
There is a large amount of creators on the platform that live off their content and eCommerce enabled through the platform. So it disappearing overnight would severely impact people who have a majority of their livelihood through the app.

Won't someone think of the poor zoomer influencers?

Banning TikTok will cause an entire generation of Americans to lose all trust in their institutions. Whatever vanishingly small influence China may or may not have through TikTok---still completely unproven innuendo---pales compared to the absolute public relations coup that would win were it banned. If you think cynicism is bad now, there will be zero trust in the democratic process and the rules-based order were this to happen.

Fellas is democracy gonna die because nurses can't twerk on TikTok anymore?

Reported by:
:marseywomanmoment: + :marseywomanmoment2: at NYU. High IQ :marseyfoidretard: protestors leading the charge! :marseyflamewar: [FIXED AUDIO :marseybane:]

:marseycia: @Dramamine @BWC PING RELEVANT GROUPS !grillers :marseybane:

So basically someone told her to protest so she did, like an obedient :tradwife:

Sanctions working :marseycool2:

So the only times homos in EU didn't lied was when they told in 2022 they bought Russian stuff so Russia don't sell it to China

Phone scammers really are now massive annoying people

I today got a call from Denmark number out of curiosity I picked the phone and it was black sounding woman telling me they are from electricity company and couldn't return me 30 euro (you get some bucks for under consuming electricity) and need my card info. I asked what is their :marseytrain: policy ? She got a bit confused and decided to process with pushing hostility screaming they don't have time for this and need my card info right now. I didn't answer anything after a minute she asked if I was still there and I answered yes, I need your trans policy. She rage quit.

So transphobic tho



Anyone have that video of biden looking old and demented under an umbrella?

He's staring absently at first then the secret service carries him away and he is struggling to walk.


L'epic game changers was already used and like all game changers it didn't change the game

Biden also directed his team to take this step following Russia's procurement and use of North Korean ballistic missiles against Ukraine, and Russia's attacks on civilian infrastructure in Ukraine, a US official said.

β€œWe had warned Russia against acquiring North Korean ballistic missiles and against renewing its attacks against Ukraine's civilian infrastructure,” Dietz said. β€œWith our readiness concerns resolved, we were able to follow through on our warning and provide this long-range capability to Ukraine.”

Did he told he won't give Ukraine tanks, cluster ammo and a lot of stuff ? I bet he will have a bonner when chunks weapons start sending khohols to Bandera

Blinken already ruched to beg China not to:

worked out fantastic

But wait a minute

Last fall, the US first sent Ukraine the mid-range variant of the ATACMS missile system, which can reach about 100 miles, while the longer-range version can reach as far as 190 miles.

Russian started using Korean shit after khohols got ATACMS so it didn't mattered if Russian started or didn't using Korean shit because sooner or later he would send 190 miles missiles to Ukraine trying to save his homolegacy

So we can conclude khohols lost Avdiivka and etc when they had super duper ATACMS and

Lockheed Martin, which manufactures the ATACMS missiles, is in full-rate production and produces approximately 500 missiles per year, a spokesman for the company said in September.

Korean can build more Kiskander than that a year.

So now without Soviet stockpiles Ukraine will continue is journey in deficit

Reported by:
  • WayOut : I just zucced all over myself.
Get that zucc

Massive NATO L

Windows with a house attached

Him realising he had to keep that shit going for 4 more years

Reported by:
Lol I pissed off the mentally ill foid with massive chin

I used to be pro fro Cho but after she pathetically threatened to sue @TheGrillcast and then had her mental breakdown to quit the site only to come back not even 1 day later it was time to block her.

Well turns out she probably found out today that I blocked her and she had another manic episode.

!jannies get rid of her on your jannie team she has no business being a jannie.. in fact not sure why she's not banned after she leaked peoples phone numbers and doxxed a few rdrama users

women and their neverending Ls

Rdrama worldbuilding deux .5: continuity?

It seems that a few people were disappointed with having the world reset. I decided to have that happen and gave the lore reason as to why as I had lost the original map, but I'll put it up to a vote as it is the community's decision to make.

We pick up right where we left before. The map will be a bit different but everything will be right where we left it.

The agarthans resurrection of the chud empire and the thousand years of darkness upon terra is canon and we continue with the new world of terra.

New map, new scenario.




100% of my applications with a white name were completely ignored.

More than 60% of my identical applications with a Punjabi name received a response, including some interview offers.

If Canadians hate ray-cism so much, then why are we mass importing a large number of people who only want to work with their own caste?

Letters to the Editor

A Lotta mad Indians in the comments lmaoo - pinkpantherlean

Hired an HR person of Indian background at our company. The only people she hires are East Indians. Not one white person in the two years she's been in the job. - SplashInkster

I've been having the same issue here in Surrey BC. At the warehouse I worked they hired an Indian manager. After that all the white ppl were fired and replaced with Indians. Then he moved my shift from the morning to graveyards which the company knows I can't do because I take care of my disabled brother after work so I was forced to quit. Now I have been unemployed for a year because the mass majority of surrey consists of Indians who run all the business and only hire their own ppl. - Life\_Patience\_6751

People out here asking for proof like they haven't been to a Tim Hortons, Walmart, etc. lately. And then calling you ray-cist for pointing out ray-cism? - New-Midnight-7767

Ever walk into a Home Depot or Lowes that has an Indian store manager ? Literally ALL THE FKN STAFF are Indians. It's disgusting the obvious ray-cism. I almost complain to corporate when I fill out the review on the receipt, and ya they apparently don't give a shit. - Unusual\_Eggplant\_642

8% of the population, yet 100% of the employees at a store. Totally normal. Nothing to see here... I have been complaining about this for a very long time. If Demographic A makes up... 3% of the population of your town.... but that demographic is somehow 50 of the 60 employees working at a single business, then there is a reason for that. And that reason is ray-cism. (And you know it's doubly true when you point out this absurd statistical anomaly and are instead called racist yourself.) - OldManSyndrome

Canadians have fetishized diversity and have been the most malleable population when it comes to having any identity - BigDinkie

Brother, as an Indian, let me tell you... They are ray-cist, s*x-ist and while they may be hospitable and nice, they're extremely ray-cist. As a darker skinned Indian, these Punjabis are ray-cist towards me. - CashBitter9664

This is just the start. I was warned before coming here, this is one aspect I hate in Dubai. Once they get to higher management, that's itΒ - railfe

At my last work I hired some Indian guys they were great I really enjoyed working with them, they were from the south and one time I had a guy in for an interview and they noticed he was from the north they basically told me if I hire him they'll quit - Additional-Rhubarb-8

Why does my upvote keep disappearing? - RedHotSnowflake2

!bharatiya !nonchuds

Woke Up

Couldn't sleep all night, lost my appetite, feeling nauseous with shortness of breath, also shivering.


:i: :underscore: :a: :m: :underscore: :questionmark: :questionmark: :questionmark: :questionmark:


More discussion in this thread :marseyschizowall:

With very little research, a lot of people are blaming an Aaron Peters, someone who has supposedly been filing false DMCAs for sport for years. One of the affected copyright infringers did a deep dive.

The major consensus is that Garry fell for a ruse, but who knows

Who dunnit




Reportedly escorted off for having a tantrum

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