
I'm in love with a character I made in my head and it's making me depressed because I know I will never meet someone like him. Maybe once there could have been a chance, but it's gone now. If I can't be with someone like him or at least meet someone like him, just once, I don't want anyone at all. I've loved this character for over a decade. He's basically an "invisible" friend/boyfriend. I pretend he's here and talk to him every day. Even though I never seen him, only in my mind's eye. I wish I could see him, and hear him, and feel him there. I have a memorabilia relating to him which I keep next to me at my bed, and a plush which my dad made of him which I hug at night. I actually had a lucid dream about him last night, and I kissed him and stuff. It was the first time this happened. It still didn't feel quite real or right just because since yesterday I have felt really depressed and down and a loss of hope. Because I know I will never find someone like him, ever. Or even meet someone like him. It's impossible because of the specific traits he possesses which I am only attracted to. Other than someone like him I don't even find people attractive at all, if a guy is not like him I feel the same way towards them as I do to girls - meaning I'm not attracted to them at all. If I was with someone they'd have to have something "special" about them as in, they relate to one of my special interests in some way, like my character I'm in love with, otherwise I'm just not interested. I'm crying because I just wish he was real. Or that one day I could meet someone just like him. But I don't think that is possible now. It feels like the roses I held that once bloomed vibrant and bright, have all now withered and died.

Everyone I know knows about my character and how much I love him, it's not like it's a secret. But I would never tell a professional about this, because first they would never understand, they'd laugh and if I told them exactly why I am upset, they will ask me why it is so important to me. This character is so special to me and important to me. I just wish I could have some kind of proof I met someone just like him one day. But I know this will never happen and this is why I am crying right now.

I used to find joy in him and hope, and was trying to actively work towards my goals which would bring me closer to my dream. I found myself mirroring his admirable qualities, such as bravery, perseverence and an upbeat attitude even in bad times, finding joy in the small things and never taking things for granted. Always trying to work hard, like him. He was an endless source of inspiration for me, I would write countless stories about him and our adventures, and draw many pictures of us together. But now I don't feel like doing anything at all. I don't feel like writing any stories now or drawing pictures of him because it reminds me that I'll never meet someone like him.

The reason I'm so upset now is because I found out that no one exactly like him exists anymore. It's stupid, but it feels like he's died. And it's crushing me inside.

Other bangers:

Does anyone else have imaginary people they are attached to?

i have been daydreaming since a kid but it got worse since the pandemic...i created this fake world, fake situations filled with fake people who have extensive backstories, personalities etc...i feel absolutely pathetic that they are essentially my only friends. They pay attention to me, support me and i have become so attached to them that they are the only source of any 'happiness' i feel. I'm nearly 20 and feel embarrassed that i have to resort to this still...if anyone has overcome this, please do share how<3

Helpful advice from other users:

I'm 30 and have had 22 years of being with someone who is essentially imaginary. You are valid OP. And learning to accept that it's okay will be healing. I learned to accept and love that part of me with my Fictional Other

Thank you Chessa, the way to heal is to double down and spend all day on fictional love subreddits ☺️🤗

Hi :) often these vivid daydreams were the only way we survived our childhood with our dignity in tact. Not trying to dx CPTSD but this is a very natural coping mechanism for a child. Imagine how hard it would be for a 4 year old to understand and accept the deep pain of being discarded by their guardian. We rely on that guardian for everything. Shelter food water. So to survive in the world where we don't feel safe but need to get our basic physical needs met - we must suffer immensely. The only escape is the daydreams because it removes from the world where we are forced to be isolated and alone.

Can tell ur a special person and this is a gift. The maladaptive part is understanding how to make your body understand it is safe to use your imagination to empower self <3

Yes, being an obsessive daydreamer because you're too much of a loser irl is a GIFT. Thanks for your advice, e-steph 🥰😘

A slightly more real (and much sadder :marseyaware:) collection of takes can be found here

Ive been alone for as long as i can remember. No one has ever given a darn about my existence. My presence really hasnt ever impacted anyone. I have never been loved by anyone, not even my own family.. Loneliness has really aggravated my MDD , and now this disorder is raging...but i also owe my life to it, without having the ability to daydream i would've perished. It's really sad that most of us on this subreddit conjure up people and stories in their heads to feel loved...


My made up family, friends, and lover are one of the few things in my life keeping me from yeeting myself off a bridge honestly.

I understand MaDD can be toxic in how it keeps us from being apart of reality, but when reality is against you(broken family, financial instability, health issues, etc.) It really helps keeping me sane more than anything. I'm sure if I could afford medical help, and had more emotional and friendly support id be more apt to quit it.

"Made up family, friends, and lover" 😳😳😳

Has anyone else ever thought they'd do well in solitary confinement because of their MD? I mean, we'd just be labelled the "crazy person" talking to themselves, right? Technically we'd be alone, but not really.

Sweaty wth 😬😬😬

I think about this a lot. Without it, I feel like I would've gone insane (also from child abuse, seeing a pattern I dont like), but now I feel like constantly daydreaming, pacing around, making expressions and sounds as I daydream definitely doesnt make exactly make me seem sane.

This guy might be onto something, maybe the people on this subreddit are, after all, NOT sane??? 🤯🤯🤯

british "cuisine"
I think this is the most triggered I've ever made someone on Twitter

After this exchange, he replied to me 30 times, posting my memes in response to my tweets going back a full month

Each screenshot below is a unique post. These are no duplicates lmao

Lmao update:

:marseycuckfiction: with a take that leaves me confused

AITAH for telling my husband that I'd rather have divorce than go back to being monogamous even if I want my next relationship to be monogamous

My husband and I, both mid 40's have been together for 25 years. I love him very much and our lives are intertwined. Economy, family, friends so when he told me that he still loved me but wasn't sexually attracted to me anymore (I see you as my best friend and companion) I understood where he was coming from. He didn't want to lose me but he wasn't attracted to me.

We have our house and an apartment in the city. So we agreed to open the marriage and we had some set of rules like no relationships and no fricking in my marital home. No dates, spending money on the women or taking them for vacations etc. all relationshipy things are just between us and he can meet people for casual s*x. Same for me (although it is different since men do take me to dinners and hotels but I don't pay).

This has been going on for a year and I had very difficult time in the beginning and I cried all night when I knew he was in the apartment with someone else. My best friend recommended that I download tinder and at first only talking to new people did it. With time I realized how there are so many other people out there and I started to feel attracted to men other than my husband(I didn't realize I could be turned on without love) and after some months, I started to meet guys. I slept with my first 2 months ago and we still see each other sometimes. And I have met two more.

My husband started wanting me more since he started sleeping with his gf. I don't know how to explain because logically it should have been the opposite shouldn't it (can someone explain why?) but before we opened the marriage he wanted s*x maybe a handful times a year and it increased the more he met other women and now we have s*x regularly. Like once a week.

Yesterday we were having a lazy morning in bed with Netflix and he said that he didn't want this anymore and that we should close the marriage again because we have great s*x now and he loves me and thinks that I am the sexiest and most beautiful woman he knew.

I had a panic episode tbh because I don't think he has come to a realization or anything. I feel that he likes me and wants me now because of the open marriage and not in spite of it. If we close it he will go back to being unfulfilled. I have done much research about open marriage and the goal of it is to strengthen the existing relationship and this happened to us. I said no. He was very unhappy but I said that we can divorce if this didn't work for him anymore because I have done everything in my power to save our marriage and I feel that I succeeded. I don't want to go back to when we almost lost each other.

He asked me if we got divorced and I started dating, would it be open/poly relationship? I said no. I would want a monogamous relationship so he said that I was an ah who did want to give him the same decency as my hypothetical future partner


Idk if this is a !foidmoment or !moidmoment but I'm leaning moidmoment since he started the whole thing


Anyways Redditors are tired off hearing these failing relationships

Wow, two people that are so far not on the same page that they are in different books. This is likely heading to divorce anyways.

Never heard of a good thing from "opening a marriage/relationship" that started monogamous. Usually it's just prolonging its death. This sounds like OPs husband wanted to have someone else, but got jealous when his wife actually starting seeing someone else.

Lol, he was cheating on her and wanted his cake at home and his side-piece at the apartment.


Yeah, spending the first night you know your partner is out with someone else sobbing in bed is not the kind of mental state you should be in for an open relationship to work, what the heck. Opening a formerly closed relationship rarely works, and in the exceedingly rare case that it does, it's because the relationship was in a good place to start with, and not lacking in anything. OP's relationship was lacking, and so her husband sought fulfillment elsewhere - it was never going to work when that's how they started out.

Totally agree, it was rough at first. But sometimes rocky starts can still lead to positive changes. They found a way to make it work and reignite their connection. Every relationship is different, and this setup seems to be what saved theirs. 🤔


Ain't no way?


>nepo baby that self doxxes on their reddit profile

Yep the exact kind of person to say some dumbass shit lmao

Y'all are both AHs. He asked for this, and is an AH. In certain respects, his wounds are self-inflicted. You refuse to admit you love the new attention and now falsely proclaim the only way to keep him interested in you (with a spark) is for you to frick other men. You're an AH too. What a mess.


Have you guys tried marriage counseling? Sounds like you don't want to keep the open marriage because you actually like being able to sleep with other men, you just like being wanted and that it's caused your husband to want you again. You can probably still have that with your husband, in a monogamous marriage if you guys put the effort you've been putting in dates into each other. If you really don't want to close the marriage though I think that's understandable. He's the one who asked for it and you reluctantly agreed, despite the initial pain it caused you. Now that you're happy with the arrangement it's not fair of him to be angry you don't want to go back. These are the consequences of his actions.

Sis this is well past counseling


So you can go on dates, but he cant? YTA 100%


I'm glad he figured out the issue so quickly lmao

Anyways there are literally thousands more comments to laugh at in the thread


Jesus Christ :marseyxdorbit: :marseylulz: :marseydarkxd:

Reported by:
I hear your call.

The price is too high....

Perhaps we can come to an agreement?

Popular Weeb AI Researcher Goes Scorched Earth :marseyplanet: on the Koreans

Schizos up in arms

Adventures in rural Georgia - The vax'd reverse Uno.

>be me

>look for massage place cuz I would like one

>try to book massage

>lady asks if I had the vax

>me: roll eyes and say yes

>lady rejects appointment because she does not provide service for vax'd people

>lady says vax'd people have blood clot issues

>me: :marseyshook:


This guy totally owned him by calling him a disgusting person:

This guy signed him up for furry newsletters:

This guy sent him bussy:

This guy posted hog (with warts):

Are landlords even people?

I bought a mobile home for my mother to live in and she died a few months later. I've been trying to sell it ever since and have had sooo many people tell me that I should just rent it out, which I technically can't do because it's supposed to be owner or close family occupied, but even if I could, I just don't think I'd want to ever be a landlord, partly because it's too much trouble and partly because I'd have to make a choice between either squeezing someone for all I can, which I have an ethical problem with, or charging them well below market rent, which just seems irrational. Better to sell the darn thing and not have to worry about it anymore.

Sound financial choice bro!

I texted the number and told him he should be ashamed of himself, and he called me a few mins later. I didn't answer because I'm a b-word but it confirmed there was someone on the other end receiving things.


This unfortunately was removed by Reddit, appears to be a super sweet burn with cat facts though:

This guy made a hilarious Google review as Reginald P Moneybags and wants upvotes!

This guy said frick you to him! So brave!

This guy is in debt (lol) but no fear, now the landchad will get those calls so this guy will totally not have to pay!

This guy is extra evil:

Sent him a really disrespectful text. Don't feel bad about it he deserved it. I can't stand these types of people. Hope you find a good place soon OP

Literally no one who isn't brain dead says this:

Remember, there are people out the we that will insist that renting is 100% better than buying...

At least there's one person supporting landlord rights:

Tip him

Reported by:
Oldest Homo Sapiens and other archaic humans reconstructions :marseyneat: :marseybinos: :monke:

First is the pic of the Jebel Irhoud fossil reconstruction. It's the earliest fossil of a Homo Sapiens found so far dating from 300 thousand years ago.

These are Homo Erectus

Smithsonian Magazine made a lof od reconstructions going back to Australopithecus.

!ifrickinglovescience !biology

Also, the redditors seem to be nooticing :marseynoooticer:something about abos :platyaboriginal:

:!platyblush: :!platythumbsup: I'M THE TOP POSTER!!! :platyfuckyou::platydealwithit:


@Spiderman, dont forget to remember the future!

Rage rituals have women screaming, smashing sticks in the woods :marseyrage: :marseyrage: :marseyrage: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy: :marseytrollcrazy:

'As part of the retreat, Banducci held a rage ritual: a ceremony in which participants scream and beat large sticks on the ground in the woods. Participants are encouraged to think of people and experiences that have wronged them and to scream and swing the sticks for at least 20 minutes, or until they can no longer move their arms.

Banducci has led rage rituals for several years and began doing them first for herself, then for friends and, eventually, as part of her days-long retreats, which include other activities and can range in price from around $2,000 to $4,000. Her one-day version, she says, costs $222 per ticket.

Rage rituals have garnered attention on TikTok'

Reported by:
  • CREAMY_DOG_ORGASM : There was a different thread where Redditors justified a gf tossing her bf's old socks too lol

[NYPost] RNC headquarters in DC on lockdown after ‘vials of blood' reportedly sent in package

The headquarters of the Republican National Committee were put on lockdown Wednesday morning.

It was unclear exactly what caused the security alert, but one source told The Post: “It sounds like vials of blood were sent in a package and something broke open.”

There were no immediate reports of any injuries.

A hazmat unit was on site at the Capitol Hill building.

OP article [updated]

The Republican headquarters in Washington DC is reportedly locked down with a Hazmat team on scene after several vials of blood were sent to it.

NBC correspondent Dasha Burns reported 'vials of blood' had been sent and the building was locked down 'until further notice'.

U.S. Capitol Police told politicians' offices in Congress that they are investigating a 'suspicious substance' at the address of the Republican National Committee, Axios reported.

A notice issued by the police said: 'Staff and other personnel are directed to AVOID THIS AREA until further notice.'

The bomb squad was also at the scene.

The suspicious package was later cleared.

!chuds !dramatards this year's conventions are gonna be :marseyflamewar:


I think i would

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