Some AI

dramacoin pls I am in heavy negative again from shit awards :marseypoor:


Turn on the Olympics. See this. Turn it off.

There's a literal :marseytrain2: demon fashion show France wtf????


Christian fundamentalists and child exploiters Britney and JD Lott (instagram: @/americanfamilyroadtrip) are finally under investigation for endangering the health of their 8 kids after forcing them to live in JD's version of "Noah's Ark": a 217 sq ft old Air Force transport bus with one bathroom, 6 cramped, twin-sized bunk beds squished in the back of the bus and a drop-down queen-sized bed where their 3 most recent kids were conceived.)

Link to a tour of the bus (it hasn't changed since this was posted)

A short background:

Britney and JD met in 2008 on deployment in Iraq :marseysaluteusa:and got married in 2009. JD has a hard-on for getting rich :marseycapitalistmanlet: quick, so they bought into a gym franchise in 2011 while they simultaneously started procreating (kid 1 - 2011; kid 2 - 2013; kid 3- 2015; kid 4 - 2016). During this time, they were living in their 5800 sq ft house, and Britney pulled their oldest out of Christian private school and started homeschooling their army as they didn't agree with the school's "secular approach"???

In 2017, JD got a vision from god, and god told him he needed to build an ark in the form of a bus. He told Britney and within a week, MotherBus and FatherBus were well on their way to living la vida loca. They had their 5th kid in August 2018 and started their bus bullshit in October 2018. The 3 youngest bus kids were conceived in 2020, 2022, and 2024. As of today, their kids' ages are 13, 11 (only girl), 9, 7, 6, 4, 2, and 3 months old. All kids share the 6 bunk beds together (the 13 year old shares a twin bed with the 2 year old), and all kids go to bed at 7:30 PM so that Britney and JD can have "date night" from 8-9 PM.

Abuse allegations

Britney and JD love swinging their newborns around for the internet. The earliest documented occurrence of this was in 2022 with a pic of Britney not supporting her newborn's (now 2 years old) neck.

Since they literally fund their life through posting daily videos of their kids doing choreographed dances while Britney eye fucks the camera, a lot of their neglect of the most recent kid is all over their instagram:

• Baby Boone was born in the bus bathtub unassisted

• MotherBus brings newborn to have a chiropractic adjustment

• FatherBus forcing Boone's leg straight to measure him as he screams in agony

• BusTards take Boone to a local UPS to weigh him

• Britney constantly leaves Boone on a piece of sheepskin rug on the floor all day while the 5 youngest kids constantly crowd him and walk all over the rug. Boone doesn't have a bed either; he sleeps on the sheepskin rug underneath the parent's drop-down queen bed.

• Britney continually brings Boone onto the beach and into the sun without a hat, shade, or sunscreen (She's mentioned before that she doesn't believe in sunscreen and she puts beef tallow on her kids for "natural SPF")

• Boone is literally jaundiced when he's not sunburnt

• They treat him like a ragdoll

• Boone is extremely lethargic, doesn't respond to voices, doesn't make eye contact, and won't unclench his hands. Any comments on developmental milestones or telling MotherBus to take Boone to the doctor are deleted and the user is blocked immediately.

This caught the attention of concerned family members who anonymously reported MotherBus to the Florida Department of Children and Families. The shitlords are convinced that the users of /r/FundieSnarkUncensored are anti-Christian "online trolls" who are weaponizing the government to attack and "defame" them. They are quoted online accusing FSU of geolocating their family from Instagram screenshots and calling the manager of the campground they were at to send CPS on a "nationwide manhunt" of the Lotts.

JD and Britney claim their kids were cleared at an undisclosed hospital where a doctor "took a look" at Boone and the other kids and determined the cops didn't need to take the kids at that time.


Through some digging, FSU reddit discovered that the initial call took place in April 2024, when Boone was 14 days old. It's July 24th, and the BusTards are just now going public with the story. Two weeks ago, FatherBus was seen at an express passport office getting a passport for BabyBus. One week ago, they posted that they bought plane tickets for their entire family and they plan on leaving the country. Now yesterday, they post an absolutely IRATE :marseyraging: :marseyraging:video about the CPS call.

Are MotherBus and FatherBus planning to run from CPS, or is the investigation still ongoing and critical to the point that CPS told them they aren't allowed to leave the country?

They're addicted to the clout, so I'm sure they'll post an update within a day or so.






:marseyancap:: A weak state is next best thing to no state :marseyancap:

Its their money, mai baap government's hospitals are more likely to kill you than the alcohol anyway. Cute twink.

:marseyblind: See no evil but definitely tax it :platyrich:

:marseypearlclutch: This guy comes from a line of low value scrotes, guess its time to change all of soyciety

Based neolib


Classist :marseyindignant:


Can I Break 50 With President Donald Trump? :marseycountryclub:



Reported by:
Husband isn't voting (self.rant)

If there is one nazi in a room and the 9 other people in the same room don't speak out and make a stand to oppose him, there are 10 nazis in the room.

if your husband won't vote against fascism and project 2025 he is complicit, just as bad as the MAGA fascists who vote for the wannabe dictator and convicted felon Donald Trump

I made the mistake of saying that during our fight....I'm now sleeping in my car.

I'm on the same side as your husband.

He also doesn't understand why women choose bear and he watches conspiracy theory videos all the time.

Well if he can't understand something as simple as the woman vs bear thing then I probably wouldn't expect him to understand the finer details of presidential candidates; in that case I wouldn't stress myself trying to make him see any further.

My god, "educate myself", "educate him", you're a broken record of preachy insufferability

Oh, I'm sorry. Did I offend you by being too logical about a situation you're trying to flip to fit your narrative?

What's your favorite rDrama word/phrase currently in your autocorrect?
Megaman Chud test build released

Schlog link -

Download link -


!transphobes !historychads !anticommunists


The shitpost:

The seethe, cope and trolling:

1. :marseykween: "you men are nothing without us" :marseyyass:

2. :arabpepecheers: "men built the world, we define everything" :marseybuff:

3. :marseyindignantwoman: "our bodies aren't for men to make decisions for!" :marseygigachad: "yes we can"

4. :marseysmug2: "men finally getting a taste of their own medicine" :marseymad: "the world is doomed without us"

5. :marseyindignant: "femininity is not for men to define!" :chudsmug: "you look like a :marseytrain2:, opinion invalid"

6. :marseymerchantsoy: "you men are insecure" :marseynoooticer: "!"

7. :marseynorf: "it's by time we talked about toxic feminity!"

8. :marseyschizotwitch: :marseyfingerhearts: homosexual thoughts


EFFORTPOST The Myth of Plastic Recycling :marseyrecycling: :marseyrecycling: :marseyrecycling:

I have long since known about the impracticality of Plastic Recycling, but i found a good video addressing this issue in a comparative short and summarized format. (15 minutes)

The point of this video and my own belief is not to be an anti-recycling advocate or propagate anti-green sentiment propaganda. I and the video creator still believe we should in fact recycle to the greatest extent possible, but that we should also become fully aware of the horrifying reality standing before us - and that is that plastic has never, even since its inception in the early 1920s been capable of being recycled in any economical or environmentally sustainable sense meaningfully.

There are a great multitude of barriers to complete practical plastic recycling - including economical, practical and physical science related impossible reasons.

For economical reasons, it is because most nation states upon the earth subsidize any plastic or fossil fuel industry they may have, since these are astronomically critical sectors of economy and society, these subsidies

tend to compete painfully against any industry which must consider even the feasibly recycled resin or raw virgin plastic, against fossil remains/oil products from which plastic originates, and often recycled plastic (which contains the cost of labor intensive manpower) loses out.

Now there are industries in places like :marseyflagsouthafrica: South Africa :marseyflagsouthafrica: which have edged out a niche in recycling plastic which can meaningfully be recycled and done so in an economically viable manner. We even have a pretty decent organization advocating this issue- though obviously they sure as shit don't hold any real power or influence. But they do actually highlight and underline the most critical issues we face and actually attempt to offer pratical solutions.

This surprised me as Green hippie types are usually very prone to offer and champion noble but impractically insane idealized solutions.

They actually have a practical grasp upon our declining situations and even attempt understand the practical reality where we have lots of "trash pickers" people who hunt in junkyards for plastic, or pilfer through peoples trash bags before they can be picked up by trash lorries, so that they might fill their giant bags with plastic for recycling plants in the big cities.

It's very unglamorous, but many poor safricans make a living from this.

Now I sure as heck won't be like this Reuters article and claim that our "waste-picker" economy is "winning the war against plastic waste" or anything, but it does actually help in the grand scale of things. Where the average plastic by tons on the global stage is recycled at the pitiable 5% on average, south africa has been recycling at between 7,5% - 15% of our plastic waste (still pitafle but above global average)

However, even this recycling economy, supported on the backs and efforts of "waste-pickers", is only really feasible BECAUSE south africa is so brokenshit poor, and has at least a 25% unemployment rate - meaning that because safricans are so poor and desperate, they are willing to do the most unenviable and difficult jobs of being waste-pickers, which is basically the lowest rung of even south african society.

whereas richer places like Burgerland in all its wealth would find it impossible to compete, trash-pickers or trash-sorters would have to be paid at least minimum wages or have safety regulations against them being exposed to biohazards from junkyards or landfills - in safrica we are so poor, the concept of even regulating trash-pickers here in nonexistent because they are borderline beggers.

Thus even with the economic incentive of not starving, safrica still only manages to collect a tenth of our plastic waste - the rest is dumped in landfills if even that.


I go on this Safrican tangent to make you guys realize the sheer magnitude of problems involving ACTUAL recycling plastic, and the logistical barriers that would be involved at every step.

Like the video goes on to explain: Why is it so hard to recycle trash and plastic?

1. There are different types of plastic

When plastic products are created, they are chemically created with different additives, to give them specific properties - like waterbottles being watertight and firm. Other plastics like plastic bags are intentionally made to be bending and malleable.

Mixing these different shit into one giant recycling cauldron :marseyrecycling: :marseyrecycling: :marseyrecycling: and trying to melt them together into one magic giant bar of resin is worthless, because the combined product of plastics with different properties or chemical makeup just generates worthless plastic goop and gunk, worth only as burnable coal.

2nd hand plastic will just never have the same versatility as "virgin" resin plastic, or plastic generated directly from oil and other fossil fuel products.

Thus to meaningfully recycle any plastic shit, you need to sort them - which is a logistical task of great magnitude and WILL require human hands, no factory can in any meaningful sense sort plastic magically into the different types and even if those plastic is recyclable.

2. Many plastics are chemically bonded with other material on the molecular level, making them unsuitable for recycling.

Many plastic products also contain metal, carton, paper and polystyrene which are often impractically impossible to separate.

3. Recycling also degrades plastic with each recycling cycle

4. Contamination with food remains and chemicals.

Plastic containers for food and poison or cleaning chemicals also cannot be used in recycling for most plants as there are often no meaningful manner in which to separate toxic chemicals from these plastics which will remain even after the furnace of the recycling plant's processing. So basically bottles holding ratpoison or floor cleaning liquid are for safety already almost never capable of being reused EVER.

"When plastics are recycled, they can contain a toxic cocktail of chemicals that makes them unfit for food-grade and other consumer uses. Dangerous chemicals make their way into recycled plastic materials from a variety of sources. Greenpeace has identified the following three 'uncontrollable poisonous pathways':

Toxic chemicals in new virgin plastic materials: When plastics are made with toxic chemicals and then recycled, the toxic chemicals can transfer into the recycled plastics."


I don't know if I have any grand point to make in this post, and it's not my intention of just putting forth a pessimistic doompost :marseydoomer: :doomer: :doomerfemjak: :dinodoomer: with no viable solutions to our global frickup.

But I did want to talk to you darmatards regarding the mammoth nature of the task before us, if we as humanity even decides to ever make plastic recycling a priority. :marseyrecycling:

I recall a funny story in my time at UCT (Univericity of Cape Town) :marseyklennyreading: where every year there were perpetual campaigns by hippes and other environmentalists with new and improved plans involving the University to improve our carbon footprint :marseyfeet: and lower our waste in the form of recycling.

On campus there would be these fancy multi-bins, divided into categories for waste disposal: plastic, paper, metal, food, ect. There would be Green :marseywatermelon: :marseysouthernbelle7: propaganda campaigns, slogans and posters, encouraging peeps to responsibly think before they threw their trash into the bin, and help sorting our trash for recycling plants in the city.

The end of that year I saw a trash lorry come in and the garbage-men would just simply dump the fricking bins into the garbage-lorry, mixing the carefully sorted bins with apathetic abandon :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: :marseybeanannoyed: clearly undoing most of our efforts through the year regularly

Later UCT would correct this and make sure to employ palstic/metal recyling collectors to come and pick up the intended recycle shit, and give the food-waste and non-recyclables to the regular trash-lorries :marseyitsallsotiresome:

Additionally safrican students tend to be r-slurred and the 4 bin project eventually got scraped for a two bin, for recyclables and non-recyclables cuz students kept throwing paper into the metal bins or vice versa, but even this STILL GOT FRICKED UP :marseytrollcrazy:

Anyways regular soft drink bottles like coke :marseypepsi: :marseyokaycoke: bottles which are uniform type plastic and don't contain poison are still very practical to collect and recycle just like tin cans, this post is just to highlight the magnitude of the practicality of the recylcing problem.

Reported by:
  • DickButtKiss : Fake news. Russian propaganda levels of fake news. KHive aint sending their best
More than 160,000 people join "White women for Kamala Harris" Zoom call

!khive :#carpletsfuckinggo:


:marseylois:"Peter did you commission a peedophile to deaw pictures of you ficking Meg? And did you pose for them?!? While fricking Meg?"

:marseyfamily: Relax Lois. I only did that after Chris said he wanted no part and Meg volunteered

:marseylois: How could you do such a horrible thing? Meg is barely human. How could you stick your peepee in that…thing?

:marseyfamily: Any holes a goal Lois. Remember that time I fricked Quagmire's :marseytrain2:ed out dad in his manhole? ( flashbakc omitted under order of the Egyptian government. Allah will forgive our censors their suicides) Meg isn't even in the top ten grossest things I've stuck my peepee in. Remember the time I r*ped a giant chicken and it spent over thirty years chasing me down for revenge? (Cut to clips of Peter fighting the giant chicken.)

Peter turns directly to the viewer


Yes dear viewers this episode is a clip show about how I paid Shadman to draw pictures of me fricking my son which the turned into pictures of me fricking Meg after Chris refused. You can all deal with it.

Fox will never cancel us. I could literally machine-gun to death an entire school and do an episode of me sawing my own eyes out with a steak knife and you subhumans would still tune in and watch us. You people sicken me. You're what's wrong with this country.

Joe bursts in through a window and launches himself at Peter. He proceeds to punch the shit out of Peter

:marseylois: That's not a line Peter. It's stage direction

:marseyfamily: oh

(Joe bursts in and begins to beat the shit out of peter)


You sick bastard! She's a minor. And your daughter!


I thought you were just a crippled joke now! Oh! How can you curbstomp with just your hands?!?


Clip show, you male feminist husband of a b-word




I was a badass motherlover when the show was good!


Madam President's border is already paying dividends


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

It's 2024. How the frick can your camera phone suck so goddarn much at this point in time? (286)

Screenshots automatically upscale resolution. I'm sure ai can repair the images to get a clearer image of their faces (-15)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘


Liberal = terrorist but the gif is funny so I commend you (-12)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

Cry about it libshit (-13)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

They should be charged and/or deported to Gaza, ASAP. If they want to burn the US flag and deface our monuments, then they should go coexist with the terrorists they align themselves with. (1)

Defacing public property is just a crime, but honesty it's fine IMO as a form of protest. I would rather they deface properly than hurt people which to my knowledge they didn't do. This kind of property is worth killing of stance is insane and anti American.Burning is flag is a form of protest, it's actually insane to think it isn't. It's a method of showing how it feels for you to live in a country at the moment. It's not done to offend you personally, it's about conveying a message.The closest to of these to something I get is waving terrorist flag, but I still think this is dumb, and especially not something people should be disappeared over. Like nobody on earth who has just waved a Nazi flag in a march to was deported or sent to prison despite it being a much worse flag IMO. If they get arrested it's for an actual crime they committed.As for getting violent with police, like again it's a crime, but whatever man. It's not like police are helpless. They're infinitely more trained... (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Let's stop talking about the last thousand years. What happened on October 7th was a large scale attack on innocent civilians. Israel has responded militarily to destroy Hamas, who trained and armed the attackers. Hamas hides behind children. Israel locates high ranking Hamas officials, and instead of sending soldiers into dangerous door to door combat, bombs the building they're hiding in. Innocents, along with the Hamas official are killed. If the terrorist wasn't there, no bombing. For those of you that don't understand what is occurring, this is called war. What's worse, it's war against a terrorist organization. They don't wear uniforms. War is horrific. War ends when one side surrenders. Hamas can end the war today. Release the hostages and disarm. End of war. (2)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Can't deport citizens. What to do about Americans who say "death to America"? (1)

Americans saying "death to America" well freedom of speech also means the freedom to sound like an butthole. But speech is speech. That itself is not a crime.Arson is a crime. Vandalism is a crime. Assault is a crime. Inciting a riot is a crime - there is a huge difference between peaceful assembly and a "mostly peaceful" assembly and a flat out riot. Assaulting law enforcement is a crime. Destruction of property is a crime. All are crimes which should be prosecuted in order to hold those people who commit them accountable for their actions and as a deterrent to others. Failing to hold people accountable for their actions, only encourages others to continue and escalate those actions leading to greater confrontations and ultimately violence. Non-American citizens should have their visas reviewed and possibly revoked if warranted. Non Americans who are here on a visa are expected to conduct themselves as guest of this country. If they are unable and are unwilling to do so then their... (2)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/MeasurementOk3007

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮(+4🐮)

Number of comments: 63

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:


what kind of fetish larp does this fall under

You are an idiot if you turn this down. If you are really as unattractive as you say, this may be your once in a lifetime opportunity.

Don't do it. It's cucked.

This is larp

What's the point of meaningless pity s*x. it's the same as hiring escorts, all cope. Won't replace the real thing. Let's be honest is it s*x we are after, or love and understanding?


Reported by:

Might have made some mistakes I lost track of things in some parts

  • 0 minutes - 11 minutes, no timestamps, it's wall to wall content.

    • Stealing 40'000 a year from mother while also leeching a salary separate from this from mother's business, mother "forgets"

    • Mother has caught on before but has not done anything because she "forgets," then starts again

    • Bought a new outfit just for coming on this show, spent $100 at a restaurant for lunch

    • Took a 'loan' from her mother for an 2100 wedding ring she told her mom was 3000, mother has "forgotten" about this "loan"

    • Brother is also stealing from the family business something about Steam giftcards

Collections on some bills

  • In collections on some bills

Car Loan (2016 Suburu Crosstrek) (15477 remaining) timestamp

  • "Does not really care to make more than one payment on car a month"

    • Mom cosigned on the car

    • If not "I would still make the payments but they would be late"

    • Some bullshit about paycheck timing, spending the whole paycheck before receiving it on going out to eat, "going out to do things"

  • $386 minimum payment

  • 13.47% interest rate

  • "How's the condition of your car?" timestamp

    • "Bumper's coming off" this r-slur rammed into a pole at a gas station last year "kinda bumped into it a little hard," blames ex for saying they were not going to run into it

    • AC has some kind of leak

    • "Husband says my brake pads might be shot"

  • Split finances with husband, starting to combine, married a month

    • "He's a little bit better with spending than I am"

    • Husband does not have any debt

    • Husband encourages her theft? timestamp

      • Some weird details in here
  • Thinks it's worth 10'000 timestamp

    • Original loan was for 19'000, 72 months, "my parents left midway through the paperwork and I didn't understand what I was signing" "I thought a 13% interest rate was good because like my credit card"
  • R-SLUR does not know that the S&P 500 is timestamp

  • Capital One Quicksilver ($400?) timestamp

    • Sob story about why opened, "wanted to spend money" is what it comes down to

    • 660 credit when this was opened

    • Maxed it out "really quick"

    • Just keeps making minimum payments, "kept going through hardships"

    • fights with mother, wouldn't steal money when these happened for fear of upsetting mother timestamp

    • "My mom actually paid it off" timestamp

      • "She paid it off to make my credit score higher"
    • Built the balance all the way back up timestamp

      • Blew lots of money on Temu, Caleb has refused sponsorships from them, "they are a terrible company"
    • "I had actually lost a bunch of weight, my clothes were all too big on me"

      • "I had no money so I used my credit card"

      • Bariatric surgery, stomach sleeve? "tried to diet but couldn't keep doing it"

      • Mother paid for the surgery, 16'000, ended up gaining all of the weight back because couldn't stop eating McDonald's

      • Mother then paid for her to get on weight-loss shots

      • Mother just paid again for "tummy tuck and liposuction"

        • Why Lipo? "My mom told me I probably wouldn't be able to get rid of it" Mother knows this r-slur has no self-control :marseyxd:

        • Had to get woken up mid-surgery?

    • Didn't tell mother the balance is back up :marseyxd:

  • Claims to be doing better but spent $500 going out to eat timestamp

    • "Sometimes I go out to more expensive places"
  • Misc bullshit alone is more than monthly income :marseyxd:

  • Student Loans timestamp

    • Switched degree a million times, "always in the field of psychology"

    • Got GED at 16, graduated early because bullied "really bad"

    • "Ball State University" - online

      • Fell behind, left at 18
    • "Chicago School of Professional Psychology"

      • Applied Behavior Analysis

      • Ended up falling behind, left this one too, weird aside mentioning "can't remember why"

    • Colorado Christian University

      • Grandmother passed while here, ended up leaving "couldn't mentally do it"
    • American Public University (not certain on the name for this one)

    • Southern New Hampshire University

      • "Already a third of the way through my degree"

      • Bachelor's in Psychology

    • Total timestamp

      • 7 or 8 thousand
    • Claims to be getting bullied in college by girl on snapchat timestamp

  • Collections 1 - timestamp

    • The Colorado school
  • Collections 2 - timestamp

    • $608

    • Treating cashapp as a collections

    • Can't make a bank account? US Bank held her account? What?

  • Azca Donations tiemstamp

    • something for a mobile bingo game?
  • This WHORE is paypigging to Pokemon Go timestamp

  • Constant in-app purchases timestamp

    • Reads like DSP's bank statements :marseyimmaculate:

    • subscriptions for board games to get rid of adds too holy shit, this is beyond parody

  • Trying to rehome dog because can't take care of her timestamp

    • "I don't have the time to"

    • Dog has super severe separation anxiety? Behavior issues? Dog is on doggy meds, "can't exist without other dogs"

  • Doordashed something from 7'11, has no idea what it was

  • Spends so much on food, it's unreal

  • "Plays" counterstrike 2, buys tons of skins, tries to sell for steam profit to get games? "Usually makes a profit"

    • Claims most made was $75 profit on one

    • Lost money more than made?

  • Final Fantasy in-app purchases

  • minecraft in-app purchases on servers? What the frick? plays "prison servers" ???????????????

    • claims 5'000 over the course of two years
  • $150 getting lashes done

  • "steam levels" $100 timestamp

    • Wanted to make level higher than husbands??? What the frick????


  • 2'300 in retirement timestamp

    • this story is fricking insane. "I got into a fight with my dad, then it turned into a fight with my mom and I threw a taco at her and I hit her golf cart, umm, her brand new golf cart with my car umm and dented it a little so she fired me, she didn't talk to me for a while"

    • Pulled out her 401k, 6 or 7 thousand - claims spent this on rent and needful things only (lol sure)

  • Plans to be a leech off husband in the future instead of mother? timestamp

Pie Chart time timestamp

  • Spent three times more than made

  • 48% is bullshit

  • 1.5% is groceries

Calling the mother timestamp

  • Mother just doesn't care. "It's chump change to me." "Something I'm very used to" :gigachadqueen:

Do you know how much money that she's taken from you over the last 5 years?

I don't, I would be very interested to figure that out.

It's about 200'000 as far as we know

Oh my god, for real?

"I don't really know how I help her, I'm willing to cut her off" :marseyxd:

"If I give my money to somebody I just assume it's gone" :chadwomannordic:

"We're having a watch party" :chadwomannordic:

Actual egg drama

Original tweet (ratioed and deleted):

Boiling eggs is really hard you guys:

Cripples mad:


See reviews here.

It Begins… NYC Thieves Start Raiding Restaurants
Norm on the NCR

:marppy: Drama Report: 2024-07-27 :marseyminer:

Top Drama

🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘Donald Trump reveals gruesome shooting injury for the first time/r/pics (31M)66%8933
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘What body count is too high for you, and why?/r/AskReddit (48M)59%2357
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘How minimum wage works /r/austrian_economics (33K)55%1824
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Former Democrat and liberal here—I think I'm switching sides /r/Conservative (2M)53%831
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘AITA for putting Trump signs on my lawn when my parents leave the h.../r/AITAH (3M)51%667
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🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘It's all so tiresome/r/Conservative (2M)56%680
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘What Olympic's have turn into/r/Asmongold (356K)62%746
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘I would end the world without thinking twice/r/The10thDentist (282K)60%549
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘I'm rooting for Iran/r/CreationNtheUniverse (85K)56%461

Relative Drama (takes into account the size of the subreddit)

🤓🤓🔘🔘🔘How minimum wage works /r/austrian_economics (33K)55%1824
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Congratulations Paris - Worst Opening Ceremony Ever/r/Paris2024 (3K)48%80
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Christian Nationalist Owned Businesses/r/PeoriaIL (20K)53%202
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Stick with your open seating policy/r/SouthwestAirlines (59K)61%435
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Why so much hate/r/cybertruck (70K)48%375
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Any famous "Right wing" or "Conservative" people that you actually .../r/DecodingTheGurus (49K)51%260
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘I'm rooting for Iran/r/CreationNtheUniverse (85K)56%461
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘I have never seen a toxic AI Bro on the Internet. Only toxic Anti-A.../r/aiwars (38K)48%172
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘President Joe Biden lies about 'US not being at war anywhere in the.../r/internationalpolitics (48K)55%200
🤓🔘🔘🔘🔘Communists Then and Now/r/Jordan_Peterson_Memes (55K)64%223

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