Wednesday night drunk thread

Currently shit faced because I decided to drink a bottle of Grey Goose as a party trick that ended poorly. Resting my hair pink and all my friends are calling me a cute twink but too drunk to actually care. We're drinking, chill the frick out and at least match half of what I was able to drink so we can have fun and not be peepees for the rest of the night.

Why can fat people become nutritionist?

Today I was invited to a flat interview since I am an internationalstudentcel, and one of the co-renter is a nutritionist. I was expecting an in-shape, or at most skinny-fat person. But no, she's legit 300 lb fat. How does she become a nutritionist in the first place?

P.S. I do not study in the USA or UK.

It's so over for literally me-cels.

Your hero has been C A P E D. But is it real? Idk. Don't @me if it isnt.

Irl Boondocks episode moment.
Reported by:
Slug-chan got herself caught

The takeover starts now brothers :marseytunaktunak: :marseytunaktunak:

Me and who?

WWIII is starting resemble the golden age of piracy

Swordfighting Chinese dudes on the high seas is based af


As soon as ai can pitch to investors, run town halls, review staff performance, build team culture, hire and first all whilst being reflective and strategic, I'll be concerned.

Yup. The fact of the matter is even the best LLMs at this point can do none of that.

They can already: pitch investors, hire, and review staff performance (depending on the job)

Lol no

I've been saying this for months. Stop getting AI to do creative work like art and writing. Replace the most expensive role in the company - the loser at the top.

Said the loser at the bottom

That's hopeful news. Instead of starting at the bottom, we'll start from the top down. That way, they'll think twice about the whole deal.


LMAO whoever wrote this article has no clue what a CEO does on a daily base

For real, AIs could never relax on a yacht with a martini while texting other people to do work for them

You clearly never worked with solid CEOs and have just watched a couple of Hollywood films based on this comment.

For the most part they usually are some of the hardest working people in the entire company

Hardest? Not really. Sure, they have high pressure to keep the business going on but it's not that hard when you have more than 2 brain cell. Ton of them simply have a big ego and think they are hard working people and wants others to believe this.

Then why don't you do it?

Heck, AI is literally fundamentally incapable of handling CEOs primary responsibilities. It can't make value judgements, and it can't interact with people. So it can't make value calls regarding the direction of the company and what takes priority, and it can't network partnerships, pipelines, etc.

it is sad i had to scroll so much to find the first adult answer..

Welcome to new reddit, all the working adults and techcels left after 2016 turned the site into an aids ridden mess

new video essay

:marseyrake: :marseyxd: :marseypearlclutch:

Leaf university finds its spine after years of cuckdom
New Folding Ideas about Bimmy : TheCinemassacreTruth
It's nice how football :marseysoccer: can bring people together :marseywholesome:
Let's be real, soccer is not a sport

It's 90 or more minutes of people running around, then whichever team the refs awarded the most penalty kicks to wins the game.

Thot patrol :marseywholesome:

In my first economics class when I was 16, my teacher tells the story of an economist on a ship that sinks. He is trapped on a deserted island with some other passengers and no food. Everyone cries out of desperation. Then they see a chest from the ship floating towards the island. They excitedly open it, and see metal cans of food. The passengers collapse in tears, the economist cheers in happiness. Economist: Why are crying, we have food. Passengers (screaming, crying): We don't have a can opener. Economist (elated): We can assume we have a can opener!

Contrast Shakespeare with 3 Printing Press and 3 Drama v Bach with 3 Operas. Analysis assumes:

No other leaders/wonders

Autonomous Territory comparative values (4S=5R=6F=7C)

Both are operational for 6 turns

Population: Shakespeare's 3 extra pop means 6CA, about 12 food and 1.5 happiness. Shakespeare provides an extra happiness. 12 food = 12*(7/6) = 14 โ€œCultureโ€ equivalent. Opera = Journ*lism = 2S 2C = 3C H -> 2S โ€“ C = H = 2 * 7/4 โ€“ 1 = 2.5C per turn. 0.5 H * 6 = 7.5 C. 3 extra pop = 14 + 7.5 = 21.5 C equivalent through games [Bach better] CA will be considered below.

Science: Shakespeare: 3PP = 3S per turn = 18S. PP is tech cost 3, Drama (with Shakespeare + PP) = 0, total = 3. Total through game = 15S. Opera (with Bach) is 5S, no science per turn. Difference = 15 โ€“ (-5) = 20S = 20 * 7/4 = 35 C equivalent throughout game. [Shakespeare Better]

Rocks: Shakespeare: 1st building is full price, rest are 2 rock discount (10 total). 3 * (3+4) โ€“ 10 = 11 rocks. Bach (before offset) = 3 * 8 = 24. Offset is worth a CA (considered below) and some rocks. More than zero, otherwise you wouldn't do it, less than full price (philosophy/religion have some value). I'm calling it 1. So 21 rocks. 21R-11R = 10R = 10*7/5 = 14C though game [Shakespeare better]

CA: Bach is better by 9CA through game. An AgeII CA is hard to put a value on, as the best yellows are taken for 2 or 3 CA. Let's say you can also get Reserves for 1CA, with 1CA to cash for 3 rocks. CA = 3/2 * (7/5) = 2.1 C. 9CA = 18.9 ~ 19C. [Bach Better]

Culture per turn: Shakespeare gets 6, Bach 5, so Shakespeare is better by 1 per turn or 6 total. [Shakespeare better]

Shakespeare is better by (35+14+6) โ€“ (21.5 + 18.9) = 55 - 40.4 = 14.6C equivalent through game.

Other considerations:

PP by itself is maybe the worst card in the deck, strictly worse than Alchemy (which isn't amazing either), but can be taken early for a little help since you need to pay full price for it even with Shakespeare. It especially helps for science when in despotism. [Shakespeare better]

Gutenberg is fantastic for a Shakespeare game. The first PP is no rush, so you can get a CA, culture and discounts each turn, milking him for all it's worth. Leonardo is also better. [Shakespeare better]

Shakespeare only works as a long-term leader. Bach can do a lot to pivot your civilization in just 3 turns. [Bach better]

Lmk what you think!


Basically that if I manage to shag an r-slured special snowflake foid can I get a badge? Still trucel tho

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