Air Afrikaans - :marseyflagsouthafricapat:

I'm serious. I've been following these two body-positive YouTubers for several years now. All three of us were size 12 when I started watching. 4 years later, I'm still a size 12. One of them is a size 16-18, the other is a size 20. I only noticed how big the difference is when I watched an old collab they did. The difference is HUGE.

Over the years, every video they made about not fitting into clothes in the fitting room. Or how their body is “changing” and “that's ok”. And how they have to “size up and there's nothing wrong with that”. And how “if you don't fit in clothes, it's the clothes fault. Not yours.”

Well. This is where this philosophy got them. And if they're happy with that, good for them. But I don't want that for myself. And that was the last straw for me.

If you also left those movements, what did it for you?

She got a point, a fat foid is a happy foid.

Reality is if fat shaming gets removed and guys start dating fat foids massively. Then foids will balloon even more, simple math.

Like acceptance of fats today is higher than 60 years ago and neighbors are today a lot bigger. Similar happened with slut shaming, today it's a lot softer and we get tons of slurs around not even hiding their faces and it became cool to be one.

Brutal truth shaming is a social control method:

>For public shaming to work as a method of social control, it requires recognition—by the target of shaming and those observing—that the shamers have the authority to sanction the actions of the shamed based on a set of shared norms.

So logic goes if fat shaming is removed than being fat gets accepted and if fat is accepted more non fat people will stop trying to keep them self fit because now there is no punishment of being fat.

Yet popular “science” says we need to stop the shaming because it doesn't help :marseythumbsup:

We are steady heading to this:

Based katue
Intrigue is in the air

If Chouhan replaces Modi as PM after Modi replaced him as CM it'll be just too


I don't want it cause he's an r-slured gibsmaxxer. God its all going to get fricked up


j roc interviews bret hart and jeff jarrett in 1994

he's not in character as j roc from trailer park boys but it's the same guy. the first thing he asks bret is :quote: does your family know you're a wrestler :quote: which is HILARIOUS :xd:

sometimes random butt youtube recommendations are great.

Lana Del Ray is BASED
Kill the taxman :marseyancap:

Who the frick these neighbors gonna' hit with a rocket launcher? :marseyconfused2:

KITA-KYUSHU--Local police uncovered a cache of weapons, including a rocket launcher, hidden in tall grass along a riverbank that they presume were part of a yakuza arsenal.

The discovery was triggered by a call from a couple in their 70s who were taking a stroll around 4 p.m. on May 30 in the Osayuki-Higashi district of Kokura-Minami Ward.

They called police to report finding a box containing handguns.

Police went to the scene and found a plastic box measuring 33 centimeters by 37 cm by 42 cm. They also found several handguns and grenades.

A search of a wider area the following day turned up another container that yielded several more handguns, grenades and even rocket launchers.

Not only was the area covered in tall grass but barbed wire up to waist-high had also been set into the ground. Police believe a yakuza gang may have stashed their weapons there.

Fukuoka prefectural police will now try to determine if any of the weapons had been used.

In June 2012, prefectural police came across a Russian-made anti-tank rocket launcher and five handguns in a warehouse located in a residential district of Kita-Kyushu.

The city has long had to overcome an image of being a violent and dangerous locale because it was the head base of the Kudo-kai yakuza syndicate, once considered the most violent in Japan.

Improved AMV from that coomer beatbox YouTuber

There was some beatbox YouTuber who commissioned a 50G AMV of him being blueballed by the girl from that Amazon show Hazbin Hotel.

This guy improved it by adding famous edgy characters like the Joker, Thanos, Vegeta, and Darkseid. Very big improvement imo.



I miss erotic thrillers

Such a fun genre. Movies like Body Heat, Body Double, Sea of Love, The Last Seduction, etc.

It's interesting how they're basically just film noirs with a bit more emphasis on s*x and much less censorship.


gulti-land is slowly becoming like naarth

official car sign of rdrama


Like pizza doesn't know who you are but you know rdrama and he's hiking in the woods at 10pm. He doesn't SEEM armed but theoretically he could be.

ah nature is healing....
Youtube finally revert the fricking design. Good riddance.

Here's some Kino music to celebrate. Frick the Instagram design bullshit.

My big horrible girlfriend ruined my artisan zero
Disneycels mad in the comments
Wednesday night boozer threat

Give absolutely no fricks tonight and just got back from a dealers choice poker game and somehow made some petty cash. Frick my previous coworker for placing me on the schedule knowing I no longer work and apparently ‘forgetting' that was 3 months ago that I volunteered on the 5th. while actually reaching out to my health insurance rehab centers.

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