"Cocky want boing boing" guy commits suicide :ripbozo:
THE COON FUR IS DULL, IT LACKS SHINE, Wake the frick up this guy is probably sober and has no idea how coons are supposed to look.


Some winter camping on the lake.

I cast a pretty big shadow :marseysmirk:

Negative temps with 40mph wind is too fricking cold

this is cirno

>Frick you we dont take back our criminals

>You will NOT fly them here on your planes


>Okay you can fly them, but only to a nearby country

>We can pick them up ourselves sir

>Your higness master Trump of course you can fly them here, on your planes, sir

Frick all of you who said the tariffs are just a meme and wont work. Not even week into presidency and scoring wins

EA CEO Claims Dragon Age: The Veilguard Failed Due To Lack Of Live Service Elements

Next mass effect will be phantastic

Buttigieg attacks Democrats over "diversity", Neolibs are split!



The forge was an influential rpg forum run by a weirdo pervert named Ron Edwards. He was a pretentious twat who said that vampire the masquarade caused brain damage.

Originally it was started in 1999 as Hephaestus's forge.

They discussed the design and making of tabletop rpgs and developed the gns theory or big model theory .

It's outlined here

Forgeworld produced some great games like Apocalypse world and Dogs in the Vineyard which is Mormons fighting :!marseytrain: demons who want to molest children

but also bullshit like Bliss Stage which was made for :!marseytrain: demons who want to molest children

It was essentially Neon Genesis Evangelion but not the Neon Genesis Evangelion of the anime or manga adaptions but the Neon Genesis Evangelion of the pornographic doujins found at every Japanese con.

That is not a link for those. Look up your own "Shinji chad " or "Shinji cuck" porn ya sick frick.

The Forge defined all players as wanting one of three things: narrativist, which wanted story, simulationist, who wanted realism, and gamist, who wanted to have fun and play the game. They hated the latter two and worshipped narrativism as the one true god.

Certain g*mers compared it to an evil cancer or a cult

The Forge was controversial even when it was still going

Here is the Forge in all its glory

Osr or "old school roleplaying" is another weird rpf cult that is either diametrically opposed or partially overlapping with the Forge

Ron Edwards compared gms running railroady games to child abuse.

The forge closed in 2010

Reaction was mixed

Ron Edwards claimed it had fulfilled its purpose.

He was coping

Many fans and detractors still exist and still hate it

My own thoughts on their theory is that it's far too narrow. Every player has his own agenda that might include aspects of all three and other motives. It's a radical simplification of a hopelessly complicated muddle. Most of the forge alumni agree.

Also while Ron Edwards is an butt he's not a male feminist and didn't make a game for male feminists about playing a male feminist . Unlike Black Hat Matt Mcfarland and Beast the primordial. How can you hate Ron Edwards or Byron Hall, the author of fatal the worst rpg ever made,

when neither of them are actual male feminists?

The best link in this post is these two:

Live by social justice die by social justice

A forge alumni learned this lesson far too late.

Let that be a lesson to you all: be a chud.

Is r/cisparenttranskid legit or another rdrama :marseyoverseether: op like r/transparenttranskid?
Foids Posting L's :marseyl:


Self-defense isn't inherently libertarian, conservative, or any other label

Believing in self-defense doesn't make me a libertarian any more than believing in free speech makes me a constitutional scholar

I'm not a libertarian nor a man, but sure, go off. If hearing a perspective you don't like makes you assume I fit into some stereotype, that's on you, not me.

Ah yes, because sharing information and options is now 'gaslamping.'

I never said a gun is the only option just that it's one worth considering alongside other self-defense cowtools. If it's not for you, that's totally fine. But providing information for those who are interested isn't the same as telling everyone they must buy one. Either way, take care.

Owning a gun doesn't make me Rambo… it just means I'd rather have a fighting chance if things go south.

By that logic, should we also stop buying phones because Big Tech censors people?

I shared my perspective (one that seems to resonate with a lot of women) on self-defense because I believe people should have options, not because I'm pushing an agenda or fearmongering

Fear isn't what drives people to own guns reality is. The idea that self-defense is just a marketing scheme ignores the fact that millions of people, including marginalized groups, choose to arm themselves because they don't want to rely on the government, law enforcement, or anyone else for protection. Owning a gun doesn't mean supporting gun manufacturers any more than owning a phone means supporting Big Tech censorship. It's about having the cowtools to protect yourself in a world that isn't always safe.

:#marseywomanmoment2: :marseyclueless#:

Rule 1: Treat all guns as if they are loaded

You forgot Rule 5, "I don't care what you think, your gun is loaded unless you confirm it isn't," and Rule 6, "I know you just confirmed your gun isn't loaded, but you blinked and Reginald the Ammo Goblin may have done something when you weren't looking, so keep treating your gun as if it's loaded."


if Heck is Other People, let's make Heaven on Earth ❀️

I think we should commit genocide on Russia and China and Iran and North Korea with nuclear weapons.

I don't want regime change, I just don't want their government and citizens to be alive at all :marseyembrace:


Famous last words



@WootFatigue: "Grillcast only has 1.86k youtube subs :soyjakanimeglasses: Also WootStragtigue:


How sad is it that I, a sperg who irregularly uploads mainly audio only content of niche rdrama schizos and obtuse political satire, has garnered more subs than a guy who uploads daily normieslop raccoon and car videos from his house that his dead cuck father begrudgingly gave him so he wouldn't kill himself and join his fiance in the afterlife?

I guess that argument for not coming on and debating pizzaking has crumbled. Any guesses on the next cope?

!metashit !grillers !friendsofpizzashill

Yes, it is that bad. :soycry:


"Is insert thing about America really that bad?"

Yes, you dumb fricks. It's almost like some of us spent years telling you how dangerous this shit was, where it could lead, and you all fricking ignored it. Or told us we were overreacting. I hate to say I told you so, but we fricking told you so. I mean it's all been so god darn blatant for years and now you're surprised? Have you had your head up your butt for the past 10 years?? Are you incapable of performing a simple Google search? Go frick yourselves. You are part of what enabled all of this.

So congrats on joining the rest of us in reality, it sucks huh? Now stop asking inane questions and do something useful.

Reading books would be good. They Thought They Were Free by Milton Meyer and It Can't Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis in particular. Idfk. Do the work and learn so you can help fight this. We don't need hand wringing piss babies

Read a book, you hand wringing piss babies. :soysmug:

Do we have enough people to do a zine?

I'd assemble it and distribute the PDFs and maybe make some writing/comics too if we did

They're not asking if you're based. They're not asking if you're a twink. They're asking if you're an /r/drama user.

I am not. Wouldn't be caught dead.

Well well well :marseybongcop: watching Netflix without a license are we?
me on the left
Dinner prep for my guest tonight
When we interact with life, we should do so with genuine hearts.

And in my heart there is COOM.


If cooming has billions of fans (it does), then I am one of them. If there are only ten coomers, then I am one of them. If there is but one coomer, then that is me. If there are no coomers, then that means I am no longer on Earth. If the world is against cooming, then I am against the world.

If think about it, cumming is literally the PERFECT hobby. You don't need anybody else to do it. You don't need any "thing" else. You don't even need your clothes. It's just you and your body and coom. It's like a connection with god. Maximalism through minimalism, or vice versa.

I coom to genocides and abuse neighbor I desecrate the sacred. I blaspheme and spit when I coom then I coom some more. I'm an untrollable maniac if we're talking about the C*M scale hard peepee BBC porn human trafficking nigguh I corrupt the next generation by spreading drugs and STDs all around them.

You don't know what's made me coom so don't try me. This new generation of coomers annoy me. My generation is the one of true SOULFUL gooning. Everything else is just an imitation. Real shit, you think it would be a good business to open up a longue where I don't sell any drugs or alcohol, just provide calm music, chilled water, and a table where distinguished folks can talk about the finer aspects of gooning. What stroke you use, what new kink you've developed, if you're sick of one kink just keep GOONING until a new fetish lights your fire. TRUST THE PROCESS.

And you'll have some of the most amazing cooms imaginable

And to the admins of this shithole site: Yes this is an effortpost because you best believe I was gooning HARD when I wrote this. Headset on, "open video in smaller tab" shit nigguh I took my fricking shirt and pants off for this shit, we don't take half measures when it comes to gooning. I'm trying to start a C*M gang, you interested in signing up?

I GOON when reading the Bible

I GOON when I'm eating

I GOON when I'm on the phone

I GOON whenever I have even a vague sexual thought or my hand happens to brush upon my peepee. That's enough to derail my entire day with just coom. As you can imagine, it gets hard to deal with all the laundry when you COOM so much but I've learned to just keep a lot of towels lying around the house. Goon and wipe yourself as you see fit.

By the end of my reign, you'll be calling me Satan's Nightmare.

Canadian subhuman cope roundup


Rake the leaves

Into a pile

The Canadian shot at the start of Fallout 1 was probably a vicious war criminal they caught administrating "Canadian healthcare" to a camp full of undesirables

And then burn them

Bonus one

Canadians deserve to die

:marseyhmm: :marseyhmmm: Is it normal to give your mom Valentine's Day gifts? :marseythonk: :marseydetective:

I was talking to @PegMeMommy about Valentine's Day. I was telling him about how me and my siblings got our mom flowers and stuff for Valentine's Day. During the conversation he said he had never heard of kids getting their mom something for Valentine's Day, and he doesn't know anyone who does this. For me, this is the opposite: Where I'm from, everyone gets their mother something. Now both of us are wondering which is normal.

Decided to make a poll!

Do you buy your mother something Valentine's Day?

Gaybros x Love4FatPeople crossover :kongsuprise:

!gaystapo !besties who else would do this :#donkeykongpony: :#donkeykongcurious:

Notes on the Crises | Day Five of the Trump-Musk Treasury Payments Crisis of 2025: Not "Read Only" access anymore

For anyone unfamiliar, the eponymous "crises" in the title are NOT about the evil orange man who is bad - Notes on the Crises is a political economy newsletter started a few years ago by Nathan Tankus to comment on the intersecting global economic disasters triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Nathan is a @TracingWoodgrains style "truth neurodivergent" not a wingcucked political hack. He's just a big giant dork who does things like FOIA request the minutes from all US Federal Reserve Board meetings from 1967-1973

Nathan looks like this, and I would believe almost anything that he writes, because it is backed by powerful neurodivergent spirits.

When he writes about the COBOL code in the treasury department, I'm confident he's talking to beardy old men who write and maintain that code.

I would also like to clarify some confusion on social media. The issue with understanding and grasping a COBOL system is not knowing COBOL, as a programming language, in the abstract. Nor is it, god help me, something that AI can "do" because you fired one of these chatbots up and got some code that could compile when you asked "write me some COBOL code". The issue is understanding the specific physical limitations of the system, the way that it interacts with the "Business Logic" of the code and a million other contextual factors.

There is specific code which tells you where to direct specific payments in specific ways and the structures, and why they are structured the way they are, requires deep contextual knowledge. This is "business logic". The entire issue with COBOL and why it has been such a struggle to maintain it is that COBOL systems (both private and public) developed for decades with very little documentation, have a million different path dependent coding choices. Mar Hicks 2020 article in Logic Magazine "Built to Last" is worth a read on this topic.

This is what I meant yesterday when I referenced that 30 different COBOL systems at Treasury had developed their own "dialects" and they launched Payment Application Modernization (PAM), which among other things, unified them. What they unified was the business logic of those systems (as well as likely other factors, most notably the physical architecture of the systems they ran on). Part of me wishes they didn't modernize with PAM because those 30 different and distinct systems would have been more secure from their infiltration. PAM processed 4.7 trillion dollars of payments in 2024.

It's also true that some similar issues can emerge with other more recent programming languages and the way "business logic" emerges if a mission critical IT system developed using a more recent programming language. But COBOL is unique; after all it's literally "common business-oriented language". So while knowing the COBOL programming language is better than not knowing it, it does not make that much of a difference with these young Musk programmers mucking about.

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