month ago on /r/meth immediately stands out:

Hi enveryone its me PronghornEnthusiast you probably remember me from about a year ago

Well good news everyone /r/voles is now open to any and all posts about meth! You can talk about your highs, your lows and whatever else it is you talk about, our found /u/Bunhein is casually :lol: getting back into meth and so it is now an AOK topic to chat about, if you need another place to chat about it!

Oh frick yeah, this is what I'm talking about. This guy's already crazy, this will turbocharge the content in the near future. In the meantime, some :marseygem: I've gleaned from Bunhein's history:

The post that drew me to him, where he recounts a strange experience at his local Bdubs:

Something in the water at this place

I walked into the back kitchen and the pot of water was just darn boiling I knew something was up so I just kept walking towards it even when they asked me to leave. I wasn't even supposed to be back there but I was on kratom and they couldn't really hold me back because I just kept pushing. They called the cops and just all got the heck out of there I was the only one left in the room. Well when I finally got to that dang boiling pot you're not gonna believe this but I actually saw a darn chicken's head bubbling in that and I even saw and eyeball still in tact

Practicing responsible gun handling:

Sorry for Lack of Responses and MIA Moderation - Got Into a Firearm Accident Earlier this Week.

A guy at work brought his 9mm in and I played jacks with it, ended up catching my thumb in my belt loop when screwing around with it and shot myself thru the thigh and if the doctors were correct, about 2mm between Great Saphenous Veign and Femoral Artery which "Would have killed you". Before anyone makes any jokes - no, it was not a wreckless case it was more or less a mishap of sorts so I would appreciate Trolls and Other Users from making jokes about my misfortune as it could have cost me my life (And my job!)

I'll be moderating from around 7pm EST to around 12pm EST nightly starting this week. Any other hours you will need to contact Goblin, Davie or PronghornEnthusiast.

Our brave leader has shared that he is yet another victim of gun violence. Thank you for coming forward Bun.

Bunhein: Not a victim of gun violence. The gun was not the issue it was more or less the general circumstance, outside distractions and racing thoughts say more or less a issue of Brain Chemistry and processing that comes with getting older. Which only rarely happens to me, and id even say most other men my age have more mollusks tearing apart their brain then I have brain cells sitting off to lunch. :marseyschizoshaking:

Major Chrischan energy when accused of homosexuality:

bun came out

OP: bun came out. bi sexual,. congratulation

BunHein: I AM NOT GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! :marseycwc:

wanna smooch?

BunHein: I said I am not even fully straight im not attracted to white women at all. None of you know my f****** preferences so you all need to can it before I come up and get an idea about how to deal with you all.

Explaining proper pet care (dog owners take note :marseynotes:)

Merry Christmas to all members of the forum. Be sure to give love and kisses to your pets. Some of us don't get to spend this Christmas with our favorite animals or our favorite pups at that. I miss you Geronimo.

Bunhein: He is not dead and I did not kill him. :marseyworried: He was taken from me for "safety" precautions (i.e. evicted wrongfully from my home and forced to abandon him) and now he is owned by a Korean woman. Based on her FB posts she is poisoning him with chicken and wet food and pretty well much dunking cooked chicken on water and forcing it to him. Dogs deserve kibble. Frozen Tyson's chicken meat makes them sick.

Bunhein: & Speaking of Dogs they shot me a message - as in the Mine that formerly operated say my property or say the other way around say the Personal Operation of my own property on my own land that the mine resides. They will not be giving Wilbon back to me and instead he will be going to the Humane Society where he will pretty well much be put down since as they have told me "Not a single person out here wants an old Boxer". And I really took care of that dog I loved him more than his previous owner who I bought him outright from. Yet I am the Bad Guy despite a Misunderstanding between myself and the Miners in which they were hearing that I was taking a box cutter to the dog :marseyweeb: to remove or expunge the Scum and Bile from several Pus Filled Boils on his skin - which I NEVER DID ONCE to that DOG and in FACT ONLY CONSIDERED doing to myself so long as the Boxcutter was RUST FREE and chemical BURNT for the Sole Purpose of expunging Pus should the Boil have grown to a greater proportion say 4-5cm wide which it did not and a Bobbie Pin was all I needed. So now I'm fkng pissed because any day now I will be refreshing Humane Society hoping Wilbon gets picked up by a fan and brought back to me as they already told me I will not be eligible to repurchase him back from the Society since I quote unquote "abandoned" him, Skidmark and Geronimo which I had no Part in- the bullshit Dogsitters that I hired decided he would move out of town leaving me in Scud Heaven with pretty well much not a Soul to take care of my dogs other than the Miners up the road.

Gives a reasonable, measure response to a troll's provocation:

Fck you bun. Selling out the forum. You are a piece of sht and I hope Hasbro rejects your deal

I would beat you easily in a mma or wrestling match bun. You are a weak old man who's heart barely even works any more. Got crushed by a donut shop. Lol! What a dumb butt. How stupid do you have to be to get trapped under a building? Guess it makes since that it was a donut shop because you clearly are such a fatass. Screw you bunhein. Hope Hasbro declines your deal and never talks to you again.

Bunhein: You could not kick my butt one way to Sunday and I am not fat I am underweight for my height you crockpipe. If you want to make a enemey out of me you have it - banned for life from all future Bun Butler Radio Shows and Forums every single one I ever own and if I ever purchase Reddit as a whole - You will be the first fg person I take off the website as a whole you have made a enemy out of me and I Will not forget this fg post as long as I live you lying fg faker you lying fg donut shop lier and faker troll.

God look down God look down from the Heavens and see a lost Lamb a smitten lamb smit from Gods lightning from Zeus and from God a bolt from the clouds to STRIKE YOU DOWN TO THE DIRT!!!!!!!!!!

Channels an outlaw country great :marseycountry:

Waylon Jennings

Bunhein: Head is Fkd from a concussion (I was reaching behind a dumpster when the wheel lock came loose, dumpster slid down a slope and sanwiched my head between dumpster and brick wall) and now every thought I have is pretty well much spoken by Waylon Jennings. I've tried out humming Luchenback TX and there's no Q it sounds just like him word for word! So heres hoping this sticks because I am already coming up with new songs and im going to try and find a way to sell them online if I can get a recording made of some sort using AI. Any suggestons write them down below and i will give them a try πŸ‘‡

Liquid BunHein arc:


Bunhein: Fake fcking liar troll get the heck off my fckng page. Pathetic peice of hipster garbage troll pice of shit. I will fckng find you in real life i can see your IP thru reddit admin you are such a fake troll impersenator and you are going to Heck for this. And guess what - jail too you i am calling my laywer right now and getting papers ready to kick you the heck off the internet you will not see another day on the computer for your entire darn life - pathetic teenager troll you are such a patetic pretty well much milleniel LIAR IDENTETY THIEF!!!!!!!!! When I find your real account you WILL BE VANNED RIGHT THE F OFF MY FCING FORUMS AND BLOCKED FROM ALL OF MY ACCOUNTS YOU PATHETIC PIECE OF GARBAGE!!!

Tons more gold in those hills, this guy has a seven year old account.

His twitch:



Classic reddit reaction :marseychefkiss:

More reddit bears are frens, frick that white granny cope

:#marseybear: :#marseywomanmoment: :#marseybloodpuddle:


Meanwhile Biden:

Anyway can you be a Burger if you don't have a black friend ?

This link has more comments

Addiction is a serious issue

if you or someone you love has a problem, don't wait to reach out


WSJ is reporting what many are already seeing -- market for CS majors is pretty saturated.

Are English majors in high demand?

Actually, yes. The future is bright for humanities majors.

For low paying jobs.

I make $300,000. But sure.

Kids that have actual social skills are in demand more than. Kids that can communicate effectively, look people in the eye when talking, write effectively. Kids with great time management skills and EQ.

All of these executive functioning disorder/adhd Geniuses glued to a screen, not so much.

My husband always tells our HS sons--if you put down the iphone and channel more time in face-to-face and real world you are going to fare so much better than the others of your generation. Set serious limits.

Read the 'Anxious Generation'--if nothing else doesn't convince you that tik tok and SM and iphone are dumbing the h*ll out of our kids and making them socially inept IRL.

:marseynotes: anxious generation...

What market isn't saturated?

Also, this is why it is so hard to get admitted to a CS program -- they aren't expanding the seats to meet student demand unless there is market demand.

UMD CP actually halved the CS class, but I think that was due to too many students who are not ready for it being interested in it, and wanting to keep the classes more intimate. UMD is also developing its AI/ML programs.

Job market is cyclical, but low level IT jobs have all been offshored. The big thing now is AI and ML, both of which are related to CS degrees. Some colleges are now starting to offer AI majors. That's the next big thing.

Lets push more kids into a technology whose primary benefit is requiring less workers

It's good that they're not expanding the seats. My English major found a good high-paying job quite easily out of school, but I know there are not clearly established paths for those majors as there are (or at least used to be) for CS majors.

Please share firm and $.

I won't name the firm but it's a large consulting firm with quantitative focus. Salary is around $90k. I agree with the advice to go to the best school you can get into, do as well as you can in that school, and don't accept the notion that you are limited by your major. My English major also took math, econ, government, etc, so firms knew she could do the work.

Great advice.

And hustle. Wherever you are.

I've already help DS [dear son] research the clubs/teams to join at Ivy - will be freshman in fall.

The parenting job doesn't end once they get in to a top college or program. It shifts and changes. Now they need life & career advice. Show them where to look, questions to ask, clubs to join, people to meet.

I know this is much harder with introverts….


Many CS majors end up with contractors and bouncing from job to job with little job security.

A friend seems to be "off" every few months as they say, looking for a new gig.

They are probably in lower level jobs or in older tech. My spouse was the same. Luckily, spouse is at the tale end of their career and retiring.

This economy sucks

I guess people should go into the low paying industries like home health care hospitality instead since that is where the job growth is.

Get a liberal arts degree (economics and something soft) from the highest ranked school you can.

Recruiting for finance, consulting, and corporate /strategy roles are much much easier if you are in English and economics major coming from Rice or Vanderbilt or Emory compared to CS at Purdue…..

Ask around people!!!

lol at this bs

Unless you have good connections/networking, that will not help.

DS [dear son] will graduate from an Ivy, commencement is today, and he is still looking for for a job, as most of his friends who don't have connections. Those with connections have good jobs.

Your kid had to join the clubs in schools and network network network….

Nothing lands in your lap.

These "clubs" arent the only way to network. One of my undergrad TAs encouraged me to apply for a job he used to have, since I had mentioned in office hours that I was interested in that subfield and I had a high A in the class. You don't need to golf.

+1. Some seem to think it's not fair when a person gets in the door a job interview due to connections, but you need to work to develop those connections.

Ultimately though, outside of CS, you need a graduate degree if you don't want to hit a hiring ceiling a few years down the road.

Huh? Why wasn't your kid networking? It's a requirement in life…..

Social skills people.

Golf and tennis….

That's why my kid is double majoring with math. Hoping for options...just in case.

Also, 90% of the people who were CS, along with myself in undergrad, moved into other areas like sales or management. Very few spent their career in tech. Some of the best product managers I've met at top Silicon Valley companies started off as Engineers even before going on to business school.

My husband is a senior software engineer with a highly specialized skillset; the market for entry-level to low mid-level is extremely saturated and starting salaries are no longer competitive.

Party's over!

I know! My oldest just graduated from UMDCP and only got 3 offers for over 120k.


That's why my kid is double majoring with math. Hoping for options...just in case.

My kid is also a double major in math and CS, but only because they love math. I don't think a math major in and of itself is lucrative.

Math connects back to the data science and financial quant side (and goes further "just for fun")

This is why we need entrepreneurs to create more of the jobs your kids want.

We need your kids to be the entrepreneurs! That's what Gates and Zuckerberg and Page did!

Being an entrepreneur is too hard for most people. I say this as an owner with 50 employees and $26M in sales last year. People want the success without the risk and pain. Honestly, most people are basic and want a steady paycheck for minimal effort.

I mean, my CS major took English and Business classes (straight As). I guess they can do non CS related work, too?

+1 Our CS major is minoring in creative writing and theater.

Very soon the CS degree will be considered obsolete


good thing my CS major kid can communicate effectively and look people in the eye (debate team), and write effectively (IB DP grad), as can many other students of other majors, not just English.

English majors aren't in high demand, though. So, it's better to major in STEM or business AND communicate and write effectively.

Just returned from a college reunion, and my friends' kids who majored in CS and graduated last year and this year are all un- or under-employed. It seems pretty obvious to me that low-level CS jobs are the first to be gobbled up by AI. If you go to a top school, it truly does not matter what you major in. Most of those kids who want top jobs in tech, finance, consulting will get them. Majoring in something skill-based is more important if you attend even a slightly lower-ranked school. This is why people work so hard to secure spots in the Ivy-plus schools.

Again the data doesn't agree with your imagination.

Harvard english major 4 year out median salary = $49,675

This is utter BS.

You have no idea what you are talking about.

oh shit there's 10+ more pages of this shit

Reported by:


:marseychud: :marseycrying:


i agree with the :marseycrying: they should have just shot it

:impishchud:The West is saved :impishchud:
OP in r/likeus in tears over whether animals can cry

/r/likeus is a Subreddit for posting pictures and videos of animals behaving in human ways. As you can imagine, this can often lead to a level of anthropomorphizing. Occasionally people will disagree on whether a post truly belongs in the sub. Take this post, where a cat is given a kitten after losing hers, and seemingly begins to cry.

Objections raised largely centered around the scientific consensus that cats can't "cry" as an emotional response, and the cat in the video likely just has an eye infection or dry eyes from anesthetic. However, OP (a mod of the sub) is ready to argue with everyone who disagrees. It's unclear how many of the removed responses are from OP removing them.

"My goal is to make these rare and controversial cases of animals crying emotional tears better known."

An argument over the meaning of physical responses in animals

For added drama, it turns out that OP's post history is filled with videos of animals crying, and arguments for why it's real.

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